ASHP Statement On The Pharmacist's Role in Informatics
ASHP Statement On The Pharmacist's Role in Informatics
ASHP Statement On The Pharmacist's Role in Informatics
Mark H. Siska, B.S., is gratefully acknowledged for leading the FASHP, Patrick M. Malone, Pharm.D, FASHP, Henry J. Mann,
development of this ASHP statement. ASHP would also like to ac- Pharm.D., FCCP, FCCM, FASHP, John Manzo, Pharm.D., FASHP,
knowledge the members of the ASHP Section of Pharmacy Practice Michael McGregory, Pharm.D., Mary R. Monk-Tutor, Ph.D., M.S.,
Managers Advisory Group on Informatics and Technology for their FASHP, Mark Neuenschwander, B.A., Larry Page, R.Ph., Barbara
contributions to the drafting of this statement: Louis D. Barone, M. Poe, D.Ph., M.B.A., FASHP, Charles D. Ponte, Pharm.D., CDE,
Pharm.D., James L. Besier, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Toby Clark, M.S., FASHP, BCPS, BC-ADM, Brendan Reichert, M.S., Brad Rognrud, Daniel
Kevin C. Marvin, B.S., M.S., Scott R. McCreadie, Pharm.D., M.B.A., Z. Sands, M.D., M.P.H. (AMIA), David B. Schmick, B.S., Doug H.
Sandra H. Mitchell, M.S.I.S., John C. Poikonen, Pharm.D., Michael D. Schoonover, M.B.A., Paul M. Seelinger, B.S.Pharm., Andrew C. Seger,
Schlesselman, Pharm.D., Rita R. Shane, Pharm.D., FASHP, James G. Pharm.D., Kelly M. Shields, Pharm.D., Susan Stein, Pharm.D.,
Stevenson, Pharm.D., FASHP, and Perry D. Taylor, Pharm.D. Dwight Tousignaut, Pharm.D., Dennis A. Tribble, Pharm. D., and Bill
The following organizations and individuals are acknowledged Wade, Pharm.D., FASHP, FCCP.
for reviewing draft versions of this statement: American Medical The bibliographic citation for this document is as follows: Ameri-
Informatics Association (AMIA), David M. Angaran, M.S., FCCP, can Society of Health-System Pharmacists. ASHP statement on the
FASHP, David Archer, B.S. Pharm., John A. Armitstead, M.S., FASHP, pharmacist’s role in informatics. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2007;
Anne M. Bobb, B.S.Pharm., Paul W. Bush, Pharm.D., M.B.A., FASHP, 64:200-3.
Neil M. Davis, M.S., Pharm.D., FASHP, Charles De la Torre, M.S., Index terms: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists;
Doina Dumitru, Pharm.D., Steven H. Dzierba, M.S., FASHP, Allen Computers; Drug information; Drug use; Guidelines; Information;
J. Flynn, Pharm.D., CPHIMS, CHS, Brent I. Fox, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Pharmacists; Pharmacy; Technology
Mark Frisse, M.D., Tim S. Fuller, M.S., FASHP, Greg Gousse, M.S.,
Carol Hope, Pharm. D., M.S., Institute for Safe Medication Prac- Copyright © 2007, American Society of Health-System Pharma-
tices (ISMP), Janet Kozakiewicz, M.S., Pharm.D., David Kvancz, M.S., cists, Inc. All rights reserved. 1079-2082/07/0102-0200$06.00.
FASHP, Rosario (Russ) Lazzaro, M.S., Matthew Levanda, M.B.A., DOI 10.2146/ajhp060364
Stuart Levine, Pharm.D. (ISMP), Lynnae M. Mahaney, M.B.A.,
matics an interdisciplinary or hetero- • Integrated medication surveillance health professionals to share valuable
geneous field, made of individuals applications for the reporting of med- health care information at the point
with diverse backgrounds and levels ication incidents and adverse events. of care. The report identified four
of training with an inconsistently major goals8:
defined set of skills.4 The broad defi- Development of these applica-
nition of medical informatics and tions requires organizations to re- 1. Inform clinical practice. Bring infor-
the number of disciplines potentially engineer existing medication-use mation tools to the point of care, es-
involved present an opportunity for processes by introducing additional pecially by investing in EHR systems
the growth of subspecialties within technologies and applications to sup- in physicians’ offices and hospitals.
the field. One of these subspecialties port the end-to-end management of 2. Interconnect clinicians. Build an
is pharmacy informatics, which can medications across the continuum of interoperable health information in-
be defined as the use and integration care. The drive to create a seamless frastructure so that records follow the
of data, information, knowledge, environment for real-time sharing patient and clinicians have access to
technology, and automation in the of medication- and patient-related critical health care information when
medication-use process for the pur- information across all levels of care treatment decisions are being made.
