CLASS XI ch-2 Olympic Value Education
CLASS XI ch-2 Olympic Value Education
CLASS XI ch-2 Olympic Value Education
Olympic movement is a term which provide us with the understanding of the development of
Olympic Games since their beginning to the present.
The competitor must be only a Greek, completely from a Hellenic Race and must be
physically fit.
Savages and punished persons were not allowed to participate in this games.
The competitive had to stay in Olympia for one month before the beginning of Olympic
games. They had to take an oath that they had already taken the training for 10 months
in their state.
Women were not allowed to participate in competitions or see these games.
For participation in games ,participants had to practice for one month
Only amateur sports persons could participate in these games and not the professionals.
On the day of opening ceremony, all the players, their brothers, fathers and trainers
used to assemble in the auditorium.
The expert of sports and games made them to take the Oath that they were participate
in the games according to rules had got the training of 10 months.
After that, a pig was killed and offered to the God name Zeus Harikos.
After this ritual one by one, all the players used to come out of the sports Arena.
Exactly at the time the players were introduced to the spectators.
If one of the spectators had any objection against any player, he was not allowed to
participate in the competitions.
Rest of the players, who faced no objection against them, were allowed to participate.
After that the declaration was made to start the games.
On the first day, only religious functions were performed.
The second day was reserved for March past and introduction and after that chariot
race, horse race and Pentathlon were held.
In the morning of 3rd day the ritual of sacrifice of animals was performed.
After that, competition of races, wrestling and boxing were held.
The four day was fixed for the athletic events, wrestling and boxing.
And on the fifth day recreational programs were organised.
Less attention was paid to awards in the Ancient Olympic Games.
Olympic Motto comprises three Latin words Citius- Altius- Fortius which means faster-
higher- stronger respectively.
The Motto was coined by a French educator father Didion in 1895.
Olympic flag was created in 1913 at the suggestion of Baron De Coubertin.
It was first inaugurated in Paris in June 1914.
But it was hoisted for the first time in the Olympic Stadium at the Antwerp Olympic
Games which were held in 1920.
Olympic flag is made of white silk and contain five interlocking rings/ circles in five
colours representing, five continents America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa.
The five rings have five different colours yellow, green, red, blue and black.
Interlocking of rings/ circles symbolises cooperation and friendship.
The first, second and third position holders are awarded with gold ,silver and bronze
medals and a certificate respectively.
The next five position holders are also awarded with certificates only.
During the opening of Olympic Games, oath taking ceremony is held by the athletes who
assemble in the sport stadium.
A representative of the host country comes forward holding the flag.
The flag bearers of the competing Nations also take up their positions.
The representative takes oath on the behalf of all the athletes who was their right arm and
repeat the oath after him or her.
"We swear that we will take part in the Olympic Games in loyal competition, respecting the
regulations which govern them and desirous of participating in them in the true spirit of
sportsmanship for the honour of our country and for the glory of sports."
Rules for competitions
All males and females participate in Olympic Games if they are amateur.
But nowadays professionals are also allowed to participate in some of the sports.
These Sportspersons are sent by their National Olympic Committee.
No sportsperson can participate in these days without the approval as well as
Recommendation of National Olympic Committee.
First of all, Olympic torch or flame is Lit through sunrays in Olympic village (Greece) and
it is brought to that city where the Olympic games are going to be held.
The president or the prime minister declares the games open in the stadium. Before this
process all the sport persons take part in the march past and take oath.
Later on recreational and cultural programs are organised
Olympic flag is hoisted and Olympic flame of the stadium is kindled by the torch.
Sports person from all the countries assemble in the stadium for closing ceremony.
The mayor of that city and the president of the Managing committee escort the
president of the International Olympic Committee to the stadium.
He /she declares the games closed.
After that, Olympic flag is lowered and is given to the mayor of the city.
Various cultural programs are organised.
Olympic flame is extinguished.
At last the games comes to then end with Olympic song.
Winter Olympic games are also a part of major International Sporting events.
These games were also held in once in 4 years.
These games are practiced on snow and ice.
The first winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix (France) in 1924.
