Human Flourishing Happiness
Human Flourishing Happiness
Human Flourishing Happiness
As time change, elements that comprise Human SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND THE HUMAN
Flourishing changed. FLOURISHING
People found means to live more comfortable, Every discovery, innovation, and
explore more places, develop more products, success contribute to our pool of
and make more money. human knowledge
Humans of today are expected to become “man Human’s perpetual need to locate
of the world” himself in the world by finding proofs to
trace evolution.
Supposed to situate himself in a global Elicits our idea of self-importance
neighborhood, working side-by-side among Technology is a human activity we excel
institutions and the government to be able to in as a result of achieving science.
reach a common goal. (martin Heidegger)
Competition as a means of survival has become Good is inherently related to the truth.
Western - Europe
Focus is community-centric
Individual should sacrifice himself for
the sake of society
Chinese Confucian system
Japanese Bushido