A 10 Limitations

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or OPERATING LIMITATIONS CONTENTS: REV 33 | SEQ 001 2.01.00 2.01.10 2.01.20 2.01.30 2.01.40 CONTENTS ..... FOREWORD .. AIRCRAFT GENERAL Weights/contor of gravity Speeds ..... Miscellaneous Buffet onset . Vs minimum AUTO FLIGHT SYSTEM SYSTEMS Air Conditioning and Pressurization ‘Communications Electrical 1 protect /Brakes Navigation». Crow Oxygen for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000 OPERATING LIMITATIONS FOREWORD 1. GENERALITIES Aircraft and system limitations in this section include the limitations required by the regulations and contained in the FLIGHT MANUAL. IMPORTANT ‘ALL THE LIMITATIONS OF THE DGAC APPROVED FLIGHT MANUAL ARE REPRODUCED HERE IN BOXES, ~ THE ADDITIONALLIMITATIONS ARE INDICATED ‘AS A GUIDE IN ORDER TO HAVE AN OPTMIZED UTILIZATION OF THE AIRCRAFT. — ALL REFERENCES TO AIRSPEED OR MACH RELATE TO INDICATED AIRSPEED OR INDICATED MACH UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. — ALL REFERENCES TO ALTITUDE RELATE TO PRESSURE ALTITUDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 2. KINDS OF OPERATIONS This airplane is certificated in the transport category for the following kinds of operation when the appropriate instruments and equipment required by the airworthiness and/or operating regulations are approved, instaled andinoperable condition, ~ Carriage of passengers (maximum number of, Passengers seats : 275) = Carriage of cargo Icing conditions ~ Extended over water flight and ditching = Day and night VFR. IFR For operation with AFS, limitations are given in the Auto Flight System section. Note : The airworthiness regulations do not allow CAT Il and CAT Ill operations unless the operator has received the agreement from his national appropriate authorities. for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000 REV 33 | SEQ 001 @ i OPERATING LIMITATIONS nett eee PAGE 2 FOREWORD REV 33 | SEQ 001 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ~ IPM AIWF 1000 OPERATING LIMITATIONS AIRCRAFT GENERAL REV 33 | SEQ 228 WEIGHTS/CENTER OF GRAVITY A- The limits of the center of gravity are given in percentage of the mean aerodynamic chord, landing gear extended. The MAC is 5.8287 meters long (229.48 inches). Station 0 is located 6.3825 meters, (251.28 inches) forward of fuselage nose, (oon) E98 wy Note : Aircraft Center of gravity must always be ‘within presented limits regardless of fuel load. Mod : 3703 + 5435 B - WEIGHT LIMITATIONS. KG POUNDS MAXIMUM TAXI WEIGHT | 150900 | 332735 MAXIMUM TAKE-OFF WEIGHT (BRAKES RELEASE}| 150000 | 330750 MAXIMUMLANDINGWEIGHT| 123000 | 271.215 MAXIMUM ZERO FUEL WEIGHT 1000 | 249165 MINIMUM WEIGHT 80000 | 176400 Under exceptional conditions following a takeoff at any weight within max takeoff weight and max landing weight an immediate landing is permitted provided overweight landing procedure is adhered to. Exceptional conditions are emergencies abnormalities wherein continuance of flight to destination is not possible. PW Eng. : 4152 for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000 OQ OPERATING LIMITATIONS AIRCRAFT GENERAL 2.01.20 PAGE 2 REV 33 | SEQ 175 2 - SPEEDS - 111 KT. CAS (113 KT IAS) +115 KT CAS (117 KT IAS) B - MAXIMUM OPERATING SPEEDS (Vmo) ‘The maximum operating limit speed Vo may not be deliberately exceeded in any regime of flight (climb, cruise or descent) ™ eth Be BA o 3 ce) C - MAXIMUM SLATS/FLAPS SPEEDS (Ve). (1) Maximum slatsifiaps extended speeds or operating ‘speeds for takeoff, approach and landing : Maximum operating altitude : 20000 ft SLATS [FLAPS | SPEED (AS) TAKEOFF =] 0 | meer TAKEOFF AND Resnoach 15 | 15 | atoxr TAKEOFE APPROACH [AND LANDING. 