Official Gazette: Government of Goa, Daman and Diu

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GOA· ~
Panaji, 6th January, 1977 IPausa 16, 1898) SERIES I No. 41

GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN the Airport Complex, subject to the conditioIlS"
that they do not ply on any public road-
AND DIU Whole". -
By order 'and in the name of the Lt. Governor
Home Department !Transport and Accommodation) of Goa, Daman and Diu. '
G. M. Sardessai, Under Secretary (Home).
Notification Panaji, 28th Decentber, 1976.

HD(T)/8·1j./76 •••
Whereas certain draft rul~ further to amend the
Revenue Department
Goa, Daman and Diu Motor VehiCles Tax Rules,
1974 were published as required by sub-section (1) Notification
of section 24 of the Goa, Daman and Din Motor
Vehicles Tax Act, 1974 (8 of 1974), at page 307 of .RD/BLDG/77/69
the Official Gazette No. 30 Swl~ I, dated 21-10-1976
under the Notification No. HD(T)/8-5-76 dated Whereas certain draft Rules further to amend the
13-10-1976 of the'Home Department, Government Goa, Daman and Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent and,
of Goa, Daman and Diu, ,ulVit1ng objections and Eviction) Control Rules, 1969 were published as re- '
suggestil'>ns. from all persons likely to be affected quired by sub-section (1) of section 58 of the Goa;
thereby till thirty days from the date of publication Daman and Diu Buildings (Lease"Rent and Evic-,
of the said Notification in the Official Gazette; tion) Control Act,1968 (2 of 1969) at page 2(3 o(
the Official Gazette No. 26, Series I dated 25/9/1975,
And whereas the said Gazette was made available under the Notification No. RD/BLDG/77/69 dated
20th September, ,1975 of the Revenue Department;
to the PVb1fu on 21-10-1976;
Government of Goa, Daman and Diu, inviting objec-
And whereas no objections and suggesstions have tions and suggestions from all persons likely to be
affected thereby till 30 days from the date of publi--
been "ecei.ved from the public on the said draft by cation of the said notification in the Official Gazette;
the Government;, '
And Whereas the said Gazette 'was made available'
Now, thetefore, in exercise of the powers conferred to the public on 25/9/1975;
by clause (f) of ,sub-Section (2) of section<24 of
tbeGoa, Daman and Diu Motor Vehicles Tax Act, And Whereas no suggestions have -been received,
1974 '(8 of 1974), and all other powers, enabling by the Government.
him in that behalf, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Now" Therefore, in exercise of the powers con-
Daman and Diu hereby makes the follo~ingrules ferred by section 58 of the Goa, Daman and Diu_
so as to further amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act,
Motor Vehicles Tax Rules, 1974, namely: ~ 1968 (2 of 1969) and all other'powers enabling him
in that behalf, the, Administrator of Goa, Daman
1. Short title and commencement. - (1) ,These and Diu hereby makes the followitig rules so as to
rules may be called the Goa, Daman and Diu Motor further amend the Goa, Daman and Diu Buildings-
Vehtcles Tax (Third Amendment) Rules, 1976. (Lease, 'Rent, and Eviction) Control Rules, 1969,
namely: .c..:.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
LShort Title and 'Commencement: - (1) These
2. Amendment of rule 22.':'" In the Goa, Daman rules-:may be ',called the Goa, Daman and Diu Buil--
and Diu Motor Vehicles Tax Rules, 1974, in sub- dings (Lease, . Rent and Eviction), Control (Amend-
-rule (1) of rule 02, after c1alli\e (xii)-, the following ment} Rules, ,1975.
_shall be i!nserted, namely:~'
(2) The:y-,s}iallco!pe into force at olice.
"(xiii) Motor 'Vehicles solely used for the
purpose of refuelling of aircrafts at the Airport 2, Amend~ent6r R'li.le 7: -,-;In rule 7 of the Goa,
and which are exclusively kept and used wJlthin Daman and DiuBuil~ings (L!)ase, ,Rent and Evic-
- _. " '-, -,' . iF·'

