Measurement: Section 3
Measurement: Section 3
Measurement: Section 3
The information presented in this section provides sufficient tody transfer should be between the parties involved, and sup-
information for determining flow quantities with a reasonable plemental information and procedures may be required, such
degree of accuracy, but not necessarily to the accuracy desired as Chapter 14, Section 3 of the API Manual of Petroleum Meas-
for custody transfer. Agreement of acceptable accuracy for cus- urement Standards.
FIG. 3-1
a = maximum transverse dimension of a straightening Fna = units conversion factor for pitot tubes
vane passage Fpb = pressure base factor applied to change the base
A = cross sectional area of any passage within an pressure from 101.55 kPa (abs)
assembled straightening vane Fpm = pressure factor applied to meter volumes to cor-
b = Equation factor in Reynolds number calculation rect to standard pressure. See API Manual of
β = ratio of the orifice or throat diameter to the internal Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 12,
diameter of the meter run, dimensionless Section 2
C = Pitot tube flow coefficient Fpv = supercompressibility factor required to correct
C′ = the product of multiplying all orifice correction for deviation from the ideal gas laws = √
factors Fr = Reynolds number factor. To correct the calculated
CNT = volume indicated by the number of pulses or basic orifice factor to the actual flowing Reynolds
counts number
Cpl = liquid pressure correction factor. Correction for Fs = steam factor
the change in volume resulting from application Ftb = temperature base factor. To change the tempera-
of pressure. Proportional to the liquid compressi- ture base from 15°C to another desired base
bility factor, which depends upon both relative Ftf = flowing temperature factor to change from the
density and temperature. assumed flowing temperature of 15°C to the ac-
Cps = correction factor for effect of pressure on steel. tual flowing temperature
See API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Ftm = temperature correction factor applied to displace-
Standards, Chapter 12, Section 2 ment meter volumes to correct to standard tem-
Cg = relative density correction factor for orifice well perature. See API Manual of Petroleum
tester to change from a gas relative density of 0.6 Measurement Standards, Chapter 12, Section 2
Ctl = liquid temperature correction factor. Proportional G,G1 = relative density at 15°C
to the thermal coefficient which varies with den- Gf = relative density at flowing temperature
sity and temperature H = pressure, mm of mercury
Cts = correction factor for effect of temperature on steel hm = differential pressure measured across the orifice
d = orifice diameter, mm plate in mm of mercury at 15°C
D = internal pipe diameter of orifice meter hw = differential pressure measured across the orifice
run or prover section, mm plate in mm of water at 15°C
Dp = The difference between the flowing pressure and
√ hwPf = pressure extension. The square root of the differen-
the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid. tial pressure times the square root of the abso-
ρ = Flowing fluid density, kg/m3 lute static pressure
e = orifice edge thickness, mm k = ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to
E = orifice plate thickness, mm the specific heat at constant volume
Em = modulus of elasticity for steel [(206.8)(106)] kPa K = a numerical constant. Pulses generated per unit
F = liquid compressibility factor volume through a turbine or positive displace-
Fa = orifice thermal expansion factor. Corrects for the ment meter
metallic expansion or contraction of the orifice L = length of straightening vane element
plate. Generally ignored between -20° and 50°C MF = meter factor, a number obtained by dividing the
Fb = basic orifice factor actual volume of liquid passed through the meter
Fg = relative density factor applied to change from a during proving by the volume registered by the
relative density of 1.0 (air) to the relative density meter
of the flowing gas P = pressure, kPa (abs)
Fgt = density-temperature factor for liquids Pb = base pressure, kPa (abs)
FIG. 3-1 (Cont’d)
Pf1, Pf2 = static pressure at either the upstream(1) or down- S = square of supercompressibility
stream(2) pressure tap, kPa (abs) Tb = base temperature, °C
Pp = operating or observed pressure, kPa (ga) Tf = flowing temperature, °C
Ps = pressure at which the base volume of a meter Tmeas = reference temperature of the orifice plate
prover was determined, usually 0 kPa (ga) bore, °C
P1/P2 = pressure ratio V = specific volume of steam, m3/kg
Q = gas flow rate, m3/day Y = expansion factor to compensate for the change in
Qh = rate of flow, usually in m3/h density as the fluid passes through an orifice
Rh = maximum differential range, mm of water YCR = critical flow constant
Rp = maximum pressure range of pressure spring, psi Z = compressibility factor
Note: Standard conditions for section example calculations are 15°C and 101.325 kPa (abs).
FIG. 3-2
Flow Calculation Guide
Factors Units Mass Vol Mass Vol Mass Vol Mass Vol Mass Fig.
Units of Measurement ⇒ kg/h m3/h kg/h m3/h kg/h m3/h kg/h m3/h kg/h
1. This guide is intended for use in obtaining approximate flows when used in conjunction with data contained in this section as
referenced in the far right hand column.
2. To obtain flow, substitute areas containing dots with known numbers and multiply top to bottom.
3. The number of factors used may vary depending on method of calculation in specific application, content of flowing stream, and
individual contractual agreements.
4. Factors appearing in shaded areas are not generally necessary for calculating approximate flows.
5. The factors Fpv, S, Ctl, Cpl, Fr, Y, and Fa must be obtained for the specific substance being measured.
FIG. 3-3
Flow Calculation Guide Equations
23-12 23-13
FIG. 3-4
Orifice Plate Holders
Plate Differential
Single Chamber Orifice Fitting
Chamber (Junior) Orifice Fitting
Differential Valve
Pressure Taps
Senior Orifice
Flanged Senior
(c) Side Sectional View
When weldneck flanges or weldend orifice fittings are used, orifice edge gauge, or alternately will not reflect a beam of light
the average inside diameter of the section of pipe connected to when viewed without magnification. The orifice shall not have
the inlet side of the fitting or flange should equal the inside a burred or feathered edge. It shall be maintained in this con-
diameter of the fitting or flange within the tolerance given in dition at all times. Moreover, the orifice plate shall be kept
Fig. 3-7. clean at all times and free from accumulation of dirt, ice, and
other extraneous material. Orifice plates with small nicks in
When flanged orifice fittings are used they should be aligned the edge can be expected to increase the flow measurement
with the inside diameter of the flange on the meter tube so uncertainty.
