Integrated Masts A Game Changing Innovat

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Cdr (Dr) Nitin A(!arwala

Research Fellow
National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi - 110 OlD, India

Abstrad: Ships were first used by man for trade and saw •
• pirates. This in turn lead to innovations and the

innovations purely out of necessity. Innovations such as •

improvisation of merchant ships with armour plates and

sails, steam en~ine, screw propellers, and steel armour •

weapons and ~ave birth to a new class of ships, to be

platin~ (that subsequently resulted in the use of steel for •

used for military purposes alone, called the "warships".
ships) chan~ed the way ships were used and built and •

Once born, to make the resultin~ warships faster, bi~~er,

~ave birth to a new class of ships, to be used for military •

and powerful, while maintainin~ their numero uno

purposes alone, called the warships. Warship specific •

position in the world, there has been a lon~ and
innovations, such as the ~un turret, aircrafts at sea, •
continuous creation and adoption of innovations. Such

nuclear propulsion; and the more recent ones of •

innovations have helped in increasin~ the warship's
inte~rated eledrical propulsion, bio fuels, carbon fibre

future competitiveness and to create new opportunities.
composite strudures, inte~rated masts to name a few, •
• One needs to mention here that innovation is a process

followed. •
of developin~ new ideas (such as inventions) into

One such innovation is the inte~rated mast which is a

• practical use and should not be confused with

~ame-chan~er and ensures a faster turn-around of ships


out of refit! modernisation. This mast is desi~ned and •

Such innovations brought about chan~es in the

construded as a module, with all the necessary •

construdion material of ships from wood to steel,
eledronic systems and equipment synchronised to each • manufaduring methods of steel strudures from riveted
other ready to be used as a plu~ and play component so •

to welded desi~ns while evolvin~ powerin~ from oars

as to reduce the testin~ and tunin~ time presently spent •

and sails to steam en~ines, fired by wood and coal, to

in harbour. Thou~h this innovation has successfully •

steam turbines, and then to piston en~ines that used
under~one "technolo~ical demonstration" trials, its

• diesel, ~asoline and later ~as as a fuel. Keepin~ pace with

adual use has been limited, due to shrinkin~ bud~ets •
• these chan~es, the topside arran~ement too saw its fair

and limited knowled~e partners available across the •
share of innovations, primarily didated by development
~Iobe. •
• in the field of sensors and eledronics. Of these, one that

The present paper aims to discuss the innovations in the

• stands out, literally, is, the chan~in~ shape, looks and

ship's mast over the years that have led to the

features of the ship's mast.

development of the ~ame-chan~in~ innovation in •

The present paper aims to discuss the innovations in the

warship technolo~y - the inte~rated mast. While •

ship's mast over the years that have led to the

discussin~ the development of an inte~rated mast, the • development of the ~ame-chan~in~ innovation in

paper will focus on the nature of the eledronic •

warship technolo~y of the inte~rated mast. While
discussin~ the development of an inte~rated mast, the

equipment required on a warship's mast and their •

interplays and how such new generation masts can help •

• paper will focus on the nature of the eledronic

in a quickerturn around for warships. •
• equipment required on a warship's mast and their

Keywords: Innovation; warships; integrated mast;

interplays and how such new ~eneration masts can help

Advance enclosed mast.

• in a quicker turn around for warships.

1. Introduction

2. Motivation for development

Ships have been used by mankind for over 10,000 years. •

The development of the ship's mast can be broadly

They have been important contributors to colonisation • broken into two eras. The first one motivated by the

and commerce while spreading human migration, slave

• functional requirement of the mast and the second on

trade, culture, and religion. With a large portion of the

• by the sensor technolo~y, primarily driven by th

world commerce being controlled by ships, a need arose • development of technolo~y in the field of electronl ..
for merchant ships to proted themselves from sea

• We will discuss the influences in both these eras thill It,t!

to the developments in a ship's mast.


