Week 4:: Habit Overhaul
Week 4:: Habit Overhaul
Week 4:: Habit Overhaul
IT ON WITH robbins
Habit Overhaul
It’s the final week of #SpringItOn! You’ve learned how to spring clean your
relationships, routines, thought patterns–and now it’s time to clean up your habits.
In this workbook, you’re going to learn why habits matter so much, the 3-step
method to change your habits, how to take an inventory of your current habits,
and how to choose new habits that empower your life.
This is really game-changing information and I recommend that you do one work-
book exercise each day. As you start adding new and positive habits into your life,
I want to hear about it! Tag me on social media and use the hashtag #SpringItOn
so I can cheer for you.
Do you remember which shoe you put on first this morning? What you grabbed
first from the fridge today? Or what you did with your car keys? Chances are
you’ve forgotten the details of your morning and that’s ok. If you had to actively
remember every minute of your day, I guarantee your brain would fry.
To make life easier, your brain creates habits: automatic behaviors you do without
thinking. Research shows that 40% of your actions come from habits, which frees
up time to focus your energy on the important stuff.
Habits are primo when they serve you. Hygiene habits? Awesome. Exercise
habits? Incredible. A morning routine that includes time for you? Outstanding.
But what about when habits hurt you? Maybe it’s a glass of wine you mindlessly
pour as soon as you come home (that often leads to another). Maybe you trash
yourself every time you look in a mirror. Or you pick up your phone and scroll
through social media first thing in the morning. Those are auto-pilot behaviors that
don’t help you become your best self.
In this workbook, you will create new habits, but before you do, you need to take
inventory of your current habits.
On the next page, I will guide you through taking an inventory of your current
habits. Let’s get started!
I want you to think about the behaviors you do automatically during each of the
time frames listed below. Then next to each one, note if it’s a habit that helps or
hurts you and why.
Note: If you’re not sure of your habits yet, great! This is the perfect opportunity
to start paying attention and come back to this exercise.
Examples: crash the vending machine, have a fourth cup of coffee, take a break to walk
Examples: eat a healthy meal, pour a drink, conversation with family, plow through your food
Examples: checking every 10 minutes, keeping phone out of bedroom, distracted from family
Now look back at what you wrote above. High five yourself for all your good habits,
but don’t stress if you could use a few more. Let’s make that happen!
Circle 3 habits you most want to change Out of the 3 habits you listed, pick 1 habit that
and write them below: is preventing you from reaching the next level
in your life that you most want to change and
1. write it in the space below.
Since you can’t change what you don’t know needs changing, let’s get in the
know. Preceding any habit is a trigger. Triggers can be almost anything: a sound,
smell, feeling, time of day, season, another person, etc.
In the last exercise, you wrote down a habit you want to change.
Write it here again:
Now, I want you to make a list of everything that triggers that habit.
Here is an example:
My Triggers:
FEELINGS: overwhelmed, tired, busy
TIME OF DAY: Once the clock hits 8 am, I tell myself it’s too late to go
Now, it’s time for you to do the same with your habit:
My Triggers:
From the list above, what is your biggest trigger that leads to your bad habit?
Write it here:
Here is something you and I both need to know: there will ALWAYS be triggers.
You can’t avoid them–but you can change your reaction to them, which is what
we will do in the next exercise.
Now that you’ve chosen the action you want to change and your biggest trigger,
it’s time to change the habit.
Look back at what you wrote in the previous exercise and write down your biggest
trigger and the action you take after.
Now comes the magic. This is where you change a bad habit into a good one.
There will ALWAYS be triggers, but what you do after those triggers is a choice.
The solution? Substitute a new action that empowers you.
What are small, positive actions you can take after you feel that trigger?
1. plan my day 1.
2. do a brain dump 2.
call a friend
3. 3.
Now it’s time to try your new habit! Today or tomorrow, when you sense your old
habit being triggered, switch gears and try out your new action. As you repeat this
new behavior, your brain will change and the new behavior will become automatic.
Once this new behavior becomes automatic, you can go back and try this same
process for the other habits in your life. But tackle one at a time for best results.
You learned the secret to changing any habit. Now you’re going to learn about
Super Habits. These are habits that spark a chain reaction in other areas of your
life in a positive way, leading to major life changes in other areas.
Examples of Super Habits: A morning routine, making your bed everyday, daily
planning, meditating, exercising, eating well, family dinners, a gratitude practice.
Why don’t you adopt this habit? What is the trigger that keeps you from doing it?
How can you start a Super Habit in a very small way today?
To make this Super Habit stick, look back at the Day 2 and 3 exercises and make a plan for it.
In the first exercise, you listed your habits, good and bad. Make a list of all of the
ones you truly want to get rid of:
Make a list of all the habits that you most want to add:
What you’ve done here is powerful. Keep checking back to this list and take on one new habit at a
time. For a reminder of how to change a habit, look back at the exercises on Days 2 and 3.
If you want to learn more about habits, check out The Power of Habit by
Charles Duhigg–it’s an amazing book that changed the way I view habits and
how to change them.
Congratulations! You just finished your final #SpringItOn workbook. Now it’s
time to reflect.
Your friendships:
Your routines:
Your mindset:
Your habits:
I want to hear what you got out of #SpringItOn! Tag me on social media, use
the hashtag #SpringItOn, and share how you’re changing your life. I can’t
wait to see!