that there are no sharp edges or offsets at the flange connec-
tion. In order to prevent slipping at the flange joint after align- In centering orifice plates, the orifice must be concentric
ment, it is suggested that dowel pins or other alignment with the inside of the meter tube or orifice fitting. The concen-
methods be used. Where separable gaskets are used to seal an tricity shall be maintained within 3% of the inside diameter
orifice plate in an orifice holder, care must be taken to assure of both the upstream and downstream sections of the orifice
proper alignment and prevent gasket extension into the flow- meter tube or fitting along all diameters. This restriction is
ing stream. more critical in small diameter tubes, in meter tubes with
large beta ratio orifice plates, and when the orifice is offset
Orifice flanges require that the line be shut down and de- toward the pressure taps.
pressured in order to inspect or change the orifice plate. The
flange bolts are loosened and removed. The flanges are spread The measured orifice diameter is defined as the arithmetic
by use of "jack" bolts, and the plate is removed. average of four or more inside diameter measurements evenly
spaced. The measured orifice diameter shall not differ from
Single Chamber Orifice Fitting (Fig. 3-4b) — This the orifice diameter used in computing the basic orifice factor,
fitting also requires that the line be shut down and depres- or from any diameter, by an amount greater than the toler-
sured in order to inspect or change the orifice plate. However, ances shown in Fig. 3-6.
this fitting does not require breaking apart the flanges.
Instead, the bolts are loosened on the cover plate and the cover The measured orifice diameter should be used in the coeffi-
plate removed. The orifice plate holder and orifice plate are cient equations for the calculation of the flow coefficient with
then removed from the fitting. These fittings provide precise minimum uncertainty. The orifice plate temperature at the
alignment of the orifice plate. time of measurement and the actual diameter measurement
should be recorded for use in the calculation of the orifice ther-
Senior Orifice Fitting (Fig. 3-4c) — This fitting al- mal expansion factor, Fa, when appropriate.
lows the removal and inspection of an orifice plate while the
line remains under pressure. It allows the orifice plate holder The orifice to meter tube diameter ratio, β = d/D, should be
and orifice plate to be raised into the upper cavity of the fitting limited as follows:
by the use of a crank handle. A valve is then closed to separate • With meters using flange taps, β shall be between 0.15
the upper cavity from the lower cavity of the fitting. The upper and 0.70
cavity is then depressured, the top cover plate removed, and • With meters using pipe taps, β shall be between 0.20 and
the orifice plate cranked out. 0.67
Orifice Plates — The thickness of the orifice plate for 50 When using the above beta ratios, the tolerance of the orifice
mm through 250 mm nominal diameter pipe shall be at least coefficient (Fb factors) is plus or minus 0.5% for flange taps
2.92 mm, while that for 300 mm pipe shall be at least 4.45 mm. and plus or minus 0.75% for pipe taps. Beta ratios down to
As shown in Fig. 3-5, the maximum thickness varies from 3.30 0.10 and up to 0.75 may be used for flange taps but the coeffi-
to 10.11 mm as pipe size is increased from 50 to 300 mm. These cient tolerance increases. Beta ratios down to 0.10 and up to
values are abstracted from ANSI/API 2530 (GPA 8185), and 0.70 may be used with pipe taps but the coefficient tolerance
that standard should be consulted if more detail is desired. increases.
The thickness of the orifice plate at the orifice edge shall not Meter Tubes — The term "meter tube" shall mean the
exceed the smaller of: straight upstream pipe of the same diameter (of length A and
a. 1/50 of the pipe diameter, D A′ on Figs. 3-8 to 3-13) between the orifice flanges or fittings,
and the similar downstream pipe (length B on Figs. 3-8 to
b. 1/8 of the orifice diameter, d
3-13) beyond the orifice.
If the thickness of the orifice plate must be greater than
permitted by these limitations, the downstream edge shall be The sections of pipe to which the orifice flanges are attached
cut away (beveled or recessed) at an angle of 45° or less to the or the sections adjacent to the orifice flange or fitting shall
face of the plate, leaving the thickness of the orifice edge comply with the following:
within these requirements. All orifice plates which are beveled • Seamless pipe or cold drawn seamless tubing may be
should have the square-edge side (i.e., the side opposite the used. The pipe walls may be honed, machined, or ground.
beveling) stamped "inlet" or the beveled side stamped "outlet". The wall finish should simulate that of new smooth pipe
or cold drawn tubing.
The upstream face of the orifice plate shall be flat and per-
pendicular to the axis of the meter tube, when in position be- • Grooves, scoring, pits, raised ridges resulting from seams,
tween the orifice flanges or in the orifice fitting. Any plate that distortion caused by welding, offsets, etc. (regardless of
does not depart from flatness along any diameter by more than the size of such irregularities) which affect the inside di-
0.010 mm per mm of the dam height, (D-d)/2, shall be consid- ameter at such points by more than the tolerance given
ered flat. in Fig. 3-7 shall not be permitted. When these measure-
ments are exceeded, the roughness may be corrected by
The upstream edge of the orifice shall be square and sharp filling in or grinding or filing off, so as to obtain smooth-
so that it will not show a beam of light when checked with an ness within the tolerance.
FIG. 3-5
Orifice Plate Dimensions
d Mark Inlet
Type Plates
1. The maximum edge thickness is defined by e ≤ D/50 or e ≤ d/8, whichever is smaller.
2. Orifice edge thickness marked with x in this table is the maximum for that particular meter tube diameter and is applicable to all larger orifice diameters for that meter tube
3. Orifice diameters smaller than those marked x are defined by e ≤ d/8.
4. Orifice plates of which the edge thickness meets the value e ≤ D/30 need not be rebeveled unless reconditioning is required for other reasons.
5. All dimensions are in millimeters.
6. Orifices used to measure dual directional flows must not be beveled. Where e exceeds the above limits, the flow constant Fb may be subject to higher uncertainty.
7. Use of diameters marked with an asterisk (*) may result in CD uncertantities larger than those specified in API 2530 (GPA 8185) 14.3, Part 1.
