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BIODIVERSITAS ISSN: 1412-033X (printed edition)

Volume 12, Number 1, January 2011 ISSN: 2085-4722 (electronic)

Pages: 45-51

A model of relationship between climate and soil factors related to

oxalate content in porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) corm


Post-graduate program, Study Program of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Airlangga University (UNAIR), Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia
² Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University (UNIBRAW), Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, East Java,
Indonesia. Tel. & Fax.: +62-341-575841. e-mail: s.indriyani@ub.ac.id
Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University (UNIBRAW), Malang 65145, East Java, Indonesia
Biology Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Airlangga University (UNAIR), Surabaya 60115, East Java, Indonesia

Manuscript received: 6 July 2010. Revision accepted: 27 July 2010.


Indriyani S, Arisoesilaningsih E, Wardiyati T, Purnobasuki H (2011) A model of relationship between climate and soil factors related to
oxalate content in porang (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) corm. Biodiversitas 12: 45-51. The abiotic environment as well as the
biotic environment, involved climate and soil affect directly or indirectly to plant growth as well as plant substance. The objective of the
research was to obtain a model of relationship between climate and soil factors related to oxalate content in porang corm. Porang corms
were collected from five locations of porang agroforestry in East Java. The locations were (i) Klangon Village, Saradan Subdistrict,
Madiun District; (ii) Klino Villlage, Sekar Subdistrict, Bojonegoro District; (iii) Bendoasri Village, Rejoso Subdistrict, Nganjuk District;
(iv) Sugihwaras Village, Nggluyu Subdistrict, Nganjuk District and (v) Kalirejo Village, Kalipare Subdistrict, Malang District.
Geography variable consist of altitude. Climate variables consist of percentage of radiation, temperature and rainfall. Soil variables
consist of electrical conductivity, pH, soil specific gravity, soil organic matter, available of calcium, and cation exchange capacity
(CEC). Vegetation variables consist of species of plant tree and percentage of coverage. Porang vegetative growth variables consist of
plant height, number of bulbil, canopy diameter, and petiole diameter. Corm variables consist of corm diameter, corm weight, and corm
specific gravity. Oxalate variables consist of total oxalate, soluble oxalate, insoluble oxalate, and density of calcium oxalate crystal.
Oxalate contents were measured based on AOAC method. All of variables were collected from first to fourth growth period of porang.
Data were analyzed by smartPLS (Partial Least Square) software. The results showed that there were significantly direct effect between
altitude and temperature, altitude and CEC of soil, temperature and CEC of soil, altitude and percentage of coverage, temperature and
percentage of coverage, CEC of soil and percentage of coverage, CEC of soil and petiole diameter, petiole diameter and corm diameter,
and petiole diameter and corm oxalate content. There were no significantly direct effect among altitude, temperature, percentage of
coverage and petiole diameter; and among corm total oxalate, soluble oxalate, insoluble oxalate, and density of calcium oxalate crystal
and corm diameter. The value of Goodness of Fit of the developing model was R²=0.99.

Key words: corm, climate, model, oxalate, smartPLS, porang, soil.

