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A device which prints out a permanent record of the plant operating conditions
is known as the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. analogger
2. bell logger
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3. alarm logger
4. data logger
7. A 'dielectric' is a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electrical insulator
2. current flow
3. good conductor
4. semiconductor material
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A replacement wire having twice the length and one-half the cross-sectional
area of the original wire will have a resistance that is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. four times that of the original wire
2. twice that of the original wire
3. the same as that of the original wire
4. one-half that of the original wire
A switchboard ammeter indicates a reading slightly above 'zero' when the leads
are disconnected, this is caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. mechanical misalignment of the meter pointer
2. a poor ground for the meter case
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 0.01 amperes
2. 0.60 amperes
3. 1.67 amperes
4. 100 amperes
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. limit switch with one set of normally open contacts
2. maintaining type push button with an electrical interlock
3. sustaining type push button with a mechanical interlock
4. normally closed contact held open mechanically by an interlock
As shown in the illustration EL-0079, the direction of electron flow through the
component is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
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3. an overvoltage release
4. an overcurrent release
41. Capacitors are used on the output of the power supply in today's consoles to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. filter out 'ripple'
2. prevent overloads
3. act as a permanent load
4. decrease the average value of the output voltage
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. short circut protection
2. latching the trip unit closed after resetting the breaker
3. overload protection
providing a flexible connection between the input terminal G and the
tripping unit E
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ohms
2. volts
3. amps
4. watts
Four lamps are connected in parallel in a single circuit If one of the lamp burns
out, the others will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. all go out
2. become dimmer
3. burn with their original intensities
4. become brighter
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4. Inductively
If a voltage tester is being used to check for defective fuses in the circuit, shown
58. in the illustration EL-0062, which of the readings will indicate that fuse #2 is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. C-B full voltage
2. A-D full voltage
3. A-D no voltage
4. C-B no voltage
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. show a reading of 55 volts
2. show full line voltage across fuse #2
3. give positive indication that fuse #2 is good
4. show a reading of zero volts
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the motor will run slowly
2. 'A-1' and 'A-2' will open
3. the motor will not start
4. the start button will jam in the closed position
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If the length of a wire is halved and the cross-sectional area is doubled, the
resistance will be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. quartered
2. unchanged
3. doubled
4. quadrupled
63. In a simple series circuit, the entire source voltage will drop across
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the resistor next to the negative terminal
2. a short circuit
3. the resistor next to the positive terminal
4. an open circuit
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In the flow of one cycle of single phase AC current past any given point in a
circuit, the maximum current peak occurs
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. one time
2. two times
3. three times
4. four times
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. fixed contact
2. moving contact
3. connection terminal
4. trip bar
Large cable sizes are formed as individual conductors that may be comprised of
several smaller strands to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. obtain the flexibility required for easy handling
2. reduce the overall weight of the wire run
3. reduce the number of supports needed for a horizontal overhead run
4. all of the above
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. general alarm system
2. gyrocompass power failure alarm system
3. smoke detection system
4. all of the above
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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1. operating coil
2. indicating lamp
3. motor armature
4. potentiometer
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected is series
2. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected in parallel
the voltages measured across 'R1', 'R2' and 'R3' will be different if
'R1', 'R2' and 'R3' have different values
4. the total resistance equals R1 + R2 + R3
80. The electrical diagram shown in the illustration is used to depict a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance circuit
2. inductive circuit
3. stepdown circuit
4. capacitive circuit
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. autotransformer
2. Delta Wye transformer
3. primary EMF generator
4. potential transformer
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The final step in testing a circuit for a ground involves the use of a
83. megohmmeter A grounded switch or cable will be indicated by a megohmmeter
reading of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'zero'
2. infinity
3. steady in the high range
4. unsteady in the low range
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. megohm meter
2. Gauss meter
3. wheatstone bridge
4. germanium diode tester
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. full wave bridge rectifier
2. half wave bridge rectifier
3. solid state voltage regulator
4. direct current (DC) filter
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91. The output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 hertz, AC generator is controlled by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prime mover speed
2. exciter output voltage
3. load on the alternator
4. number of poles
The part of the shipboard electrical system used to control the distribution of
power to the branch circuits, is the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bridge control panel
2. disconnect links
3. governor relay box
4. main switchboard
The purpose of a short circuit forcing module (short time trip) installed in a
branch line is to provide
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. high speed clearance of low impedance short circuits in the branch
continuity of service on main bus under short circuit conditions in a
isolation of short circuits by selective tripping of branch circuit
4. all of the above
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95. The purpose of the automatic bus transfer shown in the illustration is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. stepdown voltage to the lighting distribution panel
2. provide emergency power to the lighting distribution panel
3. energize the emergency switchboard from the main switchboard
4. provide overcurrent protection to the lighting distribution panel
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. transformer
2. coil
3. shunt field
4. inductor
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ampere
2. volt
3. watt
4. ohm
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. parallel and as close as possible to each other
2. at right angles and as close as possible to each other
3. parallel to and as far as practicable from each other
4. at right angles and as far as practicable from each other
114. What is represented by the electric symbol figure "D" in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Fuse
2. Plug-in contact resistor
3. Variable capacitor
4. Electrolytic capacitor
What is the direction of current through the load resistor in the circuit shown
in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Always from point "Z" to the grounded end.
2. Always from the grounded end to point "Z".
3. It depends on the instantaneous polarity at point "W".
4. It cannot be determined without a directional ammeter.
What is the power consumed by 'R2' in the circuit illustrated, if the supply is
116. 24 volts and the resistance of R1 is 3 ohms, R2 is 4 ohms, and R3 is 5 ohms?
