Hardware Tool UM v3.8 EN

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H/W Developing Tool User Manual

User Manual
Hardware Developing Tool
Tool for Project Developing

Version 3.8
Jun. 4, 2021
NYQUEST TECHNOLOGY CO., Ltd. reserves the right to change this document without prior notice. Information provided by NYQUEST is believed to be accurate and reliable.
However, NYQUEST makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document. Contact NYQUEST to obtain the latest version of device specifications before
placing your orders. No responsibility is assumed by NYQUEST for any infringement of patent or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. In addition,
NYQUEST products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices/systems or aviation devices/systems, where aVer. 3.8 or failure
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of the product
may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user, without the express written approval of NYQUEST.
H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Table of Contents

1 Development Tools Introduction ........................................................................................ 6

1.1 Flash Type Developing Tool....................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1 FDB (Flash Demo Board) ................................................................................................................ 6
1.1.2 FDB_Writer and Q-FDB_Writer ....................................................................................................... 6
1.1.3 Target Board .................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1.4 NX1_VR_Test_Kit ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.2 OTP Type Developing Tool ........................................................................................................ 7
1.2.1 OTP ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1.2.2 OTP_Writer (Ver.B) ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) ......................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) ................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.5 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.6 1 to 8 Programming Board .............................................................................................................. 8
1.2.7 Multi-OTP_Writer (Ver.A) ................................................................................................................. 8
1.2.8 NX_Programmer (Ver.A) ................................................................................................................. 8
1.2.9 Smart_Writer Ver.A .......................................................................................................................... 8
1.2.10 Multi-NX_Programmer_Writer (Ver.A) ............................................................................................. 8
1.3 MTP Type Developing Tool ........................................................................................................ 9
1.3.1 MTP IC............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.2 Q-Link (Ver. A) ................................................................................................................................. 9
1.3.3 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) ................................................................................................................ 9
1.4 SRAM Type Developing Tool ..................................................................................................... 9
1.4.1 Romter ............................................................................................................................................. 9
1.4.2 ICE .................................................................................................................................................10
1.4.3 NX1_Voice_Collector ....................................................................................................................10

2 Flash Type Developing Tool ...............................................................................................11

2.1 NY1_FDB & NY1 Target Board.................................................................................................11
2.1.1 NY1_FDB ...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 NY1 Target Board .......................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 NY2_FDB & NY2 Target Board................................................................................................ 12
2.2.1 NY2_FDB ......................................................................................................................................12
2.2.2 NY2 Target Board ..........................................................................................................................12
2.3 NY3 Series FDB & Target Board ............................................................................................. 13
2.3.1 NY3 series FDB .............................................................................................................................13
2.3.2 NY3(B) Target Board .....................................................................................................................14
2.4 NY4_FDB & NY4 Target Board................................................................................................ 15

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2.4.1 NY4_FDB ......................................................................................................................................15
2.4.2 NY4 Target Board ..........................................................................................................................15
2.5 NY5_FDB & NY5 Target Board................................................................................................ 16
2.5.1 NY5_FDB ......................................................................................................................................16
2.5.2 NY5 Target Board ..........................................................................................................................17
2.6 NY6_FDB ................................................................................................................................ 19
2.6.1 NY6_FDB ......................................................................................................................................19
2.6.2 NY6_FDB Audio Output ................................................................................................................19
2.7 NY7_FDB & NY7 Target Board................................................................................................ 20
2.7.1 NY7_FDB ......................................................................................................................................20
2.7.2 NY7 Target Board ..........................................................................................................................22
2.8 NY8L_FDB .............................................................................................................................. 23
2.8.1 NY8L_FDB ....................................................................................................................................23
2.9 NY9T_FDB .............................................................................................................................. 25
2.9.1 NY9T_FDB ....................................................................................................................................25
2.9.2 NY9T_FDB & NY9T-TP_COB .......................................................................................................25
2.10 NX1_FDB ................................................................................................................................ 26
2.10.1 NX1_FDB ......................................................................................................................................26
2.11 NX1_VR_Test_Kit.................................................................................................................... 26
2.11.1 NX1_VR_Test_Kit LED indicator and key definition ......................................................................27
2.12 FDB_Writer & Q-FDB_Writer ................................................................................................... 28
2.12.1 FDB_Writer ....................................................................................................................................28
2.12.2 Q-FDB_Writer ................................................................................................................................29
2.13 How to Use Q-Writer ............................................................................................................... 30
2.13.1 Q-Writer Interface ..........................................................................................................................30
2.13.2 FDB_Writer/Q-FDB_Writer Operation Flow Chart.........................................................................31

3 OTP Type Developing Tool ................................................................................................ 32

3.1 NY1PxxxAB............................................................................................................................. 32
3.2 NY2PxxxAB............................................................................................................................. 32
3.3 NY3P(B)xxxBB, xxxJB ............................................................................................................ 33
3.4 NY4PxxxAB, xxxJB ................................................................................................................. 33
3.5 NY5PxxxAB, xxxJB ................................................................................................................. 34
3.6 NY6PxxxJB ............................................................................................................................. 34
3.7 NY7PxxxAB............................................................................................................................. 35
3.8 NY9TPxxAB ............................................................................................................................ 35
3.9 NY9TSxxAB ............................................................................................................................ 36

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3.10 NX1xPxxxAB ........................................................................................................................... 36
3.11 OTP_Writer & Transfer Board.................................................................................................. 38
3.11.1 OTP_Writer (Ver.B) .......................................................................................................................38
3.11.2 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) .......................................................................................................................39
3.11.3 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) ..............................................................................................................40
3.11.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) ..............................................................................................................45
3.11.5 NX_Programmer (Ver. A) ..............................................................................................................47
3.11.6 Smart_Writer Ver.A ........................................................................................................................51
3.11.7 Transfer Board ...............................................................................................................................54
3.11.8 1 to 8 Programming Board ............................................................................................................55
3.11.9 Multi-OTP_Writer ...........................................................................................................................57
3.11.10 Multi-NX_Programmer_Writer .......................................................................................................58
3.12 How to Use Q-Writer ............................................................................................................... 60
3.12.1 Q-Writer Interface ..........................................................................................................................60
3.12.2 OTP_Writer (Ver.B) Operation Flow Chart ....................................................................................61
3.12.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) Operation Flow Chart ....................................................................................62
3.12.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) Operation Flow Chart ...........................................................................64
3.12.5 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.B) Operation Flow Chart ............................................................................66
3.12.6 Smart_Writer Ver.A Operation Flow Chart ....................................................................................68
3.12.7 PC-Link Mode ................................................................................................................................70
3.12.8 Stand-Alone Mode .........................................................................................................................70
3.12.9 Using 1 to 8 Programming Board ..................................................................................................71
3.12.10 Using Multi-OTP_Writer.................................................................................................................74

4 MTP Type Developing Tool ................................................................................................ 76

4.1 Q-Link ..................................................................................................................................... 76
4.2 Definition and Description of Programming Interface ............................................................... 77
4.3 Definition of Internal/ External Voltage Option .......................................... 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
4.4 Methods of System Connection ............................................................................................... 77
4.4.1 Rapid Development .......................................................................................................................77
4.4.2 External Power Supply .................................................................................. 錯誤! 尚未定義書籤。
4.4.3 OCD Development ........................................................................................................................78
4.5 Q-Link Flow Chart ................................................................................................................... 79

5 SRAM Type Developing Tool ............................................................................................. 80

5.1 NY_Romter ............................................................................................................................. 80
5.1.1 EV_Board ......................................................................................................................................80
5.1.2 NY3L_Romter ................................................................................................................................83
5.1.3 Q-Writer Interface ..........................................................................................................................84
5.1.4 NY_Romter Operation Flow Chart ................................................................................................85

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5.2 Emulator.................................................................................................................................. 86
5.2.1 NYx_COB ......................................................................................................................................86
5.2.2 Emulator Operation Flow Chart .....................................................................................................90
5.3 NY8_ICE ................................................................................................................................. 91
5.3.1 NY8_ADC/COMP_COB ................................................................................................................92
5.3.2 NY8_ICE Operation Flow Chart ....................................................................................................93
5.4 NY8L_ICE ............................................................................................................................... 94
5.4.1 NY8L_ICE Operation Flow Chart ..................................................................................................95
5.5 NY9U_ICE............................................................................................................................... 96
5.5.1 NY9U_ICE Operation Flow Chart..................................................................................................97
5.6 NY9T_ICE & NY9T-TP_COB .................................................................................................. 98
5.7 NX1_ICE ................................................................................................................................. 99
5.8 NX1_Voice_Collector ............................................................................................................ 100
5.8.1 NX1_Voice_Collector Operation Flow Chart ...............................................................................101

6 Appendix ........................................................................................................................... 102

6.1 FDB ROM and IC Pin Mapping Table .................................................................................... 102
6.1.1 NY1_FDB ....................................................................................................................................102
6.1.2 NY2_FDB ....................................................................................................................................102
6.1.3 NY3 Series FDB ..........................................................................................................................103
6.1.4 NY4_FDB ....................................................................................................................................104
6.1.5 NY5_FDB ....................................................................................................................................105
6.1.6 NY6_FDB ....................................................................................................................................106
6.1.7 NY7_FDB ....................................................................................................................................106
6.1.8 NY8L_FDB ..................................................................................................................................107
6.1.9 NY9T_FDB ..................................................................................................................................107
6.1.10 NX1_FDB ....................................................................................................................................108
6.2 OTP_Writer(Ver.B) Operation Code....................................................................................... 108
6.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) / Multi-OTP_Writer Operation Code ....................................................... 109
6.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) Operation Code ..............................................................................110
6.5 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) Operation Code..............................................................................112
6.6 NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Operation Code ..............................................................................116
6.7 Smart_Writer Ver.A Operation Code .......................................................................................117

7 Revision History ............................................................................................................... 121

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H/W Developing Tool User Manual
1 Development Tools Introduction
To enable customers to more quickly and easily use Nyquest IC, Nyquest Technology provides various types of
hardware developing tools for NY1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9T / 9U & NX1 series MaskROM IC, including FDB,
OTP, ICE, Romter and related writers, and so on. Cooperating with related software tools, they can accommodate
to different working conditions for engineers and end-users to conveniently develop and verify IC functions.

1.1 Flash Type Developing Tool

Flash memory can be electrically erased and programmed, and it can keep the programmed data without
power, it’s similar with EEPROM. Combining EV Chips (Evaluation Chip or Kernel Chip) with external
flash memory (two chip solution) can easily demonstrate IC’s function through software and hardware
writer to write data in flash. Available Flash supports: 2M-bit, 4M-bit, 8M-bit, 16M-bit and 32M-bit.

Advantage: The programmed data can be erased and programmed repeatedly. Users can update program
constantly. (MTP, Multi-Time Programmable)

Disadvantage: 1. Price is much higher than OTP.

2. Programming time is longer than SRAM type.
3. Limited to Flash electrical characteristics, MaskROM IC current and voltage range can’t
be presented completely.

1.1.1 FDB (Flash Demo Board)

Flash Demo Board is abbreviated as FDB, and it’s provided to demonstrate the function of MaskROM
IC. FDB is assembled by related EV chip and Flash in one PCB. It can be written, read and erased
constantly. User can select the appropriate FDB according to IC body. For more detail about Flash
capacity selection, please refer to 5.1 FDB ROM and IC Pin Mapping Table.

1.1.2 FDB_Writer and Q-FDB_Writer

FDB_Writer is a hardware writer that provides the functionality for FDB programming. It supports the
programming of NY1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9T & NX1 series FDB. (Need to cooperate with Q-Writer software)

Q-FDB_Writer is a miniaturization of FDB_Writer, with same functions and more portability-friendly.

1.1.3 Target Board

Target Board is used to connect with the FDB. It’s multi-purpose board designed to attach to different
mechanical and electronic components for convenient demonstration. The slot on the target board is
reserved for FDB to be directly plugged in. For different MaskROM IC series, we provide related Target
Boards. It includes five parts: NYx_FDB slot, Input Key, Output Port, VDD/GND power, and PWM output.
(There is no PWM output for NY1 Target Board)

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1.1.4 NX1_VR_Test_Kit
NX1_VR_Test_Kit is a development tool to adjust the sensitivity of voice recognition, allowing
customers to easily verify and adjust the sensitivity of voice recognition in different languages and
different environments. It includes six parts, which are command group selection keys, VAD (Voice
Activity Detection) volume adjustment keys, sensitivity LED indicators, trigger word indicator,
microphone and speaker.

1.2 OTP Type Developing Tool

OTP (One Time Programmable) is single-chip IC with built-in EPROM, which can be programmed and can
keep the programmed data without power. Its programmed data can be erased by UV, but once packaged,
the data cannot be erased by UV anymore. Namely, OTP IC is one-time programmable.

Advantage: 1. Price is close to MaskROM IC, and it is single-chip and suitable for mass production.
2. OTP can be programmed and delivered immediately to shorten the lead-time.
3. Electrical characters are very closed to MaskROM IC.

Disadvantage: OTP cannot be erased or programmed again once data was written.

1.2.1 OTP
Eight series of OTP are currently available: NY1P207A, NY2P010A, NY3P, NY4P, NY5P, NY7P, NY8P
and NY9U series OTP. There are several shipping types of bare die, COB (Chip On Board) and
package IC. The COB is to put die on PCB by wire bonding and epoxy coating to a circuit board. User
can attach components like power, switches and speaker to demonstrate functions conveniently. The
COB form of OTP is divided into two types: golden finger and squeeze box application. In NY3P, both
types are available, but NY1P207A, NY2P010A, NY4P, NY5P and NY7P have golden finger type only.

1.2.2 OTP_Writer (Ver.B)

OTP_Writer (Ver.B) is a hardware writer that provides the functionality for OTP programming. It supports
the programming of NY1P207A, NY2P010A, NY3P, NY4P and NY5P series OTP. (Need to cooperate
with Q-Writer software)

1.2.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C)

OTP_Writer (Ver.C) is a hardware writer that provides the functionality for OTP programming. It
supports the programming of NY1P207A, NY2P010A, NY3P, NY4P, NY5P, NY7P, NY8P and NY9U
series OTP. OTP_Writer (Ver.C) also supports the rolling code function, the limited writing times function,
and adds socket for different OTP IC series config cards. (Need to cooperate with Q-Writer software)

1.2.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A)

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) supports the programming of NY8 series, the rolling code function and the
OTP_Writing-Times function. (Need to cooperate with Q-Writer software).