FIG. 3-6 FIG. 3-9
Practical Tolerance for Orifice Diameters (mm) Less Than Ten Pipe Diameters (D) Between Two Ells in
Same Plane Upstream of Meter Tube
Orifice Size "d" Tolerance
plus or minus
6.35 0.008 A
9.53 0.010 LESS
12.70 0.013 ORIFICE
15.88 0.013 A’ B
19.05 0.013
25.40 0.013 THAN 10 D
FIG. 3-10
FIG. 3-7
Two Ells Not in Same Plane Upstream of Meter Tube
Maximum Pipe Diameter Tolerance
A’ B
C’ C
FIG. 3-11
Reducer or Expander Upstream of Meter Tube
A’ B
C’ C
FIG. 3-13 • Abrupt changes in diameter (shoulders, offsets, ridges,
and so forth) shall not exist in meter tubes.
Minimum Meter Tube Lengths in Terms of Pipe Diameters • The meter tube diameter must agree with the published
and Beta (β) Ratio – Use For All Pipe Sizes* inside diameters within the tolerance allowed by Fig. 3-7.
• The absolute value of any diameter measurement in the
Installation β Ratio downstream section shall not vary from the published
Figure Dimension
0.5 0.6 0.67 0.7 0.75 diameter of the meter tube by more than the tolerance
Fig. 3-8 A 6.9 9.3 12.5 13.9 16.7 allowed by Fig. 3-7. The following equation may be used
to calculate the variance of the downstream section of the
3.8 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5
meter tube:
Fig. 3-9 A 10.0 13.8 17.4 19.0 22.0
A′ 9.0 10.3 11.7 12.3 13.8 Any Dia − D
C 5.0 5.5 6.2 6.5 7.1
D (100) ≤ percent tolerance Eq 3-10
in Fig. 3−7
4.0 4.8 5.5 5.8 6.7
B 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 Note use of absolute value in Eq 3-10.
Fig. 3-10 A 20.8 25.0 28.8 31.0 35.2
• Application of this equation doubles the tolerance of the
A′ 10.0 11.4 12.8 13.5 15.0 downstream section of the meter tube.
C 5.0 5.5 6.2 6.5 7.2
• The temperature at which the meter tube measurements
C′ 5.0 5.9 6.6 7.0 7.8
are made should be recorded for possible correction to
B 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.3 4.5 operating conditions. Within a temperature range of -20
Fig. 3-11 A 7.5 9.7 11.8 12.1 13.6 to 50°C, however, this deviation is ordinarily no greater
B 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 than the tolerances allowed and such correction is not
Fig. 3-12 A 25.0 30.0 36.0 38.6 43.5 required.
A′ 10.2 12.2 14.2 15.3 17.5
Length of Pipe Preceding and Following an
C 5.0 5.5 6.2 6.4 7.0 Orifice — Figs. 3-8 through 3-12 show common types of me-
C′ 5.2 6.7 8.0 8.9 10.5 ter tube installations. Fig. 3-13 lists the minimum length at
B 3.8 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.5 various beta ratios for flange tap meter tubes in terms of pipe
diameters for each of the figures.
*Based on flange taps. For pipe taps add 2 diameters to A, A′, and C and
8 pipe diameters to B.
The lengths in Fig. 3-13 are based on flange taps. For pipe
taps, add two pipe diameters of length upstream and eight
The mean inside diameter of the meter tube shall be deter- pipe diameters downstream. Do not install any connection
mined as follows: other than pipe taps in the upstream or downstream tube
• Measurements are to be made on at least four diameters minimum length.
equally spaced in a plane one inch upstream from the If the meter tube installation under consideration is not ex-
upstream face of the orifice plate. The mean (arithmetic plicitly covered in the installations presented in Figs. 3-8
average) of these four or more measurements is (defined through 3-12 or if there are other fittings close to the first
as the measured meter tube diameter) to be used in the fitting on the inlet of the meter tube which could cause flow
calculation of the flow coefficient when minimum uncer- disturbances, use dimensions for Fig. 3-12.
tainty of this variable is desired.
• Check measurements of the upstream meter tube inside Straightening Vanes — The purpose of straightening
diameter shall be made at two or more additional cross- vanes is to eliminate swirls and cross currents set up by the
sections. The actual locations of the check measurements pipe fittings and valves upstream of the meter tube. The speci-
of the diameter, circumferentially and axially along the fications which follow apply particularly to the type of vanes
tube, are not specified. These checks should be taken at shown in Fig. 3-14.
points that will indicate the maximum and minimum of
diameter that exists, covering at least two pipe diame- In the construction of vanes, the maximum transverse di-
ters from the face of the orifice plate, or past the flange mension "a," Fig. 3-14, of any passage through the vanes shall
or fitting weld, whichever is the greater distance. Check not exceed one-fourth (1/4) the inside diameter, "D," of the
measurements are used to verify the uniformity of the pipe. Also, the cross-sectional area, "A," of any passage within
upstream meter tube but do not become a part of the the assembled vanes shall not exceed one-sixteenth (1/16) of
measured meter tube diameter. the cross-sectional area of the containing pipe. It is not neces-
sary that all the vane passages be of the same size, but their
The tolerance for the measurements of meter tubes is: arrangement should be symmetrical. The length "L" of the
vanes shall be at least ten (10) times the largest inside "a"
• The difference between the maximum measured diame- dimension.
ter and the minimum measured diameter on the inlet
section shall not exceed the tolerance allowed by Fig. 3-7 The vanes may be built of standard weight pipe or thin-wall
as a percent of the published diameter. Equation 3-9 may tubing. Round, square, or other shape tubing may be used. The
be used to calculate the variance of the upstream section vane tubes should be securely welded together at each tangent
of the meter tube: point and can be built with or without a supporting band at
each end. All weld metal should be ground off smooth so as not
Max Dia − Min Dia to cause disturbances to the flow. Vanes should be securely
D (100) ≤ percent tolerance Eq 3-9 anchored in the meter tube by use of a flange ring or set screws.
in Fig. 3−7
FIG. 3-14
Flow Straightening Vanes
FIG. 3-15
Typical Test Set-Up for Measuring Gas from a Separator Vent
FIG. 3-16
Flange Taps, Basic Orifice Factors, Fb - m3/h
FIG. 3-16 (Cont’d)
Flange Taps, Basic Orifice Factors, Fb - m3/h
FIG. 3-17
"b" Values for Reynolds Number Factor, Fr – Flange Taps
FIG. 3-17 (Cont’d)
"b" Values for Reynolds Number Factor, Fr – Flange Taps
FIG. 3-18
Expansion Factors – Flange Taps, Y2 (static downstream)
Orifice Flow Rate — The following example illustrates Q = 0.0283 1 + (25.4) √
127 [744.7 + (0.3 • 127)]
a calculation of flow rate through an orifice. 77.93
Example 3-2 — Calculate an approximate flow rate for the ori- • 1.000 • 0.9258 = 5381 m3/day
fice using appropriate terms from Eq 3-4.
