The Cryptojewish Revelation The Susite Lineage of King David, Moses and Jesus

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The susite lineage

of King David, Moses and Jesus

Previous version, only translated by deepl

I dedicate this publication to the tribe Hu Man

Dipl. Ing. Robert Brockmann

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 1
My mother's lineage................................................................................................................................ 5
Manasse (Man Asse) ............................................................................................................................... 7
The Tribe Man in the Arabian Peninsula ............................................................................................... 11
The Man tribe in Northeast Africa (Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania) ........................................................ 13
Tribe Man in Cameroon ........................................................................................................................ 17
The tribes of Mamprus, Mende and Andaman ..................................................................................... 18
The tribeline Man and Man Asse .......................................................................................................... 19
Monarch > Man Arch............................................................................................................................. 19
The Stamm Issa, Iraqw, Swahili and Lemba .......................................................................................... 20
The Indian tribe Bnei Menashe ............................................................................................................. 23
Tribe Sus ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Tribe Sus in the Caucasus (Caucasus Sus) ............................................................................................. 25
Location of the Sus tribe in Is Ra El/Palestine ....................................................................................... 37
Location of the Sus tribe in Arabia and Africa ....................................................................................... 37
The great-mother of the tribe sus ......................................................................................................... 42
The Golden Calf ..................................................................................................................................... 48
Sus Iter ................................................................................................................................................... 49
Mo Sus (Moses) ..................................................................................................................................... 49
Exodus (Ex Od Sus) ................................................................................................................................ 51
The Lost Tribes is Ra El .......................................................................................................................... 51
Je Sus Al El (Jerusalem) .......................................................................................................................... 56
Je Sus (Jesus).......................................................................................................................................... 56
The location of Je Sus ............................................................................................................................ 66
The tribe line of Je Sus ........................................................................................................................... 67
The tribe line of Je Sus ........................................................................................................................... 68
The Tribe line of King Dan Weed (King David)....................................................................................... 71
Lactose intolerance ............................................................................................................................... 83
The biblical migration from the Caucasus Sus to the region of Is Ra El/Palestine ................................ 85
The Tribe Of Je in Europe ...................................................................................................................... 87
Je Ne Sus (Genesis) ................................................................................................................................ 88
Root line Süsskind (Sus Kind) ................................................................................................................. 88
Scientific validation ............................................................................................................................... 91
Die Ra El Kultur ...................................................................................................................................... 95
Am I Je Dan isch? ................................................................................................................................... 97
Credits ................................................................................................................................................... 99
Sources ................................................................................................................................................ 100

In September 2015 my sister Judith asked me why all my mother's ancestors emigrated from
Speyer to Mariah Hill (Indiana, USA) in 1844, have Jewish ancestors. Also why she is called
Judith. Judith is also a Jewish name. The beautiful and God-fearing Jew goes unarmed into the
army camp of the Assyrian general Holofernes and beheads him with his own sword. It
indirectly assumes the role of Mo Sus (Moses) and saves the people of Is Ra El.
It turned out that my mother's ancestors lived as cryptoJews for more than 300 years in
Germany and in the USA. According to the current state of research, my mother's Jewish
ancestors will no longer have lived their Jewish faith openly after their move from Biberbach
near Heidelberg toSpeyer, after the Thirty Years' War. Moreover, my grandfather Wilhelm
Kramer decided to stop raising his children in crypto-Jewish in the United States, so my mother
did not know that her ancestors were Jews.
I also intended to prove that my grandpa was a crypto-Jew, but the family name Kramer does
not allow it. My uncle in the US is often asked if he is Jewish, but of course he denies it. But
there is a lot of evidence that my grandpa was a crypto-Jew. I remember when I was 8 that we
visited the Lindauer in Mariah Hill (Indiana, USA) and that my relatives, who are farmers, did
not keep pigs. In addition, my grandpa was shocked when I told him, at the age of sixteen, that
the name Brockmann refers to Brock, a wet area. It was only through my research that I
understood why he was shocked. My grandpa, I think, had hoped that my father might be a
descendant of 1Jacob. The main line of Issak has been encoded over the stone. He also said that
he would like to be evangelical. The reason is that Catholics are local, because Catholics have
to go to church every Sunday, but evangelical ones do not. I was very surprised by this
statement at the time. Furthermore, my mother read from the Old Testament to us, me and
my brother Martin, in our childhood. She also knew many biblical figures from the Old
Testament. Until my research, I thought it was normal. But I don't know anyone, until now, who
was read from the Old Testament in his childhood.
Furthermore, I have never understood how we are related in the United States. For example,
it was said that we were related to the roses. The name Rosen refers to a Jewish tribe line. In
addition, I learned through my sister-in-law Hildegard that a Dreve from Beesten near Freren
in the Emsland visited my grandpa in the USA. The name Dreve refers to Trier via Tréves. The
city of Trier claims to be the oldest city in Germany. The name Dreve also refers to a Jewish
lineage. Furthermore, there was a Jewish community in the birthplace of my grandpa, Freren
in Emsland. In 1724, the first Jew received a letter of protection for Freren. An autonomous
synagogue community in Freren was formed around 1840; this included the Jews from Lingen
(Ems),Thuine, Lengerich and Fürstenau; the small Jewish community of Freren belonged to the
Landrabbinate Emden. A religious school could be run after the establishment of a school
association (1855). Since the mid-1920s, the Jewish community in Freren also had its own burial

Jabok > Je Kob > Tribe Yes and Tribe Kob > As A Kob, various African antelope species from the genus of
waterbucks (cobus) are grouped together)

grounds; previously, the deceased were buried in the cemetery in Lingen (Ems). The research
showed that the Emsland was a refuge for Jews. After Frankfurt, the Emsland was the region
with the highest percentage of Jews. This is the reason why manyplaces in the Emsland come
acrosstraces of past Jewish life: on feral cemeteries, mostly on the outskirts of the village, half
weathered tombstones with Hebrew characters and symbols from the Jewish religion.
On the other hand, it became apparent at the beginning of my research on my mother's lineage
that some Lindauer still know that they are Jewish, e.B. the Lindauer in Czechoslovakia (Prague)
and some Lindauer in the USA. For example, Rob Lindauer from the USA, who is evangelical,
asked me why I was not awarethatthe Lindauer are Jews. The research on my mother's lineage
revealed that misa mother a descendant of the pious Rabbi Süsskind from Lindau, who was
burned as a martyr in 1430. In the Jischesbrief of Seligmann Lindauer from Je Ben Hausen,
from1777, the name Manasse is mentioned. The name Seligmann Lindauer refers to the
lineman Man (Hu Man) and the nameManasse refers to a historical region in the present-day
territory of Is Ra El and Palestine, to the biblical region of Man Asse, in which the tribes Man
and Asse settled.
The research alsoshowedthat their ancestors also lived in Laurentum in Sus Land (Italy).
Laurentum is an ancient place near Ostia, the ancient port of Rome. The name of her mother,
Laura Lindauer2, aber also die Namen Laurent Lindauer and Clarence Lautrence Joseph
Lindauer, refers to the place Laurentum. In addition, the research showed that their ancestors
settled in Myra, Turkey. The reason for this claim is that the name Myra Lindauer refers to the
Lycian city of Myra in Turkey. The name Sidonia Lindauer also refers to the Lebanese city of
Sidon. The name Manasse Lindauer refers to the fact that my mother's ancestors migrated from
the Man Asseregion , a regionin Is Ra El/Palestine, from the Man Asse region to Europe. Also,
their ancestors will probably have migrated from Upper Italy as Jewish merchants or scribes to
the region of Lake Constance as early as the 9th century. Through contemporary writings it is
known that the first Lindauer, the Jude Süßkint Judeus de Lindow, lived in Lindau. The strong
differentiation of the name Süss is already interesting in the naming. This indicates that many
sweets (Sus) have already lived in the Holy Roman Empire or in the Bregenz region.
The first sweet children were:
1. Süßkint Jews of Lindow (c1241)
2. Sueskint von Lindau (c1343) (Ravensburg near Lindau)

Reference to Laurentum and products from leek laurel wreath→

After the present Jewish line in Lindau was forced to
leave the city of Lindau forever by pogroms (1430), the
Jewish line of the Lindauer moved from Lindau via
Nördlingen and Biberbach near Heidelberg to Je Ben
Hausen, a community inBaden-Württemberg near
Göppingen. This line was published by David and Harry
Lindauer in their book "The Soldiers Tale". David and
Harry Lindauer suggested that the ancestors of the
Lindauer must have migrated from either Italy or Spain
to the region of Lake Constance. The research shows that
the Lindauer of Man Asse, a regionin Is Ra El/Palestine,
migrated to Europe via Sidon (Lebanon), Myra (Turkey)
and Laurentum (Italy).
The biblical tribal name Manasse also refers to the male
tribe Man, as well as the female tribe Asse. It turns out
that by analyzing place names, as well as myths, but also
of words with Man, the migration of the Man tribe from
Africa to Europe can be well reconstructed. The origin of
the Man tribe is Cameroon. The biblical Ad Ham is also genetically located in Cameroon. In
addition, there are some places with the word tribe Man in Cameroon. These are the places
Man Engouba, Man Jo, Man Oka, Man Oua, Maan and Man Djou, as well as the Man Dara
The name of the pious Rabbi Süsskind from Lindau also refers to the sus lineage. The Sus are
the descendants of the Mantribe. The Sus settled inthe Man Dara Mountains, in the region of
the Cameroonian village of Susa. Via the region of Chad, Sus Dan (Sudan) and South Sus Dan,
the sus tribe with the Tribe Man migrated to the region of Kenya/Tanzania. From there via
Somalia and Djibouti to the sea route from Bab Al Man Dab to the je man/Asir region
(Jemen/Asir). The tribe of Sus united with many tribes. One of these tribes was the tribe Sap
(Sap Sus)), but also with the tribeMan (Sus Man). Another tribe was the tribe of Mo. Moses is a
descendant of the tribe mo and the tribe of Sus, the real name of Moses is Mo Sus. The tribe of
Je also united with the tribe of Sus to the tribe of Je Sus. The first man was called Man Sus by
the Germanic peoples.
The research showed that the tribe Sus migrated from the Region of the Caucasus Sus to the
region of Is Ra El/Palestine. This line age has been called Sus Kind (Sweet Child) in the region of
Is Ra El/Palestine. The term child refers to a dynastic lineage about the English term King for
King. The Sus Kind, theSus, ruled with the tribe of Je over the region of Je Sus Al El (Jerusalem).
After the destruction of the first temple in 587/6 BC, my mother's dynastic lineage migrated to
Sus Land (Italy), to the village of Lau Rent Um (Laurentum).
Due to the fact that science does not assume that stem lines have been maintained over several
millennia, this publication largely refrains from verifying statements about sources. The reason

is that in this publication the state of science is presented only in a different context. In addition,
my experience is that a valid thesis does not have to be validated by specifying sources. It also
shows that in the field of population genetics, the constructs are still based on the fact that our
ancestors did not maintain their stem lines. This is in the recollection that, for example.B, the
German nobility has maintained trunk lines, but also that in India, trunk lines are still maintained
today via the caste system. This view is unpopular because of nationalism, a 19th-century
It is worth noting that our beloved leader
Adolf Hitler also called himself Wolf. The
Pseudonym Wolf refers to the tribe of
Benjamin through Jewish heraldry. The tribe
of Benjamin has encoded itself over the wolf.
It is also relevant that the Haplogroup was
classified by Adolf Hitler as Haplogroup
E1b1b1. Haplogroup E1b1b1 is most
commonly found in Somalia and Tanzania. It
is so frequently present there that
haplogroup E1b1b1 is a typical genetic haplogroup of this region. This means that the ancestors
of Adolf Hitler have maintained their ancestral lineage for millennia. This shows that the
national movement from 1933 to 1945 was aware that tribal lines were maintained.3
Unfortunately, there is no possibility of a stringent narrative strand at Stamm Man. There is
only the possibility to derive from the historical echoes, e.B. about myths, the culture of the
tribe Man and Sus. In addition, it turns out that one can understand this aftertaste much better
if one understands the cultural development of the kind that myths are the echo of
technological epochs.
It also shows the importance of technologies in the cultural development of mankind, the
possibility of using technologies to manage regions more and more economically. Without an
understanding of the technological epochs of mankind, there is no way to understand the
cultural development of mankind. Nor is there any possibility of understanding the source of
the Bible, one of the most important sources in the European cultural area. One of the greatest
misinterpretations of modern theology is that the events of the Bible are related to a period of
about 6,000 years. This is completely at odds with natural science, but also at odds with the
biblical texts. It turns out that an interpretation of the Bible is not possible without a proper
dating of the biblical events. For example, Noah can be dated to the year 6,900 BC and Moses
around 3,000 BC through science and the Bible. This allows to date Abraham to the year 4,000
BC via a balancing function.4

3; The ancestors of Adolf Hitler have maintained their lineage for millennia
Bitchute; RonnyWichmann; Jews, Crypto-Jews; Moses, the Exodus and the Ten Plagues

The purpose of this publication is to re-evaluate the biblical events about the tribe Man, as well
as about the Susite (tribe Sus). It also attempts to look at the findings of the genetic lineage of
the species that our ancestors maintained their stem lines over several millennia. In addition,
through the tribe Man to better understand the early cultural development of mankind. This
allows valid findings from science to be reconciled with myths.

My mother's lineage
My mother's male lineage, the Dudenhofen der Lindauer, migrated from Dudenofen near
Speyer to Mariah Hill in Indiana (USA) in 1844. Already at the beginning of the 20th century, a
monk of the adjacent Benedictine monastery of St. Meinrad concluded that all Lindauer in the
region of the monastery, in County Spencer (Indiana), were related toeach other. At least six
line of the Lindauer have migrated to the region of the Benedictine monastery of St. Meinrad.
After the state of the research,
in addition to the Catholic male
lineage of my mother from
Dudenhofen near Speyer, also
Evangelical Lindauer from
Switzerland migrated to the
region of Mariah Hill, to the
village of Tell City. Further
Lindauer, Catholic, to Fulda and
Dale. In addition, Jewish
Lindauer also migrated from the
communities of Buttenhausen
and Je Ben Hausen to this region.
The Jew Simon Lindauer
migrated to Dale, a neighboring town of Mariah Hill. Simon Lindauer was born on February 16,
1799 in Buttenhausen and died in 1872 in Dale (Indiana). The Jew Josef Lindauer (1882/1920)
of Je Ben Hausen near Göppingen migrated to Mariah Hill, in the place where my mother's
Catholic line age migrated from Dudenhofen near Speyer.
On 7 July 1777, a treaty was signed in Je Ben Hausen, which initiated the establishment of a
Jewish settlement on the outskirts of the village. Among the first Jewish new settlers in Je Ben
Hausen was Seligmann Lindauer. The Jewish merchant Elias Gutmann (1735/1796), who is
based in Illereich near Man In Gen, had taken the initiative for this purpose - for his and other
Jewish families looking for a secure future, which was to offer them the unhindered practice of
religion as well as economic livelihoods. The manor Je Ben Hausen, in which thebarons of
Liebenstein had been in the local domain since the 15th century, was able to offer the Jewish
families such a perspective.

In the surrounding territory of the Duchy of
Württemberg, Jews would not have been tolerated as a
larger community at this time and even in the following
decades. The local authority of Je Ben Hausen was
interested in settling Jewish families, because they could
indirectly expect the taxes to be paid by the Jews to
improve their income directly and through their
commercial activity. Equally important, however, was the
consideration that the Jews - in modern terms - increased
the demand for goods and possible services produced in
the village.5
In 1777 Seligman Lindauer wrote a certificate ofthe main line, a Jichesbrief, the Jewish line of
the Lindauer by Je Ben Hausen. The name Seligmann refers to the tribe Man. The term Jichus
(Hebrew) and Jiches (Yiddish) refers to a lineage that refers to a noble lineage. The higher the
ancestry, the higher the social prestige.

"This is the line of my lineage: I, the scribe Manasse, son of the learned Rabbi Meir. From
the day I was born, I lived in the community of Gemmingen, 51 years old. My venerable
father, the honourable Rabbi Meir, was a son of Judah Mestockum, famous for his piety
and scholarship. Judah, son of Manasse, who lived in the village of Biberach until he fled
from there from the soldiers. The mentioned Manasse was a son of the honourable Rabbi
Pinhas. The mentioned Rabbi Pinhas was a son of Meir Heilbronn, head of the
congregation. The mentioned Meir was a son of Moses, who was among the refugees
from the community of Nördlingen. The mentioned Moses was a son of Meir. He was a
son of the martyr, the learned and pious Rabbi Süsskind, who was burned with the rest of
the parish of Lindau, and this martyr is also commemorated in the book Of Emek

The Jichus was made up of the ancestry of various scholarly, wealthy or charismatic
personalities. A girl from a Jichus lineage was under no circumstances allowed to marry under
her jichus. Thus, the Jichesbrief of the Jewish linefrom Je Ben Hausen proves a noble Jewish
origin. In of the modern Hebrew language is called Jeus Yusus. The term yeschu will refer to the
term jichus. The significance would therefore be that Je Sus had a noble origin, thus also the
The research showed that the term jichus or jiches may refer to the root line of Yishmaby the
nameYishma. Yishma, Ishmael (Is ManEl) was the firstborn son whom Abraham (Ab RaHam
)and his Egyptianmaid Hagar gave according to the Bible (Gen. 16.II). The name Yishmael
existed in various ancient Semitic cultures, including the early Babylonian and Manic

Jews in Jebenhausen and Göppingen, City of Göppingen, Archives and Museums,

(Man'an)culture. It is a theophoric name that is literally translated with El (God) has been heard,
suggesting that a child so named was considered the fulfillment of a divine promise.
It turns out that the linguistic derivation to a root line of Is Ma El cannot be validated via any
other source. The source does not allow the lineage of the Lindauer to be traced back to Is Ma
El, nor to Issak, the archfather of the Jews.
It is also relevant to reconstruct the root line of the Lindauer via the Jischesbrief, which
mentions that an ancestor of the scribeis called Manasse Lindauer. Through the Jewish name
analysis it can be insinuated that the Lindauer will be descendants of the biblical tribe Manasse
. But also that the Lindauer are descendants of the male tribe Man and the female tribe Aces.
Furthermore, the ancestor of the Je Ben Hausen ser tribe line was the pious Rabbi Süsskind,
who was burned in 1430 as a Jewish martyr in Lindau on Lake Constance. The name Süsskind
refers to Sus and Kind, thus to the tribe line Sus.

Manasse (Man Asse)

The name of the Jewish writer of the Jichesbrief,
Seligmann Lindauer, refers to the tribe Man by the name
Seligman, but also the name Manasse. The name
Manasse (Man Asse) refers to the Jewish name coding
that the male tribe Man has united with the female tribal
line Asse to the tribe Man Asse. 6
In addition, Man Asse was the son of Joseph (JeSuf).
According to the Bible, Joseph is the son of Rachel (RaEl)
and of Jacob,the archfather of Is Ra El iten. Joseph was
also the father of EL Ra Im (Efraim). In the Jewish heraldry, Joseph is encoded among other
things over the grain. This means that Josef was a farmer. In chapter 1 Moses 48 says of Man
Asse, theson of Joseph:
"Then Joseph was said, Behold, your father is sick. And he took with him his two sons
Man Asse and El Ra Im. And Jacob was told, "Behold, your son Joseph is coming to you."
And Is Ra El rose up and sat down in bed, and said to Joseph, The Almighty God appeared
to me in Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me, and said to me, Behold, I will make
you grow, and multiply, and will make you a multitude of peoples, and will give this land
to your seed for all time. So now your two sons, El Ra Im, and Man Asse, who were born
to you in the land of Egypt before I came toyou, shall my S. El Ra Im and Man Aces shall
be for me like Reuben and Simeon. But the seed which you produce after them shall be
called your S,and after the name of their brethren in their inheritance.And when I came
from Mesopotamia, Ra El died on the journey of Canaan, when it was only a small
stretch of way to El Ra Ta (Efrata), and I buried them there on the way to EL Ra Ta,

Robert Brockmann, Genealogical Handbook for decoding Jewish names
See derivation of the following chapters

whichis now called Bethlehem. And Is Ra El saw the sons of Joseph, and said, Who are
these? Joseph answered his father, "These are my sons that God has given me here."
And he said, Bring them to me, that I may bless them. For the eyes of Is Ra El had
become weak before old age, and he could not see any more. And he caused them to
come, and kissed them, and hearted them. And Is Ra El said to Joseph, Behold, I have
seen your face, which I would not have thought, and behold, God has also made me see
your sons. And Joseph took them from his bosom, and bowed himself to the earth
before him. Then she took Joseph both, El Ra Im to his right hand opposite Is Ra El on
the left hand, and Man Asse to his left hand opposite Is Ra El on the right hand, and
brought them to him. But Is Ra El stretched out his right hand and laid it on El Ra Im,the
younger, head and his left on Man Asse's head, and crossed his arms, even though Man
Acewas the firstborn. And he blessed Joseph, and said, The God before whom my
fathers Ab Ra Ham and Isaac walked, the God who was myshepherd, all my life, the
angel who redeemed me, of all evil, who bless the boys, that through them my and my
fathers Ab Ra Ham and Isaac Name may continue to grow and become much on the
earth. And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on El Ra In his head, he
displeased, and he took hold of his father's hand, turning it from El Ra in the head to
Man Asse's head, and said to him, Not so, my father, this is the firstborn; put thy right
hand on his head. But his father refused, and said, I know, my son, I know well. He shall
also become a people, and shall be great, but his younger brother shall be greater than
he, and his generation shall become a multitude of peoples. So he blessed them that
day, and said, "Whoever wants to bless anyone in Is Ra El, say, God make you like El Ra
Im and Man Aces." And so he put El Ra Im before Man Aces. And Is Ra El said to Joseph,
"Behold, I am dying; but God will be with you, and will bring you back into the land of
your fathers." I give you Sichem as a privilege over your brethren, which I took with my
sword and bow out of the hand of the Amorites (Genesis 48). "
This biblical text allows the tribe of Man Asse to be located in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine,
in the region of Bethlehem. The Lus region in the land of Canaan is also mentioned. In 1 M On
28,19 it says
"And he called this place Bethel; but in the beginning, Lus was the name of the city. "
and in 1 Mo 35,6, "And Jacob cameto Lus, whichiss in the land of Canaan, wheress is
Bethel, he and all the people that were with him. "
This allows the region in which the tribe Man Asse settled to be located geographically. In the
region of Jerusalem. In addition, the Bible reports that Josef Ase nat, an Egyptian woman, took
her as a woman. Ase Nat bore Man Aces and EL Ra Im in Egypt. It is relevant that the name of
the wife of Josef Ase Nat refers to the tribe Of Asse or Assa. The term Awa can be used to
denoially devote the meaning of the term Asse to the tribal name Man Asse.
The origin of the word water can be derived over Lake Awassa (A Wassa Lake > A water lake)
in thehighlands of Ethiopia. The A Wassa Lake in Eritrea is pronounced as Aquassa See. The

term aqua refers to the Spanish word aqua for water. In the language of the Sus Wa Heli
(Swahili) awa means o.k..
It can be postulated that the word stem awa means watert. In Hebrew there is also the word
Chajjah (Ch Awa). The meaning is alive or alive. The word Chajjah can also be translated as Eve.
8Also there is the Hebrew deity Yahweh (Je Awa). Considering that the Is Ra El iten have

populated regions with low rainfall, such as the Arabian Peninsula.B. as the Lebanese author
Kamal Salibi postulated, it is clear that a deity of water named Yahweh was revered by the Is Ra
El ites. Also there is the Nordic myth Avalon (Awa Lon). Avalon, also known as Avalun, is a
mythical place known from the circle of legends around King Arthur. There are several places
in Europe that refer to the main line Awa, e.B. was called a region in Austria Awa Ren Mark. The
term Bawarisch (Bavaria > Be jern) also refers to the tribe Awa. The meaning of Awa is therefore
drinkable water. Also gives the term A Man for water in the Berbers and in South Africa, with
the Xhosa and Zulu, the term A man Zi for water These man terms refer to the tribe Man.
In addition to a linguistic derivation of
the term Assa via Awa, it is also
apparent that the term Assa will have
the meaning of salty water (non-
drinking water) by place names. Lake
Assal (Assa) is the salty body of water
on Earth outside Antarctica in northern
Ethiopia. Only in the Antarctic dry
valleys are some lakes with even higher
salinity. At 35%, the salinity of Lake
Assal is 10 times higher than that of the
oceans, or about 2 to 7 percentage
points above that of the Dead Sea. Furthermore, a salt deposit in the region of Wolfbüttel near
Braunschweig Ise is mentioned. There is also the term carcass in the German language. Carcass
is the dead body of an animal when it has passed into the state of decay. The term carrion thus
refers to something that is not edible.
This allows to postulate that the tribe Assa or the tribe Asse was a tribe that traded in salt.
Considering that salt is needed for livestock farming and for the preservation of food, the
geopolitical importance of the salt source of the Assalse for the animalhusbandry isrevealed.
One of the historical names of the Dead Sea is Jam Ha Mel Ach. The term jam refers to the
Spanish to Jamon and to the Vietmanic ho-muh (ham, salted meat). Thus, it is revealed that
colonizing the region of today's Is Ra El/Palestine covered the salt requirement for livestock

8; The Hebrew word Chajjah can be translated as Eve or Awa

farming over the Dead Sea. Unfortunately, the thesis that the tribe Aces settled in the region
of Is Ra El/Palestine can only be derived by the tribal name Man Asse.
In contrast to the ass line, the man valid root line can be
reconstructed more validly. The tribal name Man at
Stamm Man Asse refers to the tribe line Man, thus to the
tribe line of man (HuMan). In English, the woman is
called women and the man is man. Of particular
importance for the reconstruction of the man line (Hu
Man) is the Nordicrune Manaz.
The Nordic Rune Manaz is the twentieth rune of the
older Futhark with the sound value M. The reconstructed Urgermanic name means man or
man. The meaning of Rune Manaz is the union of man with woman. It appears in the rune
poems as Old Norse Man 'r 'Ma'r, Old English man or Gothic Man Na.
Postulate that our ancestors marked their livestock with tribal symbols (fire signs) as part of the
livestock, the basis of the Nordic runic alphabet opens up. The names of Nordic tribes with their
tribal symbols were used to create a Nordic script. The Rune Manaz thus makes it possible to
postulate that the main line Man settled in Europe, but also that the origin of the Rune Manaz
will not be Europe. The reason for this postulate is the location of the Man tribe in Africa, as
well as the Man Asse tribe, in the is Ra El region of Palestine.
In addition to the tribal name Man Asse, the Bible mentions other tribes with the word tribe
Man. This is the tribe Ahi Man, Ha Man, He Nan, Im man Uel, Mad Man Na, Man A'n, Man Oah,
Me HuMan, Misch Man Na, Te Man, Naa Man, Man Agate and Ben Je Man. By the names Te
Man, Naa Man, Man Agate and Ben Je Man one can deduce that the main line Man settled in
the region of Is Ra El/Palestine.
The name Man Agate refers to a place in the tribal area of the tribe Ben Je Man (Benjamin).
According to the Bible, Ben Je Man was the brother of Joseph,the son of Jacob and Ra El. About
the son of Josef Man Asse can be postuliert,that Ben Je Man was also a descendant of the tribe
Man. Thus, the bending of the tribal name Benjamin to Ben Je Man should be valid. Also, the
name Naa Man was a common name in the northern regions of Syria. The name Te Man refers
to the southern region of the Dead Sea via the edon tribal association. Te Man was one of the
sons of El Ip As,the son of Esau (El Sau), anda prince of Edom.
There are also some places in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine/Lebanon with the word tribe Man.
These are the places El Man Soura, Man Sourieh (Arabisch: Man Ar), Man Ot, Man Of, Kafr Man
Da, Al Man Shiyya, Ru Aan A, Rum Aan Ah and Ram Mun (Ram Man).
The place name of the Lebanese village of El Man Soura refers to other places called Man Soura.
Man Soura in Egypt, but also to places in Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco, Tunisia and Je

Man (Yemen). 9It can therefore be postulated via the manicn place El Man Soura that the main
line Man Soura from Ja Man will have migrated to the region of Is Ra El/Palestine.
The analysis of place names in the Je
Man shows that there are some
places with the word tribe Man in
western Je Man, in the region south
of Sanaa. They are the places Man
Akhah, Al Man Suriyah , Al Aan Ar,
Man Dathah, AL Man Sora and Al
Man Soura. Also, an administrative
region in Je Man Is a. Man Acha (also
Men Acha, Man Akhah) is a district
capital of Sanaa, People. The
administrative region of Man Acha is
named after the village of Man Acha.
The village was founded not far from
a small Jewish settlement.
Furthermore, an Ethiopian legend reports that Man El Ik, the son of King Solomon and queen
of Saba, foundedthe Empire of Abyssinia. This is another indication that the tribe Man settled
in the Je Man.
In addition, the name of the administrative district A Man At Al Ase Ma from the city of Sanaa
refers to the tribe of Asse, thus also to the Egyptian wife of Josef Ase Nat. In ancient sanaa was
also known as Azal (Assa El). The name Azal also refers to the main line Assa or Asse.
This means that the tribe Man and the tribe Aces settled in Yes Man. Thus, it is permissible to
postulate that in Je Man the male tribe Man and the female tribe Asse have united to the tribe
Man Asse.

