Final SHS-Perdev-Q1-Module 5
Final SHS-Perdev-Q1-Module 5
Final SHS-Perdev-Q1-Module 5
I. Directions: TRUE or FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is Department of Education, (2016). Personal Development First
correct and FALSE if incorrect.
_____ 1. Drug destroys neurons that make serotonin, a chemi- Edition 2016. Sunshine Interlinks Publishing House, Inc.
cal crucial in controlling sleep, violence, mood swings and sexu- Websites:
al urges. Christy Oglesby, CNNfyi Senior Writer, December 5, 2000 from http://
_____ 2. While medications can reduce the symptoms of stress,
they do not cure the problem or help you understand the root
cause of the stress, which is key. "Interhemispheric interaction during global-local processing in mathe-
_____ 3. Just like babies, adults can keep growing their brain matically gifted adolescents, average-ability youth, and college stu-
and protect cognitive functioning as they age. dents," Harnam Singh, Ph.D., U.S.
_____ 4. Math giftedness seems to favor girls over boys. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, and
_____ 5. Learning causes permanent changes in the brain from Michael W. O'Boyle, PhD, University of Melbourne, Australia; Neuro-
birth to adulthood. psychology, Vol. 18, No. 2.
_____ 6. Learning activity develops new connections between Reporters: Michael O'Boyle , from the American Psychological Associa-
neurons, which helps offset cell loss due to aging or disease. tion, available from h
_____ 7. Workshops, conferences, and other gatherings where
professionals in their field share their knowledge offer another
way to build cognitive function through active learning. 2FCF72EB819C/0/GrowYourIntelligenceArticleandActivity.pdf © 2010
_____ 8. During the first three years of life, the brain experienc- Mindset Works
es most of its growth and develops most of its potential for
Dodd (2004). Learning to Think: Thinking to Learn, http://
_____ 9. The size of the brain doesn't increase much after age
_____ 10. The brain's healthy functioning is essential to living fitness_b_3195153
and determines quality of life.
II. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank before the number.
_____ 1. It is a graphical technique that mirrors the way the Google images
brain works. It helps to make thinking visible.
A. mind mapping C. brain gym Prepared by:
B. critical thinking D. brain memory
Teacher II
Bonuan Buquig National High School SHS
2 31
30 3
_____ 7. It connects the spinal cord and the brain. It controls _____ 2. Which statement is incorrect?
functions that keep people alive such as breathing, heart rate, A. Drug destroys neurons that make serotonin, a chemical
blood pressure and food digestion. crucial in controlling sleep, violence, mood swings and
A. neurons C. cerebellum sexual urges.
B. cerebrum D. brain stem B. Marijuana use increases memory, learning, judgment
and reaction times.
_____ 8. Why are puzzles useful to the brain? C. Inhalants destroy the outer lining of nerve cells and
A. Puzzles are an outstanding way to build new make them unable to communicate with one another.
connections in the brain. D. Recovery occurs to brains damaged after age
B. Switching from a puzzle that’s easy to a more difficult or
unfamiliar type stimulates new brain activity or learning. _____ 3. It controls voluntary movement and translates your will
C. As you solve a variety of puzzles, your brain has to into action like when you want to lift your fork, wave your hand,
generate new memories in order to master the new etc.
challenge. A. neurons C. cerebellum
D. A, B and C B. cerebrum D. brain stem
_____ 9. Why do we need to address depression? _____ 4. The brain experiences most of its growth and develops
A. Depressed individuals are more likely to lose his/her most of its potential for learning at what age?
job. A. at birth
B. Depressed individuals are more likely to do better in B. during school age
school. C. during adolescence
C. Depressed individuals are more likely to become D. during the first three years of life
D. Depressed individuals are more likely to suffer from _____ 5. What is the largest of the three brain sections, accounts
cognitive problems later in life. for about 85 percent of the brain's weight, and has four lobes?
A. neurons C. cerebellum
_____ 10. It controls voluntary movement and translates your will B. cerebrum D. brain stem
into action like when you want to lift your fork, wave your hand,
etc. _____ 6. It is the basic functional units of the nervous system,
A. neurons C. cerebellum comprised of a nerve cell body, axon and dendrite, and they
B. cerebrum D. brain stem power the rapid-fire process that turns thought into movement.
A. neurons C. cerebellum
B. cerebrum D. brain stem
4 29
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How did you get here? On this page. Reading this story.