Pipe (Tube) Rupture – Gas
The volume of gas that escapes through a pipeline rupture
Given Data: or hole caused by corrosion or mechanical damage can be es-
timated. Critical flow occurs when the downstream pressure
Line Size, D = 154.05 mm is less than approximately 50% of the source pressure, P. The
Orifice Size, d = 88.90 mm following equation approximates a critical flow volume:
Flange Taps
Flowing Temperature = 21°C
Flowing Pressure = 620.5 kPa (abs) Q = 2.743 d2 YCR • P Eq 3-15
Differential = 1524 mm of water Tf (G)
Relative Density = 0.750
(where Tf is K)
From Fig. 3-3, k+1
Qh = Fb • Ftf • Fg • √
hw • P from Eq 3-4 k 2
YCR = Eq 3-16
Z k+1
Qh = 5.682 (0.9905) (1.1547) √
1524 • 620.5
Qh = 6319.57 m3/h Example 3-4 — Find the loss from a 150 mm pipeline trans-
porting methane, with a 25.4 mm (circular equivalent area)
More precise calculations would include Fpb and Fpv correc- hole.
P = 2000 kPa G = 0.55 Z = 0.95
Orifice Well Test Tf = 25°C = 298 K k = 1.32
Often it is necessary to determine an approximate flow
quantity from a well head or field separator vent to the atmos- 1/2
1.32 2 0.32
phere for test purposes. The use of a "well head tester" has YCR = = 0.69
been a common practice since the early days of the oil and gas 0.95 2.32
industry. An orifice is installed between a pair of flanges, at
the outlet of a pipe nipple which is at least eight pipe diameters 1
long. The square edge of the orifice faces the flow. The diame- Q = 2.743 (25.4)2 (0.69) • (2000)
298 • 0.55
ter of the pipe nipple should not be greater than the preceding
fittings. The pressure connection may be made in the up-
stream flange or at any point in the pipe nipple within three = 190 500 m3/day
diameters from the orifice. The pressure differential across the
For subsonic or subcritical flow, first estimate an equivalent
orifice is the difference between the upstream pressure and
circular area for the hole in the pipeline and then calculate
atmospheric pressure.
a flow based on the orifice equation.
An approximate flow rate may be calculated from:
necessary to apply a compressibility factor. This factor should
Ftf = Eq 3-13 NOT be confused with Fpv for gases. Fig. 3-21 supplies liquid
273 + Tf hydrocarbon compressibility, F, and Fig. 3-22 the tempera-
ture correction factors, Ctl.
0.60 Orifice Sizing — An orifice plate can be sized for a par-
Cg = Eq 3-14 ticular liquid flow rate if the line size and fluid characteristics
are known. All physical orifice requirements defined for gas
measurement are also required for liquid orifice measure-
Example 3-3 — Calculate the daily gas flow through a 25.4 ment. The liquid orifice equation from Fig. 3-3 is used to solve
mm orifice in a nominal 75 mm pipe. The gas relative density for Fb, the basic coefficient. After finding Fb, Fig. 3-16 is en-
is 0.70, the flowing temperature is 15.5°C, and the pressure tered at the proper line size. The next largest Fb would then
upstream of the orifice is 127 mm Hg. The published ID of a relate to a specific orifice size that would be the initial selec-
75 mm pipe is 77.93 mm. tion. For an initial estimated size, only the Fgt correction is
used in the equation. For more precise calculations the entire The initial calculation can be completed using only the Fb and
Fig. 3-3 equation can be used with all the correction factors. the Fgt correction factors to solve for Qh since those factors are
most significant.
Example 3-5 — Calculate an approximate orifice size for the
given flow rate and line size. Example 3-6 — Calculate a liquid flowrate for the given orifice
Line Size, D = 77.93 mm setting.
Flange Taps Line Size, D = 202.72 mm
Specific Gravity at 60°F = 0.690 Orifice Size, d = 100.60 mm
Flowing Temperature = 4.4°C Flange Taps
Flow Rate = 12.87 m3/h Relative Density at = 0.630
Desired Differential = 1270 mm of water 15°C
Flowing Temperature = 26.7°C
To determine the approximate orifice size required, the cor- Differential = 914.4 mm of water
responding Fb is calculated using appropriate terms of Eq 3-7.
To determine the flow rate from Fig. 3-3,
Qh = Fb • Fgt • √
Qh = Fb • Fgt • √
hw From Eq 3-7
or Fb = From Eq 3-7
Fgt • √
hw The value of Fb from Fig. 3-16 is 7.209 for a 202.72 mm line
with a 100.60 mm orifice. The value of Fgt is calculated from
12.87 the Fig. 3-3 equation, using data from Fig. 23-13.
= = 0.8443
0.4277 • √
1270 Therefore,
Referring to the Fb values (Fig. 3-16) for a 77.93 mm line Q = 7.209 • 0.44 • √ 914.4 = 95.92 m3/h
with flange taps, access the Fb value listed which approxi-
mates the calculated Fb. A 34.93 mm orifice diameter would More precise calculations would include Fr and compressi-
be selected, which has a 0.8412 Fb value. bility corrections.
Orifice Flow Rate — The liquid flow rate through an Refer to Chapter 14.8 of the API Manual of Petroleum Meas-
orifice is calculated using the appropriate equation in Fig. 3-3. urement Standards for calculation of Fr.
FIG. 3-19
Steam Coefficient Factors, Saturated Steam
Fs =
√ Pfv
FIG. 3-20
Steam Coefficient Factors, Superheated Steam
Fs =
√ Pfv
FIG. 3-21 Fig. 3-24 is a sizing guide for liquid turbine meters. An ex-
Liquid Compressibility, F ample of a turbine meter installation schematic for mass
Paraffinic Hydrocarbon Mixtures measurement is shown in Fig. 3-25.