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 16 watts
2. 20 watts
3. 24 watts
4. 28 watts
What is the power consumed by 'R3' in the circuit illustrated if the supply is
117. 24 volts and resistance of R1 is 3 ohms, R2 is 4 ohms, and R3 is 5 ohms? (EL-
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 12 watts
2. 20 watts
3. 24 watts
4. 48 watts
When a megohmmeter is used to test insulation, the gradual rise of the pointer
reading as a result of continued cranking, is caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. good conductor resistance
2. the leakage of current along the surface of dirty insulation
3. the inductive reactance of the windings
4. the dielectric-absorption effect of the insulation
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When insulation failure produces a low resistance current path between two
conductors, the resulting condition is known as
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. an open
2. a short circuit
3. a ground
4. a surge
126. When measuring AC current flow, you must always connect the meter
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. in series with the power source and load
2. in parallel with the power source and load
3. insuring correct polarity
4. using the lowest range possible to prevent instrument damage
When placed in a magnetic field, which of the materials listed will maintain
the highest permeability?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Glass
2. Bakelite
3. Soft iron
4. Aluminum
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130. When the current flow through a copper wire increases, its
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance will decrease
2. insulation will burn
3. temperature will increase
4. conductivity will increase
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Which component will stop the motor shown in the illustration in case of an
overload in the control circuit?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. E
2. G
3. H
4. I
135. Which of the following conditions can lead to the failure of a resistor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Excessive vibration
2. Insufficient ventilation
3. Corrosion
4. All of the above
Which of the following electric motors would be the safest and most reliable to
use on the main deck of a vessel in foul weather conditions?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Sealed motors
2. Drip proof motors
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3. Enclosed motors
4. Watertight motors
Which of the following precautions should be taken when a blown fuse, rated
at 10 amperes, is replaced?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Short out the fuse before removing it from the circuit.
2. Use needle-nose pliers to remove fuse from the circuit.
3. Replace blown fuse with one of equal voltage and ampere capacity.
Fuses of 10 ampere rating and less are virtually harmless when
energized and may be handled freely.
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Which of the following statements is correct for the illustrated circuit EL-
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected in series.
2. 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are connected in parallel.
3. The voltages measured across 'R1', 'R2', and 'R3' are equal.
4. The total resistance equals 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3.
Which of the following statements is true if a 100 watt lamp and a 75 watt
lamp are connected in parallel across a 100 volt power supply?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The 75 watt lamp will draw as much current as the 100 watt lamp.
2. The 100 watt lamp will have a greater resistance.
3. Current flow will be the same across each lamp.
4. The 75 watt lamp will have a higher resistance.
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You should always start with the lowest range until a suitable
reading is obtained.
The indicating needle is deflected from left to right regardless of
An external shunt is generally utilized where current is less than 10
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Ammeter
2. Megohmmeter
3. Wattmeter
4. Voltmeter
Which of the meters listed should only be used after a circuit has been
electrically disconnected?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Wattmeter
2. Frequency meter
3. Ammeter
4. Ohmmeter
Which of the substances listed can be used to shield sensitive equipment from
static magnetic fields?
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Glass
2. Mica
3. Bakelite
4. Permeable iron
With both ends of a three conductor cable disconnected and arranged without
153. the conductors touching each other, an ohmmeter reading of 'zero' ohms
between the ends of one conductor would indicate
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. continuity
2. a partial ground
3. the resistance is infinite
4. a short circuit
A direct current passing through a wire coiled around a soft iron core is the
description of a simple
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. magnetic shield
2. electromagnet
3. piezoelectric device
4. electromagnetic domain
Raspunsul Raspunsul
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tau corect
1. a control device
2. a protective device.
3. a load device.
4. a voltage source.
157. An electric toaster is rated for 220 V and 10 A Its power rating would be:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2200 W
2. 2200 Wh
3. 2200 kWh
4. 2200 J
In a basic electrical circuit, the part that stores electric energy or changes it
into other forms is:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the load.
2. the source.
3. the conductor(s).
4. the switch.
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1. Technician A only
2. Technician B only
3. both Technician A and Technician B
4. neither Technician A nor Technician B
161. The force that causes the flow of electrons through a conductor is known as:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the power.
2. the current.
3. the voltage.
4. the resistance
The method used to produce electron emission in most vacuum tubes is known
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. photoelectric emission
2. secondary electric emission
3. cold cathodic electric emission
4. thermionic emission
163. The unit of measurement for the difference of potential between two points is:
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the volt
2. the ampere.
3. the PD.
4. the ohm
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whenever a low impedance meter is not available, regardless of the
components being tested
so as not to load down the circuit and obtain erroneous voltage
Which of the following statements concerning analog and digital devices are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
The variables in digital systems are fixed quantities, and the
variables in analog systems are continuous quantities.
2. There are no basic differences between the two systems.
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3. voltage regulator
4. reverse power relay
A generator has been exposed to water and is being checked for its safe
operation Therefore, it is necessary to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. check for shorted coils with a growler
2. take moisture readings with a hydrometer
3. test insulation values with a megger
ground the commutator, or slip rings and run it at half load for 12
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180. A lead-acid battery may become hotter than normal during a charge if the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. battery has a shorted cell
2. charging voltage is too low
3. specific gravity is too high
4. battery room door is secured
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185. A slow continual loss of electrolyte level from one cell of a storage battery
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could be due to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a cracked casing
2. too low a charging rate
3. the specific gravity being higher than normal
4. one filler cap installed too tightly
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tau corect
1. 100 kw
2. 400 kw
3. 500 kw
4. 600 kw
After closing the circuit breaker to place two similar alternators in parallel,
the NEXT step is to balance the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor
2. voltage load
3. kilowatt load
4. ampere load
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. both I and II
4. neither I or II
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synchroscope is broken, which of the steps listed is the most essential before an
alternator can be paralleled with the bus?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
The breaker should be closed when one synchronizing lamp is dark
and the other is bright.
The breaker should be closed when both synchronizing lamps are
The frequency meter should be used to determine that the incoming
alternator frequency is slightly higher than the bus.
A portable phase sequence indicator must be used to verify the
information from the lamps.
199. As shown in the illustration EL-0071, the dry-cell batteries are connected in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. compound
2. series
3. parallel
4. tandem
As shown in the illustration, all 'MS' contacts are opened and closed by means
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. operating coils
2. magnets
3. manual operation of the master switches
4. solenoid switches
Attempting to parallel an AC generator which is out of phase with the bus will
result in which of the following problems?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The breaker should trip.
