Empowering: Gian Carlo Villatoro

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Gian Carlo Villatoro

“When the Lord God decides to
5/12/2019 do something, He will first tell
his servants, the prophets.”


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Editors: Jelaine Guintu and Tracy Villatoro

Do you recognize that image?Do you remember this phrase? “I'm going to give you an of-
fer that you can't refuse…. “ The Godfather.” Exactly!

In these particular images from The Godfather 3, is when Michael is empowering Vincent,

saying, "I'm not the Godfather anymore." Michael received that title from his father, and
now he's giving it to his nephew, Vincent Corleone. Empowering.

Well, some are familiar with that movie, and some are not. Those who are, we enjoyed it.
Toni, Frances, and Tracy and I, are fans of this thing and we probably would like to see kill-
ing. I'm kidding. No, but we like the whole drama, the whole the story. “Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, Wednesday. I speak English.” The whole thing. In my view it’s a nice series. It
talks about the successors.

First of all, I want to start reading one passage of the scripture that is just beautiful. In the
name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit:

Amos 3.7 “When the Lord God decides to do something, He will
first tell his servants, the prophets.”

The Lord has always had a plan for everything. The Lord has a plan for your life. The Lord
has wonderful things for you. You just don't know it.

Now that you are in 2019, you take a look at your past and you think, "Wow, I never
thought in 2005 that this would happen to me. That by doing this, I would get there.” The
plans of God for your life are going to be revealed slowly to you. However, He reveals His
plans to His servants. Are you a servant of God? How do we know that we are a servant of
God? Well, because we serve God.

In churches, many, many people are working and they receive a salary. I am one of those.
However, that doesn't change the fact that I am a servant of God. I serve God, and I do
have a salary. Many other people in churches, that are big churches, they can afford a
large staff and they receive salaries, as well. So when the person is on the payroll in their
church, does that means that they are now a servant of God? No.

A servant of God is someone that serves God. One of the characteristics of a servant of
God is that we'll do everything for whom? For God. For the Lord. There's no ulterior mo-
tive. There is no hidden agenda. There is no searching for gratification or recognition. Do
you see that? 

Someone can try to do something just to be recognized or receive some recognition, that
is something that we all do. We all make that mistake at some point in our lives. However,
we need to recognize that so we don't make that mistake anymore, that whatever you do,
you do it with all of your heart for the Lord. When you are serving God, you will receive
from Him revelations of His plans for your life.

What is the definition in the dictionary of the verb "to empower"? It is to give someone the
authority, or power, to do something. That is the definition that the dictionary gives us, to
give someone authority, or power, to do something. 

We saw the image of Michael Corleone and Vincent Corleone. Even in those settings
though, the right way to transfer the command of authority is by empowering their succes-
sor. It's not by betraying the leader or by taking over the organization. It has to be empow-
ered by the person who has the authority. That is the right way to do things. 

I want to share with you today some examples. I want to invite you to take a look to three
different examples that I have for you.


The first one is John the Baptist. John the Baptist is a very peculiar individual. Why? Be-
cause he was filled with the Holy Spirit since he was in his mother's womb. Imagine that.
That makes John the Baptist a very unique individual. On the other hand, he was dedi-
cated to God and he was someone really exceptionally unique. His outfit was very strange.
His diet consisted of eating insects and stuff like that. He was a strange guy. 

How was he empowered? How in the world did it happen that he suddenly was someone
with power and authority? Well, God himself empowered John the Baptist.

There are individuals that are empowered by God in this way. They receive something spe-
cial from the moment they were conceived. They have that in their own personalities. It is
ingrained in their own bodies and minds like John the Baptist.

However, John the Baptist, even though he was eccentric, his message was about repen-
tance, always repentance. He was kind of tough. He called serpents to many of the lead-
ers of the Jews. He was tough. He didn't sugarcoat anything. Boom. Direct to the point.