Positive Displacement Meters
NOTE: All factors in this table must have 0.0000 placed in front of the Displacement meters take a physically enclosed volume of
numbers shown.
fluid and move it from upstream to downstream of the meter-
ing point. The sum of these operations is an indication of the
Liquid Temperature of Flowing Liquid, °C amount of liquid which is moved over a period of time.
Relative Degrees
Density API at
15.5°C 0 10 20 30 40 An expected accuracy of 0.25% for a positive displacement
at 15.5°C
(PD) meter can be attained under proper conditions. Applica-
0.50 151.5 380 428 464 510 582 tion is normally limited to those fluids that exhibit some lu-
0.51 145.9 342 376 416 458 525
0.52 140.6 309 340 376 413 471
bricating properties because of the multiple moving parts of a
0.53 135.5 282 309 341 374 427 positive displacement meter. Typical applications are butane
0.54 130.5 258 281 309 339 388 and heavier products since ethane and propane have minimal
0.55 125.8 235 257 282 309 354
lubricating properties. Fig. 3-26 shows some internal details
0.56 121.2 213 234 259 284 325 of a positive displacement meter.
0.57 116.7 193 213 235 259 299
0.58 112.5 178 196 216 237 274 Meter Selection and Performance
0.59 108.3 164 180 199 219 252
Turbine and positive displacement meter installations
0.60 104.3 153 167 184 203 235 should include the following considerations:
0.61 100.5 145 156 172 189 218
0.62 96.7 133 146 158 173 199 • Application to proper flow ranges
0.63 93.1 126 137 149 162 186 • Upstream strainers to protect meter internals from for-
0.64 89.6 118 128 140 152 174
eign material
0.65 86.2 110 120 131 143 163
0.66 82.9 104 113 122 132 152
• Pulsation and vibration
0.67 79.7 098 106 115 125 143 • Proper upstream flow conditioning
0.68 76.6 093 100 108 117 135
0.69 73.6 087 095 104 111 127
• Significant rate changes
0.70 70.6 083 089 096 105 119 • Changes in flow temperature, pressure, and density
0.71 67.8 079 085 092 099 114 • Back pressure (2 times ∆P across meter plus 1.25 times
0.72 65.0 075 081 087 093 108 equilibrium vapor pressure is minimum recommended)
0.73 62.3 071 076 082 089 100
0.74 59.7 068 073 078 084 097 • Connections to prove the meter
0.75 57.2 064 069 074 080 092 The normally acceptable performance of a turbine or posi-
0.76 54.7 061 066 071 077 088 tive displacement meter will result in a change in the pulse
0.77 52.3 058 063 067 073 085 count of less than 0.05% between meter prover runs, and less
0.78 49.9 056 060 065 070 080
than 0.25% between provings. If the factor changes more than
0.79 47.6 054 058 062 067 077
0.25% between provings, meter maintenance may be required.
0.80 45.4 051 055 059 064 073
Ref: API "Petroleum Measurement Standards," Chapter 4 More details about turbine and positive displacement meter
1 installations, operation, and proving are available in Chapters
Note: Liquid Compressibility =
Bulk Modulus 4, 5, 6, and 12 of the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement
Turbine Meters
Meter Proving
Turbine meters are velocity-sensing devices. The direction
of flow through the meter is parallel to a turbine’s rotary axis The purpose of proving a turbine or PD meter is to establish
and the speed of rotation of the rotor is proportional to the rate a factor which, when multiplied by the meter pulses and di-
of flow. vided by the nominal K-factor, will give an accurate, corrected
metered volume. Compensation for meter factors can be ac-
The turbine meter normally consists of one moving part; an complished external to the meter through either mathemati-
impeller held in place by high pressure, low drag bearings. A cal or electronic means. The meter factor may be defined as a
magnetic transducer mounted in the meter body is used to number which corrects meter registration to actual volume. A
count revolutions as the flow passes. The pulses from the meter factor is applicable to only one set of operating condi-
transducer are determined for a known volume passing tions. To establish a meter factor, the meter must be compared
through the meter to develop a factor in pulses per gallon, or to a known prover volume. By applying the necessary tem-
other desired unit volume. Turbine meter components are perature and pressure factors to the prover volume and by
shown in Fig. 3-23. dividing by the change in the meter reading, a meter factor is
Expected accuracies of plus or minus 0.25% can be attained
by certain turbine meters where proper stream conditions are
maintained and the meter is properly installed. Volume of liquid in the prover
corrected to standard conditions
MF = Eq 3-17
Change in meter reading corrected
to standard conditions
FIG. 3-22
Volume Correction Factors for Temperature, Ctl
Paraffinic Hydrocarbon Mixtures
Ref: API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 11 (API 2540, ASTM D-1250, ANSI 211-83, IP 200, ISO R91).
Standard conditions in liquid measurement are 60°F and Additional information concerning meter proving can be
the equilibrium vapor pressure of the liquid at 60°F (or found in Chapter 4 of the API Manual of Petroleum Measure-
atmospheric pressure for liquids with a vapor pressure of less ment Standards.
than 0 psig).
