Engineering Drawing 1 and Plans: ENSC 20112
Engineering Drawing 1 and Plans: ENSC 20112
Engineering Drawing 1 and Plans: ENSC 20112
ENSC 20112
Compiled By:
Engr. Eduardo O. Dadivas Engr. Babinezer D. Memoracion
Engr. Orlean Dela Cruz Engr. Jimmy L. Ocampo
Engr. Carmelita I. Durias Engr. Ruben A. Pureza
Engr. Angela L. Israel Engr. Roland C. Viray
This Instructional Material (IM) for Engineering Drawing I and Plans (Basic Drawing
and Working Plans) help and guide students to interpret, understand and learned the
basic principles and standard practices of Engineering Drawing. Also, to develop the
with the use relevant sketches or illustration. And provide the student with sufficient notes
Each topic contains brief and complete discussion on the principles of each
lessons step by step procedure and illustrations. Showing the application of each concept
are also included. The topic presented can be search via internet and on traditional
information about an object. A common use is to specify the Geometry necessary for the
This Instructional Material (IM) for the subject Engineering Drawing I and Plans
2. Lettering
3. Instrumental Drawing
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3. Enrich the skill on how to control drawing using pencils while sketching.
It is the process of producing drawing without the aid of the instruments. This is to
illustrate ideas or to make preliminary plans or drawings of object which are later to be
• Vertical Lines
• Horizontal Lines
• Circle/Cube Lines
• Oblong/Straight Lines
• Proportioned Figures
• Properly Centered
• Assumed Measurement
• Balanced Layout
5. To develop the student for proper stroke in writing the alphabet letters and
6. To familiarize the student for writing the slanted and vertical type of alphabet letters
and numbers.
It refers on both different styles of letters and numbers use in written context and
4. To gain more techniques on how to use the different types of drawing instruments.
Technical Pen - The most common pen used for inking the drawing
pen needle.
one leg and the other has an adjustable screw to hold lead,
pen needle.
draw lines. Scale are availability in flat and triangular styles. The
1. An exercise for the T-square, triangles, and scale. Through the center of the space
draw a horizontal and a vertical line. Measuring on these lines as diameters, lay
off a 4-in. square. Along the lower side and upper half of the left side measure ½-
in. spaces with the scale. Draw all horizontal lines with the T-square and all vertical
2. An interlacement. For T-square, triangle, and dividers. Draw a 4-in. square. Divide
the left side and lower side into seven equal parts with dividers. Draw horizontal
and vertical lines across the square through these points. Erase the parts not
3. A square pattern. For 45’ triangle, dividers, and scale. Draw a 4-in. square and
divide its sides into three equal parts with dividers. With 45” triangle, draw diagonal
lines connecting these points. Measures 3/8 in. on each side of these lines, and
4. A street-paving intersection. For 45” triangle and scale. An exercise in starting and
stopping short lines. Draw a 4-in. square. Draw its diagonals with 45” triangle. With
the scale, lay off ½-in spaces along the diagonals from their intersection. With 45”
through the center of a space. On it mark off radii for eight concentrate circles ¼
in. apart. In drawing concentric circles, always draw the smallest first.
6. A stamping. For T-square, 30-60” triangle, and compasses. In a 4-in. circle draw
six diameters 30” apart. Draw a 3-in. construction circle to locate the centers of
5/16-in radius circle arcs. Complete the stamping with perpendiculars to the six
diameters as shown.
