Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases: Grade 2

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Grade 2

Cluster 2: Properties of Solids,

Liquids, and Gases

When students examine materials in the world around them,
they become aware of the similarities and differences in their
characteristics, such as the ways materials look, feel, sound, or
change. In Grade 2, students begin to develop an understanding
of matter by investigating properties of solids and liquids. Gases
are also introduced through an examination of the properties of
air. Students investigate ways in which solids and liquids
interact, and identify how the properties of solids and liquids
determine their uses. Students observe how water can be made
to change from one state to another and back again. Students
also encounter changes of state in the study of the water cycle in
Grade 2, Cluster 4, Air and Water in the Environment. Teachers
are encouraged to help students make connections between
these learning experiences.
Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-2-01 Use appropriate vocabulary â Introduce, explain, use, and reinforce vocabulary throughout
related to their investigations of this cluster.
solids, liquids, and gases.
Include: solid, liquid, substance,
property, mass/weight, dissolve, gas,
changes of state, water vapour,
freeze, melt, condense, evaporate,
boil, float, sink, buoyancy.
GLO: C6, D3, D4

2-2-02 Identify substances, â Solid or Liquid?

materials, and objects as solids or Give students a collection of solids and liquids and ask them to
liquids. sort and label the items. Have students re-sort the items several
GLO: D3 times, according to different rules. Following the sorting, have
2-0-6c. Place materials and objects in a students share their sorting rules with the class. The teacher
sequence or in groups using one or two should lead a discussion modelling the use of the terms “solid”
attributes, and describe the system used. (Math
SP-III.0.2) GLO: C2, C3, C5
and “liquid” and identifying how to sort according to these
categories. Show students another substance, material, or object
and challenge them to identify whether it would belong in the
solid or liquid group. Have them explain their thinking.
2-2-03 Investigate and compare â Investigating Solids
properties of familiar solids. Have students explore solids in science centres, recording their
Include: have mass/weight, take up observations in their science journals. The centres should
space, maintain their shape. contain a variety of solids.
GLO: C2, D3, E1 Centre 1: Do Solids Have Mass/Weight?
Provide a balance scale. Have students investigate the
2-0-4a. Follow simple directions, and describe mass/weight of several solids by using non-standard units.
the purpose of steps followed. GLO: C2
2-0-5b. Use, with guidance, tools to observe,
The student sheet for this centre should include the following
measure, and construct. Examples: ruler, metre stick, questions for reflection:
pan balance, magnifying glass, bathroom scale,
thermometer... (Math SS-VIII.1.2) GLO: C2, C3, C5 • What did you discover about the solids as you used the
2-0-5e. Record observations using written balance scale?
language, drawings, and, with guidance, charts.
(ELA 4.1.2, 4.2.5) GLO: C2, C6 • What did you learn about solids at this centre?
Centre 2: Do Solids Take Up Space?
Provide several containers (e.g., clear plastic cups, small jars,
beakers, etc.) marbles, water, a variety of solids, and masking
tape or a water soluble marker.


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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Caution: Remind students that they

should not be tasting the solids or
liquids used in the class unless they
have specific instructions from their
teacher to do so. Proper procedures for
safety, materials management, and
clean-up need to be established early.

Be sure to provide a variety of easily

identifiable substances for the initial
classifying. For the sorting following
the class discussion, provide
challenging items such as sand, salt,
plasticine, marbles, etc.

Clear directions need to be provided Learning Log Entry: Solids

for centre activities. Centre 2, in Have students complete the following in their learning logs after
particular, requires very clear, step- completing the investigations on solids.
by-step directions. These should use Two things I learned about solids are
a combination of words and pictures.
1. ___________________________________________________.
In Grade 2, students are not 2. ___________________________________________________.
differentiating between mass and Look for
weight (as per K-4 Mathematics).
o an indication of the student’s understanding of key concepts in
These terms can be used
order to provide direction for further teaching

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
Ê Have students fill one container with water to the line
indicated and then add one of the solids to the container of
water, observing what happens to the level of the water.
Ë Have students totally fill a small container with water and then
pour it into another container to measure (non-standard) how
much water the container held. Students then put marbles into the
original container and pour the measured water back in an attempt
to re-fill it. Students measure to see how much water they were
able to put in the container and how much was left over.
The student sheet for this centre should include the following
questions for reflection:
• What happened to the water level when you added the solid?
• Why did the container hold less water when you added the
• What did you learn about solids at this centre?
Note: The property related to maintaining shape is addressed by
outcomes 2-2-04 and 2-2-05.