2 | 2 | 195Kr 7 | 2 | 198Kr LANDING zl | eet (2) Maximum slats extended speed for holding and en route : HOLDING AND « EN Rous 15 | 0 | 245 xtimasa Code : 0414 D - GEAR OPERATING SPEEDS. Maximum speed at which the landing gear may be extended or retracted Vio = 270 KT or M 0.59 Maximum speed with landing gear locked down Vue = 270 KT or M 0.65 E - KRUGER_ If Kruger cannot be retracted = do not exceed 300 KT/MO.65 F - MANUAL PITCH TRIM_ When operating with manual pitch trim only : do not exceed - 285 KT/M0.78 PW Eng, : 4152 for training only 1PM TAIT VF 1000 OPERATING LIMITATIONS AIRCRAFT GENERAL REV 33 | SEQ 175 3.~ MISCELLANEOUS A- The mi lots. 1um flight crew consists of 2 B - DISPATCHIBILITY_ For dispatch in the event of equipment feilure or missing parts, refer to MEL/CDL. Clean configuration : +259 to-19 + Cross wind (takeoff and landing) : maximum demonstrated on dry runway : 2. 2B kt + Computed erosswind capability on dry and wet runway ..... wees STE + Max wind for passenger and cargo doors operation cove BOkt E - TIRES MAXIMUM TIRE SPEED GROUND SPEED 95.5 kt (225 mph) F - WINDSHIELD WIPERS IN USE Slats extended configuration : + 2. to. 0g Maximum operating speed 230 kt D - OPERATING PERFORMANCE LIMITATIONS. G - COCKPIT WINDOWS OPEN (1) Environmental envelope Maximum speed 225 kt surrey (2) Airport Operation limitations Runway slope (mean) 22% Runway altitude 8,500 ft Wind Tail wind component (Takeoff and landing) .....-...-+-.+-.++ 15 kt Mod : 5875 PWEng. : 4152 “AIT VE 1000 for training only 1PM A310 OPERATING LIMITATIONS AIRCRAFT GENERAL 4, BUFFET ONSET BUFFET ONSET clean configuration Data Results : Buffet onset at ~ M= .80 with 54° bank angle or at 1.7 9 ~ Low speed (1 g) : M= 555 — High speed : Above M.84 Mod : 4863 for training only 1PM 1 “F 1000 2310 OPERATING LIMITATIONS AIRCRAFT GENERAL REV 33 | SEQ 104 8._VS MINIMUM CoS. (Kt) am 160, 180, 40, 130. 120, 9, 100, 90. 20. M0. 190.210. Mod : 4863 WEIGHT (1000 Lb) 310, oz « sy SUATS FLAPS. 8 5 al 29 300 2s ‘ch 3040 6 ‘au = GeaR UP ‘50 = GEAR DOM 330,350. for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000 @ i OPERATING LIMITATIONS nett eee PAGE 6 AIRCRAFT GENERAL REV 33 | SEQ 001 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK STD or Mod : 4863 ~ IPM AIWF 1000 or OPERATING LIMITATIONS AUTO FLIGHT SYSTEM REV 33 | SEQ 640 AUTOPILOT : ~ visual references are obtained at aDA/DH appropriate forthe CAT 1 approach being flown ora go-around, R_ | - Minimum altitude for use of the autopilot in a \¢ performed R | cruise mode : 500 ft CATEGORY I|_APPROACH AND AUTOMATIC R_ | - Minimum altitude for use of VERTICAL SPEED | fanning > ~SOSCSCSCSCSCStCSSS R_ | mode in approach : 200 ft LANDING Minimum decision height : 100 t. R AUTOLAND AP in CMD at least. R Certified capability : CAT 2, CAT 3. R R__ | AIRPLANE CONFIGURATION R_ | Certified configuration : slats 30°flaps 40°. CATEGORY IIl_APPROACH AND AUTOMATIC LANDING WITH DECISION HEIGHT The approach speed (Vapp) is Vref + 5 kt + CDU Minimum decision height : 15 ft R WIND CORR. 2.AP in CMD and 1 autothrottle at least. R ALTITUDE EFFECT Cortified capability : CAT 3. R The altitude effect on Autoland above 2 500 ft has not been evaluated. CATEGORY Ill APPROACH AND AUTOMATIC Therefore, for autoland operation above 2500 ft NDING WITH NO DECISION HEIGHT elevation, it is recommended that each operator LANDING WITH NO DECISION HEIGHT assesses the autoland capability in good visibility conditions for each runway prior to performing CAT _| 2. AP in CMD and 1 autothrottle at least. R 2 or CAT 3 operation, Certified capability : CAT 3. R This should be done in the frame of each operator Rain rae ee eevee ee mee operational approval anddoesnotprecludecomplying | Minimum height, demonstrated for approach | with other applicable local operational regulations. AUTOLAND ON A CAT 1 ILS BEAM Automatic landing system performance has been demonstrated on CAT 2 and CAT 3 ILS runways. However automatic landing in CAT 1 or better weather conditions is possible on CAT 1 ground installations or when ILS critical areas are not protected provided the following precautions are taken ~ the airline has checked that the ILS beam quality and the effect of the terrain profile before the runway has no adverse effect on A.P guidance. In particular the effect of terrain discontinuities within 300 m before runway threshold must be assessed. = the crews aware that LOC or GS beams fluctuations independentof the aircraft system may occur and the PF is prepared to immediately disconnect the AP and to take the appropriate action, should unsatisfactory guidance occur. ~ at least CAT 2 capability is displayed on FMA and CAT 2/3 procedures are used. Code : 0178 PW Eng. : 4000 for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000 or OPERATING LIMITATIONS 2.01.30 PAGE 2 AUTO FLIGHT SYSTEM REV 33 SEQ 100 MAXIMUM WIND CONDITIONS FOR AUTOMATIC LANDING AND ROLL OUT = DEMONSTRATED WIND CONDITIONS Head wind ........ 30 kt Cross wind... 2120 kt Tail wind . 10 kt = Performance of ROLL OUT mode’ has been demonstrated on dry and wet runway. = Performance of ROLL OUT mode on snow coveredoricy runway hasnotbeen demonstrated. FMs The FMS can be used in the RADIO mode for advisory purpose only. NAV + PROF modes may be used for non precision approaches only. PROF mode use in approach below 1000 ft AGL is not allowed, Respect of obstacle clearance and constraints remain normal crew responsability. ‘An approach procedure cannot be conducted if the associated navaids are unserviceable. Mod : 5757 for training only 1PM TAIT VF 1000 or OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘SYSTEMS REV 33 | SEQ 100 1_- AIR CONDITIONING AND PRESSURIZATION A- IT When aircraft is supplied by external LP air, air conditioning supply from the packs should not be used simultaneously. B - RAM AIR INLET. OPEN ONLY IF DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE IS LOWER THAN 1 PSI C - MAXIMUM CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE ~ Positive differential pressure limitation . 8.40 PSI — MAXIMUM NEGATIVE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE MINUS 1 PSI ~ SAFETY RELIEF MAXIMUM DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE 8.85 PSI — Maximum cabin differential pressure for landing Psi ~ Cabin signs « ON » 1100 4 s00 ft ~ Passengers onygenmask top . 14,000 50 D - WARNINGS. = Maximum cabin altitude (CABALT) . 9,550 4 350 ft 2- APU A - STARTING * In flight APU starting is allowed up to = 41000 ft within the whole flight envelope when electric supply is by engine generator(s) = 20 000 ft when electric supply is by batteries only. * Minimum oil quantity indication before start . 1/4 * Minimum oil quantity indication when APU operates at 100 % N (stabilized conditions) ...... MIN * Minimum cooling intervals between start cycles 1min Notes: 1 - These minimum oil indication requirements allow a normal APU ‘operation for further 60 hours. Code : 0411 2 ~ On ground : After 3 start attempts separated by 1 ‘min cool down a 60 min cooling period ‘must be allowed for. 3 = In flight Within any one hour period = 3 start attempts are permitted below 37,000 ft ~ 5 start attempts are permitted above 37,000 ft Best starting capability is ensured up to 37,000 ft 4 ~ Use of JET B may impair APU capability to perform high altitude air start. ~ AIR BLEED EXTRACTION ‘Allowed for AIR COND or/and WING ANTI ICE or ENG START up to 20 000 ft Note : APU air bleed allows to supply either : = 2 air conditioning packs or = 1 air conditioning pack + wing anti ice system ~ ELEC POWER EXTRACTION + Ator below 35 000 ft... = 1 (90 kVA) + Above 35 000 ft up to 41.000 ft ISA and below 1 (90 kVA) ISA + 20 0.83 (75 KVA) ISA + 35 0.44 (40 kVA) C - ROTOR SPEED. Maximum N = 109 % D- EGT. Maximum EGT 585°C 3.