Apollo the Octopus, like most Projectarian as you go. They are not crocheted separately
patterns, is a life-sized snuggle buddy! With and cannot be attached after the tentacles are
long, floppy tentacles he naturally poses like complete. This pattern contains instructions
a real octopus. He has happy, shining eyes for making Apollo with or without his suckers,
and enough suckers on his tentacles to make depending on how much time you’d like to
you feel like you’ve accomplished something spend on your gigantic new friend.
great by the end of this project!
Each sucker will leave you with only one
This floppy friend is a large amigurumi with thread to sew in once the sucker is complete.
lots of repetitive parts, making him a slow Working reasonably fast without much
and steady project, similar to crocheting an interruption should allow you to make one
afghan. This also makes him a therapeutic tentacle in a day, complete with suckers and
project to relax and zone out with while the ends woven in. Use this information to
travelling in the car, bingeing on your gauge the time it will take you personally and
favourite series, or watching the kids’ soccer how long you’d like to dedicate to this project.
Enjoy the pattern!
His suckers are crocheted onto his tentacles
- Jessie 2
Written in US terminology The instructions for all of the skills listed
Size: 20cm body height x 1.5m tentacle span below can be found in the Amigurumi Tips
Difficulty: Intermediate booklet included with this pattern.
Yarn weight A: double knit (Light
Worsted/8ply/11wpi) - Working in the round (in a spiral)
Yarn weight B: 4ply (Fingering/14wpi) - Accurately counting stitches and rows
- Using stitch markers and running stitch
Hi, I’m Apollo! - Basic sewing
- Invisible decrease
- Changing colours
I’ll be popping in
to give you tips
throughout the If you need help with the pattern, visit our
pattern. friendly group of pattern testers and helpful
members on Facebook.
Body Colour (DK): 340g/710m
Use an invisible decrease
Sucker Colour (DK): 200g/415m
Belly Colour (DK): 150g/390m
Eye Black (4ply): 1g/4m
Work 2 SC into the same space
Eye White (4ply): 1g/4m
Eye Colour, Dark (4ply): 5g/20m
Eye Colour, Medium (4ply): 1g/4m
Work 2 DC into the same space
Eye Colour, Light (4ply): 1g/4m
*You will need at least 26 stitch markers for
this pattern, with all 26 in use at one time. If
To make a realistic eye, use realistic colours. you don’t have enough, you can mark
Make the pupils black, and use white for the stitches by tying a contrasting coloured
light reflections. thread to the stitch when instructed to mark
a particular stitch. Make sure these threads
For the coloured part of the eye, use 3 shades are tied with a secure knot as yarn knots tend
of the exact same hue to produce believable to wiggle loose while handling your
shading. For example, if you use a yellowish workpiece. Tie knots securely enough that
green, make sure not to combine it with bluish they have to be cut to be removed.
greens, but stick with yellowish greens.
When directed to tie off, cut the yarn to This toy has not been tested for safety. It is
the desired length and then simply pull not suitable for babies or young children.
the loose end through your current Tentacles are a strangulation hazard.
stitch. Do not chain 1 first, to avoid
making a knot.
Use a 4mm hook Do not tie off.
Make 8
Finished size: 77cm long Remove loop from hook. Place a stitch marker
on the loop to prevent it unravelling.
There are 5 different sizes of suckers. Each of Work your suckers in the opposite
the 5 marked sections of the Belly Coloured sequence to the instructions that
piece will have a different type of sucker. Two follow. Instead, work (f), (e), (d), (c),
suckers will be attached to every second row, (b), then (a). You should work the
starting from R3 of the tentacle. This will same number of stitches into the
produce 12 suckers in total per section. same spaces as directed for each
step, except that you’ll start at (f),
work anti-clockwise, and end at (a).
SUCKER - TYPE 1 1SC in next sp, (d).
Make 12
Join Sucker Colour with a SS. Ch1, SC in same 2SC in next sp, (f).
space, (a).
Skip the next row of Belly Colour and then SUCKER – TYPE 2
attach two more suckers. Begin by inserting Make 12
your hook into the 4th DC of R4 (between the
3rd and 4th DC of R5). Work this sucker the The next suckers (Types 2, 3, 4 and 5) are all
worked into the same spaces as you have
same as previous ones.
been using for the Type 1 suckers, and they all
have 1 row left open between each 2 pairs of
Tie off.
Make 12 Make 12
Row 1 is the same as Sucker Type 1, except Row 1 is the same as Sucker Type 1.
worked with HDC stitches.
R1: Join Sucker Colour with a SS at (a). Ch1,
R1: Join Sucker Colour with a SS at (a). Ch1, 1SC in same sp. 2SC in (b). 2SC in (c). 1SC in (d).
1HDC in same sp. 2HDC in (b). 2HDC in (c). 2SC in (e). 2SC in (f). SS in 1st SC. (10)
1HDC in (d). 2HDC in (e). 2HDC in (f). SS in 1st
HDC. (10)
Tie off.