434 ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.-'-_ _ _ _
SE_R_IES I No. 41
._---------- ----
tion) Control Rules, 1969 (hereinafter called as And whereas the said Gazette was made available
"PrincipalRules"), in sub-rule (1), for the word "of" tothe public on 25-11-1976;
appearing in the expression "the said proceedings
before the controller of", the word "or" shall be And where'as no objections and suggestions have
substituted. been received fwm the publie on the said draft by
the Government;
3. Amendment of Rule 12: - In Rule 12 of the Now, therefore, in eX€Tcise of the powers confer-
Principal R,ules, in sub-rule (3), after the. expression red by sub-section (2) of Section 199 of the Goa
"an application made in that behalf" the expression Daman and Diu Land Revenue Code, 1968 (9 oJ:
"within 60 days from the date of death of the 1969) and all other· powers enabling him ;n that
-deceased respondent" shall be inserted . behalf, the Lieutenant Governor of Goa, Daman.
and Diu hereby makes the following rules, namely: _
4. Amendment of Form II:-For the Form II
appended to the Principal Rules, the following shall·· 1. Short title and commencement. - (1) These
be substituted, namely: - Rules may be called the, Goa, Daman and Diu Land
Revenue (Dispcsal of Goverl\IIlent Lands) (Amend-
ment) Rules, 1976.
(2) They shall come into force at onee.
(See Rule 4) 2. Amendment of Rule 25.-:After sub-rule (2)
of Rule 25 of the Goa, Daman and Diu Land Revenue
(Disposal of Government Lands) Rules', 1971 (here-
Whereas the landlord Shri has given me under
inafter referred to as the principal rules), the fol-
Section 4 lowing proviso shall be .inserted, namely:-
of the Goa, Daman and Diu "Provided that, notwithstanding anything
Section 5 read with Section 4
Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1968 (2 of contained in this rule, Government may grant
1969), a notice of vacancy occurring in his building ." (here pe!l'lIlission to the allottee to nloctgage, sell or
mention the particulars of the buildings). transfer the allotted land in consideration of
any loan which the allottee may obtain ·for the
And whereas I, ;.. Authorised Officer ... is of the opinion
that the aforesaid building is required for the purpose of purpcseofconstniction df a house on the plot
Government or the local authority or the public institution' allotted or out repairs or ;mpro-
or for the occupation of any officer or employee of the .vement of the house. c6tJstructed on the,· plot
''Oovernment or a local authority; allotted, from the Government or any financial
Now, therefore. Shri .... the afore~id landlord is hereby institution or such other institutions, ·as may be
informed in pursuance of sub~section (1) of Section 6 of.the approved by the Government".
Act that the aforesaid building is required for the purpose
tnention~d above, and he should' hand over the possessions 2. Amend,ment of Rule 25. -,After sub-rule (2)
--i)f the aforesaid building within ... days from the date of
receipt of .this -order, to Shri ... (here specify the name of of Rule 28 of the principal rules, the following
-the Officer to whom the possession of the building is to be proviso shall be inserted, namely: -'- .
handed over), who is hereby empowered by the undersigned
Under sub~section (2) ot Section 6 of the aforesaid Act, to "Provided that, notwithstanding anything
~eceive the' vacant possession of the afox:esaid building. 'contained in this rule or in the ord€1l" of grant
Place: or in any agreement, the Collector may grant
permission to ·the allottee to mortgage, sell or
Date: transfer the' allotted land in consideration of
Authorised Officer"
any loan whrch the allott€e may obtain for the
By order and in 'the name of the Administl'ator purpose cf construction of a house on the land
cd' Goa, Daman and Diu. allotted or for carrying out repairs or impro-
" vements of the house on the plot allotted, from
Narendra Prasad, Secretary (Revenue). the Government or any financial institution or
such other institution as, may be approved by
Panaji, 29th December, 1976. the Government".
By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Go-
vernor of Goa, Daman and Diu.. ..
S. S. Sukhatankar, Under Secretary (Rev:enue).
Pa.llaji,4th January, 1977.
Whereas certain draft rules to amend· the Goa,
Daman and Diu Land Revenue (Disposal of Go-
vernment Lands) Rules, 1971 were publish;edas
required by sub-section (3) of section 199 of the
Goa,Daman and :Diu Land Revenue Code, 1968· (9 Law and Judiciary Department
of 1969) !at page 373 of the Official Gazette, No. 35 Q