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1.2.5 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B)
NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) supports the programming of NY8 series, the rolling code function and the
OTP_Writing-Times function. (Need to cooperate with Q-Writer software).

1.2.6 1 to 8 Programming Board

1 to 8 Programming Board enables user to simultaneously program 8 pcs of OTP IC. It must be
connected to the interface of OTP_Writer (Ver.B) to use together.

1.2.7 Multi-OTP_Writer (Ver.A)

Multi-OTP_Writer enables user to simultaneously program 8 pcs of OTP IC. Unlike 1 to 8 Programming
Board, Multi-OTP_Writer can operate independently without connecting OTP_Writer (Ver. C).

1.2.8 NX_Programmer (Ver.A)

NX_Programmer (Ver. A) is a 32-bit chips multi-function integrated development tool for the NX1 series.
It features ICE emulation and supports FDB download and OTP programming. (Need to cooperate with
Q-Writer, NYIDE, Q-Code, Q-Audio or SPI_Encoder software.)

1.2.9 Smart_Writer Ver.A

Smart_Writer Ver.A supports the programming of NY1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9, NX1 and SPI Flash. It also
supports the rolling code function, the writing-times function, and socket for different OTP IC series
config cards. (Need to cooperate with Q-Writer software)

1.2.10 Multi-NX_Programmer_Writer (Ver.A)

Multi-NX_Programmer is a combination of multiple NX_Programmers and it can program up to 8 OTP
ICs at the same time.

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1.3 MTP Type Developing Tool
MTP type IC is a microcontrol chip with multiple-time programmable memory, and the written data will not
disappear even if power is lost. To demo the IC functions, just program the code to the memory of MTP IC
through softare and hardware tool. (The programmed data can be changed electronically even after
the chip is encapsulated or packaged.)

Advantage: 1. Price is between Flash and OTP IC. It is a microcontroller and ready for mass production.
2. With multiple-time programmable ability, even if the program is failed, it can be
3. MTP can store the related application parameters repeatedly, data will not disappear even if
power is lost.

1.3.1 MTP IC
Currently, Nyquest provides 2 MTP ICs: NY8AE51D and NY8BM series. The ordering type includes
packaged IC.

1.3.2 Q-Link (Ver. B)

Q-Link (Ver. B) is a multi-function integrated development tool for NY8BM series IC, with ICE simulation
and MTP programming function. It supports Nyquest ICs with built-in on-chip debug (OCD).

1.3.3 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B)

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) supports the programming of NY8 series, the rolling code function and the
OTP_Writing-Times function. (Need to cooperate with Q-Writer software).

1.4 SRAM Type Developing Tool

SRAM is Static Random Access Memory, which data can be written or erased quickly and repeatedly, but
data is eventually lost when the system is not powered. Combining EV Chips with external SRAM and
related writing circuitry can easily demonstrate IC’s function through software writer to write data in SRAM.

Advantage: Fast programming to increase the working efficiency. It’s very suitable for engineer in
developing program.

Disadvantage: 1. Data can’t be saved after power disconnected, need to re-write.

2. Operating voltage is limited to 3.3V.

1.4.1 Romter
NY_Romter is a demonstration module that combines EV chip, SRAM and fast download circuitry.
NY_Romter is small size, and it can be simply connected to PC with USB connection, then through
Q-Writer software, users can download the program into the romter to demonstrate the IC function.

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NY_Romter can cooperate with NY2, NY3, NY4, NY5, NY6 or NY7 series EV_Board (NYx_EV Board).

1.4.2 ICE
ICE is divided into four categories according to different product categories. There are Emulators for NY
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9T series, NY8 ICE of NY8A / NY8B series, NY8L_ICE of NY8L series and NX1_ICE of
NX1 series. These tools have SRAM type development tools developed and equipped with analog
functions. Use Emulator or ICE connected to PC with USB connection, and then through NYIDE or
Q-Code software, users can download the program into Emulator or the ICE to emulate the IC function.
Emulator can cooperate with different series evaluation board (NY4 / 5 / 6 / 7_COB / 9T_COB).

1.4.3 NX1_Voice_Collector
For the development of NX1 voice recognition, NX1_Voice_Collector provides an online development
platform. Users only need to connect NX1_Voice_Collector to a personal computer via USB, and then use
specific development software (such as Q-Recoder) to develop voice recognition.

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H/W Developing Tool User Manual
2 Flash Type Developing Tool
2.1 NY1_FDB & NY1 Target Board
2.1.1 NY1_FDB

NY1_FDB is the flash demo board for NY1 demonstration. User can make .bin files by Q-Light software
and download it to NY1_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY1_FDB is shown below.

Input or VDD 104 capacitor

output pins

Output pins

Golden finger
(For programming)

Flash (2Mb)
Flash Model: SST39VF020-70-4C-WHE

2.1.2 NY1 Target Board

NY1 Target Board is cooperated with the NY1_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching mechanical
and electronic components easily. The connection of NY1_FDB and Target Board is shown below.


Output connection
From left to right: VDD, I/O pin, GND.
(For LED output)

Input keys

LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

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2.2 NY2_FDB & NY2 Target Board
2.2.1 NY2_FDB

NY2_FDB is the flash demo board for NY2 demonstration. User can make .bin files by Q-Tone software
and download it to NY2_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY2_FDB is shown below.

PWM 104 capacitor
104 capacitor
Input pin

Input or
pins Golden finger
(For programming)
104 capacitor Flash (2Mb)

Rosc: NY2 is State Machine architecture and its playback speed is fixed to limited options, not flexible
like MCU, but user could apply external resistor to fine tune OSC (MaskROM IC has not external
resistor to adjust OSC, but it can be trimmed by wafer test.). If external Rosc is not used when
power is on, it will be auto-detected to use internal resistor for FDB.

Flash Model: SST39VF020-70-4C-WHE

2.2.2 NY2 Target Board

NY2 Target Board is cooperated with the NY2_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching mechanical
and electronic components easily. The connection of NY2_FDB and Target Board is shown below.


Output connection
From left to right: VDD, I/O pin, GND.
(For LED output)

Input keys

LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

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2.3 NY3 Series FDB & Target Board
2.3.1 NY3 series FDB

(1) NY3_FDB
NY3(B)_FDB is the flash demo board for NY3(B) demonstration. User can make .bin files by Q-Speech
software and download it to NY3(B)_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY3(B)_FDB is shown

Flash (2Mb/4Mb/8Mb) 104 capacitor


Input pin

Input or
Golden finger
(For programming)

Flash Model: SST39VF020-70-4C-WHE / SST39VF040-70-4C-WHE / SST39VF1681-70-4C-EKE

(2) NY3M_FDB
NY3M_FDB is the flash demo board for NY3M demonstration. User can make .bin files by Q-Speech
software and download it to NY3M_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY3M_FDB is shown

104 capacitor

Input pin 104 capacitor

Flash (4Mb)

input or
output pins Golden finger
(For programming)

104 capacitor
Flash Model : SST39VF040A-70-4C-WHE.

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(3) NY3W_FDB
NY3W_FDB is the flash demo board for NY3W demonstration. User can make .bin files by Q-Speech
software and download it to NY3W_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY3W_FDB is shown

GND, VDD 104 capacitor


Input pin

input or Flash (8Mb)

output pins

Golden finger 104 capacitor

(For programming)
104 capacitor
Flash Model: ST39VF1681-70-4C-EKE.

2.3.2 NY3(B) Target Board

NY3(B) Target Board is cooperated with the NY3(B)_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching
mechanical and electronic components easily. The connection of NY3(B)_FDB and Target Board is
shown below.


Output connection
From left to right: VDD, I/O pin, GND.
(For LED output)

Input keys

LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

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2.4 NY4_FDB & NY4 Target Board
2.4.1 NY4_FDB

NY4_FDB is the flash demo board for NY4 demonstration. User can make .bin files by NYIDE or
Q-Code software and download it to NY4_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY4_FDB is
shown below.

GND, VDD 104 capacitor

PWM output

Input or LED indicator

output (Light when IC
pins is working)

104 capacitor

Flash (2Mb/4Mb/8Mb)

It is fixed as Internal
Golden finger (For programming) OSC (INT-R)

Flash Model: SST39VF020-70-4C-WHE / SST39VF040-70-4C-WHE/ SST39VF1681-70-4C-EKE(8Mb)

2.4.2 NY4 Target Board

NY4 Target Board is cooperated with the NY4_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching mechanical
and electronic components easily. The connection of NY4_FDB and Target Board is shown below.


Output connection
From left to right: VDD, I/O pin, GND.
(For LED output)

Input keys

LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

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2.5 NY5_FDB & NY5 Target Board
2.5.1 NY5_FDB

NY5_FDB is the flash demo board for NY5A/NY5B/NY5C/NY5P series demonstration. User can
make .bin files by NYIDE or Q-Code software and download it to NY5_FDB to verify functions. The
appearance of NY5_FDB is shown below.

PWM output DAC output GND, VDD 104 capacitor 104 capacitor

LED indicator
(Light when IC is

104 capacitor

User can choose the internal Flash
Input or
resistance or external (4Mb/8Mb/16Mb/32Mb/64Mb)
output pins

Golden finger (For programming)

Flash Model 1: SST39VF400A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF800A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF1601-70-4C-EKE /

SST39VF3201-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF6401-70-4C-EKE
Flash Model 2: MX29LV400CTTC-70G / MX29LV800CTTC-70G / MX29LV160CTTC-70G /
MX29LV320CTTC-70G / MX29SL800CTTI-90G NY5_FDB Oscillator Setting

Internal OSC Only: When OSC/PX# pin is set as I/O rather than OSC in program, there is only
Int-OSC available on NY5_FDB. (Q-Code default: Int-OSC)
Internal OSC & External OSC: When OSC/PX# pin is set as OSC in program, option of using
Int-OSC or Ext-OSC is available on NY5_FDB. The option setting is detected and takes effect only
at the moment power is turned on. Please refer to the following descriptions for setting OSC option.

OSC circuits


(Default) Rosc around 300K
1. Cut the connection between

Ext-OSC OSC and GND.

2. VDD --> Rosc --> OSC

Note: When using Ext-OSC, the connection between OSC and GND must be cut, as “X” of
above picture.

16 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual NY5_FDB Audio Output

PWM & DAC Output: Connect the speaker to PWM or DAC, and then supply the power, the audio
output will be auto detected as PWM or DAC. It takes the electric potential of PWM2 to judge audio
output when power is turned on, so it must be powered again while switching audio output.

PWM2 Electric Potential Voice Output (Q-Code Default: PWM + DAC)

Floating PWM output
VDD DAC output

DAC Output Circuit: When using DAC output, a transistor and a resistor are attached to amplify
and adjust the current. The transistor on NY5_FDB is 8050D, and the value of Rbias here is 750Ω.

3.0V 1.4mA
IDAC (DAC Output current)
4.5V 1.7mA

2.5.2 NY5 Target Board

NY5 Target Board is cooperated with the NY5_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching mechanical
and electronic components easily. The connection of NY5_FDB and Target Board is shown below.

ICE connector

PWM output
Output connection
From left to right:
DAC output
VDD, I/O pin, GND.
(For LED output)

Input keys

LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

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2.6 NY5+_FDB & NY5+ Target Board
2.6.1 NY5+ FDB

NY5+_FDB is the flash demo board for NY5D/NY5E/NY5F/NY5Q series demonstration. User can
make .bin files by NYIDE or Q-Code software and download it to NY5_FDB to verify functions. The
appearance of NY5+_FDB is shown below.

PWM output DAC output


LED indicator
(Light when IC is

104 capacitor Flash (4Mb/16Mb)

Input or
output pin

Golden finger (For programming)

Flash Type: SST39VF400A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF1601-70-4C-EKE

2.6.2 NY5+ Target Board

NY5+ Target Board is cooperated with the NY5+_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching
mechanical and electronic components easily. The connection of NY5+_FDB and Target Board is
shown below.

ICE connector

Output connection GND
From left to right:
VDD, I/O pin, GND. VDD
(For LED output) GND


Input keys

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LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

2.7 NY6_FDB
2.7.1 NY6_FDB

NY6_FDB is the flash demo board for NY6 demonstration. User can make .bin files by NYIDE or
Q-Code software and download it to NY6_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY6_FDB is
shown below.

PWM output DAC output GND, VDD

LED indicator 104 capacitor

(Light when IC is

104 capacitor

Input or Flash (4Mb/8Mb/16Mb/32Mb)

output pins

Golden finger (For programming)

Flash Model 1: SST39VF400A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF800A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF1601-70-4C-EKE /

Flash Model 2: MX29LV400CTTC-70G / MX29LV800CTTC-70G / MX29LV160CTTC-70G /
MX29LV320CTTC-70G / MX29SL800CTTI-90G

2.7.2 NY6_FDB Audio Output

PWM & DAC Output: Connect the speaker to PWM or DAC, and then supply the power, the audio
output will be auto detected as PWM or DAC. It takes the electric potential of PWM2 to judge audio
output when power is turned on, so it must be powered again while switching audio output.

PWM2 Electric Potential Voice Output

Floating PWM output
VDD DAC output
(Q-Code default: PWM + DAC)

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DAC Output Circuit: When using DAC output, a transistor and a resistor are attached to amplify and
adjust the current. The transistor on NY6_FDB is 8050D, and the value of Rbias here is 750Ω.

3.0V 1.4mA
IDAC (DAC Output current)
4.5V 1.6mA

2.8 NY7_FDB & NY7 Target Board

2.8.1 NY7_FDB

NY7_FDB is the flash demo board for NY7 demonstration. User can make .bin files by NYIDE or
Q-Code software and download it to NY7_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY7_FDB is
shown below.

PWM output DAC output

104 capacitor

Push-Pull LED indicator

output (Light when IC is

104 capacitor

Flash (4Mb/8Mb/16Mb/32Mb)
Input or
output pins Golden finger (For programming)

Flash Model 1: SST39VF400A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF800A-70-4C-EKE / SST39VF1601-70-4C-EKE /

Flash Model 2: MX29LV400CTTC-70G / MX29LV800CTTC-70G / MX29LV160CTTC-70G /
MX29LV320CTTC-70G / MX29SL800CTTI-90G

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IC series Output options Default Output

7A PWM or DAC output PWM & DAC output
7B, 7C Push-Pull or DAC output Push-Pull output

Push-Pull Output: Connect both ends of the speaker to PP1 and PP2 for using Push-Pull output.