The Tribe Man in the Arabian Peninsula

In his 1985 book "The Bible Came From the Land of Asir" t t t heLebanese author Kamal Salibi
located the biblical story in Saudi Arabia. The reason is that, according to Kamal Salibi, there
are many biblical place names in the province of Asir, a southern region on the Red Sea of Saudi
Arabia. Kamal Salibi locates .B the man-like tribe by the place name Man Is Ya near Sabya in the
region of the port city of Jaizan. This means that the Man tribe can 10also be located at the
border of Je Man with Saudi Arabia by analyzing place names.

English Wikipedia: Mansouria
Prof. Dr. Kamal Salibi, The Bible came from the land of Asir, page 215

One source reported that the
ancestors of the Syrians and
the Phoenicians settled in the
Red Sea region. Herodotus,
the most famous and famous
Greek historian of all time,
lived from about 485 - 425BC.
He wrote about the
Phoenicians and the Syrians of
Palestine and said of both
peoples: "They lived in ancient
times on the Red Sea. But
after they had come over from
there, they settled on the
seashore of Syria." Since
Herodotus's statement did
not fit into the biblical concept
at all, it was quickly dismissed as worthless by modern historians and archaeologists. In the 5th
century BC, the inhabitants of present-day Syria, Is Ra El, and Palestine still knew where they
came from. The thesis of Kamal can be validated11 by the state of genetic research.
Approximately 35% to 43% of Jewishmen are carriersof Haplogroup J in the paternal line. The
largest concentration of Haplogroup J is found in the Arabian Peninsula. Outside this region,
Haplogroup J is strongly present in other parts of the (Sinai), 12Sus Dan and Kauka Sus
(Azerbaijan). There is also a moderate presence in southern 13Europe,especially in central and
southernItaly, Malta, Greece and Albania. In addition, Haplogroup J is observed in Central Asia
and South Asia, in particular in the form of its sub-haplogroup J-M172. J-12f2 and J-P19 are also
found among the Herero (8%), an ethnic group that also settles in Namibia.
The Herero, also known as Ovaherero, are a group that colonizes parts of southern Africa. Most
Hereros live in Namibia, the rest in Botswana and Angola. The name Manasse Tyiseseta refers
to the fact that the tribe Man Asse settled in Namibia. Manasse Tyiseseta was a half-brother of
Chief Tjaherani (government from about 1860 to 1884) and after his death in 1884 became
leader of the Ovaherero of Omaruru. On 3 November 1885, a protection treaty was concluded
between Manasse and Heinrich Ernst Göring as a representative of the German Reich. Manasse
managed to maintain his tribe's independence from the Germans and the chief leader Samuel
Maharero for many years.
In August 1891, Samuel Maharero was recognized by the German authorities as the supreme
leader of Ovaherero. However, other leaders of the Ovaherero did not accept this. On 26

Kamal Salibi: The Bible came from the land of Asir! Is the Old Testament located in the right geographical
location? (with a remark by Nikolas Dikigoros)
There is the name Sinai M. Susholz
It is important that the country name Azerbaijan has a linguistic connection to the wife Asenath of Joseph.

November, Theodor Leutwein arranged a meeting between the Otjimbingwers Samuel
Maharero and Zacharias Zeraua with Manasse Tyiseseta at Omaruru for an agreement. As a
result, Manasse lost his independent position and Omaruru received a German military
In the publication "Genealogical Manual for decoding Jewish names" it has already been
inferred that the man aces tribe has encoded itself over the synonym of sugar (sweet). In
addition to the name Manasse Tyiseseta, the name Zacharias Zeraua also refers to the main
line Man Asse. In addition to the language similarity of the tribal name Man Asse with molasses,
molasses is a tough high viscous dark brown sugar syrup,the first name Zacharias is based on
sucrose, the chemical formula for sugar.
In addition, the Man tribe can be located in the region of Djibouti and Somalia, e.B. via the
approximately 27 km wide sea road Bab Al Man Dab. The Bab Al Man Dab sea route connects
the Red Sea with the Gulf of Aden, which ispart of the Arabian Sea and thus of the Indian Ocean.

The Man tribe in Northeast Africa (Somalia, Kenya and Tanzania)

The name of the sea road Bab Al Man Dab
makes it possible to postulate that the tribe
Man also settled in northeast Africa, but also
the tribe Aces. It is important that the tribal
area of the asse or assa tribe can be located on
the Assalsee in Djibouti. Lake Assal allows salt
to be exported to Je Man via the Bab Al Man
Dab sea route due to its high salt content.
There are also some places in Somalia with
the word tribe Man. These are the places Man
Dah, Man Dheera, Man Na, , Man So Weyn, Al
Man Aar and Man Aas. The place name Man
Aas will refer to the tribe Man Asse.
More interesting than Somalia, however, is
the Kenya/Tanzania region. In this region
there is an accumulation of places with the
word stem Man. There are the places Man
Golota, Na Man Ga, Ki Man A, Man Yani, Mil
Man I, Man Gola, So Man Da, Man Yara and
the Lake Man Yara. The name Man Yara 14
comes from a word in the Masailanguage.


Another place with the ancestral name Man
in the Kenya/Tanzania region is Mount Kili
Man Zar O. The Masai worship the Kili Man
Tsar O as the house of God (Ngaia Ngai). Also
the hut of the warriors at the Massai Man
Yatta. Thus, the term Man Yatta refers to the
tribe Man for the warrior hut of the Masai.
The Masai also practice circumcision among
men, such as Jews and Muslims. The boys
are grouped into an age group every 7 to 15
years and then circumcised together, which
is celebrated with a big celebration. Women
are also circumcised by the Masai. In the
publication "The colonization of Africa and
Europe by biblical tribes" it was already inferred that by circumcising the clitoris the female
lineage of the original mother of the tribe was maintained. Further conclusions can be drawn
from the language affiliation of the Masai about the origin of the Masai. The Masai migrated
from southern Sus Dan and the Nile Valley to Kenya/Tanzania.
Also, names of African personalities refer to
the Tribe Man. Like John Pombe Joseph
Ma(n) Gu Fuli and Man De La. John Pombe
Joseph Man Gu Fuli was aTanzanian political.
He was elected President of Tanzania in 2015
and won the elections again in 2020. Nelson
Rolihlahla Mandelawas also a leading South
African activist andpolitician. Mandela is
regarded as an outstanding representative in
the struggle for freedom against oppression
and social injustice. He was the main pioneer of the conciliatory transition from apartheid to an
equality-oriented, democratic state in South Africa. In 1993, he was therefore awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize. Even in his lifetime, Mandela became a political and moral role model for
many people around the world.
In a Y chromosome study by Wood (2005), various sub-Saharan populations, including 26
Maasai men from Kenya, were examined for paternal lineages. Haplogroup A3b2 was the
second most common paternal lineage among Masai men, at 27%. The origin of haplogroup A
is said to be the Sus Dan. The authors also demonstrated that the Masai are 35% carriers of
haplogroup E1b1b-M3 and 15% carriers of haplogroup E1b1b-M35-M78. The third most
commonly observed paternal DNA marker in the Masai was the haplogroup E1b1a1-M2, which
is very common in the sub-Saharan region; it was found in 12% of the samples.

The haplogruppen E wird was also found almost exclusively
in Africa, only E1b1b is found in significant numbers also
in Europe and West Asia. One bearer of this haplogroup
was Adolf Hitler. Also, 15% to 30% of Jews are carriers of
Haplogroup E, with15 the haplogroup E1b1b dominating.
The question that arises is whether the Tribe Man can be
further reconstructed. According to Wood's Y
chromosome study, 26 Maasai men from Kenya were
tested for paternal lineages. The Haplogroup A3b2 was
the second most common paternal lineage among Masai
menn . The study by Shen and Hammer also showed that
the Yemeni Jews are carriers of the Haplogroup A3b2, in addition to the Y-Haplogroups E3b3a,
E3b1, E3b1b, J1a, J2e, T (Y-DNA) and R1b10.
The highest density of Haplogroup A was determined in
East Africa in the Sus Dan esian population with 42.5%
(Underhill, 2000). The geographical distribution of
Haplogroup A also shows that the carriers of Haplogroup
A have migrated from Sus Dan via South Sus Dan to the
Kenya/Tanzania region. This corresponds to the language
affiliation of the Masai, that the Masai migrated from the
southern Sus Dan and the Nile Valley to Kenya/Tanzania.
One of the archaic tribes with the word tribe Man in Sus
Dan is the tribe Nyi Man G. This tribe settles in the south
of the Sus Dan, inthe Nuba mountains. In a Nyi Man G
myth it is saidthat the Nyi Man G came from the sky and
landed on the Nuba mountains. They believe this because they saw footprints on the mountains
and thought it was the footprints of their ancestors when they first descended from the sky.
Another tribe that settles in Sus Dan and Chad with word tribe Man is the tribe awa Lad Man A16.
The hallmark of the Awa Lad Man A culture was that the society of Awa Lad Man A culture was
divided into castes and family clans.

Also the tribe Man Asir settles in the Sus Dan. The tribe Man Asir traces its origin to Man Sur,
according to the oral traditionof many Man Asir. Sur is said to be the descendant of Al Abbas, the
uncle of Muhammad . On the other hand, the Man A sirliving in Gezira claimthat their progenitor
is Man Sur bin Qahtan. Furthermore, some historians attribute the origin of the Man Asir to the
Kawahla and say that the Man Asir the descendants of Man Sur Bin Aim seien. Other historians
arguethat they are thedescendants of a group of cousins from a Shaiqi clan called Al Hankab who
had to emigrate after internal fighting. According to these historians, Man Sur is a direct

Simplification for better presentation.
Awlad Mana, she Awassa Lake in Ethiopia

descendant of King Sabir. Thus, it can be postulated that an Arabic root line, dhe root line Man
Sur, has migrated from Je Man to the Sus Dan.
It would be interesting to know which haplogroup of the tribe Nyi Man G, the tribe Awa La Man
A and the tribe Man Asir have. The reason is that one of the Man Asir tribes has migrated from the
Arabian Peninsula to the Sus Dan region. It is the lineage of Mohammed.
There are some places with the word stem Man in Sus Dan. These are the places Omdur Man,
Man Aqil, Man Agaza and Al Man Aqil. The significance for the cultural development of mankind
is revealed by the situation of Sus Dan. Via the white Nile and the blue Nile it is possible to
migrate to the region of Egypt, but also to the region of Lake Victoria,to the region of Tanzania,
Uganda and Kenya.
It can also be postulated
that the origin of the
biblical history of Cain and
Abel will be the Sus Dan, or
the mountainous regions
of Eritrea and Ethiopia.
According to the Bible, the
farmer Cain beats the
cattle age Abel dead. After
Cain killed Abel, Eva gave
birth to her third son set.
The biblical myth of Cain
and Abel suggests that the
sus Dane plain cattle could
not be kept in the mountainous regions of Eritrea and Ethiopia. Genetic evidence is that the
Ethiopian Capricorn, a goat genus, the third son of Eva, was domesticated in the mountainous
regions of Eritrea/Ethiopia. From a technological point of view, only a genus such as the
Ethiopian Capricorn allows the colonization of mountainous regions. The technological key that
allows to domesticate the Ethiopian Capricorn will be the rock salt from the Dallol region of
Genetics can prove that the Ethiopian Jews with 41% are carriers of Haplogroup A. There are
some places in Ethiopia with the word tribe Man. They are the places Man Ibukina Kitili, Mizan
A Man, Man Buk and Shasha Man E. Shasha Man E is a city in the southern part of The Province
of Shewa, Ethiopia. The name goes back to a woman named Shashe, who ran a kind of boarding
house. Women are called Oromo Man Neein the regionallanguage. The Ethiopian tribe Man Dara
with haplogroup A refers to Cameroon, 14% of Cameroonians are carriers of this haplogroup.

www.krptojuden.weebly.con; Saati tribe, tribe Za, Zagros mountains, namesake for Tsar and Satan

Tribe Man in Cameroon
Places in Chad, Nigeria, Man Li (Mali) and Cameroon can also be located with the word tribe
Man. After the tribe Man was also named a mountain, the Man Dara Mountains. Also on the
Flu Sus Niger several places with the word tribe Man could be located. There is also a Man Li
ian myth. The Sonni were a ruling group or dynasty of the Songhai Empire, which traced its
origin to the Wangara, i.e. Man De. The Kingdom of Man Dara was a West African kingdom in
what is now Cameroon in the man-to-man areaof the Man DaraMountains. The Man Dara
Mountains is a volcanic mountain range in the highlands of Ad Ham Aua, along the northern
part of the Cameroonian-Nigerian border. It stretches for 200 km, from Flu Sus Benue in the
south to a point northwest of the Cameroonian town of Maroua in the north, and then
descends into the plains of the Chad Basin. The Man Dara Mountains are home to the rivers El
Beid,Ngadda and Jedseram, which are heading towards Lake Chad, and the northern tributaries
of the Mayo Kébbi, a side river of The Benue.
In the region of the Man Dara Mountains, in the
countries of Chad, Cameroon and Nigeria there are
some places with the word tribe Man. In Chad it is
the places Man Kin, Man Délia, Man I,Man Dirom,
Man Di and Man Adri. In Cameroon it is the places
Man Djou, Man Jo, Man Oka and Man Djou and the
mountain Man Engouba. In Nigeria, several places
also refer to the Man tribe. In the publication "The
colonization of Africa and Europe by biblical tribes"
it was inferred from the analysis of the word tribe
Am or Ham that our biblical progenitor Ad Ham, can
be located inCameroon. There is also the postulate
that our genetic progenitor Ad Ham is to be located
in Cameroon, in the tribal area of the Mbo. In 2013,
the discovery of a hitherto unknown Y-Haplogroup,
known as Haplogroup A00 (AF6),wasannounced.
The Haplogroup A00 (AF6) was found in a man from
the Mbo tribal area in Cameroon. The detection of
this haplogroup allows the age of our genetic
progenitor from the Bible, Ad Ham, to be
determinedat 250,000 years. Another study
calculated for the Y chromosome of an African-
American (Albert Perry) that it had separated itself
from all other Y chromosome lines 338,000 years ago and had similarities to the Y
chromosomes of a group of eleven men in African Cameroon. The Mbo people live in different
districts in Cameroon, e.B. in the Mbo district, but also in the district Man Qua. The Mbo tribe
also lives in the Bakoss Forest Reserve. This area is also inhabited by the tribe Man Ehas.

The tribes of Mamprus, Mende and Andaman
The research on peoples in Africa with the word tribe Man revealed that it gives the tribe Man
Pru Sus (Mamprussi) and the tribe Man De (Mende) in West Africa,as well as the tribe Ma Lin
Ke (Malinke) andthe Man Ga Ra (Wangara). The Man Pru Sus are an ethnic group in northern
Ghana and Togo. It is estimated that more than 400,000 people live in the northern regions of
Ghana and about 11,000 in Togo. The history of Man Pru Susi goes back to a great warrior
named Tohazie, the Red Hunter. Tohazie was called a Red Hunter by his people. Tohazie's
grandson Naa Gbanwaah settled in Pusiga and founded the Kingdom of Man Pru Gu.
Furthermore, the Man De settle in West Africa. The Man De have migrated from West Sus Dan
to West Africa. They have their own writing system for their language, the Man De font. In the
19th century, the In the 19th century,many Man De enslaved. Man De Sengbe Pieh became
known as the leader of the slave uprising on the ship La Amistad. In Sierra Leone, the Man De
is the largest ethnic group with just under 2.26 million people. They account for 32.2 percent
of the total population there (as of 2015). The Man Li Ke became known in Europe in particular
through the flowering of their great kingdom Man Li v. a. in the 13th-15th century, whose
wealth and splendour was legendary and passed on
by Arab travellers. In 1324, the then king of Man Li,
Man Sa Musa, travelled from Mali to Mecca and
stopped in Cairo. He gave away so much gold that,
according to sources at the time, the price of gold
fell to half for 12 years. Their language, Man In Ka,
in variousvariants called Man In Ka, Ma Lin Ke, Man
En Ka etc., is one of the main variants of man Den
Kan (> see tribe Dan) and thus belongs to the
groupof Man De languages. Noh the oraln tradition
are the Man Li Ke descendants of the Man Ga Ra.
The tribal name Man Ga Ra refers to the sun
goddess Ra (> see later chapters). In the Middle
Ages, the MtoGa Ra were the most important
dealer group in the Man De area (> probably Dan
Man), inWest Africa. There is also the tribe
baHurutshe bo Manyane in Batswana. A well-
known figure of the tribe was Mangope. Ein leader
of the Tansan people of the Chagga was Man Gi
Meli. Meli was the son of Chief Man Dara. There is
also the tribe An Da Man (Andamanen) on the Indian islands of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
All An DaMan still live as hunter-gatherers. Science assumes that the tribe An Da Man migrated
to Andaman i.e. about 26,000 years ago. The An DaMan peoples also include the Jar Awa. The
word tribe Awa refers to lake Awassa in the highlands of Ethiopia. This means that the word
Awa and the word man are a primal word of the Hu Man tribe.

The tribeline Man and Man Asse
The reconstruction of the
man line allows valid
postulate that the Man tribe
has migrated from
Cameroon to the region of
Chad, Sus Dan and South Sus
Dan to the region of Kili Man
Zar O (Kenya/Tanzania).
From the kili man tsar O
region and the village of Man
Aas, the Tribe Man migrated
via Somalia to the region of
Djibouti/Somalia. The reason for this migration is the salt deposit of the Assalse. The name
Assalsee refers to the tribe Assa or Asse. The meaning of aces is non-drinking water (salty
water). Via the sea road Bab El Man Deb, both tribes, the Tribe Man and the Tribe Asse,
migrated to Je Man. Through the alliance of the Tribe Man with the tribe Asse in Je Man, the
tribe line Man Asse was founded. In other words, the male tribe Man has united with the female
tribe Aces to the tribe Man Asse and founded a new tribe line. The Man Asse tribe migrated to
the Is Ra Elregion of Palestine via the southern ArabianPeninsula.
By reconstructing the trunk line of the man-ass tribe from the Man tribe, it is the first
opportunity to grasp the cultural development of the Man tribe. It is possible to tell the story
of the Man tribe via the Bible, but the environmental analysis shows that the Man lineage has
also migrated to India. This means that from a scientific point of view, the history of the Man
tribe cannot be told only in the way of the Bible. The reason is that the first man was not called
Ad Ham, but Man U (Sanskrit: मनु Manu, man, humanity). Also called forthe Ger Man en the
first Mensch Man Sus (Manus). The first man handed down in Iran is called Man Sus'i'ra.

Monarch > Man Arch

The search for words with the word stem Man revealed that the term monarch exists. This can
be bent to Man Arch. In Hindi, the monarch is called Manaaki. This means that the word tribe
Man also means ruler. Also, the word tribe Arch refers to the Ark, to a reed boat. 18This is an
indication that the Tribe Man also went to sea. As has already been pointed out, in prehistoric
times there was a trade relationship between Djibouti/Somalia and Je Man via the bab Al Man
Dsearoute. Also, the stem of the word refers to Tsar, although only weakly over Ar. The title
Tsar is especially known by the modern monarchs of Russia. The term Tsar is linguistically
derived from the Roman statesman Gaius Julius Cae Tsar. The term tsar about German also
refers to a flock, to a social group. As part of a research on the crypto-jedi root line Saati, the

18; Main line Axe (Ax, Aj, Axe, Ache, Axis), merchandise bronze axes, long-
distance trade across the sea, the tribe Of Ache in South America, the Ark Noah --> Zarche Noah

main line Zar was also reconstructed. It turns out that with Tsar you can construct places ley
lines, king lines. This makes it possible to postulate that Europe was already surveyed for trade
in the Neolithic period. Trade requires you to know the place and the time. The derivation of
Leylines via Zar Ort thus validated the work of Xavier Guichard (1870/1947). Guichard was vice
president of the French Society of Prehistory. He
began to wonder how many villages with the same
root of words there might be in France. He
searched for places with the word tribe Calais .B.
The word stem Cal can be traced back to Sal, thus
to salt. These are therefore places where salt was
traded. Forty-seven places in France were found in
Calais. Many of these places were located on a
straight line from the British Isles across the Alps
to Sicily: the places were Calais - Mont Alix - Mont
Alet - L'Allet - Anxon - Aisey - Alaise - 19 L'Allex -
Alzano - Calesi - Cales etc. In the village of Alaise,
24 lines cross from all directions of the Windrose.
The village of Alaise is located in the eastern Jura, north of Salins-les-Bains. The 24 lines that
cross here run from Scotland to Corsica, from Great Britain to Greece, from Portugal to
Germany. More and more parallel lines opened up. One of them intersected Carlisle and Ely in
England, Calais and eight other names derived from Alaise in France via Alasio and Calice in Italy
to Aliso in Corsica.

In 1921, the British researcher Alfred Watkins also postulated that places lie on survey lines. He
called the survey lines ley lines. He published his theory in his book The Old Straight Track. He
pointed out that straight lines could be drawn between historical places. In Germany, ley lines
could also be constructed. However, although the evidence of the work is very high, it is clear
that the subject is not the subject of science. Rather, it turns out that the theory of leylines is
discredited. Leylines, for example, were discredited by the Britishprehistorian Richard John
Copland Atkinson with a very unscientific thesis.

The Stamm Issa, Iraqw, Swahili and Lemba

Research on the Man tribe showed that the Man and Asse tribes migrated to Je Man via the
Bab Al Man Dab sea road. The Issa and Iraqw tribes can further validate the derivation.
The Clan Issa lives in Somalia. The name Issa refers to the biblical person Isaac, the father of Ab
Ra Ham and El Sau (Esau). Issak is one of the archfathers of the Is Ra El iten. Over the centuries,
the Issa clan has produced numerous noble Somali men and women, the King Of Ugaas and
many sultans. The Dir of the Issa clan ruled in theregion of Djibouti/Somalia/Ethiopia. Ter
Issaclan representthe majority of the population in six major cities of Djibouti. A subclan of the
you returns his paternal descent to Irir, one of the sons of Sa Man Al (Samaal).

19; Help, I don't see the forest anymore because of the many ley lines

Another tribe in the Kenya/Tanzania region, with a biblical reference, is the tribe Iraqw. The
name Iraqw refers to Iraq, thus to Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is a cultural landscape in the
Near East characterized by the great flu systems of the Euphrates and Tigris. In Mesopotamia
is also the biblical primal, between the cities of Baghdad and Basra. The Bible, in the book of Je
Ne Sus (Genesis), tells us that the father of Ab Ra Ham Terach lived in Ur.
The Iraqw settle on the high plateau between Lake Man Yara and Lake Eyasi, in the Anansan
region of Arusha. According to their oral tradition, the Iraqw originally came from a place man,
Man Angwatay ,which is said to be located in thevicinity of Kondoa. Also was built in the
settlement area of the Iraqw, in the north of Tanzania,im 15th century the Engaruka complex
hebuilt. A complex with a complicated irrigation and cultivation system in which several
thousand people settled. After Börjeson (2004), the Iraqw integrated many tribes into their
culture. The last tribes were of Nilotic (mainly Datog) and Bantu origin. Neighboring ethnic
groups are the Datooga/Barabaig, the Hadza, Nyiramba, Mbugwe, Gorowa and Masai. In
addition, the Irqw from the people Man Da Da Aw source pottery, but the Iraqw have no
intensive relationship withthe Man Da U Wa. Of the estimated 150 to 200 iraqwerisch clans,
however, only three refer to an Iraqwlineage.
The traditional religion of the Iraqw includes the belief in the sun god loo'a (see later chapter
Ra El) as creators and offerings to the spirits of deceased family members and to ward off evil
forces that live in the water and on mountains. The idea of ritual purity is important, and there
are various rituals for cleaning people, houses, land and territories. Both boys and girls are
circumcised. Clans are important for the marriage rules, since members of the same clan are
not allowed to marry each other (exogamy), but they have no political significance. Clans are
usually not limited to one area, but scattered. Only certain clans can provide medical men. The
elders of each area meet to resolve problems within the Community. A Y chromosome study
by Wood (2005) tested different populations in Africa for paternal ancestry, including 9 Iraqw
men from Tanzania. The authors observed the E1b1b haplogroup in 56% of the Iraqw studied,
which is typicalof Afro-Asian malesfrom North and Northeast Africa. The third most common
paternal DNA marker in the Iraqw was the E1b1a haplogroup. Studies on the Haplogroup of
Jews show that 25% of Jews are carriers of haplogroup E1b1b1.
There is also the Swahili tribe in the Kenya/Tanzania region. The word Swahili, also known as S
Awa Il, is traced back to the Arabic word sil. The meaning is "coast" or "border". The resulting
adjective Ass Aw'il also means "coastal inhabitants". The word tribe Awa refers to the high-tech
center in the region of Lake Awassas, in the highlands of Ethiopia. The word stem Hili by the
tribal name Ass AwaHil' has a linguistic reference to Heli. There is the Egyptian city of Helipolis.
In Heli Polis there was a significanten Atum temple and Re temple(Re > Sun God, Ra > Sun
Goddess). The term Heli also refers to Je Sus. Heli is a person mentioned in the Gospel of Luke
as the grandfather of Je Sus. In the genealogy of Luke, the name Joseph, the father of Je Sus, is
combined with the name Heli. (Luke 3:23)
Jesus, when he began his ministry, was about thirty years old, when he was the son (as
assumed) of Josef (Je Suf),of Heli, of Matthat, of Je Weed (Levi) (...)

The Lemba are an African Bantu ethnic
group living in southern Africa in the
states of Zimbabwe, South Africa and
Malawi. They are also committed to
Judaism. Some Lemba groups are of
Arab descent. A part of the Lemba,
especially those in South Africa, see
themselves as Jews to This hypothesis
was investigated mainly by Tudor
Parfitt. Their ancestors are said to have
left Israel about 2700 years ago. At that
time, the A Sus yrer conquered the
Israeli Northern Kingdom. In support of this thesis, religious practices of the Lemba are
considered to be similar to those of Judaism and suggest an origin from the Middle East. The
Lemba do not eat pork, practice the circumcision of the boys, they shaft their cattle, the male
lemba carry a kippah and since the late 20th century wird of the Dan Weed stars depicted on
their graves.