Serioo . 'I dated.25-l1-1976 undei' the Notification

No. RD/lJRC/Rulea/AMND/286/76da.ted 11l-11-1976 Notification
of the Revenue pepartment, Government. of Goa,
Daman and Diu, inviting objections and suggestions LD/3320/76
from all persons likely .to b~,affeeted therel)y till
:ti'i days from the c:iateof p,ublicatiori of the. said The following Notifications reeeived froni the.Gov-
Notification in the Offi'cial Gazette; ernment of India, Ministry of Labour New Delhi,
liIl'~' ,A<:Tt:PY: rfiPuQl.ij;!jl~d"forcge.?em!,·mformat!Qn',:Qf
f 'j

the public. '" ' '

(Male/Female>.' (10) ':M:e$senger,'(l:i) Nimi-j
B. 8. 8ubbanna, DraftsmalL';: .,bertaker" ,(12) ,OfficeBoy,(13): Peon,
fHi Plck'er (1ItilIe/~~mi;iIei; (1'5) 'Sort.r; ,
Pan:iji,20thiuly; 1976.' :','
,~, .,.~ '". < ' ...... '. • - "
'(16') 'Sweeper (Male/FemaI'e)," {17) 'Tram' '
'mejo, :,(-18), :J)roIlYman,. {19) ,TroIly triper"

120) Water Cariier,~22). Other: categories

'i., by whatever 'name ,caIle<! which, are un, Rs. ,~SO(for work
GQVERNMENT OF INDIA ~I>illed.' '~:>': " . . ',..a~ve ground)