PA0 .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. PA3 PF3
. PB0
. PP1


PWM & DAC Output: Connect the speaker to PWM or DAC, and then supply the power, the audio
output will be auto detected as PWM or DAC. It takes the electric potential of PWM2 to judge audio
output when power is turned on, so it must be powered again while switching audio output.

PWM2 Electric Potential Audio Output

Floating PWM output
VDD DAC output

DAC Output Circuit: When using DAC output, a transistor and a resistor are attached to amplify
and adjust the current. The transistor on NY7_FDB is 8050D, and the value of Rbias here is 750Ω.

3.0V 1.4mA
IDAC (DAC Output current)
4.5V 1.6mA

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2.8.2 NY7 Target Board

NY7 Target Board is cooperated with the NY7_FDB. User can demo functions by attaching mechanical
and electronic components easily. The connection of NY7_FDB and Target Board is shown below.

GND PP, PWM, DAC output


ICE connector

Output connection
From left to right:
VDD, I/O pin, GND.
(For LED output)

Input keys

LED Connection: When LED anode is connected to VDD(+), cathode to I/O, it’s Sink connection.
When LED anode is connected to I/O, cathode to GND(-), it’s Drive connection.

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2.9 NY8L_FDB
2.9.1 NY8L_FDB

NY8L_FDB is the flash demo board for NY8L demonstration. User can make .bin files by NYIDE
software and download it to NY8L_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY8L_FDB is shown



DAC output

PWM output




Flash (2Mb)

Flash Model: SST39VF020-70-4C-WHE

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H/W Developing Tool User Manual NY8L_FDB connection function

Connection Name Definition

AIN0 / AIN1 / AIN2 / AIN3 Analog Input Channel Interface (Analog to digital)
INT External hardware interrupt interface
RST External hardware reset interface
Electroluminescence signal control interface (External
ELC / ELP driver circuit is required. Please refer to section 8.1 of
SPI_CS / SCK / SDI /SDO External SPI Flash Interface
CX / RR / RT0 / RT1 External R and C of RFC circuit interface
IR Infrared output interface (Need external infrared LED.)
COM0~COM11 / SEG0~SEG63 LCD output interface (Need an external LCD panel.)
PA0~8 / PB0~8 / PC0~8 / PD0~8 General digital I/O interface
PWM 9-bit voice output interface
DAC 10-bit voice output interface (Current output)
Buzzer Buzzer chip interface output (External buzzer)
XTAL External 32.768KHz Quartz oscillator interface DAC Output Circuit

When using DAC output, a transistor and a resistor are attached to amplify and adjust the current.
The transistor is 8050D, and the value of Rbias here is 1KΩ.

3.0V 1.4mA
IDAC (DAC Output current)
4.5V 1.6mA

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2.10 NY9T_FDB
2.10.1 NY9T_FDB

NY9T_FDB is the flash demo board for NY9T demonstration. User can make .bin files by NYIDE or
Q-Code software and download it to NY9T_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NY9T_FDB is
shown below.




104 capacitor
104 capacitor
Input /
output pin

Flash (2Mb)

Golden finger (For programming)

Flash Mode: SST39VF020-70-4C-WHE

2.10.2 NY9T_FDB & NY9T-TP_COB

NY9T_FDB supports the use of NY9T-TP COB. Users can download files to NY9T_FDB via
Q-FDB/FDB_Writer, then connect to NY9T-TP_COB which is jointed with the user-defined target board
according to the pin map position. Users can demo the Touch-Keys functions immediately. For the
detailed pin map, please refer to 4.5 NY9T_ICE & NY9T-TP_COB. The diagrammatic view of
NY9T_FDB and NY9T-TP_COB is shown below.

User-defined touchpad
target board

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2.11 NX1_FDB
2.11.1 NX1_FDB

NX1_FDB is the flash demo board for NX1 demonstration. User can build .bin files using NYIDE or
Q-Code software and download it to NX1_FDB to verify functions. The appearance of NX1_FDB is
shown below.

PWM output ACIN output MIC input


Input or output pins

Flash Mode: N25Q64 (64Mbit) / N25Q128 (128Mbit)

2.12 NX1_VR_Test_Kit
NX1_VR_Test_Kit is a development tool for adjusting the sensitivity of voice recognition, allowing users to
easily verify and adjust the sensitivity of voice recognition in different languages and environments.

8 ohm speaker

Trigger word indicator Sensitivity Grade


MIC VAD volume adjustment

Group1 to Group6

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2.12.1 NX1_VR_Test_Kit LED indicator and key definition

Signal Name Definition

TG Word Trigger Word indicator
8 Sensitivity Grade 8 (highest)
7 Sensitivity Grade 7
6 Sensitivity Grade 6
5 Sensitivity Grade 5
4 Sensitivity Grade 4
3 Sensitivity Grade 3
2 Sensitivity Grade 2
1 Sensitivity Grade 1 (lowest)

Key Name Definition

VAD+ Raise volume threshold
VAD- Lower volume threshold
G6 Switch to Group6
G5 Switch to Group5
G4 Switch to Group4
G3 Switch to Group3
G2 Switch to Group2
G1 Switch to Group1

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2.13 FDB_Writer & Q-FDB_Writer
2.13.1 FDB_Writer

FDB_Writer provides the functionality for programming FDB (Flash Demo Board). It must work with
Q-Writer software for programming.

The appearance of FDB_Writer is shown below.

Fail LED

3.3V constant FDB golden

voltage regulator finger connector

FDB insert


connector indicator

1. Mini USB connector: The connector of USB. Please use suitable USB cable to connect to PC.
2. FDB golden finger connector: Insert golden finger to connector for programming.
3. FDB insert direction: The epoxy is in the front of FDB and the Flash Memory IC is in the back.
4. Power indicator: Displaying power status. When the power inputs, this indicator lights constantly.
5. OK LED indicator: This green indicator will turn on when the result of operation is correct.
6. Fail LED indicator: This red indicator will turn on if any operation is incorrect.

After connecting FDB_Writer, insert the FDB as shown below.

Note: Please orient the FDB correctly according to the diagram shown on FDB_Writer hardware.
The epoxy is in the front of FDB and the Flash Memory IC is in the back.

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2.13.2 Q-FDB_Writer

Q-FDB_Writer is a miniaturization of FDB_Writer, with same functions and more portability-friendly.

The appearance of Q-FDB_Writer is shown below.



Q-FDB_Writer (Front) Q-FDB_Writer (Back)

1.Power indicator: Displaying power status. When the power inputs, this red indicator will light constantly.
(Output voltage is at 3.3V)
2.Status indicator: This green indicator will turn on when the result of operation or programming action is
correct. Otherwise, the red indicator will turn on.

After connecting Q-FDB_Writer, insert the Flash Demo Board as shown below.

Note: Please orient the FDB correctly according to the diagram shown on Q-FDB_Writer
hardware. The epoxy is in the front of FDB and the Flash Memory IC is in the back.

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2.14 How to Use Q-Writer
FDB_Writer programming must work with Nyquest Q-Writer software. The following is a brief introduction of
Q-Writer operation. For details, please see Q-Writer user manual.

2.14.1 Q-Writer Interface

When Q-Writer detects the connection of FDB_Writer, it shows the image of the FDB_Writer.

When Q-Writer detects the connection of Q-FDB_Writer, it shows the image of the Q-FDB_Writer.

To program FDB, apply corresponding FDB of NY1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 9T or NX1 on FDB_Writer or

Q-FDB_Writer and open the .bin file which will be programmed to FDB in Q-Writer software system,
then proceed in accordance with Q-Writer operation.

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2.14.2 FDB_Writer/Q-FDB_Writer Operation Flow Chart

FDB_Writer/Q-FDB_Writer operation flow chart:

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3 OTP Type Developing Tool
3.1 NY1PxxxAB
The NY1P series are single-chip LED Control and Drive synthesizing CMOS IC. It’s OTP IC with embedded
EPROM architecture, which is designed to support NY1AxxxA and NY1BxxxA MaskROM products.
Currently there is only one body: NY1P207A.


IO2 C1: 104 power cap
O5 C2: VREG104 cap


3.2 NY2PxxxAB
The NY2P series is single-chip dual-tone melody or 1-ch voice synthesizing CMOS IC. There is an OTP IC
with embedded EPROM architecture, and designed to support NY2AxxxA, NY2BxxxA and NY2CxxxA
MaskROM products. NY2P010A is the only body. The appearance of NY2P010A COB is shown below:

OTP COB P/N C2: VREG104 cap

IO1 PWM output

C1: 104 power cap.

Golden finger (For programming)

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3.3 NY3P(B)xxxBB, xxxJB
The NY3PxxxB series is single-chip voice synthesizing CMOS IC. They are OTP ICs with embedded
EPROM architecture, and OTPIC that are designed to support NY3AxxxB, NY3AxxxC, NY3AxxxD,
NY3BxxxB, NY3CxxxB and NY3DxxxB MaskROM products. There are 7 bodies: NY3P005B / 010B / 016B
/ 035B / 065B / 087B / 115B. The appearance of NY3P(B) COB is shown below.

OTP COB P/N C2: VREG 104 cap. IO1 PWM

IO2 output

PWM output O4
C1, C2 are
C1: 104 power
applicable to 104
cap. VDD GND
Golden finger
(For programming)
Squeeze Box Type of NY3P(B) COB

Golden Finger Type of NY3P(B) COB

3.4 NY4PxxxAB, xxxJB

The NY4P series IC is a 4-bit MCU based sound processor. They are OTP ICs with embedded EPROM
architecture, and designed to support NY4A and NY4B MaskROM products. There is only 1-channel
speech with high quality PWM output. There are 7 bodies: NY4P005A / 018A / 045A / 065B / 085A / 105A /
165A. The appearance of NY4P COB is shown below.


PB3 PB2 C1: 104 power cap.

PA3 PA2 PWM output
C2: VREG 104 cap.

Golden finger
(For programming)

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3.5 NY5PxxxAB, xxxJB
The NY5P series IC is a powerful 4-bit MCU based sound processor. They are OTP ICs with embedded
EPROM architecture, and designed to support NY5A, NY5B and NY5C MaskROM products. There are 4
channels that are configured as speech, tone or midi. By using the high fidelity ADPCM speech synthesis
algorithm, it can produce up to 44.1kHz sampling (near CD quality) voices, and 16 volume levels are
supported. It is also equipped two kinds of audio outputs: PWM and DAC. There are 7 bodies: NY5P025A /
055A / 085A / 185A / 345A / 520A / 720A. The appearance of NY5P COB is shown below.


PC3 PC2 C1: 104 power cap
PWM output
PD3 PD2 C2: VREG 104 cap.

Golden finger
PA3 PA2 (For programming)

3.6 NY6PxxxJB
The NY6P series IC is a powerful 4-bit MCU based sound processor. They are OTP ICs with embedded
EPROM architecture, and designed to support NY6A, NY6B and NY6C MaskROM products. There are 6
channels that are configured as speech or midi. By using the high fidelity ADPCM speech synthesis
algorithm or PCM, it can produce up to 44.1kHz sampling (near CD quality) voices, and 16 volume levels
are supported. It is also equipped two kinds of audio outputs: PWM and DAC. There is only 1 body:
NY6P085J. The appearance of NY6P COB is shown below.


C1: 104 power cap
PC2 PC3 PWM output

PB0 PB1 Golden finger
(For programming)

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3.7 NY7PxxxAB
The NY7P series IC is a powerful 4-bit micro-controller based sound processor. There are 8 channels that
are configured as speech or MIDI, and all of these 8 channels or part of them can be played with speech or
MIDI simultaneously. By using the high fidelity 6-bit ADPCM synthesis algorithm for both speech and MIDI
timbre with up to 44.1KHz sample rate, NY7P can produce near-CD quality voices. Therefore NY7P
melody quality is very close to real instrument. There are six bodies: NY7P021A / 065A / 087A / 170A /
345A / 520A. The appearance of NY7P COB is shown below.


PA3 PA2 C1: 104 power cap
PB3 PB2 Push-Pull
PC3 PC2 PWM output
C2: VREG 104 cap
Golden finger (For programming)

3.8 NY9TPxxAB
The NY9TP16A series IC is a powerful 4-bit micro-controller based LED control processor with capacitive
touch sensing function. It is embedded EPROM architecture, and the OTP (One Time Programmable) IC
that is designed to support NY9T MaskROM products. The RISC MCU architecture is very easy to
program and control, and various applications can be easily implemented. There are total 45 instructions,
and most of them are executed in one cycle. Through the accurate 400kHz internal oscillation of +/- 1%
tolerance, an external resister is not required. Furthermore, a RC16K mode is designed to save power
consumption and a HALT is to minimize the power. There is only 1 body: NY9TP16A. The appearance of
NY9TP COB is shown below.
Touch Interface

Cvreg: 104 power cap

PE1 PF1 Radj: Sensitivity Resistance
C1: 104 power cap

Golden finger (For programming)

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3.9 NY9TSxxAB
The NY9TS02A is a single-chip capacitive-touch CMOS IC. It is an embedded OTP (One Time
Programmable) architecture with 2 touch keys, 2 CMOS output and 2 open-drain output pins. To meet the
different application needs of customers, there are 2 kinds of Touch-Key option, 4 kinds of output type,
touch sensitivity, auto-judge calibration and Touch-Key scan cooperating with embedded OTP fuse option.
The appearance of NY9TS COB is shown below.

Touch Interface

CMOS Output

C1: 104 power cap

Open-Drain Output

Golden finger (For


3.10 NX1xPxxxAB
The NX1 series is a 32-bit MCU based high-quality speech/MIDI processor, which is specially designed for
customers to innovate with advanced DSP power. It is embedded with OTP (One Time PROM) for mass
production, such that no mask is required while MOQ / Lead Time are kept minimized. The appearance of
NX44P and NX12P is shown below.

Push-Pull GND VDD

PA9 PA0 C1: 104 power

PA10 PA1
PA11 PA2
PA14 PA3
PA15 PA4 C2: SPI0 VDD 104 power

SPI Flash

Golden finger (For programming)

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Push-Pull Line-in Microphone


PB10 PB2 PA10 PA2
PB11 PB3 PA11 PA3
PB12 PB4 PA12 PA4
PB13 PB5 PA13 PA5
PB15 PB7 PA15 PA7

SPI Flash

Golden finger (For programming)

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3.11 OTP_Writer & Transfer Board
3.11.1 OTP_Writer (Ver.B)

OTP_Writer (Ver.B) provides the functionality for programming OTP products. It must work with
Q-Writer software for programming. The appearance of OTP_Writer (Ver.B) is shown below.