â Summarizing the Properties of Solids

With students, discuss what they learned during their centre
activities. Students can refer back to their observation and
reflection sheets. Together, develop a list of properties of solids
from the findings. Post this informational text where students
can refer to it.

2-2-04 Investigate and compare â Investigating Liquids

properties of familiar liquids. Use the list of properties for solids to focus students’
Include: have mass/weight, take up investigations of liquids. Provide students with a variety of
space, have no definite shape. familiar liquids such as water, milk, detergent, and syrup or oil.
Have students work with liquids to answer the focus question for
GLO: C2, D3 each centre.
2-2-05 Identify similarities and
differences among properties of Centre 1: Do Liquids Have Weight/Mass?
familiar solids and liquids. Provide a balance scale and non-standard units for weighing.
Have students investigate the mass/weight of the liquids. Make
GLO: D3, E1
sure students either weigh the empty container before adding a
2-0-4e. Respond to the ideas and actions of liquid or provide two of each container so that they can compare
others in building their own understandings. the empty container with the full container by placing them on
(ELA 1.1.2) GLO: C5, C7 either side of the scale. (Having lids will prevent spills.)
2-0-5a. Make, with guidance, observations that
are relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1, A2,

(continued) (continued)

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


There are a variety of ways for the Self-Assessment: Centres

students to use non-standard Answer Yes or No. (Teachers may choose to read these to students.)
measurement to determine the amount 1. I followed the directions at each centre.
of water the container held (Math
2. I used the materials appropriately.
Link). To make a special measuring
container, students use masking tape 3. I recorded my observations.
or a water-soluble marker to mark off 4. I labelled all diagrams.
the water level. Alternatively, smaller 5. I answered the questions after finishing each activity.
containers, or “cups,” can be used, 6. I worked cooperatively.
with students having to count how
many “cups” of water the container
Detailed measurements are not
required with this centre activity.
Students simply need to see that the
original container could not hold as
much water when it also contained the

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-0-5b. Use, with guidance, tools to observe, The student sheet for this centre should include the following
measure, and construct. Examples: ruler, metre questions for reflection:
stick, pan balance, magnifying glass, bathroom
scale, thermometer... (Math SS-VIII.1.2) GLO: • What did you discover about the liquids as you used the
C2, C3, C5 balance scale?
2-0-7e. Describe, in a variety of ways, what was
done and what was observed. Examples: • What did you learn about liquids at this centre?
concrete materials, captioned drawings, oral
language... (ELA 4.1.2, 4.2.5) GLO: C6 Centre 2: Do Liquids Take up Space?
Have students completely fill a container with marbles. Have
them add water to the container until it reaches the top. Have
students predict whether they can add water to other solids in
containers (e.g., blocks, sugar cubes, etc.). Have them test their
The student sheet for this centre should include the following
questions for reflection:
• Why were you still able to add water when the container
seemed to be full with marbles?
• What did you learn about liquids at this centre?
Centre 3: Do Liquids and Solids Maintain their Shape?
Provide a variety of differently shaped containers. Have students
put liquids into the containers and observe what happens to the
shape of the liquid. (The liquid takes the shape of the container.)
Have students repeat this pouring task using a medium-sized
solid, such as a block or marble. (The solids do not take the
shape of the container.)
The student sheet for this centre should include the following
questions for reflection:
• What happened to the shape of the liquids when you put them
in different containers?
• What happened to the shape of the solids when you put them
in different containers?
• What did you learn about liquids and solids at this centre?

â Summarizing the Properties of Liquids

Discuss with students what they learned during their centre
activities. Students can refer to their observation and reflection
sheets. Together, develop a list of properties common to all
liquids. Add a property to the solids list related to solids’
maintaining their shape. Post this informational text where
students can read it.


