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Categoria: SECUND MECA

Utilizator: ionut
Identificare personala:
Data incepere test: 2021-10-19 11:01:06
Data terminare test: 2021-10-19 11:01:11
Supervizor: x

Punctaj general
Admis: Nu
Procentaj: 0.00%
Punctaj(obtinut/total): 0/710

Punctaj detaliat pe discipline

Procentaj obtinut: 0.00% Sectiuni
Punctaj: 0/710 Nume Procentaj Punctaj
EN-MIEA-1 0.00 0/171
EN-MIEA-2 0.00 0/230
EN-MIEA-4 0.00 0/65
EN-MIEA-5 0.00 0/136
RO-MIEA 1 0.00 0/5
RO-MIEA-2 0.00 0/47
RO-MIEA-4 0.00 0/17
RO-MIEA-5 0.00 0/39

1. A bus disconnect link is used to isolate

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. one bus bar from another
2. the generator circuit breaker from the bus
3. different phases from the equalizer connection
4. positive and negative buses from the neutral

A capacitor can be tested using a megohmmeter or an ohmmeter If the meter is

connected to a shorted capacitor, the meter pointer should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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immediately swing to the maximum resistance value for the

first swing quickly to 'zero', then gradually move up the scale as the
capacitor charges
3. immediately deflect to and remain at zero
4. immediately swing to a high reading and then gradually decrease

3. A circuit with a blown fuse would be described as a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. short circuit
2. open circuit
3. bonded circuit
4. grounded circuit

4. A common type of protective covering used on electrical conductors is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. plain paper
2. fibrous braid
3. silver sheathing
4. babbitt sheathing

5. A device which can be used to check the calibration of a circuit breaker is a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 500 volt megohmmeter
2. portable low voltage high current testing unit
3. standard digital multimeter
4. clamp-on voltmeter

A device which prints out a permanent record of the plant operating conditions
is known as the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. analogger
2. bell logger

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3. alarm logger
4. data logger

7. A 'dielectric' is a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electrical insulator
2. current flow
3. good conductor
4. semiconductor material

8. A fuse will "blow" if

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an electric motor is stopped suddenly by opening a switch
2. the flow of current to the protection device is reversed
3. the electrical current exceeds the rated value of the fuse
4. unequal resistors are connected in parallel

9. A galvanometer is an instrument used to measure

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thickness of galvanized metal
2. resistance of electrical wiring insulation
3. very small amounts of current or voltage
4. quantity of galvans in an electric circuit

A ground can be defined as an electrical connection between the wiring of a

motor and its
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. shunt field
2. circuit breaker
3. metal framework
4. interpole

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11. A grounded switch or cable will be indicated by a megohmmeter reading of

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. infinity
2. 'zero'
3. being unsteady in the high range
4. being unsteady in the low range

12. A megohmmeter can be used to test for

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an open field coil
2. synchronous speed
3. undercut mica
4. reversed polarity

A megohmmeter is connected to each end of an individual motor winding A low

ohm reading indicates
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an open coil
2. a loose coil
3. good continuity
4. a dirty coil

14. A megohmmeter is used to measure

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage
2. insulation resistance values
3. current
4. power

15. A multimeter may be damaged by taking a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. voltage reading while in the ammeter mode

2. current reading while in the voltmeter mode
3. resistance reading while in the ammeter mode
4. resistance reading while in the voltmeter mode

A replacement wire having twice the length and one-half the cross-sectional
area of the original wire will have a resistance that is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. four times that of the original wire
2. twice that of the original wire
3. the same as that of the original wire
4. one-half that of the original wire

A resistance in a circuit of unknown value is to be tested using the

voltmeter/ammeter method Therefore, the meters should be connected with
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. both meters in series with the resistance
2. both meters in parallel with the resistance
3. the ammeter in series and the voltmeter in parallel with the resistance
4. the ammeter in parallel and the voltmeter in series with the resistance

18. A resistor placed in parallel to the output of a power supply

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. is a temperature compensator
2. corrects power factor
3. prevents excessive currents
4. aids in output voltage regulation

A switchboard ammeter indicates a reading slightly above 'zero' when the leads
are disconnected, this is caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. mechanical misalignment of the meter pointer
2. a poor ground for the meter case

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3. static electricity in the air

4. capacitors inside the meter storing charges

A switchboard for an AC electrical system requires the use of which of the

following devices?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Frequency meter.
2. Ohmmeter.
3. Induction voltage regulator.
4. Current transformer governor.

A switchboard, for a AC electrical distribution system, will be provided with

which of the following components?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Frequency meter.
2. Ammeter
3. Voltmeter
4. All of the above

22. A wattmeter is used to determine

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the power being consumed by electrical equipment
2. partial circuit resistance
3. current flowing in a circuit
4. voltage existing between two points in a circuit

AC circuits develop resistance, inductance, and capacitance The inductive

reactance of a circuit is expressed in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ohms
2. mhos
3. henrys
4. farads

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24. AC voltmeters are generally calibrated to read the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. instantaneous voltage
2. average voltage
3. RMS voltage
4. peak voltage

Accidental grounds in a shipboard electrical system must be repaired as soon as

possible as they will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. result in immediate power outages
2. damage circuit breakers
3. appear on the ground detection system
4. damage insulation and may cause outages

26. All electric cables passing through watertight bulkheads must be

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. installed with watertight stuffing tubes
2. grounded on both sides of the bulkhead
3. fitted with unions on each side of the bulkhead
4. welded on both sides of the bulkhead

Alternating current circuits develop resistance, inductance and capacitance The

inductance of a coil is expressed in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ohms
2. mhos
3. henrys
4. farads

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An AC circuit has capacitance arranged in series If the line voltage remains

constant, the capacitive reactance value can be varied by changing the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. line frequency
2. resistance
3. number of commutating poles
4. number of interpoles

An accidental path of low resistance, allowing passage of abnormal amount of

current is known as a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open circuit
2. short circuit
3. polarized ground
4. ground reference point

An across-the-line starter is typically used for which of the following

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Reduced-current starting of large motors
2. Low torque starting of small motors
3. Low resistance starting of DC motors
4. Full-voltage starting of motors

31. An ammeter should be used to measure

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the voltage between two points in a circuit
2. circuit continuity
3. current flow in a circuit
4. total or partial circuit resistance

An electrical component is connected across a 120 volt 60 hertz AC supply

What is the current drawn by the component if the impedance is 200 ohms?

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 0.01 amperes
2. 0.60 amperes
3. 1.67 amperes
4. 100 amperes

33. An ohmmeter can be used to measure

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. current flow in a circuit
2. voltage between two points in a circuit
3. circuit continuity
4. power

34. Any electric motor can be constructed to be

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. short proof
2. ground proof
3. explosion proof
4. overload proof

As shown in the illustration EL-0026, the symbol is used in electrical drawings

to designate a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. limit switch with one set of normally open contacts
2. maintaining type push button with an electrical interlock
3. sustaining type push button with a mechanical interlock
4. normally closed contact held open mechanically by an interlock

As shown in the illustration EL-0079, the direction of electron flow through the
component is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. from terminal "B" to terminal "A"

2. from terminal "A" to terminal "B"
3. determined by the polarity of the applied voltage
4. opposite from that in a resistor

As shown in the illustration, which of the symbols represents a normally closed

electrical contact?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

38. Before measuring an unknown resistance with an ohmmeter, you should

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. adjust the meter's pointers to mid-scale
2. change the meter's batteries
3. center the meter's pointer at infinity
4. short the test leads and calibrate the meter

Before testing insulation with a megohmmeter, the windings of large machines

should be grounded for about 15 minutes just prior to the test, because the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. static charge of the machine may give a false reading
2. armature will have a greater number of leakage paths
3. insulation may be damaged
4. insulation may be covered with moisture

40. Burning of controller contacts, when opening, is prevented by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. coating the contact surfaces lightly with petroleum jelly
2. magnetic blowout coils

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3. an overvoltage release
4. an overcurrent release

41. Capacitors are used on the output of the power supply in today's consoles to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. filter out 'ripple'
2. prevent overloads
3. act as a permanent load
4. decrease the average value of the output voltage

Capacitors can be used in electric distribution systems to improve power factor

This is accomplished by seesawing energy between the capacitor and the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. generator
2. inductive loads
3. resistive loads
4. all of the above

43. Cleaning of electrical insulation should be

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. done every six months
2. accomplished every 12 months
3. determined by need and not the calendar
4. performed whenever the electrician is not otherwise busy

44. Component F in the illustrated EL-0033 device is for

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. short circut protection
2. latching the trip unit closed after resetting the breaker
3. overload protection
providing a flexible connection between the input terminal G and the
tripping unit E

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45. Copper is often used as an electrical conductor because it

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. has high resistance at low temperatures
2. has a highly polished surface
3. is able to pass current with little opposition
4. holds insulation together well

46. During maintenance of circuit breakers,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. always smooth roughened contact surfaces with a file
never pass more than rated breaker current through the overload
heater element
3. inspect for wear and misalignment of main contacts
4. assume heater elements installed are of correct size

47. Electric cables are formed of stranded wire to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increase the current carrying capability for a given size wire
2. increase their flexibility
3. decrease the weight for a given size wire
4. assure good conductivity at junction points

48. Electrical insulation is classed by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. International Association of Electrical Manufacturers
2. approximate operating voltage and current expected
3. International Standards Organisation
4. temperature stability of the manufacturing material(s)

49. Electrical power is expressed in

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ohms
2. volts
3. amps
4. watts

50. External shunts are sometimes used with ammeters to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increase meter sensitivity
2. permit shunts with larger resistances to be utilized
prevent damage to the meter movement from heat generated by the
enable the construction of a compact meter with a virtually unlimited

Four lamps are connected in parallel in a single circuit If one of the lamp burns
out, the others will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. all go out
2. become dimmer
3. burn with their original intensities
4. become brighter

52. Fuses are usually rated in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. watts
2. amps only
3. volts only
4. amps and volts

Grease coatings on electrical contact surfaces increase contact resistance and

should be removed with a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. small wire brush

2. compressed air jet
3. clean dry cloth
4. 10% solution carbon solvent and water

Grounds occurring in electrical machinery as a result of insulation failure may

result from
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. deterioration through extended use
2. excessive heat
3. extended periods of vibration
4. all of the above

55. Handheld phase sequence indicators are useful when

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. preparing to parallel alternators
2. connecting lighting branch circuits
3. troubleshooting DC motors
4. connecting shore power lines to the ship

56. Hand-portable phase sequence indicators should be used when

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. installing a new synchroscope
2. preparing to make the shore power connection
3. replacing a defective solenoid
4. all of the above

57. How is a wattmeter electrically connected in a circuit?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. In series
2. In parallel
3. In series-parallel

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4. Inductively

If a voltage tester is being used to check for defective fuses in the circuit, shown
58. in the illustration EL-0062, which of the readings will indicate that fuse #2 is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. C-B full voltage
2. A-D full voltage
3. A-D no voltage
4. C-B no voltage

If fuse #1 shown in the illustration EL-0062 is defective, a voltage tester

connected across points "C" and "B" will

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. show a reading of 55 volts
2. show full line voltage across fuse #2
3. give positive indication that fuse #2 is good
4. show a reading of zero volts

60. If fuse 'F-1' in the illustrated schematic diagram opens,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the motor will run slowly
2. 'A-1' and 'A-2' will open
3. the motor will not start
4. the start button will jam in the closed position

If many turns of an alternating current coil for a contactor become short

circuited, the coil
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. temperature will drop
2. will probably burn out immediately

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3. will continue to operate

4. will operate on reduced current

If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional area is doubled, the
resistance will be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. quartered
2. unchanged
3. doubled
4. quadrupled

63. In a simple series circuit, the entire source voltage will drop across
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the resistor next to the negative terminal
2. a short circuit
3. the resistor next to the positive terminal
4. an open circuit

64. In a three-phase circuit, the phase voltages are

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 120° apart
2. 160° apart
3. 180° apart
4. 360° apart

In order to increase its range of measurement, a resistance would be placed in

series with which of the following instruments?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. DC voltmeter
2. DC ammeter
3. frequency meter
4. power factor meter

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In the flow of one cycle of single phase AC current past any given point in a
circuit, the maximum current peak occurs
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. one time
2. two times
3. three times
4. four times

67. In the illustration EL-0033 the component C is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. fixed contact
2. moving contact
3. connection terminal
4. trip bar

Large cable sizes are formed as individual conductors that may be comprised of
several smaller strands to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. obtain the flexibility required for easy handling
2. reduce the overall weight of the wire run
3. reduce the number of supports needed for a horizontal overhead run
4. all of the above

Magnet chatter or 'pumping' occurring in a magnetic contactor can be caused

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. dirt or grease on pole faces
2. mechanical interference in the contacts
3. chattering contacts on the control relay
4. magnetic lock out of the contacts

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Most conducting materials such as copper, aluminum, iron, nickel, and

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increase in resistance with increased temperature
2. increase in resistance with decreased temperature
3. decrease in resistance with increased temperature
4. increase in conductance with increased temperature

Periodic testing of circuit breakers is necessary to assure that a correctly rated

and properly installed unit
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. can trip faster as it increases in age
2. will continue to provide the original degree of protection
3. does not exceed its interrupting capacity
4. be able to withstand at least 125% of applied voltage

Possible phase relationships between voltage and current in an alternating

current circuit include which of the following conditions?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Current and voltage may be in phase.
2. Current may lead the voltage.
3. Current may lag the voltage.
4. All of the above.

73. Reversing the current flow through a coil will

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. reduce the amount of flux produced
2. have no effect on the eddy currents produced
3. reduce the power consumed
4. reverse its two-pole field

The 24 volt DC bus on the emergency switchboard is used to supply power to


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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. general alarm system
2. gyrocompass power failure alarm system
3. smoke detection system
4. all of the above

75. The basic measuring unit of inductance is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. coulomb
2. ohm
3. farad
4. henry

The combined effect of inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, and resistance

in an AC series circuit is known as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. reactance
2. total reactance
3. impedance
4. resonance

The 'dielectric constant' is a numerical value indicating the effectiveness of a

dielectric material in comparison to that of a standard, which is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. paper or cloth
2. glass or mica
3. plastic or Teflon
4. dry air or a vacuum

78. The electrical device shown in the illustration EL-0077 is a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. operating coil
2. indicating lamp
3. motor armature
4. potentiometer

79. The electrical diagram shown in the illustration EL-0021 shows

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected is series
2. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected in parallel
the voltages measured across 'R1', 'R2' and 'R3' will be different if
'R1', 'R2' and 'R3' have different values
4. the total resistance equals R1 + R2 + R3

80. The electrical diagram shown in the illustration is used to depict a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance circuit
2. inductive circuit
3. stepdown circuit
4. capacitive circuit

81. The electrical schematic illustrated in figure A, EL0059, depicts a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. autotransformer
2. Delta Wye transformer
3. primary EMF generator
4. potential transformer

The existing resistance of a conductor is dependent upon its length, cross-

sectional area,
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. temperature and insulation

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2. material and insulation

3. resistive coefficient and material
4. material and temperature

The final step in testing a circuit for a ground involves the use of a
83. megohmmeter A grounded switch or cable will be indicated by a megohmmeter
reading of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'zero'
2. infinity
3. steady in the high range
4. unsteady in the low range

84. The illustrated circuit (EL-0024) is a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. megohm meter
2. Gauss meter
3. wheatstone bridge
4. germanium diode tester

85. The illustrated device is a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. full wave bridge rectifier
2. half wave bridge rectifier
3. solid state voltage regulator
4. direct current (DC) filter

The insulation resistance of electric equipment and machinery should be tested

for the lowest normal insulation values
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. immediately after shutting down the machine

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2. every time the brush rigging is adjusted

3. immediately after starting up the machine
4. every 30 days whether the machine is in use or not

87. The multiple prefix 'giga' (G) means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thousand (10 to the 3rd power)
2. million (10 to the 6th power)
3. billion (10 to the 9th power)
4. trillion (10 to the 12th power)

88. The multiple prefix 'kilo' means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thousand (10 to the 3rd power)
2. million (10 to the 6th power)
3. billion (10 to the 9th power)
4. trillion (10 to the 12 power)

89. The multiple prefix 'mega' (M) means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thousand (10 to the 3rd power)
2. million (10 to the 6th power)
3. billion (10 to the 9th power)
4. trillion (10 to the 12th power)

90. The need for insulation cleaning may be determined by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. visual inspection for dirt accumulation
2. high megger readings
3. low operating temperature
4. the time period since the last cleaning

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91. The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, AC generator is controlled by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prime mover speed
2. exciter output voltage
3. load on the alternator
4. number of poles

The part of the shipboard electrical system used to control the distribution of
power to the branch circuits, is the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bridge control panel
2. disconnect links
3. governor relay box
4. main switchboard

93. The purpose of a main switchboard circuit breaker's reverse-power trip is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent main circuit overload
2. protect the circuit breaker blowout coil
3. prevent alternator motorization
4. prevent low voltage tripout

The purpose of a short circuit forcing module (short time trip) installed in a
branch line is to provide
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. high speed clearance of low impedance short circuits in the branch
continuity of service on main bus under short circuit conditions in a
isolation of short circuits by selective tripping of branch circuit
4. all of the above

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95. The purpose of the automatic bus transfer shown in the illustration is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. stepdown voltage to the lighting distribution panel
2. provide emergency power to the lighting distribution panel
3. energize the emergency switchboard from the main switchboard
4. provide overcurrent protection to the lighting distribution panel

96. The resistance of a conductor varies

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. directly as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional area
2. inversely as its length and directly as its cross-sectional area
3. directly as its length and directly as its cross-sectional area
4. inversely as its length and inversely as its cross-sectional area

97. The resistance of electric wire will decrease as its

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. length increases
2. cross-sectional area increases
3. temperature increases
4. percent of metallic purities increases

98. The sub-multiple prefix 'micro' (Greek letter 'mu') means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thousandth (10 to the -3rd power)
2. millionth (10 to the -6th power)
3. billionth (10 to the -9th power)
4. trillionth (10 to the -12th power)

99. The sub-multiple prefix 'milli' (m) means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. one thousandth (10 to the -3rd power)

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2. one millionth (10 to the -6th power)

3. one billionth (10 to the -9th power)
4. one trillionth (10 to the -12th power)

100. The sub-multiple prefix 'nano' (n) means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thousandth (10 to the -3rd power)
2. millionth (10 to the -6th power)
3. billionth (10 to the -9th power)
4. trillionth (10 to the -12th power)

101. The sub-multiple prefix 'pico' (p) means

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thousandth (10 to the -3rd power)
2. millionth (10 to the -6th power)
3. billionth (10 to the -9th power)
4. trillionth (10 to the -12th power)

102. The symbol shown as figure "A" EL-0059 represents a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. transformer
2. coil
3. shunt field
4. inductor

103. The total power consumed in a parallel circuit is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the sum of the powers used in each load (resistor) divided by the
number of loads
2. always less than the power used in the smallest load
3. the sum of the powers used in each individual load
4. never more than the power used in the largest load

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104. The total power used up in a series circuit is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the sum of the powers used in each load (resistor) divided by the
number of loads
2. the sum of the powers used in each load
3. always less than the power used in the smallest load
4. never more than the power used in largest load

105. The total resistance of a parallel circuit is always

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. larger than that of the branch with the greatest resistance
2. smaller than that of the branch with the lowest resistance
3. equal to the sum of the individual branch resistances
equal to the sum of the individual branch resistances divided by the
number of branches

106. The total voltage of a series circuit is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. sum of the individual voltage drops
2. total resistance divided by the total current
3. sum of the individual currents multiplied by the number of resistors
4. total current divided by the total resistance

107. The unit 'hertz' is equivalent to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. coulombs per second
2. revolutions per second
3. revolutions per minute
4. cycles per second

108. The unit of electrical resistance is the

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ampere
2. volt
3. watt
4. ohm

To carry out an insulation resistance test, one terminal of the megohmmeter

109. should be connected to the winding, with the other terminal being connected to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power supply
2. variable resistor
3. frame of the machine
4. armature

To check the three line fuses of a three-phase system consisting of a three-

phase motor, you must
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. place the starter in the 'stop' position
make sure the motor is operating at full load to guard against a false
3. place the leads across the 'hot' ends of the fuses
4. place the leads across the bottom ends of the fuses

111. To determine if a stator coil is grounded, you should use a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ammeter
2. ground detection lamp
3. magneto
4. megger

To minimize magnetic field interaction between electrical conductors in

physical proximity, it is best to keep them

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. parallel and as close as possible to each other
2. at right angles and as close as possible to each other
3. parallel to and as far as practicable from each other
4. at right angles and as far as practicable from each other

113. To test fuses in an energized circuit, you should use a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. low voltage light bulb
2. megohmmeter
3. voltmeter
4. resistance meter

114. What is represented by the electric symbol figure "D" in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Fuse
2. Plug-in contact resistor
3. Variable capacitor
4. Electrolytic capacitor

What is the direction of current through the load resistor in the circuit shown
in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Always from point "Z" to the grounded end.
2. Always from the grounded end to point "Z".
3. It depends on the instantaneous polarity at point "W".
4. It cannot be determined without a directional ammeter.