2. The KVA will decrease.
3. The synchronizing lamps will burn out.
4. The power factor will be unitized.
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Battery charging rooms should be well ventilated because the charging process
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. highly poisonous gas
2. highly combustible oxygen
3. explosive gases
4. corrosive gases
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During the charging process of storage batteries, the charging rooms should be
well ventilated because
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. without ventilation excessive gassing will occur
2. highly poisonous gases are released
3. highly explosive gases will otherwise accumulate
4. without ventilation the battery will not take a full charge
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Electric circuits are protected against overloads and short circuits by means of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. circuit breaker
2. amplifier
3. diode
4. capacitor
Electric current is the flow of electrons through a conductor; the rate of this
flow is measured in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. volts
2. amperes
3. coulombs
4. ohms
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From the standpoint of safety, you should never allow salt water to enter a
lead-acid storage battery or come in contact with sulfuric acid because
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the resulting gas is extremely flammable
2. the resulting gas is a respiratory irritant that can be fatal
3. the primary constituent, sodium, reacts lethally with lead peroxide
combining salt water with lead-acid creates an invisible gas resulting
in severe corrosion
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224. If the excitation is increased to one of two alternators operating in parallel, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor will change in the lagging direction
2. power factor will change in the leading direction
3. kilowatt load will be greatly increased
4. ampere load will be greatly decreased
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If the pointer of the synchroscope is rotating in the slow direction when you
are preparing to parallel two alternators, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. incoming machine is turning faster than the load alternator
2. loaded alternator is turning faster than the incoming machine
3. load on the loaded alternator is ready to split
4. incoming machine is beginning to pick up some of the load
If three AC generators are operating in parallel, and one of them were to "pull
out" of synchronism with the other two generators, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. normally operating AC generators will vibrate severely
2. AC generator pulling out of synchronism will vibrate severely
3. normally operating AC generators will overspeed and unload
4. AC generator pulling out of synchronism will become motorized
If two AC generators have just been placed in parallel, the true power load is
initially distributed evenly by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a balance coil
2. changing field excitation
3. adjusting the governor control settings
4. a rheostat
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230. In a 60 Hz AC system, the current will pass through one complete cycle in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 60 seconds
2. 6 seconds
3. 1 second
4. .016 of a second
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
In the illustration EL-0039 circuit, A, B, C, and D are each 12 volts What is the
235. voltage of the lead connected to C and D with respect to the lead connected to
A and B?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. (+) 48 volts
2. (-) 24 volts
3. (-) 48 volts
4. (+) 24 volts
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. thermal overload heater
2. portable cable
3. fuse
4. indicating lamp
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In which section of the 24 VDC power supply circuit illustrated, does the
greatest change in voltage level take place when fed from ships power
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
239. Local action in a dry-cell, or lead-acid storage battery is the process whereby
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. hydrogen gas is liberated
2. the electrolyte compensates for overcharging
3. potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide from the air
4. the battery becomes discharged without being connected to a load
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. put out higher voltages and require no maintenance
2. can remain idle and keep a full charge for a long time
3. need fewer cells in series and use less mounting space
4. all of the above
On the meter scale illustrated, while using the R X 1 scale, the reading at "E"
will be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 2.0 ohms
2. 20 ohms
3. 200 ohms
4. none of the above
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1. 500 watts
2. 663 watts
3. 746 watts
4. 1,000 watts
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The cycles per second developed by the alternator aboard your vessel is
determined by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the speed of the engine driving the alternator
2. the resistance applied to the field rheostat
3. the synchronous speed of induction
4. the adjustments made to the voltage regulator
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269. The dry-cell batteries, shown in the illustration EL-0070 are connected in
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. compound
2. series
3. parallel
4. tandem
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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1. 1.5 volts
2. 2.5 volts
3. 3.5 volts
4. 4.5 volts
271. The electrolyte in a lead-acid storage battery consists of distilled water and
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. hydrogen chloride
2. calcium chloride
3. sulfuric acid
4. muriatic acid
273. The freezing point of the electrolyte in a fully charged lead-acid battery will be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than in a discharged battery
2. lower than in a discharged battery
3. the same as in a discharged battery
higher than in a discharged battery, but the specific gravity will be
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281. The kilowatt load can be adjusted on a paralleled generator by using the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. field rheostat
2. governor control
3. automatic voltage regulators
4. hand tachometer
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tau corect
1. load limit settings
2. idle speed settings
3. speed limit settings
4. speed droop settings
The most common type of AC service generator found aboard ship is the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electromagnetic field, revolving armature type
2. electromagnetic field, oscillatory armature type
3. armature, oscillatory electromagnet field type
4. armature, rotating electromagnetic field type
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1. three cells
2. four cells
3. six cells
4. twelve cells
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295. The proper way to mix the electrolyte for a battery is to add
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. acid to alkaline water
2. acid to distilled water
3. alkaline water to acid
4. distilled water to acid
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The purpose of the reverse power relay, provided on a ship's service alternator
panel, is to trip the circuit in the event of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. main circuit overload
2. high power transfer
3. generator overspeeding
4. alternator motorization
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303. The specific gravity of the electrolyte solution in a lead acid battery
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. is not effected during charging
2. remains the same during discharge
3. would read close to 1.830 when discharged
4. gives an indication of the state of charge of the battery
The standard method of controlling the output voltage of a 440 volt, 60 Hz, AC
generator is accomplished by adjusting the
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prime mover speed droop
2. number of poles
3. alternator field excitation
4. load on the alternator
306. The state of charge of a lead acid storage battery is best indicated by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. testing of the individual cell voltages
2. ampere hour capacity of the battery
3. specific gravity of the electrolyte
4. total cell voltages
The true power indicated by a wattmeter depends on the current flow through
the load, the magnitude of the potential across the load, and the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. power factor of the load
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314. To equalize the power factor of two alternators operating in parallel, the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. field excitation of both units is adjusted
2. governors of both units are adjusted
3. phase sequence is altered
