Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Act: Implementing Rules and Regulations

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Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps) Act
Implementing Rules and Regulations

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 1



Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps) Act

Implementing Rules And Regulations Of Republic Act No. 11310, 7

Otherwise Known As “An Act Institutionalizing The Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps)”

RULE I Title 7

RULE II Declaration of Policies 7

RULE III The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program 8

RULE IV Definition of Terms 9

RULE V Selection of Qualified Households and 13

Criteria for Eligibility

RULE VI Conditional Cash Transfer to Beneficiaries 14

RULE VII Mode Of Cash Transfer 15

RULE VIII Conditions For Entitlement 17

RULE IX Case Management and Non-Compliance 18

with Conditions

RULE X Family Development Sessions and 20

Formation of Parent Groups

RULE XI Periodic Assessment 21

RULE XII Livelihood Interventions 21

RULE XIII Coverage In The National Health Insurance Program 22

RULE XIV Grievance Redress System 22

RULE XV Exit from 4Ps 23

RULE XVI Lead Agency 25

RULE XVII Advisory Council 26

RULE XVIII Convergence of Programs And Services 29

RULE XIX Independent Monitoring Committee 37

RULE XX Regular Planning, Monitoring And Evaluation 37

RULE XXI Report of The Program 38

RULE XXII Program Transparency And Promotion 38

R U L E X X I I I Joint Congressional Oversight Committee 39

RULE XXIV Appropriations 39

RULE XXV Penalties 39

RULE XXVI Miscellaneous Provisions 40

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 5

Implementing Rules And Regulations of Republic Act No. 11310 or
“An Act Institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program”

Pursuant to Section 23 of Republic Act (RA) No. 11310, or otherwise known

as “An Act Institutionalizing the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), the
Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), in consultation
with partner government agencies and stakeholders, hereby issues, adopts and
promulgates the following implementing rules and regulations (IRR):


S E C T I O N 1 . This set of rules and regulations shall be known as the IRR of RA

No. 11310, or “An Act Institutionalizing the 4Ps.”

Declaration of Policies

S E C T I O N 2 . The State shall promote a just and dynamic social order thereby
uplifting its citizens and marginalized sectors from poverty through policies that
provide adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of
living, and an improved quality of life for all.

The State recognizes the need to foster social justice consistent with the provisions
of Article XIII of the 1987 Constitution, specifically:

a. The Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures

that protect and enhance the right of the people to human dignity, reduce
social, economic and political inequalities, and remove cultural inequities by
equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the common good;

b. The promotion of social justice shall include the commitment to create

economic opportunities based on freedom of initiative and self-reliance;
Towards this end, the State shall establish programs that invest and harness
our country’s human capital and improvement of delivery of basic services to

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 7

the poor, particularly education, health and nutrition, which is an intervention
anticipated to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty;

c. Break the intergenerational cycle of poverty through investment in

human capital and improved access and delivery of basic services to the
poor, particularly education, health, nutrition, and early childhood care and
development and employment and social services;

d. Promote gender equality and empowerment of women and protection of

children’s rights;

e. Achieve universal primary education;

f. Reduce child mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and hunger;

g. Improve maternal health and reduce maternal mortality; and

h. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

S E C T I O N 3 . The 4Ps is the national poverty reduction strategy and a human

capital investment program that provides conditional cash transfer to qualified
household-beneficiaries. It is also a human development program which provides
social protection, social assistance, social development and other complementary
support services in partnership with concerned agencies, local government and
other stakeholders towards improving the health and nutrition, education and
socio-economic aspects of their lives.

S E C T I O N 4 . The conditional cash transfer to qualified household-beneficiaries

has a maximum period of seven (7) years. For existing households, the maximum
period of seven (7) years shall be reckoned from the implementation of these rules
provided that they are still eligible and are still able and willing to comply with the
program conditions.

However, the National Advisory Council (NAC) may recommend a longer period
under exceptional circumstances through issuances of resolutions and guidelines
consistent with the adopted or used standardized targeting system.

R U L E I V.
Definition Of Terms

S E C T I O N 5 . As used in this IRR, the following terms are defined, as follows:

a. Authorized Government Depository Banks (AGDB) refer to banking institutions

accredited and managed by government which is also categorized as
government-owned and -controlled corporation (GOCC) or government
financial institution;

b. Case Management refers to a process used by the DSWD to enable the

qualified household-beneficiaries to improve their functioning by dealing with
their difficulties specifically in complying with the terms of the Program. It
shall refer to a mutually agreed process of assessing, planning, managing,
coordinating and advocating for services and other interventions towards
improving the well-being of households using the Social Welfare and
Development Indicator (SWDI) and other-related tools;

c. Case Manager refers to program staff directly working with qualified

household-beneficiaries to effect change and assist them to improve their
well-being. They are the city/ municipal links and other staff trained in case
management process, counseling, family therapy, group process, project
management and other related training, as may be determined by the DSWD;

d. Compliance Verification refers to the checking and monitoring undertaken

using standardized monitoring tool to ensure that the qualified household
beneficiaries comply with the conditions for entitlement set forth by the 4Ps;

e. Conditional Cash Grant refers to the amount received by the qualified
household-beneficiaries who comply with the conditions for entitlement;

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 9

f. Educational Facility refers to schools or any structure or space, with or without
marked visible boundaries, which is either recognized by the government or
known by the community as a learning space for children;

g. Family Development Sessions refer to appropriate monthly activities

conducted with and attended by the grantee/s or responsible person
towards enhancing their parenting capabilities, thereby encouraging them to
be more active citizens of the society;

h. Graduation refers to the improvement of the level of well-being of poor

households from survival and subsistence to self-sufficiency towards their
eventual exit from the Program through provision of integrated and holistic
support services and programs;

i. Grantee refers to the most responsible adult member of the qualified

household-beneficiary authorized to receive the conditional cash transfer;

j. Grievance Redress System refers to the mechanism of the DSWD which

addresses and resolves issues and concerns related to the implementation
of the Program;

k. Health Facility refers to a barangay health station, rural health unit, barangay
health center, infirmary or hospital;

l. Household refers to the social unit consisting of a person living alone or a

group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit including any place of
dwelling or facility, and have common arrangements for the preparation and
consumption of food;

