Section ONE: Standard Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

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Section ONE

Standard Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

“Navy Public Works Department, San

Diego prevents WMSD’s: Increases Pro-
ductivity, and Reduces Costs With Auto-
mated Cleaning and Wire Rope
Lubrication System (Kirkpatrick Model
SU35B Wire Rope Lubricator)”

“Manual Wire Rope Preventative Main-

tenance of all of the ship’s wires was
taking a week to complete. Now, since
receiving the Model SU35B Wire Rope
Lubricator, the time to complete the
project has been reduced to 1 day with
fewer shipboard personnel involved.”

USS Rushmore , BM1 Irwin

Standard Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Standard Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems through and around hard to penetrate wire ropes from
▪ Avaiable in three models that accomodates wire rope, the centered lubrication chamber toward each end of
seal and scraper plates diameters to 1-7/8 in. (49 mm). the lubrication collar.
▪ Each model is provided with one diameter seal and
scraper plate kit and one diameter and lay groove Manual Stripper Assembly- See Section SIX
cleaner kit as part of the complete system.
▪ Customers specify diameter, number of outer strands Groove Cleaner Kits
and lay direction of wire rope when ordering. ▪ Weight 1/2 lb./.23 kg.
▪ Each kit contains two individual groove cleaners (4
Light Weight Hinged Proprietary Formulation parts total). The customer specifies the diameter, num-
Aluminum Lubrication Collar ber of outer strands and lay direction of their wire rope
▪ Weight 22 lbs./9.9 kg. in order to place their order.
▪ Accommodates wire rope/seal diameters up to ▪ Cleans wire rope groove pattern and outer circumfer-
1-7/8 in. (48 mm.) ence for better penetration and coating inside the
▪ Hinged design feature provides safe set-up and ma- lubrication collar (smooth bore groover design can be
neuverability in cramped or high work locations. This substituted for non-spin or multi strand wire rope con-
feature protects against any accidental dropping of figurations).
parts that may cause injury to those below.
▪ High grade specially formulated aluminum provides 7,000 PSI Rated Stainless Steel Lubricant Control
durable yet flexible protection against over tightening. Valve- Additional Valve Offered With Each System
▪ Discharge tube acts as a handle for safety reasons as ▪ With brass quick coupler nipple
well as allowing excess lubricant to evacuate into catch ▪ Allows the operator to control lubricant flow to the lubri-
container. This enables the operator to verify that the cation collars when adjustments are required for any
lubrication collar has become filled so the wire rope increase or decrease in wire rope travel speed and/or
travel can commence. available air pressure.
▪ A recycling valve is attached to the discharge tube
nipple. This allows the user to redirect lubricant flow 50:1 Ratio Pump: Maximum 128 oz./Minute
back to the wire rope entrance port of the lubrication Lubricant Delivery System
collar for optimized consumption and pressurization. ▪ Weight 30-40 lb./13.5-18 kg
▪ Clear excess lubricant discharge hose attaches to ▪ High volume feed keeps consistent pressurization at
recycling valve nipple. This item enables the operator high wire rope travel speeds.
to verify that the lubrication collar has filled. In addition
▪ The flow specification is based on a maintained 80 PSI
it provides controlled evacuation of lubricant overflow
air pressure setting utilizing NLGI Grade 1 (one)
during system operation for recycling.
grease consistency at 80°F/27°C)
▪ Two 3/8 in. shackles
Follower Plate
▪ Helps prevent air pockets as the lubricant level lowers
Standard Seal & Scraper Plate Kit
in the pail
▪ New Patent Pending Design Features
Pail/Drum Cover
▪ Weight 5 lb./2.25 kg.
▪ Covers the top of the pail/drum
▪ Customers specify diameter
▪ Keeps the pump centered and secure during operation
▪ Seals lubrication collar neatly around the wire rope be-
ing treated for optimum penetration.
Air Components (FRL)
▪ Four piece metal scraper plate set provides a rotational ▪ 150 PSI rated, piggybacked, single piece FRL compo-
base for the groove cleaner assemblies, they also nent regulates available air pressure, filters contami-
smooth out the newly applied surface coating of the nants entering the air motor and lubricates the air
wire rope as it exits the lubrication collar. supply preventing time consuming air motor icing
during longer wire rope runs.
▪ Standard system seals consist of specifically formulat-
ed, durable, polyurea materials, that provide better and 10 ft. Length 2,500 PSI Rated Lubricant Supply
longer term protection against chemical and friction Hose
wear over the less durable Nitrile rubber materials typi- ▪ Brass push to pull fittings for time saving and safe
cally used in other wire rope servicing applications. quick connect and disconnect function.
▪ Seal lubrication chamber design is sized to specific ▪ Optional lengths are also available.
wire rope diameter ranges. This feature provides for Durable Storage Case for Component Parts
optimum internal pressure to maintain controlled lubri- ▪ Weight 20 lbs./9 kg.
cant penetration, consumption and coating levels. ▪ Military and Law Enforcement approved.
▪ Proprietary seal interlock design increases penetration Pump Repair Kit
and coating performance by directing lubricants Technical Manual and Videos