4. kilowatt load is evenly divided
To remove an alternator operating in parallel with another unit from the main
electrical bus, you must FIRST
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. adjust the power factor on both units
2. set the desired voltage on the outgoing alternator
3. open the circuit breaker on the outgoing alternator
4. remove the load from the outgoing alternator
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317. To test the state of charge of a nickel-cadmium battery, you should use a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. ammeter
2. voltmeter
3. hydrometer
4. potentiometer
Two AC generators are operating in parallel and both are equipped with
automatic voltage regulators While standing watch, one generator is noted as
having a greater lagging kvar In order to equalize the kvars between the
generators you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
increase the speed of the generator with the largest kvar while
decreasing the other generator speed
decrease the speed of the generator with the largest kvar while
increasing the other generator speed
increase the voltage of the generator with the largest kvar while
decreasing the other generator voltage
decrease the voltage of the generator with the largest kvar while
increasing the other generator voltage
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Two AC generators of the same capacity are operating in parallel One with a
321. zero speed droop setting and the other with a 5% speed droop If its capacity is
not exceeded, the unit whose governor has the zero speed droop setting will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. assume the smaller share of the load
2. maintain the frequency of the system
3. have poor sensitivity characteristics
4. have poor power response
Under normal conditions, storage batteries used for starting the emergency
322. diesel generator are maintained in a charged state by which of the following
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Trickle charging
2. Fast charging
3. Equalizing charge
4. Reverse charging
Upon failure of the normal power supply, the emergency generator is placed
on the line by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. main bus tie feeder
2. automatic bus transfer device
3. line connection feeder
4. power failure alarm bus
Upon failure of the normal power supply, the emergency generator is placed
on the line by the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bus tie feeder
2. automatic bus transfer device
3. line connection feeder
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Voltage generated by most AC generators is fed from the machine to the bus
by means of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. brushes on a commutator
2. brushes on slip rings
3. slip rings on a commutator
4. direct connections from the stator
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What is the approximate voltage per cell produced by the nickel-iron (Edison)
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 0.85 volts
2. 1.35 volts
3. 2.20 volts
4. 6.05 volts
What is the total current in the illustrated EL-0021 circuit with a 6 volt
battery if the resistance of R1 is 2 ohms, R2 is 4 ohms, and R3 is 4 ohms?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 0.6 amp
2. 1 amp
3. 4 amps
4. 6 amps
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. increased
2. shut off
3. decreased
4. unchanged
339. When a transformer is used to step down voltage, the low voltage winding is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. part of the core
2. the primary coil
3. not insulated
4. the secondary coil
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When charging lead-acid batteries, the charging rate should be reduced as the
battery nears its full charge to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent damaging battery plates
2. allow equalization of cell voltages
3. reduce lead sulfate deposits
4. increase lead peroxide formation
When charging lead-acid batteries, you should reduce the charging rate as the
battery nears its full charge capacity to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. prevent excessive gassing and overheating
2. allow equalization of cell voltages
3. reduce lead sulfate deposits
4. increase lead peroxide formation
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the battery is fully charged when the float sinks deepest into the
2. the battery is discharged when the float is highest in the electrolyte
a hydrometer reading is accurate if taken immediately after water is
added to the cell
4. warm temperatures will lower the specific gravity of the electrolyte
When lead-acid batteries are charging, they always give off hydrogen gas that
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. considered inert
2. highly explosive
3. extremely toxic
4. heavier than air
351. When mixing electrolyte for a lead-acid storage battery, you should pour the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. distilled water into the acid in a zinc-plated container
2. distilled water into the acid in a glass container
3. acid into the distilled water in a zinc-plated container
4. acid into distilled water in a glass container
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3. phase rotation
4. all of the above
When paralleling two AC generators, the frequency of the machine coming on-
line, immediately prior to closing its breaker, should be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. slightly less than the oncoming generator frequency
2. the same as the bus frequency
3. slightly greater than the bus frequency
4. the same as the bus voltage
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When paralleling two alternators the synchronizing lamps grow dim and are
358. totally darkened as the synchroscope pointer approaches the 0° position This
indicates the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. alternator voltages are 180° apart
2. incoming alternator is running too fast
3. incoming alternator is in phase with the bus voltage
4. synchroscope pointer is defective or broken
When paralleling two alternators, the synchronizing lamps remain lit as the
synchroscope pointer approaches the 0° This indicates the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. incoming alternator is running too fast
2. alternator voltages are 180 degrees apart
3. synchroscope is defective or broken
4. alternator power factors are in phase
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When the electrolyte level of a lead-acid storage battery has decreased due to
normal evaporation, the level should be reestablished by adding
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. distilled water only
2. sulfuric acid only
3. a weak solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water
4. a strong solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water
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When two AC generators are being paralleled, the breaker should be closed
with the synchroscope pointer rotating in the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'slow' direction, just before the 12 o'clock position
2. 'fast' direction, just after the 12 o'clock position
3. 'fast' direction, just before the 12 o'clock position
4. 'slow' direction, just after the 12 o'clock position
When you check the specific gravity of the battery electrolyte with a
hydrometer, it should be kept in mind that
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
the battery is fully charged when the indicator floats low in the
any water that has been previously added to the cells will dilute the
solution and give a false reading
a hydrometer reading is inaccurate if taken immediately after water
is added to the cell
4. temperature has no effect on hydrometer readings
Which of the devices listed is indicated by the symbols lettered "A" to "F",
shown in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Diodes
2. Linear inductors
3. Capacitors
4. Transistors
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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1. Selector switch
2. Contact 'CR1a'
3. Contact 'CR2a'
4. Contact 'CR1D'
Which of the following actions must be carried out prior to closing the
alternator circuit breaker according to the graph shown in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Increase the alternator voltage.
2. Decrease the line voltage.
3. Increase the line voltage.
4. Decrease the line frequency.
Which of the following activities occurs during the charging process of a lead-
acid storage battery?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The specific gravity of the acid increases.
2. Both plates change chemically to lead sulfate.
3. The specific gravity of the acid decreases.
4. Hydrogen gas is absorbed.
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Which of the following losses is/are present in every direct current generator
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Winding copper loss
2. Core eddy current loss
3. Magnetic hysteresis loss
4. All of the above.
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Each has three separate but identical armature windings acted on by
one system of rotating magnets.