pose of improving health outcomes. has highlighted the importance of 3. Personalize care. Use health infor-
The potential for medical infor- medical and pharmacy informatics mation technology to increase con-
matics to improve health outcomes in health care. Traditional pharmacy sumers’ access to information and
has prompted the health care indus- systems that focus on the transcrib- involvement in health care decisions.
try, large health care purchasers, and ing, preparation, and distribution 4. Improve population health. Expand the
state and federal governments to un- phases of the medication-use process capacity for monitoring public health,
dertake sweeping health information are often considered the foundation, measuring quality of care, and accel-
technology initiatives that commonly or hub, for communicating mean- erating implementation of research
include the following applications5: ingful information outside the advances into medical practice.
pharmacy domain. The creation
• Computerized prescriber-order-entry of such systems requires a unique The Centers for Medicare and
systems integrated with electronic blend of medication management Medicaid Services and the Depart-
health records (EHRs) and pharmacy and technology-related skills and ment of Health and Human Services
information systems, draws new attention to the need for have published standards for an elec-
• Clinical decision-support tools pharmacy informaticists. tronic prescription drug program
that bring best-practice informa- under Title I of the Medicare Pre-
tion and guidelines to clinicians Federal initiatives scription Drug, Improvement, and
at the time they need them and Reports issued by the Institute of Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA).9
rule-based systems for monitoring, Medicine6,7 and subsequent research These standards are the first step in
evaluating, responding, and rec- validating the importance of tech- adopting final standards to address
onciling medication-related events nology in health care led the federal the MMA objectives of delivering
and information, government’s launch of two impor- cost-effective, efficient, safe, and
• Pharmacy information systems that tant health care technology initia- high-quality patient care.
allow electronic validation of medi- tives. In summer 2004, the Depart- Electronic prescribing (e-prescrib-
cation orders in real time, provide ment of Health and Human Services ing) is the process of using a com-
the data flow needed to update both released a 10-year plan entitled The puter to enter, modify, review, and
the medication administration re- Decade of Health Information Tech- output or communicate prescrip-
cord and order-driven medication nology: Delivering Consumer-Centric tions electronically to a patient’s
dispensing systems, and support such and Information-Rich Health Care.8 pharmacy.10 E-prescribing with EHR
operational activities as supply-chain The plan was specifically designed systems further enhances the qual-
management and revenue compliance, to transform the delivery of health ity of care and patient safety by
• Automated dispensing cabinets and care by building a new health in- integrating the medication order
robotics integrated or interfaced with formation infrastructure that links into the overall process of medical
pharmacy information systems, health care records nationwide. The care delivery.8 Real-time access to
• Integrated medication administration plan describes the pressing need patient information across the con-
management systems that enable the to achieve “always-current, always- tinuum of care and the provision
administration of bar-coded medi- available electronic health records of evidence-based clinical decision-
cations and use of “smart” infusion for Americans.” These EHR systems support programs among stakehold-
pumps, and would allow physicians and other ers in the medication-use process
offer opportunities to improve the pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, The participation of pharmacy
quality of care, reduce errors, and health care colleagues, and admin- informaticists in the enhancement
improve workflow efficiency. istrators; and research on the core of the knowledge management
areas of medical informatics. infrastructure related to clinical
Pharmacists’ responsibilities Participation. The active partici- decision support will make it pos-
Pharmacists have unique, com- pation of pharmacists in all aspects sible for more providers to access
prehensive knowledge about the safe of medical informatics that sup- high-quality references, rules, and
and effective use of medications. port the medication-use process guidelines that are comprehen-
More importantly, pharmacists un- is imperative for safe and effective sive, usable, actionable, and con-
derstand core pharmacy operations medication use. Such participation figurable. Enhancing the vocabulary
and have developed expertise in end- must be collaborative and compre- and terminology infrastructure will
to-end medication-use management, hensive across the entire health care make broadly applicable research on
including communication with other organization. It begins with system the effectiveness of specific clinical
information systems.4 Pharmacists identification and vendor selection decision-support methods possible.11
provide the expertise to effectively and includes identification of system Depending on the size of the organ-
translate and seamlessly commu- requirements, as well as application ization and its scope of medication
nicate the language of medication design, development, implementa- services, one or more pharmacists
use across the continuum of care. tion, and maintenance. Pharma- assigned and responsible for phar-
They can interpret and implement cists must also be involved in the macy informatics may provide the
requirements to ensure the safe and development and implementation best means for attaining the level of
comprehensive communication of of standards for medication-related participation required for safe and
medication orders. An experienced vocabularies and terminologies to effective information systems.