I have seen individuals in many places that they claim to have a special calling from God,
that they received a revelation, a calling, a vision, something that makes them special.
There are some things that definitely are special in those individuals. I have seen some of
those. You might remember individuals that even took people to other countries and
ended up committing suicide. You know what I'm talking about? That religious leader? Be-
cause he was so special. I have seen many of those special individuals, but I want you to
see this peculiarity with these modern, special people. 

Number one, they are not talking about a message of repentance. They are talking about a
message of prosperity, basically. Second, they don't wear a simple coat. No, they wore su-
per fancy clothes. The next thing is that they don't live in humble places, eating simple
things. No, they have to live in mansions and they want to have a lifestyle of a rich and fa-
mous kind of person.

It’s not exactly the total emulation of the style of John the Baptist. He was very, very bold,
anointed, empowered by God, but his message was repentance, and he was always hum-
ble. He was able and willing to be by himself. Today’s modern guys and girls like to have a
group of people surrounding them. It's like, they need an entourage or procession every-
where they go... What’s the deal with that? You do not see humility in their lives, much less
their willingness to die for the cause like John the Baptist did. His head! Oh no.

One point: something very important that you need to see in anyone who claims to have a
special calling from God, is their uniqueness. They said, "I don't need to go to school. I
don't need to go to do that. I don't need to report to anyone. Very charismatic people, but
this does not necessarily make them true servants of God. You have to be careful with
these types of people. 


Let's go to the next example of somebody that was empowered by God. A young kid.
Timothy, with his mother and his grandmother, was raised in church. These two ladies
were Jewish and they followed the traditions. But you know what? They became believers,
and here's Timothy, a little kid. Do you know that in the scene we don't know anything
about the father or male figure, but this kid was taught by these two ladies about the princi-
ples of the Scripture. He was told to obey, to respect, to follow their lead. Eventually, Paul
comes into the scene, and then Paul embraces him as a disciple.

Do you think it was difficult for Paul to deal with Timothy? What do you think? Why not?
Because he already had it in his system to obey. "Yes, mama. Yes grandma. I'll do it." 

The importance of obeying parents will take you to the leadership of someone super spe-
cial, because leaders are always looking for disciples. Leaders are always searching for

people who want to learn, but leaders don't want to deal with someone who is rebellious,
complicated, disobedient, negative, or complaining. No. Leaders who want to train people,
they are looking for Timothys - people who are trained in their homes. 

That's why mothers, it's vital that you train your kids to obey. The kid who obeys in the
house is going to obey in school. The kid that obeys in the school will obey in church. The
kid that obeys in the house, in the school, and in church, is going to obey in the work-
place. He/she is going to succeed. It's exactly the school of Timothy. Do you see that?
Beautiful! Empowered, yes, but he was being trained all the time. 


The third example is Joshua. This one is in a different context. Joshua is a guy who
needed to assume the leadership because Moses was about to leave. Moses was called
to take Israel out of Egypt and introduce them to the Promise Land. Here is Moses with al-
most a million Jews, "Come on guys, we have to go..." but he's old. He's old and he's
thinking, "Oh my goodness, I'm kind of tired. I think I need some assistance here. Here is

He was smart. He organized his people. However, he noticed that Joshua was not only
smart, but also supportive, very devoted to the cause. In some point, Moses took Joshua
and said, "Joshua, I want you to do this project.”, and Joshua did it. "Do this other project,
Joshua.”, and Joshua did it. 

Moses was watching how Joshua acted. When Moses sees that Joshua follows the proce-
dure, follows the lead, does the job, gets the job done without making issues with any-
body, just doing the thing the right way, Moses felt, "This is my potential successor."


Now, one of the keys in transferring authority to somebody else is good communication.
Communication is essential in everything we do. When you do business, you have to com-
municate well. When you do ministry, you have to communicate well. Whatever you do in
your home with your relatives, with your family, your spouse, children, parents, you have to

communicate well. But people don't like to communicate well, and sometimes, people
know that we are reaching out, but they're ignoring our phone calls, emails, text message.
We know they are ignoring it. We are in a predicament because we are thinking, "Well, I
told them that I'm going to bring the chicken to this function, but they didn't answer if I
buy the whole chicken, or pieces." Have you experienced that at some point when you
don't know what to do? You are just, "Come on, tell me. Just answer me. How do you
want the chicken?" And that bothers you, correct?