INTRODUCTION Processing of porang corm produces noodle, tofu,

rangginang, some Japanese food such as konyaku and
Porang is a seasonal herb and perennial plant that shirataki, industrial material, etc. Porang corm produces
produces corm, grouped in Araceae. Porang stem is erect, glucomannan that can used as a waterproof material if it is
smooth, green color with pale spots. Actually, stem of mixed with sodium hydroxide; beside that it can utilized to
porang is a petiole that known as false stem. Petiole is purify water and floating colloid in beer, sugar, and oil
divided to three and then divided again to support leaves industry. Pharmacy industries utilize glucomannan in
blade. At the junction between false stem and petiole is porang corm for tablet glue and capsule coat. The product
produced bulbil with dark brown color and it used as of porang corms are exported to Japan, Taiwan, Korea, and
vegetative reproduction (Yuzammi 2000). The height of some countries in Europe. The economic value of porang
porang can reach 1.5 m depend on the fertile soil. Porang corm is very high especially in Japan (Sulaeman 2004;
tolerants to shading, it need 40-60% light intensity. Lase 2007).
Appropriate shading plants for porang planting are Tectona The cultivation of porang is conducted in some
grandis, Switenia mahagoni, and Pterocarpus sp. Porang agroforestry in East Java. The plantation area consist of six
can grow until 700 m above sea level. Planting of porang KPH (Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan), there are (i) the area
need pH of soil 6-7. Porang corms consist of high fiber in KPH Jember is 121.3 ha, (ii) the area in KPH Nganjuk is
without cholesterol, and 20-65% glucomannan as a healthy 759.8 ha, (iii) the area in KPH Padangan is 3.9 ha, (iv) the
food for diet (Jansen et al. 1996; Sulaeman 2004; Lase area in KPH Saradan is 615.0 ha, (v) the area in KPH
2007). Bojonegoro is 35.3 ha, and (vi) the area in KPH Madiun is
46 B I O D I V E R S I T A S 12 (1): 45-51, January 2011

70.0 ha. In the early of porang plantation, it was developed crystal in Araceae are raphide and druse (Prychid and
in 1975 in KPH Blitar with 100 ha for cultivation, and in Rudall 1999; Prychid et al. 2008). Hagler and Herman
KPH Saradan in 1990 with 20 ha. Porang cultivation in (1973) reported that the formation of calcium oxalate via
KPH Nganjuk was done since 2003 by farmers in cleavage of respiratory carbohydrate or from protein
Sugihwaras Village (Lase 2007). metabolism. While, Franceschi and Nakata (2005) reported
Porang production in Bogor (rainfall > 3000 mm.year-1) that the formation of calcium oxalate via glycolate, but
higher than in Blitar or Blora, whereas the climate of each others stated via L-ascorbic acid precursor.
location based on Schmidth-Ferguson involved B and C Actually, climate and soil influence plant growth and
(Afriyol 1993). The rainfall and climate type correlate with development, as well as plant substance. Research in this
porang corm production. Production of porang corm field, usually was conducted partially or univariately. In
depend on life cycle phase during 38-43 months. fact, in the environment, climate and soil influence directly
Sumarwoto (2005) explained scheduling of life cycle: time or indirectly to plant growth as well as plant substance. The
of seedling was 1.5-2 months, time of growth of seedling informations of climate and soil factors related to oxalate
was 1.5-2 months, time of each of vegetative phase in year content in porang corm that are analyzed simultaneously
one to three was 5-6 months, time of each of dormancy in and multivariately in a model has not been intensively
year one to three was 4 months, time of flowering to fruit studied yet. Based on this argument, research was
maturing was 8-9 months. Flowering occurs in corm conducted using model simulation with smartPLS software
weight more than 500 g and minimally two times of life to obtain a model of relationship between climate and soil
cycle or growth period. Then the plant growth predicted factors related to corm oxalate content in porang.
alternately between vegetative and generative phase.
Monoculture cultivation in Bogor resulted the