~J~RAT SARKAR) "" ","," ,F!s.6.96(forwork

below ground)
, ..
':'(1.)' l3<\nkman, (2),$rakesman, (3) 'Cash "",','
(~i-IRAMtvt:AN'rRALAYA] c;l]l8.1$, ( 41 <;:heCker,' .(1)) ; Cook•• ( 6) ,Ph.obl
(Male/Female), (7) Fireman, (8) Greaser"
Dated., New DeZhic1iOOO1.,
.~ "' . - .'~
the, 26th ¥ay, 1.976..
-~. ' .: -
(9) 'Grtnder,( 10) I1amJ;\>.ermari, (ll)Heh ' '
-" ",-, ,"., per;(Carpenter;qrusher Operator); (12)-Ja.:.," ,.\
madar, (13) KhaIaSl (BjIlldoZer;' etc,),':-
(14) Lamp Room Incharge, (15) Mate/MaIi
.( without competency ce;rtifica.te und~,,' .' :;\J '."
S; O. - Whereas' ceru;,in proposals to revise t,he NMR 1961)" (16) OIler, (17) : ' P O i n t s m a n " , ;
minimum rates of wages payable to the ,categor1es (18) ',Sampler, ,(-19), Stereman, (2Q) :Other ".
of employees employed in Manganese mmes, were !categories by 'whatever na;me called. whic~' :Rs~ 7~25:<":for W:6~k
published as requir€dby ?1~uSe (b) of sub-sec-
:a.r.e.serhi·.skiUed/imskilled· ·supervisory. ':: e,.. ·ab6:ve -gr:~~d)
tion (1) of section 5 of the Mm1mum Wages Act,194~ below groWld)
(11 of 1948); at pages 3552,3553. of t~e Gaz~tteof
India:Part II Section 3, Sub-sectlOll (11), dated the Skilled
27th'September, 1975 undeTthe llotification of the ddASaye;',(:n:BIack~';mlth, (3) Blaster
Government of India, in the Ministry ,of Labour num- (Shot, ';re>:) , (4) ,Carpenter, (5) Charge-
man, "(6) 'Chemist, '(7) Compounder,
perS.Q.424QdatedthE) 8th Septernber,1975:for the (W :Cl'l'ch,O '..Attenda,nt;,(~), .o,l:aughtsman,
iiiforlna:tion' of,'lmd' iiiviiing ,bbjecticins:,ap.d sugges- (10) Driller, (11) Driver, (12) Electrician,
tions friirii'airpersbns'likEIY'to be' affected thereby, (13) Fitter, (14) Foreman, (15) Mason,
tj1JJheelfpiry ~f t~eJ.leriodo,fthre~ ~Q~tl!s. frpm (16) Mechanic, (17) Midwifed,lil) Mistry,
(19) Moulder, (20) Operator, (21) Over-
the date of pllbhcabon of the said nobflCation 1~ :thE) seer, (22). Fainter,~ :-(23) '" Pipe~FitterJ '."" , "
Official Gazette; (24)Supe'ioviSor, '(25) "Su""eYo~" .'(26) 'Tiii, ", ,,";, ,""
. -. .. :::~,> -smith, (27) Timbennan, (2S) Turner,
,And wher~as, 1:h~,saidGazette,;"asmaqe aYi1-i1able (29) Welder, (30) Wireman,,{Sl}'.' Work-
-sarker, (32) Other categories by what~ Rs, S,.70(fq, work
to'the public on the) 27th September, ,1975.
, <,,; • -.. .' eVer name:called whtch··are 'skilied.:, : above groUnd)
,Ri," .' 10.44 (for
'Aria: whereas, the objediorisan(f suggestions re- . worR. below
ceived on the said proposal have been considered ' "groiind). ,
thE) Centra~Goyernmep.t.
- .- .- " . .. . -. ", '~cal
(1) Cashier, (2) Clerk, (3) Register- Rs. a.TO' - .-.-'
Now therefore; in €'Xercise of the powers confer- ~lt.eep,er,.. (41- :atore~k~per,
(5) Teacher,
red by' clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section (3), '(S) 'TimeCkMpei'," (7)'" Typist, (S) Other
rea'di.with: da'use\'(iii) ,Of :imb-scction (1) of sec- categories by whatever name called which
are clerical. .\ I:. ~.; .
tion4 and sub-J3cction (2) of section 5 of the Minimum
Wages Act; 1948 . (11 of 1948) and in su~rsession
of notification of the Government of India In the
late Ministry of Labout:'and Rehabilitation (Depart- ExpZa,nationt/:
ment of Labour and, §mploymentj number S.O. 1, The minimum rates of wages fixed by this
399 (E) dated the 17th July, 1\:173, the Central Gov- notification are all fI'lcYtisive rates including the
eP\1llent" aft€1'" consqlting 'tjle" Advisory Iloard basic rate, the cost of living allow!\nce ,and the cash
rev'iseiithe minimum rates of wages as specified in value' of the concessicinal supply if ariy,of'essential
~wumn 20f ~eSchedule annexed hereto, payable commodities and include !\lso the wages payable
to 'the' cat€gories, of employees employed, in Manga- for the weekly day of rest.
nese mines as specified in the corresponding entries
in colunm (1) of the said schedule aild direct.-; that 2. The minimum rat~s of wages fixeq by this Q:.oti-
this notification shall come into force, on the da.te fication' are ,'aPl)lic!\ble,to employees ,engagegbY
of its publication in thElOfficial Gazette. con~ractors also.
THE SCHEDULE . .. """"" _'. " •..J;::
• 3, The minimum ra~esQfwages PllyableJ;q ~owig
, persons' below 18 years of" age,and:,disabledpe~SOlll!
Plassifi9ation of work. Minimum rates- of··
. wages; ~Y , .
shall be 80% and ,70% resp~c~yelyof the ra;tesf"ix..ed
,I?y t/JIl!inotificatiqn foradul~workers ofa;ppropr\a;t!'
(1) , (2) ,?ategory;..- ", '

Manganese'Mirtes , "4,f()r the purposes~~ thi~ no#frcat!on;""':, J ;,'

"., '(a}theexpresslons "a:b6V~gi'oun(t'~~\l~b~1Q.W

',{l') !A.Yah,(2):ButIer, (3) Caretak~r:" ground" shall have the meanings assigned
!"-4L'Chowkidar, (5) Cleaner, (6)::_Dresser.
'-', ; " to them, in sub"section" (2)Qf section;~ of
H) "Ba~urer, (8) .. r,oaller, ,(9) Mazdoor , 'the MiriesAct; 195~'(350fl,9,52); '" '
436 BERIEst NO. Jjl