m. Household Registration refers to the process of enrolling eligible household-

beneficiaries in the 4Ps;

n. Institutionalization refers to making the 4Ps an added function of the DSWD

and a regular program funded from its annual appropriation;

o. Near Poor Household refer to households whose estimated per capita income
is within ten percent (10%) above the poverty threshold at a given year; The
10% cut-off shall be the basis, until the government has established its official
near-poor policy; They are considered as near poor due to high risk of
subsequently falling again into poverty; They shall also be identified through
the adopted standardized targeting system;

p. Parent Groups refer to qualified household-beneficiaries clustered based on

their residence proximity being headed by a parent leader;

q. Poor refers to households whose income falls below the poverty threshold as
defined by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and
cannot afford in a sustained manner to provide their minimum basic needs of
food, health, education, housing and other essential amenities of life;

r. Poverty Threshold refers to the minimum income/ expenditure required for

a family/ individual to meet the basic food and non-food requirements based
on Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) definition of poverty threshold;

s. Preventive Health Check-up refers to health and nutrition services comprising

of complete immunization, deworming, growth and development
monitoring, management of childhood diseases, malnutrition, and services
for pregnant, lactating and postpartum women;

t. Qualified Household-Beneficiaries refer to households identified by the DSWD

for entitlement to the monthly conditional cash grants as provided under
Rule V of this IRR; It is understood that only households whose members
are resident Filipino citizens are qualified in the Program; In addition, these
households are deemed partners of the Program;

u. Responsible Person efers to the parent or guardian in the qualified household-


v. Skilled Health Professionals refer to competent maternal, newborn, child and

adolescent health and nutrition professionals, educated, trained and

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 11

regulated in accordance with the national and international standards;

w. Social Services refer to a range of services that facilitate the achievement of

the level of well-being of the qualified household-beneficiaries;

x. Supply Side refers to the educational and health facilities such as schools and
health centers and other related services in a specific area that are necessary
for qualified household-beneficiaries to comply with the set conditions of
the Program;

y. Standardized Targeting System refers to a system for identifying who and

where the poor households are, through the generation of socio-economic
database of poor households that is adopted by national government
agencies (NGAs) and implemented by the DSWD;

z. Sustainable Livelihood Program refers to the livelihood and capability building

program managed by the DSWD for the poor, vulnerable and marginalized
families and individuals to help improve their socio-economic conditions
through accessing and acquiring necessary assets to engage in and maintain
thriving livelihoods; The one-time livelihood assistance is in the form of
micro-enterprise development (MD) and employment facilitation (EF);
The MD track provides microenterprise interventions to the poor or
savings generation while the EF track provides interventions that facilitate

aa. Social Welfare and Development Indicators (SWDI) is a case management tool
specifically developed by the DSWD to assess and monitor the well-being
of the households of 4Ps;

bb. Transaction Account refers to an account in the form of deposit account or

electronic money/ wallet, held with AGDBs and other Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas (BSP)-regulated financial service providers which can be used to
store money, send payments, and receive deposits. It is an essential financial
service in its own right and can also serve as a gateway to other financial
services; and

cc. Vulnerable Groups refer to those who experience a higher degree of social
exclusion and deprivation than the general population, and those who go
through difficult circumstances, including but not limited to the following:
(i) children, (ii) women, (iii) indigenous people (IPs), (iv) homeless street
families (HSF) and (v) groups that experience a higher risk of poverty in line
with the Special Protection Operational Framework of NEDA.

R U L E V.
Selection of Qualified Households and Criteria for Eligibility

S E C T I O N 6 . On a nationwide basis, the DSWD shall select qualified

household-beneficiaries of the 4Ps using a standardized targeting system. Until
a new standardized targeting system is adopted by the government, the National
Household Targeting System for Poverty Reduction (NHTS-PR) or Listahanan shall
be utilized by the DSWD under this Rule.

S E C T I O N 7 . The DSWD shall ensure the use of a uniform, objective, and

transparent procedure of identifying poor households as potential beneficiaries.
Further, it shall conduct a regular revalidation of beneficiary targeting every three
(3) years.

S E C T I O N 8 . Farmers including farm workers, fisher folks, homeless families,

IPs, those in the informal settler sector, those in geographically-isolated and
disadvantaged areas (GIDA) including those in areas without electricity, persons
with disabilities (PWDs) and other vulnerable groups shall be automatically included
in the standardized targeting system to be conducted by the DSWD. The lists of
those included in the above-mentioned sectors and other vulnerable groups under
this Section shall be provided by the respective appropriate government agencies.

S E C T I O N 9 . To be eligible for the cash grants, households automatically

included in the standardized targeting system under Section 8 must meet the
following criteria:

a. Classified as poor and near-poor based on the adopted standardized targeting

system and the poverty threshold issued by the PSA at the time of selection;

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 13

b. Have members who are aged zero (0) to eighteen (18) years old or have
members who are pregnant at the time of registration; and

c. Willing to comply with the conditions set in the oath of commitment and
mutually-agreed household intervention plan (HIP).

Conditional Cash Transfer to Beneficiaries

S E C T I O N 1 0 . The Advisory Council shall determine the regularity and the

amount of conditional cash transfer (CCT) to beneficiaries through a resolution
by the NAC, as a policy-making body of the Program, with the following schemes:

a. CCT grant per child enrolled in daycare and elementary programs shall not
be lower than Three Hundred Pesos (PhP300.00) per month per child for a
maximum of ten (10) months per year;

b. CCT grant per child enrolled in junior high school shall not be lower than Five
Hundred Pesos (PhP500.00) per month per child for a maximum of ten (10)
months per year;

c. CCT grant per child enrolled in senior high school shall not be lower than
Seven Hundred Pesos (PhP700.00) per month per child for a maximum of
ten (10) months per year; and

d. Health and nutrition grant shall not be lower than Seven Hundred Fifty Pesos
(PhP750.00) per month for a maximum of twelve (12) months per year.

S E C T I O N 1 1 . The health and nutrition grant component aims to promote

healthy practices and family development; improve the health and nutritional status
of pregnant and postpartum mothers, infants and young children; and increase
the use of health services by the qualified household-beneficiary. The health and
nutrition grant is a fixed amount and does not depend on the number of members
in the household.