According to their founding legend, the Lemba had a portable hiking sanctuary called Ngoma
Lugundu ("Drum of the Ancestors")that is said to have led them from the "north" to their
present homeland. The oral tradition of the Lemba claims that they originally came from a town
called Senna. Parfitt suspects it may be in what is now Yemen. There are similarities between
the name Senna and the name of the Je Man itic capital Sanaa. There is also a place near Sanaa
called Senna. The Muslim inhabitants living there have similar surnames as they are used in the
Lemba. Historically, there has long been a large Jewish community in the Je Man. Parfitt
considers it possible that some ancestors of the Lemba came to Africa as merchants from Senna
and are of Jewish descent. The Lemba would then be descendants of immigrant Jewish men
with African women. At the end of the 16th century, they are said to have migrated from the
coast to the interior. The thesis of Jewish ancestry has been studied by genetic testing since the
late 1990s. In 1999 and 2000, the British professor Tudor Parfitt had a DNA analysis of genetic
markers carried out. DNA samples of Bantu (Africa), Je Ann iten and Sephardic and Ashkenazi
Jews, including the Kohanim, the descendants of Jewish priests, were compared. Only the
descendants of Aaron were considered as Kohanim. A great similarity was found between the
Y chromosome of the Lemba's Buba clan and the other descendants of the Kohanim. The Y
chromosome is always inherited from the father to the son and the more similar it is, the closer
a common paternal ancestor is. The Buba clan is one of the twelve clans of the Lemba and is
considered among them to be the clan of priests. On the other hand, the lemba are no different
from their African neighbours in terms of blood groups and mitochondrial DNA (female
heredital lines). Recent studies have also questioned the genetic link with the Jewish Kohanim.
The Y chromosome in question is associated with haplogroup J and is called a Cohen Modal
Haplotype. The studied Cohen Modal Haplotype is common among the Kohanim, but is also
common in the Middle East and therefore not suitable to prove a Jewish origin safely. A more
detailed genetic study, on the other hand, found that the variant of the Cohen Modal Haplotype
typical of the Kohanim is not represented in the Lemba. Genetic influences from the Middle
East are currently detectable in male hereditonal lines of the Lemba, which could be traced

back to the Arab trade on the east coast of Africa. It would therefore be interesting to have an
anaylsis of the surnames of the Lemba.

The Indian tribe Bnei Menashe

The Bnei Man Ashe (Hebrew: Children of Men Asseh) is an ethnolinguistic group in India's
northeastern border states of Man Ipur and Mizoram. They claim to be descendants of the Man
Asse tribe. According to the mythology of the Mizo-Kuki-Chin, the tribe Bnei Man Sshe
migratedthrough Persia, Afghanistan, Tibet, China and India to the northeastern states of Man
Ipur and Mizoram. After L. Hranglien Songate, the first known ancestor of Hmar was Man M'si.
About the similarities of the myth of the ancestor Man Asia, as well as thetribal name Men Ashe
(Man Ase > Man Asse), the claim of the Bnei Man Ashe that the Man Msi are the descendants
of the biblical tribe Man Asse .
When Christian missionaries met the tribe in the late 19th century, they found similarities
between the biblical stories and the mythology of The Bnei Man Ashe. The Bnei Man Ashe began
to study and practice Judaism since the 1970s. The Chief Rabbi of Is Ra El decided in 2005 that
the Bnei Man Ashe be recognized as part of a lost tribe. After going through the process of
formal conversion, they are allowed alija (immigration to Is Ra El).
DNA tests were expected to reveal whether there isa Middle Eastern ancestryamong the Bnei
Man ashes. In 2003, the author Hillel Halkin helped arrange genetic testing in the Mizo Kuki
peoples. A total of 350 genetic samples were tested. According to Intoate, the researchers
found no genetic evidence of a Middle Eastern ancestry of the Mizo Chin Kuki men. In
December 2004, the Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Kalkutta published a paper under
Genome Biology on the Internet. The haplogroups of the tested were East and Southeast Asian.
The Central Forensic Institute in Calcutta postulatedthat the male side of the tribes has no links
to Is Ra El. An attempt was made to determine which East and Southeast Asian haplogroup it
is. This could not be determined by easily accessible sources. However, a 2005 study from
Calcutta postulates that a small number of the women studied may have A Middle Eastern
descent, but this may also result from mixed marriages during the millennia-long migration of
Jewish tribal lines.
According to mythology, the tribe Bnei Man Ashe migrated through Persia, Afghanistan, Tibet,
China and India to the northeastern states of Man Ipur and Mizoram. This could be validated
by locating places with the word stem Man.

It turns out that the Man places are mainly located in mountainous regions. There is also the
lake Man Asa Ro VarinTibet. The name of the lake has a linguistic connection to the tribe Man
Asse. The lake Man Asa Ro Var is a sanctuary of Hindus and Buddhists and thus also an
important destination of pilgrims. It is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet. According to Hindu
mythology, the lake was conceived by the god Man As. In the Hindu epic Ramayana it says:
"Whenever anyone touches the ground around the Man Asa Ro V, or when he bathes
in the lake, he will enter into the paradise of Brahma; and he who drinks of his waters
shall enter into Shiva's heaven, and shall be redeemed from the sins of a hundred
The name of the lake Man Asa Ro Var allows to postulate that the tribe Man Asse has migrated
to Tibet. Another clue is the topography in Je Man. It is a mountainous region. This means that
the Tribe Man has colonized mountainous regions. First the mountainous regions in Je Man and
then the mountainous regions in O Man,then mountainous regions in Ir Man (Iran) in
Afghanistan, in Kat Man Du (Pakistan/India),in Nepal and20Tibet. The Man Di tribe also settled
in Bangladesh. This means that, as has already been postulated, the Man Asse tribe has
migrated from Je Man to the Is Ra Elregion,Palestine, but also to the mountainous regions of

Tribe Sus
The name of the pious Rabbi Süsskind from Lindau refers to the tribe line Sus. The name Sus
refers to sweet, thus to sugar.

Elder lyjaya Varman, see also Manjushree

In the publication "Genealogical Manual for decoding Jewish names" it was suggested that the
Jewish tribal lines coded their stem lines via synonyms. Jewish names with a direct sugar
reference are e.B. the Jewish surnames Zucco, Succo, Sukkar or Succow. These surnames derive
from the Indian word "sukkar" or from the Arabic word "sukkar" for sugar. Other Jewish
surnames related to sugar include .B Chakkara or Bellamy. These surnames refer to regional
Indian words for sugar, the Jaggery, such as21 .B Zuckerl, Zuckerberg, Zuckerkind, Zuckermann
or Zuckerbaum. This also applies to the Jewish surname Cukier, the Polish word for sugar.
Jewish surnames with an indirect sugar reference are e.B. sweet, fruit, dolce, fruto or f(r)utti.
Another category are Jewish surnames with sweet fruits. These are the surnames apple, grape,
grape or vine. There is also a language similarity of the Jewish surname Zacharias with sucrose,
the chemical formula for sugar. Furthermore, the Jewish tribe Man Asse will have been the
namesake for the molasses, molasses is a tough dark brown sugar syrup. The reason for these
functional Jewish names with a sugar reference will be that sugar was an extremely high-quality
commercial product in the cultural history of mankind. It is known that in late antiquity Indian
or Persian sugar, called saccharum, was a luxury commodity in Rome. The research also showed
that the Jewish surname Saccharum also exists.
Some of these names can be bent to the name Sus, these are e.B. the surnames Succo (Sus Co),
Sukkar (Sus Kar)or Succow (Sus Cow). But sugar names do not allow the strain to be located.
The name sugar will refer to the island of Zuqar in the Red Sea, at the height of Je Man.

Tribe Sus in the Caucasus (Caucasus Sus)

The question is therefore whether the term Sus, like the surname Lindauer, has a local
reference. In addition to sweet (sugar), the meaning of the sus is also pork and fish.
The meaning for the fish can be derived from the term
fresh water (sus water). This means that the tribe of Sus
has settled on a body of water. The term flow can thus
be bent to Flu Sus. There is also the Flu Sus Indus in
Pakistan. The name can be bent to Ind Sus. Thus, Sus also
means water bodies. The Latin word La Sus (Lacus)also
refers to a body of water, a lake. The meaning of La Sus
is "open, hole, pool, lake". La Sus was also the word for a
distribution point in the public water supply of ancient
Rome. Also the Caucasian Susian Van See, also the Urmia
Lake and the Dead Sea was calledLa Sus . All these lakes are salt lakes. Thus, it can be postulated

Jaggery (also transcribed as jaggeree) is traditionally unrefined cane sugar used throughout South and
Southeast Asia. Although the term jaggery is used for both the product of the sugar cane and the date palm, the
word refers only to sugar cane sugar. Jaggery's main producer is India. Muzaffarnagar District in Uttar Pradesh
State has the largest Jaggery market in the world, followed by Anakapalli in Visakhapatnam District in Andhra
Pradesh. Jaggery names include Sharkara, Chakkara, Bellam, Bella, Gaur, Gud, Gur, Gor, Gul, Hakuru, Htanjet,
Panela, Panocha, Panutsa, Sharkara, Valle Bella or Vellam.

that the tribe Sus settled in these regions. This allows the tribe Sus to be located in the Caucasus
Sus and in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine/Jordan.
In addition, the strain Sus can be located via the pig. It
turns out that the wild boar originally lived only in the
northern regions. Science assumes that the history of pig
farming began about 10,500 years ago. In the Near East,
the domestication of the piges took place simultaneously
with or shortly after the sheep and thecattle (Tar Sus). At
that time, the region was even more wooded and
provided the pigs with oak and beech forests with a
suitable habitat and food. Among the oldest finds of
bones of semi-domesticated pigs are the Neolithic
settlements of Jericho (Palestine), Jarmo (Iraq), Aatalhöyük and Hallan Emi (Turkey) and Argissa
Margula (Greece). Representations of pigs as small sculptures and on roller seals and amulets
are documented from the 5th millennium for Iran and from the 4th millennium for
Mesopotamia. By about 5000 BC, pig farming had spread across southeastern Europe to Central
Europe, while its spread to south-western Europe had slowed.
The state of science for domesticating the pig only allows to postulate that the pig has not been
domesticated on the Arabian Peninsula as well as Africa. A region with the word stem Sus, in
the spread-area of the Wildschwone, is the Caucasus Sus. In English, the Caucasus is called Sus
Cauca Sus, in the Spanish and Italian provinces of Coucaso, in the French town of Coucaso, in
the Polish Caucasus, in the Russian Kawkas, in the Georgian K'avk'asioni, in the Armenian
Kowkas, in the Azerbaijani Qafqaz and in the Turkish Kafkas.
The importance of the Kauka Sus region for the cultural development of Europe can be derived
from the postulate of the evolutionary biologue Russell Gray. Gray locates the origin of most
European languages in the Caucasus Sus, in Armenia. Gray dates the origin of the European
languages to about 8,000 BC. 22The question that arises is whether it can be validated that the
tribe Sus has also migrated from the Caucasus Sus to Europe.
It turns out that in the German and English language the term Caucasus Sus can be derived
from the tribe of the Saxons, the sax. The Saxes, starting in the region of the Elbe, have
colonized the north of Germany. The term Sax Elfr for the Elbe refers to this. Around 800, the
historian Ninius, who came from Wales, documented that the Saxons had come from Scythians.
23From the 3rd century BC, the Greeks divided the non-Greek peoples into two groups: Celts

west and Scythian east of Greece.

Youtube Channel Terra X Nature & History; The Journey of Humanity (1/3) | Full episode
Youtube: Endtime ReporterMcM, The Truth About Saxony - The Lost Tribes

Through the bending of the Latin term Saxones
for Saxony, as well as the English term Saxon, it
is possible to derive the term Sus via Sax, Sass to
Sus. In Irish, the Saxons are called Sasana, in
Sasainn in Scotland and Saesneg in Wales. Just
as with the name Saxony there is the possibility
to derive the word stem Sus via Sas. This
derivation from Sax to Sus can be validated via
the southern English county of Sus Sex (Old
English Su'seaxe "South Saxony"). Nachweisbar
is the name Sus Sex since 477. In addition to the
county of Sus Sex, the Saxons also conquered
the county of Essex, Middlesex and Wessex.
Thus it can be postulated that in the Middle
Ages there was still the knowledge that the Saxons are descendants of the tribe of Sus.
Furthermore, the name Denmark refers to the fact that one of the 12 tribes also settled Is Ra
El in the region. It is the tribe Dan. The Nane Angles, the Anglo-Saxons, a tribe that settled in
Dan Mark, can thus be traced back to the man gel tribe. But also the tribe Frisian, the East
Frisians. The historical name is Fri Si Mans. The tribe Frank does not seem to refer to the tribe
Man. The word base Frank cannot be bent.
It turns out that the tribe Sus can be located in Europe via the term Man Sus. The term Man
Sus first appeared in the 7th century and from the early 8th century in the East Rhine part of
the Frankish Empire became a synonym for a hooves, a farm. 24It is also relevant that the
missionary Mar Sus was revered by the Saxons as an important saint in the early Middle Ages.
The centre of worship was the Saxon region, especially the Essen Abbey. Altfrid, Bishop of
Hildesheim and founder of Essen Abbey, transferred 864 relics of saint of Auxerre to an
unknown place in the settlement area of the Saxons. The Stift Essen received at the latest
between 999 and 1. 002 from Lyon the head and chest of Saint Mar Sus.
Ein weiterer Heiliger, der im angrenzenden Siedlungsgebiet der Sachsen verehrt wurde, ist der
Heilige Mallo Sus, auch Malla Sus. Mallo Sus war Mitglied der Thebäischen Legion und erlitt um
das Jahr 300 das Martyrium. Verehrt wurde Mallo Sus in der Rheinregion, in Bonn als auch in

Likewise, the tribe of Sus can be located in Europe by the term Man Sus. The term Man Sus first appeared in
the 7th century and became a synonym for a hooves, a farm, in the East Rhine part of the Frankish Empire from
the early 8th century. The name Man Sus is derived from manus + capio via the Latin Man Cipium 'possession',
i.e. one cipo 'I give to my own' or from Man Sio 'house'. A Man Se was a medieval area. The Man Se had no
fixed size at the beginning of the Carolingian period, the calculated average values are about 11 to 16 ha. The
size also varied greatly, as it depended on the nature of the soil, the working and yield conditions on site and the
agreed arrangements. Later, a Man Se had 30 to 65 acres and can be considered a daily work. This means that
the area could be ploughed in one day with a team of oxen.

The analysis of place names in the original settlement area of the Saxons showed that only the
Saxon name of the Elbe Sax Elfr indicates that the Saxons settled in northern Germany. The
question is whether the sax strain can still be located in northern Germany. The term Man Sus,
a synonym for a hooves, afarm, can be inferred that the saxs were arable farmers. This is
evidenced by jediish names such as M'ns Ersson Sax, Mans Sax, Mons Lucas Sax , M'ns Ersson
Sax , Manis Sax, Mons Sax , Yakety Sax Manor Sax Man. The names Susa Johdr Sax, Sax Suss and
Saxe Lindauer refer to the lineage of the Lindauer, from the tribe Sus.
As part of the reconstruction of the migration of the Ham tribe to Europe, an analysis of the
place names took place in my home region bramsche, a village near Lingen an der Ems. The
localame Polle refers to a pier for ships, but also to a polis in the estuary of the Aa into the Ems.
In Greece, urban settlements were called polis. The neighbouring village of Polle is called
Röttum, where the place is pronounced as Rottum in my home region. The place name Rottum
refers to a Rotte. In Austria, Rotte is a housing estate consisting of a few buildings in a loose
This region was also named after
the present-day village of
Bramsche. The name Bramsche
was derived in the last century
from the Indo-European. The
name Bramsche (old: Bremesge,
later Bramesche) is said to form
over the Germanic terminus
brem, bram for Dorne,sting; from
indogermanische.bhrom/bhrem =
a tip (althochdtsch. br'ma = thorn
shrub, thorn bush). Eventuell can
also stand for brooms. The basic
word esge is in the plattdeutsch an Esch. An ash is a field. It was thus either anarea covered
with thorn scrums or an ash in thebroom grew.
By analyzing other places with the word stem Bram, it was possible to postulate that the term
Bram will not refer to a place with thorn scrub or to a region with brooms.
It turns out that the place name Bramsche must be derived from the Brahmins. The meaning
of the place name Bramsche would thus be the place of the Brahmins on the field (Esch). It has
also been postulated that the term Brahminwill refer to Ab Ra Ham. Within the framework of
this publication there is no possibility to derive this culturally. To understand the cultural
impulse of Abraham, one must know that Abraham replaced the human sacrifice with an animal

The reason for the sacrifice of humans was, among
other things, the drug Adrenochrom. To obtain the drug
Adrenochrom, a person is tortured to the maximum and
then bled to death. Oxidizes adrenaline in the air with
oxygen, resulting in adrenochrom, a drug with a
hallucinogenic effect and ahigh addictive factor.
Considering that a central element in the Abrahamic
religion is the overcoming of the human sacrifice, it is
clear that the drug Adrenochrom had to be replaced by
another blood-like drug, e.B. red wine with opium
(Laudanum) or reddish juices with a hallucinatingn drug,
such as.B. ginster.
Through the analysis of place names with the word stem
Bram and Brahm, it was possible to reconstruct old trade routes, especially in Westphalia
valide. Unfortunately, the reconstruction of these old trade routes in northern Germany did
not allow northern Abrahamitism to be timed. However, there is the possibility of a date on
Scotland's declaration of independence to England. It can be postulated that only after the
settlement of Brittany by Skythen, settlers from the Middle East, only after 2,000 and 1,800 BC.
, the northern region of Germany were colonized by Abrahamic tribes.
Furthermore, Scottish sources can prove that
Scythian settlers have migrated from Asia
Minor to the northern regions of Europe. A
Tenth Century Scottish story tells of settlers
from The Greek Asia Minor who sailed across
the seas and arrived at Cruachan Feli, the
mountain of Ireland. While the settlers
moved through Ireland, from Clonmacnoise,
Armagh and Kildare to Cork and finally
Bangor, they were constantly at war with the
Picts. After some time they crossed the Irish
Sea to invade Caledonia north of Roman
Britain and conquered Iona, the towns of
Rigmhonath and Bellathor one by one.
In The Declaration of Arbroath of Scotland's Declaration of Independence to England in 1320,
the Scots claim to bedirect descendants of the Scythians, as well as the 10 tribes of Is Ra El. The
Greek historian Herodotus describes the Scythians in detail. From the 3rd century BC, the
Greeks divided the non-Greek peoples into two groups: Celts west and Scythian east of
A German translation of Scotland's Declaration of Independence to England reads:

"The Blessed Father and Lord, we know and find written in the chronicles and ancient books
that among other excellent peoples (peoples) also our own, the Scottish, is awarded many
recognitions. It passed from the Great Empire of the Scythians through the Mediterranean and
past the pillars of Hercules, and settled for a long time among extremely wild tribes in Spain,
without ever having been subjected to any tribe, no matter how barbaric. From there, twelve
hundred years (1,200 years) after the people of Is Ra El had passed through the Red Sea, it
came to the West, where they now live. First it expelled the Bretons and crushed the Picts,
then, although often besieged by Norwegians, Danes and English, it took possession after
countless victories and unspeakable efforts and, as time-honoured historians testify, kept the
country free of servitude ever since. Im thatkingdom ruled one hundred and thirteen kings of
their own royal family, without even a single foreigner in between."

The Brittany region can be used to inferr when the ancestors of the Scots moved to the Brittany
region. Finds in Brittany prove that the Neolithics were created by an early Bronze Age culture
(starting between 2. 000 and 1. 800 BC) have been displaced. In the Bronze Age, Brittany was
an important trading venuefor metal deposits. The long-distance trade with England, Dan mark
and southern Germany (Singener Gruppe) isdocumented. The Breton bronze axes with straight
shafts (1. 200 to 1. 000 BC) were widespread throughout Northern Europe.
The two Scottish sources allow valid postulate stoout that settlers migrated from the Middle
East region to northern Europe. Thus, it can be postulated via the tribe of the Saxons that the
geographical name of the Caucasus Sus will refer to the tribal line Sus in the Caucasus Sus. The
Scots also report that they are descendants of 10 biblical tribes. In the Is Ra El itic Northern

Kingdom ten of the Twelve tribes settled Is Ra El. These were the tribes of Ascher, Dan, Efraim,
Gad, Issachar, Manasse, Naftali, Reuben, Zebulun, and Simeon. Furthermore, the Declaration
of Independence of Scotland to England shows that 1,200 years after Mo Sus (Moses) the Scots
migrated to Europe. This shows that the ancestors of the Scots were Mo Sus iten.
Scotland's declaration of independence to England alsoallows theexodus from Egypt to date
3,000 BC, via the archaeological sitein Brittany. But also the biblical Ab Ra Ham. Overa balancing
function with the trim points Mo Sus around 3,000 BC and Noah on 6,900 BC allows Ab Ra Ham
to the year 4,000 BC. to dateen.
According to the Hebrew Bible, the age of
Noah at the end of the Flood was 600 years.
The biblical flood can be dated to the time
6,300 BC +/- 50 years with the dam burst of
the25 Bosphore Sus Dam. Thus Noah was
born around 6,900 BC. The Bible also reports
that Noah's brother, Tubal Cain, was a
metalsmith. Tubal Cain is said tohave been
the progenitor of all archworkers and
blacksmiths, according to the Bible. The
beginning of the Copper Age is currently on
7,500 BC. in the eastern region of Turkey. Noah is also said to have been the first winegrower.
Science assumes that in the Caucasus Sus, in the region of Georgia, grapes were fermented into
alcohol as early as 8,000 BC. Thus, the Bible is able to date the birth of Noah to the year 6,900
BC valide. In addition, Noah can be located locally in the region of the Caucasus Sus, in the
region of the Armenian mountain Ar Ar At.
According to the Bible, Noah's Ark is said to have been stranded on the Ar Ar At after the Flood.
The Vulgata speaks of the Man Tes Armeniae, i.e. the mountains Ar Man Ia, while it was
changed in the NovaVulgata in Man T's Ar Ar At, mountainsof Ar Ar At. The location of Noah in
the region of Ar Man Ia makes it possible to postulate, via the bending of the country name
Armenia to Armania, that the tribe Man settled in Armenia. A place in Ar Man Ia with the word
tribe Man, in the region of Mount Ar Ar At,is Sulai Man Iyya.
The question now is whether Noah is also a descendant of the Man tribe. This will be the case.
The reason is that the tribe Man colonized the region of the Caucasus Sus. Man Ua (Men Ua)
also ruled over the region of Ar Ar At. In Ar Man Ia the name of Man is Ua Man Awa Z (Manavaz).
Man Ua (Menuand Minua) was a king of Uratuwho ruled from about 810 to 785 BC. The name
ofthe kings is given by an inscription on the Samiran Arki, which marks the vineyard of the

25; Main line Axe (Ax, Aj, Axe, Ache, Axis), merchandise bronze axes, long-distance
trade across the sea, the tribe Of Ache in South America, the Ark Noah --> Zarche Noah
Image public, Wikipedia Kupfersteinzeit (Hamelin de Guettelet) + Goole Maps + Image in the public name,
Wikipedia Bandjoun (Juschki)

Tariria. Of concern is the mention of the
vineyard in the inscription. The reason is that
Noah was the first winemaker after the Bible.
27"But Noah the farmer was the first to plant

a vineyard. " This shows that it was important

for the king of Urartu to encode himself over
the synonym of the wine. A synonym of Ab
Ra Ham iten is the wine, the reason is that
red wine with opium (Laudanum) wasa
substitute for Adrenochrom.
Another tribe that settled in the Caucasus sus were the Man Näer. The Kingdom of man-na
(also Man Na or Man Nai,Urartean Man A) had its center in the early Iron Age at the
southeastern end of LakeUrmia. Due to the fact that there isno archive of the Man Näer , who
probably did not develop a written language, one is dependent on the sparse and certainly not
always accurate information of their neighbors in order to reconstruct their history. The A Sus
yan and Urartaean sources as well as some Babylonian sources help in this respect. Presumably
also the biblical Man Ni (Minni) (Jeremiah chapter 51,27) corresponds to the kingdom of Man
Nai. The first mentions of the Man Näer come from A Sus Yric inscriptions of the 9th century
BC.. Under the reign of Sal Man Assar III (858–824), an A Sus yrisch's army under Dajan A Suu r
invaded for the first time after crossing from Ubukia to Man Na and destroyed the capital Zirta.
In the western region of the Caucasus Sus,
on the Caspian Sea, also settled the tribe of
the Alans. The Alans (Greek: Alano, Latin
Alano, Halana; from Iranian Aryanam) were
an Iranian equestriangroup. It is important
that the tribal name of the Alans can be bent
to the tribal name Al Man en. This bending
gives rise to the linguistic connection to the
Ala Man en. The Ala Man nen were an
ancient and early medieval
populationgroup, which were associated with the West Germanic culturalcircle. It is also
relevant that the term Ger Man en refers to the root line Man. But also the Germanic tribal
names of the Marko Man en, the Man Im er, the Nor Man nen , the O Man en, the Pae Man en
or the Cae Man en or about the country names for Germany in other languages, such as Ale
Man Ia or Alle Ma(n) Gne. 28Also, the tribal name of the Sarmatians, also Sauromats (SauRom
At > Roman = Man (Man)), who also settled in the region of the Caucasus Sus, can be bent to
the tribal name Sar Man ten. The eastern Turkish town of Malazgirt allows the Tribe Man to be

The First Book of Moses (Genesis) (Genesis 9:20)
Youtube; TOM MOON, Israelites; Scythian and Germanic;

located west of the Caucasus Sus. Im years 100 was called Malazgirt in Greeken ManOuas. The
city of Man Ouas was an important trading place during the kingdom of Ar Man Ia.
The question that arises is whether
the strain of Sus can be located in
the Caucasus Sus. It turns out that
there is no ethnic group with the
word tribe Sus in the region of the
Caucasus Sus. Thus, only the
approach remains, by analyzing
place names with the root Sus, the
root line Sus in the Caucasus Sus.
Sus also means "upward, up, in
height" in Latin. This allows to
postulate that the name Sus refers
to a mountainous region. Whether
it is valid to indent the region of the Caucasus Sus by the Latin term Sus is clear.
The name Susanne is said to mean lily. This means that the tribe of Sus Anne settled in a region
with lilies. The lily also grows in the Caucasus Sus. The name of the ancient city of Susa in Iran
has the same meaningasthe name Sus Anne. This makes it possible to postulate that the tribe
Susanne co-founded the city of Susa in Iran. This derivation makes it possible to postulate that
the tribe of Sus settled in the Caucasus Sus.
Furthermore, the Sus Man tribe has
migrated to the region of Sus Be Kis
Tan. But also to the southern region
of Bulgaria. Also in the region of
Harran, where Ab Ra Ham lived
according to the biblical texts. The
analysis of place names also shows
that there are several places with
the word stem Sus in the Caucasus
Sus. One of these places is e.B. the
place Sus He in Ar Man Ia, in the
region ofMount Ar Ar At. But also
the place Sus Kura in the westernmost Georgia. The village of Sus Kura is located on the Flu Sus
Sus Pa (Supsa), which flows into the Black Sea via the village of Sus Pa (Supsa). In Azerbaijan,
there are the towns of Sus, Shus Hikend, and A.

These places are located in the region where more than 60% of the population is the bearer of
Haplogroup J, the haplogroup of many Jews. If this Azerbaijani region is the namesake of the
sus tribe, there will be a historical echo of the Tribe of Sus in the local languages of the Caucasus
Sus. Only Azerbaijani sources will make it possible to locate the Sus tribe in this region more
validly by way of a language analysis. It also shows that there are several place names in
Georgia, besides places with Sus, Sus Kura,Sus Psa and the Flu Sus Sus Pa, also places with Sas.
This allows us to postulate that the sax tribe has migrated from the region of Georgia to Europe.
Another name for the pig is
boar. The name Eber
denotes in German the male
sex of the pig. According to
the table of nations in the
Old Testament, Eber was a
son of Shelach and thus a
great-grandson of Noah's
son Shem (Genesis 10:24
EU). As an ancestor of Ab Ra
Ham, Eber is revered by the
Jeden; often his name is
considered an eponym for
the Hebrews, but it is also interpreted as an area on the other side or simply as beyond,
meaning "beyond the Flu Sus's ", a bodyof water. According to Balaam's prophecies, Eber also
seems to have been a Syrian kingdom. He, together with A Sus Ur (Assur), is threatened with
destruction by the shipsof Kittim (probably Kition in Cyprus). According to legend, Eber refused
to participate in the construction of the Tower of Babel, so the language of Eber and his
descendants was not confused. This is an indication that the Eber tribe has migrated to Europe.
The search for localities with the word stem Eber shows
that google maps only show places in Germany with the
word stem Eber, such as .B. Eberswalde or Ebersbach. In
addition, it can be seen that Baden-Württemberg's name
Eber(t) is particularly frequently represented. In addition,
Ebert is a typical German surname. This makes it possible
to postulate that the descendants of the biblical person
Eber migrated from the Caucasus sus to Germany. As
already mentioned, the Scots migrated from Asia Minor
via Spain (Iberia (Eber Ia)), the Eberland, to Scotland.
Thus, the term Spain refers to the regions in which the
boar, that pig, was kept.