7. A four-centered spiral. For accurate tangents. Draw a ¼-in. square and extend its
sides as shown. With the upper right corner as center, draw quadrants with 1/8-
and ¼-in. radii. Continue with quadrants from each corner in order until four turns
8. A loop ornaments. For bow compass. Draw a 2-in. square, about center of space.
Divide AE into four ¼-in. spaces with scale. With bow pencil and centers, A, B, C,
and D, draw four semicircles with ¼-in. radius, and so on. Complete the figure by
2. To develop
branch of mathematics dealing with lines, angles, surface and solids. Some of the more
common geometrical tangent arcs, laying out triangle, octagon, hexagon ellipses and
other shapes. Although there are many such constructions, we are going to be concerned
• Polygon
• Hexagon
• Octagon
• Pentagon
• Parabola
• Equilateral Hyperbola
• Circle Method
• Parallelogram Method
• Involute/Spinal of Archimedes
• Cylindrical Helix
• Conic Helix
perpendicular to it. Bisect OB. With this point D as center and radius DC, draw arc
CE. With the center C and radius CE, draw arc EF, CF is a side of the pentagon.
the same radius and A and B as centers, draw arcs intersecting the circle and
the corners of the square as centers and a radius of half the diagonal, draw arcs
the side AB as radius and A as center, draw a semicircle and divide in into seven
equal parts with dividers. Through the second division from the left draw radial line
A-2. Through points 3,4,5, and 6 extend radial lines as shown. With AB as radius
and B as center, cut line A-6 at C. With C as center and the same radius cut A-5
at D, and so on at E and F. Connect the points or, after A-2 is found, draw the
circumscribing circle.
5. PARABOLA CONSTRUCTION Divide OA and AB into the same number
of equal parts. From the divisions on AB, draw lines converging at O. From the
divisions on OA, draw lines parallel to the axis. The intersections of these with the
the curve and P any point on it (this might be the point of cut off on an indicator
diagram). Dra PC and PD. Mark any points 1, 2, 3, etc., on PC, and through these
points draw a system of lines parallel to OA and a second system through the
determining points on the curve. On the two principal diameters, which intersect at
O, describe circles. From several points on the outer circle, as P’ and Q’, draw radii
OP, OQ, etc. From P and Q draw lines parallel to OD, and from P’ and Q’ draw
lines parallel to OB. The intersection of the lines through P and P’ fives one point
on the ellipse, the intersection of the lines through Q and Q’ another point, and so
given. On the conjugate diameter AB, describe a circle, then from a number of
points, as P, Q, and S, draw perpendiculars as PP’, QO, and SS’ to the diameters
AB. From S and P, etc. draw lines parallel to QD, and from S’ and P’ draw lines
parallel to OD. The intersection of the lines through P and P’ gives one point on
the ellipse, the intersection of the lines through S and S’ another point, and so on.
and AG into the same number of equal parts, numbering points from A. Through
these points draw lines from D and E, as shown. Their intersections will be points
on the curve.
10. THE INVOLUTE An involute is the spiral curve traced by a
curve generated by a point moving uniformly along a straight line while the line
Divide the circle into several equal parts, drawing the radii and
numbering them. Divide the radius 0-8 into the same number of equal parts,
heart can used for converting uniform rotary motion into uniform reciprocal
12. CYLINDRICAL HELIX Divide this lead into a number of equal
parts (say, 12) and the circle of the front view into the same number. Number the
divisions on the top view starting at point 1 and the divisions on the front view
starting at the front view of point. 1. When the generating point has moved one-
twelfth of the distance around the cylinder, it has also advanced one-twelfth of the
lead, when halfway around the cylinder, it will have advance one-half the lead.
Thus, points on the top view of the helix can be found by projecting the front views
of the elements, which are points on the circular front view of the helix, to intersect
13. CONIC HELIX First make the two views of the right-
circular cone on which the helix will be generated. Then lay out uniform angular
divisions in the view showing the end view of the axis (in Fig. the top view) and
divide the lead into the same number of parts. Points can now be plotted on the
curve. Each plotted point will lie on a circle cut from the cone by a plane dividing
Learning Objectives:
1. To develop the students how to analyze and visualize objects from different angle
views of an object.