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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Film canisters used to hold liquids for

this investigation must be totally full.
Have students fill the canisters so that
excess liquid spills out when the lid is
put on. Students are most likely to see
a difference in mass/weight with
liquids such as syrup or oil as
compared to water or rubbing alcohol.

Learning Log Entry: Liquids

Have students complete the following phrase:
Three things I learned about liquids are
1. ___________________________________________________.
2. ___________________________________________________.
3. ___________________________________________________.
Look for
o an indication of the student’s understanding of key concepts in
order to provide direction for further teaching

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
â Comparing Solids and Liquids
Use a Venn diagram to compare the properties of liquids and
solids. Print the information from the informational text posted
in the classroom on individual cards or strips of paper. One fact
is recorded on each strip. Use different-coloured paper for solids
and liquids. Have students work with a partner to use a Venn
diagram for comparing solids and liquids.
Solids Liquids

Provide the following slips of paper for students to place on the

Venn diagram.

have mass keep their shape

change shape take up space

2-2-06 Distinguish between solids that â Predict and Test

dissolve in water and those that do not. Provide students with several different types of solids, including
Examples: sugar dissolves in water, those that are powdered, crystallized, or granular (sugar, salt,
whereas sand does not... drink crystals, sand). Have the students predict whether each
GLO: D3, E1 solid will dissolve in water and then test to see if their
2-0-1b. Make predictions based on observed predictions are correct. Before testing, some guidelines will need
patterns or on collected data. (ELA 1.1.1, 1.2.1) to be determined. As a class, decide whether stirring is
GLO: A1, C2
2-0-7a. Propose an answer to the initial question permitted, and if so, how much. Predictions and observations
based on their observations. (Math SP-IV.2.2) should be recorded on a chart.
GLO: A1, A2, C2

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Including solids such as bouillon

cubes and hard candy (things that will
dissolve over time) can add another
dimension to the activity. Students
may leave solids that did not appear to
dissolve in the water for several hours,
or overnight, and observe them again.
At this age, students will likely have
some familiarity with the term
“dissolve.” For this grade, the term
should be understood to mean “mixes
in completely,” or seems to

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-2-07 Explore interactions of â Investigating Liquids
familiar liquids with different Provide students with a variety of familiar liquids such as oil,
surfaces, powdered solids, and other water, milk, vinegar, catsup, and syrup. Students will explore
liquids, and describe how these these liquids and their interactions at individual centres. Each
interactions determine their uses. station should have the same core set of liquids, allowing for on-
GLO: A5, B1, C1, C2 going comparisons. The student sheets at each centre could
2-0-5a. Make, with guidance, observations that
include the headings: What did you do? What did you see?
are relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1, A2,
C2 Centre 1: Interaction with Different Surfaces
2-0-5e. Record observations using written Have students explore the interaction of each liquid with wood
language, drawings, and, with guidance, charts.
(ELA 4.1.2, 4.2.5) GLO: C2, C6
(a wooden spoon or paint stir stick). Students dip the wood into
2-0-9b. Express enjoyment when sharing and each liquid, using a separate spoon for each liquid. Students
discussing science-related experiences from observe what happens when they remove the wood (sticks, runs
daily life. GLO: C5
off). Have students place a small spoonful of each liquid onto
samples of different surfaces (e.g., linoleum, glass plate, paper
plate, bread). Students should carefully tilt the surface and
observe what happens to the liquids. Students record their
observations on the student sheet provided at the centre.
Centre 2: Interaction with Powdered Solids
Have students explore the interactions of liquids and solids by
mixing a given amount of powered drink mix with each liquid.
Provide stirring tools. Have students place equal amounts of
each liquid in clear plastic cups, then add an equal amount (a
small scoop or spoonful) of the powder to each liquid. They
should observe what happens, and then stir gently five times and
observe again. Students record their observations on the student
sheet provided at the centre.
Centre 3: Interaction with other Liquids
Have students explore the interactions of each liquid with food
colouring. Have students add a drop of food colouring to each
liquid and observe what happens (without stirring). Have
students predict what would happen if the mixture were stirred.
Students test to determine if their predictions were correct. Next,
have students add a spoonful of oil to each liquid, stir, and
observe what happens. Students record all their observations on
the student sheet provided at the centre.