Each has one armature winding acted on by three identical but
separate systems of rotating magnets.
All three-phase alternators are designed to operate with a 0.8 leading
power factor.
The three phases always provide power to the load through three sets
of slip rings and brushes.
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
386. Which of the listed forms of water should be added to a lead-acid battery?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. saltwater
2. brackish water
3. distilled water
4. light water
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Which of the processes listed occurs during the charging of a lead-acid storage
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Negative plates change to lead peroxide.
2. Positive plates change to lead peroxide.
3. Both plates change to lead peroxide.
4. Both plates change to lead sulfate.
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
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While paralleling two (2) AC generators using synchronizing lamps only, both
lamps will go dark when the generators are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. running at the same speed
2. grounded
3. of the same polarity
4. in phase
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You are paralleling two alternators The synchronizing lamps grow dim and
400. are totally darkened as the synchroscope pointer approaches the 0° position
This indicates that the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. alternator voltages are 180° apart
2. circuit breaker can be closed
3. incoming alternator is running too slowly
4. synchroscope is defective or broken
403. A tubular fuse should always be removed from a fuse panel with
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a screwdriver
2. a pair of insulated metal pliers
3. any insulated object
4. fuse pullers
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An electrical connection between the wiring of an electric motor and its metal
frame is known as a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. eddy current
2. ground
3. impedance
4. flux leakage
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If 450 volts AC were measured across the load as shown in the illustration it
would indicate a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open winding between 'H1' and 'X1'
2. properly operating circuit
3. open winding between 'X1' and 'X4'
4. ground on one side of 'Ep'
If a small electric motor has been submerged in saltwater for a short period of
time, you should
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. send it ashore for rewinding
2. rinse it with warm freshwater and bake it dry in an oven
3. soak it in a bucket of commercial solvent and bake with internal heat
clean it with carbon tetrachloride and blow it out with compressed
415. If an electric motor fails to start, you should FIRST check the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. phase sequence
2. ampere load
3. fuse or circuit breaker
4. line frequency
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If the illustrated EL-0007 motor fails to start and gives a loud hum when the
start button is pushed, the problem is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
one of the phases to the motor is not energized because of an open
motor lead
2. the 'Disc.sw.' is open
power to 'L1' at the 'Disc.sw.' is not energized because of a problem
with the ship's electrical distribution system
'OL1' is open because of 'T1' overload causing the motor to single
If the line voltage to the controller shown in the illustration is 440 volts, what is
applied across the control circuit?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 110 volts
2. 220 volts
3. 440 volts
4. 660 volts
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. replace fuse "10A"
2. replace or repair contact 'Ma'
3. reset and determine the cause of the overload
4. check line voltage between L1 and L3
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. hard rubber, plastic or bituminous composition
2. porous inside to absorb excess positive ions
3. precharged for (-) and (+) in manufacturing
4. All the above
Motor controller or starter contacts may become pitted and welded together if
the contacts
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open under loaded conditions
2. close slowly with light pressure
3. open too quickly and arc
4. close quickly with proportionate pressure
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429. Reduced voltage applied to a motor during the starting period will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. result in decreased acceleration time only
2. lower the starting current and increase accelerating time
3. cause a greater starting torque
4. increase the starting current and pump capacity
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage regulator
2. filter
3. rectifier
4. voltage transformer
Since fuse elements are made of zinc or any alloy of tin and lead, the melting
point of the fuse element must be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. higher than that of copper
2. lower than that of copper
3. equal to that of copper
4. reached when the conductor it is protecting becomes 'white hot.'
The amount of current flow required for the cathodic protection of a vessel is
dependent upon the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
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tau corect
1. amount of bare steel surface
2. speed of the ship through the water
3. temperature of the water
4. all of the above
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. in a step-down operation
2. in a step-up operation
3. in an isolation circuit
4. as a filter
The illustrated EL-0024 circuit is a wheatstone bridge If the meter "G" reads
0 with the switch closed then
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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The motor starts when the start button in the illustration EL-0007 is pushed,
but stops when the button is released the trouble is
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. the incorrect thermal overload coil
2. a faulty "M" coil
3. a dirty contact on the Disc.Sw. at 'L3'
4. a faulty holding relay contact
438. The part of a fuse that melts and opens the circuit is made of
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. copper and antimony
2. steel and babbitt
3. aluminum or beryllium alloy
4. zinc or an alloy of tin and lead
440. The proper way to apply plastic electrical tape to an electric cable splice is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. apply tape to the braided cover, but avoid touching it
2. wind the tape so that each turn overlaps the turn before it
3. apply the tape in one non-overlapping layer only
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The turns ratio of device "A" shown in the illustration EL-0082 is four to one
443. and all taps are evenly spaced. If 110 volts were applied to terminals 'X1' and
'X3', what would be indicated across 'H1' and 'H2'?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 37.5 volts
2. 55 volts
3. 220 volts
4. 440 volts
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3. resistance
4. amperage
To repair a small electrical motor that has been submerged in saltwater, you
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. wash it with fresh water and apply an external source of heat
2. renew the windings
3. send it ashore to an approved service facility
rinse all electrical parts with a carbon tetrachloride cleaning solvent
and then blow dry the motor with compressed air
What type of electric motor is commonly used to start small auxiliary diesel
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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1. synchronous
2. series
3. shunt
4. cage
When power is restored after a complete power failure, a steering gear pump
motor will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. have to be restarted
2. have to be reset
3. restart automatically
4. trip its overload relays
450. When reading electrical motor controller diagrams, it helps to know that
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
current paths in the control circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in
the power circuit as lighter lines
current paths in the power circuit are drawn as heavy lines and in
control circuit as lighter lines
circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as heavy lines and
below 500 volts as lighter lines
circuits subject to 500 volts or greater are drawn as light lines and
below 500 volts as heavy lines
When removing ball or roller bearings from the shaft of a motor, you should
use a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. rawhide hammer
2. brass mallet
3. wheel puller
4. soft iron pry bar
When testing a capacitor with an analog type ohmmeter, a good capacitor will
be indicated when
Raspunsul Raspunsul
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tau corect
1. there is no meter deflection
2. the meter deflects to a low resistance value and remains there
the meter deflects to a low resistance value and slowly increases
towards infinity
the meter deflects to a low resistance value and increases rapidly to a
higher value, but stays fairly low
When testing for blown fuses in a three-phase supply circuit to a motor, you
should first
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. apply the megger across the tops of the line fuses
apply an ammeter diagonally across the top of the first line fuse and
the bottom of the third line fuse
3. apply the voltage tester across the bottoms of the line fuses
4. ensure the circuit is de-energized, and then use a continuity tester
When the motor shown in the illustration EL-0010 is running and the stop
button is pushed, which of the following statements will hold true?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Coil "M" will now be energized.
