KPK N: 1987 Imo Problems/ Problem 1 Problem
KPK N: 1987 Imo Problems/ Problem 1 Problem
KPK N: 1987 Imo Problems/ Problem 1 Problem
Let Pn (k) be the number of permutations of the set {1, 2, … , n}, n 1, which have exactly k
fixed points. Prove that k Pn (k ) n ! .
k 0
ykpämudkydkem;vnfatmif erlemeJYMunfhr,f/
1, 2, 3, 4 udkpDr,f/ tpDtpOfwpfckpDrSm fixed point awGudk a&wGufr,f/
fixed point fixed point
pOf Permutation
ta&twGuf pOf Permutation
1 1234 4 13 3124 1
2 1243 2 14 3142 0
3 1324 2 15 3214 2
4 1342 1 16 3241 1
5 1423 1 17 3412 0
6 1432 2 18 3421 0
7 2134 2 19 4123 0
8 2143 0 20 4132 1
9 2314 1 21 4213 1
10 2341 0 22 4231 2
11 2413 0 23 4312 0
12 2431 1 24 4321 0
P(0) = fixed point rygwJhta&twGuf = 9
P(1) = fixed point wpfckwnf;ygwJhta&twGuf = 8
P(2) = 6, P(3) = 0, P(4) = 1
0 9 + 1 8 + 2 6 + 4 1 = k P (k ) = 0 + 8 + 12 + 4 = 24 = 4! &w,f/
k 0
ykpäm&JU tajzMunfh&atmif-
n n
- jy&r,fh k P(n) n ! &JU0JbufrSmygwJh u k P(n) n ! wu,fawmh
k 0 k 0
permutation awGrSmygwJh fixed point awGtm;vHk;&JU ta&twGufygyJ/
- 'gaMumifhfixed point awGtm;vHk;&JU ta&twGufudk aemufjrifenf;wpfenf;eJU
wGufMunfhr,f/ tJ'Denf;u udef;awGeJU Munfhr,f/
- 1 udef;onf fixed point b,feSpfcgjzpfEdkifrvJ/ 1 udef; yxrae&mb,feSpfcgvJ/
- 1 udef; fixed point jzpfjyD; usefwJh n 1 udef;vHk;awGudk BudKufovdkpD&if(n 1)!
- 'gaMumifh 1 udef;onf fixed point (n 1)! cgjzpfEdkifw,f/
- xdkenf;wl 2 udef;onf fixed point taeeJU (n 1)! ygw,f/
- xdkenf;wl 3 udef;onf fixed point taeeJU (n 1)! ygw,f / . . .
- xdkenf;wl n udef;onf fixed point taeeJU (n 1)! ygw,f /
'gaMumifh fixed point pkpkaygif;ta&twGufonf
udef;vHk;ta&twGuf (n 1)! n ( n 1)! n!
qdk&if jy&r,fhnDrQjcif;&JU nmbufjcrf;yg/
0Jbuf = fixed point tm;vHk;ta&twGuf = nmbufjzpfvdkY
k P(n) n ! &ygNyD/
k 0
fixed point ta&twGufudk-
- permutation wpfckcsif;pDygwJh fixed point ta&twGufwGufNyD; pkpkaygif;&SmwJh
- 1 udef; 2 udef;pojzifhudef;awGfixed point ta&twGufwGufNyD;
onfcombinations ykpämwGuf&mrSmtoHk;rsm;wJh counting by two methods enf;yg/
as desired.
Solution 2
The probability of any number i where 1 i n being a fixed point is . Thus, the expected
value of the number of fixed points is n = – 1.
n k Pn ( k )
The expected value is also .
k 0 n!
n k P (k )
Thus, nn! 1
k 0
n k P (k )
or nn! n!.
k 0