Pointers To Review
Pointers To Review
Pointers To Review
Ariate BSTM 1A
Nov. 16 2021 NSTP
Disaster –Discrupts communies and societies. Causes human, material, and economic losses.
Rapid Onset Disasters –These are hazards that arise suddenly.
Slow Onset Disaster –These are hazards that take months or years to be disastrous.
Man-Made Disaster –These are hazards caused by human activies.
Typhoon –The most frequently occurs in our country.
Yolanda – One of the strongest tropical typhoons ever recorded.
6,300 – This a total number of dead in super typhoon Yolanda.
Fire –is the rapid oxidation of a material (the fuel) in the exothermic chemical process
of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products.
Flooding – is usually caused by the Overflowing rivers, poor drainage system, and saturated soil.
Landslides we have three major causes the Geological, Morphological and Human activity
Landslides –Defined as the movement of rock, earthor debris down a sloped section of land.
Morphology – refers to the structure of the land.
Volcano -is classified as active if it is currently erupting or is expected to erupt in the near future.
Mayon Volcano –is the most active volcano in the Philippines.
Earthquakes –are usually caused when rocks undergrounds suddenly breaks along the fault.
List of major active fault lines in the Philippines
Drought –is a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall a shortage of water resulting from this.
Terrorism -defined as “criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke state of terror in the
general public.
Disaster Prevention – the outright avoidance of adverse impacts of hazards and related disasters.
Disaster Mitigation – the lessening or limitation of the adverse impacts of hazards and related
Disaster Preparedness – Governments, professional response and recovery groups, communities,
and people have acquired knowledge and skills to successfully predict, respond to, and recover
from the effects of foreseeable, impending, or existing hazard occurrences or situations.
Disaster Response – emergency services and public aid provided during or shortly after a
catastrophe to save lives, prevent negative health effects, protect public safety, and satisfy the
basic subsistence needs of those impacted
Rehabilitation – - efforts to guarantee that impacted communities and/or places are able to
return to normal functioning through restoring livelihoods and destroyed infrastructure, as well
as boosting community organizational capacity.
Post Disaster Recovery –the repair and, if appropriate, improvement of facilities, livelihood, and
catastrophe-affected populations' living circumstances, including attempts to mitigate disaster
risk factors, in line with the "build back better" philosophy.
First Aid – may be described as the treatment of a disease or injury in attempt to sustain life,
relieve pain, and keep the patient's condition from deteriorating until professional medical care