information that planting distance for first growth period MATERIALS AND METHODS
was 37.5x37.5 cm²; second growth period was 57.5x57.5
cm²; and third growth period was 100x100 cm²
(Sumarwoto 2005). Whereas, Jansen et al. (1996) reported Porang exploration was conducted on March to May
that planting distance for Amorphophallus vary with the 2009 in five agroforestries in East Java involved (i)
plant material used, e.g. seeds at 10 cm, bulbils at 35-70 Klangon Village, Saradan Subdistrict, Madiun District; (ii)
cm, and tubers at 35-90 cm. Normally, tubers become Klino Village, Sekar Subdistrict, Bojonegoro District; (iii)
larger at wider spacings, but tuber growth is also influenced Bendoasri Village, Rejoso Subdistrict, Nganjuk District;
by the size of planting material, water availability and soil (iv) Sugihwaras Village, Ngluyu Subdistrict, Nganjuk
fertility. Harvesting was done when corm age minimally District and (v) Kalirejo Village, Kalipare Subdistrict,
reach second growth period with glucomannan 41.8%. Malang District. The number of total samples were 107
Wider canopy diameter accompanied with higher corm plants as many as soil samples. Geography variable
glucomannan (Sumarwoto 2005). consists of altitude (g1) was measured by Global
Although porang corm has multifunction for human Potitioning System (GPS). Climate variables consist of
being, as an Araceae plants, there are very high calcium percentage of radiation (i1) was measured by solarimeter,
oxalate in all plant organs. Oxalate in food causes temperature (i2) was measured by thermometer, and
inavailability of calcium in human body, and toxic to rainfall (i3) was obtained from Meteorology, Climatology,
animal (Nakata 2003). In high content, oxalic acid affects and Geophysics Agency at Karangploso Malang. Soil
mechanical aberration in digestive tract and smooth tubules variables consist of electrical conductivity (s1), pH (s2),
in kidney. Chemically, oxalic acid absorbs calcium that soil specific gravity (s3), soil organic matter (s4), available
important for nerve and muscle fiber function. In an of calcium (s5), and cation exchange capacity / CEC (s6).
extreme condition, absorption of calcium affects Soil electrical conductivity was measured by
hypocalcemia and paralysis (Brown 2000). Although many conductivitymeter, soil pH (H2O) was measured by
factors affect kidney problems, it is recommended to limit pHmeter, soil specific gravity was measured by cylindrical
consumption of food that consists of high oxalate, method, soil organic matter was measured by volumetry,
especially for kidney stone risk people (Noonan and available of calcium was measured by EDTA titration, and
Savage 1999). CEC was measured by flame photometry. Soil variables
Plants produce oxalate 3-80% from dry weight, 90% of were measured at Soil Department, Faculty of Agriculture,
total calcium found in oxalate salt involved calcium Brawijaya University. Vegetation variables consist of
oxalate. Calcium oxalate crystals found in many kind of species of plant tree (v1) and percentage of coverage (v2).
plant tissue, but the highest content of calcium oxalate Porang vegetative growth variables consist of plant height
found in specialized vacuoles named crystal idioblast. (t1), number of bulbil (t2), canopy diameter (t3), and
Oxalate in plant found as soluble (oxalic acid) such as petiole diameter (t4). Corm variables consist of corm
potassium oxalate, sodium oxalate, and ammonium oxalate diameter (u1), corm weight (u2), and corm specific gravity
and insoluble as calcium oxalate (Holloway et al. 1989). (u3). Oxalate variables consist of total oxalate (o1), soluble
Plants produce calcium oxalate crystal in various shape and oxalate (o2), insoluble oxalate (o3), and density of calcium
size. Based on the shape, there are five categories of oxalate crystal (o4). Oxalate contents were measured based
crystal, e.g. sand, raphide (needle), druse, stiloid, and on AOAC (1990) and calcium oxalate crystal density were
prismatic (Nakata 2003). The types of calcium oxalate counted based on Cao (2003). All of variables were
collected from first to fourth growth period of porang. The
INDRIYANI et al. – Relationship between climate and soil to oxalate content of porang 47

