Nama: I Kadek Diana Yoga Armana NO: 09 Kelas: XII IPS 1 English Task Bangli Hit by A Landslide, Residents Asked To Find Alternative Roads
Nama: I Kadek Diana Yoga Armana NO: 09 Kelas: XII IPS 1 English Task Bangli Hit by A Landslide, Residents Asked To Find Alternative Roads
Nama: I Kadek Diana Yoga Armana NO: 09 Kelas: XII IPS 1 English Task Bangli Hit by A Landslide, Residents Asked To Find Alternative Roads
NO : 09
English Task
"At its peak this morning, the rain accompanied by flooding caused the wall which was
approximately 42 meters long to collapse. This is the first time that the security picket
officers who control around the detention center area have noticed," he said as quoted by
He said that from the tragedy that happened, there were no casualties, either the
Correctional Assistance (WBP), officers or residents around the detention center.
Furthermore, he instructed them to keep the prisoners in the Bangli Detention Center in
their rooms.
The number of WBP totaling 290 people, including two entrusted babies brought by the
WBP woman who was detained at the Bangli Detention Center, were asked to remain in
their respective residential rooms with the doors locked.
"In this way, it can reduce the traffic of the assisted residents, then strengthen the security
on guard to be more alert in carrying out their duties, because the open area due to the
collapse of the very large wall will be repaired today," he explained.
Meanwhile, Kodim 1626 / Bangli also worked together to overcome the impact of the
continuous heavy rain. Then, carry out the normalization of landslides that closed the road
at several points in the Bangli area such as Jehem Village, Tembuku District, Demulih
Village, Tiga Village, Sulahan Village, Susut Village, Susut District, and a number of other
places in Bangli District.
"Some landslides occurred due to heavy rains that occurred last night. Incidentally, in the
areas where landslides occurred, the soil conditions were very unstable so that in the rainy
season it was prone to landslides," said Commander of Kodim 1626 / Bangli, Lieutenant
Colonel Infantry I Gde Putu Suwardana.