(b) "unskilledwotk" means work which invol" try 3; ,:thefollowing .entry shall be substituted,
ves simple operations requiring little or no namely: -
skill or experience on the job. 4'3. Shri C. R. Bo~e_)
(c) "semi-skilled work" means work which in-
volves some degree of skill or competence Deputy Secretary (Establishment Wo~ks),
acquired through experience on the job Ministry of Works and Housing,'· .
and which is capable of being performed (Works Division), '
New Delhi."
under the supervision or guidan¢e of a.
skilled employee, and includes unskllled Sd/-
supervisory work. (T.S.SANKARAN)
(d) '[skilled work" means work which involves . Joint Secretary
skill or competence acquired through expe- . [No. S. 32023(1)/76-WC(MW)]
rience on the job or through training as an
apprentice or in a technical or vocational
institute and the performance c;>f which calls Dated New Delhi, the 4-5-76
for initiative and judgement. Notification
5. Where the existing rates of wages based on con- G.S.R. ... In exercise of the powers conferred by
tract or agreement, are higher than the rates, fixed sub-section (i) of section 7 of the Employees' Provi-
by this notification, the higher rates shall be treated dent Funds and Family Pension Fund Act, 1952 (19
as minimuni rates of wages for the purpose of this of 1952) the Central Government hereby makes .the
notification. following Scheme further to amend the Employees'
Sd/- Provident Funds Sc)1eme, 1952, namely:-
1. (1) This Scheme may be called the Employees'
T. S. SANKARAN Provident Funds (second Amendment)
Joint Secretary Scheme, 1976.
(S-32019(10) /75-WC(MW) (2) It shall come into force on the date' of its
publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Employees' Provident Funds Scheme,
1952, .
Dated New Delhi, thfi 30th April, 1976
(a) paragraph 71 shall be omitted;
(b) in paragraph 72 in sub-paragraph (i) for
S.O. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub- ,the words and figures "paragraphs 69 and
,section (2) of section 1 of the Maternity Benefit 71" the word and. figures "paragraph 69"
'(Amendment) Act, 1976 (53 of 1976), the Central shall be substituted.
Government hereby appoints the 1st day of May,
1976, as the date on which the said Act shall come (No. s. 70012(2)/74-PF.II)
into force.
No. S-36012/3/73-HI Sd/-
Sd/- . Deputy Secretary
(D. S. NIM)
Joint Secretary .Notification

The following Notifications' received from the
Dated New Delhi-110001, the 7th June, 1976. Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family
Planning New· Delhi, are hereby republished for
Notification general infOrmation of the public.
S. O.... In exercise of the powers conferred by sec- B. B. 81fbbanna, Draftsman.
tion 7 of the Minimuni Wages Act, 1948 (11 of 1948), Panaji,26th July, 1976.
read with section.9 thereof and sub-rule (3) of
rule 4 of the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950,
the Central Goverpment hereby nominates Shri. C., R. Notification
'Bose, Deputy Se<jretary. (Establishment. Works)' in Whereas the draft rules further to amend the
the Ministry of Works. and Housing(Works Division) Drugs and Cosmetics 'Rules, ;1,945 were published,
of the Government of India as a member of the as required by sections 10 and 33 of .the Drugs and
Advisory Board '",ppointed by the Central Govern- Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), at pages 1744
ment by the notification of the Government of India to 1746 of the Gazette of India, Part II, Section 3,
in the Ministryo:t; Labour No. S. O. 1200 dated the
23rd March, 1976;1vlce Shr;i S. N. Banerjee and makes Sub-Section (i) as No. G. S. R. 772, dated the 31st
the, follOwing am¢ndm,.ent, in the notification ,afore- June, 1975 (under.the Notification of the Gorvern-
:S,illd; namely: - ',' . meni(; of India 'in the Ministry of Health and'F'ainily
Planning (Department of Health) No. X. 11013/5/
> In the said' notification, under the head- /72-D & MS, dated the 6th J1,)Il€, 1975) inviting'
ing "I1Representatives of Employers", for en- objections and suggestions from all' persOn likely
61;1H >JANUARY, ' 19'1'1 (PAU8A 16, 1898)