Communication is essential in everything. You place an order in the drive through and you
expect that that order will be the thing that you will receive. You are in the restaurant. You
say to the waiter, “This is what I would like..." You expect that the person will bring you
what you ask for. How many times are we in that window, or at the table, when we say to
the person, "What kind of meat did I say I want it?" “Chicken." “This is beef.” It's the real-
ity of life. 

When you are talking about being empowered, you have to understand that it is essential
that you must have good communication all the time. “It's exhausting, Gian.” Do you know
how many text messages I receive every single day? At 2:00 PM, I'm done. I already re-
ceive 150 text messages. My fingers are sore. 

The thing is, it's either you do that, or you quit. If you want to succeed in life, you have to
work hard. There is no way that you will be successful and obtain more things in life if you
don't put yourself to work. You have to put effort into everything you do. God is going to
bless you more as you show responsibility. Part of your responsibilities is to communicate
well. So, make the effort, respond to phone calls, respond to text messages, respond to
emails. That is one good thing to do, and you should because that is a seed.

Watch this. Somebody is reaching out to you. Somebody is trying to sell you a briefcase
that you got a quote on and calls you, emails you, texts you and you don't respond. This
person is trying to get a deal. I understand. However, you don't have the courtesy to say,
"Thank you, but I'm not going to do it.”? You just ignore it and ignore it and ignore it. That
is a seed. What will the harvest be from that seed? 

In the future, you will be the one selling a house, a car, applying for a job, whatever the
case may be, and you are reaching out, and reaching out, and reaching out. The harvest
will be a zero answer. Would you like that? I know you don't want that. Do you understand
now? Communication is key for your future. 

Moses is not that way with Joshua. Most of the transfers of empowering people, the major-
ity of those processes, the leader always finds out if the potential successor has good
communication skills or not. Why? If the potential successor doesn't have good communi-
cation skills, even if he/she is a genius, that person cannot assume the leadership in that
organization. They cannot because they are going to mess things up. It's going to destroy
the whole organization because of their poor communication. It’s so important that you
communicate and put all your effort into it. Do not say in 25 words what you can say in 5;
just a simple text message. 


Okay, why does God empower people? He has prepared them to perform a particular func-
tion in life. Everyone is different. Everyone has a different calling. What do we read in the
first scripture? That when the Lord God decides to do something, He will first tell His ser-
vants, the prophets. The Lord is going to speak to you because He has a plan for your life.
He has a vision for your life.

What is the Lord's vision? The Lord's vision is this: To give someone the authority or
power to do something. That is the Lord's vision for you. He wants to give you authority
and power to do something. 

Now are you getting excited? You are thinking, "Okay, authority and power. I like that. I
really like that. Keep on telling me, Gian. I want to hear more about this, okay? I want to
know what's for me? What's for me? Tell me. Tell me. I want to know what I have to do."

So the natural question is this. "Okay, what works for me? You told us about this guy John
the Baptist. You told us about Timothy. You told us about Joshua. Okay. What about me?"
And this is what the Lord wants you to see today. What about those around you that need
you? "What?" Yes... What about those around you that need you? "I thought that we will

talk about me." No. What about those around you that need you? Do you think about
those people, or are you the kind of person that is always thinking about yourself?

Empowering people has to do not just with God empowering you, but you empowering
others. This is essential for your future. Read this:

"I need to think of people around me that I can empower."

I want you to write the names of three individuals that you know that you can empower.
Please take your time to do that now. Think of three individuals that you can empower,
that you can give them authority, knowledge, or something that you can transfer to them
to do something. Please think of those three individuals and write their names.