Buzzer switch OK/BUSY/FAIL

LED indicator


Power Message
indicator code


Mini USB
Transfer board connector

1 to 8 Programming
Board connector

1. Mini USB connector: Please use suitable USB cable to connect to PC or connect to USB Adaptor.
2. Buzzer switch: Use Jumper to setup the Bi sound of buzzer as on or off.
3. Transfer board connector: Please insert the corresponding transfer board according to the
packaging type of OTP IC to be programmed.
4. 1 to 8 Programming Board connector: For connecting to external 1 to 8 Programming Board.
5. Set/Select: Pressing and holding this button for more than two seconds will enter setting mode. The
7-segment LED display will flash the operation code at this time. Pressing it again will
switch the operation code sequentially. User should select the intended operation code
detailed in operation code table. On completion of selection, press START/Enter once to
confirm and exit the setting mode. (Only applicable to stand-alone mode)
6. START/Enter: When the 7-segment LED displays is not flashing, press this button will sequentially
execute the operation of code shown as message. Please refer to the description of
operations in operation code table. Press Set/Select button to setup operations
(Blank, Program, Verify, or Protect) and then press START/Enter button to execute
the operations already setup. (Only applicable to stand-alone mode)

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7. Power indicator: Displaying power status. When the power inputs, this red indicator will light.
8. BUSY indicator: This yellow indicator will light when system is working. (e.g. START/Enter pressed)
9. OK indicator: This green indicator will light when the result of operation is correct.
10. FAIL indicator: This red indicator will light if any operation is incorrect.
11. Message code: Consist of two 7-segment LED for showing operation codes. When the operation is
incorrect, it will display the corresponding error codes, and FAIL indicator will light.

3.11.2 OTP_Writer (Ver.C)

OTP_Writer (Ver.C) provides the functionality for programming OTP products. It must work with
Q-Writer software for programming. The appearance of OTP_Writer (Ver.C) is shown below.

1. Mini USB connector: The connector of USB. Please use suitable USB cable to connect to PC or
connect to USB Adaptor.
2. Buzzer switch: Use Jumper to setup the Bi sound of buzzer as on or off.
3. Config card connector: Please insert the corresponding config card according to the packaging type
of OTP IC to be programmed.
4. Transfer board connector: Please insert the corresponding transfer board according to the
packaging type of OTP IC to be programmed.
5. Set/Select button: Pressing and holding this button for more than two seconds will enter setting
mode. The 7-segment LED displays will flash the operation code at this time.
Pressing Set/Select button again will switch the operation code sequentially.
User should select the intended operation code detailed in operation code table.

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On completion of selection, press START/Enter once to confirm and exit the
setting mode. (Only applicable to stand-alone mode)
6. Start/Enter button: When the 7-segment LED displays is not flashing, press this button will
sequentially execute the operation of code shown as message. Please refer to
the description of operations in operation code table. Press Set/Select button to
setup operations (Blank, Program, Verify, or Protect) and then press
START/Enter button to execute the operations already setup. (Only applicable
to stand-alone mode)
7. Power indicator: Displaying power status. When there is power input, this red indicator will light on
8. BUSY LED indicator: This yellow indicator will turn on when the system is working. (e.g. system
activated or the START/Enter button is pressed)
9. OK LED indicator: This green indicator will turn on when the result of operation or programming
action is correct.
10. FAIL LED indicator: This red indicator will turn on if any operation is incorrect.
11. Message code: This is consisted of two 7-segment LED displays for displaying the operation code
currently operating. When the operation or programming result is incorrect, the
7-segment LED displays will display the corresponding error code in addition to the
FAIL LED indicator.

3.11.3 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A)

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) is a lightweight, fast and easy to set up complex NY8 programming Board. NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) Appearance and Description

The appearance of NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) is shown below.

LED indicator


Select/Start button
ECI connector

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1. Mini USB connector: The connector of USB. Please use suitable Mini-B type USB cable to
connect to PC or connect to USB Adaptor.
2. Programming connector: According to the use of the environment, it can be directly connected
to a handler fixture by cable or use NY8 transfer board via Converter
3. Select/Start button: Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to enter setting mode. The LED
indicator will flash in orange indicating the current selected function. User
can press the button again to select between the functions sequentially.
After the selection is done, user can leave the setting mode by waiting the
orange LED stops flashing or holding the button for 3 seconds. (For
stand-alone mode only)
4. Compound indicator: According to different conditions, the indicator will display different LED
colors. Please refer to NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) LED Indicator Definition.
a. Orange indicator: Function selected.
b. Red indicator: Programming fail or abnormal status.
c. Green indicator: Programming completed and OK.
5. ECI connector: Connect with a handler and form an automatic programming system. Converter Board Appearance and Description

Converter Board provides a conversion to standard NY8 series transfer board in manual operation
of program.


Converter Board

Transfer Board Slot

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Interface Selection Setting. Interface Selection Setting.

Ex.SOP8, SOT23-6 Ex.SOP14, SOP18…..

1. Converter Board connector: Insert the converter board to the programming connector of
NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A).
2. Transfer Board Slot: This slot can connect to all kinds of NY8 series Transfer Board.
3. Interface Selection Setting: According to the selected NY8 package type, user has to short the
contact pads of selected IC package type on the back of the
converter board. If the short pads are not consistent with IC package
type, the IC can’t be programmed. ECI and Programming Connector Pin Definition

ECI pin definition table:

Function Direction Description
GND Connect external handler or controller GND.
Activation signals from external connecting handler or controller
to NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A). This is an Input Low Active signal,
Start input
and the range of input voltage is 0V~3.3V and the maximum
input voltage can be up to 12V.

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Function Direction Description
Fail D If any error occurs after start, Fail status signal will
Fail C be output. This is a Low Active output signal. Output
Fail Status output
Fail B voltage is 0V~3.3V. The Fail Status please refer to
Fail A the following Error Table.
This signal is output after task complete. It is a Low Active output
Done Flag output
signal. Output voltage is 0V~3.3V.
This signal is output when task is executing after start. It is a
Busy Flag output
Low Active output signal. Output voltage is 0V~3.3V.
This signal is output when executing task is fail. It is a Low
Fail Flag output
Active output signal. Output voltage is 0V~3.3V.
This signal is output when executing task is successful. It is a
Pass Flag output
Low Active output signal. Output voltage=0V~3.3V.

Error Table
Fail D Fail C Fail B Fail A
Blank Check Error H H H L
Program Error H H L H
Verify Error H H L L
IC Is Protected H L H H
IC Not Found H L H L
No code H L L H
Invalid Code H L L L
Error IC Package L H H H
Different IC Version L H H L
Trim Failed L H L H
Trim Data Error L H L L
Rolling Code Error L L H H

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Programming Connector pin definition:

PIN No. Definition PIN No. Definition

5 GND 10 GND Fast Connection Method with Handler

1. Connect the 5 pins (GND, OK, Busy,
USB Connector
Fail and Start) from NY8-OTP_Writer
(Ver. A) to Handler.
2. Connect VDD and GND of Handler to Power Voltage
Regulator Module
Regulator Module.
Connector Connector


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3.11.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B)

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) provides the functionality for programming NY8 OTP IC. It must work with
Q-Writer software for programming. It equips with LCD display which is easier to set up functions, and
provides more and clear information. NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B)

The appearance of NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) is shown below.

LCD display

Config Card
DIP40 connector

ECI connector

Transfer Board OK/BUSY/FAIL LED


Select/Start button

1. Mini USB connector: The connector of USB. Please use suitable Mini-B type USB cable to
connect to PC or connect to USB Adaptor.
2. Buzzer switch: Use Jumper to setup the Bi sound of buzzer as on or off.
3. Config card connector: Please insert the corresponding config card according to the packaging
type of OTP IC to be programmed.
4. Transfer board connector: Please insert the corresponding transfer board according to the
packaging type of OTP IC to be programmed.
5. DIP40 connector: Using standard DIP40 Text tool to program various kinds of DIP package
OTP or directly connect to programming device via cable.
6. Select/Start button: Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to enter selection mode. The LCD

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screen will display “Select Mode:” and the current selected operation. Press
the button again to select between the operations sequentially until the
desired operation is displayed. Hold the button for 3 seconds to leave the
selection mode and enter operation mode, the LCD will then display
“Operation Mode:”. If the selection mode is left unattended for a certain
amount of time, it will automatically switch to operation mode. (For
stand-alone mode only)
7. LCD display: The LCD display provides an interaction interface, please refer to
NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) Operation Code.
8. BUSY indicator: This yellow indicator will light when system is working. (e.g. Select/Start
9. OK indicator: This green indicator will light when the result of operation is correct.
10. FAIL indicator: This red indicator will light if any operation is incorrect.
11. ECI connector: Connect with a handler to form an automatic programming system. ECI and Programming Connector Pin Definition

ECI pin definition table:

Function Direction Description

Provide DC +5.0V output voltage. It is not recommend to supply
to a device over 100mA.
GND Connect external handler or controller GND.
Activation signals from external connecting handler or controller
to NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B). This is an Input Low Active signal,
Start input
and the range of input voltage is 0V~3.3V and the maximum
input voltage can be up to 12V.
The Low Active signal is output when task is executing after
Busy Flag output
start. It is an open drain output.
The Low Active signal is output when executing task is fail. It is
Fail Flag output
an open drain output.
The Low Active signal is output when executing task is
Pass Flag output
successful. It is an open drain output.

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H/W Developing Tool User Manual Fast Connection Method with Handler
Connect the 6 pins (VDD, GND, Pass, Busy, Fail
and Start) from NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) to Handler.



Start Start NY8-OTP_Writer

Busy Busy (Ver.B)
Fail Fail

Pass Pass

3.11.5 NX_Programmer (Ver. A)

NX_Programmer (Ver. A) is a integrated development tool for NX1 32-bit chip Series with ICE emulator
function. It also supports FDB downloading and OTP programming. NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Appearance and Description

The appearance of NX_Programmer (Ver. A) is shown below.

LED indicator


Select/Start Button

ECI connector

1. Mini USB connector: The connector of USB. Please use suitable Mini-B type USB cable to
connect to PC or connect to USB Adaptor.
2. Programming connector: According to the use of the environment, it can be directly connected
to a handler fixture by cable.
3. Select/Start button: Press and hold the button for 2 seconds to enter setting mode. The LED
indicator will flash in orange indicating the current selected function. User
can press the button again to select between the functions sequentially.

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After the selection is done, user can leave the setting mode by waiting the
orange LED stops flashing or holding the button for 3 seconds. (For
stand-alone mode only)
4. Compound indicator: According to different conditions, the indicator will display different LED
colors. Please refer to NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Operation Code.
a. Orange indicator: Function selected.
b. Red indicator: Programming fail or abnormal status.
c. Green indicator: Programming completed and OK.
5. ECI connector: Connect with a handler to form an automatic programming system. ECI and Programming Connector Pin Definition

ECI pin definition table:

Function Direction Description

GND Connect external handler or controller GND.
Activation signals from external connecting handler or controller
to NX_Programmer (Ver. A). This is an Input Low Active signal,
Start input
and the range of input voltage is 0V~3.3V and the maximum
input voltage can be up to 12V.
Fail D If any error occurs after start, Fail status signal will be
Fail C output. This is a Low Active output signal. Output
Fail Status output
Fail B voltage is 0V~3.3V. The Fail Status please refer to the
Fail A following Error Table.
This signal is output after task complete. It is a Low Active output
Done Flag output
signal. Output voltage is 0V~3.3V.
This signal is output when task is executing after start. It is a Low
Busy Flag output
Active output signal. Output voltage is 0V~3.3V.
This signal is output when executing task is fail. It is a Low Active
Fail Flag output
output signal. Output voltage is 0V~3.3V.
This signal is output when executing task is successful. It is a
Pass Flag output
Low Active output signal. Output voltage=0V~3.3V.

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Error Table
Fail D Fail C Fail B Fail A
Blank Check Error H H H L
Program Error H H L H
Verify Error H H L L
IC Is Protected H L H H
IC Not Found H L H L
No code H L L H
Invalid Code H L L L
Error IC Package L H H H
Different IC Version L H H L
Trim Failed L H L H
Trim Data Error L H L L
Rolling Code Error L L H H

Programming Connector pin definition:


PIN No. Definition PIN No. Definition

5 N.C 10 GND

49 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual Corresponding Table of NX_Programmer and IC Programming Interface

Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin Pin
Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name Name


















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3.11.6 Smart_Writer Ver.A

Smart_Writer Ver..A provides the functionality for programming NY1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9 and NX1 series OTP
IC. It must work with Q-Writer software for programming. It equips with LCD display which is easier to
set up functions, and provides more and clear information. Smart_Writer Ver.A Appearance and Description

The appearance of Smart_Writer Ver.A is shown below.

Type-B USB External RS-232

connector DC+12V communication
power supply connector

LCD display

Config card


Select/Start Button

connector programming

1. Type-B USB connector: The connector of USB. Please use type–B USB cable to connect to
PC. (It is strongly suggested that do not use usb as the power
source when programming IC, use external +12V power supply
2. External +12V power supply: Please use external +12V Power_Adaptor with Stand-Alone

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mode or when power shortage.
3. Buzzer switch: Use Jumper to set the Bi sound of buzzer as on or off
4. Config Card connector: Insert the corresponding config card according to the package type of
IC to be programmed.
5. Transfer Board connector: Insert the corresponding transfer board according to the packaging
type of IC to be programmed.
6. Select/Start button: A long press to enter selection mode, or a short press to start proceeding
the assigned operation mode.
7. LCD display: Provide human-machine interactive display interface, please refer to
Smart_Writer Ver..A Operation Code.
8. BUSY LED indicator: This yellow indicator will turn on when the system is working. (e.g.
system activated or the Select/Start button is pressed)
9. OK LED indicator: This green indicator will turn on when the result of operation or
programming action is done without any errors.
10. FAIL LED indicator: This red indicator will turn on if any operations go wrong.
11. ECI interface: Connect with a handler to form an automatic programming system.
12. External Programming connector: Directly connected pins for programming without a config
card, (the transmission line is recommended to use the
shield wire.) ECI Interface and the pin definition

ECI Interface Definition

Definition Input/Output Description

Provide output DC +5.0V voltage. It is not recommended to
supply for over 100mA load device.

GND - Connect to Handler or the GND of external controller.