2. Coil 'CR' will now be energized.
3. Contact "M" will close as contact 'CR' opens.
4. Contacts "M" and 'CR' will open.
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
Which of the following actions must be carried out before a voltage tester can
be used to test the three line fuses to a three-phase motor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The fuses must be removed from the circuit.
2. The starter must be placed in the STOP position to stop the motor.
The three line connections in the motor terminal box must be
disconnected and tagged.
Nothing need be done as long as the motor is running under a light
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Which of the instruments listed could be use to locate a grounded field coil in a
synchronous motor?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Ammeter
2. Voltmeter
3. Megohmmeter
4. Frequency meter
Which of the listed precautions should be taken when cleaning the internals of
a motor with compressed air?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Open the machine on both ends so as to allow the air and dust to
Be certain that the circuit breaker is opened and tagged on the feeder
3. Be certain that the air is clean and as dry as possible.
4. All of the above.
463. Which of the listed types of motor controllers and starters is illustrated?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Across-the-line
2. Primary-resistor
3. Autotransformer
4. Part-winding
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464. Which section of the circuit shown in the illustration changes AC to DC?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I
2. II
3. III
4. IV
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468. A loud buzzing noise at the contacts of a magnetic controller could indicate
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. weak contact spring pressure
2. misalignment of the magnet faces
3. excessive line current
4. mechanical binding
A loud buzzing noise coming from the contacts in a magnetic controller can be
caused by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. excessive current
2. excessive magnet gap
3. bouncing of contacts
4. dirt on magnet faces
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473. A silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) is a solid state device used to change
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. DC to AC and control relatively low load current
2. AC to DC and control relatively high load current
3. DC to AC and control relatively high load current
4. AC to DC and control relatively low load current
Raspunsul Raspunsul
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tau corect
1. safety switch
2. overload trip
3. start button
4. stop button
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. bridge rectifier
2. selsyn motor
3. small generator
4. shielded lamp
If a magnetic controller relay fails to drop out when the coil voltage is removed
from the relay, the probable cause may be
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. excessive spring tension
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2. overvoltage
3. excessive current
4. welded contacts
In the pitch control diagram shown in the illustration, what are the present
plant operating conditions?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
One engine is on the line, cruise mode is selected and the engine
room is in control.
One engine is on the line, maneuvering mode is selected and the
bridge is in control.
Both engines are on line, cruise mode is selected and the bridge is in
Both engines are on line, maneuvering mode is selected and the
engine room is in control.
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. comes from each station's magneto
2. is supplied from a 115 volt source
3. is conducted through a relay coil
4. also lights lamps "R" and "T"
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tau corect
1. control circuit.
2. load circuit.
3. power-distribution circuit.
4. live circuit.
Relays with no contacts, which are switched entirely by electronic devices, are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. electromechanical relays.
2. solid-state relays.
3. hybrid relays.
4. magnetic relays.
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. engine order telegraph circuit
2. rudder angle indicator arrangement
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistance
2. gauss or magnetic field strength
3. battery discharge rate in Amp-hours
4. capacitance
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The 'pitch controller module' shown in the illustration is fed the actual pitch
position of the propeller from the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'pitch meter'
2. 'pitch feedback potentiometer'
3. #5 relay position
4. pitch error signal
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Bridge rectifier
2. Magnetic amplifier
3. Flip-flop generator
4. Cathodic amplifier
The shipboard general alarm system must receive its main source of power
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a storage battery
2. the emergency generator
3. an auxiliary generator
4. the ship's service generator
505. The timer element of a reverse power relay cannot be energized unless
Raspunsul Raspunsul
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tau corect
1. the power flow is the same as the tripping direction
2. the power flow is the opposite to the tripping direction
3. the movement of the disk is damped by a permanent magnet
4. one generator is motorized
506. The transmit and receive elements of a sound-powered telephone handset are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. identical and can be used for either function
of similar construction but different enough to be used only for its
own function
of very different construction and MUST be used only for its own
4. constructed so that each can fit only in its own recess
507. The use of four diodes, in a full-wave bridge rectifier circuit, will
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. provide unidirectional current to the load
2. allow a very high leakage current from the load
3. convert direct current to alternating current
4. offer high opposition to current in two directions
What are the plant conditions existing in the 'engine speed control' diagram
shown in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The Bridge is in control in the 'auto. maneuver' mode.
2. The Engine Room is in control in the 'cruise split' mode.
3. The Bridge is in control in the 'auto. split' mode.
4. The Engine Room is in control in the 'auto. maneuver' mode.
When attempting to measure AC current with the device shown and you are
unsure of the range, the range switch should be set to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
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tau corect
1. 10 MA / AMPS with leads in the (-10 A) and (+10 A) jacks
2. 10 MA / AMPS with leads in the (-COMMON) and (+) jacks
3. 10 MA / AMPS with leads in the (-COMMON) and (+10 A) jacks
unable to accurately measure AC current with this device as
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Which of the following statements represents the important factor that must
be considered when replacing a faulty diode in the exciter rectifier assembly?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
Be certain that the replacement diode is the same polarity as the one
Never alter the diode alignment to cause a change in the neutral
Replacement of a diode also requires balancing of the rotor with a
one-piece rotor lamination to be shrunk fit and keyed to the shaft.