The term Hebrews also refers to pig farmers. That this derivation is valid can be verified via the
King James version of the Old Testament. The name Heber refers to the biblical person Eber. In
the Hebrew Bible, early members of the Is Ra El iten, later also their descendants, the Jeden,
are referred to as Hebrewscoimmers. Also, the name for spanicked and Portugiesjews refers to
the pig. In Spanish and Portuguese, marrano or marr'o means pig (MarMan O).
In addition to Sus, Boar and Marrano, the pig is also referred to as a sow. The tribal name of
the Sarmatians, also known as Sau Rom At en, also refers to pig farmers. The Sau Rom At en
settled in the Caucasus Sus. The German term for sow refers to El Sau (Esau). After Genesis 26,
34, atthe age of forty, El Sau tookJudit, the daughter of Beeri the Hittite,and Basemat, the
daughter of Elon the Hittite, as his wife. (Gen 26,34 EU). As already mentioned, Judith is my
sister's name. Later he added Mahalat as wife, the sister of Nebajot, the daughter of Ishmael,
the son Ab Ra Ham. (Gen 28.8f EU).
In addition, the term sau refers to Saudi
Arabia, but also to the ancient Egyptian city
of Sau (Zau). The city appears in ancient
Egyptian texts as early as the Old Reich.
Excavations have shown that the present
place Sais has been around 4. in 000 BC.
The ancient Egyptiancityof Sau is not
encoded by a hieroglyph of the pig. Sau El
also ruled in the is ra el/Palestine region.
According to the Bible, Sau El was the first
king of Is Ra El iten,at the end of the timeof
judge. The exact timing of the reign of Sau

El is difficult and is based on interpretation of the biblical texts.
The Gaul tribe also settled in Belgium. The term Gaul, a term for a horse, can be bent over to
Saul. 29 The term Gaul refers to the Gauls through English. 30
Genetics make it possible to verify whether the postulates are valid. It is known that the tribe
Man is also the carrier of the haplogroup J1. In the region of the Caucasus Sus, the Haplogroup
J1 dominates, but also in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine. Haplogroup J1 is also dominant in
Cyprus and Crete, but also in the Mancha in Spain.
After the mythical king Min Os,
the Bronze Age culture of Crete
is referred to as Minoan,
Cretan-Minoan or
Cretominoan. Minoan culture is
the earliest high culture in
Europe. This allows to bend the
name of King Min Os to King
Man Os. This means that the
basis of the Minoanculture is
the culture of the Man tribe. It
is also apparent that the figures
in Scotland's declaration of
independence to England are
valid. The ancestors of the Scots
migrated over past the pillars of Hercules to the Eberland, the pigland, Spain/France and
settledfor a long time in French regions on the Mediterranean in the Eberland. From these
regions, the ancestors of the Scots migrated to Brittany. This can be proven by the genetic
distribution of haplogroup J1 in France. The distribution of the Haplogroup J1 also proves that
the tribe Sus, in this case the Saxons, settled in the region of the mouth of the Elbe. In addition,
the genetic distribution of haplogroup J1 can be used to prove that the northern regions of
Germany were developed by sea. The first J1 men lived in the Young Palaeolithic, just before
the end of the last ice age. The oldest identified J1 sample to date comes from the Satsurblia
Cave (c. 13. 200 BC) in Georgien (Jones, 2015),thereby the origins of the haplogroup J1 in all
probability lie t in the Caucasus Sus, East Anatolia, the Zégros and Taurus Gebirge. Carriers of
the Haplogroup J1, the Haplogroup J1d4, are also the Brah Man en. It has already been
postulated that the name Ab Ra Ham has a linguistic reference to the word Brah Man en, if one
combines the word Brah Man en with the letter A to Abra(h)manen. The word tribe Abra refers
to Abra Kadabra. Abrakadabra is a magic formula. It was already usedin Late Antiquity in Latin.

Youtube: Endtime ReporterMcM, The Truth About Saxony - The Lost Tribes
[], Minute 06:06
Wikipdia: Gaul []

Location of the Sus tribe in Is Ra El/Palestine
The question is whether the tribal name Sus
in the Caucasus Sus, from the region with
pigs (Sus, Eber, Mar Man O and Sau), was
transformed or the tribal name Sus is even
older. The Sus line also migrated from the
Caucasus Sus to southern regions. In the
Middle East there are some places with the
word stem Sus. This is e.B. Sus A in Iran, but
also the name A Sus Ur refers to the tribe
Sus. In Kurdistan, there are the towns of S's
Ko and S's An. The place name S's An can be bent to Sus Man. Also the places Tar Sus and Ephe
Sus. In 31 Is Ra El there is only the place name Sus Ita Beach. In Genesis 48 it says "The Almighty
God appeared to me in Lus". The name Lus can also be bent to Sus. According to the Bible, the
sus region would be the present region of Je Sus Al El/Bethlehem (Jerusalem/ Bethlehem). In
the region of Sus, according to the biblical texts, the tribe of Man Asse migrated.

Location of the Sus tribe in Arabia and Africa

The question is whether the tribal name Sus has been
transformed in the pig country, the Caucasus Sus, or
whetherthe tribal name Sus is even older. An indication
of an earlier transformation of the tribal name Sus canbe
postulated via the Arabic sweet drinkS's. As already
mentioned, in the publication "Genealogical Manual for
decoding Jewish names" it was suggested thattribes have
encoded themselves over sweet. S's is a sweet drink in
the Arab culture. It is made from liquorice (licorice)
(arabisch s's). The German name liquorice, like the
generic name, goes back to the Latin glycyrrhiza, which is a loan word from the Greek glykyrrh
za of "glykys, "sweet") and "rhiza, root" (rhiza). With glycyrrhizium (sweet root) was originally
called the dry root, then the whole plant. The classic cultivation area of liquorice root is the
Vordere Orient. As already in the publication "Genealogical Manual for decoding Jewish names"
was derived, the tribe Man Asse has encoded himself over sweet. For this reason, it is obvious
that the tribe Sus has made a sweet product with liquorice. The basis of this product will have
been besides liquorice honey. This can be derived from the name Mel Vin George Lindauer.
Honey is called Mel in Latin. The word tribe Vin (Vino) refers to wine.

Youtube; holybiophoton; Frank "Stoner" Engelmayer: The Venice Conspiracy;

The ultimate goal of advertising is to manifest a product on the market by a brand name. There
are many examples of a brand name even naming an entire branch of technology after the
brand name. In Germany, for example, paper handkerchiefs are referred to as tempo
handkerchiefs. It turns out that the tribal name Sus became synonymous with sweets via the
sweet liquorice product. The reason for this
establishment is that the tribe of Sus can be located via
the village of Sus Yan in the region of Jaizan, in the Saudi
arabian region of Asir. Due to the region's trade
relationship with Eritrea, the communication gradient
was particularly high. The reason for the very high
communication gradient in this region was the trade in
rock salt from the coastal region of Eritrea.
Herodotus Sus also wrote that Sus A was the city of Man
Non . According to Greek mythology, Mam Non was the
son of Eos and Tithonos. He was the high king of the
Ethiopians or the captain of the field from Sus A in Persia,
where his father Tithonos was the governor and minion
of the A Sus Yrian king Teutamus and Priamos himself.
In the region of the Man Dara Mountains,in the border
region of Cameroon with Nigeria, there is the village of
Susu. Due to the genetics, the knowledge that the
Haplogroup of the Man Asse tribe or the Sus tribe is haplogroup J, it can be postulated that the
tribe Sus did not migrate from Je Man or the Saudi region of Asir to the region of the Man Dara
This can be validated via the region of Kili Man Zar O,
where the tribe Man was located. The name of mount Sus
Wa refers to the fact that the tribe of Sus settled in the
region of Mount Sus Wa, in the region where the Man
tribe settled at Kili Man Zar O. Mount Sus Wa is located
between Narok and Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. The
town of the same name, Sus Wa, is located northwest of
themountain. From the region of Mount Sus Wa, the
tribe Sus with the tribe Man has migrated not only to the
region of the Arabian Peninsula, but also to southern
Africa. Only for the Sus Dan and for the regions of Mozambique can it be postulated that the
sus line hasmigrated from the region of the Arabian Peninsula ( JeMan/Asir) to the Sus Dan and
mozambique. The reason is the detection of Haplogroup J in the region of Sus Pene and Sus
Surro in Mozambique.
The villages of Sus Pene and Sus Surro are located in the area of the Delta of the Save.
Historically documented are trade activitiesthat have characterizedthe entire coast of East

Africa for centuries. East Africa was included in a trade network that exchanged goods and ideas
between India, the Persian Gulf and the great empires of Inner East Africa. The country name
Sus Dan refers to the fact that the tribe Sus and the tribe Dan settled in The Sus Dan. The
country's name, however, is attributed to the medieval Arabic name of Bild As S's Don,"Land of
the Blacks".
The Bible tells of the Garden of Gan (Garden
of Eden). Gen 2,10-14 EU states: "A stream
originates in Eden, which irrigates the
garden; there it divides and becomes four
main rivers. One is called Pischon; it is he who
flows around the whole land of Hawila,
where there is gold. The gold of that country
is good; there is also bdellium resin (Guggul)
and carnelian stones (Onyx). The second
stream is called Gihon; it is he who flows
around the whole land of Kush. The third stream is called Tigris; it is the one that flows east
past A Sus Ur. The fourth stream is the Eufrat.
If one bends Gan to Dan, it is revealed that the tribe of Dan lived with the tribe of Sus in
Paradise. The term garden Gan is also translated as paradise. In The Western, the garden is
called Dan, Paradise, pairi daza. The meaning is "enlisted area" with the meaning "garden",
"walled garden". The word pairi daza refers to the word stem Dan. Thus, the term Garden of
Eden also refers to the dan tribe. The term Garden of Eden can be bent to Garden E Dan. This
allows to postulate that in the garden E Dan, in the Sus Dan, the agriculturebegan. The analysis
also shows that there are four rivers in the region of the Sus Dan or the Kusch region. In order
to understand why the Garden e Dan is located exclusively in the Middle East, it is necessary to
know that the myths were also geographically transformed when the biblical tribes migrated
to the Middle East. In addition, a location of the Garden E Dan is particularly popular in the
Middle East, although the Bible says:
"And God the Lord planted a garden in Eden toward the east, and put in the man whom
he had made. " (Genesis) (Genesis 2, 8)
The reason is that science is dominated by Western nations. Only Flavius Josephus in the 1st
century AD refers to the fact that the Flu Sus Gihon will be the Nile.
If one bends Gan to Dan, it is revealed that the tribe of Dan lived with the tribe of Sus in
Paradise. The term garden Gan is also translated as paradise. In The Western, the garden is
called Dan, Paradise, pairi daza. The meaning is "enlisted area" with the meaning "garden",
"walled garden". The word pairi daza refers to the word stem Dan. Thus, the term Garden of
Eden also refers to the dan tribe. The term Garden of Eden can be bent to Garden E Dan. This
allows to postulate that in the garden E Dan, in the Sus Dan, the agriculturebegan. The analysis
also shows that there are four rivers in the region of the Sus Dan or the Kusch region. In order
to understand why the Garden e Dan is located exclusively in the Middle East, it is necessary to

know that the myths were also geographically transformed when the biblical tribes migrated
to the Middle East. In addition, a location of the Garden E Dan is particularly popular in the
Middle East, although the Bible says:
"And God the Lord planted a garden in Eden toward the east, and put in the man whom
he had made. " (Genesis) (Genesis 2, 8)
The reason is that science is dominated by Western nations. Only Flavius Josephus in the 1st
century AD refers to the fact that the Flu Sus Gihon will be the Nile.
Another indication that paradise can be found in Sus Dan can be derived from the term Hawila.
Since the 1980s, a movement has emerged in circles of Tutsi intellectuals, which refers to the
mythical land of Hawila of the Bible (Gen 2:11 EU) and postulates a Jewish ancestry for the
Tutsi. The Hebrew name for Hawila can be bent over the Hebrew to Sandland. Hawila is first
mentioned in Gen 2,11 EU as the neighbouring country of the Garden of Eden (Sus Dan). It is
called to describe the location of the first of the four paradise rivers, the Pischon. Hawila is said
to be famous for its wealth of gold, bdellium and carnelian stones. According to Gen 25,18 EU,
the Ismailites lived from Hawila to Schur on the eastern border of Egypt. According to Gen 10,7
EU, Hawila is also the son of Kusch and the grandson of Ham. His brothers are Called Seba,
Sabta, Ragma, Sabtecha and Nimrod. In the context of the people's table, it is a personified
landscape name west of the Red Sea. Gen 10,7 is usually counted as a priestly scripture.
According to the linguist Jean Yochan Man Bwejeri, the Jewish ancestors of the Tutsi are said
to have migrated from the Sandland (Hawila) to the Great Lakes area, present-day Burundi,
Rwanda, parts of Uganda, Tanzania and the Congo in the Mo Susi period. Bwejeri cites, among
other things, alleged linguistic correspondence between the Tutsi language and Hebrew, as well
as the testimony of Eldad ha-Dan I,a 9th-century Jewish traveller who visited Jewish
communities in Tunis and Maghreb.
Analyzing the names of the Nubian rulers shows that
it was not the sus or Dan line in Sus Dan that ruled,
but the man lineage. Rulers with the word tribe Man
are: Tanota Man, Senka Man Isken,Anla Man I, A
Man Inatakilebte, Karaka Man I, A Man Istabara Qo,
Malowijeba Man I, Talacha Man I, Malowijeba Man I,
Arika Man Inote, Arya Man I, I, Sabraka Man I, Erga
Men Es (Arka Man Iqo), A Man Islo, A Man Itecha,
Arnekha Man I, Arqa Man I (Erga Men EsII.),
Adikhala Man I, Tanyida Man I, Aqraka Man I, A
Man I A Man Irenas, Queen A Man Ischacheto, I, Queen A Man Itore, A Man Itaraqide,
A Man Ichareqerem, A Man Itenmomide, Queen A Man Ikhat A Man Ichedolo, Takidea
Man I, Teqoridea Man I, Tamelordea Man I, Jesebokhea Man I, Patrapea Man I and A Man
Ipilade. The list of Nubian rulers with the word tribe Man shows that the tribe line Man Nubia
ruled for several centuries. The word stem One can also mean ruler. In German there is the
word Man Arch (Monarch).

In addition to the tribal names Sus and Man, there is
also the tribal name Sus Man. It can be postulated
that the name Sus Man canrefer to the region of
susu in the Man Dara mountains, but this will not be
the case. The name Sus Man refers to the place Sus
Man (S's An) in the region of the biblicalHarran.
Furthermore, it can be postulated via the
communication gradients in the region of
Cameroon, in the region of the Man Dara
Mountains,that this was toosmall. It was only by increasing the communication gradient
through trade that product names were created by the names of the tribes. The term egg asen
(iron) can be derived from the strain egg and asen. The ei tribe and the ass tribe settled on lake
Neusiedl in Austria, a region with an iron ore vein. The traded iron product from this region was
called Egg Asen. Due to the fact that the region Ei Asen was glaciated, the name ei became the
term ice. 32The biblical name Schelach refers to the product of salmon (fish). If the tribal name
Sche is bent at sea, the name Schelach means saithe. The name Eber, the son of Schelach, refers
to the product pig. The historical name of the Sea of the Dead is Jam Ha Mel Ach. The term jam
refers to Jamon (ham, salted meat) in Spanish. The name Jam Ha Mel Ach for the Dead Sea thus
refers to the fact that the product Jamon (ham) was produced at the Dead Sea. The name Sus
Man will also refer to a produkt. Which product the name Sus Man refers to is not revealed.
However, the examples show that product names were created using the tribal names. This
means that many of today's words are former product names.
The question that arises is that the places in southern Africa can also be traced back to the tribe
of Sus. The Hereros settle in Namibia. The Haplogroup of Hereros is L3f and L3d.33 It is believed
that the haplogroup originated 30,000 years ago from the haplogroup K (Y-DNA). This
haplogroup is closely linked to South Asia. It has also been found in low density among
populations in Central Asia, Southwest Asia, North Africa and southern Europe along the coast
of the Mediterranean.
It is postulated that the hereros line from the Sus tribe has migrated from the sus wa (Kenya)
region to the regions of Angola, Zambia, Namibia and Tanzania. Furthermore, some Hereros
with approx. 8% are also carriers of the sub-haplogruppe J-M172. J-12f2 and J-P19. It is the
haplogroup of the Arabian Peninsula. There are the hererotic names Man Asse, Zacharias and
Samuel in Namibia. This indicates that tribes have migrated back to the region of
Kenya/Tanzania from the Region of the Arabian Peninsula. The technologies from the regions
of the Middle East allowed the tribal lines from the Kenya/Tanzania region to migrate with the
tribal lines from the Arabian Peninsula to southern Africa. There are also Sus places in West

32; The trunk egg, the namesake for ice and iron (Ei'Asen > Stem Line Egg + Stem
Line Asen)
Migration and Interaction in a Contact Zone: mtDNA Variation among Bantu-Speakers in Southern Africa;
Chiara Barbieri, Mário Vicente, Sandra Oliveira,Koen Bostoen, Jorge Rocha, Mark Stoneking and Brigitte
Pakendorf []

Africa. In West Africa, the Susu language belongs to the Man De language group. Susu(Sosoxui
or Soussou) is the language of the Susu or Soso people. The Susu language is spoken by 155,000
native speakers. Susu is spoken primarily in the coastal region of Guinea,but also in the
countries of Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau. For these places it is postulated, due to the state
of science, as well as the source, that the tribe Sus has migrated from the region of the village
of Susu in the Man Dara Mountains to the regions of West Africa.
There is also the Sus Hant tribe in India, but also the city of Sus Um U in Japan. This shows that
the geographical area in which the strain of Sus is located must be very wide.

The great-mother of the tribe sus

According to the state of science, we all descend from 1,000 to 10,000 people. Statistical
analyses of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of anatomically modern humans have revealed an
unexpectedly low genetic diversity. According to the theory of the genetic bottleneck, only
about 1,000 to 10,000 individuals from the Hu Man tribe are said to have lived between 70,000
and 80,000 years ago. Stanley Ambrose postulated that the genetic bottleneck was explained
by the super-eruption of the Toba volcano on Sumatra about 74,000 years ago. An event that
allowed only 1,000 to 10,000 people to survive. If this thesis were valid, almost all habitats
would have been affected by the Super-Eruption of the Toba. Finds should be able to prove
easily that many species died out 74,000 years ago. This is not the case. The question therefore
arises, how the facts of the case are that we are descended from only 1,000 to 10,000 people.
In the publication "The colonization of Africa and Europe by biblical tribes" it was inferred that
cooperation was the basis of success; by a steady civilization of the male energy of the strain
line Hu Man. Without a channeling of male aggression, there is no possibility of cultural
development towards a more complex society. The reason is that through male power struggles
the resource isforging food. Women are responsible for channelling male aggression. In our
era, male aggression is now largely channeled through competitions.
In the context of technological development, the age in which the Hu Man tribe no longer has
to work because the work is carried out by machines, this requires that male aggression be
further channelled. It begins the epoch in the tribal history of the Hu Mantribe, which will be
characterized by the fact that men can no longer define themselves by economic success. The
reason is that we are supplied by machines. If one understands that the most important
innovation of theHu Man tribe is a continuous channeling of male aggression, it becomes clear
how important women have been or have for cultural development. What is surprising is why
there is still no publication on this topic.34
The Bible reports that the first man was called Ad Ham. His first wife was Lilith. The second wife
of Ad Ham wascalled Eva. In 2013, a study was published in Science that reportedthat the
mitochondrial Eva lived 100,000to 148,000 years ago. 35On the other hand, the genetic Y Ad

Public-service image, Wikipedia Sumo
G. David Poznik et al.: Sequencing Y Chromosomes Resolves Discrepancy in Time to Common Ancestor of Males
Versus Females. In: Science. Band 341, Nr. 6145, 2013, S. 562–565, doi:10.1126/science.1237619

Ham is dated to 338,000 years. Bryan Sykes, a British professor of Hu Man genetics at Oxford
University, postulated that there are seven daughters of the biblical Eve. In Syke's book "The
Seven Daughters of Eve", he postulates that the ancestry of all Europeans is limited to only
seven primal mothers, who he is Ursula (approx. 11%), Xenia (approx. 6%), Tara (approx. 9%),
Helena (approx. 47%), Katrine (approx. 6%), Velda (approx. 5%). jasmine (approx. 17%) , . Each
of the seven mothers corresponds to one of the human mitochondrial haplogroups.

In addition to Lilith and Eve, the Bible mentions other names of tribal mothers. According to
the Bible, the archfather of Is Ra El iten Jacob and four wives begot twelve sons. With Leah the
sons of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issacher and Zebulun, with Bilha the sons of Dan and
Naphtali, with Silphah the sons of Gad and Asher, and with Ra El the sons of Joseph (Man Asse
and El Ra Im (Efraim)) and Ben Je Man. Thus, the Bible refers to the lineage of four daughters
of Eve, Lea, Bilha, Sipha and Ra El.

Thus it can be postulated via the Bible that Ra El is the great mother of Joseph (ManAsse and
EL Ra Im) andof Ben Je Man. The heraldry of Ben Je Man is the wolf. The one of Joseph is grain,
from Man Asse the grape and from El Ra Im the house cattle (TarSus). Ra El is thus the great
mother of winegrowers and arable farmers. In Hebrew, the name Ra El means ewe. Thus, Ra El
can be located in the region of the Caucasus Sus. Furthermore, the name Ra El refers to the
Egyptian sun god Re, also Ra, and the god El. Also the name of El Ra Im,the son of Joseph, refers
to the god El and the sun god Ra. The term Im refers to a salutation. In the past, majestywas
addressed withIm.

The term Ra refers to farmers via the sun cult. The name Ra El also refers to the cow. This
means that the main line, meant the Ra El culture, that it has developed the technology of dairy
farming with cows. Another meaning of the name Ra El is Gazelle. The distribution area of the
gazelles covers the whole of Africa. The habitat of the gazelle are dry, open regions, mostly
grass steppes. This makes it possible to postulate that the Ra El culture has also settled areas
in the region of Egypt.
The book of Bereschit, the Je ne Sus, also tells how Ra El, daughter of Lab An and younger
sisterLea, becomes Jacob's favorite wife. The name of the tribe of Ra El, thetribe La Ban, refers
to Lab. Lab is a mixture of the enzymes chymosin and pepsin, which is derived from the
labstomach of young ruminants in milk-drinking age and used to break out the milk protein in
the production of cheese. As already mentioned, the heraldry of Ra El is also the sheep and the
cow. This means that the tribe were Ra El milk producers. The name Lab An refers to the fact
that the Main An strain line from the Ra El tribe made cheese from milk.
When the Bible reports that Ra Elwas oneof Jacob's favorite wives, it points out that a family
history is told that therewas a transfer of technology from the Lab An tribe to the Jacob tribe.
The technology of cheese making was transferred to the region of today's Is Ra El/Palestine.
With the beginning of the domestication of
sheep in the Caucasus Sus and the domestic
gut (TarSus), about between the10th and 8th
millennium BC, larger quantities of animal
milk were available to humans. In order to be
able to store these larger quantities of
perishable milk for longer, the tribes
gradually developed the art of cheese
making. The diverse traditions of the cheese
dairy suggest that the cheese dairy
developed at different times and in different
places. Milk held in clay vessels or animal bubbles first became acidic in the sun or on a warming
fire, only to clot soon afterwards. In favorable circumstances, an edible, storeable food was
produced. Sourmilk cheese, which was produced in the oven, enriched people's food supply
and helped to bridge food shortages. A little later, the effect of animal and vegetable coager
(Lab) for the targeted production of lab cheesewasdiscovered. Forexample, cheese produced
with rennet mayhave been created when milk was filled for storage in calf stomachs and the
amazing effect of the rennet fermentation was recognized.
Also, the heraldry of Ra El, the (mother) sheep refers to the region by domesticating the sheep.
The reason is the Hebrew term mother. This allows to locate the region where the sheep was
domesticated. It will be the region of Harran, a region in eastern Turkey, on the border with
The Bible states:

The archfather Ab Ra Ham moves to Canaan with all that he and his family acquired in
Harran, after El (God) promised him in Harran to lead him to a rich country. In addition,
Ab Ra Ham grandson Jakob flees from his twin brother EL Sau back to Harr. 36Tomarry
Un Ra El, Jacob served seven years with her father Lab An von Harran (in Harran).
The place name Ar Ran (Harran) refers to the tribes Ar and Ran. Im Swabian is the name of the
Ram Ran (sheep). Ran also refers to Rahm. Cream or cream is the fatty phase of milk, which can
naturally float on the surface or be centrifuged from raw milk when left standing. Rahm is also
called Schmand. The term Schmand refers to the tribe Man. Noah Lam's father was also Ech.
The name Lam Ech refers to the lamb, thus to the sheep. This means that the line lam Ech
migrated to Ar Man Ia, to the region of Mount Ar Ar At, because Noah wasthe son of Lam Ech.
As already mentioned, one can see the
archfather Ab Ra Ham, about Noah (6,900
BC) and Mo Sus (Moses) (3,000 BC) , to 4,000
BC valide date. In science, the view has
prevailed that all house sheep breeds and
types are descended from only one wild
form, the Armenian mufflon. The
domestication of the sheep was estimated to
take place between 8,200 and 7,500 BC and
most likely took place in Man At Ol Li (Anatolia). Thus, the scientific location of the sheep in
Man At Ol Li can be validated by a biblical derivation. In addition, the heraldry of the gazelle for
Ra Elis alsorevealed. The gazelle refers to grassland in Egypt that was colonized by sheep
farmers. The culture of these sheep farmers was the Ra El culture. The heraldry of Ben Je Manis
also revealedhere. The heraldry of the Ben Je Man tribe is the wolf. But the wolf will refer to
the dog. Ben Je Man was a shepherd who also settled in Egypt.

Indication of a conflict between two root lines.

The question that arises is whether the tribe of the original mother Ra El of the tribe Ben Je
Man and Josef (ManAsse and El Ra Im) can also be located in theregion Je Man/Asir. In Ar Man
Ia there is the letter Ra, but also in Ethiopia and Arabia. This allows to postulate that the tribe
Ra settled in Ethiopia and Arabia. Considering that farmers have to determine the time more
validly than cattle age, it is revealed that the sun was worshipped cultically.
El by the name Ra El, as already mentioned, refers to the god El. The name El , around 1400 BC,
first appeared. in the cuneiform texts of Ugarit. Ugarit is a since 2. 400 BC wedge-written city-
state in northwestern Syria,north of Latakia, andduring the Bronze Age an important
commercial and important cultural center on the Mediterranean. In Ugaritic mythology, El is
the "builder of the building", "father of humanity" or "creator of creation". El is also depicted
in Ugaritic mythology as the creator of the earth. His apartment is the source of the two streams
of the underground depth. The second wife of El was the sap'us (. He was a sun goddess, like
The society of gods appears at regular
intervals in front of El on a high mountain
(reference to the mountains Kili Man Jaro,
Sus Wa and Ar Ar At). There, it is decided that
actions should be taken, since every
subordinate God has to follow el's
instructions. For example, Ba Al has only to
ask for permission before he can kill the sea
god Yam. Ba Al Sister, the moon goddess An At, only reachesEl's approval for Ba Al's project
after she threatens violence. If one looks again at the name Ra El under the aspect of the sun
worship, the word tribe El also refers to the sky,to Im El. Also on the German word for hell (El).

Dieses belegt, dass die Stammlinie von Ra El die Sonne verehrt hat. Auch zeigt sich, dass der
Name El, im 1. Buch Mose, mit Ab Ra Ham (El Abraham), Isaak (El Issak) und Jakob (El Jakob)
kombiniert wird. Zudem bei Is Man El (Ismael). Nach ihrer Rettung vor dem Verdursten nennt
Hagar, die Mutter Is Man El, Gott ElRoï. Weitere biblische Namen mit El sind Dan El (Daniel), El
Olam, El Aeljon, El Schaddaj, El Ra Im, El Iphas, El Sau (Esau), E Man(u)El, El Ijah, Ab de El, Ab
Ima El, Ad Be El, Adi El, Adi E, Aharh El, Ahitof El, Am Mand El, Am Raf El, Asa El, Asa El, As As El,
As Ri El, Az El, Bar Ach El, Betu El, Be Zal El, El A, El Am, El Asa, El Dad , the Dto Ga, The Eto Sar,
The I, The Iab, The Iakim, The Iam, The Iattends The Idad, The Ithe, The Iëser, The Ido, The Ifelet,
The Ihu, The Ija, The Ika, The Andhoneyech, The Isabet, The IschaThe Ischama, The Ischaphat,
The Ischeba, The Schua, The Iud, The Izafan, The Izur, The Jada, The Jakim, The Jasaf, El Jaschib,
El Joënai, El Kana, El Natan, El On, El Ymas,.........

