Rubric For Assesing: Lab Report Type of Rubric: Holistic Subject: Science
Rubric For Assesing: Lab Report Type of Rubric: Holistic Subject: Science
Rubric For Assesing: Lab Report Type of Rubric: Holistic Subject: Science
Procedures Procedures are listed in Procedures are listed in Procedures are listed Procedures do
clear steps. Each step is a logical order, but steps but are not in a logical not accurately
numbered and is a complete are not numbered and/or order or are difficult to list the steps of
sentence. are not in complete follow. the
sentences. experiment.
Data Professional looking and Accurate representation Accurate representation Data are not
accurate representation of of the data in tables of the data in written shown OR are
the data in tables and/or and/or graphs. Graphs form, but no graphs or inaccurate.
graphs. Graphs and tables and tables are labeled tables are presented.
are labeled and titled. and titled. Drawings are
Drawings are included as included when
necessary and are well necessary.
Analysis The relationship between the The relationship The relationship between The
variables is discussed and between the variables is the variables is discussed relationship
trends/patterns logically discussed and but no patterns, trends or between the
analyzed. Predictions are trends/patterns logically predictions are made variables is not
made about what might analyzed. based on the data. discussed.
happen if part of the lab
were changed or how the
experimental design could
be changed.
Conclusion Conclusion includes Conclusion includes Conclusion includes No conclusion
whether the findings whether the findings what was learned was included
supported the hypothesis, supported the from the experiment. in the report
possible sources of error, hypothesis and what OR shows little
and what was learned from was learned from the effort and
the experiment. experiment. reflection.