Proposal On "The Role of Tourism in Economic Growth, The Case of Ethiopia"
Proposal On "The Role of Tourism in Economic Growth, The Case of Ethiopia"
Proposal On "The Role of Tourism in Economic Growth, The Case of Ethiopia"
Submitted by
Itafa Misganu
ID no. EMBA/806/12
Feb, 2020
The finding or results will shows tourist prefer Ethiopia for enjoyment trip, and also the
economic activities performed by the Ethiopian government to attract foreign direct investment
(FDI) is encouraging visitors for business visits. On the other hand, even though Ethiopia is rich
in historic, cultural and landscape it is one of the least visited country in the world, and the
contribution of the sector to the GDP is very insignificant compared to other sectors in the
1. Introduction
According to international traded service, international tourism has become one of the world’s
major trade categories. The overall export income generated by international tourism, including
passenger transport, exceeded US$ 1 trillion in 2010, or close to US$ 3 billion a day. Tourism
exports account for as much as 30% of the world’s exports of commercial services and 6% of
overall exports of goods and services. Globally, as an export category, tourism ranks fourth after
In recent years, tourism business development has been the focus of study and research. In the
analysis of tourism, economists emphasis the economic effects of tourism on the economy. The
speedy growth of tourism causes an increase of household income and government revenues
through multiplier effects, improvement in the balance of payment, and growth of tourism
industry. Hence, the development of tourism has usually been considered a positive contribution
to economic growth (Khan, 1995; Lee and Kwon, 1995; Lim, 1997)
Though it is believed that the growth of tourism contributes to the growth of household incomes
and government revenues, available empirical evidences on the link between tourism industry
and economic growth has not yet been clear. Therefore, it is necessary to examine whether
tourism growth actually caused the economic increase or, alternatively, did economic expansion
Economic growth is the most powerful instrument for reducing poverty and improving the
quality of life in developing countries. Economic growth occurs whenever people take resources
and rearrange them in ways that are more valuable. Like other sectors of the economy, tourism
brings in foreign exchange which can be used to import capital goods in order to produce goods
and services, leading in turn to economic growth. Ethiopia’s travel and tourism market has
enormous potential. The country not only offers the usual African game and cultural experiences
to visitors, but also a rich array of historical and ecological sites that set it apart from most of its
neighbors. However, despite its huge potential, the travel and tourism market has yet to develop
to a point where it can make a significant contribution to Ethiopia’s economic growth. While
tourist numbers are rising, growth in arrivals and tourism expenditure are by no means
commensurate with the potential of the country’s attractions. By recognizing the role of the
tourism sector in the country’s economy, the government of Ethiopia has given due attention to
the sector and The Ethiopian tourism sector doesn’t play important role as much capacity we
Ethiopian have even we compare with Kenya we are late and we can’t generate good income
from this sector because of different problems like infrastructural, knowledge, less government
attentions etc.
In this, part of thesis I will try to focus 0n the major responsibility of governmental organization
for tourism development, the role of tourism for economic growth and the stack holders role
Mainly. Public organization in the town and the rural areas societies & there are different
stakeholders with which it works. There are some private organizations like hotels and related
establishments, local guides giving tourism Service and some private training institutions in the
town that have some roles in tourism Industry. In addition there are some government Bureaus,
public training institutions and media that have horizontal relationship with the office. Beside
this, there are host communities living around the attraction who have some Responsibilities in
tourism development and role of tourism in economic growth. Visitors are also stakeholders with
some specific roles and responsibilities in tourism role for economic growth of the country.
Some bottlenecks impede the collaboration among the stakeholders. These and the rest main
The overall objective of the study is to examine and analysis the trend and contribution of
The cause behind to conduct this research is to evaluate the role of tourism sector would lead to
economic growth and development through different directions. The urgent need for poverty
reduction in Ethiopia and the substantial potential economic contribution of tourism in Ethiopian
economy justify the interest in explaining the sector link with economic growth. Therefore, the
research will have its own importance as it gives ideas for further investigation on the growing
tourism sector on Ethiopian economic growth .The study as well is useful as it analyses the
macro impact of the tourism sector in Ethiopian context and helpful in suggesting alternative
This study will conduct to generate research data that answer the following research questions:
2. What are the tourism challenges that should be solved related to infrastructure?
The study planned to will conduct using economic growth and show the relationship of economic
growth and tourism sector has in Ethiopia, however due to data and inconstancy, input was may
In addition, limiting access to data were the constraints. Absence and in consistency of data
different source has created a limitation to relay on small sample. Due high inconsistency of
data from different organization the researcher has preferred to use data from Ethiopian Ministry
This section will organized in two major sub sections: theoretical literature and empirical
findings. The theoretical literature sub section will explores the theories, concepts and definitions
related to the Tourism sector. The empirical finding sub section will examines recent empirical
In this topic the following and the rest points will rise Ethiopia’s territory includes seven
UNESCO World Heritage Sites, four important national parks, a source of the world’s longest
river (the Blue Nile), and sites revered among adherents to Christianity, Islam and Judaism and
diverse African traditional societies. Ethiopia has very distinct cultural and historic products
based on (a) ancient Axumite civilizations and the Ethiopian Orthodox Church; (b) the walled
Old City of Harar with its seven gates considered as the fourth holiest city in Islam; (c) as a
cradle of civilization, with fossilized evidence of the ancestors of homo sapiens as old as4.4
million years B.C., and the much more famous Dinknesh, or Lucy
The study will used secondary data source obtain from Ministry of culture and Tourism
(MOCT), National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO), World Bank (WB), World Trade Organization (WTO) and Central
statistics authority (CSA). The study also uses information’s extract from magazines, books,
publications, and other periodical reports of government institution and other sources.
This research will makes use of descriptive method for data analysis, which will based on
secondary data’s. Method like statistical tables, averages ratios, line graphs and percentage, are
3.4 Validity and Reliability of Data Gathering
The secondary data will collect and analyze, are data’s collected from internal source and
Efforts will be made to make the research process professional and ethical issues. To this end,
the researcher will clearly inform to the organization who has provided the required data the
purpose of the study i.e., purely for academic. In addition, the study will be based on their
consents. The researcher will also not personalize any of the findings during data presentations,
analysis and interpretation. Furthermore, all the materials that will be used for this research will
be fully acknowledged
The thesis will organize as follows: Chapter Two deals with the review of some selected
literatures. Chapter Three provides the Methodology used in this study. Chapter Four, deals with
the brief presentation on the existence, and contribution of the tourism sector, as well as other
findings on tourism. Lastly, chapter Five will summarizes the study and shows concluding
Cost budget
no Item Unit of measure Amount Unit cost Total cost
1 Stationary material
Pen Pack 7 4 28
Internet cost
Total 280
4 Miscellanies expense 10 15 150
Total 150
5 Transportation Trip /km 18 trip 8/aver 144
Time schedule
1 Questioner
preparation and
problem identification
2 Research design
3 Data analysis
4 Literature review
5 Writing proposal
6 data collection
7 Data processing
& editing
8 Data interpretation
deep checking
10 Submission and
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