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Definition Input/Output Description
The external Handler or controller sends a start signal to
Smart_Writer Ver. A. This is an Active Low input pin. The input
voltage range is 0V~5.0V, and the maximum input voltage is
After starting execution, the Writer sends the status of busy
BUSY Output
signals. The output is Low Active.
After execution, the Writer sends the status of fail signals. The
FAIL Output
output is Active Low.
After finishing execution, the Writer sends the status of pass
PASS Output
signals. The output is Active Low. External programming connector and the pin definition

Definition Input/Output Description

VDD - The power connector for programming Nyquest IC.
VPP - The power connector for programming Nyquest IC.
DO/CL Input/Output The communication DO/CL pin to program Nyquest IC.
DI/DA Input/Output The communication DI/DA pin to program Nyquest IC.
CLK Output The coomunication CLK pin to program Nyquest IC.
GND - The GND of external controller.

Pin function and IC series table

Smart_Writer IC Pad
NY1 NY2/3 NY4/5 NY4J NY5J NY7
VPP Vpp Vpp OKY1 Vpp PB2 PA0 Vpp

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Pin function and IC series table
Smart_Writer IC Pad
NY1 NY2/3 NY4/5 NY4J NY5J NY7
Smart_Writer IC Pad
NY5J NY9T pad NX1 N25Q
GND GND GND GND GND GND GND RS-232 connecter pin definition

Definition Input/Output Description

RX Input Standard RS-232 input pin.
TX Output Standard RS-232 output pin.
GND The GND of external controller.

3.11.7 Transfer Board

OTP_Writer hardware cooperates various types of transfer boards to program different packaging type
of OTP products. Please note the COB direction while inserting COB onto transfer board, as shown

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Connecting COB Transfer Board to the OTP_Writer:

Note: Please use the corresponding COB transfer board according to the COB OTP series.

3.11.8 1 to 8 Programming Board

The appearance of 1 to 8 Programming is shown in the figure below. Through 1 to 8 Programming

Board connected with OTP_Writer (Ver.B), user can simultaneously program 8 pcs OTP IC. The slot of
transfer board can be connected to different types of transfer boards to match different packaging types
of OTP IC, such as COB, DIP8/DIP14, or SOP8/SOP14/SOP24/SOP28. When operating settings, the 3
LED’s representing “BUSY”, “OK” and “FAIL” will display real-time status of the operation executed.

1 to 8 Programming Board hardware connects to OTP_Writer is shown below.

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Power connector

Transfer board
OK/BUSY/FAIL LED indicator connector

Part description is as following.

1. Adaptor connector: The connector of power adaptor.

2. Power indicator: Displaying power status. When there is power input, this red indicator will light on
3. Transfer board connector: Please insert the corresponding transfer board according to the
packaging type of OTP IC to be programmed.
4. OTP_Writer connector: For connecting to the OTP_Writer.
5. BUSY LED indicator: This yellow indicator will turn on when the system is working. (e.g. system
activated or the START/Enter button is pressed)
6. OK LED indicator: This green indicator will turn on when the result of operation or programming
action is correct.
7. FAIL LED indicator: This red indicator will turn on if any operation is incorrect.

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3.11.9 Multi-OTP_Writer

The appearance of Multi-OTP_Writer is shown below.

USB Type B




Message code

Transfer board

Set/Select button Start/Enter button

1. USB Type B connector: The connector of USB. Please use suitable USB cable to connect to PC or
connect to USB Adaptor.
2. Buzzer switch: Use Jumper to setup the Bi sound of buzzer as on or off.:
3. Transfer board connector: Please insert the corresponding transfer board according to the packaging
type of OTP IC to be programmed
4. Set/Select button: Pressing and holding this button for more than two seconds will enter setting mode.
The 7-segment LED displays will flash the operation code at this time. Pressing
Set/Select button again will switch the operation code sequentially. User should
select the intended operation code detailed in operation code table. On completion
of selection, press START/Enter once to confirm and exit the setting mode. (Only
applicable to stand-alone mode)
5. Start/Enter button: When the 7-segment LED displays is not flashing, press this button will
sequentially execute the operation of code shown as message. Please refer to
the description of operations in operation code table. Press Set/Select button to
setup operations (Blank, Program, Verify or Protect), then press START/Enter
button to execute the operations already setup. (Only applicable to stand-alone
6. Power indicator: Displaying power status. When power inputs, the red indicator will light on continuously.
7. OK LED indicator: This green indicator will turn on when the result of operation or programming action

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is correct.
8. BUSY LED indicator: This yellow indicator will turn on when the system is working. (e.g. system
activated or the START/Enter button is pressed)
9. FAIL LED indicator: This red indicator will turn on if any operation is incorrect.
10. Message code: This is consisted of two 7-segment LED displays for displaying the operation code
currently operating. When the operation or programming result is incorrect, the
7-segment LED displays will display the corresponding error code in addition to the
FAIL LED indicator.

3.11.10 Multi-NX_Programmer_Writer

Multi-NX_Programmer is a combination of multiple NX_Programmers and it can program up to 8 OTP

ICs at the same time. The appearance after combined is as follows. Each group of programming
connector provides Nyquest standard 6 programming pins, and users can connect to customized fixture
for mass production. When in operation, the 3 LED’s representing “BUSY”, “OK” and “FAIL” will display
real-time status of the operation executed.

The combined Multi-NX_Programmer is shown below.

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The appearance of Multi-OTP_Writer is shown below.

Fixed Hole Adaptor connector

NX_Programmer (needle diameter 2.1mm)
ECI connector

Start connector
NX_Programmer connector
LED indicator

Programming connector Start button

1. Adaptor connector: Power-Jack connector (needle diameter 2.1mm). Please use DC +12.0V/3A
2. NX_Programmer ECI connector: The external control connector of NX_Programmer.
3. Fixed hole: A set of NX_Programmer provides a total of four fixing holes on both sides. User can
use the cable tie to pass through the fixing holes to fasten the NX_Programmer to
avoid falling off.
4. NX_Programmer connector. Connect to the NX_Programmer programming connector.
5. Start button: Pressing this button will execute the corresponding action displayed on the
6. Start connector: The function is the same as the Start button. It is used for start signal send by the
customized programming fixture.
7. Programming connector: Nyquest standard 6 programming pins is provided to allow users to
connect to customized programming fixture for mass production. The
maximum length of the transfer cable can be up to 40 cm.

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3.12 How to Use Q-Writer
OTP_Writer programming must work with Nyquest Q-Writer software. The following is a brief introduction
of Q-Writer operation. For details, please see Q-Writer user manual.

3.12.1 Q-Writer Interface

When Q-Writer detects the connection of OTP_Writer (Ver. B & Ver. C) / Multi-OTP_Write, it shows the
image of the OTP_Writer.

To program OTP, please connect corresponding transfer board of NY2P, NY3P, NY4P, NY5P NY7 or
NY8 to the connector on OTP_Writer and open the .bin file which will be programmed to OTP IC in
Q-Writer software system, then proceed in accordance with Q-Writer operation.

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3.12.2 OTP_Writer (Ver.B) Operation Flow Chart
A) OTP_Writer operation flow chart – by Option:

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3.12.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) Operation Flow Chart
A) OTP_Writer (Ver.C) operation flow chart – Stand-Alone mode:

OTP_Writer (Ver. C) Setting in

Stand-Alone Mode Flow Chart

Choose an Operation Code


Click Set/Select Button


Press Set/Select Button & Hold

more than 2 seconds Target Operation Code on the 7-
segment displays (blinking)?

7-segment displays are blinking?

Click Start/Enter Button


Release Set/Select Button Target Operation Code on the 7-

segment displays
(Not blinking)

End of Stand-Alone Setting

Flow Chart

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B) OTP_Writer (Ver.C) operation flow chart – PC-Link mode:

OTP_Writer(Ver. C) Program
In PC-Link mode
Flow Chart

Connect the appropriate

transfer board/card to


Mount the appropriate package

type of OTP IC to the socket on
transfer board

Click Set/Select Button

7-segment Display
Connect the OTP_Writer(C) and
shows E8
PC with USB cable

Mount the appropriate

package type of OTP IC to
the socket on transfer board No
Evoke Q-Writer Software

Yes Countinue

Open BIN File


End of Program in Stand-Alone

Mode Flow Chart

Click “Download” Button

Bin file with limited

Programming times


Key in the number of times

Close Q-Writer Software
Click “OK”

Use the Set/Select button to

select Operation Code

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3.12.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) Operation Flow Chart
A) NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) operation flow chart – Stand-Alone mode:

NY8-OTP_Writer Setting in
Stand-Alone Mode Flow Chart

Choose an Operation Code

Press Select/Start Button &

Hold more than 3 seconds to leave
the select mode

Press button to start executing

Press Select/Start Button & Hold

more than 2 seconds

Check the LED indicators

for the result

Check the LED indicators Yes No


Programming Programming
completed failed

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B) NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) operation flow chart – PC-Link mode:

NY8-OTP_Writer Program
in PC-Link mode
Flow Chart

Connect the appropriate

transfer board/ Config card
to NY8-OTP_Writer


Mount the appropriate

Yes package type of OTP IC to the
socket on transfer board

Click Set/Select Button

Connect the NY8-OTP_Writer LED indicators

and PC with USB cable blinking

Mount the appropriate

package type of OTP IC
to the socket on No
Evoke Q-Writer NY8-OTP_Writer

Yes Countinue

Open BIN File

End of Program in Stand-Alone

Mode Flow Chart

Click “Download” Button

Bin file with limited

writing times


Key in the number of

writing times Close Q-Writer
Click “OK”

Use the Set/Select button to

select Operation Code

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3.12.5 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.B) Operation Flow Chart
A) Stand-Alone mode:

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) Setting in

Stand-Alone Mode Flow Chart

Choose an Operation Code


Click Set/Select Button


Press Set/Select Button & Hold

more than 2 seconds LCD screen shows the Operation

LCD shows the Select Mode

Click Start/Enter Button


Release Set/Select Button

LCS screen shows the selected
Operation Mode

End of Stand-Alone Setting

Flow Chart

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B) PC-Link mode:

NY8-OTP_Writer(Ver. B)
Program In PC-Link mode
Flow Chart

Connect the appropriate

transfer board/card to


Mount the appropriate package

type of OTP IC to the socket on
transfer board

Click Set/Select Button

Connect the NY8-

7LCD screen shows E8
OTP_Writer(Ver. B) and
PC with USB cable

Mount the appropriate

package type of OTP IC to
the socket on transfer board No
Evoke Q-Writer Software

Yes Countinue

Open BIN File


End of Program in PC-Link

Mode Flow Chart

Click “Download” Button

Bin file with limited

Programming times


Key in the number of times

Close Q-Writer Software
Click “OK”

Use the Set/Select button to

select Operation Code

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3.12.6 Smart_Writer Ver.A Operation Flow Chart
A) Stand-Alone mode:

Smart_Writer Ver.A
Stand-Alone Mode Flow

Press Select / Start button

Execute the opration code

displayed on LCD

End of Stand-Alone Mode

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B) PC-Link mode:
Smart_Writer Ver.A Program
in PC-Link mode
Flow Chart

Connect the appropriate

transfer board/ Config card
to Smart_Writer Ver.A


Mount the appropriate

package type of IC to the
socket on Smart_Writer Ver.A

Click Select/Start Button

Connect the Smart_Writer Function indicators

Ver.A and PC with USB cable blinking

Mount the appropriate

package type of IC
to the socket on No
Evoke Q-Writer Smart_Writer Ver.A

Yes Countinue

Open BIN File

End of Program in PC-Link

Mode Flow Chart

Click “Download” Button

Bin file with limited

writing times


Key in the number of

writing times Close Q-Writer
Click “OK”

69 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

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3.12.7 PC-Link Mode
Please download and install Q-Writer before working in PC-Link Mode. When connecting OTP_Writer
(Ver.B & Ver.C), NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.A & Ver.B), NX_Programmer (Ver.A), Smart_Writer (Ver.A) and
PC with USB cable, the power light on the writer will be on. When any OTP operation is issued by
Q-Writer, OTP_Writer (Ver. B & Ver.C) will first perform connection test (Connection test is executed
automatically each time when Q-Writer performs OTP operations). If OTP_Writer connection test
succeeds, the buzzer on OTP_Writer (Ver. B & Ver.C), NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.A & B) , NX_Programmer
(Ver.A) and Smart_Writer (Ver.A) will issue a long “Bi” sound once. Q-Writer will disconnect OTP_Writer
automatically after the operation ends, and the writer/programmer will resume back to Stand-Alone

For more details, please refer to Q-Writer User Manual.

3.12.8 Stand-Alone Mode

Stand-Alone mode is developed for portable convenience and mass production need. In stand-alone
mode, there are two methods for obtaining power: (1) Connect OTP_Writer to the USB adaptor
provided, and powered by power outlet. (2) Connect OTP_Writer to USB connector on PC, and
powered by the PC. As OTP_Writer enters standby mode, the subsequent to be introduced could

Note: For stand-alone mode with power provided through USB connector of the PC, user does
not need to install OTP_Writer driver and Q-Writer software system on PC.

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.A & Ver.B) using “Select/Start” button

1. Refer to “Operation Code Table” and select the operation code to be executed.
2. Press Set/Select button for more than two seconds, the buzzer will issue two long ”Bi” sounds, and
LED will flash operation code indicating OTP_Writer has entered the setting mode.
3. Press and release Select/Start button to circulate and select the operation code intended to setup.
4. Long-press Select/Start button more than 3 seconds to leave setup mode.

5. Press Select/Start button to execute the function of the selected operation code.

When system is in operation and BUSY LED is on, START/Enter and Set/Select are deactivated.

NX_Programmer (Ver.A) and Smart_Writer (Ver.A) using“Select/Start” button

1. Press the Select/Start button to execute the selected operation code.

OTP_Witer (Ver.B & Ver.C) using “START/Enter” button

1. Connect OTP_Writer to PC and activate Q-Writer software, so that it enters PC-Link mode.

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2. Open the .bin file which will be programmed to OTP IC in Q-Writer software and click on ”Download”
button to download .bin file into memory of OTP_Writer hardware, then close Q-Writer software.
3. Connect suitable transfer board to the connector on OTP_Writer.
4. Place suitable packaging type of blank OTP IC into the programming socket on transfer board.
5. Press Set/Select button to select and set up operation.
6. Press START/Enter button on OTP_Writer to execute the setup operation. When system is running,
the BUSY LED will be turned on. If the operation is successful, the OK LED will be turned on and
buzzer will issue a long “Bi” sound. If the operation fails, the FAIL LED will be turned on and buzzer
will issue three short “Bi” sounds. The 7-segment LED displays will show the related error code.