These games were held continuously between 1924 to 1936.
Then these Olympics were interrupted by the Second World War.
But according to the decision taken by the International Olympic Committee, the winter
Olympics were held in 1994 instead of 1996.
The two year gap between summer and winter Olympics was fixed by IOC.
The Winter Olympic Games have been hosted in three continents of the world by 11
different countries.
United States of America has hosted these games four times, France 3 times, whereas
Austria, Canada, Japan, Italy, Norway and Switzerland twice each.
Germany, Yugoslavia and Russia organised winter Olympics only once.
12 countries of the world have sent their sports person to participate in every winter
Olympic Games.
There are six countries who have won medals at every winter Olympics.
Norway has secured the maximum number of gold medals for the maximum number of
In 2018 the winter Olympics will be hosted by South Korea and after that in 2022 it will
be held in Beijing China.
It comprises five interlinked rings or circles to represent the supporting friendship of all
The Rings also symbolise the five continents Africa, America, Asia, Australia and Europe.
Each ring is of a different colour that is blue, yellow, black, green and red
The colour of each ring was proposed by De Coubertin himself.
However it is important to emphasize that Pierre De Coubertin never said or wrote that the
colours of the Rings were linked with different continents.
So it is misconception to say that each of the coloured relates to a certain continent
Olympic Motto comprises three Latin words Citius- Altius- Fortius which means faster-
higher- stronger respectively.
Olympic Games are remembered for the Bishop Pennsylvania's famous sermon, " The
important thing in Olympic is not to win, but to take part. The important thing in life is not the
triumph, but struggle. Essential thing is not to have a conquered but to have fought well.”
To pay attention towards physical education and sports competitions in all the countries of
the world.
To Develop personality, character, citizenship qualities and health among the youths.
Formation of good habits among sports person so that they could lead a healthy and
prosperous life.
To develop Patriotism and Fraternity among sportsperson.
To develop International fraternity and peace.
Not to have any discrimination on the basis of caste ,race and religion.
The president of the IOC is elected by its members.
The president is elected for a term of 8 years.
After the expiry of term he can be Re elected.
The current IOC president is Thomas Bach.
Vice president
In the IOC four Vice Presidents are elected.
These officials are also elected by members of the committee.
They are elected for a term of 4 years.
They can be reappointed if the members of the committee Desire so.
Executive board
The IOC executive board consists of the president for Vice President and the 10 other
All the members of the IOC executive board are elected by the IOC session in a secret ballot
by a majority of vote cast.
The IOC executive board assumes general overall responsibility for the administration of the
IOC and the management of its affairs.
The place where the Olympics will be organised is decided by this committee.
For conducting the competition and general programs for the Olympics fundamental rules
and regulations are set up by this committee
It also ensure the regular conduct of the Olympic games
It takes action in order to strengthen the unity and to protect the independence of the
Olympic movement
Acts against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic movement
It leads the fight against the doping in sports.
It encourages the development of sports for all.
It opposes any political or commercial abuse of source and athletes.
It encourages and supports the promotion of women's in sports at all level.
To be the official organisation in complete form and responsible for all the matters related to
the Olympic event
Promotion and encouragement of the physical moral and culture education of the young
people of the nation so that their character can be developed
To undertake with assistance of national sports Federation the financial management
transportation, maintenance and welfare of teams from India taking part in the Olympic
game and other games which are organised under the patronage of IOC
In cooperation with the national sports Federation Association organised and controlled
selection training coaching of the team that will represent India
To enforce and Defend the Exclusive rights of the association to use the Olympic flag and
Olympic Insignia
To take disciplinary action against any Federation of misbehaviour or any other individual
activity bringing discredit to the country.
Admitting the membership of the state Olympic association and the national sports
Federation for the submission of the annual sports and audited statement of account is
For proper understanding of olympics it would be better to study it under the following heads
Ancient Olympic games
And modern olympic games
These games are a major International multi sport event for athletes with various disabilities
such as athletes with mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness, cerebral palsy
Olympic games are held at an interval of every 4 years following the Olympic games
These games are governed by the International Paralympic Committee.