What is the power consumed by 'R2' in the circuit illustrated, if the supply is
116. 24 volts and the resistance of R1 is 3 ohms, R2 is 4 ohms, and R3 is 5 ohms?

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 16 watts
2. 20 watts
3. 24 watts
4. 28 watts

What is the power consumed by 'R3' in the circuit illustrated if the supply is
117. 24 volts and resistance of R1 is 3 ohms, R2 is 4 ohms, and R3 is 5 ohms? (EL-

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 12 watts
2. 20 watts
3. 24 watts
4. 48 watts

When a megohmmeter is being used to test insulation resistance, current

118. leakage along the surface of the insulation is indicated by the megohmmeter's
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. dipping toward zero then raising slowly
2. continually rising as test voltage is applied
3. kicking slightly down scale as voltage is applied
4. fluctuating around a constant resistance reading

When a megohmmeter is used to test insulation, the gradual rise of the pointer
reading as a result of continued cranking, is caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. good conductor resistance
2. the leakage of current along the surface of dirty insulation
3. the inductive reactance of the windings
4. the dielectric-absorption effect of the insulation

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When a megohmmeter is used to test the dielectric strength of wire insulation,

the initial dip of the pointer toward 'zero' is caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. good insulation
2. the leakage of current along the surface of dirty insulation
3. the capacitance of the circuit
4. the dielectric absorption effect of the insulation

When a solid-state component of an electronic circuit is mounted to a metallic

mass, the general purpose of that mass is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent vibration damage to delicate components
2. prevent mechanical damage to solid-state components
3. dissipate stray magnetic currents
4. act as a heat sink

122. When changing fuses, you should always

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. wear rubber boots
2. use a fuse puller
3. stand on a rubber mat
4. wear safety glasses

123. When electrical cables penetrate watertight bulkheads,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. they should be grounded on either side of the bulkhead
2. they must be bent to a radius of six diameters
a watertight stuffing tube capable of accepting packing should be
4. they should be secured by a clamp

When insulation failure produces a low resistance current path between two
conductors, the resulting condition is known as

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an open
2. a short circuit
3. a ground
4. a surge

When maintenance personnel are working on electrical equipment, all supply

switches should be secured in the open position and tagged specifically by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. watch engineer
2. chief engineer or first assistant
3. chief electrician
4. person performing the repair

126. When measuring AC current flow, you must always connect the meter
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. in series with the power source and load
2. in parallel with the power source and load
3. insuring correct polarity
4. using the lowest range possible to prevent instrument damage

When placed in a magnetic field, which of the materials listed will maintain
the highest permeability?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Glass
2. Bakelite
3. Soft iron
4. Aluminum

128. When replacing fuses, always make sure

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. to stand on a rubber mat and use rubber gloves

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2. to use insulated pliers or screwdriver

3. the fuse clips are straight, tight, and in good contact
4. to increase the fuse rating 10% to guard against 'nuisance blowing'

When shipboard electrical distribution circuits are connected in parallel,

additional parallel circuits will cause the total circuit resistance to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increase, causing a drop in the line current
2. increase, causing a decrease in the line voltage
3. decrease, causing an increase in the line voltage
4. decrease, causing an increase in the line current

130. When the current flow through a copper wire increases, its
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance will decrease
2. insulation will burn
3. temperature will increase
4. conductivity will increase

When using a megohmmeter to test insulation, good insulation will be

indicated by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. slight kicks of the needle down scale
a downward dip followed by a gradual climb to the true resistance
3. a gradual rise in the pointer reading at the outset
4. the initial dip of the pointer

Where a thermal-acting breaker is required to be used in an area of unusually

132. high, low, or constantly fluctuating temperatures, an ambient compensating
element must be used This element consists of a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. cylindrical spring on the contact arm

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2. conical spring on the contact arm

3. second bimetal element
4. second electromagnet

Which component will stop the motor shown in the illustration in case of an
overload in the control circuit?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. E
2. G
3. H
4. I

Which of the following characteristics is most critical in determining the size

of the cable to be used in a particular circuit?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage rating
2. weight per unit length
3. current rating
4. inductance per unit length

135. Which of the following conditions can lead to the failure of a resistor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Excessive vibration
2. Insufficient ventilation
3. Corrosion
4. All of the above

Which of the following electric motors would be the safest and most reliable to
use on the main deck of a vessel in foul weather conditions?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Sealed motors
2. Drip proof motors

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3. Enclosed motors
4. Watertight motors

137. Which of the following materials is a good electrical insulator?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. wood
2. silver
3. copper
4. gold

Which of the following precautions should be taken when a blown fuse, rated
at 10 amperes, is replaced?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Short out the fuse before removing it from the circuit.
2. Use needle-nose pliers to remove fuse from the circuit.
3. Replace blown fuse with one of equal voltage and ampere capacity.
Fuses of 10 ampere rating and less are virtually harmless when
energized and may be handled freely.

Which of the following represents a characteristic of an ungrounded electrical

distribution system?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Accidental contact between one line and ground does not cause an
2. Double ground faults on different phases will not cause an outage.
3. Ground detection systems are unnecessary.
Accidental contact between one line and ground will always cause an

140. Which of the following statements concerning electrical cables is correct?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Where they pass through watertight bulkheads, they should be fitted
with watertight stuffing boxes.
2. Electric cable coverings should never be grounded.

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Electrical cables must be rigidly held in place by welding of armored

cable, or glued in place where nonmetallic insulation is used.
4. All of the above.

Which of the following statements is correct for the illustrated circuit EL-

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected in series.
2. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected in parallel.
3. The voltages measured across 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are equal.
4. The total resistance equals 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the cleaning of electrical

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Compressed air should be used to blow out metallic dust.
2. Magnetic brushes should be used to remove metallic dust.
3. The contact surfaces should be greased to increase contact resistance.
Delicate parts should be cleaned with a brush and an approved safety

Which of the following statements is true if a 100 watt lamp and a 75 watt
lamp are connected in parallel across a 100 volt power supply?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The 75 watt lamp will draw as much current as the 100 watt lamp.
2. The 100 watt lamp will have a greater resistance.
3. Current flow will be the same across each lamp.
4. The 75 watt lamp will have a higher resistance.

Which of the following statements regarding the use of a current measuring

instrument is correct?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. It must be connected in series with the circuit.

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You should always start with the lowest range until a suitable
reading is obtained.
The indicating needle is deflected from left to right regardless of
An external shunt is generally utilized where current is less than 10

Which of the following statements represents the action of a megohmmeter

when testing a small capacitor in good condition?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
The meter pointer should immediately swing to the maximum
resistance value for the capacitor.
The meter pointer should first swing quickly to zero and then
gradually move up the scale as the capacitor charges.
The meter pointer should immediately swing to infinity and then
drop in sharp jerks as the voltage increases.
The meter pointer should immediately swing to a high reading and
gradually decrease.

Which of the following statements represents the FIRST precaution to be

taken prior to working on any installed electrical component?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Wear rubber gloves and boots.
2. Use only approved nonconducting tools.
3. Ground the case of the machine before beginning any repairs.
4. Open the supply circuits and tag the switches.

147. Which of the instruments listed is used to check insulation resistance?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Magneto
2. Megohmmeter
3. Dynamometer
4. Rheostat

Which of the instruments listed should always be connected in series with a


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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Ammeter
2. Megohmmeter
3. Wattmeter
4. Voltmeter

Which of the listed sections of an emergency switchboard is used to supply

power for alarm signals under emergency conditions?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The generator and bus transfer section
2. The 450 volt, 60 cycle, 3 phase bus
3. The 120 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle bus
4. The 24 volt DC bus

Which of the meters listed should only be used after a circuit has been
electrically disconnected?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Wattmeter
2. Frequency meter
3. Ammeter
4. Ohmmeter

Which of the spaces listed is defined as a 'location requiring an exceptional

151. degree of protection' when considering the installation of shipboard electrical
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Machinery space
2. Chart room
3. Console room
4. Accommodation space

Which of the substances listed can be used to shield sensitive equipment from
static magnetic fields?

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Glass
2. Mica
3. Bakelite
4. Permeable iron

With both ends of a three conductor cable disconnected and arranged without
153. the conductors touching each other, an ohmmeter reading of 'zero' ohms
between the ends of one conductor would indicate
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. continuity
2. a partial ground
3. the resistance is infinite
4. a short circuit

A direct current passing through a wire coiled around a soft iron core is the
description of a simple
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. magnetic shield
2. electromagnet
3. piezoelectric device
4. electromagnetic domain

155. A poorly made electrical connection:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. has a much higher-than-normal resistance.
can produce excessive heat when normal current flows through the
3. can reduce the total energy normally available for the load.
4. all of these

156. A switch would be classified as:

Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. a control device
2. a protective device.
3. a load device.
4. a voltage source.

157. An electric toaster is rated for 220 V and 10 A Its power rating would be:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2200 W
2. 2200 Wh
3. 2200 kWh
4. 2200 J

158. Electrical conductors:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. have high resistance.
2. use most of the energy available from the source.
3. complete the electron path from the source to the load.
4. all of these

In a basic electrical circuit, the part that stores electric energy or changes it
into other forms is:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the load.
2. the source.
3. the conductor(s).
4. the switch.

Technician A says that when taking measurements with a voltmeter and an

ammeter, the meters are both connected into the circuit in the same way
Technician B says the voltmeter is connected in series and the ammeter is
connected in parallel Who is correct?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. Technician A only
2. Technician B only
3. both Technician A and Technician B
4. neither Technician A nor Technician B

161. The force that causes the flow of electrons through a conductor is known as:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the power.
2. the current.
3. the voltage.
4. the resistance

The method used to produce electron emission in most vacuum tubes is known
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. photoelectric emission
2. secondary electric emission
3. cold cathodic electric emission
4. thermionic emission

163. The unit of measurement for the difference of potential between two points is:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the volt
2. the ampere.
3. the PD.
4. the ohm

When troubleshooting electronic equipment, you should use a high impedance

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
to prevent excess current flow through the meter that would damage
2. for AC measurements only and a low resistance meter for DC

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whenever a low impedance meter is not available, regardless of the
components being tested
so as not to load down the circuit and obtain erroneous voltage

165. Which of the following is an example of a load?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an electrical wall outlet
2. a hair dryer
3. a pushbutton
4. an extension cord

166. Which of the following is an example of a voltage source?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a battery
2. a light bulb
3. a switch
4. copper wire conductors

167. Which of the following is classified as a protective device?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a pushbutton
2. a fuse
3. a circuit breaker
4. both b and c

Which of the following statements concerning analog and digital devices are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
The variables in digital systems are fixed quantities, and the
variables in analog systems are continuous quantities.
2. There are no basic differences between the two systems.

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3. Analog devices are superior in accuracy compared to digital devices.

4. Operations in a digital device are performed simultaneously.

Which of the listed devices is used to measure pressure and convert it to an

electrical signal?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Transducer
2. Reducer
3. Transformer
4. Rectifier

A battery is connected to a circuit containing three resistors in parallel The

170. values of the three resistors are 2 ohms, 3 ohms, and 6 ohms What is the
voltage of the battery if the total circuit current is 12 amps?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2 volts
2. 6 volts
3. 12 volts
4. 24 volt

A breakable, mercury-filled thermometer should not be used in a lead-acid

171. battery to measure electrolyte temperature, as an accidental breakage can
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. severe sparking and explosions
2. rapid oxidation of battery plates
3. violent gassing at the positive plates
4. corrosion on the battery terminals

172. A constant output voltage from an AC generator is maintained by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prime mover governor
2. exciter generator

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3. voltage regulator
4. reverse power relay

173. A DC ammeter is always connected

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. in series with a circuit
2. in parallel with a circuit
3. with internal shunts only
4. without regard to polarity

A diesel driven emergency generator is prevented from being paralleled with

the ship's service generators by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an electrical interlock system
2. an automatic paralleling trip switch
3. the synchronizing oscilloscope
4. the reverse current relay

A generator has been exposed to water and is being checked for its safe
operation Therefore, it is necessary to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. check for shorted coils with a growler
2. take moisture readings with a hydrometer
3. test insulation values with a megger
ground the commutator, or slip rings and run it at half load for 12

176. A generator is prevented from becoming motorized by the use of a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. overspeed trip
2. reverse power relay
3. back pressure trip
4. governor controls

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177. A hydrometer indicates specific gravity by comparing the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
density of a substance in water with the density of the same
substance in air
2. differences in weight between water and the liquid measured
3. mass of substance measured with the density of the same substance
buoyancy of an object in water with the buoyancy of the same object
in the liquid being measured

178. A lead-acid battery cell sustaining a short circuit

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. will be indicated by lime accumulation on the terminal posts
2. will have unusually high cell voltage
3. will become excessively heated while being charged
4. cannot be completely discharged under load

179. A lead-acid battery is considered fully charged when the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electrolyte gasses freely
2. battery charger ammeter indicates a positive reading
3. terminal voltage reaches a constant value at a given temperature
specific gravity of all cells reaches the correct value and no longer
increases over a period of 1 to 4 hours

180. A lead-acid battery may become hotter than normal during a charge if the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. battery has a shorted cell
2. charging voltage is too low
3. specific gravity is too high
4. battery room door is secured

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A loss of field excitation to an AC generator while operating in parallel will

cause it to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. absorb more and more load due to decreased armature reaction
2. lose its load due to the inherent speed droop built into the governor
smoke and overload due to field flashover as residual field flux
changes polarity
lose its load, begin to motorize, trip out on reverse power relay, and
possibly overspeed

A nickel-cadmium battery is receiving a normal charge and gases freely The

charging current should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. be increased
2. be decreased
3. be cut off and the battery allowed to cool
4. remain the same

183. A positive charge can:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. attract a negatively charged object
2. attract and then repel a neutral object
3. neither of the above
4. both of the above

184. A reverse-current relay will prevent AC generator motorization by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. automatically redirecting the load
2. automatically speeding up the prime mover
3. tripping the panel board main switch
4. tripping the generator circuit breaker

185. A slow continual loss of electrolyte level from one cell of a storage battery

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could be due to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a cracked casing
2. too low a charging rate
3. the specific gravity being higher than normal
4. one filler cap installed too tightly

A three-phase alternator operates at 450 volts with a 08 power factor If the

ammeter indicates 250 amperes, what should be the KW meter reading?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 90.00 KW
2. 127.27 KW
3. 155.70 KW
4. 194.85 KW

187. A transformer in an electric circuit serves to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. generate its own electrical power
2. transform electrical energy into mechanical energy
3. increase or decrease circuit voltage as required
4. convert AC current to DC current

188. A twelve volt lead-acid battery is constructed of

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. one cell
2. three cells
3. six cells
4. twelve cells

A vessel is equipped with two ship's service generators Generator #1 is rated

189. at 900 kw and generator #2 is rated at 600 kw During parallel operation, with
a hotel load of 1,000 kw, what should be the kw load on generator #2?
Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. 100 kw
2. 400 kw
3. 500 kw
4. 600 kw

After closing the circuit breaker to place two similar alternators in parallel,
the NEXT step is to balance the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor
2. voltage load
3. kilowatt load
4. ampere load

Air gap readings for electrical generating equipment should be taken

191. periodicly This is to: I = determine the condition of the bearings; II =prevent
damage to the rotor and stator.
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. both I and II
4. neither I or II

Air gap readings should be periodicly taken for electrical generation

equipment The best tool to use to take these measurements is a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. cloth (non-metalic) tape measure
2. dial indicator
3. inside micrometer
4. tapered, long blade, feeler gage

Air gap readings should be taken on electrical generation machinery

193. periodicly to: I = determine the need for cleaning; II =check the condition of
the bearings.

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. both I and II
4. neither I or II

Air gap readings should be taken periodicly on electrical generation

equipment to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
determine the amount of varnish that can be applied to correct
insulation problems
2. determine the condition of the bearings
provide for the correct proper tightening of the field coil bolts and
correct lateral adjustment of the field coils
4. increase machine efficiency

An AC generator panel is fitted with both synchronizing lamps and a

195. synchroscope When the synchroscope pointer reaches the noon position, one
synchronizing light is bright and the other is dark This means
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. there is a ground on the phase with the dark lamp
2. the phase sequence is incorrect
3. the phase sequence is correct
4. the generator breaker may be closed

An AC generator produces 60 Hz at 1800 RPM If the generator speed is

increased to 1830 RPM, the cycles will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. remain at 60 Hz
2. increase to 61 Hz
3. decrease to 59 Hz
4. increase to 63 Hz

An alternator switchboard has a synchroscope and synchronizing lamps If the

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synchroscope is broken, which of the steps listed is the most essential before an
alternator can be paralleled with the bus?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
The breaker should be closed when one synchronizing lamp is dark
and the other is bright.
The breaker should be closed when both synchronizing lamps are
The frequency meter should be used to determine that the incoming
alternator frequency is slightly higher than the bus.
A portable phase sequence indicator must be used to verify the
information from the lamps.