The answer is a lot more complex than, "My teacher told Mind mapping is a powerful thinking tool. It is a graphical
me to read it" . technique that mirrors the way the brain works, and was invented
The answer involves by Tony Buzan. Mind mapping helps to make thinking visible.
thought, as in "I want to get on
the Internet"; movement like YOU CAN GROW YOUR INTELLIGENCE New research shows
recalling how to use a browser the brain can be developed like a muscle
and word recognition such as
"Brainpower" and an How Do We Know the Brain Can Grow Stronger?
understanding of its meaning. Scientists found out that animals who lived in a
In short, the answer challenging environment, with other animals and toys to play with,
involves a wrinkled and pinkish- were different from animals who lived alone in bare cages. Old
gray, composed of fat and water animals got smarter and developed more connections in their
named brain. brains when they got the chance to play with new toys and other
The Power To Act The Key to Growing the Brain: Practice! Practice makes the
The brain has three major parts -- the cerebrum, the brain stronger and smarter.
cerebellum and the brain stem. The brain stem connects the
spinal cord and the brain. It controls functions that keep people The Real Truth About “Smart” and “Dumb”. Everything can be
alive such as breathing, blood pressure and food digestion. Those learned. Build up your mind and be smart.
activities occur without any thought. You aren't telling yourself,
"Inhale. Exhale. Inhale." You're just breathing. What Can You Do to Get Smarter? Just like a weightlifter or a
Things are different in the cerebellum. That region basketball player, to be a brain athlete, practicing can make your
controls voluntary movement. When you want to brush your hair brain stronger.
or wink at a cutie, you form the thought and then an area in the
cerebellum translates your will into action so quickly. Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Fitness and Longevity
Neurons, the basic functional units of the nervous system, 1. Exercise to improve cognitive function.
are three-part units and are key to brain function. They are 2. Watch TV and read “actively.”
comprised of a nerve cell body, axon and dendrite, and they 3. Take up a new hobby.
power the rapid-fire process that turns thought into movement. 4. Solve all types of puzzles.
5. Play board games and card games.
6. Visit museums, zoos, and historical sites.
7. Become a student again.
8. Attend workshops.
9. Reduce stress.
10. Address depression.
11. Build your vocabulary
6 27
THE DOMINANT SIDE OF THE BRAIN The parietal lobe helps people understand what they see
and feel, while the frontal lobe
Left brain individuals are analytical, articulate and to the determines personality and
point. They like identifying details and are more logical than
intuitive. Left brained people have good communication and emotions. Vision functions are
persuasion skills. located in the occipital lobe, and
hearing and word recognition
Right brain individuals are intuitive, creative and abilities are in the temporal lobe.
imaginative. They are flexible and are concerned with the bigger The frontal lobe is a part of the
picture rather than details. They are impulsive and spontaneous brain that control key functions
and do not like time limits. They have difficulty explaining ideas relating to consciousness and
verbally and prefer illustrations to verbal instructions.
communication, memory,
SEEM TO WORK TOGETHER BETTER IN MATHEMATICALLY The thought moves as an electrical signal from the nerve
cell down the axon to a dendrite, which looks like branches at the
Mathematically gifted teens did better than average-ability
teens and college students on tests that required the two halves end of nerve cells. The signal jumps from the end of the dendrite
of the brain to cooperate. on one cell across the space, called a synapse, to the dendrite
In the study, Math giftedness seems to favor boys over of another cell with the help of chemicals called
girls. neurotransmitters. That signal continues jumping from cell to cell
For the average teens and college students, the left brain until it reaches the muscle you need to wink or walk.
hemisphere was faster for local matches and the right brain
hemisphere was faster for global matches.
Average-ability boys and college students were slower on
cooperative trials, which presented letter patterns on both sides of
the screen, the math-gifted showed the opposite pattern.
The study supports the growing notion that the
mathematically gifted are better at relaying and integrating
information between the cerebral hemispheres.
"Testosterone taken later in life will not help your math, as
the window of influence on brain development is pretty much
prenatal. It may enhance muscle mass, but it is unlikely to help
you solve calculus problems."