Kirkpatrick Standard Model SU35B
Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Model: SU35B (US/NATO: NSN 4930-01-424-2197)

Standard System: 35 lb./5 gal./15.75 kg. Sized Pails
Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 1-7/8 in. /48 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication
Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems
Systems comes
comes asas an
an all
all inclusive
inclusive package.
package. Each
Each component
component isis listed
listed below
below with
No extra
NoSystem charge
extratraining for
chargeisfor each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component
each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided. provided.
available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar: Wire Rope Diameters to 1-7/8" (48 mm)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps- 8 lb./3.6 kg. Per Minute Max. Flow Rate
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

35 lb./5 gal./15.75 kg. Sized Follower Plate

35 lb./5 gal./15.75 kg. Pail Sized Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (150 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Kirkpatrick Standard Model SU120
Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Model: SU120 (US/NATO: NSN 4930-01-462-6338)

Standard System: 120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Drums
Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 1-7/8 in./48 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar: Wire Rope Diameters to 1-7/8" (48 mm)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Seal Kit Includes Scraper Plates (They Are Not Sold Separately):
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps- 8 lb./3.6 kg. Per Minute Max. Flow Rate
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Follower Plate

120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Drum Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (150 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Kirkpatrick Standard Model SU400C
Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Model: SU400C
Standard System: 400 lb./55 gal./180 kg. Sized Drums
Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 1-7/8 in./48 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar: Wire Rope Diameters to 1-7/8" (48 mm)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps- 24 lb./10.9 kg. Per Minute Max. Flow Rate:
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

400 lb./55 gal./180 kg. Sized Follower Plate

400 lb./55 gal./180 kg. Drum Sized Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (250 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Section TWO
Jumbo Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

“Mr. Raymond Beaudreau, a civilian

consultant for Military Sealift
Command, requested that the vessels’
2-¼ rusty and kinked tow wire be used
for the operation. The wire was re-
spooled at approximately 150’ per
min. through the Jumbo Wire Rope
Lubrication Collar.

Results: “Examined 2-1/4” tow wire

and found it to be scraped clean of
rust and old lubricant. New lubricant
had penetrated every visible part of
the wire. The system performed well &
achieved good results on substantially
degraded rope (2-1/4” tow wire). A
job that took days was complete in a
few hours.”
U.S. Navy Supervisor of Salvage Evaluation of
Kirkpatrick Jumbo Wire Rope Lubricator