pharmacist is skilled in the use of ensure safety and optimize deploy- Leadership. Pharmacists are re-
electronic medication-order-entry ment of activities related to clinical sponsible for patient safety through-
systems and has knowledge of hu- decision support. out the medication-use process
man factor issues (e.g., interpretation Pharmacy informaticists are and need to take a leadership role
of ambiguous clinical data) and the uniquely qualified to serve as liaisons in medical informatics at all lev-
development of interfaces to dispa- between the pharmacy department els of health care to ensure that
rate applications and systems. and others involved in systems de- health information technology sup-
Currently, there are many paths to velopment, including vendors and ports safe medication use. Phar-
becoming a pharmacy informaticist, other departments. The pharmacy macy informaticists must use their
with a growing number of training informaticist’s skills are needed to skills to
and residency programs focusing on
this area. Although some pharmacy • Work closely with information sys- • Provide leadership to the institution’s
informaticists have formal academic tems and pharmacy staff to develop committees (e.g., practice, safety and
or experiential training, the typical system programming requirements quality, technology, pharmacy and
pharmacy informaticist is a pharma- while understanding system capabili- therapeutics),
cist who has knowledge of computer ties and limitations, • Collaborate with other health care
systems, medication-use processes, • Develop and oversee databases related technology and clinical leaders to en-
safety issues, clinical management of to medication management systems, sure that medication-related systems
medications, drug distribution, and • Identify, suggest solutions to, and re- support interoperability and trans-
administration and has developed solve system or application problems, portability of clinical information
extensive expertise in using tech- • Assess medication-use systems for while maintaining patient safety and
nology to support these activities. vulnerabilities to medication errors confidentiality,
Pharmacy informaticists are well and implement medication-error • Attain key leadership roles within
suited to address the myriad issues prevention strategies, the health care technology industry,
involved with health care technology • Actively participate in the develop- professional practice associations, and
initiatives and provide leadership in ment, prioritization, and determina- health care technology organizations,
the field of medical informatics. The tion of core clinical decision-support and
pharmacy informaticist’s responsibil- systems, and • Lead governmental and regulatory
ities include active participation and • Assist in mining, aggregating, analyz- groups to sound conclusions regard-
leadership in all medical informatics ing, and interpreting data from clini- ing the use of technology in medica-
activities that support medication cal information systems to improve tion management, particularly as it
use; education of pharmacy students, patient outcomes. relates to setting standards.
Education. Pharmacy informati- use of medication-related computer html (accessed 2005 Dec 10).
2. National Library of Medicine. Collection
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of exposure to medical informatics cists are responsible for performing programs at US colleges of pharmacy. Am
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medical informatics. Such research 5. California HealthCare Foundation. Ad-
“decade of health information tech- dressing medication errors in hospitals:
nology.”4 Pharmacy informaticists includes the study of standards, a framework for developing a plan.
are responsible for providing strate- terminology, usability, and demon-
strated value involving the econom- addressingmederrorsframework.pdf (ac-
gic road maps for pharmacy educa- cessed 2006 Feb 9).
tors that outline educational goals ics, safety, and quality of health infor- 6. Committee on Quality of Health Care
and objectives for training in medical mation technology.3 Research efforts in America. Crossing the quality chasm:
should be focused on designing and a new health system for the 21st cen-
informatics. Pharmacists actively in- tury. Washington, DC: National Academy
volved in medical informatics within conducting research to expand infor- Press; 2001.
their own organizations are respon- matics knowledge and its use in sup- 7. Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS,
porting patient care. The pharmacy eds. To err is human: building a safer
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their role, particularly as it relates and quantitative research, can assist 8. Thompson TG, Brailer DJ. The decade
in determining the balance of clinical of health information technology: de-
to using information technology to livering consumer-centric and informa-
improve medication safety and qual- informatics and health care system tion-rich health care. Framework for
ity of care. The education of leader- reengineering needed to optimize the strategic action.
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inherent risks and negative aspects patient safety and outcomes. 9. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
of implementing medication-use Services. Medicare program. Electronic
technologies. Their educational re- Conclusion prescription drug program; voluntary
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knowledge, expertise, and responsi- 10. eHealth Initiative. Executive summary—
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informatics residency program direc- develop strategic plans for the wide- 11. Teich JM, Osheroff JA, Pifer EA et al.
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• Coordination and implementation of tion technology, pharmacists must prescribing: recommendations and
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• Training pharmacy technicians in the