As a result of a mechanical malfunction in one of the ship's service generators

operating in parallel, you must secure that generator In order to prevent a
possible overload to the remaining generator, which of the following sequential
courses of actio
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Trip the malfunctioning generator's circuit breaker and prime mover
throttle trip.
Trip all nonvital distribution feeder circuit breakers, the
2. malfunctioning generator's circuit breaker, and the prime mover
throttle trip.
Trip the malfunctioning generator's circuit breaker and distribution
feeder circuit breakers.
Trip all nonvital distribution feeder circuit breakers, the
4. malfunctioning prime mover turbine throttle trip, and the generator
circuit breaker.

199. As shown in the illustration EL-0071, the dry-cell batteries are connected in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. compound
2. series
3. parallel
4. tandem

As shown in the illustration, all 'MS' contacts are opened and closed by means

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. operating coils
2. magnets
3. manual operation of the master switches
4. solenoid switches

At high discharge rates, nickel-cadmium storage batteries are superior to lead-

acid batteries because they
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. require fewer cells for the same voltage and less mounting space
are able to produce higher voltages and do not have to be charged as
3. can be charged and discharged many times without much damage
4. have no individual cells to replace at the end of useful life

Attempting to parallel an AC generator which is out of phase with the bus will
result in which of the following problems?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The breaker should trip.
2. The KVA will decrease.
3. The synchronizing lamps will burn out.
4. The power factor will be unitized.

203. Automatic voltage regulators provided on switchboards function to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. regulate the AC load on the generator
2. protect the switchboard from high voltage
3. govern prime mover speed to control voltage
4. vary the field excitation to the generators

204. Batteries used for diesel engine starting should

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. be located in a locker on the weather deck

2. be located as close as possible to the engine
have sufficient capacity to provide at least 50 starts consecutively
without recharging
4. only be of the nickel alkaline type

205. Battery capacities are given in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. volts
2. volt-amperes
3. volt-hours
4. ampere-hours

Battery charging rooms should be well ventilated because the charging process
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. highly poisonous gas
2. highly combustible oxygen
3. explosive gases
4. corrosive gases

Before any work on electrical or electronic equipment is performed, which of

the following precautions should be carried out?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. De-energize the applicable switchboard bus.
2. Bypass the interlocks.
3. Secure and tag the supply circuit breaker in the open position.
4. Station a man at the circuit supply switch.

208. Before reassembling any machinery, you should

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. replace all bearings regardless of length of service
2. apply a heavy coat of oil to all mating surfaces

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3. clean any corroded surfaces and file all burrs smooth

4. coat all parts with alemite grease

Caution must be exercised during the charging of lead-acid storage batteries

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the acid will become weaker
2. hydrogen gas is being continuously liberated
3. both plates are changing chemically to lead sulfate
4. lead peroxide in the negative plate is poisonous

210. Common nickel-cadmium and nickel-iron storage batteries utilize

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. acid primary cells
2. alkaline primary cells
3. acid secondary cells
4. alkaline secondary cells

During discharge of a lead-acid storage battery, which of the following actions

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The acid becomes stronger.
2. Both plates change chemically to ammonium chloride.
3. The acid becomes weaker.
4. Hydrogen gas is liberated.

During the charging process of storage batteries, the charging rooms should be
well ventilated because
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. without ventilation excessive gassing will occur
2. highly poisonous gases are released
3. highly explosive gases will otherwise accumulate
4. without ventilation the battery will not take a full charge

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Electric circuits are protected against overloads and short circuits by means of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. circuit breaker
2. amplifier
3. diode
4. capacitor

Electric current is the flow of electrons through a conductor; the rate of this
flow is measured in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. volts
2. amperes
3. coulombs
4. ohms

Equal power factors on paralleled AC generators are maintained by an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage regulator
2. reverse power relay
3. reverse current relay
4. governor control switch

Equalization of the power factors of two alternators operating in parallel is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. manually, by adjusting the governor controls
2. automatically, by automatic voltage regulators
3. manually, adjusting the output of current transformers
4. automatically, by the designed action of the governors

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From the standpoint of safety, you should never allow salt water to enter a
lead-acid storage battery or come in contact with sulfuric acid because
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the resulting gas is extremely flammable
2. the resulting gas is a respiratory irritant that can be fatal
3. the primary constituent, sodium, reacts lethally with lead peroxide
combining salt water with lead-acid creates an invisible gas resulting
in severe corrosion

If a 6 volt battery were connected in series with a 24 volt battery by putting

their negative terminals together, what would be the result?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'Zero' volts
2. 12 volts of the opposite polarity
3. 18 volts, positive on the 24 volt battery
4. 30 volts, negative on the 24 volt battery

219. If a fuse of correct size and type blows frequently,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. try the next higher amperage rating
2. try the next lower amperage rating
3. look for trouble within the circuit
4. reduce the applied voltage 10%

If a transformer is connected to a DC source, the transformer will overload at

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. contacts
2. primary coil
3. secondary coil
4. core

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If air gap readings for an electical generating machine have changed

significantly from the last reading, you should check
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the bearings
2. insulation readings and machine cleanliness
3. the prime mover thrust bearing
4. the field coil bolts for the proper torque values

If an alternator is to be inactive for a considerable period of time, which of the

following actions should be taken?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
It should be disconnected from the prime mover and raised off its
bearing supports.
Insulation resistance readings should be taken weekly to ensure
resistance is not deteriorating.
The brushes should be lifted off the slip rings to prevent pitting of
the metal by electrolytic action.
The windings and collector rings should be protected with a thin coat
of grease or oil.

If the energy input is significantly reduced to the prime mover of one

shipboard alternator operating in parallel with others, that alternator will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. continue to operate at no load
2. lose its load and overspeed
3. begin to motorize and then trip out
4. slow down and operate at reduced load

224. If the excitation is increased to one of two alternators operating in parallel, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor will change in the lagging direction
2. power factor will change in the leading direction
3. kilowatt load will be greatly increased
4. ampere load will be greatly decreased

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If the excitation of an alternator operating in parallel is decreased below

normal, its
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor will change in the lagging direction
2. power factor will change in the leading direction
3. ampere load will be greatly increased
4. kilowatt load will be greatly decreased

If the pointer of the synchroscope is rotating in the slow direction when you
are preparing to parallel two alternators, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. incoming machine is turning faster than the load alternator
2. loaded alternator is turning faster than the incoming machine
3. load on the loaded alternator is ready to split
4. incoming machine is beginning to pick up some of the load

If three AC generators are operating in parallel, and one of them were to "pull
out" of synchronism with the other two generators, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. normally operating AC generators will vibrate severely
2. AC generator pulling out of synchronism will vibrate severely
3. normally operating AC generators will overspeed and unload
4. AC generator pulling out of synchronism will become motorized

If two AC generators have just been placed in parallel, the true power load is
initially distributed evenly by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a balance coil
2. changing field excitation
3. adjusting the governor control settings
4. a rheostat

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If violent gassing occurs when a lead-acid storage battery is first placed on

charge, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. battery must be given an emergency charge
2. charging rate is too low
3. charging rate is too high
4. specific gravity of the electrolyte solution is too low

230. In a 60 Hz AC system, the current will pass through one complete cycle in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 60 seconds
2. 6 seconds
3. 1 second
4. .016 of a second

In a three-phase, open-delta connected transformer, the line current is equal

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the phase current
2. three times the phase current
3. the sum of any two phase currents
4. the difference of any two phase currents

In an AC generator, pitting of collector rings will cause: I = sparking; II =

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. both I and II
4. neither I or II

In electric circuit schematics, a transformer is represented by which of the

symbols shown in the illustration EL-0059?

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

In replacing a defective transformer with a new one, which of the following

234. actions must be carried out to insure proper operation of the equipment it
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
The secondary leads must be grounded for 10 minutes to remove
static charges.
The transformer connections must be made as before with regard to
the indicated polarity.
3. The iron core of the transformer must be flashed to pre-magnetize it.
The iron core must be grounded for 10 minutes to remove any
residual magnetism.

In the illustration EL-0039 circuit, A, B, C, and D are each 12 volts What is the
235. voltage of the lead connected to C and D with respect to the lead connected to
A and B?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. (+) 48 volts
2. (-) 24 volts
3. (-) 48 volts
4. (+) 24 volts

236. In the illustration, "D" is the symbol for a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thermal overload heater
2. portable cable
3. fuse
4. indicating lamp

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In which section of the 24 VDC power supply circuit illustrated, does the
greatest change in voltage level take place when fed from ships power

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV

238. Kilowatt load is divided between two AC generators operating in parallel by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. adjusting the governor controls
2. varying the excitation voltage
3. increasing both prime mover speeds simultaneously
4. decreasing both prime mover speeds simultaneously

239. Local action in a dry-cell, or lead-acid storage battery is the process whereby
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. hydrogen gas is liberated
2. the electrolyte compensates for overcharging
3. potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air
4. the battery becomes discharged without being connected to a load

240. Local action in a nickel-cadmium battery is offset by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. separating the positive and negative plates with plastic spacers
separating the positive and negative plates with resin impregnated
3. adding a small amount of lithium hydroxide to the electrolyte
4. trickle charging

Loss of or weak residual magnetism in an alternator or generator can be

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241. corrected for by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. running the rotor in the opposite direction for 5 minutes
2. allowing the generator to run at 10% of normal speed for 5 minutes
running the generator at normal speed with the field rheostat fully
4. using a storage battery or battery charger to 'flash' the field

242. Maintenance of alkaline batteries should include

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. checking the electrolyte weekly using a hydrometer
2. replacing the electrolyte every 5 years
3. trickle charging
4. replacment when the volts per cell drops below 1.8 VDC

Mercury filled thermometers should never be used to determine the

243. temperature of the battery electrolyte because accidental breakage of the
thermometer can cause
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. severe sparking and explosions
2. rapid oxidation of battery plates
3. contamination of the electrolyte
4. corrosion on the battery terminals

244. Motorization of an alternator is undesirable because

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the alternator will be damaged
2. it puts an additional load on the bus
3. high voltage pulses are induced in the bus
4. all of the above

Nickel-cadmium storage batteries are superior to lead-acid batteries because


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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. put out higher voltages and require no maintenance
2. can remain idle and keep a full charge for a long time
3. need fewer cells in series and use less mounting space
4. all of the above

246. On large generators, space heaters are used to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. keep the machine at ambient tmperature of the machinery space
maintain rotor and stator winding temperatures above the dew point
to prevent the formation of condensation
3. prevent condensation in the lube oil
4. prevent electrolysis due to condensation in the bearings

On the meter scale illustrated, while using the R X 1 scale, the reading at "E"
will be

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2.0 ohms
2. 20 ohms
3. 200 ohms
4. none of the above

248. One factor that determines the frequency of an alternator is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. number of turns of wire in the armature coil
2. speed of the rotor
3. strength of the magnets used
4. output voltage

249. One horsepower is equal to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. 500 watts
2. 663 watts
3. 746 watts
4. 1,000 watts

250. Power transformers are rated in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. kilowatts
2. ampere-turns
3. kilowatt-volts
4. kilovoltamperes

Prior to closing the breaker when paralleling two AC generators, the

recommended practice is to have the frequency of the incoming machine
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. slightly less than the line frequency
2. the same as the line frequency
3. slightly greater than the line frequency
4. all of the above

Prior to starting an AC generator prime mover, the voltage regulator cutout

switch should be placed in the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. manual position
2. bus neutral position
3. raise voltage position
4. transfer position

253. Proper storage battery maintenance includes

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. keeping connections tight and casing surfaces clean
2. making sure electrolyte level is below the separator plates

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3. insulating the terminals with naval jelly

4. maintaining a high charging rate at all times

254. Proper storage battery maintenance includes

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. maintaining a high charging rate at all times
2. replacing the electrolyte once a year
3. insuring electrolyte level is below the separator plates
4. applying petroleum jelly to connections to minimize corrosion

Regarding an AC generator connected to the main electrical bus; as the

electric load and power factor vary, a corresponding change is reflected in the
generator armature reaction These changes in armature reaction are
compensated for by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. governor speed droop setting
2. voltage regulator
3. balance coil
4. phase-balance relay

256. Regarding battery charging rooms, ventilation should be provided

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. at the lowest point of the room
2. horizontally near the batteries
3. at the highest point of the room
4. only when charging is in progress

257. Routine maintenance of lead acid batteries should include

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. keeping the terminals clean
2. coating cable connections with petroleum jelly
3. maintaining a trickle charge
4. all of the above

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The amount of voltage induced in the windings of an AC generator depends

mainly on
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the number of field poles energized
the speed at which the stator windings rotate through the magnetic
3. the strength of the magnetic field
4. all of the above

259. The apparent power in a purely inductive circuit is also known as

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. true power
2. lead power
3. induced power
4. reactive power

260. The basic operating principle of a transformer is attributed to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electromagnetic induction
2. variance of a conductor in a magnetic field
3. mutual reaction
4. thermionic emission

261. The capacity of a storage battery is measured in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. volts
2. ampere-hours
3. farads
4. amps

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262. The charge of a lead-acid battery can be restored by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. passing an alternating electric current through the cell
2. passing a direct electric current through the cell
3. adding acid to the electrolyte
4. all of the above

263. The charge of a lead-acid battery is checked with a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. manometer
2. hydrometer
3. voltmeter
4. ohmmeter

264. The charging of lead-acid storage batteries will always result in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. dangerous acid burns
2. a dangerously explosive gas being liberated
3. the danger of lead poisoning
4. all of the above

The cycles per second developed by the alternator aboard your vessel is
determined by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the speed of the engine driving the alternator
2. the resistance applied to the field rheostat
3. the synchronous speed of induction
4. the adjustments made to the voltage regulator

The division of kilowatt load between two paralleled alternators is determined

by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. amount of field excitation to the leading machine

2. load-speed characteristics of the governors
3. amount of field excitation to the lagging machine
4. number of field poles per alternator

The division of the kilowatt load between two AC generators operating in

parallel is controlled by the settings and characteristics of the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage regulators
2. field rheostats
3. reverse power relays
4. prime mover governors

The division of the reactive KVA load between paralleled AC generators is

initiated by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prime mover governors
2. voltage regulators
3. phase balance relay
4. proportioner

269. The dry-cell batteries, shown in the illustration EL-0070 are connected in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. compound
2. series
3. parallel
4. tandem

The dry-cell batteries, when connected as shown in the illustration EL-0070,

would produce

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. 1.5 volts
2. 2.5 volts
3. 3.5 volts
4. 4.5 volts

271. The electrolyte in a lead-acid storage battery consists of distilled water and
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. hydrogen chloride
2. calcium chloride
3. sulfuric acid
4. muriatic acid

272. The electrolyte used in a nickel-cadmium battery is distilled water and

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. diluted sulfuric acid
2. potassium hydroxide
3. lead sulfate
4. zinc oxide

273. The freezing point of the electrolyte in a fully charged lead-acid battery will be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than in a discharged battery
2. lower than in a discharged battery
3. the same as in a discharged battery
higher than in a discharged battery, but the specific gravity will be

274. The frequency of an AC generator is adjusted by means of the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. main alternator field rheostat
2. exciter field rheostat
3. prime mover governor control
4. equalizing reactor

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275. The frequency of an AC generator is controlled by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. rheostat
2. governor
3. exciter
4. capacitor

276. The frequency of an alternator at a given RPM is determined by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. number of turns of wire in the armature coil
2. number of magnetic poles
3. strength of the magnets used
4. output voltage

The frequency of an alternator is controlled from the main switchboard by

adjusting the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. frequency meter
2. voltage regulator
3. governor control
4. sychroscope switch

278. The frequency output of an operating alternator is controlled by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. relative speed of the rotor poles
2. number of turns of wire in the armature coil
3. strength of the magnets used
4. output voltage

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The governor control switch of an alternator is moved to the 'raise' position

This action will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. raise the no-load speed setting of the governor
2. raise the percentage of speed droop
3. lower the no-load speed setting of the governor
4. lower the percentage of speed droop

280. The joule is the base unit of:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. energy
2. work
3. neither of the above
4. both of the above

281. The kilowatt load can be adjusted on a paralleled generator by using the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. field rheostat
2. governor control
3. automatic voltage regulators
4. hand tachometer

The KW load is evenly distributed between two alternators just placed in

parallel by adjusting
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a balance coil
2. the governor settings
3. the field excitation
4. a rheostat

The load sharing characteristics of two diesel generators operating in parallel

are mostly dependent on their governor
Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. load limit settings
2. idle speed settings
3. speed limit settings
4. speed droop settings

The main purpose of an electric space heater installed in a large AC generator

is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. keep the lube oil warm for quick starting
prevent moisture from condensing in the windings when the machine
is shutdown
3. prevent the windings from becoming brittle
4. prevent acidic pitting of the slip rings

The most common type of AC service generator found aboard ship is the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electromagnetic field, revolving armature type
2. electromagnetic field, oscillatory armature type
3. armature, oscillatory electromagnet field type
4. armature, rotating electromagnetic field type

The most practical way to control the voltage output of an AC generator is to

vary the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. number of windings
2. speed of the rotating field
3. strength of the rotating magnetic field
4. power factor of the load

287. The number of cells in a 12 volt lead-acid battery is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. three cells
2. four cells
3. six cells
4. twelve cells

288. The open-circuit voltage of a fully charged lead-acid battery cell is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1.5 volts
2. 1.8 volts
3. 2.0 volts
4. 2.3 volts

The opposition to the establishment of magnetic lines of force in a magnetic

circuit is called the circuit's
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance
2. reluctance
3. impedance
4. inductance

290. The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 Hz AC generator is controlled by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. load on the alternator
2. load on the prime mover
3. speed of the prime mover
4. exciter output voltage

291. The output voltage of a three-phase alternator is regulated by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. AC voltage to the armature
2. AC voltage to the field
3. DC voltage to the armature

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4. DC voltage to the field

292. The plates of a NiCd storage battery are made of

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. potassium hydroxide with a small amount of sulfuric acid
2. lead and lead peroxide
3. silver oxide and lead sulfate
4. combinations of nickel powder and nickel & cadmium salts

The power factor at which a paralleled AC generator operates is usually

adjusted by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. connected load
2. prime mover speed
3. field excitation
4. generator's rated voltage

The power factor of an AC generator operating singularly is determined by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. connected load
2. prime mover speed
3. field excitation
4. generator's rated voltage

295. The proper way to mix the electrolyte for a battery is to add
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. acid to alkaline water
2. acid to distilled water
3. alkaline water to acid
4. distilled water to acid

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296. The purpose of DC generator brushes is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. neutralize armature reaction
2. conduct electric current to an outside circuit
3. convert DC current to AC current
4. provide excitation to a DC generator

297. The purpose of the commutator and brushes on a DC generator is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. transfer generated direct current voltage from the armature to the line
convert the alternating voltage generated within the armature to a
direct voltage
3. provide a sliding contact method to excite the field
4. reduce sparking between the armature and the carbon brushes

The purpose of the reverse power relay, provided on a ship's service alternator
panel, is to trip the circuit in the event of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. main circuit overload
2. high power transfer
3. generator overspeeding
4. alternator motorization