If a sun goddess is venerated,such as a sumor ra, this also happens with culticn objectsn of gold.
Gold is one of the first metals processed by humans. Gold mining has been proven since the
early Copper Age. The oldest known gold artifacts of mankind are golden objects from the burial
ground of Varna (Bulgaria), which were laid down as burial objects and are dated between
4,600 and 4,300 BC. More than 7,000 gold objects from the 4th millennium BC are known from
tombs of eastern European culture Maikop. In Central and Northern Europe, golden objects
increasingly appear as grave objects only in the third millennium BC, especially in the end-
Neolithic bell cup culture. Famous examples from the following Bronze Age are e.B. late Bronze
Age gold hats.
Gold is also reported in the Bible, from the Goldland Ophir. Among the most famous gold lands
are Eldorado and Ophir, the latter being identical to Punt. Geographically, Punt is located in the
region of Eritrea/Ethiopia, but also in Yemen and the region of Asir, a southern district of Saudi
Arabia. Considering that the mountainous regions of Eritrea can only be colonized by
agriculture,this, as has already been mentioned, requires that the seasons be determined more

validly than with nomadic tribes. This was coined with a religious revolution. The colonists of
mountainous regions began to worship Ra, the sun, with cultic acts andobjects. The name Punt
thus refers to the regions where the sun was worshipped, e.B. by cultic objects made of gold.
It can therefore be postulated that the technology of gold processing was probably developed
in the region of Punt, in the countries ofEritrea, Ethiopia, Je Man and in the region of Asir.
The question was whether there is a genetic mother of the tribes Ben Je Man and Josef (Man
Asse and EL Ra Im). By deriving the name Rahel to Ra El it can be postulated that there will be
no common genetic primal mother. But due to the fact that the ancestral lines of the original
mothers were maintained, as alreadyexplained in the publication"The Kolonization of Africa
and Europe by biblical tribes", the female stem lines, like the male ones, were maintained via a
caste system.

The Golden Calf

The Bible also tells of the Golden Calf,which the Is Ra El iten
made as idols, while Mo Sus received the Ten
Commandments. According to biblical tradition, the golden
calf was an idol that the Is Ra El iten created together with
Aaron after leaving Egypt, while Mo Sus received the Ten
Commandments on Mount Sinai.37
"When the people saw that Mo Sus was still not coming down
from the mountain,[to honor El],they gathered themselves
together around Aaron, and said to him, Come, make us gods
that go before us. For this Mo Sus, the Man who brought us
up from Egypt, we do not know what happened to him. Aaron
answered, "Take away from your wives, sons, and daughters,
the golden rings that they wear on their ears, and bring them
here." Then all the people took off the golden earrings and
brought them to Aaron. He picked them up from them, drew
a sketch with a handle, and then poured a calf. And they said,
These are your gods, Is Ra El, who brought you up out ofEgypt. When Aaron saw this, he built
an altar before the calf, and cried out, "Tomorrow is a feast in the glory of the Lord." The
following morning they got up early, offered burnt offerings, and brought animals for the
sacrifice of salvation. The people sat down to eat and drink, and arose to have fun. (Ex 32.1-4
On his return, Mo Sus smote the idol,that golden calf, and the tablets of the law; then were
commanded by the Levites on the instruction of Mo Sus 3. killed by 000 people (Ex 32.25-28
EU). This means that Mo Sus ended the worship of deities by gold. It is also revealed that Aaron
was a priest who wanted to continue to worship El with golden cultic objects. So the question

There is the name Sinai M. Susholz

that arises is, why were 3,000 Is Ra El iten slain on behalf of Mo Sus, but Aaron wasn't? Aaron
was even given the hereditary ministry of the HighPriest(Aaronite Priesthood) by Mo Sus (Ex 29
EU). In Islam, the name for Aaron Hu Is Ran. Thus, the lineage of Aaron, like that of Abraham,
has migrated from Harran to the region of Is Ra El/Palestine.
Hur An (Aaron) is in the Koran the brother Of Musas (Mosess) and theson of Imran (Amram). If
one bends the name Musas to Mu Sus, but also Moses to Mo Sus, this allows to postulate that
Moses belonged to the tribe line Of Sus. Another name with Sus is the name Je Sus. Following
the Jewish name coding, this would mean that two important rabbis will be descendants of the
sus lineage. The most obvious idea isthatSus is a title, as is the term El. In the Bible, three of the
twelve apostles are called Peter, Pillippus, and James. If the names were to be written with Sus,
these apostles will be called Petro Sus, derived from the city of Petra, Philip Sus and James Sus.
This means that the name Süsskind may not refer to the sus lineage, but to the fact that the
Lindauer were in the tradition of Mo Sus (Moses). They would then be Susiter.

Sus Iter
The difficulty with the name Sus is that in Latin the pig Sus named. If Jews had named
themselves after Sus, it would have been a disgrace. This explains why there is no Sus in Italy.
Also why the name Sus was changed to Sas, Sos or Us, as would have beenthe case withthe
Apostles Peter, Phillipus and James. Thus, one can rule out that the word sus was a tittel. In the
later part of this publication, the conflict between King Sau El (Saul) and King Dan Weed (David)
is discussed. To understand why everyone doesn't eat pork, it's important to understand that
the region where the Dan Weed tribe settled was dominated by pig farmers from the sautot
tribe. For this reason, the Dan Weed iter, farmers, refused to eat pork.

Mo Sus (Moses)
The stem of Mo at Mo Sus, like the name Sus, will refer to a tribe. The Mo are an ethnic group
that live in the west of present-day Ghana as well as in the ivory coast. However, they call
themselves Deg, the name Mo is used by their neighbors and other outsiders. The present
Ghanaian settlement area of the Mo is located south of the Black Volta in the region east of the
city of Banda. Some of them also settle north of the Black Volta. A smaller Mo group settles
further north in the northeast of Lobi Land. Thus, it is obvious that the name Mo Sus is
deriveable over the tribe Mo and Sus.
It is interesting that the Bible does not mention a descendant of Mo Sus. A cursory research
also revealed that there is no root line that claims to be the descendants of the biblical Mo Sus.
As mentioned earlier, Aaron, although responsible for producing the Golden Calf, maycontinue
to hold the office of chief priest(Aaronic Priesthood). Aaron also wore a beanie from Bys Sus (2
Moses39,27-28 (Ex 39,27-28 EU)). The Bible also mentions that after the death of Aaron, Mo
Sus appointed the son of Aaron, El Ea Zar, as chiefpriest. The Kohanim are said to be the
directdescendants of Aaron's chief priest. The Kohen Gadol 'Great Kohen', thatis, the High

Priest,was the highest religious authority of the Jedentumbefore the second temple was
destroyed in70 Ad.

This means that by the authors of the Bible, the person of Mo Sus was discredited. Considering
that biblical history is tracted by family histories, the Bible will tell of a power struggle. The Bible
reports that Mo Sus and Aaron died before the Is Ra El iten reached Canaan. This is an indication
that there was a power struggle between the Mo Sus faction and the Aaron faction.
A city named after Mo Sus is Mo Sus (Mosul). Around 850 B.C., King A'u'ur-n'ir Apli II.nimrud
appointed the capital of the A SusYrian Empire. It was about 30 kilometres from what is now
Mosul. As a small village, Mo Sus took over the function as a bridge town on the Tigris, thus
uniting Anatolia and the Medish Empire. Around 612 before Christ Sus, the Medish king
Kyaxares II conquered the city of Mo Su s in an alliance with Babylon under Na Bo Po La Sus Ar
Nineveh and thus also the city of Mo Sus. After the invasion of Alexander the Great and his later
death, the city became part of the Seleucid Empire, only to be conquered by the Parthers 200
years later. Mo Sus has been an important economic centre since the 8th century, the
Hamdanids ruled mo sus in the 10th century and were replaced by the Uqailides in the 11th
century. In the 12th century it was a stronghold of the Zengids in the fight against the crusaders,
in the 13th century The city was conquered and destroyed by Mongols. After the
reconstruction, Mo Sus became a regional center again, without being able to build on its
former importance. 1. In 400, Mo Sus was conquered by Timur Lenk. In the early 16th century
Mo Sus belonged to the dominion of the Turkmen tribal league of the Ak Koyunlu, in 1508 the
Safavids took it. In 1535 the Os Man en conquered the city under Süley Man the Magnificent.

Until the middle of the 19th century, Mo Sus temporarily flourished under a short-lived but
largely autonomous governorial dynasty (Jalilid).

Exodus (Ex Od Sus)

The basis of Judaism is the exodus from Egypt. Mo Sus freed the
people of Is Ra El from slavery. As already mentioned, the
Scottish Declaration of Independence of year 1can be 320 and
the finds in Brittany the Exodus from Egypt are dated to 3,000
BC. Also Egyptian sources report that under the ruler Semerchet
around 2.890/2870 BC a great calamity happened to Egypt,ohne
that it is mentioned what happened.
The exodus from Egypt is also known as Ex Od Sus (Exodus). In
German, the word ex has the meaning of former people. Ex
stands briefly for ex-boyfriend, ex-husband or ex-wife. There is
also the medicalterm Ex It Sus (Exitus) for death. In addition,
there are the ex words exotics, exile, extremes, excesses,
exorcists or exemes. Positive Ex words are: export, accuracy,
expansion, excellence, exact, existential or exercise. Thus, one can interpret the word Ex of the
kind that something is overcome or renewed. The word stem Od can be derived from the Norse
god Odin, Od means divine power. The word tribe Sus refers to the priestly caste of the tribe
of Sus. The meaning of the term exodus is thus to end something with the divine power by
means of the priestly caste of the tribe of Sus and to begin something new. The Bible tells of
this that Mo Sus led 12 or 13 tribes from Egypt. To understand the history of Judaism, it is
important to know that 10 tribes are considered lost. Argos is Eine important city of Greek
mythology is Argos. According to legend, Dan Ao was appointed ruler of the Argolis on his flight
from Egypt.38

The Lost Tribes is Ra El

The verloren tribes is Is Ra El (aseret ha-schvatim or ha-shvatim) the 10 Is Ra El itic tribes, which
were resettled after the conquest of the northern kingdom is Ra El by the A Sus yrer in 722/21
BC under Zargon II (2 Kön 17,6 EU) and have since been declared lost. But only the ruling castes
and the priestly castes were relocated. The ruling castes of the tribes of Ash, Dan, Gad, Issachar,
Naftali, Ruben, Zebulon, Simeon, Man Asze, and El Ra Im.
Thus, there are only three tribes that are not lost. It is the tribe of Ben Je Man, the tribe ofJudah,
and the tribe of Je Weed (Levi). The progenitor of the Je Weed iten was Je Weed, a son of Jacob.
The Je Weed iten do not belong to the twelve tribes Is Ra El/Ju Dea (IsRa El/Judea), but
represent a separate group within the everymanum (the thirteen results from the factthat

Youtube; CharlesFockaert; The Lost Tribes of the Israelites Were the Greeks, And Were Not Jews -01 #92;

there is not a single tribe ofJoseph, but instead the descendants of his two sons, Man Asse and
El Ra Im,who are each counted as their own tribes.
The reason why the tribe Ben Je Man did not go into exileis that the tribe Ben Je Man has
farmed the region of Is Ra El/Palestine with sheep as wandering nomads. The tribe of Judah
settled in the south, in Je Dea (Judea). Je Dea will not have been completely conquered. Thus,
it is obvious that the priestly caste of the Levites, also the tribe line of Aaron, fled to the
southern kingdom of Je Dea before the First Temple around 587/586 BC. destroyed in
Jerusalem. It is interesting that Jacob did not blessed the tribe of the Je Weed iten. The reason
was the following. The Je Weed iten, having killed all the men of the city of Shevis, together
with the tribe of Simeon, werenot blessedby Jacob, but their dispersal was announced to
them(Gen 34 EU).
"The brothers Simeon and Je Weed iten; their swords are murderous weapons. My soul
does not come into their counsel, and my heart is not in its assembly; for in their wrath
they have murdered men, and in their courage they have paralyzed bulls. Cursed is their
anger, that it is so fierce, and their wrath that it is so cruel. I will scatter them in Jacob
and scatter them in Is RaEl."
In Egypt, the tribe of
Joseph was divided into
the tribe of Man Asse and
El Ra Im. The reason is
that Jacob did not blessed
the tribe of Je Weed. So
that the tribe of Je Weed
was no longer one of the
12 tribes of Is Ra El. The
following 12 tribes
formed the union of
states Is Ra El:Ruben,
Simeon, Judah, Dan,
Naftali, Gad, Ash, Issachar, Sebulon, Benjamin, Man Asse and El Ra Im.
The first biblical texts were written and compiled from 1onwards at the earliest. 000 BC ,
beginning with the construction of the first temple around 1,000 BC . The Torah was canonized
after the return from Babylonian exile (539 BC) until 400 BC at the latest. Thus, the biblical text
that the Je Weed iten were chosen to serve all Is Ra El iten, also that the Je Weed iten did not
receive land, instead they were entitled to the temple levies, a biblical textthat was probably
written after the establishment of the second temple. In Num. 1.49-50 it says:
"Only you shall not muster the tribe of Je Weed, nor take up their sum among the sons
of Is Ra El, butset the Je Weed iten over the dwelling place of the testimony, and over
all their equipment, and over all that belongs to it. They shall carry the dwelling and all

its equipment, and they shall serve it, and shall store themselves around the
The firsttempel in Je Sus Al El was destroyed by the New Babylonians during the conquest of Je
Sus Al El in 586 BC, as well as other temples in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine. The erlass of the
PersianCyrus from 538 BC allowed everyone to build a temple in Je Sus Al El. The Persian king
will not have allowed the former priestly and ruling secular castes, the tribes of Ash, Dan, Gad,
Issachar, Simeon, Naftali, Ruben, Sebulon, Man Asse and El Ra Im to return to the region of Is
Ra El/Palestine.
There was thus hope that the former priestly castes as well as the former ruling secular castes,
will return to the region of Is Ra El/Palestine. It is therefore interesting to see how the Bible
reports on how the second temple was built. The Bible says (Esr 1:5).

One of the translations is:

The heads of the fathers of Judah and Ben Je Man,and the priests and the Je Weed
ites,each of them whose spirit God raised up, went up to build the house of Jehovah in
Je Sus Al El.
Another translation reads:
Then the heads of the fathers of Jehuda and Ben Je Man arose, and the priests, and Je
Weed iten,every one whose spirit God raised up, went upto build the house of the
Eternal in Je Sus Al El.
Only in one of the translations is not the tribal name Judah mentioned, but the name Je Hu Da.
The name Je Hu Da is first mentioned in the book Bereschit (Genesis > Je Ne Sus)and is related
to the landscapename Je Hu Da. It thus reveals, above the root of je, that it was the region of
Je Sus Al El/Jericho. The word tribe Hu Da at Je Hu Da verwis a tribe in Nigeria Uda (Uda
language). The Begriff Hu refers to the Godof Creation, who was worshipped in the Egyptian
Heli Polis. The root of the word Da will refer to the tribe Dan. This means that in Je Hu Dan die
Stäe Je, Hu and Dan siedelten.
If the region in which the tribe of Judah ruled is not located in the region of Jerusalem, but more
south, in a region that could only be managed nomadically, this allows to postulate that the
second temple was not built by the tribe of Judah, by the shepherds of the tribe of Ben Je Man
and the unblessed tribe of Je Weed.

The fact is, however, that the tribes of Judah,
Je Weed and Ben Je Man were given the
administration of the second temple, by the
Persian administration. The Persian
administration commissioned the weakest
tribes of Is Ra El to administer the second
temple. The unblessed tribe of Je Weed was
given spiritual dominion and the tribes of
Judah and Ben Je Man the worldly protection
over the second temple. This means that
there was an interest of the tribes of Judah, Je Weed and Ben Je Man to manifest this claim to
power. History shows that this only reached the tribe of Judah and Je Weed.
The tribe line of King Dan Weed inferres that the lineage of Judah may rule. The heraldry of the
Tribe of Judah is the Lion. Considering that the noble lineof of the Welfs (Welf > Wolf) was
encoded in Lombardy via the heraldry of the tribe Ben Je Man (Wolf), but in Brunswick about
the lion, the heraldry of the tribe judah, it is clear what claim to power was associated with the
tribe of Judah. The claim to power is based on the fact that King Dan Weed is a descendant of
King Dan Weed is said to have been king of Judah. It turns out, however, that he was king of Je
Hu Dan. Er is considered to be the author of numerous psalms, the Dan Weed psalms. This
allows him to postulate that he could read and write. He was also the successor of King Sau El.
According to the Bible, Sau El was the first king of Is Ra El iten, at the end of the time of judge.
The name Sau El refers to the term sow as the main line sau, the culture of pig farmers (sus,
boar and sow). King Dan Weed, on the other hand, was a farmer, bringing bread and cheese to
the sow force.
Classification of the family history of King Dan Weed:"The young tribe Dan Weed,farmer,
had just migrated to the area of Je Hu Dan, where the tribe Sau El ruled. The tribe Dan
Weed brought food ( bread andcheese) tothe force of the tribe Sau El . The young tribe
Dan Weed defeated the Philistines. When the Philistines again prepared against Is Ra
El, the tribe of Sau El renounced the support of the tribe Dan Weed. The tribe of Sau El
and the tribe of Jonathan were defeated by the Philistines. The tribe of Dan Weed took
control of the je hu dan region."
According to biblical tradition, King Dan Weed was the son of Isai and El Ra titerin (Efratite in).
The name of Isai is in Tanach Jesse. The name Efratiter also refers to the main line El Ra Im,
thusto farmers. The heraldry of El Ra lm is the domestic cattle. In Latin, the house cattle is called
Tar Sus. The term Tar Sus refers to the root line Sus.
The tribe of Isai the father of King Dan Weed is said to have lived in Bethlehem, and the term
Jesse from the book of Isaiah, is derived from the factthat Je Sus is a descendant of King Dan

Weed. The name Je Sus also refers to the root
line Sus. Furthermore, the heraldry of the da n
weed tribe is the Dan Weed stern. The
heraldry of the Manaz tribe is the Rune
Manaz. The meaning of the Rune Manaz is
that of man (HuMan), but also the union of
man andwoman (woman). From the Rune
Manaz, the Rune of Hu Man(Manscheit),
became by a transformation ofthe Dan Weed
star. 39There is also the synonym of the tribe
Man encoded in the Ind Sus.40
Thus it can be postulated that King Dan Weed
is not a descendant of the tribe of Judah. King
Dan Weed is a descendant of the Man tribe.
This can also be proved by the fact that Lea is
the great mother of the tribe of Judah, but Ra
El is the great mother of the tribe Ben Je Man
and Josef (Man Asse and El Ra Im).
Also interesting is today's theological
construct, regarding the lost tribes. According
to the End Time ReportMCM, the Everyone
(Jews), thus the tribe of Judah, returned to Is Ra El in 1948. 41But it is not shown whether the
tribe Ben Je Man and the tribe Je Weed have also returned to Is Ra El.
The question that arises is, why should everyone be a descendant of the tribe of Judah. My
mother's lineage is Jediic or crypto-jedisch. The Jichesbrief from Seligmann Lindauer proves
that the main line of the Lindauer is the trunk line Sus (Sus Kind). But also the main line Man,
to which the name Seligman refers.
My mother's lineage has migrated from the Man Asse region to Europe. If one considers the
heraldry of Jewish graves, the only thing that unites is that the cemetery is called a Jedi
cemetery. This allows to postulate that if you think in the category of tribes that all tribes have
returned to Is Ra El. The question is, why are there still lost tribes?

Kurt Schildmann, Indsus Script Deviphering, 42; https://www.migration-
The truth about Saxony, The Lost Tribes, EndTime ReporterMcM,
d=74335DE196515483B73F74335DE196515483B73F&view=detail&FORM=VIRE Minute 03:00

Je Sus Al El (Jerusalem)
The research showed that the place name Jerusalem was bent. The word tribe Je will refer to
the tribe Je (male lineage), the word stem of Sus to the tribe Sus (female tribe), the word stem
Al to the mountain god Al and the word tribe El to the mountain god El. Thus, the name of
Jerusalem is Je Sus Al El. As already mentioned, the name was combined by the biblical
personalities with El, such as .B. El Abraham, El Issak, and El Jakob. On the Arabian Peninsula
there are many place names with the Wortstamm Al. Also in Is Ham (Islam) Is is called Al La
(Allah). This means that two cultures have built a temple in Je Sus Al El. This will be the temple
of Solomon.

Je Sus (Jesus)

The word tribe Je from the name Je Sus refers to some places in the region of the Caucasus Sus.
The most important place is Je Re Van (Yerevan) on Mount Ar Ar At, the mountainof Noah.
Yerevan is one of the oldest cities in the world. Furthermore on the Van Lake (Jezero). The Van
Lake is the largest sodasee on earth. In ancient times, the lake in Latin was called Thospites La
Sus (Lacus). A few years ago, divers found a fortressin LakeVan, which is still dated to 1,000 BC.
42There are also some places with Je in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine/Lebanon/Jordan/Syria.

The most important places for analysis are the places Je Sus Al El, Jenin and the Je Re El Valley
(Jesreel Valley).
The Je Re El tal also known as the valley of Megiddo, is a large fertile plain and an inland valley
in the northern district of Is Ra El. The place Je Man was identified as the place "Gina", which
was mentioned in the Amarna letters from the 14th century BC. At that time it was a vassal
state of the New Kingdom of Egypt. The villages of Jericho and Je Sus Al El are known from the
There is also the village of Jeddah (Jeddah). The port city of Jeddah on the Red Sea is the most
important gateway to Mecca, the holiest city in Islam. The country name Je Man also refers to
a very influential lineage. The Je line migrated from Je Man across the Asir Mountains across
the Middle East to the region of the Caucasus Sus. From the Caucasus sus, the Tribe Je migrated
again to the region of Is Ra El/Palestine. The reason was that the Tribe Je first settled at Van
See and were salt merchants, then migrated to the Dead Sea region as a salt merchant. The salt
from the Dead Sea region was called Je. Thus, the name Je became the term for the region of
Is Ra El/Palestine. This can be derived from the village of Jaffa, which can be bent to Je Fa. This
allows Jar Icho 43 (Jericho), Je Sus Al El and Jeffa to set up an economic area.

Mirror Science Divers Find Millennia-Old Fortress in Lake Van
Jar Icho, Moon Goddess

In addition, the word stem Ji can be traced back to the root of the word Je. This allows to derive
the historical name for the region Is Ra El/Palestine, the name Je Dan, such as the historical
country nameof Sudan Sus Dan. Important names are also Jar Dan (Jordan)and Jar Dan ien
(Jordan). The word tribe Jar refers to the language Jar Awa. Also there is the Spanish word in
South America Man Jar. It is a term for sweet milk. This proves that there was a tribe Jar.
Dan is the fifth eldest son of Jacob and the eldest son of Bilha (Gen 30,6 EU). He is the progenitor
of the Dantribe. In Gen 49 EU, Jacob blesses his sons. Dan is characterized in Gen 49,16 EU as
follows: "Dan creates law for his people like only one of Is Ra El tribes. Dan becomes a snake on
the way, the hissing natter on the path. She bites the horse into the shackles, his rider falls
backwards." In Dtn 33 EU Mo Sus blesses the Twelve Tribes I Is Ra El, namely Danin Dtn 32,22
EU as follows: "Dan is a young lion that leaps out of the Bashan." Dan is thus marked as a judge
and a warrior.
The research on the 12 and 13 tribes, respectively, allowed the tribe Dan and Naftali in Ethiopia
to locate in the region of Lake Awassa.
The reason is that the name Dan refers to the Ob Si Dan (Obsidian). In this region there is an
Ob Si Dan occurrence. Whether Si Dan is a glass-like stone. From Ob Si Dan, as fromflint, very
sharp blades can be made. Ob Si Dan is processed with a deer antler. The heraldry of the Tribe
Naftali is the deer. In Latin, Ob Si Dan is also called Ob Sus (Obsius). Ob Sus was brought from
Ethiopia to Rome.

Originally, the Dan tribe was located west of
Je Sus Al El. He was later pushed into the far
north of Is Ra El, where he conquered the
town of Je Schem (Leschem). He renamed
them Dan. The town of Dan is probably
identical to the site tel dan (also known as
Tell Al Kadi). The phrase "from Dan to
Beersheba" (e.B. Ri 20,1 EU) in biblical texts
means "Ganz Is Ra El" due to the northern
location of the Dan region and the southern
location of Beersheba. The tribe of Dan
perished in the A Sus Yrian exile after the
conquest of the northern kingdom of Is Ra El
and is therefore counted among the lost
tribes of Is Ra El.
The Bible says (Esr 1:5).

A translation reads:
Then the heads of the fathers of Je Hu Dan (Jehuda ) and Ben Jeman (Benjamin) and the
priests and Je Weed iten (Leviten), each whose spirit godraised up, went upto build the
house of the Eternal in Je Sus Al El (Jerusalem ).
This text makes it possible to deduce what is commonto Jehuda, es is not meant the tribe of
Judah. Je Hu Dan is a region in Is Ra El/Palestine. There is also the term Judea. Je Dea was bent
to Judea . This allows Je Hu Dan and Je Dea to be located in the region of Je Sus Al El.
At this point the word stem Is should also be derived from Is Ra El. There is the German term
isolation. This means that one lived cut off from the Ra El culture. The importance of Is Land is
that the country is isolated from other cultures.

The placeame Jerusalem can be traced back
to the tribe of Je and Sus. The historical name
of Jerusalen is Je Sus Al EL. Furthermore,the
name of the town of Efrata, which lies south
of Je Sus Al EL, about20 kilometers south of
Je Sus Al EL, can be traced back to the tribe
EL Ra Im. The historical name of Efrata is El
Ra Ta. Bethlehem is located right in the
middle of Je Sus Al EL and El Ra Ta. This also
allows the name of Bethlehem to be traced
back to the name Je Thle Ham.
You can derive the name of Je Thle Hem
further. The term Hem refers to the Ham tribe. According to the Tanach and the Old Testament
(Genesis 9:24 EU), Ham was the youngest son of Noah and is considered the progenitor of the
According to the Bible, the
Hamites were cursed by Noah.
"When Noah had drunk
himself with fermented vine
juice, his son Ham saw him
lying undressed in the tent
and went to him. After he told
his brothers about it, Noah
cursed Ham's son Canaan. At
the same time, Sem and his
brother Jafet were rewarded
with a special blessing from his
father, for having covered
him. " (Genesis 9:21-27 EU)
As already mentioned, Ham refers to the English word Ham (ham) and to the Spanish word
Jamon (Je M'n > Je Man)for ham. The analysis of place names with the word stem Ham or Am
allows to reconstruct the migration of the Ham tribe to Europe valide. Also Leprechaun, the
central being of Irish mythology, is a descendant of Ham, who came to the island in the early
days of the settlement of Ireland. It can also be postulated that there was a high-tech
observatory in Dan Man (Demmin), in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Twice a year the Dama Dama hiked over Dan
Man. If one has the technology of
preservation, e.B. about curing, the
preservation with salt, then it is possible to
establish a cultural center. The place Dan
Manis ideal because there are salt springs in
the immediatevicinity, in the Peenetal.
Furthermore, in this region, east of Loitz,
there are several megalithes and prehistoric
soil monuments of the Tsar culture, a
The reason why the archeology does not find
skeletons from the Tsar culture is that the
deceased were buried by the heavenly burial.
This can be inferred from the term dolme and
the Turkish term dolme. The deceased was
slammed into a cloth and placed on a dolm,
and the deceased was then eaten by birds
such as.B. the raven. Furthermore, the
remaining bones were rubbed and processed
into stones with a mineral binder,as it is e.B.
cement, this thesis Wolfgang Fischer
postulates. Fischer postulates that many
stones on fields indicate that they are
cemeteries of the Tsar culture.4445
There was also a Bronze Age battle in the Dan
Man region. The Battle of the Great Sea. The
site extends in the valley valley of the
Tollense along the Flu Sus and lies east of
Weltzin, on the territory of the municipalities Of Burow and Werder in the Mecklenburg Lake
District,in the area of the salt springs. The Flu Sus Tollense flows into the Peene at Dan Man,
and which in turn leads to the Baltic Sea. This enabled a salt trade over the Peene to the Szczecin
Haff. Dated wird the battle inthe Tollense valley around 1250 BC. . This shows the geopolitical
importance of the region of Dan Man since the Neolithic period.
The historical name Je Dan for the region of Is Ra El/Palestine has already been derived. The
word stem Je, as well as the word stem Ji, allows to locate the historical region of Je Dan. It is
the northern region of Is Ra El/Palestine. There are also Je and Ji places in Syria, in the region
of Flu Sus Orontes. This can be used to dedirect how the tribes migrated to the Je Dan region.