Functional requirement •

With the advent of en~ine- powered warships in the 19th

The first known human navi~ators used animal skins or

century, these sails disappeared by the 1880s and masts

woven fabric as sails, affixed to a pole set upright in a •

lost their essentiality, but were retained for observation

boat [see Fi~ure 1(a)]. Such a usage remained the

and to spot fall-of-shot. The yards of these masts were

primary requirement of the mast as lon~ as sails were in

however of importance as they were essential to naval

use [see Fi~ures l(b) and 21. with the len~th of the mast

communication that used si~nal fla~s, a secondary

bein~ defined by basic mathematics. In addition to this,

means of communication used even to date. Today, only

these masts were used for providing the necessary •

the most modern stealth ships lack signal masts and

hei~ht for navi~ation Ii~hts, look-out posts, si~nal yards,
• yards.

control posts, radiO aerial and si~nallamps . By the middle • To make the observation posts less vulnerable to enemy

of the 15th century three masts became a standard on •

shells, and to protect the delicate fire control equipment

sailin~ ships. The end of the 15th century saw ships with •

four masts, carrying between them sometimes as many •

I Rifers to the upper haJ! qf the ship structure, above the sea leve/,
as ei~ht sails depending on the style and purpose of the •
outside the splash zone, on which equipment is installed.

ship, the oldest known use of such multiple masts bein~ • 2 Concerning the Masts qf Ships, available at
the Chinese junk of the Son~ dynasty in the 14th century

hup://!fo/Nautica/Rigging/Vademecum(1707).p 131

[see Fi~ure 3(b)]. •

Figure 1(b): Gaulos

Figure 1(a): Papyrus Boats (2000 Be)
(6-8000 Be)
Fieure 1: Ships of Antiquity

Figure 2(a): Dromon (800-1400 AD)

Figure 2(b): Liburn Byzantine (600-1400 AD)

Fieure 2: Ships of Middle Aees

Figure 3(a): Chinese Keying Junk Figure 3(b): Chinese junk with multiple masts

Fieure 3: Ships of the Renaissance era (1400 -1700 AD)

4 The Naval En0'clopaedia,

5 The Naval En0'clopaedia,·antiquite.php
6 The Naval En0'clopaedia,·antiquite.php

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- ...

(a) Lattice / cage mast (weight - 23 t) (b) Damalled cage mast

Figure 4: Masts used by the us in the early 20th century

(a) Pole mast (b) Tripod mast (wei~ht - 100 t)

Figure 5: Masts used by the UK in the early 20th century

mounted on the mast tops by absorbin~ the shock •
• new battleships by Japan; an intent of the Japanese to

caused by the firin~ of the heavy ~uns, the early 20th •
• fi~ht at ni~ht by illuminatin~ enemy ships with spotli~hts;

century saw the emer~ence of the lattice or the ca~e •
• to provide improved fi~htin~ performance to their

mast in the American fleet [see Fi~ure 41, and the pole battleships; development and emphasis of lon~ ran~e

masts and tripod mast in the British fleet [see Fi~ure 5]. •

~unnery techniques; and the development of the

However, the lattice masts, used an array of thin tubes (3 " •

director system of fire control system; the Japanese

x %") at an~les, crossin~ each other in a double helical •

rebuilt their warships by addin~ platforms that included

spiral confi~uration in the form of a hyperboloid •

watch pOints, searchli~hts and spottin~ points (since

structure, and were prone to dama~e due to typhoons •

radars were still to be developed) on the ships' ori~inal

and hurricanes [see Fi~ure 4(b)1, that forced the •

tripod foremasts to provide the Pa~oda-style masts [see

Americans to adopt the tripod masts in the 1920-30s. • Fi~ure 6].