The reactive power drawn by a motor from an AC generator is the power

which is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. used to establish the magnetic field of the motor
2. lost in overcoming friction in the bearings
strictly converted to heat generated by current flow through the
4. transmitted directly through the rotor shaft to perform useful work

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The removal of paint from electrical equipment, such as generators, should be

cautiously undertaken because
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the mechanical shock of paint removal lessens the dielectric strength
of the insulation
the paint dust is composed of abrasive and semi-conducting
materials which impair insulation
3. paint dust buildup has a tendency to cause corrosion
phase windings frequently become isolated from each other due to
dust interference at the terminals

301. The RPM of an AC generator can be measured with a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ammeter
2. voltmeter
3. vibrating reed meter
4. synchroscope

302. The specific gravity of the electrolyte in a lead-acid battery is measured by a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. gould plate
2. titration pipette
3. hydrometer
4. litmus paper test

303. The specific gravity of the electrolyte solution in a lead acid battery
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. is not effected during charging
2. remains the same during discharge
3. would read close to 1.830 when discharged
4. gives an indication of the state of charge of the battery

The standard method of controlling the output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 Hz, AC
generator is accomplished by adjusting the

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prime mover speed droop
2. number of poles
3. alternator field excitation
4. load on the alternator

The standard procedure for maintaining the charge in an emergency diesel

starting battery is to trickle charge the battery
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. continuously
2. at least once each week
3. whenever the charge falls to 75% of full charge
4. whenever the electrolyte specific gravity falls to 1.250 or lower

306. The state of charge of a lead acid storage battery is best indicated by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. testing of the individual cell voltages
2. ampere hour capacity of the battery
3. specific gravity of the electrolyte
4. total cell voltages

307. The state of charge of a lead-acid battery is best indicated by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. individual cell voltage
2. ampere-hour capacity
3. electrolyte specific gravity
4. total cell voltage

The true power indicated by a wattmeter depends on the current flow through
the load, the magnitude of the potential across the load, and the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor of the load

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2. angle of coil displacement

3. inertia of the movable coil
4. high resistance from the load

309. The voltage developed by an AC generator is controlled by varying the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. speed of the prime mover
2. AC excitation to the field
3. DC excitation to the field
4. DC excitation of the voltage regulator

310. The voltage output of an AC generator is accurately controlled by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
changing the sensitivity of the prime mover to large changes in
2. varying the reluctance of the air gap
3. varying the DC exciter voltage
4. shorting out part of the armature windings

311. Three 12 volt, lead-acid, batteries connected in series will develop

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 12 volts
2. 24 volts
3. 36 volts
4. 48 volts

Three factors responsible for the change in voltage as load is applied to an AC

312. generator are: 1) the drop in resistance in the armature circuit, 2) the change
in flux, and 3) the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. armature winding speed
2. inductance load drop
3. coil pitch factor

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4. armature reactance voltage drop

To determine the state of charge of a nickel-cadmium battery, you would use

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltmeter
2. hydrometer
3. ammeter
4. potentiometer

314. To equalize the power factor of two alternators operating in parallel, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. field excitation of both units is adjusted
2. governors of both units are adjusted
3. phase sequence is altered
4. kilowatt load is evenly divided

315. To increase the frequency of an operating AC generator, you should

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increase the field excitation
2. decrease the field excitation
3. increase the number of magnetic poles
4. increase the speed of the prime mover

To remove an alternator operating in parallel with another unit from the main
electrical bus, you must FIRST
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. adjust the power factor on both units
2. set the desired voltage on the outgoing alternator
3. open the circuit breaker on the outgoing alternator
4. remove the load from the outgoing alternator

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317. To test the state of charge of a nickel-cadmium battery, you should use a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ammeter
2. voltmeter
3. hydrometer
4. potentiometer

318. Transformer cores are laminated to reduce

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. eddy currents
2. secondary flux
3. leakage flux
4. all of the above

319. Transformers are used onboard ships with AC generators to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. change frequency
2. increase power output to modulating frequency controllers
3. decrease power output to modulating frequency controllers
permit higher voltage for electric motor operation and low voltage
for lighting circuits

Two AC generators are operating in parallel and both are equipped with
automatic voltage regulators While standing watch, one generator is noted as
having a greater lagging kvar In order to equalize the kvars between the
generators you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
increase the speed of the generator with the largest kvar while
decreasing the other generator speed
decrease the speed of the generator with the largest kvar while
increasing the other generator speed
increase the voltage of the generator with the largest kvar while
decreasing the other generator voltage
decrease the voltage of the generator with the largest kvar while
increasing the other generator voltage

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Two AC generators of the same capacity are operating in parallel One with a
321. zero speed droop setting and the other with a 5% speed droop If its capacity is
not exceeded, the unit whose governor has the zero speed droop setting will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. assume the smaller share of the load
2. maintain the frequency of the system
3. have poor sensitivity characteristics
4. have poor power response

Under normal conditions, storage batteries used for starting the emergency
322. diesel generator are maintained in a charged state by which of the following
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Trickle charging
2. Fast charging
3. Equalizing charge
4. Reverse charging

Upon failure of the normal power supply, the emergency generator is placed
on the line by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. main bus tie feeder
2. automatic bus transfer device
3. line connection feeder
4. power failure alarm bus

Upon failure of the normal power supply, the emergency generator is placed
on the line by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bus tie feeder
2. automatic bus transfer device
3. line connection feeder

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4. power failure alarm bus

Violent gassing developed by a lead-acid battery during charging indicates

that the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. plate separators are grounded
2. cell voltages are excessive
3. specific gravity in insufficient
4. charging rate is excessive

Violent gassing from a lead-acid battery while it is being charged, indicates

that the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. plate separators are grounded
2. battery compartment ventilation is inadequate
3. electrolyte specific gravity is too low
4. charging rate is too high

327. Voltage failure of an AC generator may be caused by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. failure of the exciter generator
2. a tripped bus circuit breaker
3. high mica segments on the stator bus bar
4. excessive prime mover speed

Voltage generated by most AC generators is fed from the machine to the bus
by means of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. brushes on a commutator
2. brushes on slip rings
3. slip rings on a commutator
4. direct connections from the stator

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What is the approximate voltage per cell produced by the nickel-iron (Edison)
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 0.85 volts
2. 1.35 volts
3. 2.20 volts
4. 6.05 volts

330. What is the approximate voltage produced by a nickel-cadmium battery cell?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1.25 volts
2. 1.50 volts
3. 2.20 volts
4. 6.05 volts

What is the maximum allowable primary current of a 2 KVA step-down

transformer with a four to one turns ratio if connected across a 440 volt line?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1.1 amps
2. 4.5 amps
3. 18.1 amps
4. 27.7 amps

What is the total current in the illustrated EL-0021 circuit with a 6 volt
battery if the resistance of R1 is 2 ohms, R2 is 4 ohms, and R3 is 4 ohms?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 0.6 amp
2. 1 amp
3. 4 amps
4. 6 amps

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333. What type of rotor is used in split-phase motors?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Drum
2. Salient pole
3. Squirrel-cage
4. Wound-rotor

What will be the frequency of a three-phase, six pole, AC generator operating

at 1800 revolutions per minute?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 60 hertz
2. 90 hertz
3. 120 hertz
4. 180 hertz

When a battery is continuously exposed to low temperatures, the best

procedure to keep it from freezing is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. remove the battery caps
2. securely cover the battery
3. keep the battery fully charged
4. disconnect the battery

When a lead-acid battery begins gassing freely while receiving a normal

charge, the charging current should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. be increased
2. remain unchanged
3. be decreased
4. shut off

When a lead-acid battery begins gassing freely while receiving a normal

charge, the charging current should be

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increased
2. shut off
3. decreased
4. unchanged

When a nickel-cadium battery begins gassing while connected to the battery

charging circuit, you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. do nothing as this is a normal condition when charging
add distilled water to each cell to reduce the specific gravity of the
add potassium hydroxide to each cell to increase the specific gravity
of the electrolyte
4. decrease the charging rate

339. When a transformer is used to step down voltage, the low voltage winding is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. part of the core
2. the primary coil
3. not insulated
4. the secondary coil

340. When an alternator is to remain idle for even a few days

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. lift the brushes and disconnect the pigtails
2. insulate the collector rings with strips of cardboard
3. energize the heater circuit
4. open the equalizing bus disconnect switch

341. When charging a 100 amp-hour lead-acid battery,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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the temperature of the electrolyte should not be allowed to exceed

the charging rate should be no greater than 125% of the battery amp-
hour rating
3. the source of power for charging should be 2.5 volts per cell
gassing within the battery decreases when nearing full charge and it
4. will be necessary to reduce the charging current to a low finishing

342. When charging a nickel-cadmium battery,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the charging rate should be lessened when gassing commences
2. overcharging should be avoided
the specific gravity of the electrolyte will be unaffected by the state
of charge
4. add distilled water just prior to charging to insure proper mixing

When charging lead-acid batteries, the charging rate should be reduced as the
battery nears its full charge to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent damaging battery plates
2. allow equalization of cell voltages
3. reduce lead sulfate deposits
4. increase lead peroxide formation

When charging lead-acid batteries, you should reduce the charging rate as the
battery nears its full charge capacity to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent excessive gassing and overheating
2. allow equalization of cell voltages
3. reduce lead sulfate deposits
4. increase lead peroxide formation

When checking the specific gravity of the battery electrolyte with a

hydrometer, you should be aware that

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the battery is fully charged when the float sinks deepest into the
2. the battery is discharged when the float is highest in the electrolyte
a hydrometer reading is accurate if taken immediately after water is
added to the cell
4. warm temperatures will lower the specific gravity of the electrolyte

When choosing a battery for a particular application, major consideration

should be given to the battery's
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. amp-hour capacity
2. terminal polarity
3. stability under charge
4. ambient temperature rise

When choosing a battery for a particular application, major consideration

should be given to the battery's
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. amp-hour capacity
2. terminal polarity
3. stability under charge
4. ambient temperature rise

When correcting specific gravity readings of a lead-acid battery for existing

temperature conditions, you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. add 10 points for each 4° above 80°F
2. subtract 10 points for each 4° above 80°F
3. add 4 points for each 10° above 80°F
4. add 4 points for each 10° below 80°F

When lead-acid batteries are charging, they always give off hydrogen gas that

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. considered inert
2. highly explosive
3. extremely toxic
4. heavier than air

350. When mixing electrolyte for a lead-acid storage battery,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. stirring should always be avoided
2. a lead container should always be used
3. always pour the water into the acid
4. always pour the acid into the water

351. When mixing electrolyte for a lead-acid storage battery, you should pour the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. distilled water into the acid in a zinc-plated container
2. distilled water into the acid in a glass container
3. acid into the distilled water in a zinc-plated container
4. acid into distilled water in a glass container

When mixing electrolyte, which of the following precautions should always be

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Add the acid to the water.
2. Use a heavy duty aluminum pail.
3. Add the water to the acid.
4. Mix the solution outdoors.

353. When paralleled, AC generators must have the same

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. frequency
2. number of phases

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3. phase rotation
4. all of the above

When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency (cycles) of the incoming

generator, just prior to closing the circuit breaker, should be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. slightly less than the frequency of the generator on the line
2. the same as the frequency of the generator on the line
3. slightly more than the frequency of the generator on the line
4. all of the above

When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the incoming machine

immediately prior to closing its breaker should be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. controlled by placing the governor switch in the automatic position
2. adjusted with the voltage regulator
3. slightly greater than the bus frequency
4. slightly less than the bus frequency

When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the machine coming on-
line, immediately prior to closing its breaker, should be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. slightly less than the oncoming generator frequency
2. the same as the bus frequency
3. slightly greater than the bus frequency
4. the same as the bus voltage

When paralleling two AC generators, the synchroscope selector switch and

frequency meter switch should be set up to sense the frequency of the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bus
2. generator on the line
3. oncoming generator

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4. bus transfer relay

When paralleling two alternators the synchronizing lamps grow dim and are
358. totally darkened as the synchroscope pointer approaches the 0° position This
indicates the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. alternator voltages are 180° apart
2. incoming alternator is running too fast
3. incoming alternator is in phase with the bus voltage
4. synchroscope pointer is defective or broken

When paralleling two alternators using three synchronizing lamps, the

359. flickering of all three lamps becomes progressively slower and slower This
means the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. frequency of the incoming generator is approaching that of the bus
2. frequency of the incoming alternator is less than that of the bus
phase rotation of the incoming alternators is opposite to that of the
terminal voltage of the incoming alternator is approaching that of the

When paralleling two alternators, the synchronizing lamps remain lit as the
synchroscope pointer approaches the 0° This indicates the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. incoming alternator is running too fast
2. alternator voltages are 180 degrees apart
3. synchroscope is defective or broken
4. alternator power factors are in phase

361. When securing an AC generator, you should FIRST

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open the generator circuit breaker
2. switch the voltage regulator to 'manual'

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3. decrease the field excitation to minimum

4. reduce the load on the unit

362. When shore power is being connected to a ship in dry dock,

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the ship's generators are paralleled with the shore power to provide
continuous power
2. proper phase sequence must be established
3. exactly 450 volts must be supplied from the shore
4. exactly 60 Hz must be provided by the terminal

When the electrolyte level of a lead-acid storage battery has decreased due to
normal evaporation, the level should be reestablished by adding
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. distilled water only
2. sulfuric acid only
3. a weak solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water
4. a strong solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water

When troubleshooting a lead-acid storage battery, a weak or dead cell is best

detected by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. measuring and comparing all cells' specific gravity
2. taking an open circuit voltage test of individual cells
3. visually inspecting the electrolyte levels of each cell
4. taking each cell's temperature with a calibrated mercury thermometer

When troubleshooting an alkaline storage battery a weak or dead cell is best

located by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. checking the specific gravity of each cell
2. visually inspecting each cell's electrolyte level
3. testing each cell with a voltmeter

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measuring the electrolyte temperature with an accurate mercury


When two AC generators are being paralleled, the breaker should be closed
with the synchroscope pointer rotating in the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'slow' direction, just before the 12 o'clock position
2. 'fast' direction, just after the 12 o'clock position
3. 'fast' direction, just before the 12 o'clock position
4. 'slow' direction, just after the 12 o'clock position

When you check the specific gravity of the battery electrolyte with a
hydrometer, it should be kept in mind that
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the battery is fully charged when the indicator floats low in the
any water that has been previously added to the cells will dilute the
solution and give a false reading
a hydrometer reading is inaccurate if taken immediately after water
is added to the cell
4. temperature has no effect on hydrometer readings

Which of the devices listed is indicated by the symbols lettered "A" to "F",
shown in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Diodes
2. Linear inductors
3. Capacitors
4. Transistors

Which of the devices shown in the illustration automatically prevents the

simultaneous operation of the windlass from both master switches?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. Selector switch
2. Contact 'CR1a'
3. Contact 'CR2a'
4. Contact 'CR1D'

Which of the following actions must be carried out prior to closing the
alternator circuit breaker according to the graph shown in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Increase the alternator voltage.
2. Decrease the line voltage.
3. Increase the line voltage.
4. Decrease the line frequency.

Which of the following activities occurs during the charging process of a lead-
acid storage battery?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The specific gravity of the acid increases.
2. Both plates change chemically to lead sulfate.
3. The specific gravity of the acid decreases.
4. Hydrogen gas is absorbed.

Which of the following components are used to convert alternating current

produced in the generator windings to direct current?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Armature and equalizer
2. Commutator and brushes
3. Rotor and interpoles
4. Field and exciter

Which of the following conditions indicates that a lead-acid battery is being

charged too rapidly?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. Sparks occurring at the positive terminal.

2. Unusually high electrolyte specific gravity.
3. Low plate potentials being developed.
4. Excessively high temperatures and gassing rates.

Which of the following devices should be used to measure the temperature of a

battery electrolyte?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Mercury thermometer
2. Alcohol thermometer
3. Thermocouple pyrometer
4. Potentiometer

Which of the following losses is/are present in every direct current generator
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Winding copper loss
2. Core eddy current loss
3. Magnetic hysteresis loss
4. All of the above.

Which of the following problems is indicated if a lead-acid battery begins to

gas violently when it is first placed on charge?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Insufficient compartment ventilation is being provided.
2. A short circuit exists in one of the battery cells.
3. The battery is undergoing its normal charging rate.
4. An excessive charging rate is being applied to the battery.

Which of the following statements about a three-phase wye connection is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The line current is 1.73 times the phase current.

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2. The phase current is 1.73 times the line current.

3. The line voltage is 1.73 times the phase voltage.
4. The phase voltage is 1.73 times the line voltage.

Which of the following statements concerning nickel-cadmium batteries is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. When mixing electrolyte always add acid to the water.
Nickel-cadmium batteries can be charged and discharged only a
limited number of times without damage to the cells.
Nickel-cadmium batteries can be stored for a long time and still keep
a full charge without additional charging.
The electrolyte of an idle nickel-cadmium battery must be replaced
monthly to maintain battery condition.

Which of the following statements concerning the specific gravity of a battery

electrolyte is true?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The electrolyte becomes less dense when it is cooled.
The specific gravity reading is lowered when the electrolyte is
The most accurate hydrometer reading is obtained immediately after
water is added.
The temperature does not affect the specific gravity of the

Which of the following statements is true concerning a stepdown transformer

in an operating AC power circuit?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Voltage and current will both be increased.
2. Voltage and current will both be decreased
3. Voltage decreases as current increases.
4. Voltage increases as current decreases.

Which of the following statements is true concerning all three-phase


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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Each has three separate but identical armature windings acted on by
one system of rotating magnets.
Each has one armature winding acted on by three identical but
separate systems of rotating magnets.
All three-phase alternators are designed to operate with a 0.8 leading
power factor.
The three phases always provide power to the load through three sets
of slip rings and brushes.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the operation of two

alternators in parallel?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The cycles per second of each alternator are the same.
Both alternator governors must be set with the same amount of speed
3. The number of field poles must be the same on each alternator.
4. The load must always be divided equally between alternators.

Which of the following temperatures represents the maximum allowable

temperature for the electrolyte of a lead-acid battery?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 100°F
2. 125°F
3. 145°F
4. 212°F

Which of the listed battery charging circuits is used to maintain a wet-cell,

384. lead-acid, storage battery in a fully charged state during long periods of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Normal charging circuit
2. Quick charging circuit
3. Trickle charging circuit
4. High ampere charging circuit

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Which of the listed figures shown in the illustration EL-0084 represents

devices connected in a three-phase delta-wye arrangement?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

386. Which of the listed forms of water should be added to a lead-acid battery?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. saltwater
2. brackish water
3. distilled water
4. light water

Which of the listed ranges represents specific gravity corrected for

temperature for the electrolyte of a fully charged portable lead-acid battery?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1.100 to 1.150
2. 1.180 to 1.200
3. 1.280 to 1.300
4. 1.750 to 2.000

Which of the listed safety features should be provided in small rooms or

lockers where batteries are stored?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Installation of a fixed CO2 system.
An exhaust duct is to be provided and led from within three inches of
the deck.
3. Power ventilation is to be provided if trickle charging is utilized.
An exhaust duct is to be provided and led from the top of the locker
to the open air.