Orthographic means straight description, which stands for parallel projections from
the object to infinity. If a perpendicular picture plane in inserted in between the projections,
a picture is formed having the same shape and size as that of the object. If the observer
moves to infinity, the projection to his eyes become parallel to the object. The view so
• Pictorial Drawing
• Isometric Drawing
• Oblique Drawing
• Perspective Drawing
• Perspective
• Location Plan
• Vicinity Map
• Floor Plan
• Elevations:
- Front Elevation
- Rear Elevation
- Cross – Sections
• Roof Plan
• Plumbing Layout/Electrical Layout Foundation Plan
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: b
Explanation: Generally drawing board has dimensions of 1000 x 1500, 700 x 1000,
500 x 700, 350 mm x 500 mm, and made of well-seasoned soft wood, so there
would be no bending while life increases. And also if a size of drawing board
increases widely then the board will be fabricated with another 1 or 2 battens.
a) Working edge
b) Blade
c) Stock
d) Ebony
Answer: d
Explanation: Working edge and Stock are parts of T-square those which make 90
degrees with each other, the blade is the long bar that exixts in T-Square. Ebony
a) 45 degrees
b) 60 degrees
c) 30 degrees
d) 75 degrees
Answer: d
4. The angle which we can’t make using both the Set-squares is ________
a) 15 degrees
b) 105 degrees
c) 165 degrees
d) 125 degrees
Answer: d
adjacent to each other on the line perpendicular to the line for which 15 degrees
is made. Likewise for 105 degrees and 165 degrees also if we just change the
alignment with the required line it possible. But to make 125 degrees there is
5. Small bow compass can draw circles less than ________ mm radius
a) 25mm
b) 30mm
c) 35mm
d) 40mm
Answer: a
Explanation: A normal Small bow compass is capable of drawing circles less that
the 25mm radius. This is because of the arrangement of a screw in between the
legs of the compass. But any other normal compass can’t give us perfect circles
a) To divide curved of straight lines into the desired number of equal parts.
b) To draw circles
Answer: b
Explanation: Divider can be used for those purposes as mentioned in options. But
we cannot use divider as a compass and even if we want the compass to be used
a) six
b) ten
c) eight
d) twelve
Answer: c
Explanation: The cardboard scales are available in a set of eight scales. They are
designated from M1 to M8 which has scale of 1:1, 1:2,5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50, 1:200,
a) Compass
b) Protractor
c) French curves
d) Pro cricle
Answer: c
Explanation: French curves are used for drawing curves which can’t be drawn with
a compass. A faint freehand curve isw first drawn through the known points.
Longest possible curves exactly ccoinciding with the freehand curve are then found
cut from the French curve. Finally, a neat continues curve is drawn with the aid of
9. The areas of the two subsequrent sizes of drawing sheet are in the ration
a) 1:5
b) 1:4
c) 1:2
d) 1:10
Answer: c
the length or doubling along the width. So the areas of the two subsequent sizes
are in the ratio 1:2. Likewise in reverse order (from A5 to A0), the ratio will be 2:1.
a) True
b) False
Answer: b
mm x 297 mm), A3 (297 mm x 420 mm), etc. A successive format size is obtained
11. The increase in hardeness is shown by the value of the figure put in fornt of the
a) True
b) False
Answer: a
Explanation: :etters HB denote the medium grade where the increase in hardness
is shown by the value of the figure put in front of the letter H, viz, 2H, 3H, and 4H
etc. Similarly, the grade becomes softer according letter B, 2B, 3B and 4B etc.
a) 148 mm x 210 mm
b) 297 mm x 420 mm
c) 420 mm x 594 mm
d) 105 mm x 148 mm
Amswer: b
Explanation: 210 mm x 297 mm is A4 size, next one is A3 (297 mm x 420 mm),
which came doubling along the width. And the next size is obtained by doubling
13. The Grade becomes ________ according to the figure placed in front of the letter
a) Harder
b) Lighter
c) Darker
d) Softer
Answer: d
Explanation: The increase in hardness is shown by the value of the figure put in
fornt of the letter H, 2H, 3H, and 4H etc. Similarly, the grade becomes softer
according to the figure placed in fornt of the letter B, 2B, 3B and 4B etc.