These tripod masts used three lar~e cylindrical support •

• By 1930s, closer to the be~innin~ ofWW-II, development
columns spread out at an~les, to brace each other, [see •

• of radars made optical observations (usin~ telescopes)
Fi~ure 5(b)1, and to handle the lar~e and heavy

• redundant. This knowled~e and technolo~y then limited
telescopes, essential for measurin~ the elevation and the •

to the British, German and American warships, allowed

bearin~, for firin~ of the ~uns fitted onboard. •
• shootin~ tar~ets "over the horizon " and used

Durin~ the WWI, due to a "Battleship holiday", imposed •

sophisticated analo~ue fire-control computers that

by the Washin~ton Naval Treaty limitin~ construction of •

incorporated Gyro compass and Gyro level inputs. In an

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Figure 6: Pagoda Mast (japanese ships - WWII)

(a) MACK (MAst + StaCK) (b) Four le~~ed pyramid mast

(German - Admiral Graf Spee)

Figure 7: Other variants of masts used in the Figure 8: Enclosed mast

middle of the 20th century

effort to proted all these sensitive equipment on the •
• the radars, and use of Remote Optical Si~htin~ system

mast, the open masts were covered to make them •

usin~ a TV camera with a telephoto zoom lens mounted

enclosed [see Fi~ure 8]. •

on the mast and on the illuminatin~ radars, in the late

With the introdudion of the diesel en~ines, the topside • 20th century, was due to the development of eledronics.

of the ships saw the wrestle for space. To amicably •

As these eledronics improved, more and more sensors

resolve the problem at hand, "Macks" were used. These •

and radars, navi~ation and eledronic countermeasure

strudures were a combination of the radar MAsts and the •

facilities, complex transmitter/ receiver systems and

exhaust staCK of a surface ship [see Fi~ure 7(a)], hence • ~unfire and missile launchin~ platforms were

MACK. These macks which were a common desi~n • positioned. This made ships to be looked upon as

feature on post-WWII warships saved the upper deck

• platforms capable of undertakin~ air, surface, and

space by strudurally mer~in~ the funnels with the

• submarine defence by seekin~, en~a~in~ and destroyin~

existin~ tripod masts. Thou~h the Royal Navy also used

• enemy forces. These eledronic equipment necessitated

this concept on their warships from 1944-1950, they were

• positlonin~ of multiple antennas, some dedicated while

considered unbalanced, unattradive and lead to

• others combined, for navi~ation, communication, air/

corrosion problems for the radio and radar equipment

• surface search, eledronic jammin~ in addition to the

due to exhaust fumes. This led to makin~ macks

essential navi~ation Ii~hts. Dependin~ on the task to be

unpopular and the physical separation of the mast and

performed, these shipboard antennas were either

the funnel once a~ain. Similarly, other options such as a

omnidiredional or unidiredional and a variety of ships'

four le~~ed pyramid mast [see Fi~ure 7(b)] were •

antenna evolved such as the wire rope antenna, whip

additionally tried out on Canadian naval ships, and navies •

antenna, VHF and UHF antennas, broadband antennas,

of other countries such as the US, Japan, Germany and •

rhombic antenna, sleeve antenna, conical monopole

France, but not pursued extensively. •

antenna, inverted cone antenna, lo~- periodic antenna,

• emer~ency antennas, the SATCOM and the radar [see
Development In sensor technology •
Fi~ure 9 and Fi~ure 10]. Of these, some features of the

The shift from optical observations (usin~ telescopes) to •
• major antennas are:

7 First used by the US on their ships in 1906 •

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• Wire rope "fan" type antenna, are installed onboard for •
• transmittin~ is 292 to 312 MHz.

