Engineering Data Analysis

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Math 253


First Semester, S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Apply statistical methods in the analysis of data.
 Data Presentation



Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 1

Module Overview

Module Title
Data Presentation

Overview of the
In this module, you will learn how data will be presented. Generally, data collected from
different sources are usually unorganized and in a form unsuitable for immediate
interpretation. In any statistical investigation, once pertinent data are already gathered, the
next step is to present such data in an organized form using tables and graphs. Throughout
the module we will consider tabular presentation though frequency distribution and different
methods of graphical presentation.

Purpose of the
This module will help you present your gathered data in an organized form using tabular
Module presentation through frequency distribution and different methods of graphical presentation.
This is also a fundamental knowledge in your future research courses.

This module will include topics about frequency distribution and different methods of
graphical presentation. Example problems are included to familiarize students on the
implementation of such concepts.

Module Guide
 You have to engage as an independent learner in this self-study designed module and
if you have questions or queries you can directly contact your instructor.
 To further understand the content of this module, go to the suggested reading for the
links of references and videos for specific topic.
 The student can use statistical tool (e.g. excel, programmable scientific calculator,
etc.) to check their manual solutions and in answering the activities of the module.
This is to take advantage of the present technology that can be used in engineering
data analysis. For ease of using statistical tools, every student is encouraged to use
the internet for finding video tutorials about how to use statistical tools. You should do
all the pre – assessment test and post – test honestly in order to monitor your
 You will submit learning activities to your instructor, provided in the Learning Activity
Sheet Answer Key.
Note: At the end of each section, you would normally undertake a competency test. The
test would be assessed and, if acceptable, you may proceed to the next section. If the test
was not acceptable, you should go back and restudy the current section.

Module Time
This is a 3 weeks’ time module so manage your time properly.

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 2

Module Outcome
After this learning packet, you will be able to:

Create tabular presentation through frequency distribution and different methods of

graphical presentation.

By the end of this module, you need to create a data presentation and analysis about your
gathered unorganized data related in Electrical Engineering. To be passed at the end of the
first month of the semester.

Course Pre-assesment

Problem Solving

1. Suppose a differential calculus class with 60 electrical engineering students were given an
examination and the results are shown in the table below.

48 73 57 57 69 88 11 80 82 47
46 70 49 45 75 81 33 65 38 59
94 59 62 36 58 69 45 55 58 65
30 49 73 29 41 53 37 35 61 48
22 51 56 55 60 37 56 59 57 36
12 36 50 63 68 30 56 70 53 28
A. Construct a frequency distribution with 7 classes. Use 11 as the lowest lower class limit.

B. Draw the histogram and the frequency polygon.

Key Terms

Frequency : is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time.

Histogram- is an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical.

Frequency Polygon- is a graph constructed by using lines to join the midpoints of each
interval, or bin.

Frequency distribution- a mathematical function showing the number of instances in which a

variable takes each its possible values.

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 3

Learning Plan

Activating Students’ Schema

A. Determine the lowest and highest value of the unorganized data shown below.

48 73 57 57 69 88 11 80 82 47
46 70 49 45 75 81 33 65 38 59
94 59 62 36 58 69 45 55 58 65
30 49 73 29 41 53 37 35 61 48
22 51 56 55 60 37 56 59 57 36
12 36 50 63 68 30 56 70 53 28

Highest: ______ Lowest: ________

B. Using the ungrouped data above determine the frequency of each class by counting the
number of items that fall in each interval. An example Class 11-22 has an f=3, (11,12 and 22).
Also determine the midpoint of the interval “x”. An example is also given below.
𝑥= = 16.5
Frequency Distribution
The “n” is the total number of f. Classes f x
11-22 3 16.5
23-34 ___ ___
35-46 ___ ___
47-58 ___ ___
59-70 ___ ___
71-82 ___ ___
83-94 ___ ___

C. Draw a bar graph of the frequency vs the class interval using the data that you have
answered above.

Frequency vs. Class Interval
11-22 23-34 35-46 47-58 59-70 71-82 83-94


Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 4

D. Draw a line graph of the frequency vs the midpoint of the interval “x”.

Frequency Polygon

Let’s Think About This

A. Based on the previous activity, discuss how the unorganized data transformed to become a
histogram and frequency polygon. Determine the lacking steps or procedure of the


Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 5

Let’s Learn This!