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Which of the problems listed will occur if a lead-acid battery is allowed to

remain in a discharged condition for a long period of time?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The battery may be unable to accept a full charge.
2. The electrolyte will change to lead sulfate.
3. The concentrated sulfuric acid will attack the lead peroxide plates.
4. The separators will harden.

Which of the processes listed occurs during the charging of a lead-acid storage
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Negative plates change to lead peroxide.
2. Positive plates change to lead peroxide.
3. Both plates change to lead peroxide.
4. Both plates change to lead sulfate.

Which of the substances listed should be applied to battery terminals to help

prevent corrosion?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Zinc chromate
2. Lead hydroxide
3. Lead peroxide
4. Petroleum jelly

Which of the synchroscope illustrations depicts the appropriate direction of

392. rotation and position for closing the circuit breaker when paralleling AC

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

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While paralleling two (2) AC generators using synchronizing lamps only, both
lamps will go dark when the generators are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. running at the same speed
2. grounded
3. of the same polarity
4. in phase

Why is it desirable to operate paralleled AC generators at the same power

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Circulating currents are kept to a minimum.
2. Field excitation losses are kept to a minimum.
3. Generator rotors will have a lesser tendency to hunt.
4. Because a power factor increase will decrease kilowatt output.

You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope

395. pointer is revolving in the slow direction This indicates that the frequency of
the incoming machine is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than the bus frequency
2. lower than the bus frequency
3. the same as the bus frequency but out of phase with it
the same as the bus frequency, and the circuit breaker may be closed
at any pointer position

You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope

pointer is revolving slowly in the fast direction You should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
use the governor control switch to adjust the incoming voltage so it
is equal to the bus voltage
use the governor control switch to increase the speed of the machine
on the line only

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close the circuit breaker when the synchroscope pointer approaches

the 0° position
4. use the field rheostat to adjust the speed of the incoming machine

You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope

397. pointer stops at a position other than 0° If you close the circuit breaker at this
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the incoming machine will accept all of the load
2. the incoming machine will trip out on low voltage release
a hazardous condition will be created by the cross current between
the machines
a hazardous condition will be created by the incoming machine being
at a higher frequency than the bus

You are attempting to parallel two AC generators and the synchroscope

398. pointer stops at a position other than 0° prior to closing the circuit breaker
This indicates
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the frequency of the incoming machine is the same as the bus
the incoming machine is in phase with the bus, but the frequency is
not the same
3. the circuit breaker may be closed after breaker has been reset
4. there is an existing cross current between generators

You are attempting to parallel two AC generators, and the synchroscope

399. pointer is revolving fast in the clockwise direction This indicates that the
frequency of the incoming machine is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than the bus frequency
2. lower than the bus frequency
the same as the bus frequency and the circuit breaker may be closed
at any pointer position
4. the same as the bus frequency but out of phase with it

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You are paralleling two alternators The synchronizing lamps grow dim and
400. are totally darkened as the synchroscope pointer approaches the 0° position
This indicates that the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. alternator voltages are 180° apart
2. circuit breaker can be closed
3. incoming alternator is running too slowly
4. synchroscope is defective or broken

401. A loud buzzing noise in an AC controller is probably caused by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. poor contact with the overload relay
2. an incorrectly sized heater
3. a broken shading coil
4. abnormal starting current

A temperature instrumentation system for an engine room console consists of

a resistance temperature detector (RTD), a measuring bridge circuit, and a
meter (or alarm circuit). Which of the following statements is true concerning
the measuring bridge circuit?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The input voltage varies in a linear fashion with temperature.
The voltage across the center of the resistance bridge is always
The resistance bridge is said to be balanced when its output voltage
is zero.
The input voltage of the resistance bridge is the constant temperature

403. A tubular fuse should always be removed from a fuse panel with
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a screwdriver
2. a pair of insulated metal pliers
3. any insulated object
4. fuse pullers

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Aboard ship, a grounded field coil in an AC motor can be determined by using

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. portable growler
2. galvanometer
3. visual inspection
4. megohmmeter

405. An advantage of DC motors over AC motors is that they

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. are less expensive
2. require less maintenance
3. can be started across the line
4. offer a more effective means of controlling speed

An electrical connection between the wiring of an electric motor and its metal
frame is known as a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. eddy current
2. ground
3. impedance
4. flux leakage

Before touching a small capacitor connected to a de-energized circuit, or even

one that is completely disconnected, you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. gently tap the body with a screwdriver
2. tag it with a de-energized tag
3. be equipped with an insulated fuse puller
short circuit the terminals to make sure that the capacitor is

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Compressed air should not be used to clean motor controller equipment

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. it may force metallic particles into coil insulation
2. the surrounding area may need additional cleaning
3. the air blast dries out insulation quickly
4. a mask and respirator would be required

Electrical failures in motors are caused by the breakdown of insulation, which

may be caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. penetration of moisture
2. accumulation of dirt
3. overheating
4. all of the above

410. Encrusted dirt accumulated inside a motor should be removed with a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. fiber scraper
2. pointed welding rod
3. hammer and chisel
4. paint scraper

For more complete vessel protection when using an impressed current

cathodic system
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
all ship's service alternators have additional temperature sensing
devices and a thermal recorder installed
machinery on deck and in the engineroom is first coated with zinc
chromate before final painting
the hull's magnetic fields are aligned with a solid-state degaussing
circuit using SCR's
straps connect the rudder with the hull and the propeller shaft is
grounded through a slip ring/brush arrangement

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If 450 volts AC were measured across the load as shown in the illustration it
would indicate a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open winding between 'H1' and 'X1'
2. properly operating circuit
3. open winding between 'X1' and 'X4'
4. ground on one side of 'Ep'

If a small electric motor has been submerged in saltwater for a short period of
time, you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. send it ashore for rewinding
2. rinse it with warm freshwater and bake it dry in an oven
3. soak it in a bucket of commercial solvent and bake with internal heat
clean it with carbon tetrachloride and blow it out with compressed

If a small electric motor is imersed in salt water it should be I washed in fresh

water II dried in an oven
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. both I and II
4. neither I or II

415. If an electric motor fails to start, you should FIRST check the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. phase sequence
2. ampere load
3. fuse or circuit breaker
4. line frequency

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If the illustrated EL-0007 motor fails to start and gives a loud hum when the
start button is pushed, the problem is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
one of the phases to the motor is not energized because of an open
motor lead
2. the 'Disc.sw.' is open
power to 'L1' at the 'Disc.sw.' is not energized because of a problem
with the ship's electrical distribution system
'OL1' is open because of 'T1' overload causing the motor to single

If the line voltage to the controller shown in the illustration is 440 volts, what is
applied across the control circuit?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 110 volts
2. 220 volts
3. 440 volts
4. 660 volts

If the motor fails to start and a voltmeter reading between 1 and 6, as

illustrated EL-0007, indicates line voltage, your next step should be to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. replace fuse "10A"
2. replace or repair contact 'Ma'
3. reset and determine the cause of the overload
4. check line voltage between L1 and L3

If there is a reduction in the normally supplied frequency to a 120/240 volt,

three-phase AC current motor from 60 hertz to 55 hertz, the motor would
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. run at a slower speed
2. operate at a lower current
3. vibrate excessively

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4. trip off the line

420. Impressed current cathodic protection is used on vessels instead of

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. fire alarm systems
2. repeated painting
3. sacrificial zincs
4. vacuum tube degaussing systems

421. In a cartridge-type fuse, the metal element is contained in a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. porcelain window
2. thermal cut out
3. fiber tube
4. flasher device

In an AC generator, direct current from a separate source is passed through

the windings of the rotor
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. by means of slip rings and brushes
2. by means of a commutator
3. by means of rotating bar magnet
4. to minimize the danger of arc over

423. In an impressed current cathodic protection system, the anode is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. connected to the hull and deteriorates with time
2. insulated from the hull and does not waste away
3. connected to the hull but does not waste away
4. insulated from the hull but deteriorates with time

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424. In the illustration EL-0031, the component labeled "G" is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. hard rubber, plastic or bituminous composition
2. porous inside to absorb excess positive ions
3. precharged for (-) and (+) in manufacturing
4. All the above

Magnetic controller contacts may become welded together during operation

because of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. excessive magnetic gap
2. low contact pressure
3. an open coil
4. excessive ambient temperature

Motor controller or starter contacts may become pitted and welded together if
the contacts
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open under loaded conditions
2. close slowly with light pressure
3. open too quickly and arc
4. close quickly with proportionate pressure

Motor starter or controller contacts may become welded together if the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open too quickly and arc
2. close under excessive pressure
3. open or close too quickly
4. close under excessive starting current

428. Protection against sustained overloads occurring in molded-case circuit

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breakers is provided by a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. overvoltage release
2. thermal acting trip
3. thermal overload relay
4. current overload relay

429. Reduced voltage applied to a motor during the starting period will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. result in decreased acceleration time only
2. lower the starting current and increase accelerating time
3. cause a greater starting torque
4. increase the starting current and pump capacity

430. Section II of the circuit shown in the illustration is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage regulator
2. filter
3. rectifier
4. voltage transformer

Since fuse elements are made of zinc or any alloy of tin and lead, the melting
point of the fuse element must be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than that of copper
2. lower than that of copper
3. equal to that of copper
4. reached when the conductor it is protecting becomes 'white hot.'

The amount of current flow required for the cathodic protection of a vessel is
dependent upon the
Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. amount of bare steel surface
2. speed of the ship through the water
3. temperature of the water
4. all of the above

433. The device shown in the illustration EL-0083 is being used

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. in a step-down operation
2. in a step-up operation
3. in an isolation circuit
4. as a filter

The device that most commonly utilizes the principle of electromagnetic

induction is the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. diode
2. transformer
3. transistor
4. rheostat

The greatest detrimental effect on idle electrical equipment, such as cargo

pump motors, is the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. loss of residual magnetism
2. absorption of moisture in the insulation
3. insulation varnish flaking
4. dirt collecting on the windings

The illustrated EL-0024 circuit is a wheatstone bridge If the meter "G" reads
0 with the switch closed then

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. the current through R1 - R2 is equal to the current through R3 - Rx

2. the voltage across b - d is equal to the voltage of E
3. the resistance of Rx is equal to the resistance of R2
4. all the above are true

The motor starts when the start button in the illustration EL-0007 is pushed,
but stops when the button is released the trouble is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the incorrect thermal overload coil
2. a faulty "M" coil
3. a dirty contact on the Disc.Sw. at 'L3'
4. a faulty holding relay contact

438. The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. copper and antimony
2. steel and babbitt
3. aluminum or beryllium alloy
4. zinc or an alloy of tin and lead

439. The primary function of an electric motor is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. develop torque
2. generate high voltages
3. produce a magnetic field
4. generate high electrical resistance

440. The proper way to apply plastic electrical tape to an electric cable splice is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. apply tape to the braided cover, but avoid touching it
2. wind the tape so that each turn overlaps the turn before it
3. apply the tape in one non-overlapping layer only

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4. heat the tape with a soldering iron for good bonding

The purpose of an impressed current cathodic protection system aboard ship

is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent corrosion of the hull, propeller, rudder and line shafting
neutralize the vessel's stray magnetic fields which would interfere
with radar
protect engine room and deck machinery from oxidation in the
presence of salt air
4. maintain a minimum constant alternator load to prevent overheating

442. The speed of a squirrel-cage motor is usually changed by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. varying the frequency to the machine
2. adding resistance in series with the stator windings
3. adding resistance in parallel with the stator windings
4. changing the number of connected poles in the stator

The turns ratio of device "A" shown in the illustration EL-0082 is four to one
443. and all taps are evenly spaced. If 110 volts were applied to terminals 'X1' and
'X3', what would be indicated across 'H1' and 'H2'?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 37.5 volts
2. 55 volts
3. 220 volts
4. 440 volts

The Wheatstone bridge is a precision measuring instrument utilizing the

principle of changes in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. inductance
2. capacitance

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3. resistance
4. amperage

445. Time delayed or delayed action-type fuses are designed to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent grounds in branch circuits
2. prevent opens in motor circuits
3. permit momentary overloads without melting
4. guard lighting and electronic circuits

To repair a small electrical motor that has been submerged in saltwater, you
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. wash it with fresh water and apply an external source of heat
2. renew the windings
3. send it ashore to an approved service facility
rinse all electrical parts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning solvent
and then blow dry the motor with compressed air

What precaution should be taken with a vessel's impressed current cathodic

447. protection system after a drydocking period during which the hull has been
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Output currents should be carefully monitored to assure operation at
nearly 100 % capacity for proper curing.
Reference cell voltages should be maintained at half the normal
range for approximately 48 hours.
The unit should remain off for the specified amount of time so as not
to disturb curing.
A slight (10-15%) overcurrent to the anodes should be allowed in
order to speed drying.

What type of electric motor is commonly used to start small auxiliary diesel
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. synchronous
2. series
3. shunt
4. cage

When power is restored after a complete power failure, a steering gear pump
motor will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. have to be restarted
2. have to be reset
3. restart automatically
4. trip its overload relays

450. When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in
the power circuit as lighter lines
current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in
control circuit as lighter lines
circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as heavy lines and
below 500 volts as lighter lines
circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as light lines and
below 500 volts as heavy lines

When removing ball or roller bearings from the shaft of a motor, you should
use a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. rawhide hammer
2. brass mallet
3. wheel puller
4. soft iron pry bar

When testing a capacitor with an analog type ohmmeter, a good capacitor will
be indicated when
Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. there is no meter deflection
2. the meter deflects to a low resistance value and remains there
the meter deflects to a low resistance value and slowly increases
towards infinity
the meter deflects to a low resistance value and increases rapidly to a
higher value, but stays fairly low

When testing for blown fuses in a three-phase supply circuit to a motor, you
should first
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. apply the megger across the tops of the line fuses
apply an ammeter diagonally across the top of the first line fuse and
the bottom of the third line fuse
3. apply the voltage tester across the bottoms of the line fuses
4. ensure the circuit is de-energized, and then use a continuity tester

When the motor shown in the illustration EL-0010 is running and the stop
button is pushed, which of the following statements will hold true?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Coil "M" will now be energized.
2. Coil 'CR' will now be energized.
3. Contact "M" will close as contact 'CR' opens.
4. Contacts "M" and 'CR' will open.

When troubleshooting a console circuit card which is suspected of being faulty,

the first step would be to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. pull the card and measure the value of all resistors
check for the correct value and polarity of all power connections to
the card
de-energize and pull the card to visually inspect for burned
check for continuity of circuit board traces and then the gain of each

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Which component of the circuit shown in the illustration EL-0081 is the


Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Which of the following actions must be carried out before a voltage tester can
be used to test the three line fuses to a three-phase motor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The fuses must be removed from the circuit.
2. The starter must be placed in the STOP position to stop the motor.
The three line connections in the motor terminal box must be
disconnected and tagged.
Nothing need be done as long as the motor is running under a light

Which of the following procedures should be used to maintain a large electric

motor during periods of inactivity?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A thin layer of air-drying varnish should be applied on the windings.
2. Compressed air should be blown over areas where dust is deposited.
3. Spraying a solvent periodically to remove carbon dust.
4. Space heaters should be used to prevent condensation of moisture.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the operating

characteristics of a squirrel-cage motor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Rotor slip is dependent upon the motor load.
2. An increase in motor load results in less slip.
3. A decrease in rotor speed results in less generated current.
4. A decrease in rotor speed produces a weaker magnetic field.

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Which of the illustrations listed below is representative of a motor controller's

'schematic' or 'elementary' diagram?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. EL-0023
2. EL-007
3. EL-037
4. EL-058

Which of the instruments listed could be use to locate a grounded field coil in a
synchronous motor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Ammeter
2. Voltmeter
3. Megohmmeter
4. Frequency meter

Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of
a motor with compressed air?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to
Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder
3. Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as possible.
4. All of the above.

463. Which of the listed types of motor controllers and starters is illustrated?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Across-the-line
2. Primary-resistor
3. Autotransformer
4. Part-winding

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464. Which section of the circuit shown in the illustration changes AC to DC?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV

While troubleshooting a circuit in an engine room central control console, a

465. resistor is suspected of being faulty. Which of the following precautions must
be observed if an ohmmeter is to be used to check its value?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Correct polarity must be observed because reverse bias will damage
the component.
Meter leads must not be twisted so as to cancel out the individual
magnetic fields.
Resistor's circuit must be de-energized and at least one end of the
component isolated.
4. The meter case must be grounded prior to attaching the leads.

466. A contactor differs from a relay in that:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. it operates on a different principle.
2. its contacts can interrupt large motor currents.
3. gravity and spring tension open contacts.
4. all of these

467. A hydrometer is used to measure the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. specific gravity of a battery electrolyte
2. water pressure in a deck pipeline
3. amount of potable water a vessel is taking on
4. power developed by a salt water service pump

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468. A loud buzzing noise at the contacts of a magnetic controller could indicate
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. weak contact spring pressure
2. misalignment of the magnet faces
3. excessive line current
4. mechanical binding

A loud buzzing noise coming from the contacts in a magnetic controller can be
caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. excessive current
2. excessive magnet gap
3. bouncing of contacts
4. dirt on magnet faces

470. A low-voltage protection circuit is used in electric motor starting equipment to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. trip circuit contactors when the motor overspeeds due to low voltage
trip circuit contactors when the motor develops a short circuit due to
low voltage
allow the motor to restart automatically on restoration of voltage
without manually resetting
prevent the motor from restarting automatically on restoration of

471. A semiconductor is a material with a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. conductivity higher than a normal conductor
2. conductivity higher than a normal insulator
3. high conductivity at low temperatures
4. low conductivity at high temperatures

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A semiconductor that decreases in resistance with an increase in temperature

is known as a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistor
2. thermistor
3. diode
4. thermopile

473. A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is a solid state device used to change
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. DC to AC and control relatively low load current
2. AC to DC and control relatively high load current
3. DC to AC and control relatively high load current
4. AC to DC and control relatively low load current

A strain-relief device must be provided where a cord enters an appliance. The

purpose of this device is:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. to provide for extra insulation between the cord and the metal case.
2. to maintain the flexibility of the cord.
3. to prevent the cord from being pulled out of the appliance.
4. to reduce the severity of a potential electric shock.

475. An electromechanical relay is basically:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an electromagnet used to switch contacts.
2. an electromagnet used to operate motors.
3. an electronic circuit used to control motors.
4. a device designed to relay information.

476. As shown in the illustration, "S" is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. safety switch
2. overload trip
3. start button
4. stop button

477. Component "B" of section "I" shown in the illustration represents a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bridge rectifier
2. selsyn motor
3. small generator
4. shielded lamp

For an electromechanical relay, the amount of voltage and current required to

energize the relay coil is:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the same when connected on an AC or a DC source.
2. the same as the voltage and current ratings of the contacts.
3. more than what is required to de-energize the coil
4. less than what is required to de-energize the coil.

