Customer Service Metrics Calculator - HubSpot
Customer Service Metrics Calculator - HubSpot
Customer Service Metrics Calculator - HubSpot
Metrics Calculator
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How to Use This Template:
ith You
r premium editions.
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
NPS, short for net promoter score, is a metric that calculates how likely a customer is to recomm
passives, and detractors you have, and enter those numbers in the cells below (i.e. if 12 responde
promoters). The percentage of detractors is subtracted from the percentage of promoters to give
What is NPS? suggests you need to make improvements for a better customer experience.
To get the raw data, send out a survey to existing customers, asking them to rate how likely they
How to Get Data colleague.
g them to rate how likely they would be to recommend your product or service to a friend or
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer acquisition cost, or CAC, is the amount of money spent on sales and marketing require
spend and dividing it by the number of new customers. Companies can calculate CAC for a given
What is CAC? marketing tactics and strategies. A lower CAC is better, as it suggests your marketing and sales te
Customer lifetime value equates to revenue an average customer will provide a company before t
What is CLV? to calculate CLV, but for our purposes, we'll be using the simple CLV formula to multiply averag
This metric compares the customer's acquisition cost to the revenue that customer will pro
they start contributing profit to the company. Support leaders can use this information to d
What is CAC-to-CLV? is the case.
Refer to the metrics calculated on the previous two tabs, which will be entered on this tab
How to Get Data manually if you have them recorded.
will be entered on this tab if they've already been determined. You can also enter the numbers
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
Similar to NPS, customer satisfaction score (CSAT) measures how happy your customers are. En
What is CSAT? appear in the labeled cell. If you run a survey from 1-5, 1-7, etc., leave the cells outside the range
How to Get Data Run a survey asking customers how satisfied they are on a sale from 1 to up to 10.
o up to 10.
Customer Effort Score (CES)
Customer effort score (CES) is a metric to show how much effort was required from customers t
they're looking for. A low CES might suggest customers take a lond time to find the recources th
What is CES? need a knowledge base for easy problem-solving documentation to be stored.
You can prompt CES surveys on customer training/documentation pages, after support phone ca
How to Get Data emails.
How to Get Data Choose a specific period of time – one year, one month, all time, etc. – and be consistent
etc. – and be consistent in entering the metrics from that time for accuracy.
Revenue Churn
What is Revenue Churn? Revenue churn reveals how much revenue was lost in a given period. For subscription-b
How to Get Data Choose a specific period of time – one year, one month, all time, etc. – and be consisten
l time, etc. – and be consistent in entering the metrics from that time for accuracy.
First Contact Resolution
First Contact Resolution Rate highlights how often support cases are closed on their first attempt
What is FCR? have a negative impact on customer satisfaction, so getting this number as close to 100% as poss
How to Get Data Choose the amount of tickets/incidents from a specific period of time – one year, one month, all t
s are closed on their first attempt. If a case is not resolved quickly, or if a customer needs to revisit the problem, it could
number as close to 100% as possible should be a top priority for support.
time – one year, one month, all time, etc. – and be consistent in entering the metrics from that time for accuracy.
it the problem, it could
me for accuracy.
Average Ticket Time
Average ticket time looks at how long it takes for a customer's complaint, request, or question to
What is Average to help find this number is labor hours, which can vary drastically pending on if your employees
Ticket Time? time frame that works best to accurately gauge how many tickets are resolved in a given time per
nt, request, or question to be addressed accordingly. One of the most important metrics
ng on if your employees in customer service work different hours. Below, choose the
olved in a given time period.
Number of Tickets Resolved This Week
Number of Tickets Resolved This Week
Number of Tickets Resolved This Year