Meter Proving Reports — A meter proving report is
Meter Proving Systems — Meter proving systems the record of a meter proving and must be completed to calcu-
should include the following considerations: late the net volume being measured by the meter being
• All proving vessels should be calibrated by qualified per- proven. A meter proving report may contain considerable in-
sonnel using test measures certified by the U.S. Bureau formation but the following information is usually considered
of Standards and be issued a "Certificate of Calibration". the minimum necessary to identify the proving and allow cal-
• All meter proving systems should be equipped with a culation of net volumes: proving report number, date and
thermometer and pressure gauge located near the meter. time, meter owner, company of person responsible for proving,
Proving vessels shall have pressure gauges and ther- fluid used, fluid specific gravity, fluid vapor pressure (at oper-
mometers on the inlet and outlet. Gauges and thermome- ating temperature), meter size, totalizer pulses, prover size,
ters should be checked periodically against a deadweight pulses per unit volume, uncorrected prover volume, tempera-
tester and certified thermometer to verify accuracy. ture of fluid at meter and prover, pressure of fluid at meter
• All valves in the proving systems which affect the accu- and prover, and operator’s name and signature. If the proving
racy of the proving should provide for observation of is being done on a meter used for custody transfer, it is cus-
valve integrity, e.g., double block and bleed valves. tomary for a representative of each custodial company to wit-
• Proving conditions should approximate operating condi- ness the proving and sign the report if it is satisfactory. The
tions. parties involved in the proving should agree on what consti-
FIG. 3-23 Product = Propane-Butane Mix
Specific Gravity = 0.544
Typical Turbine Meter Components
Totalizer Pulses Per m3 = 13 188
Rotor Assembly Uncorrected Prover Volume = 2.0734 m3
U/S Bearing Vapor Pressure = 793 kPa
Spring Clip
Assembly Cone Prover Size = 300 mm pipe with 9.525 mm
Thrust wall
Proving results:
D/S Cone Temperature, °C Pressure, kPa (ga) (2) Pulse
Coil Journal Thrust Washer Run Count/Round
No. Prover Meter Prover Meter Trip
Coil Bosses
Nut Washer 1 24.8 24.4 2655 2724 28 629
Flow 2 24.9 24.9 2655 2724 28 626
3 24.9 24.4 2655 2724 28 635
4 25.3 25.0 2655 2724 28 634
5 25.0 25.1 2655 2724 28 633
6 25.0 24.8 2655 2724 28 631
Average 25.0 24.8 2655 2724 28 631.3
tutes an acceptable proving, and if it is not acceptable, what Average
(rounded) 25.0 24.7(1) 2655 2724 28 631(3)
must be done to correct the problem.
FIG. 3-24
Sizing Guide for Typical Turbine Meters
FIG. 3-25
Example Turbine Meter Installation
FIG. 3-26 Metered fluid corrections:
Example Positive Displacement Meter 1. Uncorrected metered volume
Total meter pulses recorded
manufacturer's pulses per m3
= = 2.1710 m3
2. The correction for the effect of
temperature on the metered volume,
Ctl (Fig. 3-22) = 0.9789
3. The correction for the effect of
pressure on the metered volume, Cpl
(Reference No. 2) = 1.0080
4. Corrected metered volume
= Ctl · Cpl · 2.1710 = 2.1421 m3
5. Meter factor
corrected prover volume
corrected metered volume
= = 0.9547
Vertical Double Case Meter 2.1421
FIG. 3-27
Meter Proving Report
FIG. 3-28
Example Bidirectional Pipe Prover
FIG. 3-29 FIG. 3-31
Small Volume Prover Temperature Correction Factors for Mild Steel, Cts
FIG. 3-30
Note: This table is suitable for application in meter proving; in
Multiple Meter Installation prover calibration use the formulas. For the formula used to de-
rive the tabulated values and to calculate values, see Section 12
of the API Manual.
FIG. 3-32
Temperature Correction Factors for Stainless Steel, Cts
FIG. 3-33
Pressure Correction Factors for Steel, Cps
Prover Dimensions
Factor, 150 mm pipe 150 mm pipe 200 mm pipe 200 mm pipe 250 mm pipe 250 mm pipe 300 mm pipe 350 mm pipe 350 mm pipe
Cps 6.35 mm wall 7.11 mm wall 8.18 mm wall 9.525 mm wall 9.27 mm wall 9.525 mm wall 9.525 mm wall 7.92 mm wall 9.525 mm wall
1.0000 0-420 0-476 0-413 0-490 0-372 0-386 0-317 0-234 0-290
1.0001 421-1262 477-1427 414-1248 491-1476 373-1124 387-1158 318-965 235-717 291-876
1.0002 1263-2110 1428-2386 1249-2082 1477-2462 1125-1882 1159-1937 966-1613 718-1200 877-1462
1.0003 2111-2950 2387-3337 2083-2917 2463-3441 1883-2634 1938-2710 1614-2262 1201-1682 1463-2048
1.0004 2951-3799 3338-4296 2918-3751 3442-4427 2635-3385 2711-3489 2263-2903 1683-2165 2049-2634
1.0005 3800-4640 4297-5247 3752-4585 4428-5413 3386-4144 3490-4261 2904-3551 2166-2648 2635-3213
1.0006 4641-5482 5248-6206 4586-5419 5414-6399 4145-4833 4262-5040 3552-4199 2649-3130 3214-3799
1.0007 5483-6330 6207-7157 5420-6254 6400-7385 4834-5647 5041-5812 4200-4847 3131-3613 3800-4385
1.0008 6331-7171 6255-7088 5648-6399 5813-6592 4848-5488 3614-4096 4386-4971
1.0009 6400-7157 6593-7364 5489-6137 4097-4578 4972-5557
1.0010 6138-6785 4579-5061 5558-6143
1.0011 6786-7433 5062-5544 6144-6730
1.0012 5545-6026 6731-7316
1.0013 6027-6509
1.0014 6510-6992
Factor, 400 mm pipe 450 mm pipe 500 mm pipe 600 mm pipe 650 mm pipe 650 mm pipe 750 mm pipe 900 mm pipe
Cps 9.525 mm wall 9.525 mm wall 9.525 mm wall 9.525 mm wall 9.525 wall 12.7 mm wall 12.7 mm wall 12.7 mm wall
1.0000 0-248 0-221 0-200 0-165 0-152 0-207 0-172 0-145
1.0001 249-758 222-669 201-600 166-496 153-455 208-614 173-531 146-441
1.0002 759-1269 670-1124 601-1007 497-827 456-765 615-1034 532-889 442-738
1.0003 1270-1779 1125-1572 1008-1407 828-1165 766-1069 1035-1441 890-1248 739-1027
1.0004 1780-2282 1573-2020 1408-1806 1166-1496 1070-1379 1442-1862 1249-1600 1028-1324
1.0005 2283-2792 2021-2468 1807-2213 1497-1834 1380-1689 1863-2268 1601-1958 1325-1620
1.0006 2793-3303 2469-2917 2214-2613 1835-2165 1690-1993 2269-2689 1959-2317 1621-1917
1.0007 3304-3813 2918-3372 2614-3020 2166-2496 1994-2303 2690-3096 2318-2668 1918-2213
1.0008 3814-4323 3373-3820 3021-3420 2497-2834 2304-2606 3097-3516 2668-3027 2214-2510
1.0009 4324-4827 3821-4268 3421-3827 2835-3165 2607-2917 3517-3923 3028-3385 2511-2806
1.0010 4828-5337 4269-4716 3828-4227 3166-3503 2918-3220 3924-4344 3386-3744 2807-3103
1.0011 5338-5847 4717-5164 4228-4633 3504-3834 3221-3530 4345-4751 3745-4096 3104-3392
1.0012 5165-5619 4634-5033 3835-4165 3531-3834 4752-5171 4097-4454 3393-3689
1.0013 5620-6067 5034-5433 4166-4502 3835-4144 5172-5578 4455-4813 3690-3985
1.0014 6068-6516 5434-5840 4503-4833 4145-4454 5579-5999 4814-5171 3986-4282
1.0015 6517-6964 5841-6240 4834-5164 4455-4758 6000-6405 5172-5523 4283-4578
1.0016 6241-6647 5165-5502 4759-5068 6406-6826 5524-5881 4579-4875
1.0017 6648-7047 5503-5833 5069-5371 6827-7233 5882-6240 4876-5164
1.0018 5834-6171 5372-5681 6241-6592 5165-5461
1.0019 6172-6502 5682-5985 6593-6950 5462-5757
1.0020 6503-6833 5986-6295 5758-6054
1.0021 6834-7171 6296-6599 6055-6350
1.0022 6600-7047 6351-6647
1.0023 6648-6943
plicated arrangement of flow and density measuring equip- pressure on the side or downstream face of the tube. The use
ment, or access to an alternate proving station, or use of a of a pitot tube is severely limited by its sensitivity to velocity
master mass meter comparison. profile.
