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Warning # 849 in column 23.

Text: in_ID
The LOCALE subcommand of the SET command has an invalid parameter. It could
not be mapped to a valid backend locale.

Your temporary usage period for IBM SPSS Statistics will expire in 5357 days.

EXAMINE VARIABLES=Perlakuan Daya_Analgetik Daya_Antiinflamasi


Output Created 01-MAY-2021 20:23:16
Input Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 15
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values
for dependent variables are
treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on cases
with no missing values for
any dependent variable or
factor used.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:04,60
Elapsed Time 00:00:04,15


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
Perlakuan 15 100,0% 0 0,0% 15 100,0%
Daya_Analgetik 15 100,0% 0 0,0% 15 100,0%
Daya_Antiinflamasi 15 100,0% 0 0,0% 15 100,0%

Statistic Std. Error
Perlakuan Mean 2,0000 ,21822
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 1,5320
Mean Upper Bound 2,4680
5% Trimmed Mean 2,0000
Median 2,0000
Variance ,714
Std. Deviation ,84515
Minimum 1,00
Maximum 3,00
Range 2,00
Interquartile Range 2,00
Skewness ,000 ,580
Kurtosis -1,615 1,121
Daya_Analgetik Mean 41,6160 1,20570
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 39,0300
Mean Upper Bound 44,2020
5% Trimmed Mean 41,5283
Median 41,9800
Variance 21,806
Std. Deviation 4,66965
Minimum 35,54
Maximum 49,27
Range 13,73
Interquartile Range 8,94
Skewness ,031 ,580
Kurtosis -1,342 1,121
Daya_Antiinflamasi Mean 22,6233 1,38695
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 19,6486
Mean Upper Bound 25,5980
5% Trimmed Mean 22,6754
Median 23,7000
Variance 28,854
Std. Deviation 5,37164
Minimum 14,76
Maximum 29,55
Range 14,79
Interquartile Range 11,90
Skewness -,214 ,580
Kurtosis -1,577 1,121

Perlakuan Stem-and-Leaf Plot

Frequency Stem & Leaf

5,00 1 . 00000
,00 1 .
5,00 2 . 00000
,00 2 .
5,00 3 . 00000

Stem width: 1,00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)


Daya_Analgetik Stem-and-Leaf Plot

Frequency Stem & Leaf

5,00 3 . 55566
5,00 4 . 00123
5,00 4 . 55579

Stem width: 10,00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)


Daya_Antiinflamasi Stem-and-Leaf Plot

Frequency Stem & Leaf

1,00 1 . 4
4,00 1 . 5667
4,00 2 . 0234
6,00 2 . 568889

Stem width: 10,00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

SAVE OUTFILE='E:\kuliah\matematika tugas spss\Untitled2.sav'

EXAMINE VARIABLES=Perlakuan BY Daya_Analgetik Daya_Antiinflamasi


Output Created 01-MAY-2021 20:29:39
Input Data E:\kuliah\matematika tugas
Active Dataset DataSet1
Filter <none>
Weight <none>
Split File <none>
N of Rows in Working Data 15
Missing Value Handling Definition of Missing User-defined missing values
for dependent variables are
treated as missing.
Cases Used Statistics are based on cases
with no missing values for
any dependent variable or
factor used.
Resources Processor Time 00:00:02,34
Elapsed Time 00:00:00,88

[DataSet1] E:\kuliah\matematika tugas spss\Untitled2.sav

Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 35,54. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 35,65. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 35,98. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 36,55. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 36,87. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 40,67. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 40,78. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 41,98. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 42,34. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 43,89. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 45,98. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 47,76. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 49,27. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 14,76. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 15,50. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 16,23. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 16,43. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 17,72. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 20,65. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 22,43. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 23,70. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 24,32. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 25,65. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 26,65. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 28,33. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 28,65. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 28,78. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.
Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Antiinflamasi = 29,55. It will be
included in any boxplots produced but other output will be omitted.


Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
Daya_Analgetik N Percent N Percent N Percent
Perlakuan 35,54 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
35,65 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
35,98 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
36,55 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
36,87 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
40,67 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
40,78 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
41,98 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
42,34 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
43,89 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
45,49 2 100,0% 0 0,0% 2 100,0%
45,98 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
47,76 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
49,27 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%

Daya_Analgetik Statistic Std. Error
Perlakuan 45,49 Mean 3,0000 ,00000
95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 3,0000
Mean Upper Bound 3,0000
5% Trimmed Mean 3,0000
Median 3,0000
Variance ,000
Std. Deviation ,00000
Minimum 3,00
Maximum 3,00
Range ,00
Interquartile Range ,00
Skewness . .
Kurtosis . .

a. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 35,54. It has been omitted.

b. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 35,65. It has been omitted.
c. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 35,98. It has been omitted.
d. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 36,55. It has been omitted.
e. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 36,87. It has been omitted.
f. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 40,67. It has been omitted.
g. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 40,78. It has been omitted.
h. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 41,98. It has been omitted.
i. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 42,34. It has been omitted.
j. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 43,89. It has been omitted.
k. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 45,98. It has been omitted.
l. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 47,76. It has been omitted.
m. Perlakuan is constant when Daya_Analgetik = 49,27. It has been omitted.

Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Perlakuan Stem-and-Leaf Plot for

Daya_Analgetik= 45,49

Frequency Stem & Leaf

2,00 0 . 33

Stem width: 10,00

Each leaf: 1 case(s)

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
Daya_Antiinflamasi N Percent N Percent N Percent
Perlakuan 14,76 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
15,50 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
16,23 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
16,43 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
17,72 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
20,65 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
22,43 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
23,70 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
24,32 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
25,65 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
26,65 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
28,33 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
28,65 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
28,78 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%
29,55 1 100,0% 0 0,0% 1 100,0%


a. Perlakuan is constant when

Daya_Antiinflamasi = 14,76. It
has been omitted.
b. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 15,50. It
has been omitted.
c. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 16,23. It
has been omitted.
d. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 16,43. It
has been omitted.
e. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 17,72. It
has been omitted.
f. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 20,65. It
has been omitted.
g. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 22,43. It
has been omitted.
h. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 23,70. It
has been omitted.
i. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 24,32. It
has been omitted.
j. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 25,65. It
has been omitted.
k. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 26,65. It
has been omitted.
l. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 28,33. It
has been omitted.
m. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 28,65. It
has been omitted.
n. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 28,78. It
has been omitted.
o. Perlakuan is constant when
Daya_Antiinflamasi = 29,55. It
has been omitted.



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