determination of growth period of porang based on R12, R22, …Rp2 were R-square value of endogen
Sumarwoto (2005). Oxalate measurement was done at variable in model. The interpretation of Q² was equal with
Biology and Chemistry Department, Faculty of the total determination coefficient in path analysis
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University. (resemble with R² in regression).
The relationship between climate and soil factors that
influence oxalate content of porang corm was simulated by
smartPLS software (Ghozali 2008; Solimun and Fernandes RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
2008; Sarmanu et al. 2009). Pairing data were obtained
from all variables that compilated in MS Excel table. Data Proposed model was very useful to explain the
were analyzed multivariately to examine a designed phenomenon of the relationship between abiotic and biotic
structural equation model with smartPLS software. factors that influence plant growth and plant substance.
Sequentially stage were: (i) Designing Structural Model Figure 1 revealed a model (structural model) of relationship
(inner model), (ii) Designing Measuring Model (outer between climate and soil factors related to oxalate content
model), (iii) Constructing Path Diagram, (iv) Converting in porang corm based on empirical study.
Path Diagram to Equation System, (v) Estimation: Path
Coefficient, Loading, and Weight, (vi) Evaluation of The result of examination of Measurement Model
Goodness of Fit, and (vii) Hypothesis Examination Measurement model (outer weight) will be examined
(Resampling Bootstrapping). Statistically examination with whether the weight of each formative indicator
t-test α=5%. If p-value ≤ 0.05 means a real model. Real significantly composes the latent variables. Outer weight
outer model shows that indicator is valid, real inner model value reveals the weight of each indicator as measurement
shows the real effect of measurable variable. The of each latent variable. The examination of signification of
examination of Goodness of Fit of structural model in inner outer weight can revealed in p-value, if p-value < 5% or
model was measured by predictive-relevance (Q²) value as 0.05 the indicator significantly composes latent variables.
the follow formula: The highest value of outer weight of indicator indicates that
this indicator as a strong measurement of variable
Q2 = 1-( 1-R12) ( 1-R22 ) ... ( 1- Rp2 ) (dominant).