- COMMUNICATIONS No limitations. 4 ~ ELECTRICAL A-A 7 NOMINAL LOAD PER GENERATOR (CONTINUOUS) s+ 21190 KVA) B - DC POWER. NOMINAL LOAD PER TR. (CONTINUOUS) . 150 AMP for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000 OQ OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘SYSTEMS, 2.01.40 PAGE 2 REV 33 | SEQ 100 5 - EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT CREW OXYGEN Minimum flight crew oxygen pressure. E 70048 ¢ PRESSURE [PD veg Cee erie re tt Hherchence ehwenarue ep Reference temperature (°C) : OAT + Cabin temp (on ground) Cabin temp - 10°C (in flight) Minimum bottle pressure required to provide : Crew protection after loss of cabin pressure (100 % 0, during emergency descent + diluted 0, during cruise at FL between 100 and 150) Provision is made to cover unusable quantity normal system leakage reference temp. errors pre-flight checks usage of 0, when only 1 pilot is in cockpit. Mod : 2965, INU} 100 20 ‘ALLOWABLE FLIGHT TIME! /AFTER DECOMPRESSION]. Minimum required oxygen for dispatch depends on the local Airworthiness Authorities. For example, JAR OPS requires that there must be enough oxygen do supply each cockpit crewmember for = the entire flight time when the cabin altitude exceeds 13,000 ft and ~ the flight time less the first 30 minutes when cabin altitude is between 10,000 ft and 30,000 ft and = not less than 2 hours for training only 1PM TAIT VF 1000 or OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘SYSTEMS REV 33 | SEQ 350 6 - FUEL ~ Pand W Service Bulletin n 2016 Refer to = A310 Flight Manual chapter 2-04 E ~ FUEL TEMPERATURE IN TANKS. * Do not take-off with a fuel tank temperature lower than : = the actual fuel freezing point + 2°C if an appropriate anti-icing additive is used as per PW SB 2016. or ~ the highest of the fuel freezing point + 2°C or ~47°C, ifan appropriate anti-icing additive is not used, TAN OTe [Us cat SS — + Bo ng vith 3 tank ue! temperature tower INNER.TS | 27 200 23 {ts fue freezing point —1°C when fue is fed fom Infor CPR nk TRIM 6 160 1625 = Actual fuel freezing point + 2°C when fuel is Teta 31 080 6 140 fed fom OUTR tanks ~ FUEL QUANTITY INDICATIONS. Tank fuel remaining when the respective quantity indicator reads zero, cannot be safely used in flight, D - FUEL LOADING Maximum refueling pressure Maximum defueling pressure 50 psi (3.5 bar) 11 psi (0.75 bar) Maximum allowed unbalanced fuel + at take-off : 2000 kg (4410 Ib) in “inner” + at landing : 11000 kg (24250 Ib) in “inner” or 3000 kg (6615 Ib) in “outer”, Dispatch with fuel in CTR TK and wing tanks not full, isallowed provided the sum of ZFW plus fuel in CTR TK does not exceed MAX ZFW {fuel in CTR TK usable) Mod : 4801 + 4863 + 5875 * If the actual fuel freezing point of the fuel being used for the flight is unknown, the minimum fuel specification values provided hereafter must be used: SETA] JP 5 [JeTAT] JP 8 [JETS] AT [JP4[TS1 aoc |-aerc]- arc] -a7c|-s0c|-ssc|-sarc|-6c F- = Operations with outer tank empty are not allowed. G - TAKE-OFF RESTRICTIONS 1 = Take-off on center tank is prohibited. 