to.]>e affected thereby, before the expiry of 90 days the manufacture of potentised preparations from
from the daite of publication of the said notification; back potenci~ by, pharmacies who are already
licenced to sell Homoeopathic medicines by
And WheTeas the said Gazette was made available re.tail." ;
to the publillon the 23rdJune, 1975;
(iv) in rule 108, for sub-rule (i), the folibwing
And Whereas the objections and suggestions re- sub-rule shall be substituted, namely: --'-
ceived from the public on the said draft have been
considered by the Central Government; , "(1) No, substances specified in Schedule C shall
be sold' or offeT€d for sale unless it has been sealed
Now; theTefore, in exerci'se of the powers confered in a previo'llSiy sterilised container made of glass
by sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and Cosmetics or any other suitable material approved for the
Act, 1940 " (23 ,of 1940), the Central GoiVernment" purpose by the licensing authoritY appointed under
after consultation with the Drugs Technical Advi- rule '21, in such manner as may, in the opinion of
sory Board, hereby makes the following rules further the licensing authority, suffice to preclude the
to' amend the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, accem ot! bacteria.
namely: - '
Provided-that it shall not be necessary to use a
1. (i) These rules may be called the Drugsi and previously sterilised container if the filled and
Cosmetics (Secollld Amendment) Rules, 1976. s.,rued cootainer is: to be steriHsed after the sealing
They shall COIne into force ,on the date of and such sterilising procedure would render the
their publication in the Official Gazette. product sterile. However, the licensing authority
may, fer any special reasons, direct the licensee
, 2; In the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, to pre-sterilise such containeTS,";
(i) in rule 65, in condition (4) in clau..~ (3) (v) in rule ,138, for sub-rules (1) and (2), the
in sub-clause (i), item (b) shall be renumbered following sub-rules shall be substituted, namely:-
as item (c), and before ,i'tem (c) asw renumbered,
the fonowing item shall be inserted, namely:-:- "(1) Application for grant or renewal of licence
to manufacture any cosmetic for sale shall be made
"b) Serial number of the cash/credit memo"; to the 'licensing authority appointed by the State
(ii) In rule 76, in condition (10), in clause (b), •Government for the purpose of this Part (herein-
after the' word "Chemistry", the words "or Micro- after in this Part referred to as the licensdng autho-
biology" £haIl be inserted; rity) in Form 31 and shall be IlIccompanied by a
(m) in rule 85-B, for sub-rules (2) and (3), fee of rupees two hundred and an insp€ction fee
the following sub-rules shall be substituted, of rupees fifty for the first inspection' or rupees
namely:- ' , twenty five in case of inspection for renewal of
"(2) The, application in Form 24-C shall be licence: -
accompanied - Provided that in case of small scale manufac-
(a) bya fee of rupeesl forty for the manu- turer employing not more than five persons, the
facture of Homoeopathic mother tinctures and applicatienshall be accompanied bya fee of rupees
potentised preparations and an inspection fee forty and an' inspection fee of rupees ten for the
of rupees ten for the first inspection or first inspection or rupees five in case of inspection
rupees five in case of inspection for renewal of for renewal of Ucence. '
licence; (2) If a person applies for the renewal of licence
(b) by a fee of rupees twenty for the manu- after expiry but within six months of such expiry,
facture of Homoeopathic potentised prepara- the fee payable for the renewal of such licence
tions only, and inspection fee of rupees five sha!! be rupees two hundred plus an additional fee
for the first, inspection or rupees two' and at the rate of rupees one hundred per month or
fifty paise 'in case of inspection for renewal a part thereof and an inspection fee of rupees
of licence; " twenty five:
(c) by a fee of rupees twenty for the manu- Provided that in ~se of a small scale manufac-
facture ofpotentised preparation from 'ba,ck turer employing not more than fiw, persons, the
potenci€s by pharmaCIes which are already fee payable for the renewal of such licence after
licensed to sell Homoeopathic medicines by its expiry but within six months of such expiry
retail and inspection fee of 'ru~s' five for shall be rupees forty plus an additional fee at the
,the first inspection or rupooBl two and fifty rate of rupees twenty per month or a part thereof
paise in case of inspection for renewaJ. of and an inspection fee of rupees five".
(vi) in rule 139 conditions (3) and (4) shall respec-
3. If a person applies for renewal of a licence afteT tively be renumbered as conditions (4) and(~), and
its expiry but ~ithin six months of such expiry, the before condition (4) as so renumbered,thefollowing
fee payable for the renewal of such a licence shall condition shall be 'inserted, namely:-
be~ "(3) The premises where' cosmetics are manu-
(a) rupees' forty plus an additional, fee at the factured shall be distinct and separate from the
rate of rupees twenty per month or part thereof premj~es for residential purposes".
and, an inspection fee of rupees five for the manu- '(viijin rule 148,-
facture of HOIUoeopathic potentiJred preparations
mlly; , (a) for clause' (4), the following clause shall be
substituted, namely: - '
(b) rupees twenty plus an additiona;! fee at the
rate of rupees ten per month or part thereof and "( 4)a distinctive balch number, that is to
an inspection' fee of rupees two and fifty paise for say; the number by reference to which details of

