Kalabasa Production Guide2
Kalabasa Production Guide2
Kalabasa Production Guide2
Water Management
Irrigate once a week or hand water with 1 L/hill every other day. Irrigate also every after
fertilizer application. Withhold watering or irrigation when the fruits reach matured green stage
because this will result in lower quality.
Pest Management
Aphids and leafhoppers are the most prevalent insect pests of squash throughout the year. For
diseases, mosaic virus is the most damaging. The suggested management presented in Table 3 can
be used as a guide in small scale production. However an alternative chemical control in Table 4
can be used also as a guide in cases of pests and diseases outbreaks.
Insect Pests
1. Squash beetle - Yellowish beetles (Fig. 2a) damage the squash by scrapping the surface
of the leaves producing a skeletonized appearance. Infestation at cotyledon stage may
result in death of seedlings.
2. Aphids (Aphids gossypii) -- The insect is as big as a coarse sand and lives in colonies at
the under surface of the squash leaves (Fig.2b). They produce offspring even without
male, so they multiply rapidly in a short period. They produce sticky substances that
favor the growth of sooty molds on the leaves of squash. The soot-like growth of the
mold interferes with the photosynthetic activity of the plant. Aphids also secrets
substance that is toxic to the plant causing leaf curling and dwarfing of shoots.
3. Leaf hoppers (Impoasca sp.) suck the leaves of squash and other crops causing hopper
burn (Fig.2c). In squash, they cause drying of leaves during severe infestation. The
plants can tolerate the damage if irrigated twice a week during the whole growing
period but with reduced yield.
4. White fly Bemicia tabaci -- These are small white and dainty flies that live in the
undersurface of the leaves (Fig.2d). It transmits viral diseases to squash and other crops
causing abnormal growth of leaves and shoots.
Figure 2. a) Squash beetle b) Aphids c)
Leafhopper and d) Whiteflies
Source: http://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheets/
sqbeetle.htm, http://www.gaipm.org/top50/l
eafhoppers and http://en.wikipedia.org
1. Mosaic virus - Cause mosaic or yellow green pattern of the leaves with slight curling
(Fig. 3a). This is transferred by insect vector or through the seed.
2. Leaf curl virus - Like mosaic virus, this disease is seed-borne. It is also characterized by
curling of the leaves and shoots with shortened internodes exhibiting a dwarfed
appearance (Fig. 3b). The plant can survive and produce numerous leaflets but not
capable of producing normal shoots and fruits.
a. Insect pests:
Catch the beetle by sweeping it with insect net.
Squash beetle
Crush the colonies then spray infected and healthy plants with basil leaf
extract at 200ml/16 L water.
Overhead irrigation twice a week can reduce the population of these pests.
Whitefly Use yellow sticky trap. Flooding once a week will replenish the plant sap
sucked by the pest.
Overhead irrigation twice a week can reduce the population of these pests.
Flooding once a week will replenish the plant sap sucked by the pest.
b.Disease: If symptoms appear on the plant at early stage, uproot the plants, then burn.
Mosaic virus/ leaf If plants are infected at fruiting stage, irrigate the plant at weekly interval up
curl virus to harvesting as it can tolerate the virus. If matured fruits are harvested, do
not use the seeds as planting materials. Uproot and burn infected plants after
Table 4. Insect pests and diseases of squash and their chemical control
Suggested Pesticides Rate
Insect Pests Application
and Diseases Common Product (tbsp/16 li
Name Name When and How to Apply
Provin 85
Squash beetle Carbaryl 4.0-6.0
Whitefly Methomyl 2.0-3.5
40 SP
Profenofos 3.0-5.0
Leafhopper 500 EC
Rogue or remove infected plants and burn in isolated places. Mosaic virus can
Mosaic be prevented by controlling aphids vectors with the use of any of the above
virus,Squash insecticides.
Leaf Curl Virus
Weed in between plants in the hole at 7 to 14 days after emergence. Repeat if weeds still grow in
between plants.
Harvest Management
Harvest immature fruits at 30-40 days from anthesis or pollination. The appearance of powdery,
whitish substance on the surface of the fruit, and the hardening of the rind are indices of maturity
if intended for seeds.
At such stage, the seeds of a squash are already matured and fully developed. Harvest the
matured fruit when the fruits appear brownish orange. Harvest fruits of plants that have no
symptoms of viral infection, (mosaic, yellowing of leaves) if intended for seeds. This must be done
to avoid virus-infected seeds for the next crop.
Squash Production. July 14, 2008. Open Academy for Philippine
Agriculture. http://www.openacademy.ph/
Land Preparation
There are two methods of land preparation being used, and these are:
1. Zero Tillage – after rice harvest, holes are made using grub hoe or peak mattock at a
spacing of 2m between holes.
2. Complete Land Preparation – soil must be pulverized and leveled. The land should be
plowed and harrowed twice alternately. Plowing and harrowing should be done at the
optimum soil moisture content when the soil is not too wet nor too dry. Make shallow
furrows at a distance of 2m between furrows.
Crop Establishment
Drill the seeds 2-5cm deep into the furrow at a distance of 2m between hills using 2-3 seeds per
Training of Vines
Train or re-orient the vines along the rows 25 days after planting to facilitate watering and
weeding in the field. This should be done weekly. Prominent vines should not be touched anymore
because this will affect the yield.
Nutrient Management
Basal application of 5 bags 14-14-14 per hectare should be done two weeks after planting to
hasten the development of seedlings. Apply 1 bag 46-0-0/ha, 40 days after the first fertilization.
