Easa Ad CF-2013-27 1
Easa Ad CF-2013-27 1
Easa Ad CF-2013-27 1
The following airworthiness directive (AD) may be applicable to an aircraft which our records indicate is registered in your name. ADs are issued pursuant to Canadian
Aviation Regulation (CAR) 521 Division X. Pursuant to CAR 605.84 and the further details of CAR Standard 625, Appendix H, the continuing airworthiness of a Canadian
registered aircraft is contingent upon compliance with all applicable ADs. Failure to comply with the requirements of an AD may invalidate the flight authorization of the aircraft.
Alternative means of compliance shall be applied for in accordance with CAR 605.84 and the above-referenced Standard.
This AD has been issued by the Continuing Airworthiness Division (AARDG), National Aircraft Certification Branch, Transport Canada, Ottawa, telephone 613 952-4357.
Number: CF-2013-27
Applicability: Bombardier Inc. model DHC-8-400, -401 and -402 aeroplanes, serial numbers 4001
through 4446.
Compliance: Within 2000 hours air time or 12 months, whichever occurs first, from the effective
date of this AD, unless already accomplished.
Background: There have been several in-service reports of the failure of high pressure shutoff valves
(HPSOV) causing the Timer and Monitor Unit (TMU) to become inoperative since the
HPSOV and TMU are on the same circuit breaker.
An inoperative TMU would result in the loss of the automatic de-icing mode and would
lead to an increased workload for the flightcrew. In the case where additional failures
occur during a critical flight phase, the significantly increased workload could lead to loss
of control of the aeroplane.
This AD mandates a wiring modification to segregate the HPSOV power supply from the
Corrective Incorporate Bombardier ModSum 4-110595. Bombardier Service Bulletin (SB) 84-36-04,
Actions: Revision A, dated 17 April 2013, or later revisions approved by the Chief, Continuing
Airworthiness, Transport Canada, provides approved instructions for incorporating
ModSum 4-110595.
Derek Ferguson
Chief, Continuing Airworthiness
Pursuant to CAR 202.51 the registered owner of a Canadian aircraft shall, within seven days, notify the Minister
in writing of any change of his or her name or address.
To request a change of address, contact the Civil Aviation Communications Centre (AARC)
at Place de Ville, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8, or 1-800-305-2059,
or www.tc.gc.ca/civilaviation/communications/centre/ address.asp
24-0022 (01-2005)