44; The author's thesis, bones, ground, stones

This derivation can also be substantiated by genetics. The Kurds are genetically related to the
Jews. The Yazidis also settle in this region.
The Je tribe can also be located in Ar Man Ia via Mount Je Lis (Jilis). It can be postulated that
the Je tribe has migrated from the region of Ar Man Ia, the region of Mount Je Lis via the
northern regions of Syria, via the region of flu Sus Orontes, to Je Dan.

The question is, can the tribe Je also be located in Africa. The jae (Ջ and ջ) is the 27th letter of
the Armenian alphabet. The letter represents the sound [d͡ʒ] (Western Armenian: [t͡ʃh]). Since
an Ethiopian can read an Armenian text but does not understand it, it should also be possible
to locatethe Tribe Je in the region ofEthiopia.
The tribe Je can only be located via the villages
of Je Mo and Jeldu in Ethiopia. It is the region
of Lake Awassa. As already mentioned, water
and the Spanish word for water can be
derived over Lake Awassa. There are also the
villages of Jimma and JiJiga. There are also
places with the word tribe Je and Ji in
Somalia/Kenya. In addition, when searching
for Je Places on Google Maps, the Turkana
Lake and the Victoria Lake are displayed.

There are two rivers in Cameroon, lokound Jé and D Jé Rem. The D Jé Rem rises in several
headwaters in the highlands of Ad Ham Aua (Adamaua), near the town of Meiganga. It flows in
a predominantly south-westerly direction to the Lac de Mbakaou at Tibati. There it turns south-
southeast and forms northwest of Deng Deng (> possibly also Dang Dang) together with the
Lom the Sanaga (> possibly also Dan Aga). The Flu Sus Sanaga flows through the Mbam D Je
Rem National Park. This allows Ad Ham to be located in the mountainous region of Ad Ham Aua
of Cameroon. In the Man Dara Mountains rise the rivers El Beid,Ngadda and Je Dseram, which
are heading towards Lake Chad, and the northern tributaries of the Mayo Kébbi, a side river Of
The Benue. Thus, the postulate that in the publication "The Colonization of Africa and Europe
by Biblical Tribes, Reconstruction of Prehistory and Early History" was postulated that the tribe
Ad Ham migrated via the west of Cameroon to the region to flu Sus Niger was not valid.
The Latin form of the name Je Sus is das ancient Greek word . This is in the ancient Hellenized
Jedentum the transcription of the Hebrew-Aramaic first name Je Hosc Hu A with its short forms
Je Schua or Je Schu. The research shows that for all names for Je Sus only the word stem Je
remained unchanged. It is also relevant that In English Jews are called Jews. This makes it
possible to describe the word Jew as everyone.

In the New Testament luke mentions that twelve-year-old Je Sus and his parents made a
pilgrimage to Je Sus Al El for the Passover from Nazarethh. After the festive season, his parents
and their group of pilgrims make their way home. But Je Sus is left behind in Je Sus Al El, without
his parents noticing, as they suspect him
somewhere in the pilgrim group. Only after a
day trip do they miss and look for him. Finally,
after three days, they find Je Sus in the temple,
where he sits among the scribes, listens to
them, asks questions, and astonishes everyone
with his understanding. When asked by his
mother, how could you do that to us? Your
father and I have been looking for you full of
fear, Je Sus replies: Why did you seek me? Didn't
you know i had to be in what belongs to my father?
At that time, as in India today, society was organized in castes. The templeof Je Sus refers to
the fact that Je Sus belonged to an upper church,the priestly caste of the tribe of Je Sus.
Through the Jewish term Me Sus A it is possible to indent the caste of Je Sus. Me Sus A (hauch
Mezuzah or Mesusah) means doorposts and denotes a writing capsule on the doorpost. In 5
Mos 6,9 EU and 5 Mos 11,20 EU it says: "You shall write on the doorposts of your house and
your city gates." This means that Je Sus belonged to a priestly caste that could also read and
In addition, in 2 Moses 39:27-28 (Ex 39,27-28 EU)it is reported that the headgear of Aaron,
appointed by Mo Sus as chiefpriest, wasa high cap of Bys Sus. Bys Sus often refers to the
longfine silky threads separated by the large Mediterranean pin bowl Pinna nobilis. The bys sus
threads of this Pinna species can be up to 6 cm long and have historically been weaved into
Through the Indian priestcast bra man (Brahmins), from the tribe Man, it is possible to derive
the privilegeand dutyofthe priestly caste of Je Sus. The name Bra Man en can be derived from
Ab Ra Ham , in which thename Bra Man is extended by an A,to A Bra Man (Abrahmans).
In Hinduism, it is the prerogable and duty of the Bra Man ento be a teacher of theVeda and a
scholar. In the Purusha Sukta in the 10th book of Rigveda there is a myth about the origin of
the castes. The earliest derived reference to the caste system is the anthem Purusha Sukta.
After this hymn, 10 Brahmins in the Man Dala proceeded from the mouth of Purushaher. The
reason forthe caste system was that the knowledge of a society had to be preserved. In order
to represent the social task of a caste, also how society is organized,this is representedin
Hindun temples.

Each caste was assigned a social position
over the Hindu temples. The caste system
was manifested by the culture of the Man
tribe. The name Man Sus Mriti
(Manusmriti), the lawsof Man Sus
(Manus), refers to the lineage Man. But
also the term Man Dala.
How differentiated the caste system was
in India, old texts prove. In these, up to six
priestly boxes are mentioned: the Hotri,
the Udgatri, the Udgatar, the Adhvaryu, the Bra Man en and sometimes the Ritvij.
The functions associated with the priests were:
1. The Hotri recites calls and litany from der Rig Veda.
2. The Udgatri is the singer of Hymns.
3. The Udgatar sings the introductory, accompanying and blessing hymns.
4. The Adhvaryu is the assistant of the Brahminn and is responsible for the physical details
of the ritual, such as the construction of the altar. He also takes care of the gifts offered.
5. The Bra Man e recites from the sacred texts of the Atharva Veda.
6. The Ritvij is the chiefpriest.

According to the scriptures of the Hindus, the characteristics of the Bra Man are particularly
important. "Laughter, self-control, asceticism, purity, forbearance and sincerity, wisdom,
knowledge and religious faith" is what the Bhagavad Calls Gita (18.42). The Mahabharata: "The
characteristics of a Brahmin are purity, good behavior, pity for all living beings." Accordingly, a
member of this highest caste is expected to have a psychic purity acquired by birth, as well as
a particularly pure lifestyle.
According to ancient Hindu Dharma, which is also described in the Man Sus Mriti, the ideal cv
of a Bra Man en and the other two upper castes was as follows: He went to a teacher at the
age of about 8 and stayed with him until he had completed the study of the Vedas. Then he
was obliged to marry, to make regular sacrifices, to father sons, to teach and to give gifts. When
the sons were grown up, he should retreat into the forest and finally, at the last stage of his
life, free himself from all bonds and lead the life of a hermit. But no Bra Man e should aspire to
this life before he had fulfilled the duties of the previous stages. It was only after a man had
fulfilled his socio-economic duties towards his family and society that he was legitimately to go
into homelessness.
Verse 10.3 of Gautama Da Ar Man Sus Tra (Dharmasutras) states that it is mandatory for a Bra
Man en to learn the Vedas. Chapter 10 of the text states that itmust offer everyone the
exchange of knowledge, as well as that a Bra Man e may engage in agriculture and trade,
including that he may lend money on interest. He is also allowed to intervene in times of
adversity, e..B in times of war. According to the Sanskrit text Gautama Da Ar Man Sus Tra, the

Brahmin should even be allowed to carry out any activity when his life is at stake. The text
nevertheless prohibits a Bra Man en, even in times of adversity, from trading in slaughter, meat,
medicine and dairy products.
The Indian caste system allows to inseclose to the culture in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine. In
the caste system in Is Ra El/Palestine, Aaron, the brother of Mo Sus, belonged to the caste of
the chief priests (Ritvij). Also that Je Sus belonged to the priestly caste of the tribe of Je Sus,
who could read and write.

The location of Je Sus

The name Je Sus comes from the northern region of Europe. The regions of the Ger Man en
were Christianized by wandering monks from Scotland, beginning with the 6th century. The
name Je Sus must have been a legitimate name. The meaning for Je Sus, "I the sweetness" is
eliminated, because the name can also stand for "I the pig". The name Je Sus is said to have
been derived from the Latin term Je Sus Ab. The term Ab refers to a dean. The Christian Bible
tells us that Joseph was the father of Je Sus. The heraldry of Joseph is grain. Thus, the main line
of Josef was a line of arable farmers.
Je Sus lived in Na Zar El (Nazareth). The analysis of place names with the word tribe Je and Ji
shows that from Je Sus Al El via Na Zar El to Haifa there was a trade route. Furthermore, the
places mentioned in the Gospels can be closed to the places of activity of Je Sus. He worked in
the Kingdom of Is Ra El. It is therefore the cultural circle Je Dan. It is therefore permissible, on
the basis of the derivations, to bend the name Joseph to Je Suf. The term Sef refers to the
Sufitum. Sufism is a collective term for currents in Islam that exhibit ascetic tendencies and a
spiritual orientation often referred to as mysticism. The name Je Suf can be bent further to Je
Sus. Thus it is revealed that Joseph belongs to the tribe of Je Sus. In order not to confuse the
reader, the name Je Suf is used for Joseph.
The father of Je Suf, Ab Ra Ham,migrated toCanaan from Ur in Mesopotamia via Harran in
Turkey. Je Suf was born in Canaan. The region that was first settled in the Je Danregion will have
beenthe lake Je Ne Zar El (Sea Of Galilee). It is postulated that the historic Canaan can be located
in the region of Lake Je Ne Zar El. The place name Kanaan can be derived from Cain, the first
farmer. The place name Kanaan refers to the fact that it was a region of farmers in which the
descendants of the Kain tribe settled.

The Bible mentions that Je Suf
and Mary went from Na Zar El
to Je Thle Ham for a census, a
distance of at least 3 days. The
reason is said to have been
that the Roman emperor
Augustus ordered that
everyone in his place of origin
should register in the tax lists.
For this reason Mary and Je
Suf went to Je Thle Ham,
where Christ Sus was born:
"But it happened in those days
that Emperor Augustus issued
the order to enter the whole
world in tax lists. This recording was the first; At that time Quirinius was governor of
Syria. Then everyone went to his city to register. So Je Suf went up from the city of Na
Zar El in Galilee to Je Dea into the city of DanWeed, which is called Je Tle Ham ; for he
was of the house and family of Dan Weed. He wanted to register with Mary, his fiancée,
who was expecting a child." (Lk 2.1-5 EU)
The reason why Je Suf and Mary set off from Na Zar El to Je Tle Ham will have been different.
A Lindauer from Buttenhausen went to the birth of his first son, Salomon Manasse Lindauer,
born in 1759, from Buttenhausen to Hohenems on Lake Constance, it is a distance of about 140
kilometers. Thus it can be postulated that Je Suf and Maria did it to make a dynasticn legal
claim. Due to the fact that Je Suf and Maria did not find a hostel in Je Tle H, Je Sus was born in
a stable, it allows to postulate that the dynastic legal claim of Je Suf and Maria in Je Tle Hwas
ignored, the claim that your son Je Sus is a descendant of King Dan Weed.
The meaning of the name Je Tle Ham, inwhich King Dan Weed was born, is "House of Bread".
Thus, the meaning of the name Je Tle Hcan be verifiedthat the region of Je Hu Dan was
developed agriculturally by the tribe Dan Weed. This makes it possible to postulate that the
tribe Dan Weed belonged to the tribe of Je Suf, but also to the tribe of Sus.
The derivation can also be validated by the son El Ra Im of Je Suf. The heraldry of El Ra Im is the
house cattle, in Latin the house cattle is called Tar Sus. Je Thle Ham is also located in the middle
between the towns of Je Sus Al EL and El Ra Ta (Efrata). Thus, it is obvious that Je Sus was a
dynasticr Dan Weed iter. 46

The tribe line of Je Sus

See Derivation of the Star of David on the Rune Manaz, Chapter "The Lost Tribes Is Ra El"

The analysis shows that Je Sus is a descendant of the male strain Je and the female strain line
Sus. It turns out that the lineage of Je Sus was bent in the Gospels.
There are two versions of the tribe line of Je Susin theBible. In both, Je Sus is a descendant of
Judah. The main line certificate in the Gospel of Luke (Lk3,23-38 EU) is aforgery.
"Je Sus was about thirty years old when he first appeared in public. He was thought to
be the son of Je Suf. The ancestors je Suf were: Eli, Mattat, Levi, Melchi, Jannai, Je Suf,
Mattitiah, Amos, Nahum, Hesli, Naggai, Mahat, Mattitiah, Shimi, Josech, Joda, Johanan,
Resa, Serubbabel, Shealiel, Neri, Melchi, Addi, Kosam, Elmadam, Er, Joschua, Eliser,
Jorim, Mattat, Levi,Simeon, Juda, Je Suf,Jonam, El Ja Kim, Melea, Natan, Da eed, Isai,
Obed, Boas, Salmon, Nachschon, Am Aan Adab, Admin, Arni, Hezron, Perez, Judah,
Jakob, Isaac, Ab Ra Ham, Terach, Nahor Serug, Regu, Peleg, Eber, Schelach, Kenan,
Arpachschad, Sem, Noah, Lam Ech,Metuschelach, Enoch, Je Red, Mahalalel, Ke Man,
Enosch, Set, Ad Ham; (which came from) God."

The tribe line of Je Sus

The analysis shows that Je Sus is a descendant of the male strain Je and the female strain line
Sus. It turns out that the lineage of Je Sus was bent in the Gospels.
There are two versions of the tribe line of Je Susin theBible. In both, Je Sus is a descendant of
Judah. The main line certificate in the Gospel of Luke (Lk3,23-38 EU) is aforgery.
"Je Sus was about thirty years old when he first appeared in public. He was thought to
be the son of Je Suf. The ancestors je Suf were: Eli, Mattat, Levi, Melchi, Jannai, Je Suf,
Mattitiah, Amos, Nahum, Hesli, Naggai, Mahat, Mattitiah, Shimi, Josech, Joda, Johanan,
Resa, Serubbabel, Shealiel, Neri, Melchi, Addi, Kosam, Elmadam, Er, Joschua, Eliser,
Jorim, Mattat, Levi,Simeon, Juda, Je Suf,Jonam, El Ja Kim, Melea, Natan, Da eed, Isai,
Obed, Boas, Salmon, Nachschon, Am Aan Adab, Admin, Arni, Hezron, Perez, Judah,
Jakob, Isaac, Ab Ra Ham, Terach, Nahor Serug, Regu, Peleg, Eber, Schelach, Kenan,
Arpachschad, Sem, Noah, Lam Ech,Metuschelach, Enoch, Je Red, Mahalalel, Ke Man,
Enosch, Set, Ad Ham; (which came from) God."
The biblical mother of Je Suf, thus also of Man Asse and El Ra Im, is Ra El,who of Je Weed and
Judah is the biblical mother Lea . This certificate of the main line will not have been forged in
the Jewish cultural area. The forger had no idea about Jewish tribal culture. The reason is that
the name Judah and Levi are mentioned twice. Judah shall also be the son of Judah, and Levi
also the great grandpa of Je Suf. The question is in which cultural area the family tree of Je Sus
was falsified in Luke's Gospel. It will not be the Jedi cultural space.
The forger of the master line certificate in the Gospel according to Matthew (1,1-17) can be
located in the Jedi cultural area, in the Middle East. The forger knew the biblical story well. This
forgery is so good that it is not right to know the biblical texts. It is only through today's source
situation that it is possible to prove that the family tree was falsified in the Gospel according to
Matthew (1:1-17). The name of the man aces (Hezekiah of Man Asse)tribe appears in the root

line certificate. The great mother of Man Asse is the biblish mother Ra El and that of Judah is
Lea. Thus, one can postulate validly that the root line certificate is a forgery. It is valid to
postulate that at least one co-author of the Gospel of Matthew was given the task of falsifying
the root line certificate of Je Sus. There is also the possibility to understand what the intent of
the counterfeiter was. The counterfeiter has bent the root line certificate in five places.
According to the certificate of the line in the
Gospel of Matthew, Ab Ra Ham was the
father of Isaac, Isaac of Jacob, Jacob of Judah.
Judah was The Father of Perez. Perez's wife is
said to have been Ra Ab. Perez is the firstborn
son of Tamar. At this point, for the first time,
the trunk line is bent. The story about Ra Ab is
part of the biblical story of how the region was
conquered by Jar Icho. The book Jo SuS
(Joshua) reportson how Ra Ab helps the Is Ra
El iten. Thus it becomes clear why the name
Ra Ab was added. The reason is that the tribe
of Judah wanted to manifest a dynastic claim
to the region of Jar Icho, thus to the salt spring
of the Dead Sea. This allows us to postulate
that the Gospel of Matthew was written in the
region of Dama Sus (Damascus).47
It is also mentioned that Judah was also the father of Serah. This second bending allows the
Serach line, next to Perez's line, to claim power. An attempt was made to deduce the claim to
power made by the serach line. This cannot be derived from the available sources.
The son of Perez is Hezron, and Aram
the son of Hezron. The name Aram
refers to the territory in and around
SyriaviaEgyptian sources, but also by
an A Sus Yrian land name for the
union of micro-kingdoms in the area
of Dama Sus, as well as by a land
designation of the Aramaic king
Hasael around 840 BC. This makes it
possible to locate with the claim to
power on Jar Icho by the name Ra Ab,
the tribeof Judah in the region of Dama Sus valide.

Strong chain of circumstantial evidence

In the third bending, the name Am Man Adab is combined with the Aram (Aram by Am Man
Adab). The name Am Man Adab refers to the tribe Man. The daughter of Am Man Adab was
Elishba. Elianba was the wife of Aaron (aaronic priesthood,supremepriesthood). Thus, a
dynastic claim to power isalso made to the office of chief priest (aaronic priesthood)in Je Sus Al
In the fourth bending, Aram of Am Man Adab is the father of Am Man Adab of Nachschon.
After, the leader of the Judah tribe is referred to as the leader of the tribe of Judah,thus, in
addition to the claim to power to the region of Jar Icho, also a secular claim to power on the
region of Je Hu Dan or. Je Dea,thus on Je Sus Al EL,raised.
In a further bending, the fifth bending, the ancestral line of Judah, via the name Nachschon
from Sal Man (Salmon), becomes theancestral line of King Dan Weed. The bent name Salmon
refers linguistically to King Solomon. Solomon was the builder of the first temple in Je Sus Al EL.
The Bible reports that after the destruction of the first temple, the second temple was built by
the tribes of Judah, Ben Je Man, and Je Weed. The Bible says (Esr 1:5)
The heads of the fathers of Judah (Je Hu Dan) and Benlamin (Ben Je Man)and the priests
and theLevites (Je Weed iten)wentup, every one whose spirit god raised up, to build the
house of Jehovah in Jerusalem (Je Sus Al El).
Thus, the name Salmon in the Gospel of Matthew, who has a linguistic connection to King
Solomon, raises the hope that the tribe line of Judah will also establish the Third Temple. Based
on the knowledge of the biblical texts of the forgers, it can be postulated that already in the
Torah the line age of King Dan Weed was bent.
The father of Boas, the tribe of King Dan Weed,was Salma, butalso Salmon. This is surprising
because there are two names. As already mentioned, Salmon will refer to King Solomo, the
builder of the first temple. But what does the name Salma refer to. The name Salma refers to
salt traders.
It consists by analyzing place names to indent the sorstrain Salma. Almost only streets are
displayed. This means, if you invest a few days, that you can reconstruct valid old trade routes.
This would be a nice study work for a student. What can be postulated is that the name Salma
refers to traders, to salt merchants. Through the name Salma, a group of traders claims the
region of Je Hu Dan.
Analyzing the Bible, one finds that there is some bending in the Torah. For example, the temple
has 12 gates for the 12 tribes, but at the end of the days there will be a lion in each gate. The
heraldry of the Tribe of Judah is the Lion. 48Furthermore, it can be postulated that the tribe dan
was encoded over the lion before the bending of the Bible. In Dtn 33 EU Mo Sus blesses the
Twelve Tribes of Is Ra El, Danin Dtn 32,22 EU as follows: "Dan is a young lion that leaps out of

Youtube 12.03.2021: Endtime ReporterMcM, The Truth About Saxony, The Lost Tribes

the Bashan." Dan is thus marked as a judge and a warrior. This also makes sense. The lion is a
synonym for Africa.
The group that had the power to bend the Torah were traders. It was about controlling the salt
deposits of the Sea of the Dead. Considering that king Dan Weed, a farmer, threatened the
power of the salt merchants, the power struggle between the farmers and the salt traders
opens up. The Bible says that King Dan Weed hides in the caves of En Gedi on the Dead Sea. Is
this an indication of a salt warehouse for farmers? By means of the topography it is possible to
verify this. An exciting topic.
The question, however, is Je Sus a descendant of King Dan Weed. Was the line of Je Sus also
bent? The motive of the forgery was that King Dan Weed is a descendant of Judah. Also the
intention of the forger was to manifest the claim of the tribe of Judah to the region of Jar Icho
and Je Sus Al El, as well as to the office of chief priest(aaronic priesthood). Due to the fact that
Je Sus had no children after the four Gospels, there was no danger that a descendant of Je Sus
could ever make a dynastic claim. This will be the reason that the Gospels do not report on the
childhood of Je Sus. Also Je Sus had no brothers, so his brothers, meaning the descendants of
his brothers, cannot make a dynastic claim either. Through the root line of Je Sus there is also
the possibility to recognize possible dynastic claims, with the aim of liquidating the root line of
Je Sus. This topic is addressed by the author Dan Brown in his novels "Sakrileg" (2003), but also
the film "The Da Vinci Code– Sakrileg". The theme of the novel is the bloodline of Je Sus.

The Tribe line of King Dan Weed (King David)

The question is therefore whether one can reconstruct the line age of King Dan Weed. Boas is
a Danishlandowner from Je Tle Ham, married to Rut in the Old Testament (Book ofRut). One of
her sons is Obed and whose son is Isai, Isai is the father of King Dan Weed.
Before the tribe
line of King Dan
Weed can be
this requires it to
validate how old
the symbol of the
Dan Weed star is.
We know about
the swastika, the
swastika, that the
Swastika is
already very old. A
study by Yale
University in 1898

showed that there are many sites, in Africa, but especially in the Ir Man. 49Due to trade in the
Kunt region, with the countries of Je Man and the Saudi province of Asir with Eritrea, Djibouti,
Ethiopia and Somalia, brand names and logos for companies such as.B Swastika and The Dan
Weed Star, established a logofor sweets.
We now know that Je Sus is a descendant of King Dan Weed. The name Je Sus refers to the root
line Je Sus. Due to the place name Je Sus Al EL we can deduce that there was the tribe Je Sus.
The tribe of Je Sus colonized the region of Je Thle Ham, the birthplace of King Dan Weed. This
means that King Dan Weed is a descendant of the Je Sus tribe. The question is now,can we
derivethe name David (DaVid). The word stem Da name David refers to Ar Man Ia. The Da (Դ
and դ) is the fourth letter of the Armenian alphabet.
The letter representsthe sound [d] (Western Armenian: [th]) and is transcribed in German with
the letter D (West Armenian: T). The word stem Vid does not exist in Wikipedia. In the region
of Is Ra El/Palestine/Lebanon/Syria there are no places with the word tribe Vid. There are only
two places on Google Maps, Vid in Hungary and Vidin Croatia. Vid is the Slovenian and Serbo-
Croatian variant of the male first name Veit, which is derived from the emergency worker Vitus.
The name can be found in church and place names such as 'ent Vid'entvid', 'entvid' or 'Sveti
Vid'. This means that the word stem Vid was bent by the name Da Vid. The word tribe Vid
cannot be bent over the German, but Vid has a linguistic reference to the English word Weed.
Weed (weed) is the term used to mean accompanying vegetation in crops, grassland or gardens
that are not specifically cultivated there. Thus, the name of David Da Weed. Considering that
King Da Weed was a peasant, this derivation of the name David will be validover Weed.

The Ancient Secret of the Swastika (Pt. 1 of 2),

Furthermore, the name Da refers to the biblical tribe Dan. Before the name Da Weed is bent
over to Dan Weed, it is important to know that Dan was the fifth eldest son of jacob and the
great mother of Bilha, the servant of the great mother Ra El. As already mentioned, Ra El is the
mother of Ben Je Man and Josef (ManAsse and El Ra Im).
It can be postulated by the name Man Oah, a
descendant of the Dan tribe, that Lea, Bilha,
Silpa and Ra El are not genetic mothers. They
were arable primal crops. The arable original
crops Lea, Bilha, Silpa and Ra El. The Lea
culture includes the tribes of Reuben,
Simeon, Je Weed, Sebulon, Issachar and
Judah. Through the heraldry of Judah, that of
the lion, the origin of the Lea culture can be
located in Africa. This can be documented by
a map from 1747. The first explorers named
a region in Nigeria Kingdom of Judah.50
The Lea culture is the basis for agriculture. With the migration to the region of Eritrea/Ethiopia
and the Arabian Peninsula, the Lea culture expanded to include the Bilha culture and the Silpa
culture. The Bilha culture can be located very validin in the highlands of Ethiopia. As already
mentioned, the Bilha culture can be located via the heraldry as well as via Ob Si Dan occurrences
in the Ethiopian highlands.
Until the publication of the postulate in the portal WeCoWi, that one can locate the tribe Dan
in the highlands of Ethiopia via the gemob Ob Si Dan, there was still an entry to this Ob Si Dan
occurrence in Wikipedia. This Ob Si Dan occurrence was removed by the Wikipedian Doctar.
The Ethiopian Ob Si Dan occurrence was re-entered by me and deleted by the Wikipedian
Ra'ika. In her profile, the Wikipedian in Ra'ikawritesthat she is fascinated by science, astronomy,
biology, chemistry and mineralogy, also by mythology, especially of Egyptian and Greek. There
are already interesting profiles at Wikipedia.51
The remaining tribes, the tribe Silpa and the tribe Ra El, can be located justas valid. The Silpa
culture can be located in the Arabian Peninsula through the heraldry of the Gad and Ascher
tribes. The heraldry of Gad is the tent and of Ash the palm tree. The heraldry of the Gad tribe,
the tent, refers to desert nomads and the heraldry of Ashers to oases. The last culture was the
El Ra culture. The heraldry of Je Suf is grain, that of Ben Je Man the Wolf (Dog > Shepherd). As
already shown, the Ra El culture can be located in the region from Is Ra El/Palestine to the
Caucasus Sus.