When system is in operation and BUSY LED is on, START/Enter and Set/Select are deactivated.

3.12.9 Using 1 to 8 Programming Board

1 to 8 Programming Board operation is identical to Stand-Alone Mode of OTP_Writer (Ver.B). It
connects OTP_Writer (Ver.B) through connector and operates in Stand-Alone Mode. Since 1 to 8
Programming Board needs external power supply with 3A output at 7.5V ± 0.15V, users have to connect
the power outlet with the adaptor provided. As 1 to 8 Programming Board powered with all 8 green
indicators turned on and enters standby mode, the subsequent operations to be introduced could

Note: 1 to 8 Programming Board only works in Stand-Alone Mode of OTP_Writer. If user

operates OTP_Writer (Ver.B) in PC-Link Mode, 1 to 8 Programming Board will not work.

Using “Set/Select” button

1. Refer to 5.2 OTP_Writer(Ver.B) “Operation Code Table” and select the operation code to be
2. Press Set/Select button for more than two seconds, the buzzer will issue two long ”Bi” sounds, and
7-segment LED will flash operation code indicating OTP_Writer has entered the setting mode. Now
the Set/Select button can be released.
3. Press and release Set/Select button to circulate and select the operation code intended to setup.
4. Press START/Enter button to confirm the operation code and leave setup mode. Then the buzzer
will issue a long “Bi” sound and 7-segment LED will stop flashing and fix the operation code,
indicating completion of setup.

When system is in operation and BUSY LED is on, START/Enter and Set/Select are deactivated.

Using “START/Enter” button

1. Connect OTP_Writer to PC and activate Q-Writer software, so that it enters PC-Link mode.
2. Open the .bin file which will be programmed to OTP IC in Q-Writer software and click on ”Download”
button to download .bin file into memory of OTP_Writer hardware, then close Q-Writer software.
3. Connect to the external 7.5V power supply before OTP_Writer connection (do not plug OTP first).

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4. Connect suitable transfer board to the connector on OTP_Writer and 1 to 8 Programming Board.
5. Place suitable packaging type of blank OTP IC into the programming socket on transfer board.
6. Press Set/Select button to select and set up operation.
7. Press START/Enter button on OTP_Writer to execute the setup operation. When system is running,
the BUSY LED will be turned on. If the operation is successful, the OK LED will be turned on and
buzzer will issue a long “Bi” sound. If the operation fails, the FAIL LED will be turned on and buzzer
will issue three short “Bi” sounds. The 7-segment LED displays will then show the related error code.

When system is in operation and BUSY LED is on, START/Enter and Set/Select are deactivated.

1. The operation results are shown by independent LED indicator instead of 7-segment LED.
2. Do not connect unnecessary electrical components on the 6 programming pins.
3. Beware of the direction and appropriate position while inserting transfer board.

The flow chart of 1 to 8 Programming Board is identical to Stand-Alone Mode of OTP_Writer.

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3.12.10 Using Multi-OTP_Writer
Multi-OTP_Writer Board operation is identical to Stand-Alone Mode of OTP_Writer (Ver.C). It connects
OTP_Writer (Ver.C) through connector and operates in Stand-Alone Mode. Since Multi-OTP_Writer
needs external power supply with 3A output at 5V ± 0.15V, users have to connect the power outlet with
the adaptor provided. As Multi-OTP_Writer powered with all 8 green indicators turned on and enters
standby mode, the subsequent operations to be introduced could commence.

Note: The programming function of Multi-OTP_Writer only works in Stand-Alone Mode. If user
operates Multi-OTP_Writer in PC-Link Mode, Q-Writer will download the .bin file on

Using “Set/Select” button

1. Refer to 5.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) / Multi-OTP_Writer “Operation Code Table” and select the
operation code to be executed.
2. Press Set/Select button for more than two seconds, the buzzer will issue two long ”Bi” sounds, and
7-segment LED will flash operation code indicating Multi-OTP_Writer has entered the setting
mode. Now the Set/Select button can be released.
3. Press and release Set/Select button to circulate and select the operation code intended to setup.
4. Press START/Enter button to confirm the operation code and leave setup mode. Then the buzzer
will issue a long “Bi” sound and 7-segment LED will stop flashing and fix the operation code,
indicating completion of setup.

When system is in operation and BUSY LED is on, START/Enter and Set/Select are deactivated.

Using “START/Enter” button

1. Connect Multi-OTP_Writer to PC and activate Q-Writer software, so that it enters PC-Link mode.
2. Open the .bin file which will be programmed to OTP IC in Q-Writer software and click
on ”Download” button to download .bin file into memory of Multi-OTP_Writer hardware, then close
Q-Writer software.
3. Connect to the external 5V power supply before Multi-OTP_Writer connection (do not plug OTP
4. Connect suitable transfer board to the connector on Multi-OTP_Writer.
5. Place suitable packaging type of blank OTP IC into the programming socket on transfer board.
6. Press Set/Select button to select and set up operation.
7. Press START/Enter button on Multi-OTP_Writer to execute the setup operation. When system is
running, the BUSY LED will be turned on. If the operation is successful, the OK LED will be turned
on and buzzer will issue a long “Bi” sound. If the operation fails, the FAIL LED will be turned on and
buzzer will issue three short “Bi” sounds. The 7-segment LED displays will then show the related
error code.

When system is in operation and BUSY LED is on, START/Enter and Set/Select are deactivated.

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1. The operation results are shown by independent LED indicator instead of 7-segment LED.
2. Do not connect unnecessary electrical components on the 6 programming pins.
3. Beware of the direction and appropriate position while inserting transfer board.

The flow chart of Multi-OTP_Wrtier in Stand-Alone mode is the same as OTP_Writer (Ver. C) as shown

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4 MTP Type Developing Tool
Q-Link is a development tool that supports online and real-time debugging on target IC, user can connect
NY8BM series IC with this hardware device directly. This section will introduce how to use this development

4.1 Q-Link
Q-Link (Ver. B) is a multi-function integrated development tool for NY8BM series IC, with ICE simulation
and MTP programming function. It supports Nyquest ICs with built-in on-chip debug (OCD).

System power indicator

Type-A USB Programming

connector interface

1. Type-A USB connector: The USB connector can insert into the USB port of PC directly. Use an USB
Type-A extension cable if needed.
2. Debug indicator: When user is in the process of developing program and NYIDE executes the RUN
function, the Debug indicator will light up and which means the connected NY8BM
series IC is in operation.
3. System power indicator: When the system power is normal, this light will be on.
4. Programming interface: This interface provides VDD / VPP / SDO / (SDI/SDA) / (CLK/SCL) / GND of
power and IC programming pins. User can connect the corresponding pins of the
IC with Dupont lines or Target Board for programming or simulating program. The
pin definitions are described below.

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4.2 Definition and Description of Programming Interface

PIN no. Definition Description

1 VDD Provide the operating voltage for IC
2 VPP Provide the programming voltage for IC
The data signals of IC communication
(Q-Link input)
The data signals of IC communication
(Q-Link input/output bi-direction)
The clock source signals of IC
communication (Q-Link output)
6 GND Provide GND for IC
Q-Link Programming Pin Map Table 4.2.1

4.3 Methods of System Connection

4.3.1 Rapid Development

User can mount NY8BM72 to Target_Board or place Nyquest NY8A/8B SOP18/28 Transfer Board onto
Target_Board, and uses the internal power supply provided by Q-Link for rapid program development.
The voltage options are +3.0V / +4.5V /+5.0V (selectable on NYIDE Interface).

NYIDE provides the VDD Voltage options.

Connection method for Rapid development

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4.3.2 The Notice of Using Power for Developement

1. The VDD pin of Q_Link can provide a bidirectional function of internal power output and external
power input. When using external power output, Q_Link will not provide power output, to avoid
Q_Link or NY8BM72 burn out, the input power supply is recommended not to exceed the maximum
voltage that the NY8BM72 IC can withstand.
2. Please notice that VPP pin CANNOT connect to I/O peripheral devices that is over +7.0V for
avoiding burning peripheral devices during the process of programming NY8BM.
3. The pin of VPP or VDD cannot connect to GND otherwise Q_Link will burn out.
4. The VDD capacitor of circuit board or VPP pin is suggested under 1000uF, and the capacitor of SDO
/ (SDI/SDA) / (CLK/SCL) must be under 680pF to avoid problems such as unstable and crashed
NYIDE caused by unstable programming.

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4.4 Q-Link Flow Chart

Q-Link Ver.A
Write Flow Chart

Insert Q-Link Ver.A to PC

USB port


Click the ”Write” icon




End of Write Flow

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5 SRAM Type Developing Tool
NY_Romter and NY_ICE both are hardware developing tools using SRAM as memory. They will be introduced
respectively in this chapter.

5.1 NY_Romter
NY_Romter provides the functionality to quickly download program for EV_Board. User can directly run
program on it.

The appearance of NY_Romter without EV_Board is shown below.

Mini USB

EV_Board connector


5.1.1 EV_Board

NY_Romter must work with EV_Board simultaneously. Through NY_Romter to download program, user
can demonstrate IC function. The connection with NY_Romter is shown below.

Upper Layer

Lower Layer

I/O connector

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The following is the existing EV_Board board:




PWM output VDD, GND




PWM output VDD, GND




PWM output VDD, GND

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PWM output

DAC output




PWM output

DAC output



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PWM output

DAC output



5.1.2 NY3L_Romter

The appearance of NY3L_Romter is different form NY_Romter, but it provides the same functionality for
programming NY3L EV_Board. Connect NY3L_Romter to PC by a USB cable, then download the
programmed file via Q-Writer, user can demonstrate IC function.

Power indicator
3 /4.5V
switching Reset key



Enter key

Board LED indicator

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5.1.3 Q-Writer Interface

When Q-Writer detects the connection of NY_Romter / NY3L_Romter, it shows the image of the

To program NY_Romter, please connect corresponding EV_Board to the connector on NY_Romter and
open the .bin file which will be programmed to NY_Romter in Q-Writer software system, and then
proceed in accordance with Q-Writer operation.

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5.1.4 NY_Romter Operation Flow Chart

NY_Romter operation flow chart:

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5.2 Emulator
Emulator is an emulator that is used to debug program for NY4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 9T MCU series. It can be simply
connected to PC with USB connection, then through NYIDE or Q-Code software, users can download the
program into the Emulator to emulate the IC function.

Emulator is only available for NY4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 9T series. It must cooperate with NY4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 9T series
evaluation board. (NY4 / 6 / 7_COB is green and NY5 / NY9T_COB is blue)

The appearance of Emulator without NYx_COB is shown below.

indicator NYx_COB connecter

Mini USB

5.2.1 NYx_COB

NYx_COB must work with Emulator simultaneously. Through Emulator to download program, user can
emulate IC function. The connection with Emulator is shown below.

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PWM output


DAC output
PWM output

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PWM output

DAC output

PWM output

Push-Pull output DAC output

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NY9T-TP_COB interface


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5.2.2 Emulator Operation Flow Chart

Emulator operation flow chart:

Program Flow Chart

Insert EV_Board to

Connect Emulator and PC with USB

Evoke NYIDE or Q-Code Software


Click Write Symbol



Close NYIDE or Q-Code Software

End of Program Flow Chart

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5.3 NY8_ICE
NY8_ICE is only available for NY8 series MCU. It can be simply connected to PC with USB connection,
then through NYIDE software, users can download the program into the ICE to emulate the IC function.

Ver.A only provides

The connection with NY8_ICE is shown below.
3.0V connector.

Power Indicator

Mini USB

Functional Extension Interface

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NY8_ADC/COMP_COB is an extension board that is used for emulating the analog function on
NY8_ICE. To emulate the ADC and Comparator function of NY8, users need to connect
NY8_ADC/COMP_COB to the extended socket of N8_ICE first.

NY8_ADC/COMP_COB connected to NY8_ICE is shown below.


ADC input pin Comparator output pin

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5.3.2 NY8_ICE Operation Flow Chart
NY8_ICE operation flow chart:

Program Flow Chart

Insert EV_Board to

Connect NY_ICE and PC with USB

Evoke NYIDE Software


Click Write Symbol



Close NYIDE Software

End of Program Flow Chart

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5.4 NY8L_ICE
NY8L_ICE is only available for NY8L series MCU. It can be simply connected to PC with USB connection,
then through NYIDE or Q-Code software, users can download the program into the ICE to emulate the IC

The connection with NY8L_ICE is shown below.

IR output PWM output

DAC output

EL output




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5.4.1 NY8L_ICE Operation Flow Chart
NY8L_ICE operation flow chart:

Program Flow Chart

Insert EV_Board to

Connect NY8L_ICE and PC

with USB

Evoke NYIDE Software


Click Write Symbol



Close NYIDE Software

End of Program Flow Chart

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5.5 NY9U_ICE
NY9U_ICEis only available for NY9U Universal / Remote Controller series MCU. It can be simply
connected to PC with USB connection, then through NYIDE or Q-Remote software, users can download
the program into the ICE to emulate the IC function.

The connection with NY9U_ICE is shown below.

IR Output


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5.5.1 NY9U_ICE Operation Flow Chart

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NY9T-TP_COB is analog front end connect to NY9T_FDB or NY9T_ICE for emulation or verify. The
connection between NY9T_FDB or NY9T_ICE is standard 20pin 2.54mm pitch cable for digital interface.
There are 2 power and 16 Touch inputs on PCB edge. Please notice that touch inputs should be placed at
same location as final customer’s NY9T IC on PCB for correct parameter. The diagrammatic view of
NY9T_ICE and NY9T-TP_COB is shown below.

Nyquest Emulator

Cable to connect NY9T_ICE

User-defined touchpad
target board





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5.7 NX1_ICE
NX1_ICE is an emulator development tool for NX1 MCU series, and it also provides 64M bit SPI Flash. It
can be simply connected to PC with USB connection, then users can download the program through
NYIDE or Q-Code software into the ICE to emulate the function.

NX1_ICE is shownbelow.

Power supply
I2C interface

External Crystal switch

PWM output

Microphone Line-in input

64M bit SPI Flash

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5.8 NX1_Voice_Collector
NX1_Voice_Collector is a voice recognition hardware development tool. User can connect the hardware
tool to PC via USB, and work with Q-Recorder for recording and developing voice recognition systems.

The appearance of NX1_Voice_Collector is shown below.



