Corn Farming Guide 1
Corn Farming Guide 1
Corn Farming Guide 1
Corn ranks second to rice, not only in terms of area devoted to its production but it has been a
staple food of about 20% of the total population of the Filipinos. Aside from this, the green corn,
boiled or roasted, is a popular snack food and may also be cooked a vegetable or soup. Other by-
products of corn include corn flour and syrup, sugar and oil. In terms of nutritive value, corn is
richer source of vitamin A than polished rice. It contains high amounts of minerals such as calcium
and phosphorous. Moreover, it is also a source of starch derivatives for oil, fibers and other
industrial uses.
Corn has also been used as an important ingredients in animal feeds. Corn may be planted anytime
of the year provided there is adequate soil moisture. However, it is best to plant from May to June
during the wet season and from October to November during the dry season.
Recommended Varieties
Seed Selection
Select varieties that are high yielding, early maturing, tolerant to pests and diseases, and adopted
to the climatic conditions of the area.
Some parameters of a good seed:
Land Preparation
Prepare a well-pulverized field for uniform germination and good root development. Plow at a
depth of 15-20 centimeters when soil moisture is right. That is, when soil particles 15 cm below
the surface separate and only thin portion sticks to the finger but no ball is formed. Harrow twice
with 2-3 passings to break the clods.
If a disc plow is used, plow under corn stubbles at a depth of 18-20 cm. The use of dusc plow
enables a farmer to utilize corn stubbles as additional source of fertilizer. Clayey and weedy fields
require tow or more plowings and several harrowings.
Crop Establishment
To attain an optimum plant population density of 50,000 - 60,000 about 16-18 kilograms (kg) of
hybrid seeds or 18-20 Open Pollinated Variety hybrid seeds per hectare is needed. Space the
furrows with 75 cm interval/ Plant sees about 3-5 cm deep when the soil moisture is just right for
planting, then cover the seeds with soil.
Thin seedlings to one plant per hill about 7-10 days after emergence.
Success in corn production depends on proper care and maintenance of the crop throughout its
life cycle. Refer to the Management Guide for the Various Growth Stages of the Corn Plant.
Cultivation improves soil tilts and control weeds. Off-bar between furrows to aerate medium-
textured or heavy soils 22-25 days after planting. Hilling-up 27-30 days after planting or just after
side dressing the remaining recommended amount of nitrogen.
If the field is weedy, use an inter-row cultivator (paragut) or employ line weeding.
Nutrient Management
The rate of fertilizer should be based on the results of soil nutrient analysis. Soil samples may be
submitted at the Municipal Agriculturist Office in the area or at the regional soils laboratory.
Negotiate with the agricultural technologist in the area to determine the general fertilizer
Otherwise, use 4 bags of complete fertilizer (14-14-14) per hectare as basal application in the
furrows and cover the fertilizer with a thin layer of soil, about 2 cm thick. After 25-30 days of
planting, side dress with 4 bags of ammonium sulfate or 2 bags of urea. Cover the fertilizer
immediately by shallow hilling up.
During wet season, split application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer is recommended. Apply all the
needed phosphorous and potassium and half of the recommended amount of N in the furrows
before planting. Side dress the other half of N at least 4-5 cm away from the base of the plant 20-
24 days after emergence or immediately before hilling-up when there is a right soil moisture. To
attain higher yields apply animal manures and crop residues just before land preparation.
Due to the possibility of drought during the dry season, apply all the recommended amount of
fertilizer in the furrows just before planting to provide all the needed nutrients to the plants.
However, if supplemental irrigation is available, follow the application of fertilizer for the wet
season. Cover the fertilizer with 2-4 cm soil to prevent seed injury. Organic fertilizer or compost
may be applies in addition to the recommended inorganic fertilizer.
Water Management
Insufficient or excessive soil moisture is a limiting factor in corn production. Excess in the
rootzone within 36 hours injures the plants.
Insufficient soil moisture during reproductive stage decreases yield from 20-30 percent. When
there is no adequate moisture during tasseling stage, irrigate the cornfield by "flush irrigation" if
Overhead or sprinkle irrigation may also be sued in elevated or sandy loam soil. In flat rolling
furrow irrigation is advisable.