Figure 1. A model of relationship between climate and soil factors related to oxalate content in porang corm. Note: g1: altitude, i1:
percentage of radiation, i2: temperature, i3: rainfall, s1: electrical conductivity, s2: pH, s3: soil specific gravity, s4: soil organic matter, s5:
available of calcium, s6: cation exchange capacity (CEC), v1: species of plant tree, v2: percentage of coverage, t1: plant height, t2:
number of bulbil, t3: canopy diameter, t4: petiole diameter, u1: corm diameter, u2: corm weight, u3: corm specific gravity, o1: total
oxalate, o2: soluble oxalate, o3: insoluble oxalate, and o4: density of calcium oxalate crystal
48 B I O D I V E R S I T A S 12 (1): 45-51, January 2011

Table 1. The result of the examination of indicators that compose latent variables Based on Table 1, it was
recognized that there were two
Outer Standard T- climate indicators, five soil
Indicator p-value
weight deviation Statistic
indicators, one vegetation indicator,
three vegetative growth indicators,
ƒ Altitude (g1) 1
and two corm size indicators were not
significantly to compose each latent
ƒ Percentage of radiation (i1) 0.076 0.329 0.231 0.817
variables, so it was necessary to
ƒ Temperature (i2) 0.803 0.237 3.39 0.001*
evaluate the early PLS model. Next,
ƒ Rainfall (i3) 0.338 0.304 1.113 0.266
Table 2 revealed the result of
measurement model without no
ƒ Electrical conductivity (s1) -0.092 0.147 0.624 0.533
significant indicators that compose
ƒ pH (s2) -0.049 0.214 0.227 0.820
latent variables. Based on Table 2, it
ƒ Soil specific gravity (s3) 0.226 0.273 0.828 0.408
was revealed that all of indicators
ƒ Soil organic matter (s4) 0.143 0.179 0.8 0.424
significantly to compose latent
ƒ Available of calcium (s5) -0.506 0.348 1.455 0.146
ƒ Cation exchange capacity (s6) 1.392 0.313 4.45 0.000*
ƒ Species of plant tree (v1) 0.48 0.346 1.388 0.165
The examination of Goodness of Fit
ƒ Percentage of coverage (v2) 0.774 0.416 1.86 0.063*
Vegetative growth
The examination of Goodness of
ƒ Plant height (t1) 0.019 0.549 0.035 0.972 Fit of structural model in inner model
ƒ Number of bulbil (t2) -0.091 0.5 0.183 0.855 utilizes predictive-relevance value
ƒ Canopy diameter (t3) -0.22 0.474 0.464 0.643 (Q²). R² value of each endogen
ƒ Petiole diameter (t4) 1.229 0.431 2.849 0.004* variables in this research as follow:
Corm size The meaning of table 3 was
ƒ Corm diameter (u1) 1.018 0.215 4.73 0.000* explained as follow: first column
ƒ Corm weight (u2) 0.033 0.233 0.14 0.889 showed latent variables that used in
ƒ Corm specific gravity (u3) 0.094 0.112 0.842 0.400 this model, second column showed R²
Corm oxalate content value of each variables, third column
ƒ Total oxalate (o1) -6.342 2.035 3.116 0.002* showed the value of one minus R²,
ƒ Soluble oxalate (o2) 6.504 2.074 3.136 0.002* and the fourth column showed the
ƒ Insoluble oxalate (o3) 2.126 0.801 2.654 0.008* multiplication of each row in the third
ƒ Density of calcium oxalate crystal (o4) 0.742 0.2 3.703 0.000* column with the value of sequence
Note: * = significant (p-value < 0.05) previous row in fourth column.
Counting of the values were:
geography = 1 because only one
indicator (altitude) that used in the
Table 2. The result of repeat examination of indicators that compose latent variables model; climate = 0.157x1 = 0.1570;
soil = 470x0.157 = 0.07379;
Outer Standard T- vegetation = 0.572x0.07379 =
Indicator p-value
weight deviation Statistic
0.042208; vegetative growth =
Geography 0.572x0.042208 = 0.039296; corm
ƒ Altitude (g1) 1 size = 0.141x0.039296 = 0.005541;
Climate and corm oxalate content =
ƒ Temperature (i2) 1 0 0.771x0.005541 = 0.004272.
Soil Beside that, the explanation of
ƒ Cation exchange capacity (s6) 1 0 table 3 as follow: (i) R2 = 0.843 for
Vegetation climate variable. The meaning of the
ƒ Percentage of coverage (v2) 1 0
value, 84.3% climate was influenced
by geography; (ii) R2 = 0.530 for soil
Vegetative growth
variable. The meaning of the value,
ƒ Petiole diameter (t4) 1 0 53.0% soil was influenced by climate
Corm size and geography; (iii) R2 = 0.428 for
ƒ Corm diameter (u1) 1 0 vegetation variable. The meaning of
Corm oxalate content the value, 42.8% vegetation was
ƒ Total oxalate (o1) -6.125 2.218 2.761 0.006* influenced by geography, climate,
ƒ Soluble oxalate (o2) 6.274 2.352 2.668 0.008* and soil; (iv) R2 = 0.069 for
ƒ Insoluble oxalate (o3) 2.09 0.535 3.904 0.000* vegetative growth variable. The
ƒ Density of calcium oxalate crystal (o4) 0.771 0.099 7.825 0.000*
meaning of the value, 6.90% porang
Note: * = significant (p-value < 0.05) vegetative growth was influenced by
INDRIYANI et al. – Relationship between climate and soil to oxalate content of porang 49

geography, climate, soil, and vegetation; (v) R2 = 0.859 for information in the data 99% could be explained by this PLS
corm size variable. The meaning of the value, 85.9% corm model. The residue 1% was explained by another variables
size was influenced by vegetative growth; and (vi) R2 = that not involved in the model yet.
0.229 for corm oxalate content variable. The meaning of
the value, 22.9% corm oxalate content was influenced by Table 3. The relationship between R² and Q² value for the
vegetative growth. The predictive-relevance value was examination of Goodness of Fit
obtained with the equation as follow:
Multiplication of 1-
2 2 2 2 R- 1-(R- (R-square) with the
Q = 1-( 1-R1 ) ( 1-R2 ) ... ( 1- Rp )
square square) value of sequence
Q2 = 1-(1-0,843) (1-0,530) (1-0,428) (1-0,069) (1-0,859)(1-0,229) previous row
Geography 1
Q2 = 99,45% or 0,99 Climate 0.843 0.157 0.157
Soil 0.530 0.470 0.07379
The result revealed that the predictive-relevance value Vegetation 0.428 0.572 0.042208
Q2 was 99% or 0.99 and above 80%, so the model Vegetative growth 0.069 0.931 0.039296
reasonable to possess a relevant predictive value. The Corm size 0.859 0.141 0.005541
predictive relevance value 99% indicated that the Corm oxalate content 0.229 0.771 0.004272