Okay. You have the names. Now, let's talk about the three things that you need to consider
when you want to start developing a protégé. “A what?" A protégé. "What's that? Is that a
brand of cologne?" No, no, no, no. A protégé is a French word. That means a disciple or a
student. Anyone that you are training, or you are teaching him things, becomes your


There are three things that you need to consider in your protégés. The number one is per-
sonality. It's extremely important that you consider his or her personality. Let's suppose
I'm a professional singer and I have a band. I want to retire eventually and I need someone
to take over. There is a guy who has the talent, the voice. He’s fantastic, very good look-
ing, comes from a good family, great principles, but the guy is super shy, a super ultra intro-
vert. I really try to have him singing at some functions, but his personality is not what I
need for that role. Do you see? You need to think of the personality of your protégé. You
need to see your potential protégé as someone who can do certain things, but as part of
his/her personality? 

Some people are born to be leaders, and some are not. Some people need a lot of training
to become leaders. Some people can learn to be leaders, but there are ones who will
never be leaders. They are great team players. Their personality is made that way. They
are simply built that way.  So when you have a protégé, someone that you know whom
you want to train, you need to think of: Personality, gifts, talents, and skills.


You see someone who has a great potential. He is very smart, has the right personality,
but this person doesn't have the talents, the gifts, the skills to do that particular thing that
you want to teach him. You tried to teach him, and this person has the personality, but
they are not built to be able to manage those things. 

Can you imagine myself managing heavy equipment? I would be a joke. Imagine myself in
a huge crane. I would be freaking out. I would be singing, "Help me Lord." I would be pray-
ing. I don't think that I could do something like that. When you think of your protégé, think
about the personality, and also talents and skills. 


The third thing that you need to consider is their calling. Some people are called to do cer-
tain things in life. There is a funny, funny movie called “The Proposal”. I don't know if you
have seen it. We like to see that movie with Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds, and Betty
White. It's a funny movie. His father lives in Sitka, Alaska. His dad has an empire, tons of
businesses. His son is a book editor. He probably had the personality, maybe the skills to
manage those businesses, but his calling was to be a book editor. 

Sometimes, that happens in families. The father wants the children to do something, but
no one has the calling to do that. How many singers are longing to see their kids on the
stage, yet they don't have that calling in life. Politicians are longing to see their children af-
ter them. They don't have that calling in life.

When you are considering how to develop a protégé, the first thing you need to evaluate is
his/her personality, second - gifts, talents and skills, and the third thing - calling, because
you cannot force your protégé to do or become what you want. 

Would you accept that from your mentor? You have a mentor, somebody that really cares
for you, and loves you. He wants to push you to become a professional piano player and
you say "Buddy, I love music. Yes, I have the personality to be that. I can wear one of
those Tuxedos and do my thing with the suit. I can play the piano, but it's not my calling to
become a professional piano player.” You would not accept your mentor pushing you in
this area.

Think about it when you are developing your protégés: personality, set of skills and calling
in life. Ask them, “What do you see in your future?” "Well, I would like to one day have a
restaurant with a big piano in the middle of the place so that I can go and play on Friday
nights." “So you don't want to be a piano player, a professional piano player?” "Nope."
And you accept it. Work with his vision, his calling, his skills and his personality. That is em-
powering people. 



I have asked near 20 people, successful people, what are some things that they consider
to be the most important lessons that a protégé should receive from a mentor? All these
people that gave me different answers are successful people. I have among all this some-
one that leads near 2,000 people in his organization.Two or three of them that are million-
aires, and I have others that are CEOs or something like that, but top of the line in their or-
ganizations, leaders that I said, "What do you think is important for a protégé to learn from
a mentor?"

Are you ready for this list? The first thing they say is, "I want them to tell me the truth." If
you want to develop a protégé, and you ask them to tell you the truth, fine, but say it in a
nice way. You don't need to be rude. You don't have to be cold or cruel with your protégé.
That doesn't work. 

The second thing they said, "Pray constantly for him/her.” Pray for your protégés. Pray for
this person. Pray for open doors. Pray for opportunities. Pray for provision. Pray for wis-
dom. Pray for protection. Pray, pray, pray, constantly. 