479. Humming or buzzing of electric contacts is a symptom of

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. low voltage on the operating coil
2. power failure to the operating coil
3. a control circuit ground
4. a control circuit overload

If a magnetic controller relay fails to drop out when the coil voltage is removed
from the relay, the probable cause may be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. excessive spring tension

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2. overvoltage
3. excessive current
4. welded contacts

If deck machinery is expected to be idle for an extended period of time you

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
have electrical safety gloves available in case of electrical shock
before running
2. perform a 'high pot' test to determine the condition of the insulation
water wash the motor and controller to remove any salt that may
interfere with smooth operation
check run at regular intervals to insure correct operation and to
renew the internal coating of lubrication

If the approximate voltage to be measured in a circuit is not known, you

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. use the lowest voltage range on the voltmeter
2. connect the meter in series with the circuit
3. only have to calibrate the meter before using it
4. use the highest voltage range on the voltmeter

In the pitch control diagram shown in the illustration, what are the present
plant operating conditions?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
One engine is on the line, cruise mode is selected and the engine
room is in control.
One engine is on the line, maneuvering mode is selected and the
bridge is in control.
Both engines are on line, cruise mode is selected and the bridge is in
Both engines are on line, maneuvering mode is selected and the
engine room is in control.

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Magnetic controller contacts may become welded together during operating

conditions as a result of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. high spring pressure
2. high ambient temperature
3. an open coil
4. low voltage on operating coil

485. Motor drive systems are used:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. with AC or DC motors.
2. when operator-controlled variance of speed is required.
3. to maintain steady motor speed in spite of load fluctuations.
4. all of these

On tank vessels with an electrically-driven capstan, the motor should be

meggered periodically to test
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. insulation resistance
2. eddy currents
3. capacitance
4. armature reactance

487. Power necessary to operate the horn shown in the illustration

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. comes from each station's magneto
2. is supplied from a 115 volt source
3. is conducted through a relay coil
4. also lights lamps "R" and "T"

488. Relays are primarily used to switch currents in the:

Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. control circuit.
2. load circuit.
3. power-distribution circuit.
4. live circuit.

Relays with no contacts, which are switched entirely by electronic devices, are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electromechanical relays.
2. solid-state relays.
3. hybrid relays.
4. magnetic relays.

490. The best way to test an incandescent lamp filament is:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. to shake it.
2. to check it for continuity with an ohmmeter.
3. to check it for voltage with a voltmeter.
4. to visually inspect it.

491. The current drawn by a motor is:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. low on starting.
2. high on starting.
3. an accurate measurement of motor load.
4. both b and c

492. The diagrams shown in the illustration represent a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. engine order telegraph circuit
2. rudder angle indicator arrangement

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3. engine speed tachometer with repeaters

4. sound powered telephone system

The electrical energy necessary to power a sound-powered telephone's small

vibrating bell is obtained from
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the emergency batteries for the general alarm
2. each station's hand-cranked generator
3. the emergency switchboard
4. normal 115 volt DC supplies

The electrical energy necessary to transmit a person's voice over a sound-

powered telephone circuit is obtained from
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. dry cell batteries
2. the ship's service switchboard
3. the emergency switchboard
4. the speaker's voice

495. The fluorescent bulb produces light by:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. heating a filament to a white-heat temperature.
2. means of a chemical reaction within the tube.
3. means of an electron arc established between two cathodes.
4. means of magnet induction between two electrodes.

496. The illustrated EL-0024 circuits are used to measure

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance
2. gauss or magnetic field strength
3. battery discharge rate in Amp-hours
4. capacitance

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497. The instant-start fluorescent tube:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. has a single-pin connection at each end.
2. requires a very high starting voltage.
3. requires a bulkier and more expensive type of ballast.
4. all of these

The 'pitch controller module' shown in the illustration is fed the actual pitch
position of the propeller from the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'pitch meter'
2. 'pitch feedback potentiometer'
3. #5 relay position
4. pitch error signal

499. The pitting of controller contacts can be caused by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. excessive spring pressure
2. insufficient contact pressure
3. continuous motor overload
4. all of the above

500. The purpose of a magnetic relay is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open a circuit only in the event of overload
2. remotely open and close contacts
3. provide overcurrent protection during starting
4. relay voltages at increased power

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501. The purpose of overload protection on a motor is to protect:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the motor from sustained overcurrents.
2. the wire from high currents.
3. the motor from sustained over voltage.
4. the motor from short circuits.

502. The resistance of a 200-W, 120-V incandescent lamp would be:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than that of a 40-W, 120-V incandescent lamp.
2. lower than that of a 40-W, 120-V incandescent lamp.
3. the same as that of a 40-W, 120-V incandescent lamp.
4. 1,66 Ohmi

The schematic diagram shown in the illustration EL-0069 represents which of

the listed solid-state circuits?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Bridge rectifier
2. Magnetic amplifier
3. Flip-flop generator
4. Cathodic amplifier

The shipboard general alarm system must receive its main source of power
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a storage battery
2. the emergency generator
3. an auxiliary generator
4. the ship's service generator

505. The timer element of a reverse power relay cannot be energized unless
Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. the power flow is the same as the tripping direction
2. the power flow is the opposite to the tripping direction
3. the movement of the disk is damped by a permanent magnet
4. one generator is motorized

506. The transmit and receive elements of a sound-powered telephone handset are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. identical and can be used for either function
of similar construction but different enough to be used only for its
own function
of very different construction and MUST be used only for its own
4. constructed so that each can fit only in its own recess

507. The use of four diodes, in a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit, will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. provide unidirectional current to the load
2. allow a very high leakage current from the load
3. convert direct current to alternating current
4. offer high opposition to current in two directions

What are the plant conditions existing in the 'engine speed control' diagram
shown in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The Bridge is in control in the 'auto. maneuver' mode.
2. The Engine Room is in control in the 'cruise split' mode.
3. The Bridge is in control in the 'auto. split' mode.
4. The Engine Room is in control in the 'auto. maneuver' mode.

When attempting to measure AC current with the device shown and you are
unsure of the range, the range switch should be set to

Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. 10 MA / AMPS with leads in the (-10 A) and (+10 A) jacks
2. 10 MA / AMPS with leads in the (-COMMON) and (+) jacks
3. 10 MA / AMPS with leads in the (-COMMON) and (+10 A) jacks
unable to accurately measure AC current with this device as

Which of the following applies to stopping a motor by electronically reversing

the motor while it is still running in the forward direction?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. dynamic braking
2. regenerative braking
3. plugging
4. jogging

Which of the following devices are protected from being motorized by a

reverse-power relay?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Alternators
2. Wave guides
3. Exciters
4. Amplidynes

Which of the following is designed to provide machine operation protection by

requiring the motor to be restarted after a power failure?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. phase-reversal protection
2. ground-fault protection
3. low-voltage protection
4. low-voltage release

513. Which of the following is not a characteristic of AC motors?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. high torque at low speed

2. lower cost
3. less maintenance required
4. physically smaller than DC motors of the same horsepower

514. Which of the following is not a common application for a relay?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. change alternating current to direct current
2. control a 120-V lighting circuit with a 24-V control circuit
3. control several switching operations by a single separate current
switch a high-current motor circuit ON and OFF with a low current
control circuit

Which of the following is not an advantage of fluorescent lamps over the

incandescent types?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. lower initial cost
2. produce less heat during normal operation
3. produce more light per watt of power consumed
4. will last longer

516. Which of the following is not an advantage of high-intensity discharge lamps?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. They operate at low current.
2. They have a very long life expectancy.
3. They have a high light efficiency.
4. They have a high watt output from a single fixture.

Which of the following statements concerning the maintenance of solid-silver

contacts in relays and auxiliary control circuits is correct?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. When necessary, they should always be dressed with a wire wheel.
2. They should be filed with a fine-cut file when projections extend

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beyond the contact surface.

When black silver oxide is present, it should always be removed
from the contact surface with coarse sandpaper.
If necessary, they should be held together with moderate pressure
while emery paper is drawn between the contacts.

Which of the following statements represents an application of a silicon

controlled rectifier?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. To provide DC power for a main propulsion motor.
2. For use as a voltage reference diode.
3. For sensing flame in an automated burner.
4. To eliminate power supply hum.

Which of the following statements represents the important factor that must
be considered when replacing a faulty diode in the exciter rectifier assembly?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Be certain that the replacement diode is the same polarity as the one
Never alter the diode alignment to cause a change in the neutral
Replacement of a diode also requires balancing of the rotor with a
one-piece rotor lamination to be shrunk fit and keyed to the shaft.
The replacement diode must be dipped in varnish prior to installation
to protect against humidity.

Which of the following statements represents the main difference between a

relay and a contactor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Contactors control current and relays control voltage.
2. A relay is series connected and a contactor is parallel connected.
3. Contactors can handle heavier loads than relays.
4. Contactors are made from silver and relays are made from copper.

Which of the listed conditions describes the effect on intrinsic semiconductor

operation as a result of a temperature increase?

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Additional heat sinks will be required
2. Conductivity will increase
3. Conductivity will decrease
4. Resistivity will increase

Which of the listed precautions should be observed before spraying liquid

solvent on the insulation of an electric motor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Slow the motor down to low speed.
2. Disconnect the motor from the power source.
3. Secure all ventilation in the area.
4. Preheat the insulation to assist in cleaning.

Which of the motors for the devices listed below is fitted with an instantaneous
overload relay?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Fan
2. Pump
3. Winch
4. Machine tool

Which of the referenced waveshapes would appear at point "X" of the circuit
shown in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Which of the wave forms shown in the illustration will be produced when the
circuit is in use?

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

526. A circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity in that they both
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. can be reset to energize the circuit
2. should open the circuit when overloaded
3. will burn out when an over current flow develops
4. all of the above

527. A circuit breaker differs from a fuse in that a circuit breaker

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. melts and must be replaced
is enclosed in a tube of insulating material with metal ferrules at each
3. gives no visual indication of having opened the circuit
4. trips to break the circuit and may be reset

528. A circuit is protected from overheating by a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. pyrometer
2. thermal overload relay
3. magnetic contactor
4. overload transformer

529. A delayed-action fuse is most frequently used in which of the listed circuits?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Lighting circuit
2. Motor circuit

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3. Electric heater circuit

4. Radar circuit

A four-pole induction motor, operating on three-phase 60 cycle current will

operate at approximately
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 850 RPM
2. 1,150 RPM
3. 1,750 RPM
4. 3,550 RPM

A low voltage source is being used for testing armature coils A coil short
circuit will be indicated by a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
high voltage reading, while the other coil readings will have an equal
or lower value
low or zero voltage reading, while the other coils will have higher
fluctuating voltmeter reading, while the other coil readings are
steady voltmeter reading, while the other coil readings are

532. A shore power circuit breaker should be closed only

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
when the ship's generators have been directly paralleled to those on
2. in a shipyard
3. if a quick disconnect coupling is used
4. when the ship's generators have been removed from the bus

A single-phase induction motor will only start if you spin the rotor rapidly
533. with the line switch closed After starting, its speed fluctuates between very
slow and half-speed The problem probably lies in the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. starting winding
2. centrifugal mechanism
3. centrifugal switch
4. running winding

A three-phase, induction-type motor experiences an open in one phase Which

534. of the listed automatic protective devices will prevent the machine from being
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Overspeed trip
2. Thermal overload relay
3. Three-pole safety switch
4. Magnetic blowout coil

535. A three-phase, squirrel cage, induction motor will run hot due to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open stator coils
2. high power factor
3. dirty or corroded slip rings
4. reversed commutating poles

AC circuits possess characteristics of resistance, inductance, and capacitance

The capacitive reactance of a circuit is expressed in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ohms
2. mhos
3. henrys
4. farads

An adjustable resistor, whose resistance can be changed without opening the

circuit in which it is connected, is called a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bleeder resistor

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2. rheostat
3. bridge
4. variable shunt strip

An electric heating element supplied with 120 volts draws 15 amps How much
power will be consumed?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 15 watts
2. 45.57 watts
3. 180 watts
4. 1800 watts

An electrical device which employs a stationary armature and a rotating

electromagnetic field is used aboard ship as a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. magnetic amplifier
2. ship's service alternator
3. three-wire DC generator
4. saturable core reactor

An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other
required conditions are met is called a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. limit
2. monitor
3. modulator
4. interlock

As a general rule, the first troubleshooting action to be taken in checking

faulty electric control devices is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. draw a one line diagram of the circuitry
2. test all fuses and measure the line voltage

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3. take megger readings

4. insulate the apparatus from ground

As shown in the illustration, what happens when "A" is closed, "B" is in

position "2" and component 'E2' burns out?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. H energizes and D makes contact.
2. F goes out allowing G to disconnect.
3. G sounds an alarm and F illuminates.
4. C opens causing A to also open.

Before working on an electric cargo winch master switch or controller, you

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. spray the gasket surface with a solvent
2. drain condensate from the box
3. open the circuit breaker in the power supply and tag
4. heat the switch box to remove any moisture

During start-up of the circuit shown in the illustration EL-0081, it is noted that
544. the ends of component "C" alternately glow and become dark without the
tube illuminating The most probable cause for this is that

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
component "D" is loose and due to the ship's vibrations makes and
breaks contact
the power system's voltage is fluctuating in and out of the range
necessary for proper operation
component "A" is shorted and therefore unable to produce the high
voltage required to start the lamp
component "B" contacts are opening and closing thus prohibiting
sufficient current flow

545. Electric strip heaters are used in motor controllers to

Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
1. prevent freezing of movable contacts
2. keep the components at their design ambient temperature
3. prevent condensation of moisture
4. minimize resistance in internal circuits

546. Electrical circuits are protected against overheating by means of a/an

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. circuit breaker
2. amplifier
3. diode
4. capacitor

547. Electrical leads and insulation on a motor should be painted with

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. heat-resisting acrylic
2. heat-resisting aluminum
3. insulating varnish
4. insulating white lead

548. Excessive heat in an operating motor controller can result from

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a closed starter contact
2. loose connections
3. missing arc chutes
4. low motor starting torque

549. Excessive humming of AC contactors may be caused by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. burnt arc shields
2. shorted armature coils
3. a broken shading coil

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4. high voltage

550. Heat sinks are frequently used with

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power transistors
2. vacuum tubes
3. tunnel rectifier diodes
4. all of the above

If power were lost to the winch shown in the illustration while in 'second point
hoist' the winch would stop When power is restored the winch would

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
continue to run at 'second point hoist' unless a different speed is
selected by the 'master Switch'
continue to run but at 'first point' speed, for safety, until the 'master
Switch' is brought to 'off' and then back to the desired speed
remain stopped until the 'safety switch' is recycled either directly or
by action of the 'master switch' handle
remain stopped until the 'master switch' is returned to 'off' closing the
'reset' contacts and then moved to any 'run' position

If the illustrated EL-0027 test is being performed to determine which winding

is grounded and the light does not come on then

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
winding is grounded and you should continue on to the next winding
to see if any others are grounded
winding is not grounded and you should continue on to the next
2. winding until the light comes on designating that winding as
test is meaningless because you can not determine if a winding is
grounded without a megger.
ground is not in the windings but probabily in the pecker head, you
should check and retape the line lead connections

553. In a three-phase, squirrel-cage type, induction motor the rotating magnetic

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field is established by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. current induced in the rotor windings
2. application of a three-phase voltage supply to the stator windings
3. laminated steel core and aluminum conductors in the rotor
interaction of the magnetic field caused by the induced current in the
squirrel-cage bars with the magnetic field of the stator

In an emergency, the fastest way to interrupt power and stop the winch shown
in the illustration is for the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. mate to open the disconnect switch at 'L1' and 'L2'
2. winch operator to open the 'safe switch' at the 'master switch'
3. engine room watch engineer to open the winch circuit breaker
4. electrician to open the test link at the controller

555. In an induction motor, rotor currents are circulated in the rotor by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. slip rings and brushes
2. an armature and brushes
3. inductive reaction of the rotating stator field
4. external variable resistors

In general, polyphase induction motors can be started on full line voltage by

means of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. compensator starters
2. autotransformer starters
3. across-the-line starters
4. primary-resistor starters

557. In the event of a power failure during cargo loading operations, the movement

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of an electric powered cargo winch will be stopped by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a manual override switch
2. the weight of the load on the boom
3. a spring set brake
4. a hand operated band brake

558. Incandescent lamps are classified according to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. shape of bulb and type of service
2. size and style of base
3. operating voltage and wattage
4. all of the above

Magnetic controller contacts may become welded together during operation

due to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an open coil
2. low contact pressure
3. excessive ambient temperature
4. excessive magnetic gap

Most three-phase induction motors used for driving engine room auxiliaries
are started by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistor starters
2. across-the-line starters
3. impedance starters
4. reactor starters

561. Motor controllers are seldom troubled with grounds because

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. the auxiliary contacts have a high resistance connection

2. the contactors and relays are mounted on a nonconducting panel
3. the resistor banks are composed of individual series-connected units
4. there are separate switches for the motor and the control

562. Section III of the circuit shown in the illustration is a

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage regulator
2. filter
3. rectifier
4. voltage transformer

Some large AC motors are equipped with with heaters These could be I
563. resistance heaters bolted directly to the frame II low voltage windings
embedded in the motor windings
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. either I or II
4. neither I or II

The air gap in an induction motor should be periodically checked with a feeler
gage to prevent possible
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. rotor contact with the stator
2. axial misalignment of the rotor
3. damage to the motor bearings
4. electrical damage to the bearings

The alarm system for an engine order telegraph uses small selsyn motors
attached to the indicators The alarm sounds when the rotors are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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in synchronous position, no current is flowing, and the relays are

in synchronous position, no current is flowing, and the relays are
3. not synchronized, current is flowing, and the relays are open
4. not synchronized, current is flowing, and the relays are closed

566. The devices marked "T" in the illustration are

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
trouble alarm units whose contacts activate when problems arise
either on starting or stopping of the motor
topping lift direction indicators which show alternately whether the
motor is hoisting or lowering the load
timing relay components whose contacts open or close depending on
the setting of their pneumatic adjustment
thawing contactor parts whose contacts start and stop the defrosting
cycle of the compressor driven by the motor

The difference between the synchronous speed of an induction machine and its
operating speed (slip) may be correctly expressed
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. as a percent of synchronous speed
2. as a decimal fraction of synchronous speed
3. directly in revolutions per minute
4. as all of the above

568. The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. collect all available data on a casualty
2. recognize normal operation
3. identify the probable cause of a symptom
4. isolate the faulty component

569. The heaters for the winch circuit shown in the illustration are powered from

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a separate source
2. the winch main bus
3. the master switch power circuit
4. the contactor control circuit

The heating of conductors as a result of resistance in a distribution circuit

causes a power loss expressed as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. line droop
2. line loss
3. IR drop
4. hysteresis

The heating of conductors as a result of resistance in a distribution circuit

causes a power loss expressed as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. line droop
2. line loss
3. IR drop
4. hysteresis

The process, whereby electrons gain sufficient energy to be released from the
surface of a thin, heated metal plate, is known as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. photo electric emission
2. secondary emission
3. thermionic emission
4. regressive emission