26 7
A Critical Age
Because the brain's
healthy functioning is essential
to living and determines quality Reading: BRAINPOWER: COMPLEX ORGAN CONTROLS
of life, doctors emphasize YOUR EVERY THOUGHT AND
protecting the organ from injury MOVE
and chemical abuse. How did you get here?
Researchers say that The answer involves a wrinkled, pinkish-gray, three-pound
brain cells regenerate organ that is primarily composed of fat and water and goes by the
throughout life, but that new name of brain.
growth happens very slowly after
a certain age. The Power To Act
The size of the brain The brain has three major parts -- the cerebrum, the
doesn't increase much after 3. cerebellum and the brain stem.
During the first three years of The brain stem connects the spinal cord and the brain.
life, the brain experiences most of its growth and develops most of The cerebellum controls voluntary movement.
its potential for learning. That's the time frame in which Neurons, the basic functional units of the nervous system,
synaptogenesis, or the creation of pathways for brain cells to comprised of a nerve cell body, axon and dendrite
communicate, occurs. The thought moves as an electrical signal from the nerve
Doctors generally accept that cut-off point for two reasons. cell down the axon to a dendrite, which looks like branches at the
First, in situations where doctors removed parts of the brains of end of nerve cells.
patients younger than 3 to correct disorders, the remaining brain The cerebrum is the largest of the three brain sections,
sections developed to assume accounts for about 85 percent of the brain's weight, and has four
the role of the portions those lobes.
doctors removed. But when The parietal lobe helps people understand what they see
physicians performed the same and feel, while the frontal lobe determines personality and
surgery on older patients, that emotions. Vision functions are located in the occipital lobe, and
adaptability function did not hearing and word recognition abilities are in the temporal lobe.
Second, we know from
experiments that if you deprive Drug Damage
people of intellectual stimulation Because so little recovery occurs to brains damaged after
and put them in a dark room, that age 3, the effects of drugs and alcohol on the brain might be
it produces permanent changes lasting.
in the brain. That occurs most Inhalants, such as glue, paint, gasoline and aerosols,
dramatically before age 3. After destroy the outer lining of nerve cells and make them unable to
that age, it's impossible to communicate with one another. Marijuana use hinders memory,
ethically do a study. learning, judgment and reaction times, while steroids cause
8 25
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Build your vocabulary . Right brain individuals are intuitive, creative and
A rich vocabulary has a way of making you sound smart. imaginative. They are flexible and are concerned with the bigger
But did you know you can also turn a quick vocab lesson into a picture rather than details. They are impulsive and spontaneous
stimulating brain game? and do not like time limits. They have difficulty explaining ideas
Research shows that many more verbally and prefer illustrations to verbal instructions.
regions of the brain are involved
in vocabulary tasks, particularly in There is nothing good or bad about either preference. Both
areas that are important for visual orientations can be equally successful in accomplishing a single
and auditory processing. To test task; however, one may be more appropriate over the other
this theory, try this cognitive- depending on the situation.
boosting activity:
Keep a notebook with Reading: RESEARCH STUDY “THE BRAIN’S LEFT AND
unfamiliar word, then
look up the definition. Mathematically gifted teens did better than average-ability
Try to use that word teens and college students on tests that required the two halves
five times the next day. of the brain to cooperate as published by the American
22 11
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Reduce stress. Most people make notes using lined paper and blue or
People with high amounts black ink. Making notes more attractive to the brain by adding
of stress are more likely to suffer color and rhythm can aid the learning process, and can help to
from cognitive problems than make learning fun. The subject being studied is crystallized in a
those who are free of stress. While central image and the main theme radiates out from the central
medications can reduce the image on branches. Each branch holds a key image or a key
symptoms of stress, they do not
word. Details are then added to the main branches and radiate
cure the problem or help you
understand the root cause of the further out.
stress, which is key. Since many
meds require ever-increasing
dosages to be effective, and many
have side-effects, it is important to
consider reducing stress in more
natural ways, including exercise,
naps, individual counseling,
meditation, relaxing hobbies,
spiritual growth and other means.