The first Paralympic Games were held in Rome in 1960
The Paralympic world was used officially in 1988 Summer Olympic games which were held in
Seoul. This was summer Paralympic Games
Olympic games were held in 1976 in Seden. They are also held after every 4 years.
Opening ceremony
It begins with the hosting of the host country flag and rendition of its national anthem.
After the national anthem that was come for march past in to the stadium group according
to their Nations.
All the Nations enter the stadium alphabetically according to the host country chosen
After that host Nation presents is culture in the form of music ,dance and singing
Formal opening of the games is announced
At last the Olympic torch is brought into the stadium and passed on until it reaches to the
final torchbearer who finally light the paralympics flame
Closing ceremony
After the conclusion of all the sports event the closing ceremony begins.
Flag bearers from each participating country and the stadium followed by the athletes who
enter together without any national distinction.
The Paralympic flag is taken down.
The games are officially close and the Olympic flame is extinguished
Categories of disability
It includes physical, visual and intellectual impairment.
Athletes with these disabilities can participate in this games every sport can allow for every
disability category.
Physical impairment disability includes muscle power, impaired passive range of movement
,loss of Limb, leg length difference, short stature etc.
Visual impairment includes impairment of one or more component of visual system.
The intellectual disability include significant impairment of intellectual functioning
The International Olympic Committee mainly serves athletes with physical and visual
disabilities whereas the intellectual disability has been added to some Paralympic Games.
There are 22 sports at the summer Olympics and 6 at the winter paralympics.
Special Olympics
Special Olympics was started by Eunice Kennedy Shriver , sister of John F. Kennedy the
former President of USA.
She believed that with equal opportunities and experience as anyone else people with
special needs could complete far more than ever thought possible
She was convinced that children with intellectual disabilities could be exceptional athletes
sports person and that through sports they can realise the potential for growth and
Keeping this in mind she started a day camp for children with intellectual disabilities at
She invested a lot of efforts to start these games.
Owing to her efforts special Olympics were held in July 1968 in Chicago.
About thousand athletes from USA and Canada participated in one day event was a joint
venture by Kennedy foundation and chicago Park district
The official Olympic logo is based on the sculpture “joy and happiness to all the children of
the world.”
The logo is the symbol of growth, confidence, enjoy among children and adults with
disabilities who are learning coordination mastering skills and participating in the
competitions and preparing themselves for richer and more productive lives.
The” flame of hope” is the name given to the torch that is carried to and lead at the special
Olympic games.
Games like badminton, basketball, bowling, cricket, cycling, and ball Judo, netball, volleyball,
Tennis, Table Tennis, swimming etc are included in Special Olympics.
Meaning of physical fitness
According to Webster encyclopaedia, “it is the ability of a person to do a daily routine work
without fatigue; moreover to participate in Playful activities and still reserve enough capacity
to meet any emergency."
It can be said that physical fitness is a ability to function effectively and efficiently, enjoy
leisure, be healthy, resist diseases and cope up with the emergency situations.
For physical fitness we require an efficient motor mechanism efficient organic mechanism
and efficient mental functioning.
A physically fit individual should possess a sufficient Reserve of energy to meet the demands
of emergencies in which a person is unexpectedly called upon to perform activities demanding
annual expenditure of strength energy and adaptive ability under unfavourable environment.
Meaning of Wellness
Wellness is defined as the optimal functioning of body and creative adapting environment
that involves the whole person.
Wellness can be defined as a pursuit of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
It is the capacity of an individual to lead a well-balanced life.
It is made up of multiple dimensions such as physical wellness, emotional Wellness, mental
Wellness, social wellness, spiritual wellness, occupational wellness and environmental
Importance of Physical fitness and Wellness
They are really significant for leading a happy and well balanced life
They are necessary for reducing the risk of heart and lung diseases
Physically fit individuals tend to have lower resting blood pressure
Everyone wants to maintain physical fitness to perform the routine work easily why it is said
that physical fitness add years to one’s life
. Physical fitness changes our lifestyle of way of life
Physical fitness is important for daily activities like walking, running, lifting and carrying
It also improves posture and appearance
Decreases the risk of injury and reduces lower back pain
They play a key role in improving mental ability of an individual.