medium- and hi~h-frequency (300 kHz to 30 MHz) • Radars are used to determine the ran~e, an~le, or

covera~e. They consist of one or more len~ths of flexible •

velocity of objects usin~ radio waves and can be used to
wire ri~~ed from two or more points on the ship's •
• detect aircraft, ships and ~uided missiles. They produce

superstructure and strun~ either vertically or horizontally •
• electroma~netic waves in the radiO or microwave

from a yardarm or mast to outri~~ers, another mast, or to •
• domain usin~ an antenna for both transmittin~ and

the superstructure. As compared to past practice, wire •
• receivin~. Two types of antennas may be used:

antennas are not used extensively today on board ships. •

• Reflector mirror antenna
In place whip and dipole antenna assemblies are used •

with wire antennas used solely as emer~ency antenna •

• An array antenna, which may be linear, area based

systems. •

or non-formal, and is composed of multiple

• element arrays. It allows beam scannin~ without
• VLF whip antenna, were installed onboard for •

• chan~in~ the lookin~ angle of the array antenna
determinin~ the position of the ship by receivin~ •

• and ~enerates an appropriate beam shapin~ by
terrestrial radio beacons at VLF. This system was replaced •

• selective excitation of current distribution for each
byGPS in 1997. •

• element.

• Whip antennas, are used for medium- and hi~h ­ •

While the mast evolved functionally, the desi~n
frequency transmittin~ and receivin~ systems. For low- •
• procedure followed to accommodate all these types of
frequency systems, whip antennas are used only for •

• sensor antenna onboard was that of "dart-boardin~' . This
receivin~. They could be deck-mounted or mounted on •

• involved an educated ~uess to provide the best layout for
brackets on the stacks or superstructure and are found to •

• antennas on the superstructure, followed by
be useful where space is limited and in locations not •

• experimental verification. As reliability of these antennas
suitable for other types of antennas. These antennas can •

• improved, so did the dependence on them. Soon it was
be tilted too. The commonly used len~ths onboard ships •

• realised that the below-deck electronics were reliable
are 25, 28, or 35 feet and consist of several sections. •

• only with a satisfactory antenna system, performance of

• VHF and UHF antennas are usually installed on stub •
• which was affected by the high ambient RF fields, a

masts above the foremast and below the UHF direction •
• highly corrosive atmospheric environment,

finder. UHF antennas are often located on the outboard •
• electromagnetic coupling to, and re-radiation from a host

ends of the yardarms and on other structures that offer a • of other shipboard metal objects along with a

clear area. •
• competition for space with many other users of the ship's

• SATCOM are used for satellite communications. •

topside. This understanding resulted in the

Dependin~ upon the requirement, one or two antennas •

disappearance of dart-boarding and was replaced by

may be installed to provide a view of the satellite at all •

careful scientific planning which Involved both

times. The antenna is attached to a pedestal to permit •

functional and sensor developm nt to work hand In

rotation and allow continuous view of the satellite. The •


frequency band for receivin~ is 248 to 272 MHz and for •


FI!!ure 9: Shipboard antennas

8for communications, air navigation, passive reception andfixed radio stations

9 Eitherfor transmitting and receiving as usedfor radar, gu'!fire control, and satellite communication to obtain i'!lormation about or
from remote olzjects ORfor determining bearing Qf target as usedfor directionfinding navigation and Electronic Countermeasures


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.. ,. . , _... ' ~"' -. - _, NH'.....~- I ..,

• ' H>...,
••• ra ·

f. • .,

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Fieure 10: Antenna Coneestion on board a warship

3. Developments In the beelnnlne of the 21st century •

the USA, UK and Netherlands, with some demonstration
By positioning all these equipment on the masts, it was • structures having been reported. Since the material used

realised that the conventional mast would became too

• so far I.e. steel and aluminium, had problems of weight,

heavy on the top and would require additional

• corrosion induced maintenance and electromagnetic

strengthening. In addition to the high weight,

• interference, alternate materials such as ' composites',

positioning all these weights led to higher maintenance

• that are lightweight, have high strength and stiffness,

cost as the sensors were exposed. Further, the sensors

have an improved corrosion reSistance along with

experienced wooding, high electromagnetic induction

superior stealth properties, have been tried out and

and provided a high radar signature due to poor

found to be acceptable. Such advanced enclosed masts

screening and impingement. This led the designers to

aim to house sensors and antenna within the protection

look for alternatives, which allowed the development of

of the mast and use frequency sensitive shielding to

the advanced enclosed masts in the beginning of the •

allow the sensors to ' see' through the mast panel

21 st century. These enclosed masts have been an •

structure and hence provide an improved signature and

emerging technology around the world and have been •

arc of coverage.