573. The purpose of a heat sink, as frequently used with transistors, is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. prevent excessive temperature rise

2. compensate for excessive doping
3. increase the reverse current
4. decrease the forward current

574. The purpose of 'R6' in the winch circuit shown in the illustration is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. maintain dry conditions within the winch brake box
keep the series field current at a low value during 'fourth and fifth
point lowering'
act as the armature dynamic braking load to assist the winch in
limit the armature current during lowering operation with heavy

The purpose of the 'heater resistors' for the winch circuit shown in the
illustration is to

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. limit the current in the heater circuit
2. dispel moisture in the 'master switch' housing & control panel
3. keep the winch brake housing below the dew point
4. maintain winch motor operating temperature

576. The rate at which heat is produced in a direct current circuit is equal to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. P divided by R
2. I squared times R
3. E divided by I
4. I times R divided by T

577. The rated temperature rise of an electric motor is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. average temperature at any given latitude

normal temperature rise above the standard ambient temperature at
rated load
3. average temperature rise due to resistance at 10% overload
permissible difference in the ambient temperature of the motor due
to existing weather conditions

The 'reset' contacts of the master switch shown in the illustration provides the
winch controller with

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. low voltage release
2. overload protection
3. low voltage protection
4. high power factor correction

579. The reversal of an AC, three-phase, induction motor is accomplished by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. changing all three motor leads
2. reversing the position of the slip rings
3. interchanging any two of the three motor leads
4. interchanging any two brushes

580. The rotation of a three-phase induction motor can be reversed by

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. interchanging any two of the three line leads to the stator
2. disconnecting one of the three line leads to the stator
3. switching the shunt field coil leads
permanently disconnecting any two of the three line leads to the

The speed of a multi-speed, squirrel-cage, induction motor operating in a fixed

frequency system can be changed by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. reconnecting stator windings for different numbers of poles

2. changing the RPM of the rotor flux
3. changing the phase sequence of the applied voltage
4. reconnecting the stator so that no poles have the same polarity

582. The speed of a squirrel-cage induction motor is determined by the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. diameter of the stator
2. number of stator poles
3. rotor winding resistance
4. rotor conducting bars resistance

The speed of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction-type motor operating in a

fixed frequency system is varied by changing the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. number of phases to the motor
2. number of stator poles
3. locked rotor current
4. resistance of the rotor winding

584. The synchronous speed of an induction motor is the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. speed at which the rotor turns
2. speed of the rotating field
3. frequency of the rotor current
4. slip in per cent of rotor RPM

The torque produced by a motor when its shaft will not turn, even though
rated voltage is applied to the stator, is known as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. locked-rotor torque
2. pullout torque

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3. breakdown torque
4. torque margin

The winch shown in the illustration operates in any of the positions with the
586. master switch in the 'lower' direction, but will not 'hoist' in any of the master
switch hoist positions Which of the listed faults could be the cause?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Master switch contact 'MS3' may have defective springs.
2. Contactor '3M' coil could have an open winding.
3. Contact '2M' in the power circuit may be badly corroded.
4. Series relay 'FR' may be open.

The winch shown in the illustration will not operate in any speed in the
587. lowering direction and at an abnormal speed in 'first point hoist' The possible
cause is that

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. contactor coil '3M' has many shorted turns
2. resistor 'R8-A2' has an open
3. contacts '1M' in the power circuit are badly corroded
4. master switch contacts 'MS6' have weak springs

Two contributors of electronic console failures are heat and vibration To

588. combat some of their effects, preventive maintenance procedures should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
systematic rotation of circuit cards with those from spares to allow
component cooling
periodic changing or cleaning of console ventilation and control
room air conditioning filters
weekly tightening of console foundation bolts and changing of the
air in the control room
4. all of the above

Under normal conditions, the speed of a two-speed squirrel cage induction

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589. motor is changed by varying the

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. amplitude of the applied voltage
2. frequency of the applied voltage
3. resistance in the rotor circuit
4. number of field poles

Under which of the listed conditions can the engine room retake the throttle
control from the bridge?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Any time it is deemed necessary.
2. Only with the master's permission.
3. After a 10 minute delay to the input command.
4. Only after the throttle has been placed in stop.

What is indicated by gradual blackening at the ends of component "C" shown

in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The unit is in danger of exploding.
2. The tube is nearing the end of its useful life.
3. The circuit voltage is too high.
4. The circuit current is too high.

What power is consumed by a heating element using a current of 20 amperes

at 120 volts?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 20 watts
2. 66.67 watts
3. 720 watts
4. 2400 watts

593. When the control handle is in the 'off' position, the solenoid actuated brake of

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the electric winch is

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. de-energized and the brake is released
2. energized and the brake is released
3. energized and the brake is set by a spring
4. de-energized and the brake is set by a spring

When the operating handle is in the 'off' position, which master switch
contacts for the winch shown in the illustration are closed?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'MS-DB & OL'
2. 'MS-3, 5, 6, 7, & 8'
3. 'MS-LVa & OL'
4. 'MS-3, 7 & Reset'

When you are making a high potential test on a piece of repaired electrical
machinery, a rise in leakage current indicates
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. good insulation
2. bad insulation
3. high insulation power factor
4. a high slot discharge factor

596. Which component of the circuit shown in the illustration is the lamp?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D

Which of the damages listed can occur to the components of a winch master

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control switch, if the cover gasket becomes deteriorated?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Overheating of the winch motor.
2. Contamination of lube oil.
3. Sparking at the winch motor brushes.
4. Rapid corrosion of switch components.

Which of the following represents the accepted method of cleaning dust and
598. foreign particles from electrical equipment while limiting damage to electric
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Carefully wiping off the components with a soft cotton rag.
Blowing a high velocity stream of compressed air rapidly across the
3. Using a vacuum cleaner to remove debris from the components.
Using carbon tetrachloride as a cleaning solvent to clean the

Which of the following statements describes the significance of ambient

temperature in relation to the service life of electronic components?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Ambient temperature should be as high as possible to drive off
Increased ambient temperature decreases the service life of
electronic components.
Ambient temperature is not significant as long as the relative
humidity is kept low.
A reduced ambient temperature causes a corresponding reduced
service life.

Which of the listed conditions occur when selection is made for 'third point
hoist' on the winch shown in the illustration?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Master switch contacts "5", "6", "7", "8", and "9" close.
2. Contactors '2M', '3M', '4M' and '1A' pick up.
3. Contactors '1M', 3M', '1A' and '2A' drop out.

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4. Master switch contacts "3","4", "6", "8", and "9" close.

Which two components, shown in the illustration, acting together will

disconnect the motor from the line in case of a sustained motor overload?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. G and H
2. E and I
3. F and H
4. E and G

602. Care din consumatori este considerat neesential ?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. tabloul instalatiei frigorifice din magazii
tabloul instalatiei frigorifice al sistemului de stingere cu CO2 de
joasa presiune
3. tabloul vinciurilor de manevra
4. tabloul instalatiei frigorifice de cambuza

Care dintre urmatorii consumatori de curent continuu (C.C.) se vor gasi pe

nave cu sistemele de serviciu in curent alternativ (C.A.)?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Iluminatul general
2. Iluminatul de urgenta
3. Incalzirea cabinelor
4. Bucataria

Care este raportul maxim dintre puterile nominale ale transformatoarelor

care functioneaza in paralel?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2
2. 3
3. 1,5

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4. 0,5

Care este tensiunea maxima de alimentare pentru lampi portabile in locuri

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 60v
2. 220v
3. 24v
4. 48v

Pentru ce este important a se cunoaste tensiunea de scurtcircuit a

transformatoarelor ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Pentru functionarea corecta in paralel
2. Pentru a se calcula raportul de transformare
3. Pentru a se calcula regimul termic nominal
4. Pentru a se calcula rezistenta de izolatie necesara

Actionarea detectorului de "nivel minim ulei carter" din cadrul unei instalatii
de semnalizare si protectie motor auxiliar va
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica, va decupla generatorul de la
bare si va opri motorul auxiliar
2. va declansa o alarma optica si acustica
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica si va porni un alt motor
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica si va reduce turatia motorului

Actionarea detectorului de "supratemperatura gaze evacuare" din cadrul unei

instalatii de semnalizare si protectie motor auxiliar va
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. va declansa o alarma optica si acustica
2. va declansa o alarma optica si acustica, va decupla generatorulu de la

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bare si va opri motorul auxiliar

va declansa o alarma optica si acustica si var fii decuplati
consumatorii neesentiali
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica si va reduce turatia motorului

Autonomia iluminatului de urgenta alimentat din baterii de acumulatori,

considerat "sursa tranzitorie" este de minim
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1 ora
2. 1/2 ora
3. 2 ore
4. 3 ore

Autonomia iluminatului de urgenta alimentat din baterii de acumulatori, se

610. considera timpul de functionare astfel incat tensiunea la bornele celui mai
indepartat consumator sa nu scada cu mai mult de
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1%
2. 3%
3. 5%
4. 1%

611. Blocul de protectie a unui generator sincron asigura minim protectie la

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, supratemperatura ulei motor auxiliar,
tensiune minima, putere inversa
scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, presiune minima ulei motor auxiliar,
tensiune minima, putere inversa
3. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, putere inversa
4. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, putere inversa

612. Blocul de protectie a unui generator sincron naval se afla instalat in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

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1. sectia generatorului din TPD

2. pe generator
3. intr-un tablou dedicat situat in PCC
4. intr-n tablou dedicat situat in CM

Capacitatea bateriei de acumulatori destinate pornirii diesel-generatorului de

avarie (DGA) trebue sa asigure
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 5 porniri
2. 9 porniri
3. 6 porniri
4. 3 porniri

614. Care dintre tipurile de retea este preferata la navele comerciale ?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. radiala
2. cu magistrale
3. mixta
4. in bucla

Care este abaterea maxima admisibila a tensiunii nominale ale unui generator
sincron independent dotat cu regulator de tensiune?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. +/- 3,5%
2. +/- 5%
3. +/- 2,5%
4. +/- 1,5%

Care este echiparea uzuala a unui Tablou electric de legatura cu malul intr-o
centrala electrica navala (CEN) in curent alternativ trifazat (CAT) ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect

1. aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, sinfazimetru, voltmetru

cu comutator de faze, frecventmetru, ampermetru cu comutator pe

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faze, KWh
aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, sinfazimetru, voltmetru
cu comutator de faze, frecventmetru, KWh
aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, sinfazimetru, voltmetru
cu comutator de faze, KWh
aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, voltmetru cu comutator
de faze, KWh

Care este numarul de bare dintr-un teblou principal de distributie (TPD) al

unei centrale in Curent Alternativ Trifazat?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 5

Care este numarul de bare dintr-un tablou principal de distributie (TPD) al

unei centrale electrice navale in Curent Continuu?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 1

619. Care este tensiune unui element de acumulator acid cu Pb

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2 V
2. 1,5 V
3. 2,4 V
4. 1,2 V

620. Care este tensiune unui element de acumulator alcalin Fe-Ni

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2 V

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2. 1,5 V
3. 2,4 V
4. 1,2 V

Care sunt protectiile minime necesare motorului termic de actionare a

generatorului de avarie
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
presiune minima ungere, temperatura maxima ungere, temperatura
maxima racire, supraturatie
2. presiune minima ungere, temperatura maxima racire, supraturatie
3. presiune minima ungere, temperatura maxima racire, turatie minima
presiune minima ungere, temperatura maxima racire, presiune
minima racire, supraturatie

Ce rol are un corectorul de tensiune din cadrul unui regulator de tensiune

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Asigura o variatie de tensiune de maxim 2,5 %
2. Asigura o variatie de frecventa de maxim 5 %
3. Asigura o variatie de curent de maxim 10 %
4. Asigura o variatie a tensiunii de excitatie de maxim 1,5 %

Conceptual, unde este amplasat tabloul de distributie pentru iluminatul de

urgenta ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. In compartimentul masini
2. Impreuna cu statia de incarcare
3. Impreuna cu acumulatorii
4. Pe un culoar la nivelul puntii principale

Conditiile necesare pentru cuplarea unui generator sincron in paralel la barele

TPD sunt:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
egalitatea tensiunilor, egalitatea frecventelor, egalitatea puterilor

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1. active, unghi zero intre tensiunile de faza;

egalitatea tensiunilor, egalitatea frecventelor, egalitatea puterilor
active, unghi zero intre tensiunile de linie;
egalitatea tensiunilor, egalitatea frecventelor, aceiasi succesiune a
fazelor, unghi zero intre tensiunile de faza;
egalitatea tensiunilor, egalitatea frecventelor, aceiasi succesiune a
fazelor, unghi zero intre tensiunile de linie;

625. Cosfi metru indica:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Raportul dintre puterea reactiva si puterea aparenta
2. Raportul dintre puterea activa si puterea aparenta
3. Raportul dintre tensiune si curent
4. Raportul dintre puterea activa si puterea reactiva

Cu ce aparate electromagnetice se poate realiza protectia la suprasarcina a

unui generator sincron?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. releu de curent, temporizat
2. releu termic, temporizat
3. releu de tensiune, netemporizat
4. releu de curent, netemporizat

627. Cum controlam saptamanal rezistenta de izolatie a iluminatului de urgenta ?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Cu ajutorul megometrului portabil, separand circuitele
2. Nu se controleaza
3. De la nivelul tabloul de incarcare/distributie cu aparatele dedicate
4. Cu doua voltmetre, intr-un montaj specific

Cum se realizeaza decuplarea consumatorilor neesentiali din cadrul unei

centrale electrice navale (CEN) in curent alternativ trifazat (CAT)?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
prin protectia la sub si suprafrecventa la nivelul intrerupatoarelor

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1. automate
2. prin protectia la scurtcircuit la nivelul intrerupatoarelor automate
3. prin declansatoare ale intrerupatoarelor automate
4. prin releele de suprasarcina de la nivelul intrerupatoarelor automate

Cuplarea la barele tablou de distributie de avarie (TDA) a generatorului de

avarie nu este conditionata de
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. existenta tensiunii la barele TPD
2. semnalizarea de lansare a CO2 in compartimentul DGA
3. actionarea confirmata a protectiei de suprasarcina a DGA
4. actionarea protectiei la scurtcircuit pe barele TDA

Cuplarea tabloului electric de legatura cu malul la tabloul principal de

distributie (TPD) este conditionata de
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. starea motorului principal
2. starea separatoarelor de bare
3. starea intrerupatoarelor de cuplare la bare a generatoarelor
4. starea generatorului de avarie

De ce acumulatorii acizi cu Pb este preferat in pornirea cu demaror electric a

motoarelor termice ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Deoarece au capacitate mare in raport cu acumulatorii alcalini
2. Deoarece pot fii descarcati pana la zero
3. Deoarece pot ceda instantaneu curenti mari
4. Deoarece au greutate mica in raport cu capacitatea

De ce acumulatorii alcalini sunt preferati in alimentarea circuitelor

iluminatului de urgenta ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Deoarece uzual pot fii complet descarcati

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2. Deoarece sunt ieftini in raport cu capacitatea

3. Deoarece pot ceda instantaneu curenti mari
4. Deoarece au greutate mica in raport cu capacitatea

De ce se prefera ca protectia la scurtcircuit a unei alimentari din tabloul

principal de distributie (TPD) din cadrul unei centrale electrice navale (CEN)
in curent alternativ trifazat (CAT) sa fie executata atat de intrerupator
automat cat si de sigurante fuzibile?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Se poate regla corect nivelul de protectie
2. Protectia este sigura, fiind dubla
3. Se evita ramanerea in doua faze
4. Se realizeaza astfel si protectia la suprasarcina

Este recomandata functionarea in paralel a unui diesel-generator (DG) si

generator pe ax ( G-ax) ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Nu - datorita lipsei reactiei intre excitatii
2. Nu - datorita caracteristicilor diferite ale regulatoarelor de turatie
3. Da - numai pentru transferul sarcinii
4. Da - daca puterile nu difera cu mai mult de 1/3

635. Grupul de avarie trebuie sa functioneze independent minim

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 24 ore
2. 6 ore
3. 12 ore
4. 18 ore

In cazul iesirii din parametri reglati, blocul de protectie a unui generator

sincron naval
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. opreste diesel-generatorul

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2. reduce turatia diesel-generatorului

3. decupleza generatorul de la bare si opreste motorul auxiliar
4. decupleaza generatorul de la bare

In cazul iesirii din parametri reglati, blocul de protectie a unui generator

sincron naval actioneaza asupra
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. regulatorului de turatie a motorului de actionare
2. intrerupatorului automat de cuplare la bare al generatorului
3. regulatorului de tensiune al generatorului
4. sistemului de pornire al celui de-al doilea generator

In conditii normale ale unei centrale electrice navale (CEN) in curent

638. alternativ trifazat (CAT) , tabloul de distributie de avarie (TDA) este
alimentat direct din
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. TPD
2. DGA
3. TM
4. nu este alimentat

La functionarea in paralel a doua generatoare sincrone de puteri egale

639. observam o incarcare de puteri active egala dar o incarcarea de curent de
sarcina inegala Acest fapt se datoreaza unui
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. reglaj incorect al regulatorului de turatie
2. reglaj incorect al regulatorului de tensiune
3. defect in bobinajul indusului generatorului
4. defect in bobinajul de excitatie al generatorului

640. La navele comerciale se prefera o retea radiala deoarece

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. se asigura un consum minim de cablu

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2. se asigura o dubla alimentare a consumatorilor

3. se asigura o buna protectie a consumatorilor
4. se asigura o buna selectivitate a protectiilor

641. O Centrala Electrica Navala include

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
sursele de energie electrica, tabloul principal de distributie si reteaua
sursele de energie electrica, tabloul principal de distributie si
3. sursele de energie electrica si tabloul principal de distributie
4. sursele de energie electrica, reteaua si consumatorii

Pe sectiunea din tabloul principal de distributie (TPD) a unui generator

642. sincron din cadrul unei centrale electrice navale (CEN) de curent alternativ
trifazat (CAT) vom avea minim urmatoarele aparate de masura:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
un voltmetru dublu, un frecventmetru dublu, un kilowattmetru, un
kilovarmetru, un ampermetru de sarcina, un ampermetru de excitatie
un voltmetru dublu, un frecventmetru dublu, un ampermetru de
sarcina, un ampermetru de excitatie
un voltmetru dublu, un frecventmetru dublu, un kilowattmetru, un
ampermetru de sarcina, un ampermetru de excitatie
un voltmetru dublu, un frecventmetru dublu, un kilowattmetru, un
ampermetru de sarcina

Pentru ca doua generatoare sincrone navale, actionate de motoare auxiliare, sa

poata functiona in paralel trebuie ca
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. sa aiba acelasi putere
2. puterile lor sa nu difere mai mult cu 1/3
3. puterile lor sa nu difere mai mult cu 1/2
4. sa fie fabricate de acelasi producator

Pentru ca doua generatoare sincrone navale, actionate de motoare auxiliare, sa

poata functiona stabil in paralel, trebuie ca

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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. parametrii constructivi ai excitatiilor sa fie identici
2. puterile lor aparente nominale sa fie egale
3. puterile lor active nominale sa fie egale
4. sa existe o reactie inversa intre la nivelul regulatoarelor de tensiune