S E C T I O N 1 2 . The grants shall be in accordance with the approved program
timeline released for a particular period in a year. The grants shall be timely and
accurately released based on the compliance of qualified household-beneficiary
members. The initial grants shall be released to the households upon completion
of the registration process. IPs and other vulnerable groups, and other qualified
household-beneficiaries residing in GIDA shall be facilitated in accordance with
their particular needs, dynamics and culture, following rights-based strategies to
provide them with convenient and cost-effective means to collect their cash grant.

Mode of Cash Transfer

S E C T I O N 1 3 . The DSWD shall provide qualified household-beneficiaries

with direct access to cash grants that is secured via transaction accounts through
any number of AGDBs. Moreover, DSWD shall implement more frequent payouts.

For localities not adequately served by an AGDB, the DSWD may, by itself or
through an AGDB, contract the services of rural banks, thrift banks, cooperative
banks, and institutions engaged in money remittances duly accredited by the BSP.

To ensure direct and secured access to cash grants by the qualified household-
beneficiaries, the same shall be credited directly to their transaction accounts held
and maintained in any BSP-regulated financial institution.

The AGDBs shall ensure that the channels through which the qualified household-
beneficiaries can access their transaction accounts are adequate, available and
accessible to the qualified household-beneficiaries regardless of their geographical
locations. Consultations with the stakeholders shall be held in order to determine
the efficiency of the AGDBs.

The DSWD shall coordinate with BSP to promote an enabling regulatory

environment in order to ensure adequacy, availability and accessibility of transaction
channels in line with the national strategy for financial inclusion.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 15

Conditions for Entitlement

S E C T I O N 1 4 . As applicable, all qualified household-beneficiaries shall comply

with all the following conditions as a requirement for continued program eligibility:

a. Pregnant women must avail of pre-natal services, give birth in a health facility
attended by a skilled health professional, and receive post-partum care and
post-partum visits, and essential newborn care and post-natal follow-up visits
for her newborn infant;

b. Children zero (0) to five (5) years old must receive regular preventive health
and nutrition services including check-ups and vaccination, growth and
development monitoring, and promotion from the City/ Municipal Health
Center, Rural Health Units, or Barangay Health Station to avail applicable
health services, based on existing DOH guidelines;

c. Children one (1) to fourteen (14) years old must avail of deworming pills/
medicines at least twice a year;

d. Children three (3) to four (4) years old must attend day care service or pre-
school classes and at least maintain class attendance at a rate of eighty-five
percent (85%) of the time per month;

e. Children 5 to eighteen (18) years old must attend elementary or secondary

classes at maintain a class attendance at a rate of least 85% of the time per
month; and

f. At least 1 responsible person or any appropriate member of the household

must attend Family Development Sessions (FDS) conducted by the DSWD,
at least once a month. This shall include all sessions and programs conducted
by DSWD and its partners.

Whenever applicable, all conditions provided under a, b, c and f of Section 14 of

Rule VII, shall be complied with in order to receive the health and nutrition grant

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 17

provided under Section 10 (d) of Rule VI, and in reference to RA No. 11148,
otherwise known as “Kalusugan at Nutrisyon ng Mag-Nanay Act.”

The mechanics of Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM), Alternative Learning Systems

(ALS) and other specialized mode and other delivery mode system in checking the
attendance of children 5 to 18 years old vis-à-vis regular educational facilities shall
be formulated.

S E C T I O N 1 5 . Any or all of the conditions for entitlement may be suspended

by the DSWD Secretary during times of calamities, war and armed conflicts and
force majeure situations in accordance with relevant laws and DSWD Guidelines.
In such cases, full compliance to such conditions are deemed waived and payments
to beneficiaries shall be granted in full.

Case Management and Non-Compliance with Conditions

S E C T I O N 1 6 . The DSWD shall develop a set of standardized procedures,

mechanisms and tools to ensure that household-beneficiaries are assessed on their
level of well-being and status of compliance to the conditions of the Program upon
entry into and until they exit from the program within a 7-year timeline. Until
a new tool is developed, the Program shall periodically administer the SWDI to
assess and monitor the well-being of the qualified household-beneficiaries. They
shall be engaged in a mutually agreed HIP, the goal of which is to support their
compliance with conditions and achieve an improved level of well-being towards
self-reliance. To achieve this end, convergence initiatives involving resources and
programs and services provided by partner agencies and organizations shall be
accessed and mobilized through the Advisory Councils.

S E C T I O N 1 7 . The responsible person of a reported qualified household-

beneficiary who fails to comply with all conditions set forth under Rule VIII of this
IRR shall at first be notified in writing. Thereafter the payment of cash grants will
immediately be terminated without prejudice to any case management process of
the DSWD.

S E C T I O N 1 8 . After 4 consecutive months of willful non-compliance, the
household-beneficiary shall be subject to intensive case management. The conduct
of intensive case management by the DSWD shall be for the purpose of identifying
and resolving barriers impairing them from complying with the terms of the
Program and enable them to comply again.

S E C T I O N 1 9 . The grants of qualified household-beneficiaries shall not be

forfeited in case they fail to comply with the conditions for reasons beyond their
control subject to case management strategies. In cases where the necessary
social services to aid their compliance are unavailable, they shall be referred to the
concerned agency for appropriate action.

In addition, households with children with disabilities; with IPs, and those in
GIDA, whose peculiar situation are determined to cause their inability to
comply with the program conditions, shall not be penalized by withholding their
cash grant under this Rule. Provided that, a report shall be made to address
the situation that resulted in the inability of compliance by these groups.
Circumstances not mentioned in the immediately preceding paragraph shall be
considered willful non-compliance to the conditions of the Program.

S E C T I O N 2 0 . Should the qualified household-beneficiary member so notified

persist in not complying with the conditions within a period of one (1) year since
the day of receipt of the written notification, the qualified household-beneficiary
member shall be removed from the program. There shall be proper notice to the
non-compliant qualified household-beneficiary prior to removal from the program.
Guidelines for the removal of non-compliant beneficiaries shall be formulated by
the DSWD, with the approval of the NAC.