conSidered by several Industrialised countries such as •

Fli;lure 11: Advanced Enclosed Mast Fleure 12: Advanced Technoloi;ly Mast

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60 •

Advanced Enclosed masts •
• holds up the top half. The lower half is made out of

These advanced enclosed masts were possible as

• balsa, with E-~Iass skin while the top half contains a

sensors moved to an era of stationary radar antennas, in

tailored sandwich composite material made up of a

place of the rotatin~ ones. These stationary radars are

foam core, with frequency seledive material, as well
capable of undertakin~ multiple adivities thus reducin~ •

as GRP strudurallaminate skins, [see Fi~ure 131. To

the need for multiple antennas, an example bein~ the •

meet the EMI desi~n requirements, an

multi·fundional phased array SPY-1 radar on the Burke • eledroma~netic (EM) shield compartment, that

class destroyers which is capable of search, automatic •

uses refledin~ metallic shieldin~, is provided in the

detedion, trackin~ of air and surface tar~ets and missile •

lower half of the mast.

en~a~ement support. This radar has four array faces that •
• (b) The Advanced Technolo~y Mast

send out beams of eledroma~netic ener~y in all (ATM) was desi~ned by the UK. It comprises of a

diredions, providin~ a continuous search and trackin~ •
• steel substrudure reinforced with compOSite panels

capability for hundreds of tar~ets. Some major initiatives •
that incorporate radar-absorbin~ layers [see figure

in tryin~ to build such advanced enclosed masts include: •

121 inside which the sensors are placed. These

(a) The Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor •

sensors are interchan~eable modules that support

(AEM/S) system was tried out by the US in 1995. Both •

future technolo~ical developments and retrofits.

the hexa~onal (USS Radford 00-968) and the •

• The masts look like an unstayed pole-mast with very

oda~onal (USS San Antonio lPO-l7) shapes were • lar~e redan~ular cross-sedions, taperin~ from the

tried out, [see Fi~ure 111. The lower half of this mast • base to the top.

.. .-.

Fieure 13: What makes the Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor

Inteerated mast •
• traditional sensors are responsible for the increase in the

In order to resolve issues of littoral environments an

• time and cost of shipbulldln~. This is attributable to

"inte~rated mast" incorporatin~ the principal surveillance

various fadors such as the need for iterations to find

sensors and communication systems was developed.

suitable top-side space; the need to ne~otiate with

These littoral environments are extremely complex with a •

suppliers of power supplies, deck strudure adaptors,

hi~h density of natural and man-made clutter, crowded

eledrical interfaces, cablin~, coolin~, etc.; the need for
commercial air and sea lanes, vehicle traffic alon~ the •

completion of adivities such as weldin~, paintin~,

coastline complicated by an increasin~ly "asymmetric" •

installation of cabins, etc.; and electro- ma~netic

threat set such as the unmanned air vehicles, fast inshore •

interference problem encountered due to equipment

attack craft, ~liders, din~hies, swimmers and mines that • from multiple suppliers.

are intrinsically difficult to deted. By resolvin~ the •
• The use of an inte~rated mast improves this undesirable

eledroma~netic conflids and line-of-si~ht obstrudions •
• situation. This mast is a pre-fabricated module that is built

inherent to traditional topside antenna arran~ements, •

and tested as one sin~le system till it fully complies with

the inte~rated mast aims to deliver an unobstruded field •

the customer's specifications. All this happenin~ while

of view alon~ with improved operational performance •

the ship is bein~ construded. It is made available as a

and availability. •

prefabricated module containin~ sensors and

For a warship, the fitment and inte~ration of the •

communication equipment includin~ the associated


processing cabinets that need to be simply bolted or •
• access to the mast from inside the ship.

