Tap Flow Rate
Tap Flow Rate
Tap Flow Rate
hen deciding the tube totalled for a group of appliances and
diameters required for then converted into a flow rate in litres 200 2
plumbing systems a number of per second using Figure 1.
factors have to be taken into If necessary, any other water fittings
account if an adequate flow rate is to be requiring high or continuous flow rates 1.5
achieved without using oversized tube. can then be added to give a total flow
The volume flow rate required and the rate. 100
about 1.75 metres head.
10 80
8 50
40 76.1 75 Figure 4 gives the head required
6 30 70
for a given float valve orifice and
Formula applicable between these limits only
5 20 67 65
4 6 60 Lamont’s smooth pipe formula S3
3 5
10 55 v = 0.5545 d0.6935 ¡0.5645 flow rate.
Where a water meter is to be
0.07 0.06
18 fitted the loss of head at the
0.04 15
0.03 15
required flow rate should be
0.02 0.1
subtracted from the head available.
Actual bore of pipe, millimetres
The manufacturers data sheet can
10 be consulted to find the head loss.
0.003 8 Permissible head loss
Once the head pressure
0.001 6 5 available and the effective length of
tube has been found the
permissible loss of head per metre
Fittings Taps and valves run can be determined. This is
The loss of head due to bends, Head loss through stop valves is done by dividing the head available by
elbows and tees can best be given as an relatively large, see Table 2 for equivalent the total effective length of tube.
equivalent length of tube. A bend has lengths.These equivalent lengths can also In the case of our service pipe
about half the resistance of an elbow, so, be added to the length of tube. Losses example with a head of water of 30m
where pressure is low it is better to use through gate valves and quarter turn ball and an effective length of 18.6m, this
bends where possible. Losses for tees are valves can be ignored. would be: 30 / 18.6 = 1.6m/m.
added on a change of direction only. If the actual length of the 22mm
Where the numbers of fittings to be service mentioned previously was 10 Residual head
used can be estimated they can be metres and 4 bends and a stop valve Referring back to Figure 2 our 22mm
multiplied to give an equivalent length. were fitted the total equivalent length service pipe with a flow of 0.72 l/s only
This can then be added to the actual would be: uses about 0.33m/m of head. So, in total
length of the tube. An alternative, where actual length of tube 10.0m 18.6 x 0.33 = 6.1m, say 6m, head would
the numbers of fittings cannot be equivalent length of bends 4 at 0.4 = 1.6m be used up leaving 30 - 6 = 24m residual
forecast, is to add a percentage to the equivalent length of valve 1 at 7.0 = 7.0m head remaining for the internal
length of tube. This can vary between giving a total equivalent length of 18.6m installation.
about 10% and 40% depending on the Alternatively, the actual head loss for
complexity of the layout. valves can be established using Figure 3 Final tube diameter
and then subtracted from the head If insufficient residual head remains
available. select a larger tube diameter to reduce
For example the 22mm stop valve the head used. If only a small percentage
4 flowing at 0.72 l/s has a resistance of of the head available has been used
3 consider a smaller tube diameter. In any
case, however, check that the flow
2 3 1
velocity is not greater than the BS 6700
1.0 sluggish flow and the settlement of
0.6 0.6
4 detritus in long runs of horizontal tube,
Flow rate litres/second
0.4 10 0.6
keep the velocity above 0.5m/s by
Head loss in metres
Stopvalve diameter
orifice diameter mm
8 0.4
0.2 6
avoiding use of oversized tube.
head of water required m
8 0.2
5 The above procedures can be used
10 4
to determine tube diameters for
flow rate l/s
0.08 0.1
0.06 a complete installation. Keep this
0.08 0.04
20 0.05
article handy and next month we will
0.06 30
put them into practice with a
Figure 3 Loss of head through stop valves Figure 4 Head loss through float valve orifices
straightforward systematic method
based on a tabulation chart.