However, interventions shall be conducted by the respective government agency

vis-á-vis the non-compliance of the qualified household-beneficiary member based
on a specific case management intervention plan to address the reason for non-

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 19

Family Development Sessions and Formation of Parent Groups

S E C T I O N 2 1 . In reference to Rule VIII Section 14 of this IRR, at least one (1)

responsible person must attend FDS conducted by the DSWD and its implementing
partners at least once a month.

S E C T I O N 2 2 . The FDS shall be delivered by the DSWD with its implementing

partners. It shall aim to provide a venue to enhance and acquire new skills and
knowledge in responding to their parental roles and responsibilities, promoting
the concept of shared parenting. It shall focus on health and nutrition, education,
economic and psychosocial needs of their children, while promoting positive
family values. It shall strengthen marital relationships, and further advocate active
citizenship, spiritual development, gender sensitivity, disaster resiliency, financial
literacy, entrepreneurial skills and volunteerism towards community development.

The FDS will become a venue to promote the roles of the qualified household-
beneficiaries as community members in their respective communities by enhancing
their level of participation and contribution in community development. It shall be
an avenue to transform households from passive attendees to decision-makers,
thereby allowing them to develop beneficial programs and/or projects for their
respective communities.
Youth Development Sessions (YDS) shall be encouraged among the young
members of the households.

S E C T I O N 2 3 . The grantees of the qualified household-beneficiaries shall be

organized into Parent Groups as a strategy and a venue for the FDS implementation.
They shall establish peer support and cooperation among the qualified household-
beneficiaries and monitor their performance in complying with the conditions of
the Program.

S E C T I O N 2 4 . Each Parent Group shall select one (1) Parent Leader (PL) and
one (1) Assistant PL based on a set criteria by the DSWD, and both shall serve as
community leaders and volunteers for a prescribed term of service. Parent Leaders
may assist the DSWD in the case management of qualified household-beneficiaries.

Periodic Assessment

S E C T I O N 2 5 . The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) shall

conduct an impact assessment every three (3) years. The impact assessment shall
cover the evaluation of:

a. effectiveness of the Program;

b. veracity of the list of qualified beneficiaries;
c. behavioral and social outcomes;
d. social exclusion among covered and non-covered children;
e. impact on child poverty, income poverty and multidimensional poverty; and
f. other matters relevant to program implementation. PIDS shall include in
their budget the conduct of the said impact assessment.

S E C T I O N 2 6 . The amounts indicated in Rule VI, Section 10 of this IRR shall

be made available to the qualified household-beneficiaries during the first 3 years of
the implementation of this IRR; Provided that every six (6) years after the effectivity
of the Act, the PIDS shall recommend to the NAC whether the cash grants shall
be adjusted to its present value using the consumer price index, as published by
the PSA: Provided, further, that the NAC shall ensure that the grant amounts are
sufficient to make a positive impact on the health and nutrition, and education, and
are timely received and spent by the qualified household-beneficiaries.

Livelihood Interventions

S E C T I O N 2 7 . Qualified household-beneficiaries shall be given priority in

the availment of the modalities and interventions under DSWD’s SLP or other
appropriate or similar programs offered by other government agencies or
accredited private institutions, in accordance with their policies and guidelines.

S E C T I O N 2 8 . The qualified household-beneficiaries shall also be given priority

in the availment of the EF services provided by the SLP or other employment
programs of appropriate government agencies implementing the same, in

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 21

accordance with their policies and guidelines.

S E C T I O N 2 9 . The qualified household-beneficiaries, upon assessment of

their readiness to avail of entrepreneurial projects or activities, shall be referred
to DSWD, other appropriate government agencies, and LGUs for livelihood
interventions or other similar support services.

Coverage In The National Health Insurance Program

S E C T I O N 3 0 . All qualified household-beneficiaries of as identified by the

standardized targeting system shall automatically be covered in the National Health
Insurance Program (NHIP). The necessary funding for their coverage shall be
sourced from the revenue generated pursuant to RA No. 10351, otherwise known
as the “Sin Tax Reform Act of 2012”.

S E C T I O N 3 1 . The coverage in the NHIP shall be administered by the

Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) in accordance with their
policies and guidelines. Benefits and mechanisms available shall be in accordance to
the provisions stated in RA No. 11223, otherwise known as the “Universal Health
Care Act,” and its IRR.

R U L E X I V.
Grievance Redress System

S E C T I O N 3 2 . A gender-sensitive and IP-responsive Grievance Redress System

(GRS) serves as a mechanism to address grievances relative to the implementation
of the Program, essentially ensuring that its goals and objectives are achieved. The
system is a venue where both the qualified household-beneficiaries and the general
public can report their grievances for resolutions. The GRS is a guide for program
staff on handling and resolving grievances that invariably emerge in the program

The period for resolving grievances brought under this Rule shall be based on the
existing guidelines of the DSWD 4Ps GRS. In case of doubt, it shall be resolved in

favor of the qualified household-beneficiary.

S E C T I O N 3 3 . Upon the promulgation of the GRS by the NAC, the DSWD

shall formulate the rules on appeal for instances or cases not covered by the GRS.

R U L E X V.
Exit from 4Ps

S E C T I O N 3 4 . As provided under Rule III, Section 4 and Rule V, Sections

6 to 9 of this IRR, a qualified household-beneficiary shall remain in the program.
However subject to the following instances, without prejudice to Section 16 of
Rule IX of Case Management and Non-Compliance with Conditions, a qualified
household-beneficiary shall be deemed to exit from the Program, whichever comes
first, when:

a. The last monitored child in the household reaches 19 years old;

b. The last monitored child in the household finishes high school;

c. The household reaches the 7-year duration in the Program;

d. The household is no longer poor, based on the latest assessment thru the
adopted standardized targeting system;

e. The household voluntarily waives its membership from the Program; or

f. The household commits offenses wherein the sanction is delisting, subject

to the standards to be developed by the DSWD.

The DSWD, in consultation with the NAC, will formulate specific exit procedures
under this Rule, including the creation of a HIP. The graduation, as defined in this
IRR, of the qualified household-beneficiaries shall lead to their eventual exit from
the Program.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 23

Lead Agency

S E C T I O N 3 5 . The DSWD shall serve as the central planning, coordinating,

implementing and monitoring body of the Program. It shall establish an arrangement
of line of authority, communications, and the roles and responsibilities of the
different divisions, including regional provincial, city/ municipal structures, in the
implementation of the Program. As the Program’s monitoring body, the DSWD
shall ensure cultural appropriateness and gender responsiveness of its program
management cycle including planning, implementation, and evaluation. Appropriate
data and statistics on gender and vulnerable sectors, among others, shall be regularly
collected, generated, and analyzed to inform assessment processes.
The DSWD shall ensure appropriate program structure and sufficient staffing
personnel for the program’s effective implementation. This shall be reviewed
as a part of the Program performance to ensure that the structure and staffing
complement remain relevant to achieve the program objectives.