Jumbo Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Jumbo Model Wire Rope Lubrication Systems ▪ Proprietary seal interlock design increases penetration
▪ Each jumbo system allows the user the capability of and coating performance by directing lubricants
servicing a broader range of wire rope diameters and through and around hard to penetrate wire ropes from
travel speeds due to a larger lubrication collar and a the centered lubrication chamber toward each end of
higher capacity lubricant delivery system. the Lubrication Collar.
▪ The system accommodates: wire rope, seal and scrap-
er plates diameters from 3/8 in. (10 mm.) to 4-1/4 in. Manual Stripper Assembly- See Section SIX
(108 mm.).
▪ Each model is provided with one diameter seal and Groove Cleaner Kits
scraper plate kit and one diameter & lay groove clean- ▪ Weight 1 lb./.45 kg.
er kit as part of the complete system. ▪ Each kit contains two individual groove cleaners (4
▪ Customers specifies diameter, number of outer strands parts total). The customer must specify the diameter,
and lay direction of wire rope when placing order. number of outer strands and lay direction of their wire
rope in order to place their order.
Light Weight Hinged Proprietary, Specially ▪ Cleans wire rope groove pattern and outer circumfer-
Formulated Aluminum Lubrication Collar ence for better penetration and coating inside the
▪ Weight 40 lbs./18 kg. Lubrication collar. (smooth bore groover design can be
▪ Accommodates wire rope & seal diameters up to 4-1/8 substituted for non-spin or multi strand wire rope con-
in. (108 mm.) figurations).
▪ Hinged design feature provides safe set-up and ma-
neuverability in cramped or high work areas. This fea- 7,000 PSI Rated Stainless Steel Lubricant Control
ture protects against any accidental dropping of part Valve- Additional Valve Offered With Each System
that may cause injury to those below. ▪ With brass quick coupler nipple
▪ High grade specially formulated aluminum provides ▪ Allows the operator to control lubricant flow to the
durable yet flexible protection against over tightening. lubrication collars when adjustments are required for
▪ Discharge tube acts as a handle for safety reasons as any increase or decrease in wire rope travel speed
well as allowing excess lubricant to evacuate into catch and/or available air pressure.
container. This enables the operator to verify that the
lubrication collar has become filled so the wire rope 50:1 Ratio Pump: 384 oz. Maximum/Minute
travel can begin. Lubricant Delivery System
▪ A recycling valve is attached to the discharge tube nip- ▪ Weight 30-40 lb./13.5-18 kg.
ple. This allows the user to redirect lubricant flow back ▪ High volume feed keeps consistent pressurization on
to the wire rope entrance port of the lubrication collar larger diameter wire rope traveling at higher speeds.
for optimized consumption and pressurization.
▪ The flow specification is based on a maintained 80 PSI
▪ Clear excess lubricant discharge hose attaches to re- air pressure setting utilizing NLGI Grade 1 (one)
cycling valve nipple. This item enables the operator to grease consistency at 80°F/27°C)
verify that the lubrication collar has filled. In addition it
provides controlled evacuation of lubricant overflow
Follower Plate
during system operation for recycling. ▪ Helps prevent air pockets as the lubricant level lowers
▪ Two 5/8 in. Shackles in the pail
Pail/Drum Cover
Jumbo Seal & Scraper Plate Kit ▪ Covers the top of the drum and keeps the pump cen-
▪ New patent pending design features upcoming. tered and secure during operation
▪ Weight 16 lb./8 kg. Air Components (FRL)
▪ Customer specifies diameter. ▪ 250 PSI rated, piggybacked, single piece FRL compo-
nent regulates available air pressure, filters contami-
▪ Seals lubrication collar neatly around the wire rope be-
nants entering the air motor and lubricates the air
ing treated.
supply preventing time consuming air motor icing
▪ Four piece metal scraper plate set provides a rotational during longer wire rope runs.
base for the groove cleaner assemblies in order to
smooth out the newly applied surface coating of the
10 ft. Length 2,500 PSI Rated Lubricant Supply
wire rope as it exits the lubrication collar. Hose
▪ Jumbo system seals consist of specifically formulated, ▪ Optional lengths are also available)
durable, polyurea materials provide better and longer ▪ Brass push to pull fittings for time saving and safe
term protection against chemical and friction wear over quick connect and disconnect function.
the less durable Nitrile rubber materials typically used Durable Storage Case for Component Parts
in other wire rope servicing applications. ▪ Weight 20 lbs./9 kg.
▪ Seal lubrication chamber design is sized to specific ▪ Military and Law Enforcement approved.
wire rope diameter ranges. This feature provides for Pump Repair Kit
optimum internal pressure to maintain controlled lubri- Technical Manual and Videos
cant consumption and coating levels.