Tie off.
SUCKER – TYPE 5 All the suckers are complete.
Make 12
Remove all the stitch markers except the very
Row 1 is the same as Sucker Type 1. first one that you placed, at R2.
Tie off.
Take a closer look at the holes you’ll be SS into the top of the 1st available DC of Belly
working into during this section. The stitch Colour (illustrated by purple marker), working
markers in the image below mark the types of into the stitch loops once again. (7)
spaces that you’ll be working into. New
stitches will be worked into the loops of these
existing DC stitches (the holes that are visible
between the rows).
R5: Ch2, SS into top of Belly Colour DC. Turn. R6-34: Continue working back and forth,
Starting in 1st available DC of Body Colour, crocheting rows of 7DC in the same manner
7DC. SS into top of Belly Colour DC. (7) as R4 and 5. Make sure that you work one
complete Body Colour row for each complete
Belly Colour row, and that all the rows are
R36-44: Continue working back and forth as Note how the last 8 rows widen the end of the
before, crocheting 8DC per row. (8) tentacle considerably. When stuffing this area,
it is important to create the correct shape. The
R45: (This is the second marked row) 3DC, DC- tentacle should remain the exact same width
incr, 4DC. (9) all along, when viewed from the top. It should
widen towards the opening, when viewed
from the side.
Use a 5mm hook The placement of these markers must be
precise. When placed correctly you
Remember: Chains and slip stitches do not should have a marker in the 10th and the
count as stitches. Do not count them or 17th Body Colour DC of R63. Let’s name
work into them at any time throughout the markers A and B, respectively.
this project, unless specifically directed to
do so.
Mark all 8 tentacles in the same way, ensuring Make sure that R1 has not twisted anywhere.
that all markers are correctly positioned.
R2: Use a running stitch marker and work in 2SC. *SC-incr, 6SC* X 4. SC-incr, 3SC. (64)
the round. 1SC in next stitch. This stitch will
now be counted as stitch number 1 of R2. 1SC,
SC-decr. *4SC, SC-decr* X 4. 2SC.
R4: 25SC to RSM2. 3SC. *SC-incr, 8SC* X 4. SC- R21: *13SC, SC-decr* X 6. (84)
incr, 4SC. (74) R22: *12SC, SC-decr* X 6. (78)
R5: 25SC to RSM2. 4SC. *SC-incr, 9SC* X 4. SC- R23: *11SC, SC-decr* X 6. (72)
incr, 4SC. (79) R24: *10SC, SC-decr* X 6. (66)
R6: 25SC to RSM2. 4SC. *SC-incr, 10SC* X 4. R25: *9SC, SC-decr* X 6. (60)
SC-incr, 5SC. (84) R26: *8SC, SC-decr* X 6. (54)
R7: 25SC to RSM2. 4SC. *SC-incr, 9SC* X 5. SC- R27: *7SC, SC-decr* X 6. (48)
incr, 4SC. (90) R28: *6SC, SC-decr* X 6. (42)
R29: *5SC, SC-decr* X 6. (36)
R30: *4SC, SC-decr* X 6. (30)
R31: *3SC, SC-decr* X 6. (24)
R32: *2SC, SC-decr* X 6. (18)
R33: *1SC, SC-decr* X 6. (12)
R34: SC-decr X 6. (6)
JOINING THE SIDES OF THE TENTACLES To join the sides of the tentacles you will be
Use a 5mm hook crocheting through two layers of your
workpiece at the same time, joining them
To locate the position of C and D on the together. Start with any adjacent 2 tentacles.
tentacle: D is the second last Body Colour DC The stitch markers are still in their original
of R63. C is the second Body Colour DC of positions. Line up A with B, and D with C.
R63. Mark these stitches if needed. There
should be 7 sts open between each marker.
Front view.
Insert hook in B and A to work a final SC. (9) Repeat this joining method on each tentacle
until only the belly is left open and all the sides
of the tentacles are joined. (8 joins)
Fill the body until you reach the point where it
joins to the tentacles, then move on to
working the belly section in the directions that
Place your
octopus belly-up
in a bowl to make
stuffing easier!
Use a 5mm hook
R1: Start on any tentacle. Using Belly Colour, *Working on the next tentacle, 8SC from
join at E with a SS, ch1. Starting in same st, E to C in the same method as before* X
and working over the loose end as you go, 7SC 7. (64)
up to F on the same tentacle.
R3: *10SC, SC-decr* X 5. (55)
R4: *9SC, SC-decr* X 5. (50)
R5: *8SC, SC-decr* X 5. (45)
Hook sizes are provided at each
Finished size: 4cm long x 3cm high x
5cm wide
LIGHT REFLECTIONS Tie off, leaving a 20cm thread for sewing. Turn
piece over. Sew starting thread around magic
ring to close and secure it. Do not trim the
loose ends.