S E C T I O N 3 6 . In the implementation of the Act and this IRR, the DSWD shall
perform the following functions:

a. Select and use an appropriate, effective and cost-efficient method to identify

and select qualified household-beneficiaries;

b. Identify and select the target household-beneficiaries on the basis of a

uniform, objective and transparent selection process as indicated in Section
5 of the Act;

c. Coordinate with different national and local government agencies, including

organizations from the private sector to ensure full implementation of
statutory commitments herein;

d. Set up participatory monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems and

methodologies on compliance of conditions, implementation of operations,
and output and impact assessments. It shall also coordinate with the NAC
and with Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC) at the national and local

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 25

levels, to verify compliance on a monthly basis, using the M&E systems
designed for purpose.

e. Recommend to the NAC measures and policies for the responsive delivery
of the commitments under the Act;

f. Identify the coverage of the 4Ps based on the Standardized Targeting


g. Provide seminar-workshops and training programs to educate qualified

household-beneficiaries about the conditions and other actions pertinent to
the Act;

h. Organize a session on entrepreneurship and disaster preparedness and risk

reduction or arrange a community development activity in the qualified
household-beneficiaries’ respective cities/ municipalities or barangays
whichever are available annually;

i. Submit an annual report to Congress on all aspects of its operations, financial

status and other relevant data;

j. Formulate IRR and guidelines for the enforcement of the Act; and

k. Perform such other functions as may be necessary or incidental to the proper

implementation of the provisions of the Act.

S E C T I O N 3 7 . Capability-building and related capacity development activities

for parent leaders, household members, partners and 4Ps personnel shall be
implemented by DSWD in collaboration with the NGAs, LGUs and other

Advisory Council

S E C T I O N 3 8 . An Advisory Council shall be created at the national and

regional levels to be headed by the DSWD. For this IRR, “The Advisory Council”
shall refer to the national level and “The Advisory Councils” shall refer to both
national and regional level.

S E C T I O N 3 9 . The National Advisory Council (NAC) shall be the policy-

making body manifested through approval of resolutions and enhancement of
guidelines aimed towards ensuring supply side requirements and necessary support
for household members to meet the conditions for entitlement and strengthening
of overall implementation of the Program. It shall formulate and recommend to
the President, as stated in the Act, policies and strategies to enhance and improve
program implementation which is aimed towards enhancement of national and local
efforts with partner agencies in ensuring that the necessary support for qualified
household-beneficiaries are provided towards improvement of their well-being.

The Regional Advisory Council (RAC) shall provide policy directions and
recommendations on program implementation at the regional level. They translate
national policies to region specific operational guidelines to ensure smooth
implementation of the Program. This joint effort shall promote regional ownership
among other agencies and local implementers to guarantee the availability and
provision of necessary support services or access to basic services for the qualified

S E C T I O N 4 0 . The NAC and RAC shall have, as members, representatives

from the following:
a. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), Chair;
b. Department of Health (DOH), Vice Chair;
c. Department of Education (DepEd), Vice Chair;
d. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Member;
e. Department of Agriculture (DA), Member;
f. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), Member;
g. Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Member;
h. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Member;
i. Director General of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
(TESDA), Member; and
j. Two (2) Accredited Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Member.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 27

S E C T I O N 4 1 . The NAC and RAC shall also have, as additional members,
two (2) representatives from accredited non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
working or monitoring social welfare service programs, subject to the DSWD
accreditation, as per RA No. 4373 Series of 1965 entitled “An Act to Regulate
the Practice of Social Work and the Operation of Social Work Agencies in the
Philippines and for Other Purposes.” The membership of the NGOs to the NAC/
RAC shall be valid for three (3) years.

DSWD shall submit a list of accredited NGOs to the NAC and RAC and convene
them. The interim NAC and RAC will facilitate the selection based on their
prescribed criteria and process.

S E C T I O N 4 2 . The Advisory Councils shall have the following functions:

a. Meet regularly to promote coordination across agencies to enhance the

implementation of the Program and jointly address and resolve program
implementation issues;

b. The NAC recommends to the President and the RAC recommends to NAC
the measures and policies for the responsive delivery of the commitments
under the Act and integration with the general poverty reduction strategy of

c. Ensure that the funding requirements for livelihood, training and EF

programs shall be included in the annual budgets of the government agencies
implementing the same;

d. Promulgate a GRS and accept complaints and grievances pertaining to the
implementation of the 4Ps; and

e. Review the monitoring and assessment reports of the IMC and submit
necessary policy recommendations to Congress to improve and strengthen
the program, if necessary.

S E C T I O N 4 3 . The regular meetings of the NAC while RAC will be held once
every quarter. Special meetings may be conducted whenever necessary, as may be
called by DSWD, as the lead agency.

S E C T I O N 4 4 . The Provincial and City/ Municipal Advisory Councils shall

be established with the LGUs to further strengthen the implementation of the
Program at the local level.

S E C T I O N 4 5 . The DSWD shall serve as the Secretariat for the NAC and the
RAC. DSWD shall assign necessary personnel to accomplish the aforementioned

Convergence of Programs and Services

S E C T I O N 4 6 . Within the framework of a strategy for national poverty

alleviation and a holistic social protection program, the various agencies of
government implementing multi-stakeholder programs and services for the poor
shall guarantee that the same complement and converge seamlessly with the aim of
ensuring that the targeted household-beneficiaries are alleviated from poverty and
remain non-poor even after the prescribed maximum period for the conditional
cash grant. Such convergence shall focus on the enhancement of operational
efficiency and strengthening of inter-agency partnership, and funding of the
Program. The government shall monitor the performance of these agencies to
ensure the sustainability and positive impact of its pro-poor programs.