manufacture of the partillular 'batch from which rules further to. amend the Drugs' and. Cosmetics
. ,the substance· in the container is taken are recor- Rules .. 1M5. namely: -
d~.. !j.Il~ are aYaUable for ins~ctio)l. the figures
representing the batch number being pr~€j'led '1:(1) These rules may becalledthi;! Drug$ ind
by the letter "B". provided that this clause shall Cosmetics (Third Amendment) RtHes. 1976;' ~' ,.
not' apply to any cosmetics containing 10 grams. ., Th~y shall come irito force on the' date of t1ieir
or less if' the cosmetic is in solld or semi-solid pUblication hi the Official Gazette.' .... . . '. '. . ..
, state. and 25 mHlilitres or less of the coSmetic
'. is in a liquid state"; , ,:2. In the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules. 1945: (herein-
, . (b) clause' (5) shall be renumbered as' clause after referred to as the said rules); in rule 34. after
. (6). and before clause (6) a:s so renunibered, the sub-rule (2). the following sub-rule shall be inserted,
following clause shall be inserted. namcly: namely: - : ... . . ' .....
"(5) manufaeturinglicence number. the num- ,.' .~'(3) . EyerY appli~,ation in, Form 12 /ill).ajl·he
be'r being preceded by the letter 'M· ... accompamed by a fee of rupees fifteen" •. 0.': "",:,
Sd/- . .3, In rule ~3-A of the said rules. for the words:
RAMESH BAHADUR' "Madras. Calcutta. Bombay. Cochinand vi~
Under Secretary to the Government of India. sakkhapatnam:
-- in respect of drugs imported by
sea into India" . ' . '
Notification shall be substituted.
'In 'exercise of the' powers cooferred by SUb-clause '.. 4. In the proviso to clause (17) of rule 65 of the
(H) ,bfclause (b) of Section 3 of the Drugs and sald'rules. after the words from the trade stocks'.
Cosmetics Act. 1940 (23 of 1940). the Central Go- the following words' shall be inserted. namely:-
vernment hereby make·s the following amendment in
the notificaticn of the Government of India. in the "and /til such drugs shall be kept in packageI' or
late Ministry of Hea:!th No. F.1·20/60-D. dated the '" cartons. the top of which shall display promi-
3rd June. 1961. namely:- nentnly.
. . ~
the words "Not for sale". .
'" ",,' "