645. Pot functiona in paralel un diesel-generator (DG) si un turbo-generator ?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Da - daca sunt indeplinite conditiile de punere in paralel
2. Da - daca avem un sincro-repartitor de sarcina
3. Da - daca excitatiile se pot lega in paralel
4. Da - daca puterile nu difera cu mai mult de 1/2

646. Releul de putere inversa:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Pastreaza curentul de sarcina la un nivel de siguranta
2. Pastreaza tensiunea generatorului la un nivel de siguranta
3. Pastreaza puterea generatorului la un nivel de siguranta
4. Pastreaza functionarea masinii electrice ca generator

647. Separatoarele de bare se folosesc la

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. punerea in paralel a generatoarelor
2. separarea pe sectiuni a barelor tabloului principal de distributie
3. separarea de avarie a barelor tabloului principal de distributie
4. decuplarea in caz de suprasarcina pentru generatoare

648. Sincronoscopul este folosit la

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Punerea in paralel a generatoarelor de CA
2. Punerea in paralel a generatoarelor de CC
3. Sincronizaea functionarii intre motor si generator

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4. Sincronizarea functionarii a motoarelor generatoarelor

Sistemul de iluminat de urgenta alimentat din baterii de acumulatori este

considerat "sursa tranzitorie"
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. atunci cand exista si DGA
2. atunci cand autonomia acestuia este de minim 6 ore
3. atunci cand nu exista DGA
4. atunci cand DGA nu alimenteaza iluminatul de urgenta

Sistemul trifazat cu nul izolat, folosit in centrale electrice navale (CEN) de

curent alternativ trifazat (CAT), se justifica prin
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. posibilitatea controlului permanent al rezistentei de izolatie
2. incarcarea echilibrata a centralei
3. izolarea galvanica a consumatorilor de forta de cei gospodaresti
4. folosirea unui numar minim de masini electrice

Un grup diesel-generator (DG) portabil asezat pe punte si cuplat la tabloul

651. principal de distributie (TPD) prin tabloul electric de legatura cu malul pate fi
considerat o sursa de energie electrica de avarie ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Da - pentru ca este o sursa suplimentara ce poate suplinii sursele
principale ale centralei electrice
2. Nu - deoarece alimenteza TPD si nu un grup de consumatori dedicati
Da - deoarece poate porni automat atunci cand cade tensiunea la
barele TPD
4. Nu - deoarece alimentarea se face prin tabloul de mal

Uzual, blocul de protectie a unui generator sincron actioneaza asupra

intrerupatorului automat de cuplare la bare prin
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bobina electromagnelului de cuplare

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2. bobina de minima tensiune

3. bobina declansatorului
4. bobina propie

Uzual, un intrerupator automat folosit la cuplarea unui generator sincron la

barele TPD, are incorporat urmatoarele protectii:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. scurtcircuit si tensiune minima
2. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina si tensiune minima
3. suprasarcina si putere inversa
4. tensiune minima si putere inversa

Actionarea motoarelor electrice ale pompelor de combustibil, transfer ulei si

separatoare trebuie sa fie dotate cu
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. sisteme de semnalizare a suprasarcinii
2. sisteme de deconectare de la distanta
3. sisteme de protectie la alimentarea in doua faze
4. sisteme de pornire de la distanta

Alimentarea instalatiilor de automatizare necesare pornirii si functionarii

generatorului de avarie se face din
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. TPD
2. TDA
3. bateriile de acumulatori dedicate sau de pornire
4. bateriile de acumulatori pentru iluminatul de urgenta

Alimentarea sistemului de comanda la distanta a instalatiel de guvernare se

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. din TPD direct
din tablourile din compartimentul carmei, de alimentare ale

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2. instalatiei
3. din TDA
4. din pupitrul de navigatie

657. Arzatorul caldarinei asigura:

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Pulverizarea combustibilului, debitul de aer necesar arderii, initierea
aprinderii si controlul flacarei.
Pulverizarea combustibilului, initierea aprinderii si protectia la
presiune maxima.
3. Pulverizarea combustibilului, aprinderea si protectia la lipsa apa.
4. Toate protectiile caldarinei.

Dispozitivul auxiliar de actionare a carmei trebuie sa asigure bandarea de la

5° intr-un bord la 5° in celalalt bord in maxim
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 30 sec
2. 60 sec
3. 90 sec
4. 120 sec

In care din situatiile mentionate, instalatia de protectie si semnalizere MP,

declanseaza numai alarma optica si sonora?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Presiunea uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a scazut pana la
valoarea minima treapta I-a.
Temperatura apei de racire a MP a crescut pana la valoarea maxima
treapta a-II a.
Temperatura uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a crescut pana
la valoarea maxima treapta a-II a.
Presiunea uleiului de ungere a reductorului a scazut pana la valoarea
minima treapta a-II a.

In care situatiile mentionate, unele instalatii de protectie si semnalizere MP,

opreste automat motorului principal ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul

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tau corect
Temperatura uleiului de ungerea motorului principal a ajuns la
valoarea maxima , treapta a II a.
Temperatura apei de racire a motorului principal a crescut pana la
valoarea maxima trepta a II a.
Temperatura uleiului de ungere a reductorului a crescut peste limita
Presiunea uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a scazut la valoare
minima treapta a II-a..

In care situatiile mentionate, unele instalatii de protectie si semnalizere MP,

reduce automat turatia motorului principal ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Temperatura uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a crescut pana
la valoarea maxima, treapta a-II-a.
Presiunea uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a depasit valoarea
Temperatura uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a crescut pana
la valoarea maxima ,treapta I- a.
Presiunea uleiului de ungere a reductorului a scazut pana la valoarea
minima treapta a I- a.

In regim normal de functionare, comanda de oprire a compresorului

instalatiei frigorifice este data direct de :
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Releul de presiune minima montat pe conducta de aspiratie spre
2. Termostatele din compartimentele frigorifice.
3. Programatorul regimului de degivrare.
4. Sistemul de monitorizare al circuitul apei de racire.

La scaderea presiunii uleiului de ungere a motorului principal pana la limita

minima treapta I- a, schema de protectie executa:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Semnalizarea acustica si optica
2. Reducerea automata a turatiei MP
3. Marirea presiunii pompei de ungere.
4. Oprirea motorului.

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Masina carmei trebuie sa asigure bandarea de la 35° dintr-n bord la 30° in

celalalt bord in maxim
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 28 sec
2. 14 sec
3. 21 sec
4. 35 sec

Motoarele electrice de actionare a carmei trebuie sa suporte timp de un minut

suprasarcini de
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 1,7
2. 1,2
3. 2
4. 1,5

Motoarele electrice de forta ale unei masini de carma electrohidraulice au

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. doua sisteme de alimentare cu energie electrica
2. un sistem de alimentare cu energie electrica din TPD
3. trei sisteme de alimentare cu energie electrica
4. un sistem de alimentare cu energie electrica din TDA

Motoarele electrice de forta ale unei masini de carma electrohidraulice au

protectii la
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. scurtcircuit si tensiune minima
2. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina si tensiune minima
3. scurtcircuit
4. suprasarcina si tensiune minima

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Pe timpul executarii degivrarii in instalatia frigorifica, schema electrica

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Blocarea circuitului de aspiratie a compresorului, intreruperea
alimentarii termostatelor si intreruperea ventilatiei.
Blocarea actiunii protectiei, oprirea compresoarelor si conectarea
rezistentelor de incalzire a uleiului
Blocarea actiunii protectiei si deconectarea alimentarii
compresoarelor si pompei de racire.
4. Intreruperea alimentarii de la reteaua electrica a navei.

669. Sistemele de guvernare trebuie sa asigure un numar de

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 200 deplasari ale carmei pe ora
2. 250 deplasari ale carmei pe ora
3. 400 deplasari ale carmei pe ora
4. 350 deplasari ale carmei pe ora

Ce se va intampla atunci cand bobina tranei electromagnetice a unui vinci de

marfa se va arde?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. frana va bloca rotorul sub actiunea resoartelor
2. turatia motorului va creste si motorul se va arde
3. sarcina din carligul franei va cadea
nu se va intampla nimic; vinciul va continua sa functioneze ca de

Un semiconductor a carui rezistenta electrica descreste odata cu cresterea

temperaturii este cunoscut sub numele de
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. rezistenta
2. termistor
3. dioda
4. termopila

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Care este timpul de functionare recomandat al unui motor electric de

actionare a unui vinci ancora, pe trapta a I-a?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 10 min
2. 20 min
3. 30 min
4. 40 min

673. Care sunt protectiile specifice ale vinciului de ancora actionat electric
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, stop de avarie,
scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, lipsa operator, stop de
3. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, lipsa operator, stop de avarie,
4. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, lipsa operator,

674. Ce reprezinta franarea in contracurent unui motor electric de c.a. ?

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. franarea prin inversarea sensului de rotatie.
2. frana electromagnetica.
3. franare in suprasincron.
4. alimentarea cu tensiuni simetrice.

Cum se poate realizata ventilatia unui motor electric in curent alternativ

trifazat (CAT) , care actioneaza un mecanism de punte ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. racire cu apa
2. opriri dupa un anumit timp de functionare
3. dupa temperatura
4. cu ventola cuplata la axul motorului

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Cum se realizeaza franarea dinamica a unui motor electric de curent

alternativ (c.a.) ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. separarea infasurarilor statorice.
2. frana electromagnetica.
3. conectarea a doua faze la o sursa de c.c.
4. franare manuala

Cum se realizeaza inversarea sensului de rotatie la un motor electric asincron

trifazat ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. schimbarea a doua faze intre ele.
2. schimbarea tutror fazelor intre ele.
3. schimbarea uneia dintre faze.
4. schimberea sensului de antrenare.

Cum se prefera a se realizeaza protectia la suprasarcina a unui motor electric

ce actioneaza un vinci de ancora ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prin sigurante fuzibile
2. prin sesizori de temperatura introdusi intre infasurarile motorului
3. prin relee de tensiune
4. prin convectoare

Cum sunt notate, in unele standarde, capetele de inceput ale infasurarilor unui
motor electric de curent alternativ trifazat (in cutia de borne) ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A,B,C (1,2,3)
2. U,V,W (1,2,3)
3. R,S,T (1,2,3)
4. X,Y,Z (1,2,3)

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Frana electromagnetica a unui motor electric de actionare a vinciului de

marfa functioneaza
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ca frana de rezerva in cazul avarierii franei mecanice manuale
automat, blocand sarcina in caz de disparitie a tensiunii de
alimentare a electomotorului
3. regland automat viteza de coborare a sarcinii
4. regland automat viteza de ridicare a sarcinii

Franarea electromotorului de curent alternativ trifazat (C.A.T.) de actionare a

vinciurilor de ancora este realizata prin :
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. frana electromagnetica
2. frana electronica
3. contracurent.
4. frana dinamica

In actionarea electrica a vinciului de ancora avem posibilitatea deblocarii

manuale progresive a franei electromagnetice Cand folosim scest dispozitiv ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. cand se deterioreaza bobina franei electromagnetice
2. cand dorim sa evitam functionarea in contracurent
3. cand dorim sa lansam progresiv ancora
4. cand decuplam motorul electric de reductor

In multe scheme electrice de actionarea a vinciului de ancora,, este un rezistor

in paralel cu bobina franei electromagnetice La ce foloseste acest montaj ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. la adaptarea rezistiva a circuitului bobinei
2. la limitarea curentului ce trece prin bobina
3. la reglarea tensiunii aplicate bobinei
la descarcarea tensiunii autoinduse la intreruperea alimentarii

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In actionarea electrica a vinciului de ancora exista posibilitatea anularii

immediate a protectiei la suprasarcina. Cum se realizeaza acest luctru?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. nu este permisa o astfel de optiune
in statia magnetica, prin realizarea unei punti peste releul de
in statia magnetica, printr-un buton pe releul de protectie la
4. pe controler, printr-un buton cu revenire

In actionarea electrica a vinciului de ancora se prefera in actionarea franei

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. o bobina toroidala alimentata in CC
2. un sistem de bobine conectate in stea si alimentata in CAT
3. o bobina toroidala alimentata in CA
4. un sistem de bobine alimentate serie-paralel si alimentate in CA

In cazul actionarii electrice a vinciului de ancora avem posibilitatea opririi

instalatiei in caz de pericol printr-n intrerupator de pe controler, care
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. decupleaza automatul de alimentare de la nivelul TPD
2. decupleaza alimentarea de la nivelul tabloului de actionare
3. decupleaza linia de alimentare a contactoarelor de sens
4. decupleaza linia de alimentare a releului de tensiune "nula"

In cazul actionarii electrice a vinciului de ancora pentru a preveni

functionarea in contracurent (virare cu ancora "la pic")
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. se blocheaza frana barbotinei
2. se blocheaza ancora pana dupa pornirea mororului
3. se temporizeaza actionarea franei electromagnetice
se actioneaza manual frana electromagnetica corelat cu pornirea

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In cazul aparitiei unei suprasarcini pe trapta a treia a actionarii unui vinci de

ancora cu un motor asincron in trei trepte, cu rotorul in scurtcircuit
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. motorul electric trece pe o turatie inferioara de putere sporita
2. motorul electric se opreste
3. este actionata frana electromagnetica
4. motorul electric este dimensionat sa suporte aceasta suprasarcina

In cazul unei actionari a vinciului de ancora cu un motor asincron in trei

689. trepte, cu rotorul in scurtcircuit, se prefera pentru primele doua trepte o
infasurare triundgi-dubla stea. De ce?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
pentru a putea trece de la un regim de turatie la altul fara socuri de
curent asupra centralei
pentru a putea trece de la un regim de turatie la altul fara a modifica
pentru a putea trece de la un regim de turatie la altul fara a modifica
cuplul electromagnetic
pentru a putea trece de la un regim de turatie la altul fara socuri

In cazul unei actionari a vinciului de ancora cu un motor asincron in trepte, cu

rotorul in scurtcircuit, frana electromagnetica
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. blocheaza barbotina
2. blocheaza rotorul motorului
3. decupleaza barbotina de reductorul vinciului
4. decupleaza motorul de reductorul vinciului

In cazul unei actionari a vinciului de ancora cu un motor asincron in trepte, cu

rotorul in scurtcircuit, frana electromagnetica este actionata temporizat prin
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. un releu de timp in circuitul ei de alimentare
2. intarzierea alimentarii motorului
3. marimea intrefierului ei

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4. un sistem mecanic

In cazul unei actionari a vinciului de ancora cu un motor asincron in trepte, cu

692. rotorul in scurtcircuit, frana electromagnetica este alimentata printr-un
circuit economizor. De ce?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
pentru a evita aparitia tensiunilor autoinduse cu valori peste
tensiunea de strapungere a izolatiei bobinei
pentru a reduce curentul prin bobina dupa ce armatura acesteia afost
3. pentru evitarea strapungerii bobinei la actionari prelungite
4. nu exista un astfel de circuit

In cazul unei actionari a vinciului de ancora cu un motor asincron in trepte, cu

rotorul in scurtcircuit, sunt preferate infasurari
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. stea-triunghi
2. triunghi
3. stea
4. triunghi-dubla stea

694. Instalatia de detectare a incendiului prin prezenta fumului se bazeaza pe :

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Temperatura fumului
2. Continutul chimic al fumului
3. Cantitatea de fum
4. Opacitatea fumului

Intrerupatorul automat din tabloul principal de distributie (TPD) de

alimentare a actionarii vinciului de ancora are protectii la
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. scurtcircuit si lipsa tensiune
2. scurtcircuit
3. nu are protectie

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4. scurtcircuit si suprasarcina

O caracteristica ce apare pe placuta indicatoare (eticheta) unui motor de

curent alternativ este
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. tipul bobinajului
2. alunecarea nominala
3. temperatura nominala
4. cuplul rotoric nominal

Oprirea in caz de urgenta a electromotorului de actionare a mecanismului de

ridicare a barcii de salvare cu grui se face prin :
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Siguranta fuzibila.
2. Releu termic.
3. Limitator de capat.
4. Intrerupator de avarie.

Oprirea instalatii de guvernare in cazul unei suprasarcini la electromotorul de

actionare se face prin:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Sigurante fuzibile.
2. Releu termic.
3. Releu de curent.
4. Nu se face.

Cum se prefera a se realiza pornirea ventilatoarelor pentru magaziile de

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prin pornire directa.
2. prin pornire cu autotransformator.
3. prin pornirea stea-triunghi.

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4. prin variator de frecventa

Protectia la lipsa-tensiune sau lipsa-operator este realizata la instalatiile de

ridicat prin ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. interblocaj la pornire
2. cu buton de oprire
3. sigurante fuzibile
4. relee termice

Protectia la suprasarcina pentru actionarile electrice ale vinciurilor de ancora

se prefera a fi executate cu
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. relee de tensiune
2. relee de curent
3. termocuple
4. termocontacte

702. Rolul controlerului la o instalatie de punte este :

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Variatia tensiunii electromotorului de actionare.
2. Mentinerea constanta a turatiei.
3. Franarea electromotorului
4. Comutarea treptelor de viteza.

Semnalizarea automata de incendiu a fost conceputa pentru a detecta

automat, la timp :
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Locul unde exisat incendiu.
2. Cauza incendiului.
3. Metoda de stingere a incendiului.
4. Proportia incendiului.

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In cazul unei actionari a vinciului de ancora cu un motor asincron in trei

704. trepte, cu rotorul in scurtcircuit, treapta (terptele) de lucru sunt considerate a
fi :
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I + III
2. II + III
3. I + II
4. III

Umiditatea, ca rezultat al condensarii, poate fii redusa, in interiorul unui

controler al unui vinci de marfa prin
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. montarea unui bec cu incandescenta in interiorul acestuia
2. etansarea controlerului cu siliconi sau rasini epox
3. ventilarea regulata a spatiului interior
4. rezistente de incalzire montate in interior

706. Un generator fara perii este destinat a functiona fara

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. perii
2. inele colectoare
3. port-perii
4. toate cele nominate

Un indicator electric tahometric primeste semnalul de viteza al unui motor

termic de la
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. un mic generator montat pe motorul termic
2. un dispozitiv bimetalic montat pe motorul termic
3. un sensor stroboscopic montat pe motorul termic
4. un dispozitiv cu relee "reed" montat pe motorul termic

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708. Un motor electric de mica putere poate fi pornit cu un pornitor

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. cu compensator
2. cu autotransformator
3. direct
4. cu rezistente pe linie

709. Un shunt ampermetric este conectat in

Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. serie cu sarcina si in paralel cu aparatul de masura
2. in paralel cu sarcina si in serie cu aparatul de masura
3. in paralel cu sarcina si in paralel cu aparatul de masura
4. in serie cu sarcina si in serie cu aparatul de masura

710. Unde este amplasat intrerupatorul de de urgenta al unui grup barca salvare ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Pe punte.
2. In tabloul de alimentare.
3. Pe electromotorul de actionare.
4. langa butonul de actionare.

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