Construction of a frequency distribution.

We will now consider the procedure on how to construct a frequency distribution. The
construction of this distribution is a very simple activity that requires the following steps.
1. Get the lowest and the highest value in the distribution. We shall let H and L be the
highest and the lowest value in the distribution.
2. Get the value of the range. The range denoted by R, refers to the difference between
the highest and the lowest value in the distribution. Thus,
3. Determine the number of classes. In the determination of the number of classes it
should be noted that there is no standard method to follow. Generally, the number of
classes must not be less than 5 and should not be more than 15. In some instances,
however, the number of classes can be approximated by using the relation
k= 1+3.3log n
Where k is the number of classes
n is the sample size
4. Determine the size of the class interval. The value of c can be obtained by dividing the
range by the desired number of classes. Hence,
5. Construct the classes. In constructing the classes, we first determine the lowest lower
limit of the distribution. The value of this lower limit can be chosen arbitrarily as long as
the lowest value shall fall on the first interval and the highest value to the last interval.
6. Determine the frequency of each class. The determination of the number of frequencies
is done by counting the number of items that fall in each interval.

Example 1. Using the steps discussed above, construct the frequency distribution of the data in
table given below.

48 73 57 57 69 88 11 80 82 47
46 70 49 45 75 81 33 65 38 59
94 59 62 36 58 69 45 55 58 65
30 49 73 29 41 53 37 35 61 48
22 51 56 55 60 37 56 59 57 36
12 36 50 63 68 30 56 70 53 28

Solution: Using the steps indicated above, we shall have

Step 1. Get the lowest and the highest value.

H= 94; L= 11
Step 2. Get the range.
Step 3. Determine the number of class intervals.
Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 6
k= 1+3.3log n
= 1+3.3log 60
=6.88 or 7
Hence, we are going to construct a frequency distribution with 7 classes.
Step 4. Determine the size of the class interval.
C=R/k = 83/7 = 11.86 or 12
Step 5. Construct the classes. The lowest value is 11. Thus, we can start with 11 or below as
the lowest lower class limit. If we use 11 as the lowest lower class limit, then the
upper class limit can be obtained by subtracting 1 from the size of the class interval
and adding the result to the lower limit. This procedure shall be repeated until the
7th class interval is constructed.
Step 6. Determine the frequencies. The number of frequencies are simply counted from the
set of data. The frequency distribution is shown below.
Classes f
11-22 3
23-34 5
35-46 11
47-58 19
59-70 14
71-82 6
83-94 2

Example 2. The intelligence quotients of 100 freshmen students admitted at the College of
Engineering of a certain university were taken and shown below.

95 115 110 119 98 93 112 91 94 111

99 111 110 115 107 96 107 105 108 108
83 85 109 89 107 100 103 100 94 116
106 101 108 105 101 120 90 100 112 107
107 102 90 105 87 118 94 117 108 100
91 88 120 106 107 106 107 106 100 97
98 103 106 106 106 106 110 107 94 97
114 99 96 100 106 103 110 109 101 107
107 95 99 97 92 100 113 101 106 106
119 114 96 107 108 112 97 106 105 112

Using the data above, construct a frequency distribution with 10 class. Use 83 as the
lowest lower class limit.

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 7

Solution: Using the same procedure used as in the preceding example, we have

Step 1. H= 120; L=83

Step 2. R = H-L = 120-83 = 37
Step 3. The number of classes is given. Hence, we can say that k = 10
Step 4. The size of the class interval is
c= R/k= 37/10 = 3.7 or 4
Step 5 and 6. Determine the classes and the frequency of each class

Classes F
83-86 2
87-90 5
91-94 8
95-98 11
99-102 15
103-106 26
107-110 15
111-114 9
115-118 5
119-122 4

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 8


Graphical presentation refers to the presentation of data. In any statistical investigation, the
data presented in a graph enables the researcher to see at a glance the general characteristics and
special features of such data. Reduction into visual form, therefore, often leads to the greater
understanding that could facilitate the solution of the problem. In this section, we shall consider
different methods of data presentation: the histogram and the frequency polygon.