Table 4. The result of direct effect examination

The result of examination of Inner
Independent Dependent Inner T- p- Model
variables variables weight statistics value
Note Basically, the examination of
Geography Climate -0.918 63.864 0.000 Significant inner model (structural model) is to
Geography Soil 0.363 2.299 0.022 Significant examine the research hypothesis. The
Climate Soil 1.047 7.807 0.000 Significant hypothesis examination was done
Geography Vegetation 1.466 9.1 0.000 Significant through t-test of each path that
Climate Vegetation 1.033 4.625 0.000 Significant influence directly and partially. The
Soil Vegetation 0.249 2.206 0.027 Significant result of analysis completely involved
Geography Vegetative growth 0.357 1.241 0.215 No significant
in PLS analysis. Table 4 revealed the
result of the examination of direct
Climate Vegetative growth 0.417 1.331 0.183 No significant
effect hypothesis. The paths of
Soil Vegetative growth -0.306 2.304 0.021 Significant
hypothesis examination was revealed
Vegetation Vegetative growth -0.063 0.543 0.587 No significant
as follow (Figure 2).
Growth Corm Size 0.892 31.979 0.000 Significant
Beside that, it was obtained the
Corm oxalate content Corm Size 0.069 1.555 0.120 No significant examination result of indirect effet.
Growth Corm oxalate content 0.478 7.089 0.000 Significant The coefficient of indirect effect was
obtained from the multiplication
result of two or more direct effect. If
there were two or more direct effect
that compose indirect effect
significantly, so indirect effect also
significant. The result of direct effect
examination (Table 4) was explained
as follow: (i) There was significantly
direct effect (p-value 0.00 < 0.05) and
negative (inner weight-0.918)
between altitude and temperature.
The meaning was higher altitude
condition affects lower temperature
condition; (ii) There was significantly
direct effect (p-value 0.022 < 0.05)
and positive (inner weight 0.363)
between altitude and CEC of soil. The
meaning was higher altitude
condition affects higher CEC of soil
condition; (iii) There was
significantly direct effect (p-value
0.000 < 0.05) and positive (inner
Figure 2. Path diagram of the result of the examination of direct effect hypothesis. Note: weight 1.047) between temperature
Dot line indicates indirect effect, straight line indicates direct effect and CEC of soil. The meaning was
50 B I O D I V E R S I T A S 12 (1): 45-51, January 2011