Amount of fertilizer may vary depending on soil analysis.
Squash responds well to organic fertilizers. Apply 10 tons/ha before planting.
Squash also yields good with lower rates of fertilizer but not as much as when higher rates are
Fertilizer rates can go as high as 15 bags 14-14-14 per hectare with two side dressings of one bag
Urea (45-0-0) each.
Water Management
The field should be irrigated whenever necessary either by using furrow irrigation or manual
watering. The critical periods when irrigation water is needed are planting time, early vegetative,
flowering and fruit development stage. Watering must be stopped when the first fruits have
attained full size.
Pest Management
When the weeds start to appear, light weeding with the use of hoe should be done to eliminate
germinating weeds. This should be done until the crop has attained sufficient size to cover the soil
surface, which in turn will suppress the growth of weeds.
1. Thrips – very small crawling insects on the under side of the leaves.
CONTROL: Spray at night (starting 8pm). With severe attack, spray for three consecutive
nights, each with different insecticides. Follow manufacturer’s recommendation.
2. Whitefly – tiny white insect on the lower part of leaves. Transmits viruses.
CONTROL: Spray insecticide. Follow manufacturer’s recommendation.
3. Aphids – round, watery insects on the lower side of the leaves. Attack the leaves.
CONTROL: Spray insecticide.
4. Squash beetle – golden yellow insects that eats the leaves resulting in defoliation.
CONTROL: Spray insecticide at recommended rate.
1. Powdery mildew – talcum-like growth on the surface of young leaves and stems.
CONTROL: Spray fungicide. Follow manufacturer’s recommendation.
2. Downy mildew – presence of small, yellow spots on the upper surface of the leaves.
Severely infected leaves become brown and die.
CONTROL: Spray fungicide.
3. Virus – light and dark green mottling of the leaves, slightly curling, malformation of
CONTROL: Use resistant varieties. Remove the severely infected plant and bury or burn.
Control the insects that spread the virus.
Package of Technology of Different Vegetable Crops: Technology Generation and Dissemination for
the Growth and Development of Vegetable Industry.2005. DA-RFU 4A & Bureau of Agricultural
Research, Diliman Quezon City.
Land Preparation
1. 2 weeks before planting, plow the field 2-3 times, each time followed by harrowing.
2. Make furrows 0.5 m and 5 m apart alternatively.
1. Direct Seeding:
a. Plant 2-3 seeds 0.5 m between hills on mounds during wet season and in furrows
during dry season.
b. Plant another 2-3 seeds 5-7 m between 2 rows of plants.
c. 3-4 weeks after planting, remove the weak and diseased plants leaving behind
one healthy plant per hill.
2. Transplanting:
a. In planting hybrid squash because of the high price of seeds or when the seeds
are few, let the seeds turn into seedlings first.
b. Sow one seed per hole of the nursery tray with a mixture of 2 parts garden soil,
1 part burned rice hull and 1 part compost.
c. Transplant 2 weeks after seedling emergence.
d. Irrigate immediately and mulch with rice straw.
e. Arrange the growing vines.
1. Before planting, apply a liter or half a kg well decomposed manure mixed with 1tbsp of
14-14-14 per hill.
2. Apply 0.5 tbsp Urea (46-0-0) per hill 8 cm away from the plant after 1 month.
3. After two weeks, apply 1tbsp of a mixture of Urea (46-0-0) and Muriate of Potash (0-0-
60) per hill 8 cm away from the plants to be repeated every after 15days.
4. Before planting, apply a liter or half a kg well decomposed manure mixed with 1tbsp of
14-14-14 per hill.
5. Apply 0.5 tbsp Urea (46-0-0) per hill 8 cm away from the plant after 1 month.
6. After two weeks, apply 1tbsp of a mixture of Urea (46-0-0) and Muriate of Potash (0-0-
60) per hill 8 cm away from the plants to be repeated every after 15days.
Mulch with rice straw to control the weeds, conserve soil moisture and prevent the fruits from
touching the ground.
1. Yellow squash beetle and aphids are serious insect pests but can easily be controlled by
spraying with insecticides.
2. For the larvae of fruitfly, spray with a mixture of native hot pepper juice and water.
3. Scatter ashes in the leaves to prevent the squash beetle from feeding.
4. Use insect pest repellant and friendly insect attractant plants.
Disease Management
Seed Production
1. Pollination/Isolation
Roguing/Field Inspection
1. Remove off-types.
2. Conduct field inspection at early vegetative stage, flowering stage, and fruiting stage.
3. At vegetative stage, check the leaf size, shape, color, vigor and vine trailing habit.
4. At flowering and early fruit development, observe for shape and color of the ovaries,
shape and color of fruits, and general appearance.
5. Do the final rouging when fruits are maturing for fruit shape and color.
1. Harvest when fruits have attained full yellow color and when the penducle has turned
brown and readily snap off from mother plant when applied with pressure.
2. Fruits mature at about 120-125 days from sowing.
Seed Processing
1. For home use, pack seeds in a thick plastic or paper envelopes and place in large
aluminum cans or large-mouth jars lined at the bottom with charcoal, lime or silica gel
and seal well. Place in a cool, dry place.
2. For large volume seeds, pack seeds in thick plastics or aluminum foil and seal well. Keep
in a cool and dry place or storage area.
3. The drier the stored seeds and cooler the storage area, the longer the life of the seed.
Fliers. September 2008. Squash. Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippines, Los
Baños, Laguna.
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