Densitometers — A densitometer measures density The multiport averaging pitot (Fig. 3-37) attempts to over-
(mass/unit volume) of a fluid. In a vibrating densitometer (Fig. come the velocity profile sensitivity by providing several ports
3-35), a drive coil forces a tube to vibrate at some natural fre- to sense the varying impact pressures across the diameter of
quency which is a function of the tube’s mass per unit length. the pipe. The pressures are averaged and the differential pres-
As a fluid flows through the tube, the resonant frequency var- sure between this average and the static pressure detected on
ies with the density of the fluid. the downstream side of the probe, or from the line itself, is
used to determine flow.
Buoyant force densitometers (Fig. 3-36) operate on the prin-
ciple that buoyant forces acting on a floating body are a func- The flow formula for the pitot tube is very similar to that for
tion of the fluid surrounding the body. A float surrounded by an orifice. Fna is a units conversion factor and C is a flow coef-
fluid is attached to a beam suspended on a pivot. As the density ficient for this type installation.
of the fluid changes, the buoyant force provides an angular
displacement around the pivot point which is proportional to Fb = (Fna) (C) D2 Eq 3-19
the density change. The displacement is picked up and trans- Installation requirements include precise alignment of the
mitted electronically. tube and upstream flow conditioning which provides a
Densitometers installed to record flowing density should be symmetrical velocity profile. Use of the averaging pitot in a
installed close to the pipeline and all connections and parts pipe with a diameter or wall thickness other than design will
insulated. Densitometers in flowing service can be proven cause erroneous results.
with an auxiliary pycnometer. Refer to Chapter 14.6 of the API
Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards for more de- Vortex Shedding Flowmeters — A vortex meter (Fig.
tails on installation and calibration of density meters. 3-39) consists of a flow tube, a shedding element, and a detec-
tor. The shedding element is a non-streamlined object placed
STEAM MEASUREMENT in the fluid flow path. As the fluid passes the obstruction, vor-
tices are shed on alternating sides with a frequency that is
The steam flow equation (Fig. 3-3, Eq. 3-8) can be used to linearly proportional to the velocity of the fluid (Fig. 3-38) . A
calculate steam flow rate by applying a steam factor, Fs, found sensor detects vortices from which a pulse is generated. Each
in Fig. 3-19 for saturated steam and Fig. 3-20 for superheated pulse generated represents a shed vortex and the discrete vol-
steam. The Fs factor makes corrections for volume and density ume of fluid associated with that vortex. The K factor
at the pressure and temperature conditions of the steam. (pulses/unit volume) of a particular meter is the same for
gases, liquids, or steam.
Vortex meters may be installed horizontally or vertically.
MISCELLANEOUS MEASUREMENT Upstream flow conditioning comparable to that required for
DEVICES turbine meters is required. Vortex meters should be installed
with proving connections and can be proved with a master
Pitot — A pitot tube is a cylindrical probe installed in a meter or meter prover.
flowing fluid which senses the impact pressure created by the
velocity of a flowing fluid. The probe senses the impact pres- Venturis — The venturi is a tube which combines a short
sure by a hole in the upstream face of the tube, and the static constricted portion between two tapered sections (Fig. 3-40) .
FIG. 3-34
Example Calculation Converting Stream Mass to Component m3
Total Kilograms of Stream = Metered m3 (Meter Factor) (Recorded Actual Flowing Density kg/m3) (Density Factor)
= 249.92 (1.004) (507.57) (1.002)
= 127 614
The difference in pressure between the inlet and the throat of Critical flow nozzles, sometimes called sonic nozzles, have
the device is used to calculate flow rate. been used many years to prove gas metering, air flows, and
steam generators. A pressure drop sufficient to create a critical
Venturis require less upstream pipe than other differential velocity must be maintained across the nozzle, whereby its
pressure meters and have the lowest pressure loss. performance is completely independent of downstream condi-
tions, and relatively unaffected by variations in upstream con-
The ASME Fluid Meters Reference Book gives some gener- ditions, providing a stable, accurate flow rate determination
alized coefficients for calculation; however, since there are with which to prove other metering devices. The rate of dis-
many variations of venturis, it is recommended they be flow charge of a gas will increase for a decrease in the absolute
calibrated for most accurate measurement. The manufacturer pressure ratio, p1/p2, until the linear velocity in the throat
is the best source for installation and calculation procedures. reaches the speed of sound in the gas, and will remain constant
with further increase in pressure drop.