The replacement diode must be dipped in varnish prior to installation
to protect against humidity.
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Additional heat sinks will be required
2. Conductivity will increase
3. Conductivity will decrease
4. Resistivity will increase
Which of the motors for the devices listed below is fitted with an instantaneous
overload relay?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Fan
2. Pump
3. Winch
4. Machine tool
Which of the referenced waveshapes would appear at point "X" of the circuit
shown in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
Which of the wave forms shown in the illustration will be produced when the
circuit is in use?
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
526. A circuit breaker and a fuse have a basic similarity in that they both
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. can be reset to energize the circuit
2. should open the circuit when overloaded
3. will burn out when an over current flow develops
4. all of the above
529. A delayed-action fuse is most frequently used in which of the listed circuits?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Lighting circuit
2. Motor circuit
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A low voltage source is being used for testing armature coils A coil short
circuit will be indicated by a
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
high voltage reading, while the other coil readings will have an equal
or lower value
low or zero voltage reading, while the other coils will have higher
fluctuating voltmeter reading, while the other coil readings are
steady voltmeter reading, while the other coil readings are
A single-phase induction motor will only start if you spin the rotor rapidly
533. with the line switch closed After starting, its speed fluctuates between very
slow and half-speed The problem probably lies in the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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1. starting winding
2. centrifugal mechanism
3. centrifugal switch
4. running winding
535. A three-phase, squirrel cage, induction motor will run hot due to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. open stator coils
2. high power factor
3. dirty or corroded slip rings
4. reversed commutating poles
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2. rheostat
3. bridge
4. variable shunt strip
An electric heating element supplied with 120 volts draws 15 amps How much
power will be consumed?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 15 watts
2. 45.57 watts
3. 180 watts
4. 1800 watts
An electrical device which prevents an action from occurring until all other
required conditions are met is called a/an
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. limit
2. monitor
3. modulator
4. interlock
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. H energizes and D makes contact.
2. F goes out allowing G to disconnect.
3. G sounds an alarm and F illuminates.
4. C opens causing A to also open.
During start-up of the circuit shown in the illustration EL-0081, it is noted that
544. the ends of component "C" alternately glow and become dark without the
tube illuminating The most probable cause for this is that
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
component "D" is loose and due to the ship's vibrations makes and
breaks contact
the power system's voltage is fluctuating in and out of the range
necessary for proper operation
component "A" is shorted and therefore unable to produce the high
voltage required to start the lamp
component "B" contacts are opening and closing thus prohibiting
sufficient current flow
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tau corect
1. prevent freezing of movable contacts
2. keep the components at their design ambient temperature
3. prevent condensation of moisture
4. minimize resistance in internal circuits
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4. high voltage
If power were lost to the winch shown in the illustration while in 'second point
hoist' the winch would stop When power is restored the winch would
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
continue to run at 'second point hoist' unless a different speed is
selected by the 'master Switch'
continue to run but at 'first point' speed, for safety, until the 'master
Switch' is brought to 'off' and then back to the desired speed
remain stopped until the 'safety switch' is recycled either directly or
by action of the 'master switch' handle
remain stopped until the 'master switch' is returned to 'off' closing the
'reset' contacts and then moved to any 'run' position
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
winding is grounded and you should continue on to the next winding
to see if any others are grounded
winding is not grounded and you should continue on to the next
2. winding until the light comes on designating that winding as
test is meaningless because you can not determine if a winding is
grounded without a megger.
ground is not in the windings but probabily in the pecker head, you
should check and retape the line lead connections
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In an emergency, the fastest way to interrupt power and stop the winch shown
in the illustration is for the
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. mate to open the disconnect switch at 'L1' and 'L2'
2. winch operator to open the 'safe switch' at the 'master switch'
3. engine room watch engineer to open the winch circuit breaker
4. electrician to open the test link at the controller
557. In the event of a power failure during cargo loading operations, the movement
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Most three-phase induction motors used for driving engine room auxiliaries
are started by
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. resistor starters
2. across-the-line starters
3. impedance starters
4. reactor starters
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. voltage regulator
2. filter
3. rectifier
4. voltage transformer
Some large AC motors are equipped with with heaters These could be I
563. resistance heaters bolted directly to the frame II low voltage windings
embedded in the motor windings
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. I only
2. II only
3. either I or II
4. neither I or II
The air gap in an induction motor should be periodically checked with a feeler
gage to prevent possible
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. rotor contact with the stator
2. axial misalignment of the rotor
3. damage to the motor bearings
4. electrical damage to the bearings
The alarm system for an engine order telegraph uses small selsyn motors
attached to the indicators The alarm sounds when the rotors are
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
trouble alarm units whose contacts activate when problems arise
either on starting or stopping of the motor
topping lift direction indicators which show alternately whether the
motor is hoisting or lowering the load
timing relay components whose contacts open or close depending on
the setting of their pneumatic adjustment
thawing contactor parts whose contacts start and stop the defrosting
cycle of the compressor driven by the motor
The difference between the synchronous speed of an induction machine and its
operating speed (slip) may be correctly expressed
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. as a percent of synchronous speed
2. as a decimal fraction of synchronous speed
3. directly in revolutions per minute
4. as all of the above
568. The first requirement for logical troubleshooting of any system is the ability to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. collect all available data on a casualty
2. recognize normal operation
3. identify the probable cause of a symptom
4. isolate the faulty component
569. The heaters for the winch circuit shown in the illustration are powered from
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. a separate source
2. the winch main bus
3. the master switch power circuit
4. the contactor control circuit
The process, whereby electrons gain sufficient energy to be released from the
surface of a thin, heated metal plate, is known as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. photo electric emission
2. secondary emission
3. thermionic emission
4. regressive emission
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574. The purpose of 'R6' in the winch circuit shown in the illustration is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. maintain dry conditions within the winch brake box
keep the series field current at a low value during 'fourth and fifth
point lowering'
act as the armature dynamic braking load to assist the winch in
limit the armature current during lowering operation with heavy
The purpose of the 'heater resistors' for the winch circuit shown in the
illustration is to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. limit the current in the heater circuit
2. dispel moisture in the 'master switch' housing & control panel
3. keep the winch brake housing below the dew point
4. maintain winch motor operating temperature
576. The rate at which heat is produced in a direct current circuit is equal to
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. P divided by R
2. I squared times R
3. E divided by I
4. I times R divided by T
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The 'reset' contacts of the master switch shown in the illustration provides the
winch controller with
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. low voltage release
2. overload protection
3. low voltage protection
4. high power factor correction
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The torque produced by a motor when its shaft will not turn, even though
rated voltage is applied to the stator, is known as
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. locked-rotor torque
2. pullout torque
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3. breakdown torque
4. torque margin
The winch shown in the illustration operates in any of the positions with the
586. master switch in the 'lower' direction, but will not 'hoist' in any of the master
switch hoist positions Which of the listed faults could be the cause?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Master switch contact 'MS3' may have defective springs.