The third thing, "Challenge him or her." Challenge them. Everyone responds to a good chal-
lenge. When he/she is a good protégé, they respond good to the challenge. You ask this
person, "Okay, how many pounds are you lifting now?" He says, "Two hundred fifty
pounds." "I wonder if you could do 300?” "Let me try." He does it. Then, "Well, you're lift-
ing around 300 now?" "Yeah." "Do you think you could do 400?" "I don't know, but I can
try." Challenge your protégés. It's inspiring. 

The next thing is to encourage them. They come back and say, "I was at 350, but I'm just
scared. I don't think I can do that anymore. I'm tired. I got hurt. I tried for three weeks.
Look what happened to me when I was trying to do what you told me to do. You chal-
lenged me. I wanted it, but now I just don't think so." This is the time for you to encourage
your protégé.

Some mentors don't know how to be mentors. The person feels a little bit defeated, a little
bit depressed, a little bit sad, because he failed at this and that. They come to the mentor
and say, "Listen, I tried, but I couldn't do it." Those mentors get so angry. They say, “Are
you stupid or what?" Why are you crying? Stop crying." They get so angry because their
protégé couldn't do it exactly the way that he wanted it. 

That's not the right way. People feel sad sometimes. You feel sad sometimes. Sometimes
you need a little bit of encouragement. Don't beat them up because they are down. "What
kind of man are you?" Sometimes men cry. Sometimes, people feel sad. So your job is to
encourage them when the person needs that support. Share with them knowledge and ex-
periences. That's your job as a mentor. When you are training somebody, share with them
what you know. Share with them your experiences.

“This happened to me before. When I was baking that cake on one occasion, this and that
happened to me. One day, when I was using this equipment, you know what happened to
me? This and that happened to me.” Share your knowledge and experiences. 

The next thing is to believe in your protégé. There is nothing more important that you can
receive from your mentor other than he believes in you. It's the most amazing feeling. You
go to your mentor and say, "This is happening. This is my current situation. Then I see
these challenges, but it's very difficult. I really don't know how I can manage all that?"
Then suddenly your mentor says to you, "Hey buddy, I know you can do this. I believe in
you." You say, “Really? You do believe in me?” "Oh, absolutely. I know you can do that.
The Lord is with you." "Do you really believe in me?" “I am certain that you will make it.
Maybe you will go through difficulties, but you’re going to make it. You will succeed." "Oh
man, that is awesome." 

Those are such powerful words! Believe in your protégés. Believe in those who need you.
Yes, they fail. Do you? Do you fail sometimes? Well, they do, too, but don’t stop believing
in them because they messed up. 

Next, lead by example. This is the most crucial aspect of a mentor. You have to show
through your life that you are a good example to follow in everything. Everything you say,
everything you do, your behavior, your health, your finances, your family, the way that you
treat people, the way that you take care of your things, because after all, what people are
watching is not what you are saying but what you are doing. Correct? Be a good example
for your protégé. You know the stories of those guys who are smoking and they say to the
kid, "I told you don't smoke." Lead by example. 

Alright, next thing: provide opportunities for development. Sometimes your protégés need
an opportunity. They are ready. They have the personality, the skills, they have the calling,
you believe in them and you encouraged them in all that. But now, they need an opportu-
nity. Give them the opportunity. Provide the opportunity. If you need to invest in providing
opportunities for them, do it, even if they fail for a little while, because learning includes fail-
ure. You don't make that chili excellent right away like Brandon can. But even Brandon
failed a little before he made that chili. That's a good chili. I miss that chili. You got to
make it one day again, Brandon!

This is so crucial for a mentor to teach to a protégé. Teach them how to manage money.
Do Y\you know who are the most unhappy people in the world? Those who are broke. If
you can think of the most unhappy moment that you have had in your life, it's exactly

when you were broke and you didn’t have the money to buy anything and you said, "Man,
I would like to eat this and I don't have the money for that. I would like to buy me this and I
don't have the money for that. It's Mother's Day and I would like to get something for my
mother, but I can't afford it. It's Christmas and I can't give anything to anybody because
I'm broke, broke, broke, broke." 