It tend to enhance productivity and quality at work.
Physically fit persons can combat stress due to a better healthy life.
Meaning of lifestyle
Lifestyle is a manner of living that reflects the person values and attitudes
It is a pattern of behaviour of the way and individual lives
Importance of healthy positive lifestyle
Increases longevity
Increases energy level
Helps in reducing depression
Increases the level of physical fitness
Improves posture
Increases Self confidence
Helps in coping with stress
Helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Maximum strength
It is the ability to act against maximum resistance.
Maximum strength is not usually used in majority of sports
It is usually used in those sports in which very heavy resistance have to be taken
. Light weight lifting, shot put Hammer throw, Discuss Throw, javelin throw
Maximum strength is required for a short period eg : cross Position in Roman rings in
gymnastic, starting and accelerating phases in sprinting events. In such sports Maximum
strength is really very important
Explosive strength
Explosive strength can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance with high speed
It is a combination of strength and speed abilities
It is usually used in sprint starts, weight lifting shot put hammer throw, long jump high jump
Up to some extent it is also used in endurance events specifically in the start and spurt faces
This force is applied this like in explosion that's why it is also called explosive power
Strength endurance
It is a combination of strength and endurance abilities
It can be defined as the ability to overcome resistance or to act against resistance under
condition of fatigue
It can be a form of static or dynamic string depending on the fact whether the movement is
static or dynamic
It is generally used in long distance races, swimming, Road cycling and combative Sports
Static strength
Is also called isometric strength.
It is the ability of muscles to act against resistance
It can be measured by dynamometer
This type of strength is not experienced directly
It is not used in applied in sports
It is applied in phases in weightlifting
It may be defined as the ability or capacity of an individual to perform a movement of the
same pattern at a faster rate Speed is ability to move the body as fast as possible, especially
in running
Speed of movement is much more than just running speed, It includes the speed of body
parts such as the explosive strength of the shot putter's body across the throwing circle or the
speed of a gymnast's in hand spring
. Speed depend on the type of muscle fibres
There are two type of muscle fibres fast twitch and slow twitch
Fast twitch fibres are able to contract rapidly and produce maximum force where as slow
twitch fibres contract slowly and produce less force .Therefore the fast twitch fibres fatigue
quickly whereas Slow twitch fibres fatigue slowly.
Endurance is the another component of physical fitness like speed and strength
It is the ability to sustain an activity
It is usually measured by the number of repetitions in all sports and variance is directly or
indirectly of hypertension
example the number of sit ups and individual can complete in one minute is often used to
measure the endurance of the abdominal muscles
There are two types of endurance short term endurance and long term endurance
Short term endurance is needed in sports where in the action or movement is only for the
short duration and intense eg in hockey ,in football, in wrestling.etc
Long term endurance
Long term endurance is needed in sports wear in the action of movement is for a longer
duration and is less intense example in long distance races, Road cycling, Cross Country races
Endurance can be increased by continuous training method interval training method and
repetition method.
It is a necessary components for physical fitness it is a range of movements of joints and
individual who has a proper flexibility can perform his or her work very easily
It is not only a significant factor in sports but also equal Significant factor for individual in our
daily life.
The range of movement vary significantly from joint to join but depends on the structure of
the surroundings tendons , ligaments and muscle tissues
Maintaining flexibility throughout the life specially in back and leg muscles may help in
preventing back problems. It is useful in learning various skills is nice as backstroke in
It is of two types passive flexibility & active flexibility
Passive flexibility : The ability to carry out moments to Greater distance with external help is
called passive flexibility
. Example stretching exercises with the help of a partner.
It is always more than active flexibility.
Active flexibility
It is the ability to carry out movement to a longer distance without any external help
Example to do a stretch without the help of partner it is of two types static flexibility and
dynamic flexibility
Static flexibility is usually required by a sports person when he remains in a static
position ,example while diving, sitting, lying and starting position in various Sports
Dynamic Flexibility is needed for carrying out movement to a great a distance when an
individual is in motion.