20 13
Below is an example of a simple mind map linked to the responsible for memory. One recent study found that the loss of
information above: tissue density in the brain was less in those who were aerobically
fit, which is another way of saying fit people have better cognitive
functioning. Many other studies show that exercise increases
one’s ability to learn, handle stressful situations, make clear
decisions and recall facts and memories.
14 19
brain in a smarter way—just like a basketball player learns new Reading: YOU CAN GROW YOUR INTELLIGENCE
moves. But many people miss out on the chance to grow a New Research Shows the Brain Can Be Developed Like a Muscle
stronger brain because they think they can’t do it, or that it’s too
hard. It does take work, just like becoming stronger physically or Many people think of the
becoming a better ball player does. Sometimes it even hurts! But brain as a mystery. They don’t
when you feel yourself get better and stronger, all the work is know much about intelligence
worth it! and how it works. When they do
think about what intelligence is,
Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Fitness and Longevity many people believe that a
While many adults do not person is born either smart,
think of developing themselves average, or dumb—and stays
cognitively, they should do so, that way for life. New research
particularly since studies show shows that the brain is more like
that reduced cognitive function a muscle—it changes and gets
can age us prematurely and stronger when you use it. But
reduce life expectancy. People most people don’t know that
who have advanced stages of when they practice and learn new
Alzheimer’s or dementia do not things, parts of their brain change
live as long as those free from and get larger a lot like muscles do when they exercise.
these conditions.
You can be many years When you learn new things, these tiny connections in the
younger by making certain brain actually multiply and get stronger. The more that you
lifestyle choices, including those challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow.
that tax or challenge the brain. Then, things that you once found very hard or even impossible to
Research over the past 20 years do—like speaking a foreign language or doing algebra—seem to
has shown that certain regions of become easy. The result is a stronger, smarter brain!
the adult brain can generate new
neurons and new synapses. How Do We Know the Brain Can Grow Stronger?
Whenever we learn something Scientists started thinking
new, or even ponder a new that the human brain could
concept, the brain will rewire develop and change when they
itself in response to these studied animals’ brains. They
activities. Here are ten of them. found out that animals who lived
in a challenging environment,
Exercise to improve cognitive with other animals and toys to
function. play with, were different from
Exercise increases blood animals who lived alone in bare
flow to the hippocampus, which cages. While the animals who
is the part of the brain is
18 15
lived alone just ate and slept all smarter. This can happen because learning causes permanent
the time, the ones who lived with changes in the brain from birth to 6 years old. The babies’ brain
different toys and other animals cells get larger and grow new connections between them. These
were always active. They spent new, stronger connections make the child’s brain stronger and
a lot of time figuring out how to smarter, just like a weightlifter’s big muscles make them strong.
use the toys and how to get
along with the other animals. The Real Truth About “Smart” and “Dumb”.
Some people will call a person dumb if they can’t solve
Even old animals got math problems, or spell a
smarter and developed more word right, or read fast—
connections in their brains when even though all these
they got the chance to play with things are learned with
new toys and other animals. practice. At first, no one
When scientists put very old can read or solve
animals in the cage with younger equations. But with
animals and new toys to explore, practice, they can learn to
their brains also grew by about do it. And the more a
10%! person learns, the easier it
gets to learn new things—
The Key to Growing the Brain: Practice! because their brain
From the first day they are born, babies are hearing “muscles” have gotten stronger! The students everyone thinks as
people around them talk—all day, every day, to the baby and to the “smartest” may not have been born any different from anyone
each other. They have to try to make sense of these strange else. But before they started school, they may have started to
sounds and figure out what they practice reading. They had already started to build up their
mean. In a way, babies are “reading muscles.” Then, in the classroom, everyone said, “That’s
exercising their brains by listening the smartest student in the class.” They don’t realize that any of
hard. Later, when they need to tell the other students could learn to
their parents what they want, they do as well if they exercised and
start practicing talking practiced reading as much.
themselves. At first, they just
make “googoo sounds”. Then, What Can You Do to Get
words start coming. And by the Smarter?
time they are three years old, Just like a weightlifter or
most can say whole sentences a basketball player, to be a brain
almost perfectly. Once children athlete, you have to exercise and
learn a language, they don’t practice. By practicing, you make
forget it. The child’s brain has your brain stronger. You also
changed—it has actually gotten learn skills that let you use your
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