Cause and Effect of Sharks Finning
Cause and Effect of Sharks Finning
Cause and Effect of Sharks Finning
Class : English B
NPM : 2020.111.037
The main cause of shark finning is the high demand for fins, which are used as an ingredient for an
Asian delicacy. Shark fins sold in the Asian market are used to make a delicacy called shark fin soup,
the demands of Asian delicacy has escalated over the years. This has been influenced by the decision
of most countries in the Far East to open their markets to investors. Expert said that the food is
commonly served at wedding to impress the guest. Asian people also believe that sharks fins have
numerous healt benefits such as boosting immune system, and stimulate sexual desires. This
encouraged people to start illegals trade of shark fins to satisfy the emerging needs. These beliefs
have contributed a lot to the delevopment of this illegal business, as the growing demand has to be
met. Lack of effective regulatory measures has also contributed to the development of the trade.
Since the people who run this business are not taxed, the ability to make maximum profit motivates
others to get involved.
Experts says that shark finning has serious impact on individual sharks, population and the marine
ecosystem, this illegal practice causes a lot of harm and distress to sharks that are affected. As early
mentioned shark rely on their fins to move, breathe, and hunt. Once the fins are removed, the sharks
lose their mobility, in such situation a shark cannot breathe, swim, or fight their predators can make
them end up dying by lack of food and oxygen or being hunted. This is a huge number of sharks lost
from an ecosystem that is likely to collapse because there is little reproduction going on. Over the
last couple of decades, the global population of sharks has declined at an alarming rate to the huge
demand for shark fins and lack of measures to regulate the trade. Studies say that continuous finning
has hugely destabilized the marine ecosystem because shark are the stabilization of the ecology. One
of the main benefits of having a high number of sharks in the marine flora and fauna is stabilization
of the ecology by preying on other animals. When the sharks prey on other animals, they give those
on the lower end of the food chain a chance to exist and make their contribution towards the
maintenance of the ecosystem. This means that a huge reduction or extinction of sharks will lead to
overpopulation of certain marine animal species, which will lead to instability.
The conclusion of this essay is shark finning is a practice that has put the population of sharks under
the danger of extinction. There is an urgent need to come up with strong and effective solutions that
will bring to an end this illegal business. Although there have been numerous campaigns carried out
around the world to stop the practice, very little progress has been made in regulating or stopping
the trade. I hope that we can find and urgent need to come up with strong yet effective ways that
will bring an end to this illegal business