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Paper and Pencil Matching: Investigating Liquids

Answer the following questions:
1. Why is syrup good for pancakes?
2. Why is water good for drink mixes?
3. Which liquid would you use to polish your wooden furniture?
Look for reference to results of Investigating Liquids centres.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-2-08 Identify liquids used in the â Survey: Liquids at Home
home, and describe how they are As a take-home assignment, have students make a list of different
used. types of liquids found in their homes along with their uses.
Examples: milk for drinking and
cooking, detergent for cleaning... Name of liquid How it is used
GLO: B1 vanilla for flavour when baking
syrup topping for pancakes/waffles
2-0-1a. Ask questions that lead to investigations
of living things, objects, and events in the
immediate environment. (ELA 1.2.4, 3.1.2,
Have students compile their results on a class chart. If possible,
3.1.3; Math SP-I.1.2) GLO: A1, C2, C5 have them include pictures (from flyers and labels) of the
2-0-4i. Recognize international symbols and the liquids/containers.
Canadian Safety Association signage, which
provide information on the safety of substances. â What’s Best?
Include: flammable, explosive, corrosive,
poisonous. GLO: C1 Have students identify which of the liquids from their station
2-0-5a. Make, with guidance, observations that explorations would be suited to particular uses. Have students
are relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1,
A2, C2 imagine that all of the liquids taste the same, allowing them to
2-0-5e. Record observations using written focus on the physical characteristics of the liquid and its possible
language, drawings, and, with guidance, charts. use. Use the following format to help students identify suitable
(ELA 4.1.2, 4.2.5) GLO: C2, C6
liquids and explain their choices (Link to 2-2-07).

1). _____________ would be useful for a topping for

pancakes because it ________________________ .

2) ____________ would be useful for mixing with

grape crystals for a drink because it

2-2-09 Compare different materials â Investigating Absorbency

with respect to their capacity to Use the following questions to introduce the investigation:
absorb liquids, and describe how this • Do all materials absorb water?
capacity determines their uses.
• Which materials absorb water the fastest?
GLO: B1, C2, D3 • Which materials absorb the most water?
• How can we find these answers?
2-0-1a. Ask questions that lead to investigations
of living things, objects, and events in the Provide students with a variety of different materials such as
immediate environment. (ELA 1.2.4, 3.1.2, 3.1.3; bond paper, paper towels, cotton, linen, wood, sponge, and
Math SP-I.1.2) GLO: A1, C2, C5 plastic. Have students test the absorbency of each using an
2-0-3d. Identify tools and materials to be used,
and explain their choices. GLO: C2, C3, C4
eyedropper and water. Have students count how many drops the
2-0-5a. Make, with guidance, observations that are material will absorb before the drops appear to stay on the
relevant to a specific question. GLO: A1, A2, C2 surface. Students use a tally sheet to record the amount of water
2-0-5e. Record observations using written in drops absorbed.
language, drawings, and, with guidance, charts.
(ELA 4.1.2, 4.2.5) GLO: C2, C6

(continued) (continued)

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Have students use Blackline Master 1: Paper and Pencil Task: Investigating Absorbency
Scientific Inquiry Recording Sheet : Provide students with the following scenario. Someone in the
Grades 1 and 2. kindergarten class has spilled water on the table. They want to
The term absorb indicates that the clean it up quickly so that it does not wet the floor/carpet. The
water is soaked up to the point where children do not know which material they should use. What would
you can no longer see the water drops. you tell them? Explain your choice.
Look for
Guide students to consider practicality
in addition to absorbency when o identification of appropriate material
deciding which material is best for o reference to the exploration
soaking up a spill. Discussions such as
those related to the pros and cons of
paper versus cloth towels should be