If a protégé needs to learn something from you, my friend, it’s money management. They
need to know how to make money. Talk to them about money. "Gian, that is a little bit un-
comfortable for me. I don't like to talk about that because it's too personal." If you don't
do it, there is no way that they will learn. You have to talk about money. 

What are the main aspects in money? Well, first there is an income, and there are ex-
penses. So what is it that we need to create? B-U-D-G-E-T. Do you have a budget? Is
your budget in black or in red? That is the beginning of money management. 

For us believers, who comes first in our budget? For the “true” servant of God, the first
check is always to the Lord. I want you to get it. I want you to be prosperous. I want you to
apply it and experience for yourself the blessings that will come to you because you are
faithful to God. 

If you don't want to do it, don't do it, but I'm not going to stop teaching you that. Apply it
and you will see the big difference, instead of struggling every month and every year. How
long? How many more years would you like to go in the same direction? You already know
it doesn't work. If you want to keep going, then keep going. Trust me, the church will sur-
vive without you. It's all about your finances. Get it. Budget. The first check to the Lord.

Second thing: health. "Well, you know what? Leave me alone. It's my body, okay? Don't
talk to me about it" Okay, but in the end, people that do not have good health suffer. Do
you want that? No. You need to talk to your protégés about health, eating habits, exercis-
ing, doing the right thing, sleeping.

I heard this funny story recently. I will not say the name of the guy who told me this be-
cause I can't, but it's hilarious. He said that in some point, he had one of those fit bits. It

was connected to some app and that thing will tell you in the app the number of your
steps, calories and all that, it also register the hours of sleep. 

The wife said one day, “I want one of those." So he gave it to her. Two days later, he said
to her, "Hey, by the way, do you want to see your records in the app?” “Sure." “Well, you
have taken this amount of steps in the last 48 hours. Okay. You have burned this amount
of calories in the last 24 hours. Okay. And do you know what? You're right. You don't sleep
good at night. Look at the graph here. Your sleeping habits in the night are horrible. You're
right. You barely sleep some hours in the night.” “I told you, I told you that. Now you be-
lieve me.” “Now the graph also shows us that you are sleeping most of the day.” ;)

How can your health be good if you are on Facebook the whole night, playing games the
whole night? You do not the sleep well, do not eat well. Sleep, eat and exercise.

Finally, relationships, because at the end of our lives, who wants to end up alone, with
money and good health, but you don't have anybody to do life with. No friends. Not one of
your relatives wants to hang out with you. Nobody calls you. Nobody comes to see you.
Nobody invites you to a birthday party. You are by yourself. Would you like that? “Well, you
know? I'm like John the Baptist. lol...

Your protégés have challenges. They have problems. Go ahead and talk to them about it.
What was the first thing that we said we need to do? Tell the truth in a nice way.

Let me share this scripture with you:

Romans 10:14-15

"Before people can pray to the Lord for help, they must believe
in Him. And before that, they must hear about Him. However,
someone must tell them how wonderful it is to see someone
coming to tell the good news."

It's your job to go and share good news with them.

Anyone wants to start again? Here is a prayer for you:

Dear God,

I see that my selfishness was a problem, but not anymore. I confess my sins before You.
I'm sorry that I have been self-centered, and I know that You are changing that in me.

You are good, Lord. You are merciful. I know that You have wonderful plans for me. I pray
in the name of Jesus that You will give me a new opportunity to restart my life. I need to

Please help me, Lord. Thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for your kindness, Lord. And
thank You for Your forgiveness. I surrender to You, Lord. I love you, God, in Jesus name.


My friend, receive the forgiveness of your sins. Receive the peace of God and that will
make you totally different.

You will be able not only to learn, but also to teach and share with others the great news.
There is hope. Altogether we say, "I am forgiven, and saved by faith in Jesus. My life is go-
ing to be great this year 2019!”

I thank you for reading!

- Gian

Dedicated to my son Sebastian.


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