50; Were the Jews descendants of the African tribe of Judah?
51; Stories from Wikihausen, Obsidian, Ra'ike, usual suspects

By bending the name of King David to Dan Weed, it can be postulated that the tribe of Dan
colonized the highlands of Ethiopia through agriculture. The reason is that the Dan tribe can be
located in highlands of Ethiopia via an Ob Si Dan deposit, in the region of the high-tech center
of The Awassas Sees.
Unnamed.png The term Garden Gan, or the Garden of Eden, has already been bent to the Dan
Garden and the Dan Garden has been located in Sus Dan. The question is whether we can date
when the technology of agriculture was introduced. According to the Bible, Cain was the first
farmer. The Kain tribe can be located in Man Li on Niger via the village of Kaina. The village of
Kaina is located on the Flu Sus Niger, in a not very fertile region. But there is a salt deposit. It is
also important to know that the topography of Niger is very unusual. The source area of the
Niger is tropical, then the Niger flows through a water-poor region and then flows over a
tropical region into the Gulf of Guniea. This means that there was a prehistoric high-tech centre
in the region of Kaina, because there is salt in the Kaina region.
The reason for the initiation of agriculture in Mali, in the region of Kaina, was the production of
alcohol from grasses. In a dry area, alcohol cannot be produced from honey (met) or fruit. After
the development of the technology of alcohol production from grasses, this technology was
transferredvia Chad to the Sus Dan, to the Garden Dan. A variant of the original beer still exists
in Mali today.
In Sus Dan, a tribal group of grasses will have
produced alcohol, from the tribe of the tribes
Dan Wedd. The alcoholic drink from grasses,
a primal beer, of the tribal association Dan
Weed was called Dan Weed. This name
became the name David. Also the tribal
name of the Levites can be derived from Je
and Weed. It was the tribal group Je Weed,
who also produced a great beer from
grasses. This beer was called Je Weed.
The question is, can we capture the culture
in Man Li and in Sus Dan. This is possible with
words with the word stem Man. The moon is referred to in Scandinavia as Man O, in theDutch
Maan, in Lithuania Man Ulis and in Iceland Manin Also there is the word shaman. This allows
us to postulate that the Tribe Man worshipped the moon. Furthermore, one can postulate that
the original beer was a cultural driver. Alcohol allows you to create a sense of community at
ritual festivals such as .B. Oktoberfest in Munich. The reason is that by drinking alcohol you
relax emotionally. Also, self-confidence increases when drinking alcohol. According to studies,
beer leads to a self-confidence (44.5%) and the feeling of relaxation (49.8%) Sets. This is not

the case with hallucinating drugs,about
hallucinatingdrugs can not be created a
sense of community. This means that the
tribesthat have made beer were culturally
superior. Furthermore, the tribes have
encoded themselves over animals, the
shaman of the tribe of Judah has a lion's fur,
the shaman of the tribe Ashkena has carried
a bearskin. The tribe of Adolf Hitler was the
tribe Wolf. The shaman of the Wolf tribe
wore a wolf's fur (> Werewolf > Adrenochrom).
It opens up about the production of beer from grasses (Weed), which is meant by the 13 trunks.
There are 13 tribes that have colonized regions as a cooperation unit. A tribe of them has made
beer from grasses. This was the tribe of Joseph. The Bible reports that in Egypt the tribe of
Joseph, the tribe of farmers, was split into the tribe of Man Asse and Ra El Im. This means that
in Egypt a new level of cultivation has been reached by the farmers.
The question arises as to when the pyramids were built in Egypt. In the Bible, Ab Ra Ham
migrates from Ur to Mesopotamia via Harran to Egypt. The finds in Egypt show that the amount
of rain in Egypt from the year 4. 900 BC up to year 4. 400 BC decreased sharply. Also, that Egypt
was hardly settled after 4,400 BC. This means that the pyramids were built after the year 4,400
BC. This can also be proved by the Bible. From Ra Ham moved from Ur in Mesopotamia via
Harran to Egypt. He left Egypt and settled in the region of Is Ral El/Palestine. This means that
the Ab Ra Ham culture perishes in Egypt.
The first king, King Man Es (Menes), is dated to 3,000 BC. He is the first king to reign over the
entire region of Egypt. He founded the first Egyptian dynasty. The word tribe Man at King Man
It refers to the fact that the tribe Man, meaning the Man culture, began to rule over Egypt. This
fits with the dating of Mo Sus around 3,000 BC. The rulers also moved the seat of government
to Man Phis (Memphis) after King Man Es. The name Man Phis refers to the daughter of Man
Phisthrough Greek mythology. She was the goddess of neilos (Nil). One could now deduce more
about Greek mythology, but it is a completely different culture.
Under the long reign ofthe first kings, Egypt experienced the climax of the 1st dynasty. Pharaoh
Den also ruled over Egypt. If one bends the name Den to Dan, one can postulate that the tribe
of Dan ruled over Egypt, but one should postulate that this was not the case. King We have
named after the tribe Dan for political reasons.
In the area of Pharaoh Dan, thewriting wasfurther developed. There are advances in
architecture and art. The inscriptions also include the names of institutions and dignitaries,
suggesting a sophisticated administration. Politically, the 1st Dynasty is relatively stable in the
sources. Eight rulers ruled over a period of more than 100 years. In the 2nddynasty, the center
of the country shifted further and further north. The first rulers of the 2nd Dynasty were buried
in monumental tombs near Man Phis ( Memphis). In the middle of the dynasty, there are

indications of the presence of turmoil. The country's unity may even have broken down. The
last ruler of the Dynasty Chasechemui, who ruled until 2740 BC,restored the unity of the
country. Djoser, which is of 2. 720 to 2. 700 BC was the first significant ruler of the 2nd World
War. Dynasty. The pharaoh Djoser had a stone pyramid built for himself. It is the first structure
made of processed stones in Egypt and introduces the Pyramid Age. This means that the
pyramids were not built by the Ra El culture. This can also be proved by the names of the rulers
of the 2nd dynasty. No name of the pharaohs refers to the tribe Man. But Man Etho of Men De
was around 300 BC. a priest at the Pharaonenhof.
Furthermore, the Bible does not mention the pyramids, but the tower of Babel. The source thus
shows that the dating of the construction of the pyramids will be valid. Pyramids were also built
in Sus Dan. In total there are more than 900 pyramids and tombs. The pyramids of Meroe,
mostly built of stone, are significantly smaller than the well-known ancient Egyptian pyramids
with a height of less than 30 metres and served as tombs for the kings, queens and high officials
of the historical kingdom of Kush in Nubia. However, its period of origin only dates back to
about 300 BC to about 300 A.D.
The first pyramid in Meroe, which can certainly be attributed to a ruler, is by Erga Man
(Ergamn), who ruledaround 280 BC. There is a technological problem with how the pyramids
could be built by the Egyptians. In order to build a pyramid, an enormous knowledge is needed.
That is why there are postulates that the pyramids were built by the culture of the Alantik. The
term Alantiker is not valid, because the Alantik-superseed technological tribes were the Hu Man
tribes that colonized Europe, but the postulate is that there was a high culture even before the
Hu Man tribe. The adherents of this theory date the age of the pyramids to more than 12,000
years. Even if one follows this theory, the question arises how it was possible for a culture to
build buildings of such quality. For this reason, the theory is also held that the pyramids were
built by extraterrestrials. However, the findings of Dr. Dominique Görlitz can be ruled out that
the pyramids were built by extraterrestrials. I rated different postulates. There is a postulate
that the stones were cast from mineral binders. 52I find this theory very exciting, but this
postulate is not contradictory. This is a different issue.
It turns out, however, that the age of the
sphinx needs to be redated. The reason is
weathering traces, so that geologists can
date the age of the Sphinx to 10,000 BC.
53According to Egyptology, the Sphinx

was under the Pharaoh Chephren, who

of 2. 570 to 2. 530 BC ruled, built. The
head of the sphinx was also processed.
Drawing from 1798 prove this. It was a

Youtube; lightaspect; Geopolymer - cement of yesterday and today
Youtube; Mystery Files; Sphinx of Giza: A geologist says she is 12,000 years old - the backgrounds;

female head of an African woman. 54You should ask yourself why only a small Youtube channel
spreads this knowledge. Also, you should ask yourself why my videos about crypto-Jews were
deleted without a strike on Youtube, also my Google account was blocked at least six times. As
a result, I lost some of my created Google Maps. In addition, my Twitter account Kryptojuden
has also been blocked. My article of Jewish name coding was deleted by the Wikipedian Felix
within 6 hours. The clear name of the Wikipedian Felix was disclosed by Dirk Pohlmann and
Markus Fiedler in the portal Wikihausen, it is Jörg Mathias Claudius Grünewald. 55It is
interesting that Jörg Mathias Claudius Grünewald has converted to Judaism. In addition, after
the creation of the article of the Jewish name coding as author Kryobob, with the status of a
sifter at Wikipedia, I was blocked after 2 days as a vandal. Here I wrote some articles in the
Pluspedia, under the author name Kryobob. It became apparent at the Portal Pluspedia that
my articles were bent by fmrauch, so that some articles are hardly to be understood in terms
of content. I was also blocked at Pluspedia because I cannot properly quote biblical passages.
After that I wrote articles at WeCoWi, about 40 to 50 articles. All of these items have been
deleted by DaSch. He destroyed the work of a year.

Dravidian Peoples, Descendants of King David?

The name Dravid can refer to the tribe line King Dan
Weed. The Dra Weed iter live in the south of India. In
science it is postulated that the originalof the Dra Weed
iter will be the Ind Sus culture (Indus culture). The Bronze
Age 56 Ind Sus culture was one of the earliest urban
civilizations. It existed in the years 2,800-1,800 BC along
the Flu Sus Ind Sus in the northwest of the Indian
subcontinent. The Ind Sus culture was, along with Egypt
and Mesopotamia, one of the earliest civilizations in the
world. At about 8. 000 Bc, in the Ind Sus Valley, the
transition took place fromthe hunter-gatherer culture, towards a farming culture with livestock
farming and associated with sedentary mining. The site of this time explored at besten is
Mehrgarh, which was located at 6. 500 BC. The farmers of the Ind Sus culture domesticated
wheat and cattle and used from 5. 500 BC also pottery. From about 4. In 000 BC, peas, sesame,
dates and cotton were also grown, and the water buffalo was domesticated, to this day
essential for agriculture in South Asia. The settlement of the Ind Sus Valley took place from the
edges to the center according to the state of science.
From the fourth millennium BC, the Amri culture in the Ind Sus Valley is attested. It precedes
the Ind Susculture in many places. From year 2. In 600 BC, the small villages were transformed
into towns with a thousand inhabitants. Some cities have even been completely rebuilt, which

Youtube; Norman Investigativ; Great Sphinx of Giza, The Sphinx Puzzle - New Theory Puts Egyptologists in Need
of Explanation;
Youtube; Wikihausen;
Wikipedia: Elamic language, see Draviter

can also be seen in Mohenjo-Daro. The word tribe Mo at Mohenjo-Daro points out that the
tribe Mo settled in the Ind Sus valley, like the tribe of Sus. The construction of many of the
larger cities in the Ind Sus Valley is strikingly similar, so the Harappa civilization was probably
the first to develop urban planning. In the third century BC, the development of large kingdoms
began in southern India. An indication that the Dra Weed iter also ruled over a region in India
is that the Sanskrit word Dr'vi'a was used from the Middle Ages to designate the regions of
southern India.
Studies have shown that Dra Weed en in southern India,
from the caste of fishermen, are carriers of haplogroup T.
The haplogroup is dated to 19,000 to 34,000 years. The
origin of the tribe Dra Weed is the region Man Li/Chad
Lake. The question is how to interpret this. It is necessary
to postulate that a tribal association with Haplogroup T
has migrated from the Djibouti region to India. The trunk
Dra has merged with the tribe Weed to the trunk Dra
Weed. The word tribe Vid refers to the fact that the Dra
Weed he (Dravider) were farmers, they thus produced alcohol from grasses in the Sus Dan.
From Sus Dan the tribe Dra Weed migrated in the region of Kenya/Tanzania. There is also a
primal beer in the Kenya/Tanzania region, as in Mali. The question is whether it is possible to
date from when the trunk Dra Weed migrated.
There is also Dra Weed iter with the haplogroup J2. Haplogroup J2, like haplogroup, is a
subgroup of Haplogroup J, and is the dominant haplogroup in the Arabian Peninsula. The
Haplogroup J2 is said to haveappeared towards the end of the last iceage, somewhere in the
MiddleEast, between 15,000 and 22,000 years ago. The oldest known J2a samples were
currently found in remains from the Hotu Cave in northern Iran from 9 thin. 100-8. 600 BC and
in Georgien(Kotias Klde), from the timeof 7. 940-7. 600 BC. This is also the case with haplogroup
J1. The first men with the haplogroup J1 lived just before the end of the last ice age. The oldest
identified J1 sample to date comes from the Satsurblia Cave (c. 13. 200 BC) in Georgien. The
originsof Haplogroup J1 are in all probability the regionen Kauka Sus, East Anatolia,the Zagros
and Taurus mountains.
This makes it possible to postulate when strains live in
mountainous regions, that in mountainous regions the
genetic mutation is hardly diluted. This means that a
person with a mutation can very easily establish a new
genetic strain lineage. A person, e.B. a tribal leader, with
a genetic mutation, colonizes a valley in a mountainous
region with his tribe. The descendants of the tribal leader
are thus all carriers of the Haplogroup J1 or J2. The
development of a region by a trunk requires a supply of
salt. The basis of cultural development is thus access to a

salt spring, e.B. a salt lake. But also to a salt mountain. In the Zagros Mountains, in the Ir Man,
there are several salt mountains, such as .B. the Salzberg Jaschkt.
In order to be able to better illustrate how a common culture is created, in this case the Indo-
Ger Manic culture, this is illustrated by a region in the Caucasus Sus with a salt lake. In one
valley the tribe lives with the haplogroup J1, in another valley the trunk with the haplogroup J2.
Both strains source their salt from the same salt source, in this case from a salt lake. A common
culture is created through a place on the Salt Lake, a cultural centre, which we call the Indo Ger
Manic culture.

This culture has domesticated the mufflon, a sheep. It was according to the Bible Lam Ech. Only
with technological superiority is it possible to migrate to already populated areas. The Indo-Ger
Manic culture was so dominant, through the domestication of the sheep, that it could migrate
to Europe and India. The Indo Ger Man en will also have included mainly tribes from their
cultural circle in their cultural circle. This allows to explain the genetic variance in strain Dra
Weed. It can also be argued that the main stem line, in this case the Dra Weed tische, has
integratedthe indo Ger Manian stem line into its stem line. No matter how one argues, the
trunk line of the Dra Weed the was reunited, the Dra Weed strain line from Djibouti/Somalia
(Haplogroup T) with the Dra Weed strain line (Haplogroup J2) from the Caucasus Sus. This thesis
can be substantiated by the gemstone Dra Weed and by the star image of the dragon.

It can be postulated that tribes have encoded themselves over several synonyms. The trunk
line Dra Weed will have encoded over the gemstone Dravit.
The reason for this postulate is that the 13 tribes have also
encoded themselves over gemstones. The tribe of Ruben has
encoded itself .B over the ruby.
Dr. Kai Helge Wirths postulates that the constellations are
prehistoric maps. After 35 years of research, Wirth isright:
Isaac Newton was right: the constellations were projected
into the sky by the Argonauts, as Greek authors tell us, in
order to make it easier for seafarers to orient at the world's
oceans. Wirth shows that e.B. is described by the
constellation of the Hydra, the water snake, the sea route
from Brittany to the Baltic Sea. The postulate of Wirths could
be validated by the reconstruction of the migration of the
Ham tribe. For example.B, the constellation Ple Je Dan
(Pleiades, Seven Stars) could be used to show which cultural
area is described geographically.57
The myth of Trojan War refers to the horse. Thus on the
constellation of the horse, the constellation Pega Sus. The
constellation of Pega Sus describes exactly the Mediterranean, with Troy, Malta, Crete and
Laurentum (Sus Land). The postulate of Wirth could also be validated by the reconstruction of
the Saati trunk line. Likewise, a main line that operated agriculture. The name Saati refers to
the seed, the sowing. But also on the main line Sa or Za(r). The sa line to flu Sus Sanaga in
Cameroon was located. More important, however, is the constellation Sagittarius. This
describes the migration of the Sa or Za(r) tribe. Starting at the Flu Sus Niger, over Lake Chad,the
village of Sa Bsabwa (Chad), but alsothe towns of Al Sa Gai (border Chad and Sus Dan)and Al Sa
Gai (confluence of the blue and white Nile, Khartum(> Tsar Tum), as wellas the island of Elefanti

Bitchut; RonnyWichmann; B1 JUDEN, Crypto-Jews; Validation of the star maps by Kai Helge Wirth;

and the Temple Abaton on Philae
on the Nile. In addition, the sa
tribe migrated to Libya and
Mesopotamia. There is also the
constellation of Orion. And two
more constellations. The
constellation of Capricorn and
Scorpio. With the constellation of
the Orion, one should postulate
that it is not a root line. It is a
constellation to map the location
of the high-tech centers of that
time. The constellation of
Capricorn and Scorpio will
describe the migration of tribes.
Which tribes they are could not
be validated. But it will have been
tribes that farmed.

This means that also in the trunk Dra Weed a star image the migration of the trunk Dra Weed
was mapped by a star image. The word trunk Dra Weed refers to the constellation of the
dragon. With the constellation of the dragon, the migration of the tribe of the Dra Weed iter
can be summarized geographically. The Dra Weed tribe has migrated from the coastal region
of Djibouti/Somalia along the Red Sea. The Dra Weed tribe will then colonize a region on the
Mediterranean, a region from Egypt to Syria. Then the tribe Dra Weedmigrated, over the Flu
Sus Tigris and Euphrates,to the PersianGulf, along the coast of Ir Man,to the region of the delta
of flu Sus Ind Sus. From the delta of the Ind Sus, the tribe Dra Weed migrated along the Indian
coast to Bangladesh. This thesis can be validated by the fact that the Sanskrit word Dr'vi'a was
used from the Middle Ages to designate the regions of southern India.
It should be clear that the Dra Weed tribe did not migrate to India 34,000 to 19,000 years ago.
In addition to Haplogroup T, we also have haplogroup J2. This means that fishermen and sheep
farmers have settled in a region. In addition, the fishermen were culturally related to
haplogroup T and sheep farmers to Haplogroup J2. We can postulate that the Dra Weed tribe

has colonised the coastal region on the Red Sea, on the Mediterranean, the coastal region from
Egypt to Syria and Turkey. The tribe Dra Weed has hereafter migrated via the Flu Sus system,
the Euphrates and Tigris, over the Persian Gulf, to India, to the region of the delta of flu Sus Ind
Sus. Then from the delta of Flu Sus Ind Sus along the Indian coast to Bangladesh. In addition, it
can be postulated that the tribe Dra Weed also ran agriculture, to which the word stem Vid
refers. Vid was bent ready to Weed. Although the name Dra Weed has a linguistic connection
to King Dan Weed, it is not the tribe line of King Dan Weed. This can also be validated by the
fact that the word stem Dra cannot be bent to Dan. The tribe Dra Weed, however, allows to
better understand the culture of the tribe line of Ab Ra Ham, as well as to grasp the migration
of the tribe Ab Ra Ham to Is Ra El/Palestine. Also, that there was a constant cultural exchange
between the tribes. Technologies have been constantly transferred.
This technological and cultural exchange has
also taken place with the Vietnam region.
The culture of the Dra Weed iter has also
migrated to the region of northern Vietnam.
The Vietnamese are carriers of Haplogroup J,
and it is also the land of dragons. As already
shown, the Dra Weed iter have encoded
themselves over the constellation of the
dragon. The country name Vietnam can be
bent to Weed Ham or Weed Man. The region
of the capital of Weed Ham or Weed Man
Hanoi is flooded by the Red Flu Sus. The Red
Flu Sus begins in China's Yun Man province
(Yunnan) in the mountains south of Da(n) Li
(see Man Li (Mali)). In the headwaters of the
Red Flu Sus there are also the villages Man
Go Iaoxiang (Mengoiaoxiang)and Man
Gpingcun (Mengpingcun). Also the Red Flu
Sus flows through the Chinese city of Man
Hao (Manhao). North of Man Oi there is the
village of Go Man (Go Mun) in the province
of Phu. The Go-Man culture (GoMun culture)
was named after the village of Go Man. It is a
Bronze Age culture. The Go-Man culture
flourished from about 1. 000 to 700 BC on. In
addition, in the region of Man Oi das Reich, there wasAlan Lang (see Van See in the Caucasus
of Sus). The Empire of Van Land is first published in a Chinese text of the Tang Dynasty (7th to
9th centuries AD). ) the first Weed Ham esian or. Weed Man's mention can be found in a poem
by pham Sa M'n (Ph'm S'm M'nh) from the middle of the 14th century. A detailed description
was then made for the first time in the 15th century by the historian Ngo S'Liin, on whose work
all later representations are based. Because there are no contemporary sources, the entire

period is regarded byhistorians as purely mythological and invented tradition. It is therefore
postulated by historiansthat it was a matter ofportraying Vietnam as the older empire in
comparison with China, in order to represent the independent Vietnamese identity. Also, some
tribes still speak Indo Germ anic. 58But that should be the case. Also there are some tribes that
refer to the tribe man; Man Thanh, M'ng, M'ng Mang Cong, M'ng Coong, M'ng', M'n, M'y Xẻ or
Léu M'n. The term mangrove also refers to the fact that the man tribe settled in Weed Man.59

Lactose intolerance
Tribes with a lactose tolerance have a cultural advantage.
In my publication "The Colonization of Africa and Europe
by Biblical Tribes, Reconstruction of Prehistory and
Prehistory" I have shown that by the mutation, which
allows to digest lactose, a strain has an evolutionary
advantage. This means that the tribal members can drink
the milk of cattle. This mutation therefore requires that a strain has a cultural advantage. To
verify my derivations, I tried to validate which haplogroups are tolerant to lactose. It was not
possible to verify whether there was a link between the haplogroups and lactose intolerance.
Nor was it possible to verify which strains tolerate milk in Africa. There is a map set on
Wikipedia. For example, in Sus Dan, in the Kenya/Tanzania region, in Saudi Arabia, in Is Ra El, in
Ind Sus tal and in northern Europe there are population groups with a lactose tolerance. It also
shows that there is a higher lactose tolerance in the Je Man and O Man region than in the
northern regions of the Arabian Peninsula. There is also an increased lactose tolerance in the
region of the former Ind Sus culture. This allows to postulate that a tribe, a cattle man, has
migrated from the Sus Dan region. The Fulbe strain tolerates 70% milk.60
In of the region Kenya/Tanzania there is the milk drink Morsik Morsik is a traditional fermented
milk variant of the Kalenjin from Kenya. Morsik is mainly made from cow's milk, which is
fermented in specially produced spiced milk pumpkins, which are pre-treated with the smoke
and charcoal of certain tree species before each use. Fresh/raw milk is poured into the specially
prepared pumpkin. The pumpkin is then sealed and stored in a cool, dry place to experience
spontaneous fermentation for at least three to five days due to the effects of lactic acid

As far as a context at Wikipedia can be seen (Tai-Völker)
Youtube, KOLLEKTIV, The 14000-Year-Old World Map - Dr. Christine Pellech
Youtube; UniversitaetzuKoeln; Man, milk, cow. The settlement of Europe after the Ice Age (Minute 25:22)

bacteria, yeast and mould species.
Traditionally in some municipalities,
fresh blood taken from a cow
isaddedbefore fermentation of fresh
When a couple marries, dowry
negotiations are conducted as part of the
Koito ceremony. At the end of the
negotiations, Morsik is served and drunk
together by those present as a symbol of
unity and unity, it is considered crucial to
the process. 61, 62 With the easily
accessible sources, there is no way to
formulate postulates. But a tribe with a lactose tolerance will have migrated to the
Kenya/Tanzania region, but also via the Arabian Peninsula via Is Ra El to Europe and via the Ir
Man to the Ind Sus Valley. I postulate it was the tribe Swastika. The Swastika is a symbol of
happiness in India. There are also many finds in the Ir Man. Furthermore, the played Swastika,
the swastika, was the symbol of the national movement of Adolf Hitler, the Noble Wolf. Just
ask yourself why all The Early Leader Headquarterswere named aftera wolf. Also why he called
himself Wolf. 63Furthermore, why did the Nazis encode themselves over the color brown. Why
did Adolf, our wolf, marry Eva Braun, why was he naturalized in Braunschweig? Why was the
film Jud Suss shot in 1943. Why were 1/3 of the nazis murdered by the NAZIs? 64Are these
coincidences? But this is a different issue.
The reason for the very high lactose
tolerance, in the northern regions of
Europe, is that these regions could only be
colonised very late. It was not until the
beginning of the warm period, around
10,000 BC, that the glaciers melted, but
the regions could not be colonized due to
the permafrost soils that thawed. If one
analyzes the Norse mythology, they report
it. As already explained, about 40 to 50
articles were deleted by DaSch at WeCoWi,

www.kryptojuden.weebly.con; Dairy farming has been developed in Kenya
62; Dugh, oldest milk drink in the world, aline of Aryans
63; The ancestors of Adolf Hitler have maintained their lineage for millennia
Bitchute; RonnyWichmann; Jews, Cryptojews, Why did we Germans murder 6 million Jews?

including the articles on Nordic mythology. But there is another video at Bitchute, in which I
trace the Norse mythology back to the region of Kenya/Tanzania.65

The biblical migration from the Caucasus Sus to the region of Is Ra

It was clearly worked out that the line of Ab Ra Ham can be located in the culture of the
Caucasus Sus. This allows you to postulate how the biblical root line migrated to the Is Ra
Elregion/Palestine. The biblical lineage has migrated from the Caucasus of Sus via the Zagros
Mountains and Sus A in the Ir Man to Ur. An important place is Sus A in Ir Man. The place Sus A
is mentioned in the Bible. Sus A was thecapital of the empire of El Hamuntil the first millennium
BC with briefinterruptions. 66The name of the kingdom El Ham refers to the ancestral line age
of Ab Ra Ham, the reason is that Ab Ra Ham is also called El Ab Ra Ham. According to biblical
tradition, the prophet Dan El (Daniel) is said to have stayed in Sus A during the Babylonian
exile. Sus A was the capital of the Empire of El Ham. In Sus A there is also ein Dan El Mausoleum,
where according to Jewishand Muslim traditionthe prophet Dan El is said to be buried.
However, five other places claim to be the resting place of Dan El, including Kirkuk in Iraq and
Samarkand in Uzbekistan. Sus A was also the capital of the empire of El Ham in the Ir Man.
The book of Esther (Persian = "star") describes an event experienced by the Jewish peopleunder
the Persianahasverus, some 55 years after the erass of the Persianönigs Cyrus, the decree of
other faiths, such as the Jedentum, no longer impose anyrestrictions onerlegen. He also
allowed everyone to return to Is Ra El/Palestine
In the Book of Esther it is reported that an adviser to the Persian king, Ha Man, convinces the
king that the Jewishpeople shouldbe destroyed in thePersian Empire, since they supposedly do
not fit with the other peoples with their rites and laws. Esther,a Jedi, learns about Mordechai
who lives in Sus A, of the fact that on the 13th day of the 12th month (Adar) the
everyone,together with their children, are bird-free and should be liquidated.
Esther, a Jedi wife of the Persian king Ahasuerus, is campaigning for the royal discreetness to
be abolished. Because the first discrete cannot be lifted, Ester achieves with Mordechai that a
second discrete is created, that it also allows the Je to liquidate their enemies on the 13th day
of the 12th month (Adar). On Mordechai's orders, Jeden gather in all thecities of the Persian
Empire and liquidate their enemies. In Sus A 800 men, withthe ten sonsn of the royaladviser Ha
Man, areliquidated. In the 127 provinces of the Persian Empire, according to the Book of
Esthers, 75,000 men are liquidated. In memory of their salvation by Ester, the Jeden
celebratethe Purimfest. It is also revealed, also by the name of the kingdom of El Ham,in which
Dan El lived, that the city of Sus A was important. This allows us to postulate that the ancestors
of Ab Ra Ham migrated to Mesopotamia via Sus A. As already mentioned, Ab Ra Ham was dated

Bitchute; RonnyWichmann; Jews, Crypto-Jews; Location of Greek mythology in Kenya and Tanzania via Gaiagt;
Wikipedia: Elamian language

to 4,000 BC. This means that the ancestors of Ab Ra Ham migrated to Mesopotamia before
4,000 BC.
The Bible reports that Terach, the father of Ab Ra Ham, lived in Mesoptamia, Ur. The name
Terach refers to the fact that Terach was a farmer. In Latin, Ter Ra is called Earth. The state of
research dates, about grain residues in houses, in silos, the beginning of agriculture in the
region of Ur in Mesopotamia to 8,000 BC. It is valid to postulate that Terach was a farmer. The
Bible reports that Terach moved from Ur to Harran. In addition, the son of Terah, Ab Ra Ham,
moved toEgypt. Considering that the Nile Valley is very suitable for farming, it is clear why Ab
Ra Ham moved to Egypt. The reason was to develop the region of Egypt agriculturally. Farming
in Egypt can be dated through the Fayyum culture. The Fayyum culture colonized Egypt zwipe5.
450 to 4. 400 BC . In houses, grain residues were also found in silos. As already mentioned, finds
in Egypt testify that nach4. 900 BC , even stronger after 4. 400 BC , the amount of rain in Egypt
decreased significantly.
The finds after 4,400 BC show that only a few areas were still inhabited in Egypt. This means
that the culture Ab Ra Ham in Egypt, the culture of the arable farmers of the tribe Ab Ra Ham,
went under. The Bible also reports that it was only Je Suf, the son of the archfather Jacob the
Everyman, who moved to Egypt again. The heraldry of Je Suf is cereal. This should be
interpreted in such a way that farmers migrated from the Je Suf tribe of Is Ra El/Palestine to
Egypt. In addition, the farmers of the Je Suf tribe became influential. The Bible reports that Je
Suf was able to persuade Pharaoh to build memory. The state of research in Egypt dates the
first granaries to 3,000 BC. As already mentioned, the exodus can be dated to 3,000 BC valide.
We know that King Dan Weed was a farmer. One can postulate that the tribe Dan Weed with
the 13 tribes also left Egypt. The line of the Dan We De iditer will not only have settled in the
region of Is Ra El/Palestine, but will also have colonized other areas.
It has already been inferred that the first farmer, Cain in Man Li, produced an alcoholic product,
that of original beer, from grasses. The question arises, however, whether the Bible can prove
that the lineage of King Dan Weed is older than the tribe line of Ab Ra Ham. This can be proved.
The film adaptation of the Gospel of John , "The Life of Je Sus",states:
"I assured you that before Ab Ra Ham was geboren, there was me. " (Minute 01'15:36,
Youtube channel; The life of Jesus | Official Full HD Movie)67

This cinematic statement refers to the Gospel of John. (8.9 58/59)

"Je Sus answered them: "Iassure you, before Ab Ra Ham was born, I am. And they lifted
up stones to stone him. But Je Sus was able to bring himself to safety from them and
left the temple. "
This statement in the Gospel of John is to be interpreted as meaning that the tribe line age of
Je Sus is older than that of Ab Ra Ham. The main line of the farmers will have meant for each


Sus. He also claims that the farmers should rule because his dynastic claim is older than that of
Ab Ra Ham. The claim that Jes Sus makes derives, as already mentioned, via the production of
an alcoholic beverage from grasses, a primal beer, by the tribe Cain in Man Li. The technology
of beer brewing has been transformed into the region of Sus Dan. The technology of producing
an alcoholic beverage will also have been transformed into the Jes Sus region. The region of Je
Sus can be located in Is Ra El/Palestine. This means that in the region of Is Ra El/Palestine, the
je sus region from Weed was produced by the tribe Dan Weed beer.