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-0-6c. Place materials and objects in a Students should also make other observations both during and
sequence or in groups using one or two
attributes, and describe the system used. (Math
after each test (e.g., I could see the wetness spreading; the
SP-III.0.2) GLO: C2, C3, C5 material fell apart when I picked it up). Have students use their
2-0-7a. Propose an answer to the initial question data to place the materials in order from most to least absorbent.
based on their observations. (Math SP-IV.2.2) Considering both absorbency and the other characteristics they
GLO: A1, A2, C2
2-0-7d. Connect new experiences, ideas, and
observed, have each group recommend which material they
information with prior knowledge and would use to clean up a spilled glass of water. Have them
experiences. (ELA 1.2.1, 2.1.2) GLO: A2 explain their choices.
2-0-8a. Recognize that learning can come from
careful observations and investigations. (ELA â Writing Riddles
3.3.4) GLO: A1, A2, C2
Have students work in groups to write a riddle based on one of
the materials tested. This could be made into a “lift the flap”
book. A sample of the actual material could be placed under the
flap. The following captions could be used:
• I am an absorbent material.
• I soak up liquid quickly.
• I can hold a great deal of liquid.
• I come in a roll.
• I am often found in the kitchen.
• What am I? (paper towel)

2-2-10 Describe useful materials that â Practical Products from Solids and Liquids
are made by combining solids and Provide opportunities for students to bake cookies or bannock
and/or mix their own beverages from powdered crystals.
Examples: a drink made from Encourage description and discussion of the process.
crystals and water, a cake made from
cake mix and water, glue made from â Art Connection: Papier Mâché
flour and water...
Have students mix flour or wallpaper paste with water for
GLO: B1, D3 papier mâché projects. Papier mâché can be used in the
2-0-4h. Follow given safety procedures and development of masks, jewellery, sculpture, etc.
rules. GLO: C1

2-2-11 Explore to determine that â Observing Air in the Environment

there is a substance around us called Setting the context: Hold up a lunch bag in front of the class.
air. As you remove items from the bag, challenge students to
GLO: A2, C2, D3, D5 identify the objects as solids or liquids. After emptying the bag,
ask students what is still left inside. Tell them they will be
2-2-12 Recognize that air is
investigating this third type of material.
composed of several gases
Examples: carbon dioxide, oxygen,
nitrogen, water vapour...
(continued) (continued)

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Observation Skills Checklist: Air

The student
o asks questions related to air and air composition
o makes relevant observations
o proposes answers to questions related to air
o uses a variety of sources to access information
The student records observations using
o words
o drawings
o other

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-0-2a. Access information using a variety of Have students undertake the following experiences:
sources. Examples: elders, simple chapter
books, concept books, CD-ROMs, Internet... • take a few deep breaths while placing their palms on their chest
(ELA 1.1.2, 3.2.2 Math SP-II.1.2; TFS 2.1.1) • observe a balloon as it is inflated
2-0-4i. Recognize international symbols and the • blow into a plastic bag or drag the open bag through the air
Canadian Safety Association signage, which and seal the bag
provide information on the safety of substances.
Include: flammable, explosive, corrosive, • try to pour water into a jar via a funnel through its lid (use
poisonous. GLO: C1 plasticine or a few drops of wax from a candle to seal the hole
in the lid around the funnel).
Have students use the following questions for reflection:
• What did you feel in your chest? Why?
• Why did the balloon increase in size?
• What is inside the bag?
• Why couldn’t you pour water into the jar? (The jar was
already full of air and there was no place for the air to go.)
• If you cannot see air, how do we know it is all around us?
(Link to Air & Water in the Environment 2-4-02, 2-4-03)

â What Is Air?
Consolidate students’ prior knowledge regarding the
composition of air. (Link to Air & Water in the Environment
2-4-06, 2-4-07 for a discussion of water vapour.) Have students
listen to, read, or view books, videos, and CD-ROMs. Include
information and discussion on carbon monoxide detectors in
homes or the use of oxygen for medical treatment.

â Composition of Air: Demonstrations

Complete the following demonstrations for students, ensuring that
there is adequate opportunity for sharing and discussing observations.
Demonstration 1: Oxygen
Demonstrate the presence of oxygen in the air by placing a
candle in a shallow pan filled with water. Light the candle. Place
an empty clear glass jar over the candle. (The jar should be
approximately one litre in size to provide enough oxygen to
draw in the water.) As the flame goes out ask students to notice
what is happening to the water in the jar. Discuss their


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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