Flow Nozzles — The flow nozzle (Fig. 3-41) is an ellipti-
cally shaped, velocity-increasing device inserted in a flow line. Auxiliary Equipment and Common Terms
Pressure taps are taken at designated points, indicating the Differential Measuring Devices — Differential
pressure drop between the entrance and the throat of the noz- measuring devices are necessary to determine the pressure
zle. The flow follows a smooth curve leading into a minimum- differential across an orifice fitting or other type of primary
throat section that controls the contraction of the jet of fluid measuring device that produces a pressure drop that is pro-
to the same diameter as the throat. portional to the flow rate. Usually this device causes an exter-
nal movement that can be directly recorded, or can be
There are several shapes that are commercially available transmitted pneumatically or electronically to a location re-
based on standards of the International Standards Organization. mote to the primary measuring device. Section 4, Instrumen-
Reference should be made to the appropriate standard for in-
stallation and calculation procedures. FIG. 3-37
FIG. 3-35 Basic Operating Principle—Multiple Averaging Pitot
Vibrating Tube Densitometer
hv (Velocity Head)
hb (Blockage)
hw (D P)
hs (Suction ?K? Corrects
Saddle Mounted Amplifier Case hh Pressure) For:
(Hi Pressure 1. Blockage
Signal) 2. Suction
Cable Entry hL
hp (Lo Pressure
(Pipe Static Signal)
(REF: No Pressure)
Flow Profile
Sensor Bore
8 9 10 14 18 11 13 Strain
1 Float 6 Sensing Coil 11 Balance Beam Flow
2 Pivot 7 Sensing Slug 12 Float Shield
3 Counterweight 8 Calibration Plug 13 Barrel Chamber Quiet
Fluid Alternate
4 Restoring Magnet 9 Zero Calibration Weight 14 Terminal Strip Zone Vortices
5 Restoring Coil 10 Knurled Sleeve 15 Vent
Shear Layer
16 Coil Cover
17 Closure Pin
*18 Plug-in Circuit Board
* Not Shown
FIG. 3-39 tation, should be consulted for more details of recorders and
differential transmitters.
Vortex Flowmeter Components
Differential measuring devices in gas service should be
mounted above the pipeline in which the primary device is
located. Connecting tubing should be sloped toward the pri-
End Cover Electronics Housing mary device. Differential measuring devices in liquid service
(Without Indicator) (Output Module End)
should be mounted below the pipeline.
FIG. 3-42
Gas Sampler
Speed Sample
Loop Container
Inlet Discharge
FIG. 3-43
Liquid Sampler
Inert Gas
Preload Gauge
Sample Gauge
Floating Piston Inert Gas
Fill Preload Valve
Relief Sample Mixer Inert Gas
sentative sample. A sample should be taken from a section of resentative sample. Sample containers must be transported
line where good velocity and minimum turbulence are main- in accordance with government regulations.
tained. Headers and manifolds should be avoided. Elbows,
tees, valves, fittings, etc., all cause turbulence resulting in Extreme care must be exercised in both cleaning the sample
generation of aerosols which ruin the integrity of the sample. container and sample taking. GPA 2166 describes proper
Gas samples should be collected from the top of a line, through methods which, when followed, will ensure representative
a probe extending down to the center third of the line. The spot samples.
probe is essential to avoid a concentration of heavy ends which Continuous samplers accumulate a composite sample over
travel along the pipe wall from reaching the sample container a specific time period. A continuous sampler consists of a
and skewing the results. Sample lines should be as short as probe, a sample valve, a timing device, and a sample container.
possible and sloped downward from the sample container to A stream with a relatively constant analysis can be sampled
the sample source, allowing any liquids to drain back to the with a timed sampler; however, if the stream composition var-
source. When entrained liquids are present, a liquid separator ies, a proportional-to-flow sampler is required to obtain a rep-
should be installed. Sampling valves should be of the full- resentative sample. Provisions should be made to stop
opening type with soft seats to allow positive shutoff. Use of sampling under no-flow conditions. The same considerations
stainless steel sample containers is recommended in order to discussed in spot sampling are applicable to continuous sam-
minimize surface adsorption of heavy hydrocarbons and to pling. In addition, no filters, regulators, or drips should be
minimize reactions with corrosive compounds. All parts of the placed between the probe and the sampler; and short lines
sampling system must be designed with adequate working with small diameter tubing should be used. The system must
pressures. Any leakage in the system will result in a non-rep- be checked to ensure against leaks; and care must be taken to
purge the system lines carefully. Continuous flowing sample Continuous samplers should use a continuous flowing sample
loops (speed loops) are recommended to ensure the most cur- loop (speed loop) driven by an orifice, differential pump, or
rent sample is always added to the sample container. See available pressure drop, and be timed on a proportional-to-
Fig. 3-42 for an example gas sampling application. flow basis unless flow rate is constant. Loop lines may require
insulation. The product must be thoroughly mixed before be-
Liquid Sampling — Liquid sampling requires special ing transferred to another container or before being analyzed.
precautions to accumulate and transfer representative sam-
ples. Pressure in the sample cylinder must remain above the Details for obtaining liquid samples are found in GPA 2174.
vapor pressure of the product, and a method to break up strati-
fication must be provided prior to laboratory analysis. Both of
these requirements can be satisfied by using floating piston REFERENCES
sample cylinders with mixers (Fig. 3-43). The floating piston
cylinders are pre-charged on one end with an inert gas at a 1. Fluid Meters, Sixth Edition (1971), The American Society of
pressure above product vapor pressure. This prevents sample Mechanical Engineers, New York, New York.
vaporization, which could result in an erroneous analysis, and 2. Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, American Pe-
provides a compressible gas cushion to allow for thermal ex- troleum Institute, Washington, D.C.
pansion of the liquid. A pressure relief valve is needed, but 3. Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocar-
should it discharge, the integrity of the sample will be lost. bons, ANSI/API 2530 (GPA 8185), American Petroleum Insti-
Samples are acquired through a probe with a beveled edge tute, Washington, D.C.
facing upstream, securing product from the center third of the 4. Orifice Meter Constants, Handbook E-2, American Meter Com-
pipe. The probe should be located on the top or side of the line. pany, 1955.