higher temperature condition affects higher CEC of soil (2003) reported that environmental factors such as
condition; (iv) There was significantly direct effect (p- rhizospheric nutrition concentrations and light intensity
value 0.000 < 0.05) and positive (inner weight 1.466) were affected calcium oxalate crystals in an ornamental
between altitude and percentage of coverage. The meaning plant Dieffenbachia. Both of these previous research results
was higher altitude condition affects higher percentage of support the results. The altitude, temperature, and
coverage condition; (v) There was significantly direct percentage of coverage were indirectly affected to petiole
effect (p-value 0.000 < 0.05) and positive (inner weight diameter. The CEC of soil was directly affected to petiole
1.033) between temperature and percentage of coverage. diameter. The petiole diameter was directly affected to
The meaning was higher temperature condition affects corm oxalate content and corm size, while corm oxalate
higher percentage of coverage condition; (vi) There was content was not directly affected to corm size.
significantly direct effect (p-value 0.027 < 0.05) and Based on plant physiology experts, oxalate synthesis in
positive (inner weight 0.249) between CEC of soil and plant presumed via some precursors for example oxidation
percentage of coverage. The meaning was higher CEC of and dismutation of glioxylate, cleavage of oxaloacetate,
soil condition affects higher percentage of coverage and cleavage of ascorbate (Libert and Franceschi 1987;
condition; (vii) There was not significantly direct effect (p- Franceschi and Nakata 2005), while Hagler and Herman
value 0.215 > 0.05) or there was indirect effect between (1973) reported that the formation of calcium oxalate via
altitude and petiole diameter condition; (viii) There was not cleavage of respiratory carbohydrate or from protein
significantly direct effect (p-value 0.183 > 0.05) or there metabolism. Based on the results, oxalate synthesis in plant
was indirect effect between temperature and petiole was not directly influenced by temperature and CEC of soil,
diameter condition; (ix) There was significantly indirect but it was 89.2% directly influenced by petiole diameter.
effect between temperature and petiole diameter. The Whereas, petiole diameter was 30.6% directly influenced
coefficient of indirect effect was 1.047x-0.306 =-0.320. by CEC of soil, but negative value. The meaning was
The meaning was higher temperature condition affects higher CEC of soil affects lower petiole diameter of
lower petiole diameter condition if the condition of CEC of porang. The petiole diameter was 47.8% directly affected
soil was lower too; (x) There was significantly direct effect to corm diameter; and 89.2% directly affected to corm total
(p-value 0.021 < 0.05) and negative (inner weight-0.306) oxalate, soluble oxalate, insoluble oxalate, and density of
between CEC of soil and petiole diameter. The meaning calcium oxalate crystal. The corm total oxalate, soluble
was higher CEC of soil condition affects lower petiole oxalate, insoluble oxalate, and density of calcium oxalate
diameter condition; (xi) There was not significantly direct crystal were not directly affected to corm diameter.
effect (p-value 0.587 > 0.05) or there was indirect effect The information of the correlation between the
between percentage of coverage and petiole diameter environment and plant oxalate content also obtained from
condition; (xii) There was significantly direct effect (p- Singh (1974) who explained that vegetable plant
value 0.000 < 0.05) and positive (inner weight 0.892) Chenopodium album L. and C. amaranthicolor L. which
between petiole diameter and corm diameter. The meaning treated with light (climate), fertilizers and salinity (soil
was higher petiole diameter condition affects higher corm mineral) revealed that oxalic acid synthesized in leaves as a
diameter condition; (xiii) There was not significantly direct metabolite from both photosynthesis and non-
effect (p-value 0.120 > 0.05) or there was indirect effect photosynthesis pathway. The meaning was light directly
among corm total oxalate, soluble oxalate, insoluble influenced to photosynthesis and indirectly influenced to
oxalate, and density of calcium oxalate crystal and corm oxalate synthesis. However, in this research revealed that
diameter condition; (xiv) There was significantly direct light was not influenced to corm oxalate content but
effect (p-value 0.000 < 0.05) and positive (inner weight temperature indirectly influenced to petiole diameter.
0.478) among petiole diameter and corm total oxalate, Therefore, temperature also indirectly influenced to porang
soluble oxalate, insoluble oxalate, and density of calcium corm oxalate content. The difference of this results
oxalate crystal condition. The meaning was higher petiole presumed due to the former design and data analysis were
diameter condition affects higher corm total oxalate, analyzed partially or univariately.
soluble oxalate, insoluble oxalate, and density of calcium Some researchers reported that oxalate content different
oxalate crystal condition. for any kind of plant species depend on age, physiology,
Many scientific informations explain the correlation environment, and genetic (Libert and Franceschi 1987).
between environmental factors and plant growth. The Palaniswamy et al. (2002, 2004) explained that oxalic acid
interaction between environmental factors and genetic was influenced by nitrogen (soil mineral) and the age of
factors will influence plant production (Sugito 1999). leaves in hydroponic vegetable plant Portulaca oleraceae
Environmental factors also affect plant growth as well as L. Sumarwoto (2008) explained that P and K fertilizer (soil
plant substance in this case plant oxalate content. Although mineral) influenced corm size (diameter, thickness, and
oxalate is not a secondary metabolite compound, plant weight of corm) of Amorphophallus muelleri, but no
oxalate content is affected by environmental factors. information about corm oxalate content.
Rahman et al. (2006) reported that oxalate content in Ambarwati and Murti (2001) reported that corm
napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) was diameter and weight of Amorphophallus variabilis
significantly affected by the season with the highest value positively and significantly correlated with glucomannan
(3.77%) being associated with early summer samples and and starch, and negatively correlated with corm oxalate
the lowest value (1.76%) with late autumn samples. Cao content. However, the increasing of corm size was not
INDRIYANI et al. – Relationship between climate and soil to oxalate content of porang 51

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