welded to the ship, hooked up to the power supply, •
The entire mast is available in different sizes to suit

coolant system and data transmission to be made •
• specific class of ships [see Fi~ure 14]. Two known

operational in only two or three weeks' time. Compared •
• companies that manufadure such integrated masts

to the one year that is conventionally necessary to install, •
• today include the Thales group, Netherlands (produd

integrate and test all the separate systems, this is a huge • name - I-mast) and the Leonardo Group (earlier
• >
time and money saving option, for the Navy as well as the •
• Finmeccanica), Italy (product name - Unimast).

shipyard. •
Introduced in December 2007, the I-Mast 400 is the first

The first "Integrated mast" was designed by Mis Thales, •
• member of the I-Mast family and designed for the Patrol
Netherlands with an entirely new approach as compared •
• Ships of the Royal Netherlands Navy. The I-Mast 100,
to existing masts. This mast integrates the sensors into •
introduced in September 2009, is the second member of

the structure itself. A central mast strudure is used to •

the I-Mast family designed for smaller, corvette-Sized

house all the radar, optronic, and communication •

vessels with I-Mast 500, introduced in Odober 2014 and

sensors along with the cabinets and peripherals. This •

designed for frigates and (small) destroyers. Similarly, the

mast, which is available in standard sizes, is assembled •

Unimast 300 first introduced by the company in

and tested while the ship is under construdion as a •

September 2013 is designed for frigates or similar type,

single entity. When the ship is ready, the mast module is •

the Unimast 200 for patrol vessels, corvettes or similar

integrated with the ship system usin~ a plu~-and-play •

type while Unimast 100 is designed for corvettes, landin~
methodology. The mast module is fully air ti~ht and •

ship tank, or similar types.

forms part of the ship's citadel, providing environmental •
The Integrated mast is one single mast that is designed to

protedion against shock, blast, vibration, solar radiation, •

perform a multitude of adivities such as search

temperature, uptake efflux, eledromagnetic radiation •
(horizontal, surface and volumetric), tracking (high diver,

and chemical, biological, radiolo~ical or nuclear •

hi~h manoeuvring, low altitude and external cueing),

weapons. For facilitating placement of internal • detedion (both jammer and clutter) and communication

equipment over the four deck levels (a top deck, upper •
• [see Figure 15]. Broadly the equipment that are mounted

antenna deck, lower antenna deck and an equipment •
• are the same irrespedive of the manufadurer of the mast
deck), an external load-bearing steel strudure is •
• [see Figure 16]. The type of systems in the Mast is

provided. A shielded dud or "backbone" routes cablin~ •
• completely up to the customer. Although the Integrated

and cooling circuitry up through the centre of the mast to •
• Mast contains mostly the OEM systems, it is possible to

serve individual equipment. The equipment deck which •
• use customer-furnished or third party systems too.

houses all the processing cabinets provides the only •

The i-mast series(lma~e Courtesy: The Unimast series (lma~e Courtesy:

Fi\1ure 14: The Inte\1rated mast - series

Fi\1ure 15:
Mast trackln\1 features
(Image Courtesy:

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I-Mast: A Thales product (Netherland) UNI-Mast: A Finmeccanica product (italy)

Fi!!ure 16: Sensors on an Inte!!rated mast

4 Future innovations
As innovations are made in the areas of sensors and materials, new desi~ns will evolve that would chan~e the way ships
operate and look in the future. One such chan~in~ look can be seen in the latest stealth ships of the US, the Zumwalt class
[see Fi~ure 181. that has the mast mer~ed into the main hull of the ship, contrary to the existin~ concept of "standin~
proud" . These developments, compounded with sCientists discoverin~ "smart" materials, that are self- healin~ or self-
cleanin~; memory metals that can revert to their ori~inal shapes; piezoelectric ceramics and crystals that turn pressure
into ener~y; and nanomaterials, are bound to ~ive new avenues and meanin~ to ship structures and cannot be predicted.
New materials such as carbon nanotubes and inte~rated !;!raphene that have datal power cables embedded in it are likely
to have an immense impact on the sensor technolo!;!y being used on board ships today. This in return would have a direct
bearin!;! on the size and purpose of the mast, the shape of which only time will tell.