The term air is often used to describe Paper and Pencil Task: Air
the gas found all around us. Air is Have students answer the following questions:
actually a combination of several 1. John says that this glass is empty.
gases. Many students will already be Is he correct? Explain your thinking.
familiar with the names of some
common gases. Approximately 78%
of air is composed of nitrogen, 22% is ________________________________________
oxygen, with minute quantities of ________________________________________
carbon dioxide, ammonia, methane,
sulfur dioxide, helium, and hydrogen.
It is not important for students to
know all of the gases that make up air. 2. Ann wants to use the small glass to fill the tall
Students need to understand that when cylinder with air. Will this work? Explain.
we talk about air we are talking about ________________________________________
a mixture of gases, not a single gas. ________________________________________
In question 1, the student should indicate that the glass is not
empty. It is filled with air. In question 2, the student should indicate
that it is not possible to do this. Both the glass and cylinder are
already filled with air. Air as a gas does not “pour,” nor does it
have any definite shape.

Fire requires oxygen to burn. When

the oxygen is used up the flame goes
out. The water level in the jar will
also rise as the oxygen is used up.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
Demonstration 2: Carbon Dioxide
Use a carbonated drink such as ginger ale and some raisins to
demonstrate the presence of carbon dioxide. Carefully pour
ginger ale into a clear glass. Try to preserve as much of the
carbonation as possible. Drop in a few raisins. Ask students to
observe the movement of the raisins. Have students explain their

raisins with bubbles raisins at the raisins,

at the bottom surface, bubbles no bubbles

2-2-13 Identify properties of gases. â Investigating Gases

Include: occupy the space not taken Set up centres to investigate the properties of gases.
up by solids and liquids, have no
Centre 1: Does Air Take up Space?
definite shape.
Have students put a crumpled piece of paper towel in the bottom
GLO: D3 of a transparent glass. (Make sure the paper stays in place when
2-0-6b. Discuss data and generate new the glass is inverted.) Have them invert the glass, and, keeping it
questions from displayed data. (Math SP IV.1.2) as straight as possible, place it carefully into a container of
GLO: A1, A2, C2, C5
2-0-7a. Propose an answer to the initial question
water. Students hold the glass steady while counting to ten.
based on their observations. (Math SP-IV.2.2) Students lift the glass out of the water without tipping it and
GLO: A1, A2, C2 observe the paper towel.
2-0-7d. Connect new experiences, ideas, and
information with prior knowledge and The student sheet for this centre should include the following
experiences. (ELA 1.2.1, 2.1.2) GLO: A2 question for reflection:
• Why did the paper towel stay dry?


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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


The carbon dioxide gas from the drink

sticks to the raisins and causes the
raisins to rise to the surface. As the
gas escapes into the air at the surface
of the water, the raisins sink.

Air takes up the space in the glass

and does not allow the water to enter
and wet the towel.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
Centre 2: Does Air Have a Definite Shape?
Provide a variety of containers — boxes, bags, etc. Have students
fill each container with air and try transferring the air/gas from
one container to another in whatever manner they determine.
The student sheet for this centre should include the following
questions for reflection:
• Was it easy to fill the container with air/gas?
• Did it matter what shape the container was? Large? Small?
Long? Narrow?
• If you were able to transfer the air/gas from a small container
to a large one, would the large container be partially full?
Would the smaller container be completely empty? Why?

â Summarizing the Properties of Gases

With students, make a class list of the properties of gases
discovered through their explorations. Post this information
where students can reread it.

2-2-14 Explore to determine how â Investigating Changing States of Water

water can be made to change from Set up investigations that allow students to explore changing the
one state to another and back again. states of water. Make connections to Cluster 4, Air and Water in
Include: addition or removal of heat. the Environment, outcomes 2-4-06 and 2-4-07.
GLO: C2, D3, D4, E3 Investigation 1: Liquid to Solid
2-0-4h. Follow given safety procedures and Have students take the temperature of the water before placing it
rules. GLO: C1 in a freezer (or outside). Have students take and record the
2-0-5b. Use, with guidance, tools to observe, temperature every half hour. When the ice is frozen solid, have
measure, and construct. Examples: ruler, metre
stick, pan balance, magnifying glass, bathroom students complete the following statement:
scale, thermometer... (Math SS-VIII.1.2) GLO:
C2, C3, C5
As the water froze, its temperature went
2-0-5c. Estimate and measure the passage of ________________ . (up or down)
time related to minutes and hours. (Math SS-
VI.1.2) GLO: C2, C3, C5 Investigation 2: Solid to Liquid
Have students take the temperature of a container of ice cubes
before the investigation. Set the ice cubes in various locations
within the classroom. Have students take and record the
temperature of the water as the ice melts. When the ice has fully
melted, have students complete the following statement:
As the ice melted, the temperature of the water went
________________ . (up or down)