2. Contactor '3M' coil could have an open winding.
3. Contact '2M' in the power circuit may be badly corroded.
4. Series relay 'FR' may be open.
The winch shown in the illustration will not operate in any speed in the
587. lowering direction and at an abnormal speed in 'first point hoist' The possible
cause is that
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. contactor coil '3M' has many shorted turns
2. resistor 'R8-A2' has an open
3. contacts '1M' in the power circuit are badly corroded
4. master switch contacts 'MS6' have weak springs
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Under which of the listed conditions can the engine room retake the throttle
control from the bridge?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Any time it is deemed necessary.
2. Only with the master's permission.
3. After a 10 minute delay to the input command.
4. Only after the throttle has been placed in stop.
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. The unit is in danger of exploding.
2. The tube is nearing the end of its useful life.
3. The circuit voltage is too high.
4. The circuit current is too high.
593. When the control handle is in the 'off' position, the solenoid actuated brake of
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When the operating handle is in the 'off' position, which master switch
contacts for the winch shown in the illustration are closed?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. 'MS-DB & OL'
2. 'MS-3, 5, 6, 7, & 8'
3. 'MS-LVa & OL'
4. 'MS-3, 7 & Reset'
When you are making a high potential test on a piece of repaired electrical
machinery, a rise in leakage current indicates
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. good insulation
2. bad insulation
3. high insulation power factor
4. a high slot discharge factor
596. Which component of the circuit shown in the illustration is the lamp?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
Which of the damages listed can occur to the components of a winch master
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Which of the following represents the accepted method of cleaning dust and
598. foreign particles from electrical equipment while limiting damage to electric
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Carefully wiping off the components with a soft cotton rag.
Blowing a high velocity stream of compressed air rapidly across the
3. Using a vacuum cleaner to remove debris from the components.
Using carbon tetrachloride as a cleaning solvent to clean the
Which of the listed conditions occur when selection is made for 'third point
hoist' on the winch shown in the illustration?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Master switch contacts "5", "6", "7", "8", and "9" close.
2. Contactors '2M', '3M', '4M' and '1A' pick up.
3. Contactors '1M', 3M', '1A' and '2A' drop out.
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. G and H
2. E and I
3. F and H
4. E and G
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4. 0,5
Actionarea detectorului de "nivel minim ulei carter" din cadrul unei instalatii
de semnalizare si protectie motor auxiliar va
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica, va decupla generatorul de la
bare si va opri motorul auxiliar
2. va declansa o alarma optica si acustica
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica si va porni un alt motor
va declansa o alarma optica si acustica si va reduce turatia motorului
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Care este abaterea maxima admisibila a tensiunii nominale ale unui generator
sincron independent dotat cu regulator de tensiune?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. +/- 3,5%
2. +/- 5%
3. +/- 2,5%
4. +/- 1,5%
Care este echiparea uzuala a unui Tablou electric de legatura cu malul intr-o
centrala electrica navala (CEN) in curent alternativ trifazat (CAT) ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
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faze, KWh
aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, sinfazimetru, voltmetru
cu comutator de faze, frecventmetru, KWh
aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, sinfazimetru, voltmetru
cu comutator de faze, KWh
aparat de conectare, aparat de inversare faze, voltmetru cu comutator
de faze, KWh
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2. 1,5 V
3. 2,4 V
4. 1,2 V
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1. automate
2. prin protectia la scurtcircuit la nivelul intrerupatoarelor automate
3. prin declansatoare ale intrerupatoarelor automate
4. prin releele de suprasarcina de la nivelul intrerupatoarelor automate
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Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. parametrii constructivi ai excitatiilor sa fie identici
2. puterile lor aparente nominale sa fie egale
3. puterile lor active nominale sa fie egale
4. sa existe o reactie inversa intre la nivelul regulatoarelor de tensiune
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2. instalatiei
3. din TDA
4. din pupitrul de navigatie
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tau corect
Temperatura uleiului de ungerea motorului principal a ajuns la
valoarea maxima , treapta a II a.
Temperatura apei de racire a motorului principal a crescut pana la
valoarea maxima trepta a II a.
Temperatura uleiului de ungere a reductorului a crescut peste limita
Presiunea uleiului de ungere a motorului principal a scazut la valoare
minima treapta a II-a..
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673. Care sunt protectiile specifice ale vinciului de ancora actionat electric
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, stop de avarie,
scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, lipsa operator, stop de
3. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, lipsa operator, stop de avarie,
4. scurtcircuit, suprasarcina, tensiune minima, lipsa operator,
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Cum sunt notate, in unele standarde, capetele de inceput ale infasurarilor unui
motor electric de curent alternativ trifazat (in cutia de borne) ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. A,B,C (1,2,3)
2. U,V,W (1,2,3)
3. R,S,T (1,2,3)
4. X,Y,Z (1,2,3)
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4. un sistem mecanic
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4. scurtcircuit si suprasarcina
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710. Unde este amplasat intrerupatorul de de urgenta al unui grup barca salvare ?
Raspunsul Raspunsul
tau corect
1. Pe punte.
2. In tabloul de alimentare.
3. Pe electromotorul de actionare.
4. langa butonul de actionare.
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