- -

Fi!!ure 18: The mer!!ln!! of the mast and the superstructure - Zumwalt class ships

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5. Conclusion •

confidence that this concept has become a reality from

The evolution of the mast desi~n both from the

just bein~ a technolo~y demonstration projed_Thou~h it

fundional and the development of sensor point of view

will become an inte~ral part of the future ship desi~n,

have been discussed in this paper. The evolution in the

issues such as material seledion, access arran~ements,

ships' mast has occurred from a sin~le pole mast to a

strudural inte~ration, and stability demand ~reater

much complicated and differently shaped mast •

study. The desi~ners in the interim continue to evolve the

strudure_ The initial masts were simple with their use • desi~n to be able to offer a solution that is sufficiently

limited to hoistin~ sails while today's masts carry • flexible to fit a variety of vessel sizes and satisfy differin~

complicated equipment and sensors for surveillance and • customer requirements.

communication _ This evolution of masts from a •
• The need for such an innovation has been driven

protrudin~ stand-alone strudure to a one that mer~es •
• primarily due to the need of navies to focus on littoral,

with the main hull is noteworthy and cannot be taken as •

low-intensity conflids, counter-piracy, anti-dru~ and

the last of the innovations. •

expeditionary operations wherein unhindered

Chan~in~ technolo~ies
sometimes force disruptive

availability of sensors is essential. As new demands arise,

innovations which can be ~ame-chan~ers as seen in the

newer innovations would evolve and there is no stoppin~

case of the inte~rated mast. One can say with this development.

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8. Meloling John H.; Advanced Enclosed Mast/Sensor (AEM/ S) System, Communication Systems Technologies, available at https:// / Advanced_Enciosed_Masc Sensor_AEM_S_System
9. Miller, Paul; Design Criteria for composite masts, The 12th Chesapeake Sailing Yacht Symposium
10. Preston E law Jr; Accommodating antenna systems in the ship design process, US Department of Defence study, available at dtic/ tr / fulltext/u2/ a05870 5.pdf
11. Savage C l and Kimber A; When is a mast a mast! The Impact of Integrated masts on platform design and classification, RINA Warship, 2010,
avai lable at https://www.bmtdsl ia/6097 879/ BMTDSl-When-is-a-Mast-a-Mast-Confpaper-RI NAWarshiP-Jun 1O.pdf
12. Smith J S, Robb M D, Duffy AHB, Thomas A and Nisbet C; An experience of Modularity through design, International Conference of Engineering
design, Glasgow, Aug 2001, available at https:/ / 6/ strathprints006732.pdf

Cdr (Dr) Nitln AQarwala

Cdr (Dr) Nltln Agarwala was commissioned In the Indian Navy in 1993_ He is a Naval Archited from the Cochin University of
Science and Technology with design, industry, academic (both teaching and research), inspedion, maintainer and a policy
maker experience in shipbuilding. He was a part time Research Fellow with the NMF before becoming a full time
researcher In November 2017 on deputation from the Indian NaVY.He has authored over 35 papers for various technical
I conferences and journals both national and International and was awarded the HR Memorial Award 2016-17 by the Institute
of Marine Engineers India for the best technical paper published In Marine Engineers Review In 2016. He is presently
writing a book entitled MDeep Seabed Mining In the Indian Ocean: Economic and Strategic Dimensions·

DIMS 2018

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