S E C T I O N 4 7 . The National Technical Working Group (NTWG) shall

be created to review and provide inputs and recommendations as basis in the
finalization and approval of policies and guidelines through resolutions by the
NAC. It shall be composed of NAC member-agencies and other key agencies of
convergence as enumerated under Section 49 (b) of this IRR.

S E C T I O N 4 8 . The NTWG shall ensure that the required support is covered

by appropriate funds in the annual budgets of their respective agency; appoint a
counterpart 4Ps focal person in their respective agency; provide accomplishment

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 29

reports to the NAC; enter into data sharing agreement in relation to 4Ps
implementation and monitoring; provide inventory of the supply side including
those in GIDA; and integrate the 4Ps in their respective information, communication
and advocacy efforts.

Towards strengthening of partnership and enhancement of operational efficiency

of the Program, the NTWG Members shall ensure to facilitate the following:

a. Formulate standards and develop information, education, communication,

and advocacy strategies for the integration of health and nutrition concepts/
education for 4Ps in all levels;

b. Provide support to 4Ps in the development and implementation of innovative

advocacy project, strategies and approaches; and

c. Permanently assign an advocacy focal person to ensure delivery of the

required performance stated above.

S E C T I O N 4 9 . To efficiently carry out the convergence of programs, each

member of the NTWG shall have a duly authorized representative and/or focal
person to supervise the following roles and functions:

a. Members of National Advisory Council and Regional

Advisory Council

1. Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) shall be the lead

agency for 4Ps. It shall be responsible for overseeing and coordinating the
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the 4Ps. It shall develop a
4Ps Operation Manual (OM); conduct assessment of supplies for health and
education in partnership with concerned agencies; identify target areas based
on existing data and select potential beneficiaries; forge agreements with the
LGUs to ensure the availability of the supply side; provide technical assistance
to the regional, provincial, city/ municipal level of the overall operations
of the Program; serve as a repository of data and information about the
program; implement grievance system for the Program. It shall mobilize,

manage and account program funds and resources and prepare the Budget
OM in coordination with the DBM, DOF, DILG and the COA, among other
functions. DSWD shall serve as Secretariat to the Advisory Councils and the

2. Department of Education (DepEd) shall ensure that supply of educational

facilities, teachers and educational materials are available in 4Ps target
provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays, as mandated to provide basic
education that is equitably accessible to all. It shall actively participate in
the Advisory Councils at the national, regional, provincial and city/municipal
levels. It shall align similar systems for 4Ps and help monitor and evaluate
the program operations particularly on the compliance of the qualified
household-beneficiaries with the conditions for education. Further, it shall
develop innovative ways or strategies in ensuring that supplies/ facilities for
education are accessible for the homeless families, itinerant IPs and those
from GIDA.

3. Department of Health (DOH) shall ensure that supply of health facilities and
health and nutrition services are available in 4Ps target provinces, cities,
municipalities, and barangays, as the principal health agency for the country.
It shall actively participate in the Advisory Councils at the national, regional,
provincial and city/municipal levels. It will augment the LGU logistics
needs to enable it to provide the supply side for 4Ps, including enrollment
to PhilHealth. It shall help monitor and evaluate the program operations
particularly on the compliance of the beneficiaries with the conditions for
health. It shall be responsible for providing technical assistance in health and
nutrition to ensure that these are more responsive for 4Ps. Further, it shall
develop innovative ways or strategies in ensuring that supplies/facilities for
health are accessible for the homeless families, itinerant IPs and those in and
from GIDA.

4. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall ensure that 4Ps policies
and guidelines are in accordance with provisions of the national strategies for
combatting child labor, to contribute to the reduction of child labor and to
the EF of its qualified household-beneficiaries. It shall actively participate in

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 31

the Advisory Councils at the national, regional, provincial and city/municipal
levels. It shall provide regular updates to the NAC on the initiatives of
DOLE to reduce incidence of child labor among the qualified household-
beneficiaries. It shall provide a national plan for their EF through its present
and future DOLE programs. Further, it shall actively participate in the M&E
of program implementation at all levels

5. Department of Agriculture (DA) shall ensure that 4Ps policies and guidelines
are in accordance with providing programs for farmers and farm workers. In
availing of these interventions under a particular program/project of the DA,
the existing implementing guidelines shall govern the same. It shall actively
participate in the Advisory Councils at the national, regional, provincial and
city/ municipal levels. It shall provide regular updates to the NAC on the
initiatives of DA among the qualified household-beneficiaries. It shall share
relevant data for program provision and monitoring. Further, it shall actively
participate in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

6. Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) shall ensure that 4Ps policies and
guidelines are in accordance with providing programs for agrarian reform
beneficiaries. It shall actively participate in the Advisory Councils at the
national, regional, provincial and city/municipal levels. It shall provide regular
updates to the NAC on the initiatives of DAR among qualified household-
beneficiaries. It shall match its database of 4Ps and for DAR to identify
beneficiaries who availed of Certificates of Land Ownership Award (CLOA).
Further, it shall actively participate in the M&E of program implementation
at all levels.

7. Department of Science and Technology (DOST) shall ensure that 4Ps policies
and guidelines are in accordance with the programs and projects of Science,
Technology and Innovation (STI). It shall actively participate in the Advisory
Councils at the national, regional, provincial and city/ municipal levels. It shall
provide regular updates to the NAC on the interventions provided by DOST
to the qualified household-beneficiaries. Further, it shall actively participate
in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

8. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) shall, in coordination with DSWD,
provide business advisory services on entrepreneurship and various
livelihood skills/trainings which are tailor-fit according to the needs of 4Ps
through one-on-one consultations, focus group discussions, and coaching/
mentoring at the Negosyo Centers located in every city/ municipality. It
shall actively participate in the Advisory Councils at the national, regional,
provincial and city /municipal levels. It shall provide regular updates to the
NAC on the initiatives of DTI among the qualified household-beneficiaries.
It shall provide a national plan for their training and livelihood through its
present and future DTI programs and line agencies. Further, it shall actively
participate in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

9. Technical Education Skills and Development Authority (TESDA) shall ensure

that 4Ps policies and guidelines are in accordance with the provisions of the
Memorandum of Agreement between DSWD and TESDA. It shall actively
participate in the Advisory Councils at the national, regional, provincial
and city/municipal levels. It shall provide regular updates to the NAC on
the initiatives of TESDA among the qualified household-beneficiaries. It
shallprovide scholarships, covering training and assessment, and student
assistance programs subject to qualification requirements. Further, it shall
actively participate in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

b. Other Key Agencies for Convergence

1. Commission on Population and Development (PopCom) shall ensure that the

4Ps policies and guidelines are in accordance with the Philippine Population
Management Program (PPMP), as the central policy-making, planning,
coordinating, and monitoring body of the population program of the
country. As applicable, it shall actively participate in the NTWG. PopCom
shall ensure ways of assisting parents with unmet need for modern family
planning to access its information and services. Further, it shall assist in the
M&E of program implementation at all levels.

2. Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC) shall ensure that the rights and the
best interest of children are considered in the crafting of 4Ps policies and

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 33

guidelines, as the central coordinating agency of the country for the protection,
welfare, development and participation of children. As applicable, it shall
actively participate in the NTWG. It shall assist in the M&E of program
implementation at all levels. It shall develop innovative ways/means to
ensure that all children, especially those in and from GIDA are able to access
the basic services offered by the government. Further, the CWC shall also
ensure that the provisions on its sectoral plans of action for children are duly
incorporated in the Program.

3. Department of Budget and Management (DBM) shall ensure sound, efficient

and effective management and utilization of government resources and
Official Development Assistance (ODA) consistent with existing budgeting,
accounting and auditing rules and regulations, as an instrument in the
achievement of the national socio-economic and political development goal.
As applicable, it shall actively participate in the NTWG. Further, it shall assist
the DSWD in the preparation of a Budget OM for the Program to improve
and systematize methods, techniques and procedures employed in budget
preparation, authorization, execution and accountability.

4. Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall encourage

LGUs to incorporate pro-poor programs, particularly on the health, nutrition
and education in their plans and budget, in order to promote peace and
order, ensure public safety and further strengthen local government
capability aimed towards effective delivery of basic services to the citizenry.
It shall actively participate in the NTWG, as applicable. It shall assist the
target LGUs in accessing resources that allow them to upgrade the basic
health and education facilities and address the supply side gaps of the cities/
municipalities. Further, it shall actively participate in the M&E of program
implementation, specifically at the barangay level focusing on the ability of
the LGUs to provide the required services.

5. National Anti-Poverty Commission (NAPC) as an advisory body that exercises

oversight functions in the implementation of the Social Reform Agenda,
shall assist in the coordination, the M&E of program implementation. It shall
actively participate in the NTWG.

6. National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) shall ensure that the 4Ps
policies and guidelines are in accordance with the provisions of RA No. 8371,
or otherwise known as, “The Indigenous People’s Rights Act,” as the primary
government agency that formulates and implements policies, plans and
programs for the recognition, promotion and protection of the rights and
well-being of IPs with due regard to their ancestral domains and lands, self-
governance and empowerment, social justice and human rights, and cultural
integrity. As applicable, it shall actively participate in the NTWG. It shall
provide resource persons for orientation or training activities relative to RA
No. 8371, the IPs, and their indigenous knowledge systems and practices. It
shall assist in crafting or enhancing policies, guidelines or manuals relevant
to IPs, which should be culturally sensitive and appropriate. Further, it shall
assist in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

7. National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) shall ensure that the 4Ps
policies are aligned with and contribute to the attainment of the country’s
commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Ambisyon
Natin 2040, and the Philippine Development Plan, as the highest socio-
economic development planning and policy coordination body in the country.
As applicable, it shall actively participate in the NTWG. Further, it shall assist
in the policy development and the M&E of program implementation at all

8. National Nutrition Council (NNC) shall ensure that the 4Ps policies and
guidelines on nutrition are aligned with existing national nutrition standards
and the government’s current thrust and directions for nutrition, and as
indicated in the Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition. As applicable, it
shall actively participate in the NTWG. Further, it shall assist in the M&E
of program implementation particularly on compliance to nutrition-related

9. Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) shall contribute in ensuring that gender

issues and concerns of the qualified household-beneficiaries are properly
addressed and that the policies, activities and programs implemented are
gender responsive. As applicable, it shall actively participate in the NTWG.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 35

Further, it shall assist in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

10. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) shall ensure that the
coverage in the NHIP is complied with including enrollment of the qualified
household-beneficiary members, in accordance with Universal Health Care
Act, and its IRR. As applicable, it shall actively participate in the NTWG. It
shall assist in the M&E of program implementation at all levels.

11. Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS) shall conduct impact
assessment of the Program, validation on the veracity of list of qualified
household-beneficiaries and program implementation, and assessment of
the level of benefits and recommend policy measures to improve program
implementation and service delivery. It shall coordinate with program
stakeholders on its design. It shall remain independent and will not be
directly involved in program implementation. Further, it shall disseminate
findings to DSWD, NAC, congressional oversight committee, stakeholders,
and the general public.

S E C T I O N 5 0 . Partnership of DSWD with the LGUs shall be coursed through

the DILG and the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), in the
form of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Specific Implementation
Agreements (SIA), in order to address the supply side requirements necessary for
the compliance of the qualified household -beneficiaries to program conditions, and
provision of complementary support services in preparation for the households’
eventual exit from the program within the 7-year maximum period.

S E C T I O N 5 1 . Partnerships of DSWD with NGOs, CSOs and the private

sectors are aimed to strengthen the well-being of qualified household-beneficiaries.
It shall promote participation and involvement in community development.
Partnership engagement includes program complementation, service delivery,
capacity building, knowledge management, and advocacy and sponsorships.

Independent Monitoring Committee

S E C T I O N 5 2 . An Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC) shall be created

at the national and regional levels, composed of representatives from the private
sector and civil society organizations (CSOs), subject to the criteria to be developed
by the DSWD, to complement the monitoring activities of the DSWD and provide
feedback for appropriate action. Its establishment is aligned with the Department’s
policies on transparency, accountability, participation, equity, and quality assurance.

S E C T I O N 5 3 . The IMC is tasked to:

a. Monitor the inter-agency implementation of the Program at all levels;

b. Participate in the review and assessment of qualified household-beneficiary

and LGU compliance to conditions;

c. Solicit participation of the private sector to collaborate with government

in the implementation of the Program;

d. Set the standards for accountability, transparency and equity among

4Ps stakeholders;

e. Hold regular quarterly meetings or special meetings as needed; and

f. Act as resource persons in advocacy activities as appropriate.