Coordinative abilities
Before 1980 speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and agility were considered the
main components of physical fitness but after that the term agility change into
coordinative abilities
The term agility was discontinued because it was not clearly defined but there was no
unanimity in explaining its meaning
Coordinative abilities mainly depend on the central nervous system
The coordinator abilities are those abilities of an individual the individual to do our various
related activities properly as well as efficiently
Our accuracy ,Rhythm , flow depend on our coordinative abilities
These abilities can be of various types such as balance ability Rhythm ability, adaptation
ability and reaction ability
These types of abilities can be enhanced through general or specific exercises
Beautiful and graceful movements of our body are directly related to our coordinative
We can we improve if we carry out correct movements
We should avoid incorrect movements while playing any game or sport
Components of health related fitness
1. Cardiovascular Endurance
It is the physical ability of an individual to indulge in aerobic exercise for prolonged
period of time
It can be said that cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart ,lungs and blood
vessels to supply Oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles and the ability of those
muscles to allow sustained exercises.
If we have a good cardiovascular endurance we will definitely have healthy lungs ,heart
and vascular system
It means that there will be a less stress on heart and lungs and consequently we can
prevent cardiovascular diseases and can lead a healthy life for a prolonged period of time.
Swimming, jogging ,continous slow running, skipping with the Rope and other aerobic
exercises for a longer duration of best exercises for enhancing cardiovascular endurance
2. Muscular Strength
It is an important component of health related physical fitness
It is amount of force the muscle or a group of muscles can exert against resistance
The duration for applying muscles strength may be short and vary from 0 to 15 seconds
It can be measured in pounds and dynes.
It is essential for performing daily routine work easily and smoothly such as lifting weight
and putting it at another place climbing stairs.
3. Muscular Endurance
It is one of the most important component of health related fitness
It is the ability of a muscle source to perform repeated muscular contraction against
resistance for an extended or a longer period of time
It is associated with muscles ability to continue to perform the activity without fatigue
It is the ability of muscles to perform repeated exercise for the long duration without
getting tired
For improving muscular endurance jogging, walking, cycling, dancing, push ups, Chin ups,
slow running, stepping and running on treadmill for 15-20 minutes are beneficial
4. Flexibility
It is the range of movement of joints
It means a range of motion available in a joint
An individual who has a good flexibility can move his or her body joints through a full
range of motion in work and play
He or she can perform his daily routine work smoothly, efficiently and easily
It is helpful in many ways such as in preventing injuries, improving posture, reducing low
back pain, maintaining healthy joints, learning various skills example backstroke in
5 .Body composition
It is one of the major components of health related fitness
It is the percentage of lean body mass i.e. Bones, tendons, muscles, water. Ligaments,
organs etc. in comparison to body fat
This percentage varies from person to person
A fit person has relatively low percentage of body fat
A healthy amount of fat for men is between 15 to 18% and in women is between 20 to 25
1. Physical Wellness
It lay stress on getting in shape shedding extra weight and restoring the use appearance
with the healthy eating restful sleep vigorous exercise and a new look
2. Social Wellness
It lay stress on improving social and communication skills of an individual. For
developing and improving social values and individual should create positive and lasting
first Impressions
3. Emotional Wellness
It lay stress on getting more out of every day with laughter and enjoyment. It also lay
stress on reducing stress and tension.
4. Spiritual Wellness
It lay stress on spiritual renewal and inner peace. For this and you should be true to
himself and herself and build character and virtues.
5. Nutritional Wellness
It emphasizes on achieving maximum energy levels by taking balance as well as healthy
diet. To improve this one should have raw vegetables fruits and reduce fat in his her diet.
6 .Financial wellness
For improving this one individual should set money management , spend less money and
get out of debt setup saving plans and donate some savings to charity.
7. Intellectual Wellness
It is the ability of an individual to make sound decisions and think critically.It lay stress on
on mental alertness being receptive to new ideas motivation skills creativity and curiosity.
8. Environment Wellness
It is an important component of wellness.It is an awareness of the state of the earth and
effect of our habits on the physical environment. It lay stress on minimising harm to the