Sample Lesson Planning
Sample Lesson Planning
Sample Lesson Planning
CONTENT 7.1 Objects or materials which are more or less dense than water
LEARNIN 7.1.4 Explain the result of observations about object or materials which are more or less dense through
G written or verbal forms, sketches or ICT in a creative way.
LEARNIN By the end of this lesson, students are able to:
G Apply the knowledge on density by carrying out projects or activities.
SUCCESS CRITERIA able to communicate about the applications of density in life in a creative and
innovative way.
PRIOR KNOWLEDGE CPs know the concept of float and sink, mass and volume
TEACHING AIDS laptop, smartphone, internet, video on arrangement of molecules, activity sheet, container
(plastic cup with cover), plasticine, transparent water tub, wooden block, needle,
1. Students are introduced to a
Engagement few objects which are able to
(15 minutes) float or sink in the water like
boats, logs, stones, life jackets
and so on.
Diagram 3a a. Activity 3
i. Each group is given a
- Container P and Container container filled with 20
Q are of the same size. pieces of plasticine balls and
labelled as P.
- Container P is packed
with more plasticine balls
ii.Students are then asked to
than Container Q.
put Container P into the
- Container P is said to water tub and record their
have more mass per unit observations in Activity
volume compared to Sheet 1. (Container P sinks)
Container Q. Thus
Container P has a higher iii. Students are asked to
density than Container Q. predict what would happen to
- Container P sinks as its Container P if 10 plasticine
density is higher than the balls are taken out from it.
density of water and Students write their
Container Q floats as its prediction in Activity Sheet
density is less than the 1.
- An important factor in iv.Then, students are asked to
determining the density of remove Container P from the
a material is its mass for water tub, take out 10
a given volume. plasticine balls from it (and
re-labelled as Container Q as
shown in Diagram 3a), and
put it back into the water tub.
Students record their
observations in Activity
Sheet 1. (Container Q
v. Teacher asks:
i. What happened to
Container Q when it was
put into the water tub?
ii. Why did it float after 10
plasticine balls were
taken out from it? (Less
number of plasticine balls
are in it).
iii. What aspect has
changed in Container Q?
(Mass per unit volume)
b. Activity 4
b. Activity 4
i. Each group is given two
containers labelled as
Container P and Container
S. Students are asked to fill
each container with 20
pieces of plasticine balls.
ii. Students are asked to put
Container P into the water
tub and record their
observations in Activity
- Container P and Sheet 1. (Container P sinks)
Container S are of
different sizes where iii.Students are asked to
Container S is larger than predict what would happen to
Container P. Container S when it is put
into the water tub.
- When the same number Students write their
of plasticine balls is prediction in Activity Sheet
packed into Container P 1.
and Container S, it is
found that though both iv.Then students are asked to
containers have the same put Container S into water
mass (assumingly that water tub and record their
the mass of the observations in Activity
containers are negligible), Sheet 1.
Container S is said to
have less mass per unit v. Teacher asks:
volume compared to i. What happened to
Container P. Thus Container S when it was
Container S has a lower put into the water tub?
density than Container P. (Container S floats)
- Conclusion
The density of an object
can change if either the
mass or volume of the
object is changed.
8. Teacher asks:
i. Now, can you explain why a
needle sinks and a wooden
block floats in water?