.in the said Ilotification. '5. Rule '90 of the said rules shall be reI1ilInj)~ted
" .,(i)item,Zrelating to· "insecticides" and the as sub-rule (1) thereof. and after sub:ft11e '(lY"as
entry relating thereto. shall be omitted; and so' renumbered. the, following sUb--rule shall' be in-
(ii) item 3 'shall be re-numbered as item Z serted. namely:-
thereof. . . "(2) Every application in Form 29 shall be
accompanied by a fee of rupees fifteen"·,·
Mrs. SATHI NAIR ··6.In Schedule A,to the said rules; "
(i) in Form 12. after the opening .1lllFagraph.
Under Secretary to the Government of India. the following paragraph shall be inserted, na-
" mely:-
: uA fee of rupees fifteen has been~r~<lited to
Notification Government under the head of Account '080'-
~edical --: MiscellaneOUS --: .1!.Ilder Jhe Drugs
. : Whereas, the draft. rules further to amend the and Cosmetics'Rules. 1945 - Genif.~.'Vi4e trea-
Drugs and Cosmetics Rules. 1945 were publislled. as sury receipt attached".;
required by sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act. 1940 (23 of 1940). at pages 2342-43 (il) In lform 25-C. after condition' No.2. the
of the Gazette of India. Part n. Section 3. Sub-sec- following' condition shall be inserted, nrunely:-
tion (i) as No. G.S.R .. 2275. dated the 23rd August. "3. The ,licensee shall inform the Liliensing
1975 (under the notification of the Government of Authority in writing in the event of any change
Il:J.dia in the Ministry of Health and Family Planning .in the constitution of the firm operating under
(Department of Health) No. X.ll013/2/75-D&MS. the licence: Where any change in theconstitu-
dated the 6th August; 1975) inviting objections and tion of the firm takes place. the ctirrlmt'licence
suggestions from all .person likely to be affected shall be deemed to be valid. for a nlaximum
thereby. before the expiry of 90 days from the date period oftl).ree months from the date :on whl~
Q,f. publicatiim of the said notification; . the change' takes place unless. in the meantime;
And Whereas the said Gazette was made available a 'fresh licence has been taken from the :):.4".
,to. the public on the 25th August. 1975; censing AuthOrity in the name of the firm willi
the changed constitution."; .'
'Arid Whereas the objections and suggestions re-
ceived from the public on the said draft have been (iii) in Form 32. after condition No. 3; the
considered by the Central aovernment; following condition shall be inserted. nrunely.:-
·Now. therefore. iii exercise of the powers conferred "4. The licensee shall inform the Licensing
by sections 12 and 33 of the said Act. the Central ; writing in the event of any.change
Government. after ~onsultation with the Drugs Tech- in the constitution of the firm operating under
l1i~al Advisory Board, hereby makes the following .the licence. Where ,any change. in the constitu-
6TH JANUARY, 1977 (PAUSA 16, 1898) 439

tion of the firm takes place, the current licence Now, Therefore, in exercise of the powers con-
shall be deemed to be valid for a maximum ferred by sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and Cos-
period of three months from the date on which metics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), the Central Govern-
the change takes place unless, in the meantime, ment, after consultation with the Drugs Technical
a fresh licence has been taken from the Licen- AdviSOry Board, hereby makes the following rules
sing Authority in the name of the firm with further to amend the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,
the changed constitution". 1945, namely: ~

Sd!- 1. (i) These rules may be called the Drugs and

Cosmetics (First Amendment) Rules, 1976.
RAMESH BAHADUR (ii) They shall come into force on the date of their'
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India. publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the Drugs ana Cosmetics Rules, 1945 in the
rule 126, the Sub-heading "Insecticides" and the
N otlfication entry relating thereto, shall be omitted.
Whereas a draft of certain rules further to 'amend Sd!-
the Drugs and Cosmetics Rule, 1945 was published, RAMESH BAHADUR
·as required by Sections 12 and 33 of the Drugs and
-Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940) with the notifi- Under Secretary to the Govt. of India.
cation of the Government of India in the Ministry •
of Health and Family Planning (Department of
Health) No. G.S.R. 921, dated the 9th July, 1975 at Corrigendum
pages 2026 to 2097 of the Gazette of India Part II,
Section 3, Sub-section (i), dated the 26th July, 1975 In the Notification No. JCC/LIBI270/76/R dated
inviting objections and suggestions from all persons . 30-11-76 published in the Official Gazette No. 37,
likely to be affected thereby before the expiry of Series I dated 9c12-76 at page 391 in clause (h) of
three months from the date of publication of the Rule 11 for the. word "clause", the word "cause"
draft notification in the Official Gazette; <hculd be read.

And Whereas the said Gazette was made available

to the public on the 28th July, 1975; In the Notification No. Fin (Rev) /2-35/21/76 dated
27,12-76 published at page 422 of the Official Gazette
And Whereas the objections and sugg€Stions re- No. 40, Series I dated 30-12-76 in the 2nd line of
ceived from the public on the said draft have been clause 7 of Rule 3 the amount "Rs. 2,00/-" should be
considered by the Central Government; read as "Rs; 2,000/-".



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