Histogram refers to a data presentation that uses bars in presenting the frequencies of each
class. The graph is usually presented in quadrant I of a two-dimensional coordinate system.
Generally, the horizontal axis is subdivided into equal subintervals where one subinterval represents
a class. It should be noted that classes are one unit apart and are defined by class limits. In the case
of the frequencies, the vertical axis is also subdivided into equal intervals.

After subdividing the axes, the bar is then drawn for each class. The width of the bar equal to
the size of the class interval and the height corresponds to the frequency. This implies that the
higher the frequency, the taller is the bar. The histogram of frequency distribution of example 1 is
shown on the figure below.

Frequency vs. Class Interval
11-22 23-34 35-46 47-58 59-70 71-82 83-94


Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 9


In plotting the histogram, we assume that frequencies are evenly distributed within the
interval. In a frequency polygon, we assume that the frequencies of each interval are concentrated
at the midpoint of the interval. Instead of drawing bars to represent the interval, we simply make a
dot above the bar to represent the position of the midpoint within the interval. Thus, in a frequency
polygon, the horizontal axis is subdivided into subintervals and the points that divide these
subintervals represent the midpoints.

The frequency polygon based on the same data as in the histogram in figure above is shown
in the figure below. Observe that the frequency polygon in figure below is not a smooth continuous
curve since these various points are joined by short segments.

Line Graph of Frequency vs Mid point of the interval "x"



0 16.5 28.5 40.5 52.5 64.5 76.5 88.5


Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 10

Practice Test

Solve the following problems. Use separate sheets of paper when necessary.
1. The following are the scores of 40 students in a Math quiz.

22 31 55 76 48 49 50 85 17 38
92 62 94 88 72 65 63 25 88 88
86 75 37 41 76 64 66 58 66 76
52 40 42 76 29 72 59 42 54 62

A. Prepare a frequency distribution for these scores using a class size 10.
B. Draw the histogram and the frequency polygon.

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 11

2. The NCEE scores of 80 freshman students from the College of Engineering were taken and are
shown below.

84 64 62 70 91 74 88 72 75 88
85 66 94 60 84 71 84 67 76 84
70 71 89 86 83 92 84 84 72 84
66 76 83 80 77 99 81 82 69 75
80 97 76 78 68 86 79 74 86 74
78 81 76 83 65 87 84 74 82 74
93 78 68 81 71 77 77 77 81 85
86 75 90 91 73 83 76 83 79 78

A. Construct a frequency distribution with 8 classes. Use 60 as the lowest class limit.
B. Draw the histogram and the frequency polygon.

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 12

 The module contains brief description on the main topic and pre-evaluation for
knowledge checked of the students.
 There are selected samples and articles for the student’s references and guide in order
to let the students explore more about the topic.
 There are series of activities that the students have to undertake and finish within a given
time frame.

Comments and Suggestions are welcome here:

1. Summary

Suggested Readings
1. Probability and Statistical Concepts: An Introduction by Alex B. Bolaño
2. Applied Statistics and probability for Engineers 3rd Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery
and George C. Runger

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 13

Post – Assessment
1. Create a data presentation and analysis of the gathered unorganized data related in
Electrical Engineering. (e.g., Monthly bill in Pesos and energy consumption in kWh
throughout the whole year, Data found on the internet about Electrical Engineering.). The
post assessment will be rated using the rubric shown below.

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 14


1. Probability and Statistical Concepts: An Introduction by Alex B. Bolaño

2. Applied Statistics and probability for Engineers 3rd Edition by Douglas C. Montgomery and
George C. Runger
3. Research and Thesis Writing with statistics computer application

Note: Answer Keys are provided separately.

For inquiries, you may call or text and chat;


Contact no.: 09367289549
Email address:
Facebook account: Roosevelt Gemaol Mendoza

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 15

Engr. Roosevelt G. Mendoza| SOE Faculty - BiPSU 16

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