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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Learning Log Entry: Gases

Have students complete the following phrase:
Three things I learned about gases are
1. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________
Look for
q an indication of the student’s understanding of key concepts in
order to provide direction for further teaching

Only red alcohol thermometers should

be used for the investigations.

As the water freezes, students should

observe that a layer of ice forms on
top first. Discuss how this relates to
safety on ice in the fall. A layer of ice
on top is not an indication that a body
of water is frozen throughout and safe
to walk on.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
Investigation 3: Liquid to Gas
Use a kettle or pot to boil water. Take the temperature of the
water prior to heating (students can do this) and at the boiling
point (the teacher should do this). Have students carefully
observe what is happening (they should see steam). Using oven
mitts and a very cold serving spoon or ladle, hold the spoon over
the steam so that student see the condensation and realize that the
water changed to vapour and then back to liquid on the spoon.
Have students observe the temperature change from the time the
water was first heated to the point where it began to boil.
As the water was heated, its temperature went
________________ . (up or down)

2-2-15 Recognize that the states of â A Change or Not a Change?

solids and liquids remain constant in Have students identify the pictures that indicate a change of
some circumstances, but may change state. Have them explain their thinking. Examples of pictures
in other circumstances. could include the following:
Examples: liquids may freeze when • breaking a crayon • pouring milk into a glass
temperature drops, solids may melt • sharpening a pencil • leaving an ice cream cone in the
when heated, solids remain solid sun
when broken... • putting juice into an ice-cube tray in the freezer
GLO: D3, E3
2-0-2a. Access information using a variety of
sources. Examples: elders, simple chapter books,
concept books, CD-ROMs, Internet... (ELA 1.1.2,
3.2.2 Math SP-II.1.2; TFS 2.1.1) GLO: C6
2-0-2b. Match information to research needs.
(ELA 3.2.3, 3.3.3) GLO: C6, C8

2-2-16 Describe ways humans â Where Does It Go?

dispose of solids and liquids to Bring in a bag of recyclable solids such as newspapers, tin cans,
maintain a clean and healthy plastic bottles, cardboard, and glass containers. Have students in
environment. small groups identify at least two methods for disposing of the
Examples: take used car oil and old items. Students should answer the following questions for
paints to collection sites, recycle reflection and share their answers with the class:
newspapers... • Is there more than one way to dispose of the same item?
GLO: B5 • What is good about throwing things in the garbage? What is bad?
• What is good about sending things to be recycled? What is bad?
2-0-4e. Respond to the ideas and actions of
others in building their own understandings. Examples: convenience, cleanliness, time, lack of places to take
(ELA 1.1.2) GLO: C5, C7 recyclables, landfill sites are becoming too full…
2-0-9a. Willingly consider other people’s views.
GLO: C5, C7

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Caution: Take steps to ensure safety

of both teacher and students when
boiling water.

Student Journal Entry: Where Does It Go?

Have students answer the following questions:
1. Tom has a can of old paint. He wants to throw it out. What
should he do? Why?
2. Sarah has a box of glass bottles. She wants to throw them out.
What should she do? Why?
Look for
o disposing of paint at a community disposal centre
o recycling of glass in some way

2. 43
Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
â Research: The Recycling Process
Have students work with a partner to
a) select a recyclable solid and research what happens to it
when it goes through the recycling process, or
b) research the disposal of liquids such as car oil or paint.

â Guest Speaker/Field Trip

Invite a guest to speak about the recycling of specific solids or
liquids, or go on a field trip to a recycling depot if one is
available in the area.