2 ~ Take-off with inner tanks and center tank and trim tank empty is prohibited when the fuel quantity in each outer tank is below 700 kg (1545 Ib) H ~ LANDING RESTRICTIONS = Except under abnormal conditions, landing with more than 2000 kg (4400 Ib) in trim tank is not allowed. PW Eng. : 4152 “AIT VE 1000 for training only 1PM OQ OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘SYSTEMS, 2.01.40 PAGE 4 REV 33 | SEQ 110 7 - HYDRAULICS A-A Approved hydraulic luids are according to specification NSA 307110 TYPE HYJET IV and WA ‘SKYDROL 500 B4 SKYDROL LD4 Note : The intermixing of these fluids is permitted. 8 - Pw HT PWR TRANSF operation is possible if green system is powered by 2 engine driven pumpsor by 1 engine driven pump and the electric pumps, C - SYSTEM PRESSURE Normal pressure range : 2800 to 3300 psi Note: When PTU is in use, 3500 psi may be reached. D - RAT RAT maximum operating speed : 320 kt @ - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION Anal It is recommended that extended flight in icing conditions with slats extended should be avoided. B - RAIN REPELLENT Approved rain repellent is type 3 repellent RAIN BOE. Rain repellent must be applied only on wet windshields. Note : Windshield wipers must not be used if rain repellenthas been applied toa dry windshield. Mod : 5443 9 ~ LANDING GEAR/BRAKES Ap Lal ‘Towbarless operations on nose landing gear (towing and pushback) are allowed using towbarless towing vehicles that are specifically accepted for Airbus aircraft and are listed in Airbus SIL 09-002, B - BRAKES Maximum brake temperature allowed for take-off (with brake fans off - if installed) =. 300°C. 10 - NAVIGATION Operation above latitudes of 72° 30' N and beyond 60° is not permitted, for training only 1PM TAIT VF 1000 OPERATING LIMITATIONS ‘SYSTEMS REV 33 | SEQ 022 11 - POWER PLANT mon | AME (rm | carey | conomon | (imitation | uivitanion | _ NOTE MAKE TAKE 5 625 OFF AND GO Only in case of ROUND, 10 625 | engine inure Max MAX uous | umimtea | 600 [ACCELERATION | > a MAX cum | Unlimiea | 600 MAX CRUISE | Unlimtes | 600 STARTING '535__|_On round = 625; Tr fght * Stabilized EGT must be at or below the operating limit for the applicable operating condition within 2 minutes of advancing the throttle, ** Forin light starts thatresult in exceedance of the ground start limit, the maximum temperature and duration must be recorded for maintenance action. 111.4 % 104 % Following type Il oils are fully approved for use in PW 4000 engines ESSO TURBO OIL 2380/EXXON TURBO OIL 2380 AERO SHELL TURBO OIL 500 ‘AERO SHELL TURBO OIL 555 CASTROL 205/STAUFFER JET Il MOBIL JET OIL I CASTROL 5000 MOBIL JET OIL 254 Note : Different brands or types of oils should not bemixed except where the same oilformulation is marketed under separate brand names which have been approved by Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Note For possible use other brands of oils, refer to: P and W SERVICE BULLETIN N 238 D. OIL TEMPERATURE MAX TRANSIENT (20 MINUTES) TPC MAX CONTINUOUS 163°C MIN FOR STARTING . - 40°C MIN. 70 psi NORM 90-400 psi F. STARTER. = Duty cycle limits + 2 consecutive aborted start attempts may be R conducted. R Note : Engine motoring for 30 seconds is required following an aborted start. + After 2 aborted start attempts, a 30 minutes R starter cooling down period must be observed prior to further starter operation. ~ Re-engagement speed limits + Normal re-engagement speed : 15 % N2, + Maximum re-engagement speed : 20 % N2 ‘THE SELECTION OF THE THRUST REVERSERS IN FLIGHT OR THEIR PRESELECTION BEFORE TOUCHDOWN IS PROHIBITED BACKING THE AIRCRAFT WITH USE OF REVERSE THRUST IS NOT PERMITTED Max reverse thrust should not be used below 80 Kt IAS or IAS fluctuations, whichever occurs first. ~ If reverse unlocked or reverse stowed is selected do not reselect the opposite position before light indication shows end of transit. PWEng, : 4152 for training only 1PM “AIT VE 1000

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