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5.8.1 NX1_Voice_Collector Operation Flow Chart

NX1_Voice_Collector operation flow chart.

Operation Flow Chart

Mount EV_Board to
the socket on

Evoke Q-Recorder

Build a new project

Import .cvr file

Start recording

Save the project and

end of Flow Chart

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6 Appendix
6.1 FDB ROM and IC Pin Mapping Table
6.1.1 NY1_FDB

There is one kind of Flash Demo Board: NY1_FDB-02.

The maximum demo voice duration.

NY1A(3IO) (Max. body) NY1A103x
NY1B(5IO) (Max. body) NY1B105x
NY1B(7IO) (Max. body) NY1B207x

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
IO1 O1 IO1 IO1
IO2 O2 O2 IO2
IO3 - IO3 IO3
O4 - O4 O4
O5 - - O5
O6 - - O6

6.1.2 NY2_FDB

There is one kind of Flash Demo Board: NY2_FDB-02.

The maximum demo voice duration.

NY2A (Max. body) NY2A001x
NY2B (Max. body) NY2B007x
NY2C (Max. body) NY2C010x

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I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
IO2 - IO2 IO2
IO3 - - IO3
IO4 - - IO4
OKY2/O5 - - OKY2/O5

6.1.3 NY3 Series FDB

(1) NY3(B)_FDB

There are three kinds of Flash Demo Board: NY3(B)_FDB-02, NY3(B)_FDB-04 and NY3(B)_FDB-08.

The maximum demo voice duration of different Flash ROM Size:

FDB NY3(B)_FDB-02 NY3(B)_FDB-04 NY3(B)_FDB-08

NY3A(D) (Max. body) NY3A006D NY3A006D NY3A006D

NY3A(E) (Max. body) NY3A012E NY3A012E NY3A012E

NY3B(B) (Max. body) NY3B021B NY3B021B NY3B021B

NY3C(B) (Max. body) NY3C043B NY3C065B NY3C065B
NY3D(B) (Max. body) NY3D043B NY3D087B NY3D115B

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
IO1 - IO1 IO1 IO1
IO2 - - IO2 IO2
IO3 - - - IO3
OKY2/O4 - - - OKY2/O4

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(2) NY3M_FDB

NY3M demo board provides NY3M_FDB-04. T he maximum demo voice duration is listed below,

Flash Demo Board NY3M_FDB-04

NY3M (Max. body) NY3M035AE8

I/O pin mapping for the NY3M IC,

IC Series
OUT4 OUT4 Font Back

(3) NY3W_FDB

NY3W demo board provides NY3W_FDB-08. T he maximum demo voice duration is listed below,

Flash Demo Board NY3W_FDB-08

NY3W (Max. body) NY3M087AS8

I/O pin mapping for the NY3W IC,

IC Series


6.1.4 NY4_FDB

There are three kinds of Flash Demo Board: NY4_FDB-02, NY4_FDB-04 and NY4_FDB-08.
The maximum demo voice duration of different Flash ROM Size:

FDB NY4_FDB-02 NY4_FDB-04 NY4_FDB-08

NY4A (Max. body) NY4A011x NY4A011x NY4A011x
NY4B (Max. body) NY4B045x NY4B105x NY4B165x

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I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
B0, B1, B2, B3 - PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3

6.1.5 NY5_FDB

There are 4 kinds of Flash Demo Board: NY5_FDB-04, NY5_FDB-08, NY5_FDB-16 and NY5_FDB-32.
The maximum demo voice duration of different Flash ROM Size:

FDB NY5_FDB-04 NY5_FDB-08 NY5_FDB-16 NY5_FDB-32

NY5A (Max. body) NY5A065x NY5A065x NY5A065x NY5A065x
NY5B (Max. body) NY5B085x NY5B085x NY5B085x NY5B085x
NY5C (Max. body) - NY5C185x NY5C345x NY5C720x

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
B0, B1, B2, B3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3
C0, C1, C2, C3 - PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3
D0, D1, D2, D3 - PD0, PD1, PD2
E0, E1, E2, E3 - -
F0, F1, F2, F3 - -
IC Series NY5C: NY5C:
FDB (112 sec ~345 sec) (450 sec~720 sec)
A0, A1, A2, A3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
B0, B1, B2, B3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3
C0, C1, C2, C3 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3
D0, D1, D2, D3 PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3 PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3
E0, E1, E2, E3 PE0, PE1, PE2, PE3 PE0, PE1, PE2, PE3
F0, F1, F2, F3 - PF0, PF1, PF2, PF3

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6.1.6 NY6_FDB
There are 4 kinds of Flash Demo Board: NY6_FDB-04, NY6_FDB-08, NY6_FDB-16, NY6_FDB-32.
The maximum demo voice duration of different Flash ROM Size:

FDB NY6_FDB-04 NY6_FDB-08 NY6_FDB-16 NY6_FDB-32

NY6A (Max. body) NY6A065x NY6A065x NY6A065x NY6A065x
NY6B (Max. body) NY6B085x NY6B085x NY6B085x NY6B085x
NY6C (Max. body) - NY6C185x NY6C345x NY6C720x

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
B0, B1, B2, B3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3
C0, C1, C2, C3 - PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3
D0, D1, D2, D3 - PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3 PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3
E0, E1, E2, E3 - - PE0, PE1, PE2, PE3
F0, F1, F2, F3 - - PF0, PF1, PF2, PF3

6.1.7 NY7_FDB
There are four kinds of Flash Demo Board: NY7_FDB-04, NY7_FDB-08, NY7_FDB-16 and
The maximum demo voice duration of different Flash ROM Size:

FDB NY7_FDB-04 NY7_FDB-08 NY7_FDB-16 NY7_FDB-32

NY7A (Max. body) NY7A065x NY7A065x NY7A065x NY7A065x
NY7B (Max. body) NY7B087x NY7B087x NY7B087x NY7B087x
NY7C (Max. body) NY7C087x NY7C170x NY7C345x NY7C520x

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
B0, B1, B2, B3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3
C0, C1, C2, C3 - PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3
D0, D1, D2, D3 - PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3 PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3
E0, E1, E2, E3 - - PE0, PE1, PE2, PE3
F0, F1, F2, F3 - - PF0, PF1, PF2, PF3

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6.1.8 NY8L_FDB
There is one kind of Flash Demo Board: NY8L_FDB-02.
The maximum demo size:
NY8L (Max. body)

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7
B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3, PB4, PB5, PB6, PB7
C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 C6, C7 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7
D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7 PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3, PD4, PD5, PD6, PD7

6.1.9 NY9T_FDB
There is one kind of Flash Demo Board: NY9T_FDB-02.
The maximum demo voice duration of different Flash ROM Size:

NY9T (Max. body) NY9T016A

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3
B0, B1, B2, B3 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3
C0, C1, C2, C3 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3
D0, D1, D2, D3 PD0, PD1, PD2, PD3
E0, E1, E2, E3 PE0, PE1, PE2, PE3
F0, F1, F2, F3 PF0, PF1, PF2, PF3

When NY9T_FDB operates with target board, the number of keys is different from the customers’ needs
which will cause the different pin correspondences. User can select or define the number of touch keys
but must set the touch keys from PA0 in ascending.

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6.1.10 NX1_FDB
There is 4 kinds of Flash Demo Board : NX1_FDB-08, NX1_FDB-16, NX1_FDB-32 and NX1_FDB-64.

I/O pin mapping for different series IC.

IC Series
A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 PA0, PA1, PA2, PA3, PA4, PA5, PA6, PA7

A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A14, A15 PA8, PA9, PA10, PA11, PA12, PA13, PA14, PA15

B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7 PB0, PB1, PB2, PB3, PB4, PB5, PB6, PB7

B8, B9, B10, B11, B12, B13, B14, B15 PB8, PB9, PB10, PB11, PB12, PB13, PB14, PB15

C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7 PC0, PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, PC6, PC7

6.2 OTP_Writer(Ver.B) Operation Code

Operation Code Table:

Item Code Action

1 A0 Blanking + Program + Verify.
2 A1 Blanking + Program + Verify + Protect.
3 A2 Protect.
4 A3 Blanking.
5 A4 Program.
6 A5 Verify.
7 A6 Program + Verify.
8 A7 Program + Verify + Protect.

Error code table:

Item Code Message

1 E0 Blanking Error.
2 E1 Program Error.
3 E2 Verify Error.
4 E3 IC is Protected.
5 E4 IC isn’t found.
6 E5 OTP_Writer’s memory is Empty.
7 E6 The content of OTP_Writer’s memory isn’t correct.
8 E7 Package Insert error.
The version of mounted OTP IC is different from the version stored in OTP
9 E8
Writer’s memory.
10 E9 The trimmed frequency is out of spec.

108 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Buzzer sound message table:

Item Sound Action

1. OTP_Writer hardware and Q-Writer software connection test
1 Long “Bi” once
2. OTP_Writer save control code and leave setting mode.
3. Operation success.

1. OTP_Writer hardware and Q-Writer software disconnected.

2 Long “Bi” twice
2. OTP_Writer enter setting mode.

3 Short “Bi” 3 times Operation fails.

6.3 OTP_Writer (Ver.C) / Multi-OTP_Writer Operation Code

Operation code table:

Item Code Message

1 A0 Blanking + Program + Verify.
2 A1 Blanking + Program + Verify + Protect.
3 A2 Protect.
4 A3 Blanking.
5 A4 Program.
6 A5 Verify.
7 A6 Program + Verify.
8 A7 Program + Verify + Protect.
9 A8 Program Rolling Code.
10 A9 Program Rolling Code + Protect.

SPI Flash code table: (Multi-OTP_Writer does not support SPI Flash)

Item Code Message

1 C0 Blanking + Program + Verify
2 C1 Erase + Blanking + Program + Verify
3 C2 Erase
4 C3 Blanking.
5 C4 Program.
6 C5 Verify.
7 C6 Program + Verify.
8 C7 Erase + Program + Verify.
9 C8 Erase + Program。

OTP + SPI Flash code:

109 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Download the OTP and SPI Flash at the same time, the operation code is the combination of OTP and SPI
Flash operation code. After downloaded to the OTP_Writer (Ver. C) , the operation code will be locked and
cannot be switched.

For example: OTP operation code is “A1”, SPI Flash operation code is “C0”, the combined operation code
will be shown “A1C0” in the display screen of OTP_Writer (Ver. C)
Error code table:

Item Code Message

1 E0 Blanking Error.
2 E1 Program Error.
3 E2 Verify Error.
4 E3 IC is Protected.
5 E4 IC isn’t found.
6 E5 OTP_Writer (Ver. C)’s memory is Empty.
7 E6 The content of OTP_Writer (Ver. C)’s memory isn’t correct.
8 E7 Package Insert error.
The version of mounted OTP IC is different from the version stored in OTP
9 E8
Writer’s memory.
10 E9 The trimmed frequency is out of spec.
11 EA Rolling Code failed.
12 EC OTP IC programming failed.
OTP_Writer must be modified in order to program NY8A051D / 53D.
13 ED
Please ensure OTP_Writer has been modified according to AP-Note 17.

Buzzer sound message table:

Item Sound Action

1. OTP_Writer (Ver. C) hardware connects Q-Writer software successfully.
1 Long “Bi” once 2. OTP_Writer (Ver. C) save control code and leave setting mode.
3. Operation success.
1. OTP_Writer (Ver. C) hardware and Q-Writer software disconnected.
2 Long “Bi” twice
2. OTP_Writer (Ver. C) enters setting mode.
3 Short “Bi” 3 times Operation fails.

6.4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) Operation Code

Operation code table:

Code Message Signal Display

A0 Blanking + Program + Verify ● ● ● ●
A1 Blanking + Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●

110 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Code Message Signal Display
A2 Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●
A3 Blanking. ● ● ● ●
A4 Program. ● ● ● ●
A5 Verify. ● ● ● ●
A6 Program + Verify. ● ● ● ●
A7 Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●
A8 Program Rolling Code ● ● ● ●
A9 Program Rolling Code + Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●

Error code table:

Code Message Signal Display

E0 Blank Check Error. ● ● ● ●
E1 Program OTP Error. ● ● ● ●
E2 The data of OTP IC is inconsistent from the memory of Writer. ● ● ● ●
E3 IC is Protected and unreadable. ● ● ● ●
E4 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) cannot find OTP IC. ● ● ● ●
E5 The memory of NY8-OTP_Write has no data. ● ● ● ●
E6 The memory data of NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) is incorrect. ● ● ● ●
E7 Package Insert error. ● ● ● ●
E8 Different IC version. ● ● ● ●
E9 Trim Fail ● ● ● ●
EA Trimmed Data Error. ● ● ● ●
EC Rolling Code Error. ● ● ● ●
OTP_Writer must be modified in order to program NY8A051D /
ED 53D. Please ensure OTP_Writer has been modified according to ● ● ● ●
AP-Note 17.

Code Message Signal Display

- Program Complete ● ● ● ●

Buzzer sound message table:

Item Sound Action

1. “Bi” once Operation success.
2. “Bi” twice NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) enters setting mode.
3. “Bi” 3 times Operation fails.

111 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

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6.5 NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) Operation Code
Display of the OTP operation mode.
Bin file
IC body

OTP code

Display of the MTP operation mode.

Bin file
IC body

MTP code EEPROM code

Mode Message

Short press the Select / Start button to start programming.

Short press the Select / Start button to switch different

operation mode.

The left shows the programmed IC Body.

The right shows Bin file Checksum.

OTP / MTP Operation Code Table:

Item Sound Action

1. Blank + Program + Verify
2. Blank + Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable).
3. Protect (unreadable).
4. Blanking.
5. Program.
6. Verify.
7. Program + Verify.
8. Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable).
9. Program Rolling Code
10. Program Rolling Code + Protect (unreadable).

112 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

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Item Sound Action
11 Erase + Program + Verify (Only MTP)
12 Erase + Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable) (Only MTP)
13 Erase (Only MTP)

OTP Action Code Table:

Item Sound Action

1. Blank Check
2. Erase
3. Program OTP
4. Verify
5. Protect (unreadable)
6. Program Rolling Code

EEPROM Action Code Table:

Item Sound Action

1 Blank Check + Program + Verify
2 Erase + Blank Check + Program + Verify
3 Erase
4 Blank Check
5 Program
6 Verify
7 Program + Verify
8 Erase + Program + Verify
9 Erase + Program

Error Message:

Message Descriptions

The memory of NY8-OTP_Write (Ver. B) has no data. For blank check only.

The data of NY8-OTP_Write (Ver. B) is missing. Please re-download

the .bin file to writer.