S E C T I O N 5 4 . The IMC shall submit a report on the results of its monitoring

activities relative to the program implementation to the respective NAC and RAC

Regular Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

S E C T I O N 5 5 . The DSWD shall monitor the program implementation

and report its status at least once every three (3) years in order to ensure the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 37

attainment of the goals enumerated in Section 2 of the Act and this IRR to the
House of Representatives and the Senate of the Philippines.

Report of the Program

S E C T I O N 5 6 . The DSWD shall annually publish a full report of the 4Ps covering
the implementation of the previous fiscal year. The said report shall include financial
disclosures, number of households included in the 4Ps, and recommendations to
the Advisory Council, the President and to both chambers of the Congress on
how to further enhance it. This report shall be submitted to Congress before the
submission of the President’s Budget Message.

The DSWD shall develop a flowchart to be included in the OM, for the detailing
and streamlining of the reportorial process regarding the M&E and implementation.
The flowchart shall also provide the timeline for the submission of the reports. The
program report shall include an evaluation of the impacts of the Program to the

Program Transparency and Promotion

S E C T I O N 5 7 . The DSWD shall regularly and timely post and update on

its website a report of financial disclosures and information about the qualified
household-beneficiaries based on geographical area, social, economic and cultural
circumstances. Provided that it shall be in compliance with the Data Privacy Act
and its IRR.

S E C T I O N 5 8 . The Program shall use social marketing and advocacy strategies

to promote program goals and objectives, gain social acceptance and support, foster
significant values on health and education, and advance positive and productive
changes in the lives of qualified household-beneficiaries.

Joint Congressional Oversight Committee

S E C T I O N 5 9 . Upon effectivity of the Act and this IRR, a Congressional

Oversight Committee, hereafter referred to as the 4Ps Oversight Committee is
hereby constituted. This Committee shall set the overall framework to review the
implementation of the Act. It shall likewise determine inherent weaknesses in the
law and recommend necessary remedial legislation or executive measures.

S E C T I O N 6 0 . The 4Ps Oversight Committee shall be composed of fourteen

(14) members with the chairperson of the Committee on Poverty of Alleviation of
the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and
Rural Development of the Senate as Co-Chairpersons; and six (6) members from
each House, to be designated by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and
the Senate President, respectively.

S E C T I O N 6 1 . For the purpose of determining remedial legislation, the 4Ps

Oversight Committee shall, within three (3) years after the effectivity of the
Act, conduct a sunset review which shall include a systematic evaluation of the
impact of the Act, accomplishments of the Program, and the performance of its
implementing agencies.

R U L E X X I V.

S E C T I O N 6 2 . The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act

shall be charged against those authorized in the current and subsequent General
Appropriations Act.

R U L E X X V.

S E C T I O N 6 3 . Any person, whether or not acting in conspiracy with public

officials or employees, who, by act or omission, inserts or allows the insertion of
data or false information, or who diverts from what ought to be contained in the

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 39

registry, with the view of altering the fact, or aiding in the grant of the money to
other persons other than the qualified household-beneficiaries, shall be penalized
with imprisonment of not less than one (1) month but not more than one (1) year,
or a fine of not less than Ten Thousand Pesos (PhP10,000.00) but not more than
One Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP100,000.00) or both imprisonment and fine, at
the discretion of the court.

S E C T I O N 6 4 . A public official or employee who commits any of the acts

provided in the previous section and this IRR herein shall be penalized with
temporary disqualification to hold public office. Administrative sanctions shall be
imposed without prejudice to prosecution in the proper courts, in accordance
with the 2017 Revised Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service (2017
RRACCS) and RA No. 11032, otherwise known as the “Ease of Doing Business
and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018.”

Miscellaneous Provisions

S E C T I O N 6 5 . Should any provision of the Act be found unconstitutional by

a court of law, such provisions shall be severed from the remainder of the Act
and this IRR, and such action shall not affect the enforceability of the remaining
provisions of the Act and this IRR.

S E C T I O N 6 6 . All laws, decrees, letters of instructions, resolutions, orders,

circulars, rules and regulations, and other presidential decrees or executive
issuances or parts thereof which are inconsistent with the provisions of the Act
and this IRR are hereby repealed, modified or amended accordingly.

The current composition of the NAC shall be in hold-over capacity three (3)
months from the approval of this IRR.

It is recognized that the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao

(BARMM) has specific circumstances by reason of the provisions of the
Bangsamoro Organic Act. Thus, to ensure that an effective implementation of
4Ps in BARMM, close technical assistance shall be provided by the 4Ps National

Program Management Office in accordance with the Act and to this IRR.

The existing 4Ps Operations Manual (OM) shall be revised based on the Act and
this IRR detailing the processes, procedures, flowcharts and other information
pertinent to program implementation lacking herein for clarification and clear
guidance of all concerned.

S E C T I O N 6 7 . This IRR shall take effect fifteen (15) days from the filing of at
least three (3) certified true copies of this IRR at the University of the Philippines
Office of the National Administrative Register (UP ONAR) and its publication in
the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.

S E C T I O N 6 8 . Effectivity Clause. These rules and regulations shall take effect

fifteen (15) days from the filing of at least three (3) certified copies of this IRR to
the University of the Philippines Office of the National Administrative Register (UP
ONAR) and publication in Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 41

December 10, 2019.

Rolando Joselito D. Bautista

Secretary, DSWD

Francisco T. Duque, III

Secretary, DOH

Leonor M. Briones
Secretary, DepEd

William D. Dar
Secretary, DA

Silvestre H. Bello, III

Secretary, DOLE

Ramon M. Lopez
Secretary, DTI

John R. Castriciones
Secretary, DAR

Fortunato T. De La Peña
Secretary, DOST

Isidro S. Lapeña
Director-General, TESDA

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Implementing Rules and Regulations 43

Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
Department of Social Welfare and Development
IBP Road, Batasan Complex, Constitution Hill, Quezon City
(632) 8952-6689/6929

Produced under the auspices of the Deparment of Foreign Affairs and Trade
with technical assistance from the World Bank


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