Make 2
Use a 2mm hook
Working with
black yarn and a
small hook can
Use a 1.5mm hook
be challenging!
Make 2 Work in a well-
Finished size: 20mm diameter lit area and
Use White don’t give up –
you can do this!
R1: In magic ring, ch2, 12DC. SS in 1st DC. (12)
Use a 2mm hook
Make 2
Finished size: 10mm diameter
Use White
Working down the other side of the chain, R4: Ch1. Starting in same st, *2SC, SC-incr* X
starting in the very next chain: 5SC. SS in 1st 3. *SC-decr* X 4. *SC-incr, 2SC* X 2. SC-incr,
SC. (19) 3SC. SS in 1st SC. (29)
R2: Using Light Colour, join at 8th SC with a SS, R5: Using Dark Colour, join at 1st SC with a SS,
ch1. When changing colour on the eyes, it is ch1. Starting in same st, *4SC, SC-incr* X 6
sufficient to work over the loose end of (Note: work the last incr into the SS of R4). SS
your previous colour for only 1 stitch in 1st SC. (36)
instead of 3 stitches. Starting in same st,
*2SC, SC-incr* X 2. SC-incr, 1SC. *SC-dec.* X 2.
1SC into Black SS. SC-incr. *SC-incr, 2SC* X 2.
SS in 1st SC. (24)
Tie off.
Continue working in the round and use a
running stitch marker.
R6: *5SC, SC-incr* X 6. (42)
R7-8: 42SC. (42)
R9: *5SC, SC-decr* X 6. (36)
R10: *4SC, SC-decr* X 6. (30)
R3: Using Medium Colour, join at 1st SC of R2 Do not tie off yet. To be continued with R11
with a SS, ch1. Starting in same st, 1SC, SC- after attaching light reflections.
incr, 4SC, SC-incr, 1SC, SC-incr. *SC-decr* X 3.
SC-incr, 1SC, SC-incr, 4SC, SC-incr, 1SC. SS in 1st If possible, working from the other end of your
SC. (27) yarn ball, work both eyeballs up to R10.
Having both completed up to this point will
make it easier to attach the light reflections
symmetrically in both eyes. Once the first
eyeball has been stuffed, replicating the
position of the light reflections on the second
eyeball will be more difficult.
ATTACHING THE LIGHT REFLECTIONS Start stuffing the eye firmly and continue
stuffing as you go.
It is important for the eyes to be symmetrical,
mirror images of each other (i.e. opposites).
Both reflections overlap the edge of the pupil
only slightly, as not to obstruct its bow-shape.
Place the large reflection in the top left
quarter of the first eye, spanning R1-6. While
The eye should be flattened so that R7 is
held loosely in place, pull the starting thread
clearly visible when viewed from the front. It
through the eye so that it is inside the eye
should be 3cm thick, 5cm across, and 4cm
with all the other loose ends.
from top to bottom.
THE EYELIDS Bottom Eyelids
Use a 4mm hook Make 2
Use Body Colour Finished size: 11cm long
Top Eyelids
Make 2
Finished size: 15cm long
Tie off, leaving a 50cm thread for sewing. Sew Remove the running stitch markers from all
the end closed like a drawstring. the eye pieces.
Assembly is always the part of a pattern Locate the front of the octopus’s body, this is
where you get to give your creature its the flatter side, and the shorter section
unique personality! between the 2 running stitch markers. The 4
tentacles between these st markers are the
Apollo is a big project so it’s well worth front tentacles.
talking the time to assemble him
carefully after all the time you’ve spent
making his pieces! Use lots of pins and
sew precisely.
See the
Amigurumi Tips
booklet for
more info on
pinning and
Place the left eyeball on the left side of the
body above tentacle 1 (the 1st tentacle on
Apollo’s front left) with the small light
refection closer to the front of the body,
leaving about 5 rows open above the tentacle.
Check that the bottom eyelid fits into the
space between the eyeball and the tentacle.
Pin both eyeballs in the same way but place
the second eye above tentacle 4.
Sew the eyeballs with a whip stitch all around,
attaching R8 of the eyeball snugly to the body.
Sew both eyeballs before proceeding.
Once the eyeball is attached, nudge it back
into the correct shape, flattening the bottom
back into its D-shape and squishing the
eyeball flatter onto the body.
BOTTOM EYELIDS Sewing, illustrated on top eyelid.
Add more pins to the bottom eyelid if needed, Place the top eyelid so the pointy ends cover
then sew in place along the bottom of the those of the lower eyelid and pin in place,
crescent (along the line where the eyelid stretching as needed.
touches the body).
Just like the lower lid, it should remain snug
up against the eyeball at all times.
Completed eye.
your giant octopus is
complete! Don’t
forget to share
pictures of your
project! My official
hashtag is