113 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
OTP / MTP Error Code Table:

Code Message
Blank Check Error.

Program and Protect OTP data Error.

The data of OTP IC is inconsistent from the memory of Writer.

IC is protected and unreadable.

NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) cannot find OTP IC.

The memory of NY8-OTP_Write (Ver. B) has no data.

The memory data of NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) is incorrect.

OTP IC Package error.

Different IC version.

Trim Fail.

Trimmed Data Error.

Over than the limited Writing Times.

Rolling Code Error.

This OTP has no LVD and LVR Trim value.

EEPROM Error Code Table:

Code Message
Blank Check error.

Program EEPROM data error.

The data of EEPROM is inconsistent from the memory of Writer.

Clean EEPROM data error.










114 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Code Message


Buzzer Sound Message Table:

Item Sound Action

1. “Bi” once Operation success.
2. “Bi” twice NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B) enters setting mode.
3. “Bi” 3 times Operation fails.

115 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
6.6 NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Operation Code

Code Message Signal Display

A0 Blanking + Program + Verify ● ● ● ●
A1 Blanking + Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●
A2 Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●
A3 Blanking. ● ● ● ●
A4 Program. ● ● ● ●
A5 Verify. ● ● ● ●
A6 Program + Verify. ● ● ● ●
A7 Program + Verify + Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●
A8 Program Rolling Code ● ● ● ●
A9 Program Rolling Code + Protect (unreadable). ● ● ● ●
Composite programming function. Please refer to the Q-Writer
CX ● ● ● ●
function screen for displaying the currently selected function.

Error code table:

Code Message Signal Display

E0 Blank Check Error. ● ● ● ●
E1 Program OTP Error. ● ● ● ●
E2 The data of OTP IC is inconsistent from the memory of Writer. ● ● ● ●
E3 IC is Protected and unreadable. ● ● ● ●
E4 NX_Programmer (Ver. A) cannot find OTP IC. ● ● ● ●
E5 The memory of NX_Programmer (Ver. A) has no programmed data. ● ● ● ●
The memory programmed data of NX_Programmer (Ver. A) is
E6 ● ● ● ●
E7 Package Insert error. ● ● ● ●
E8 Different IC version. ● ● ● ●
E9 The trimmed frequency is out of spec. ● ● ● ●
EA NX_Programmer (Ver. A) cannot find SPI Flash. ● ● ● ●
EB Programm SPI Flash fail. ● ● ● ●
EC Trim fail. ● ● ● ●
ED Abnormal memory access. ● ● ● ●
EE The .bin file has not been downloaded to NX_Programmer. ● ● ● ●

116 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Completeing code table:

Code Message Signal Display

- Program completed. ● ● ● ●

Buzzer sound message table:

Item Sound Action

1. “Bi” once Operation success.
2. “Bi” twice NX_Programmer (Ver. A) enters setting mode.
3. “Bi” 3 times Operation fail.

6.7 Smart_Writer Ver.A Operation Code

Display of the hardware version.


Firmware version

Display of the selected function. IC Body

Bin file checksum

SPI program
OTP program mode

System information display:

Mode Message

The .bin file Checksum.

The remaining number of writing times.

The current rolling code.

117 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

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The SPI Flash QE bit is enabled.

System error display:

Error display Message

Self-test mode and no .bin file

Self-test mode, the VPP of hardware is abnormality. It is

recommended to return to the original factory for repair.

Self-test mode, the VDD of hardware is abnormality. It is

recommended to return to the original factory for repair

Self-test mode, the configure failed. It is recommended to

return to the original factory for repair.

Lost the .bin file, please download the .bin file again.

The memory of hardware failed. It is recommended to

return to the original factory for repair.

OTP IC Operation Code

Operation code table:

Item Code Message

1 Blanking + Program + Verify.
2 Blanking + Program + Verify + Protect.
3 Protect.
4 Blanking.
5 Program.
6 Verify.
7 Program + Verify.
8 Program + Verify + Protect.

118 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

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Item Code Message
9 Program Rolling Code.
10 Program Rolling Code + Protect.

SPI Flash Operation Code

SPI Flash operation code table:

Item Code Message

1 Blanking + Program + Verify.
2 Erase + Blanking + Program + Verify.
3 Erase.
4 Blanking.
5 Program.
6 Verify.
7 Program + Verify.
8 Erase + Program + Verify.

OTP IC + SPI Flash Code

When downloading the IC and SPI Flash data at the same time, the operation code is the combination
of OTP and SPI Flash operation code. After downloaded to the Smart_Writer Ver.A, the operation code
will be locked and cannot be switched.

For example: OTP operation code is “A1”, SPI Flash operation code is “C0”, the combined operation
code will be shown “A1C0” in the display screen of Smart_Writer Ver.A.

OTP error code:

Code Message

Blanking Error.

Program Error.

Verify Error.

IC is Protected.

IC isn’t found.

Reach the number of writing times.

Initialize OTP failed.

Download data error.

Different IC version.

Trim Fail.

119 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Code Message


Execution command error / programming file error.

Write Trim Clock data error.


Rolling Code failed.

The programming interface is shorted.

SPI Flash error code:

Code Message
Blanking the SPI Flash memory error.
Program SPI Flash data error.
The data of SPI Flash is different from the data stored in Writer’s memory.
SPI Flash data cleanup failed.
Cannot find SPI Flash.
Enable SPI Flash QE Bit failed.
Different Nyquest N25Q series SPI Flash. Please check the SPI Flash.
IC frequency exceeds spec.
Check IC frequency failed.

Message for buzzer sound

Buzzer sound message table:

Item Code Message

1 “Bi” once Operation success.

Note: OTP_Writer (Ver. B) / OTP_Writer (Ver. C) / Multi-OTP_Writer / NX_Programmer / Smart_Writer

Ver.A Transfer Board / Converter Board and Config Card information has been moved to the
Hardware Tool (Appendix) file.

120 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual

7 Revision History

Revision History
Version Date Description Page

1.0 2012/02/13 The first version. -

1. Add NY3(B) Flash Demo Board and Target Board. 10, 11

1.1 2012/05/23 2. Add NY3(B) FDB ROM and IC Pin Mapping Table. 40
3. Add LQFP64 Transfer Board. 44

1. Add NY2P OTP IC. 7, 24

1.2 2012/08/15
2. Modify description of PC-Link Mode. 36

1. Modify the maximum demo voice duration of NY3(B)_FDB. 59

1.3 2012/11/19
2. Add SOP28 Transfer Board for NY5P345/520 SOP ICs. 66

1. Modify the illustrations of NY3(B)_FDB. 11, 13

2. Add NY4_FDB-08. 14, 60

3. Add NY7_FDB. 17, 62

1.4 2013/06/26
4. Add COB Type OTP: NY4P165AB. 26

5. Add NY3(B)_EV_board and NY7_EV_Board. 44

6. Add NY7_COB. 50

1.5 2013/08/30 Add NY1P and NY3P(B) OTP COB. 24, 25

1. Add OTP Writer (Ver. C). 9, 31, 47

2. Add Multi-OTP_Writer. 10, 44, 55

3. Add NY3L_Romter. 61

1.6 2014/08/30 4. Add NY8_ICE. 69

5. Add NY3M_FDB and NY3W_FDB. 77

6. Add OTP_Writer (Ver.C) and Multi-OTP_Writer Operation Code. 83

7. Add OTP_Writer (Ver. C) Config. Cards. 94

1. Add the description of NY9T_FDB. 21

2. Add NY9T_COB. 67
1.7 2015/05/29
3. Add the description of NY9T_ICE and NY9T-TP_COB. 72
4. Add NY9T_ FDB ROM and IC Pin Mapping Table. 81

1.8 2015/08/28 Update NY8_ICE picture and prompt the 3.0V connector. 69

121 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Version Date Description Page

1.9 2015/11/30 Add the descriptions of NY8_OTP-Writer. 8, 32, 78

1. Add NY6_FDB and its description. 18, 80

2. Add NY6_EV. 60

2.0 2016/08/30 3. Add NY6_ICE. 66

4. Update NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. A) Indicator Definition. 84

5. Add NY8A056A Config Card. 94

1. Add NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.B)。

9, 37, 86
2. Add NX1_FDB (Ver.A)。 22, 81, 88
3. Add NX_Programmer (Ver.A)。 39
2.1 2016/11/30
4. Add NY9UP01A1 / 01A2 SOP16 and NX1 COB Config Card。 94

5. Add The Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config 96


1. Add NY8_ADC/COMP_COB. 70
2.2 2017/02/24
2. Add NX1_ICE. 73

1. Add NX1_Voice_Collector. 74

2. Modify OTP_Writer (Ver. C) / Multi-OTP_Writer operation code. 83

3. Add NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver..B) operation code. 86

4. Add blue NY8A/8B DIP18/28 Transfer Board. 89

2.3 2016/05/26
5. Add blue NY8A/8B SOP18/28 Transfer Board. 90

6. Add blue NY8A/8B SSOP20/28 Transfer Board. 92

7. Add NY8B071 DIP/SOP14、NY8B071 SOP8、NY8A056 DIP/SOP18 94, 96

/SSOP20 Config Card.

1. Add NY9TP OTP.
74, 74
2. Add the description and flowchart of NY8L_ICE.
3. Update NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Operation code.
4. Add LQFP48 Transfer Boards.
2.4 2017/08/31 5. Add NX11P22 LQFP48, NY8A054 DIP/SOP, NY9TP16 SOP8,
NY9TP16 SOP16/SOP28/SSOP24, NX12P34/44/54/64 LQFP32,
NX12P34/44/54/64 LQFP64 Config Card.
101 錯誤!
6. Update The Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config

122 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Version Date Description Page

1. Update NY8L_ICE 74
2. Update NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Operation Code. 92
3. Update DIP8/DIP14/DIP18/DIP28 Transfer Board. 94
4. Update SOP8/SOP14/SOP16/SOP18/SOP24/SOP28 Transfer Board. 95
5. Update SSOP20/SSOP24/SSOP28 Transfer Board. 97
2.5 2017/11/24
6. Add LQFP32 Transfer Board. 97
7. Update LQFP64 Transfer Board. 98
8. Update OTP_Writer (Ver. C) Config Card 100
9. Update The Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config 102, 104
Card and add NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.B) Hardware Corresponding Table.

1. Update the error code table of NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver. B). 91

2. Update NX_Programmer (Ver. A) Operation Code. 92
3. Add SPI_Flash Converter Board. 100
2.6 2018/02/27
4. Add NX11P21 SOP16 and SSOP24 config cards. 102
5. Add NY8B062x and NX1xPxx series to The Corresponding Table of 103
OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config Card.

123 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Version Date Description Page

1. Add NX1_VR_Test_Kit.
10, 27
2. Add the description of NX_Programmer (Ver. A).
3. Update the description of ICE.
4. Add the description of NX1_Voice_Collector.
5. Add NY8L_FDB.
2.7 2018/05/31 24, 90
6. Modify NYx_ICE as Emulator.
71, 75
7. Add NX1 Converter Board.
8. Add NX11M2x SOP8 and SOP16 config cards.
9. Add NX_Programmer (Ver.A) + NX1_Converter_Board (Ver.A) Hardware
Corresponding Table.

1. Update NX1_FDB picture. 27

2. Add Multi-NX_Programmer_Writer. 52
3. Add NX1_COB. 76
4. Update NX1_ICE picture. 84
2.8 2018/08/30 5. Update NX1_Voice_Collector picture. 85
6. Add NY9TS02 SOP8, NY8B072 DIP/SOP20, NX12P34/54/64 SSOP24 110
and NX12P34/54/64 LQFP48 config cards.
7. Update the Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config 111

1. Add NY6PxxxJB and NY9TSxxAB OTP COB.

32, 34
2. Add the description of NX11M SPI Handler Board.
3. Update NX12P34/54/64 SSOP24 config cad and add NY6P085J
2.9 2018/12/07 109
SOP24, and NY5P085J SOP24 config card.
4. Update the Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config

3.0 2019/02/27 Add NY9UP08A SOP16 config card. 109

1. Add NY5P186J SOP28 and NX12M5xA SOP16 config card. 112

3.1 2019/05/31 2. Update the Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config
Card. 112

1. Add The descriptions and operation codes of Smart_Writer Ver.A.

9, 48, 64
3.2 2019/08/31 2. Add NX12M5x SSOP24 config card, NY5P1K2/720/520J LQFP48
118, 125
config card, NY6P345/185J SOP28 config card.

124 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Version Date Description Page

1. Add the description of Q_Link (Ver. A). 10, 74,

2. Add NY8BM72 SOP20 Config Card. 128
3.3 2019/11/29
3. Update the Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config 129

1. Add operation code EF, FD and FE to Smart-Writer Ver.A. 113117

2. Add Uni-Transfer Board column to OTP-Writer Ver.C Hardware 129
Corresponding Table.
3. Add Uni-Transfer Board column to NY8-OTP_Writer Ver.B Hardware 132
3.4 2020/03/26 Corresponding Table.
4. Add Uni-Transfer Board column to NX_Programmer Ver.A Hardware 134
Corresponding Table.
5. Add Uni-Transfer Board column to Smart-Writer Ver.A Hardware 135
Corresponding Table.

1. Add Corresponding Table of NX_Programmer and IC Programming

2. Modify NY8-OTP_Writer Ver.B Operation Code.
3.5 2020/06/05 3. Add NY8BM72 SOP16 Config Card.
4. Update and add NY8BM72 SOP16, NX13PxxAB Config Card to the
Corresponding Table of OTP IC, Transfer Board and Config Card.

The Hardware Tool Appendix file was the separated chapter 6.8 from
- -
“Hardware Developing Tool user manual v3.6”

1. OTP_Writer (Ver. B) / OTP_Writer (Ver. C) / Multi-OTP_Writer / -

NX_Programmer / Smart_Writer Ver.A Transfer Board / Converter Board
and Config Card information has been moved to the Hardware Tool
3.6 2020/09/04
(Appendix) file.
2. Add NY6P025A SOP14 Config Card (Please refer to the Hardware Tool -
(Appendix) fle).

1. Remove the Ver.A and add Ver.B of Q-Link 9, 76

3.7 2020/12/02
2. Add EEPRON Error Code of NY8-OTP_Writer (Ver.B) 112

125 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

H/W Developing Tool User Manual
Version Date Description Page

Add NY5+_FDB and its relevant description. 18

3.8 2021/06/04
Add the Pin function and IC series table.. 53

126 Ver. 3.8 2021/06/04

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