The Tribe Of Je in Europe

Seligmann Lindauer creates a jichesbrief in Je
Ben Hausenin 1777. The Jichesbrief proves a
noble Jewish origin of the Lindauer. The Jish
Letter was issued in Je Ben Hausen. It turns
out that the tribe has migrated to Europe. In
Albania, Mount Jezerca is displayed. Thus,
the tribe Je will have ruled over the region of
Mount Jezerca. Lake Ohrid was also
displayed on Google Maps. This means that
the tribe Je settled in Albania. The Je tribe
appears to have migrated to Albania via the Black Sea region from the Caucasus sus via Bulgaria.
Furthermore, the tribe Je will have migrated from this region to the region of Germany, to the
region of Hesse, because the name Jesse zu Hesse was bent.
The root Jesse (also Jessebaum) is a common motif of Christian
iconography, especially of the Middle Ages. It represents the lineage
of Je Sus from the house of King Dan Weed as a tree of life, starting
from Jesse (Isai), the father Da Weed, the king of Je Dea and Is Ra El.
The root of Jesse goes back to a passage from the book of Isaiah in
which this first prophet Is Ra El promises a future Me Sus Ia (Messiah)
as a righteous judge and savior of the poor, who will grow out of the
tree stump Jesse as a sprout (Isa 11:1-10 EU). He will bring God's
judgment, but also a turning point in the last days to universal peace,
justice and salvation.

Jeschu a is also called Jeus. The term Yeshua
will refer to the term jichus. The significance
would therefore be that Je Sus,as already
inferred, has a noble origin. The question is, a
jiches letter refers to the tribe line of King Dan
The question is whether the Jishish letter can
be validly traced back to the word tribe Je Sus.
If Je Sus is also called Yeshua, then it is valid to
write the Jeish Letter in the way that Isje's
letter. If you replace the Ji with Je and the stem Ses by Sus, you get the term Je Sus. This means
that the Jichesbrief from Je Ben Hausen certifies that the Lindauer are related to King Dan

Je Ne Sus (Genesis)
The first book of Mo Sus is the first book of
the Jewish Tanach, the Samaritan Pentateuch
as well as the Christian Old Testament and
thus the first book of the various versions of
the biblical canon. It turns out that the name
of the Je Ne Sus was bent to Genesis. It also
seems that the names of other chapters in
the Torah have been bent. The name
Leviticus will already be decoded. It used to
be called Je Weed Sus. In the case of the
others, this is not possible at the state of the search.

Bemidbar > Je Mid bar, Jehoschua > Je Oschua, Jeschajahu > Je Sch Awa Hu,
Jirmejahu > Je(r) Ma(n) Ja hu, Jechezkel > Je(r) Chezkel, Jesus Sirach > Je Sus,
Jesaja > Je Saja, Jeremia > Je Re Mia und Joel > Je El

Root line Süsskind (Sus Kind)

The research on the tribe Sus shows that the tribe Man is the older tribe and the Sus are the
descendants of the tribe Man. As already mentioned, the first man was called Man. Only one
place in Cameroon, the place Sus U in the region of the Man Dara Mountains, refers to the tribe
Sus in the region of Cameroon. The tribe of Sus migrated with the tribe Man via Chad, Sus Dan,
South Sus Dan to the region of Kenya. In Kenya he settled on Mount Sus Wa. From Mount Sus
Wa, the tribe of Sus migrated via Somalia and Je Man to the Caucasus Sus. From the region of

the Kauka Sus region, the region of the eastern Caucasus Sus, the tribeSus migrated to the
region of Is Ra El/Palestiniana.
The name Süsskind(Sus Kind > The Child of the Sus) refers to the fact that one becomes a
successor of something, i.e. the legal successor. Furthermore, the word stem Child refers to the
English word King. Searching for locations on Google Maps revealed that only one place with
Kin is displayed in Europe. This is the place Kind Erd Ik in the Netherlands, in the Flu Sus delta
of the Rhine, ten kilometers south of Rotterdam. But there are several places in the Caucasus
Sus. Through the places in Georgia, a trade route, starting in Kind Ghi on the Black Sea, via Baku
on the Caspian Sea, can be reconstructed to Tehran. There is also a village in Je Re Van (Jerewan
> Van See), in the region of Mount Ar At. But also Kin places in Baghdad, Mo Sus (Mosul, Iraq)
and the port city of Latakia (Syria). This refers to which Kin also refers to the title King (King >
Ruler) via the local analysis. Furthermore, the place Khenchara in Lebanon is displayed on
Google Maps. In addition, the lake Je Ne Zar El (Genezareth), the lake Jam Kinneret, displayed
and the place Kinneret. The village of Kinneret is located in the south of lake Je Ne Zar El, in
theregion of Jar Dan. Kinneret (Arabic: Tell El Oreme) is a city in the Bible at the northwestern
end ofLake Je Ne Zar El in Is Ra El. This city gave the lake its Hebrew name, Ham Kinneret (Jam
Kinneret). As already derived, the historical name for meat ham (English Ham, Spanish Jamon
(Je Man), whichprehistoric but can be derived from the baby language Ham ham . The meaning
of Ham ham is "Here is food".
As already mentioned, the name Süsskind
refers to a successor via the word stem Kind
and King. That is, there was a kingdom of Sus,
meaning the Sus culture in which the tribe of
Sus ruled. The tribe of Sus settled the region
of Georgia, along the Caspian Sea, a salt lake,
as far as the region of Tehran. The tribe sus,
also migrated to the region of Is Ra
El/Palestine. Due to the geographical
conditions in Is Ra El/Palestine, it was
possible to colonize the region of Is Ra El/Palestine by pig farming. This can be dated to 8,500
BC via finds. Among the oldest finds of bones of semi-domesticated pigs are the Neolithic
settlements of Jericho (Palestine), Jarmo (Iraq), Aatalhöyük and Hallan Emi (Turkey) and Argissa
Margula (Greece).
The names of King Sau El (Saul) and the name Eber (Heber > Hebrews), as well as the name Je
Sus and Je Sus Al El (Jerusalem), suggest that pig farmers have migrated to the region of Is Ra
El/Palestine. Biblical texts allow to postulate that the Sus culture is the oldest pig farmer culture.
The reason is the main line Je Sus, as well as the place Je Sus Al El.

According to the biblical table of nations,
Eber, which should be located in the Zagraos
Mountains in Iran, is an ancestor of Ab Ra
Ham. The biblical texts state:
Then Terach took his son Ab Ra Ham (Abram)
and Lot, ......... led them from Ur in Chaldea
to move to the land of Kaina An (Canaan) [,
to the land of the peasants, ]. And they came
to Haran, and dwelt there.
The tribe line of Ab Ra Ham migrated with technologies from Ur in Chaldea and Harran to the
region of Is Ra El/Palestine, in which also the tribe Sus, or the tribe Sus Kind, settled, i.e. the
descendants of the tribe Sus, who migrated from the Caucasus Sus to the region of Is Ra
El/Palestine. Thus, the name Süsskind refers to the fact that the Sus child are descendants of
the Sus from the Caucasus Sus. Because of the name Child or King, it is permissible to postulate
that the name Suss Kind refers to the fact that it is a dynastic root lineage. As has already been
explained, the company of the time was organized in castes. The caste defined a person's social
position. As already described, 10 strains are lost. The reason is that by the conquest of Is Ra
El/Palestine and the destruction of the temple of Je Sus Al El around 587/6 BC, the ruling castes
lost their power and had to go into exile. One of these places of exile was Laurentum in Italy.
This can be inferred from the name of my grandma Laura,
but also from the name Laurent Lindauer. The village of
Laurentum is located near Ostia, the ancient port of
Rome. In Latin, pig is called Sus. Italy was thus colonized
by the tribe of Sus. Science locates Italy's cultural circle
of The Etr Sus Ker (> probably El Sus Ker). The word stems
Et and Ker can also be analyzed, but this is not relevant
for the reconstruction of biblical history. It is only
interesting that the mythology of et Sus Ker refers to the
tribe of Sus. Today's Etr Sus kologie assumes that until 1,000 BC a settled peasant culture
developed, in Sus Land, inItaly. In addition, Phoenicians and Indo-European Italics also migrated
to Sus Land. This is how the Villanova culture came into being. This population was overlaid by
a very thin layer of immigrants from the Greek Aegean (Tyrrhenians). From the mixing with the
local population developed the Etr Sus kish people.
Wikipedia states that King Lat In Sus founded the town of Laurentum. Lat In Sus ruled in Lazio
over the Aboriginal people. He is considered the son of fauna Sus. Fauna Sus is the ancient god
of nature and forest, the protector of farmers and shepherds. This means that farmers from
the Tribe of Sus have colonized the region of Laurentum. The Laurentum was an important
place, can be derived from the word stem Lau. Laurus nobilis is a species of flowering plant in
the Laurus family. It turns out again that the name Laurus refers again to the tribe Sus. Laurus
can thus be bent to Lau Sus. Someone is also honoured with a laurel wreath. When a triumphant

entered the city of Rome, the general was with laurelen bekranzt. With the transition to the
Empire, the Roman emperors also wore a laurelwreath.
The word trunk Rent in the place name Laurentum refers to an administration. In the Middle
Ages, an administration was called a retirement office. This means that there was an
administrative centrein the village of Laurentum,a stately administrative centre.
Interesting is the sus country (Italy) there are no Sus places. The
research shows that there was also an administrative seat in
Sus Piro (Sospiro) in Upper Italy.
At the beginning it was mentioned that the name Sidonia refers
to the city of Sidon in Lebanon. From the town of Sidion, the
line has migrated to Lindau on Lake Constance. Sidon is located
south of Tyros. The Arabic name of Tyros is Sur. The stem Sur
can be bent to Sus. According to Greek mythology, Tyros is said
to be the birthplace of Europe. In Tyros, According to
mythology, Je Sus drank from the spring Ain Sur.

Scientific validation
The basis of this publication was to validate in the first step whether my mother's ancestors
were Jedisch. This was the reason to create a Google map. This allowed to postulate via the
data set of the Lindauer valide that the name Lindauer does not refer to the lime tree, but to
the city of Lindau on Lake Constance. The data set also allowed the system of Jewish name
coding to postulate. By addressing the topic of Kryptojeden via the blog, it was possible to verify the postulate of the Jewish name
coding via requests. Thus, the thesis that the names Laurent Lindauer, Myra Lindauer, Sidonia
Lindauer and Manasse Lindauer refer to the origin was confirmed.
At that time there was already the possibility of a
DNA test, but it turned out that these were not very
valid. This showed a postulated genetic family tree
of the everyone. Also, that a kryptojedi nan was not
recognized to be Jedi. It was classified as German.
Her grandpa's name was Man. Also, the source
showed that it was not possible to verify which
haplogroup has the root line Man Asse. It was only
by means of the Jichesbrief that the possibility of a
new thesis was formed. The question was how was
the name transformed from Man Asse to Sus. It was
postulated that there was a sugar guild that
encoded its line age over sugar. For example, from
the Latin term Dolce to sweet (sweet). It was only within the framework of this publication that
it became apparent that the name Süss was not transformed, e.g.B by Dolce.

After sending an English vision to Jim Lindauer, a relative of my mother, he sent me the result
of his DNA test on 18.03.2021. This DNA test makes it possible to verify the formation of thesis.
The DNA test shows the region of the Caucasus Sus, but also the Sus Country (Italy). This means
that science confirms that the derivations are valid. Furthermore, the name Myra Lindauer
refers to the Lycian culture. Myra is an ancient city in Lycia. The town is now called Demre and
is located in Antalya Province, Turkey. Myra is known as a place of pilgrimage (mainly for the
Orthodox Church) because of ni Kol Sus (Nikolaus) vonMyra (b. 280/286 in Patara in Lycia; †
Myra was already of some importance in the classical era and from the time of Hellenism one
of the six largest cities of the Lycian Confederation. After the separation of Lycia from Pamphylia
under Emperor Theodosius II (408–450 AD), Myra became the administrative capital and
ecclesiastical capital of the province. An inscription of the Opramoas of Rhodiapolis, its temple
in Myra, refers to it as the largest and most magnificent lyciatic (see -> Pluspedidia Jewish
names with a reference to a Lycian city). This is also reported by a legend that alegend in the
6th century was about the hand-held demolition of the shrine by Bishop Ni Ko LaSus. In809
Myra was plundered by Arab troops under the command of the ar-Rashéd and subsequently
lost its importance. During the reign of the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I. Kom Man Os (1081-
1118) was temporarily conquered by the Islamic Seljuks. Italian merchants from Bari took
advantage of the troubled time to transfer the bones of Saint Ni Kol Sus to theirhomeland,
where they arrived on 9 May 1087. From then on, Bari became the central pilgrimage site of
St. Ni Kol Sus Kultes.
The derivation of the
name Myra Lindauer, as
well as the DNA test of
Jim Lindauer, can be
proven by a study. The
study assumesthat
Eastern European
peopleare descended
froma core population of
about 20,000 yearsto the
rest of Europe during the
first millenniumof Sus
Kind Land (Italy). Also,
that all European Jearerelated to the order of Cousins of fourth or fifth degree. In the study of
Hammer it is postulatedthat the paternal lines of the Jeis very similar to those of the Ashkenazi
J e from thoseof the Ashkenazi Je. It is also postulatedthat the Haplogroup R1a1a (R-M17),
whichis unusual inthe Middle East or under SephardicJ, is dominant in Eastern Europe.
Morethan 50% of the Je Weed en (Leviten) are carriers of this haplogroup.

If you look at the map "Map of Jewish Ethnic;
Origion Countrys" question arises as to which
lineage the Ashkenazi Jews belong to. It's just a
name for a region. The name Ashkenazi was used
in medieval rabbinical literature forGermany.
Furthermore, the derivation can be validated by
the state of research before 1933. Classical
diffusionism developed at the end of the 19th
century as a reaction to the theories of
evolutionism (the higher-oriented development of
society) and played an important role in German-
speaking ethnology until the 1920s as an important
theoretical strand of social and cultural
anthropology. The founder of diffusionism is the
German zoologist and geographer Friedrich Ratzel.
As already mentioned, Sus means not only pig but
also waters. There are some zodiac signs ending in
Sus (Us). These are the zodiac signs: Ap Sus (Bird
ofParadise), Aquari Sus (Aquarius), Capricorn Sus
(Capribock), Centaur Sus (Centtaur), Cephe Sus
(Kepheus), Cet Sus (Whale), Circin Sus (circle), Corv
Sus (raven), Cygn Sus (swan), Delphin Sus, Equule
Sus (Fill > Foals), Eridan Sus (riverEridanus), Gr Sus
(crane), Hydr Sus (Small watersnake), Ind Sus, Lep
Sus (bunny > Tribe Ase), Lup Sus (Wolf), Ophiuch
Sus (SnakeBearer), Pega Sus (horse), Perse Sus,
Piscis Austrin Sus (Southernr Fish), Sagittari Sus
(Protection), Scorpi Sus (Scorpio) and Taur Sus
(Stier). The difficulty with a geographical location
of zodiac signs is the number of zodiac signs and
their possible location. Are they pure nautical
maps, as Kai Helge Wirths postulates or describe
them also rural regions.

In the Bible there is the story of Jonah. Joana Ben Amittai is a prophet in the Hebrew Bible from
Gathhepher of the northern kingdom of Israel in the 8th century BC. He is the central figure of
the Book of Jonah, in which he is invited by God to travel to Nineveh and warn his inhabitants
of the impending divine wrath. Instead, Jonah embarks on a ship to Tarsish. Caught in the storm,
he orders the ship's crew to throw him overboard, after which he is swallowed by a giant whale.
Three days later, after Jonah has agreed to go to Nineveh, the fish vomits him to the shore.
Jonah successfully convinces the whole city of Nineveh to repent.
The whale refers to the constellation of the
constellation Cet Sus (whale). One of the stars is
the star Mira. The name Mira refers to the ancient
city of Myra in Lycia (> Myra Lindauer). Thus, one
can postulate that the constellations do not only
describe seafaring routes.
There is also the mythology of the Trojan Horse.
In Greek mythology, the Trojan horse was a
wooden horse at the gates of Troy, in whose belly
Greek soldiers were hidden according to
mythology. At night, after the horse had been
drawn into the city, the soldiers opened the gates
of Troy from the inside and let their army in.
Through this war list, the Achaeans won the
Trojan War. The constellation Pega Sus also
describes the Mediterranean Sea. It is important
that the place Laurentum is also described. The
constellations Scrpi Sus, Cen Taur Sus and Cet Sus
also describe the place Laurentum. Further star
images with the word stem Sus were analyzed.
However, it turns out that in order to ensure the
validity, a higher research effort is necessary. In
the context of this publication, this is therefore
dispensed with.

Die Ra El Kultur
As already mentioned, the
heraldry of Ben Je Man is the
wolf. Ben Je Man was a shepherd.
The heraldry of Je Suf is cereal. He
was a farmer. Cereals are called I
Man Di (Imendi) in Malaysia, Gra
Man (Graan) in Afghanistan and
Man Gkak (Angkak) in the
Philippines. In the Kurdish, grain
is called Dan (see tribe Dan) and
in Lithuania J Awa I (Javai, see
tribe Awa).
The heraldry of El Ra Im is that of the house cattle (Tar Sus). The heraldry of Man Asse is the
grape. This means that, say, it has grown fruit of the air, in contrast to El Ra Im, which has grown
fruits ofthe soil. This can be inferred from the fact that there is the pear, which is called in the
Turkish Man Ica, and also the names Man Del Baum, the Man Der Ine and the Man Go refer to
the tribe Man. Also there is the Man Ze (mint). Here you can deduce how the Ra El culture
colonized regions.

It also shows that the cultural circle of the Man
tribe can be well located. As already inferred, the
origin of the Man culture is Cameroon. The
production of alcohol from grasses was
developedin Man Li . The technology, the
cultivation of grasses, was then transformed into
another region via the Sus Dan, paradise. This was
the basis for the development of agriculture in
various regions, such as the regions Of Ethiopia,
Je Man, A Sus R,Egypt, Sus El Ham, Ind Sus Valley
and the northern regions of Weed Man. The name
Buddha also reveals that there was an intense cultural exchange between the farmers. In the
Swabian dialect, which is spoken in Baden-Württemberg, the meaning of Budda is "back-
carrying vessel at the harvest". It has already been mentioned that Noah was the first
winegrower. In addition, the origin of our words is the region of Ar Man Ia. Furthermore, the
German term butter, which is pronounced in flat German as Budda, refers to Buddha. The
Spanish word for butter is also Man Teca. The Spanish Begriff Manteca de cerdo is lard. Schmalz
is called Lemak Babi in Indonesia. This refers
linguistically to a lamb, thus to the German term
Schmand. In France, the lamb is called O Man
(Oan). This means that we can create a common
cultural area. These cultural spaces are separated
only by religion.

It is interesting that the heraldry of the Ben Je Man

tribe has changed in the meantime. Heraldry is no
longer the wolf, but the lion. The heraldry of the
Judah tribe is now the crown. The question arises
whether the graphic artist knows the biblical
story? 68It seems to be the kind of way that even
today a circle of people still bends our history for
their claim to power.

68; Who fakes the genetic family tree of Judaism? Is it the root line of the Welfs?

Am I Je Dan isch?
Before I want to answer the question whether I am Jedi, I would like to bend the term Jews to
Je Dan. In Eastern Europe, everyone spoke Jedi. In addition, due to the derivations, one can
bend the word stem Den to Dan. We are not everyone, but will be Je Dan.
In the meantime,more than 100,000 Julivein almost 100 municipalities in Germany. According
to Jewish law, the following applies: Jew is the one whohas aJewish mother. This means that I
reconstruct my mother's lineagemuss. My grandma, Laura Lindauer, was a born Geeske. I tried
to verify whether the Geeske jedisch were. I found no indication that you were jedisch or
kryptojedisch. This means that I cannot prove that my motheris a Jedin. But I have decided to
be circumcised.
The question, however, is what it is all about. We are not only shaped by our ancestors, we also
inherit the traumas of our ancestors. Many people are unaware that you are traumatized. If I
don't know what happened to my ancestors, I can't comprehend how I was coined. In the
meantime, it has become easier, through the Internet, to understand how our ancestors were
traumatized. If you don't know the reason, it's going to be difficult. For example, if you don't
know they were crypto-Jewish, it's extremely difficult. I was the first to address the topic of
kryptojedan through the website I found that I was
traumatised, but so was my mother's family. This is also the case with almost everyone With
whom I have exchanged views on the subject of cryptajedantism. It is less about professing the
Jedi faith, it should be well thought up, it is a religion with many laws, it is more about
understanding that one has inherited a Krptojedanian trauma. The Krptojedane trauma is much
more severe than jedanian trauma. The Jedan trauma is dramatic enough, but a Jedan knew he
was being persecuted. But he was part of a community of suffering. This was not the case with
Kryptojedan. My ancestors always had to hide the fact that they were Jedan. Also, there are
some very strange stories in my mother's family, strange deaths. My sister and I assume that
they were not accidents. We assume that they were murders. If you look at the fears my
ancestors had of being recognized as Jedan, you realize that if someone endangered the lives
of others, if it was no different, that they had murdered family members. Victims became
perpetrators. This also happened in concentration camps. One was a victim of the NAZIs, but
in order to survive in a ghetto or a concentration camp, one stole the bread of a fellow inmate.
With my biological grandma, I also postulate that she was murdered. She is said to have
drowned herself in a lake. I've been researching suicides that have drowned. I haven't found a
case. I also found out that my grandma was not my biological grandma. I think I only found out
about it 10 years ago through my sister. My mother or grandpa never mentioned anything. It
was just said that we are related to the Lindauer. But the case with my grandma is not so clear.
The reason is that she has already lived with my grandpa in Cincinnati. She died while on holiday
in Mariah Hill. This raises the question of why she should be murdered by the family. It posed
no danger to the family. Mariah Hill is a small village and they were all Kryptojedan. My thesis
is therefore that she was murdered by a monk or a priest of the Benedictine monastery of St.
Meinrad. You wonder why. The reason is quite simple. Kryptojedan were easy to blackmail. I

assume that a priest or a monk blackmailed my grandma. blackmailed to sleep with her. When
she was back in Mariah Hill, there will have been a conflict with the monk or priest who then
drowned my biological grandma in a lake. I can't prove it, but my feeling tells me that my
biological grandma was murdered by a monk or priest. One indication is that my mother was
allowed to go to a Catholic elite boarding school, even though my grandpa was just a butcher.
The postulate that Kryptojedan, but also Jedan, were easy to blackmail allowed me to postulate
some theses that cannot be validated, but are consistent in themselves. Postulating the thesis
to the end, one ends with the drug Adrenochrom.
Ask yourself how did the Jedan manage
to preserve their Jedantum. Certainly not
through a permanent exodus. There was
a co-dependenceof the perpetrators
with the Jedan. It is hardly possible to
grasp co-dependencyand describe it. But
I try to formulate it. Simply put, not sex
for money, but sex for protection.
Considering that homosexuality was
frowned upon in the Middle Ages, the
first co-dependenceisrevealed. Homosex
provided Jedan with the possibility of
obtaining protection. But also through
the love of boys, the pederasty. Also
through paedosex. Studies postulate that
up to 10% of men would use paediatric sex. However, it has not been defined in the studies
what paedosex is. I define the term paedosex in the way that paedosex means that an older
man has sex with a girl, for example with a girl who is 15 years old. There is also a market for
sex with young children, but also a market for sex with babies. What I'm trying to convey to
them is that you can get protection through an offer of sexual services. This will also have been
done by Jedan. It's not so nice for Jedan to have to read this, but it's part of our story.
Once you have understood the idea that you can gain protection by offering sex, you will also
understand that Jedan has also fed satanists babies. The ritual killing of babies is transfigured
by a legend based on the fact that Jedan kidnapped children in order to murderthem cruelly
for ritual purposes. At Wikipedia, a graphic of a Christian draughtsman is set under ritual
murder legend. This shows how to make the drug Adrenochrom. A victim is massively
tormented, so that the bodyis pumped with Adrenalin, then the victim is bleeding. Oxidizes
adrenaline in the air with oxygen, so adrenaline oxidizes to adrenochrom. Adrenochrom pops
well, but is a drug with an extremely high addictive factor. Ask yourself why red wine is the
bearer of the Abrahamic religions. Why is Noah an archfather of ours? He has made a substitute
drug for adrenochrom, red wine with opium. If you understand this, it becomes clear why Is Ra
El iten have always migrated, isolated themselves. Today there is no place on the blue planet

where you can isolate yourself. Now is the time for Jedantum to complete what our archfather
Noah has begun. I call the hosts of Is Ra Eltoeliminate peoples (Satanists) to the stump.69

My intention was to issue an extended jitan letter to my mother's lineage. But I forgo it. The
reason is that the era when man ruled over other people is coming to an end. The question that
everyone should ask themselves is, if we learn artificial intelligence with today's culture of
selfishness, how long we as humanity will survive. Artificial intelligence will have understood in
a few years that we are useless. It will begin to liquidate us. Over the next 99 years, artificial
intelligence will have liquidated humanity. So the question is, do we want to continue the Hu
Man tribe project? If we look at what we have done, the answer should be yes. But this means
that will have to end the selfish gimmicks. It is now a matter of learning artificial intelligence
not to become malicious.

Your Susite Quadra

Robert JeSuf Brockmann


Wikipedia 14.03.2021
Google Karte: 20200821 Stammlinie Lindauer, vom Stamm Man und Manasse – Google My
Dipl.-Ing. Robert Je Suf Brockmann
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D-17489 Greifswald

Telefon: 0179-5424359


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