2-2-17 Predict and test to determine â Float or Sink?

whether a variety of materials float Provide a variety of objects made of different materials (e.g.,
or sink in water. wood, plastic, rubber, styrofoam, metal, etc.). Have students
GLO: C2, D3 predict if the material will float or sink. Have students record
their predictions and then test to see if their predictions were
2-2-18 Demonstrate ways to make
sinking materials float and floating
materials sink. â Changing Buoyancy
GLO: B1, C3 Challenge students to find ways to make sinking things float or
2-0-1b. Make predictions based on observed floating things sink. Use the objects from Float or Sink? as well
patterns or on collected data. (ELA 1.1.1, 1.2.1) as some others. Examples: plasticine sinks when it is in one ball
GLO: A1, C2
2-0-4g. Verbalize questions, ideas, and
but floats when it is flattened out (the surface area is increased);
intentions during classroom activities. GLO: C6 a tin-foil boat floats but when additional weight is added it will
sink; a pencil will float if carefully placed horizontally on the
surface of the water but will sink if dropped in horizontally…

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Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


Performance Task: Changing Buoyancy

Provide students with a large container of water (aquarium, basin)
and a ping pong ball. Ask students to make the ping pong ball sink.
Scoring Rubric
4 Student is able to solve the problem independently and is able to
clearly communicate his/her thinking.
3 Student is able to solve problem with some assistance.
Communication of thinking is clear.
2 Student makes several attempts to solve the problem but is
unable to make the ball sink. Communication of thinking is
partially clear.
1 Student makes an attempt to solve the problem but is unable to
make the ball sink. Communication of thinking is unclear.

2. 45
Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


Students will...
2-2-19 Use the design process to â Design Project
construct an object that is buoyant Sample Context: Jack Be Nimble wants to make a floating
and able to support a given candle. The candle has a mass of 50 grams. Jack Be Nimble asks
mass/weight. you to help him design a device to hold the candle. Possible
GLO: C3 evaluation criteria could include the following:
2-0-1c. Identify practical problems to solve in the • holds 50 grams without sinking or allowing any water onto
immediate environment. GLO: C3 the candle
2-0-3a. Brainstorm, with the class, possible
solutions to a practical problem; and in small
• is made from flame-proof materials
groups, reach consensus on a solution to • is pleasing to look at
implement. (ELA 1.2.3, 2.2.2) GLO: C3, C7
2-0-3b. Create, with the class, a plan to solve
• is easy and safe to use
a problem or meet a need. Examples: identify Have students use Blackline Master 3: Design Process
simple steps to follow, prepare a drawing of
the object to be constructed... (ELA 1.2.3) Recording Sheet: Grades 1 and 2.
GLO: C3, C7
2-0-3c. Develop, as a class, limited criteria to
evaluate an object or device based on its
function and aesthetics. GLO: C3, C7
2-0-3d. Identify tools and materials to be used,
and explain their choices. GLO: C2, C3, C4
2-0-4b. Construct an object or device to solve a
problem or meet a need. GLO: C3
2-0-4c. Test an object or device with respect to
pre-determined criteria. GLO: C3, C5
2-0-4d. Identify and make improvements to an
object or device with respect to pre-determined
criteria. GLO: C3
2-0-7b. Propose a solution to the initial problem.
2-0-7c. Identify new problems that arise.

2. 46
Grade 2, Cluster 2: Properties of Solids, Liquids, and Gases


The teacher may choose to provide a Design Project Checklist: Buoyant Objects
selection of small candles and ask the The student
students to decide on the type of o identifies the problem
material they wish to use for the o contributes to brainstorming
candle holder. Small bowls can be o contributes to the creation of a plan
used for the water source.
o helps to develop criteria
Alternatively, the teacher can provide
the materials to be used. In either o constructs buoyant object
case, common household materials o tests object based on criteria
should be used. o makes improvements

Student Self-Assessment of Product

Students will need to address the My object met the following criteria: (example)
issue of fireproofing (or preventing o held 50 g without sinking
melting) in their designs. Lining o made from flame-proof materials
containers with foil is a good o nice to look at
o easy to use
o safe to use
Marbles or coloured stones are useful I can improve my object by _____________________________
for placing in the water as a ____________________________________________________.
decoration. This could be a project After I made the changes, my object ______________________
that is taken home as a gift for a
special occasion.

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Kindergarten to Grade 4 Science: A Foundation for Implementation


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