Kirkpatrick Jumbo Model JU35
Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Model: JU35
Jumbo System: 35 lb./5 gal./15.75 kg. Sized Pails
Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4 in./108 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar: Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4" (108 mm)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps- 24 lb./10.9 kg. Per Minute Max. Flow Rate:
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

35 lb./5 gal./15.75 kg. Sized Follower Plate

35 lb./5 gal./15.75 kg. Pail Sized Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (250 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Duo-Lube Hose Assembly For Two Sided Lubricant Feed (2,500 PSI Rated)

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Kirkpatrick Jumbo Model JU120
Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Model: JU120 (US/NATO: NSN 4930-01-462-6338)

Jumbo System: 120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Drums
Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4 in./108 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar: Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4" (108 mm)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps- 24 lb./10.9 kg. Per Minute Max. Flow Rate:
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Follower Plate

120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Drum Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (250 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Duo-Lube Hose Assembly For Two Sided Lubricant Feed (2,500 PSI Rated)

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Kirkpatrick Jumbo Model JU400
Wire Rope Lubrication Systems

Model: JU400
Jumbo System: 400 lb./55 gal./180 kg. Sized Drums
Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4 in./108 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar: Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4" (108 mm)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps- 24 lb./10.9 kg. Per Minute Max. Flow Rate:
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

400 lb./55 gal./180 kg. Sized Follower Plate

400 lb./55 gal./180 kg. Drum Sized Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (250 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Duo-Lube Hose Assembly For Two Sided Lubricant Feed (2,500 PSI Rated)

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Section THREE
Jumbo Internal Spray Wire Rope Application Systems

"Wire Rope used in up shaft ventilation

was being lubricated at 50 ft. to 60 ft.
per minute using a grease funnel
installation. Since purchasing their
Kirkpatrick System, lubrication speed
has been increased by 100%. Mine
personnel estimate the life of their
wire rope has been increased by
50% to 90%."
Teck Corona Gold Mine

JUL Internal Spray Wire Rope Application Systems

JUL Internal Spray Confirguration Systems ▪ Seal lubrication chamber design is sized to specific
▪ JUL systems available in 3 models are designed to wire rope diameters and provides optimum internal
apply low viscosity oils or thixtropic evaporative prod- pressure, controlled lubricant consumption and coating
ucts through four internal nozzles giving a controlled levels through four high pressure application nozzles.
360° application within an enclosed lubrication ▪ Proprietary seal interlock design increases penetration
chamber. Greases can also be used up to NLGI and coating performance by directing lubricants
Grade “000” through NLGI Grade 2 viscosities. through and around hard to penetrate wire ropes from
▪ Each system accommodates wire rope, seal and the centered lubrication chamber toward each end of
scraper plates diameters through 2-1/4” (57 mm.) for the lubrication collar.
low viscosity high flow spray applications such as oils. Manual Stripper Assembly- See Section SIX
▪ Each system also accommodates wire rope, seal and Groove Cleaner Kits
scraper plates diameters 4-1/4 in. (108 mm.) for heavi- ▪ Weight 1 lb./.45 kg.
er slow flow viscosities. ▪ Each kit contains two individual groove cleaners. The
▪ Each model is provided with one diameter seal and customer must specify the diameter, number of outer
scraper plate kit & one diameter and lay groove clean- strands and lay direction of their wire rope to place
er kit as part of the complete system. their order.
▪ Customers specify diameter, number of outer strands ▪ Cleans wire rope groove pattern and outer circumfer-
and lay direction of wire rope when ordering. ence for better penetration and coating inside the lubri-
Light Weight Hinged Proprietary, Specially cation collar. (smooth bore groover design can be
Formulated Aluminum Lubrication Collar substituted for non-spin or multi strand wire rope con-
▪ Weight 40 lbs./18 kg. figurations).
▪ Accommodates wire rope and seal diameters up to 7,000 PSI Rated Stainless Steel Lubricant Control
2-1/4 in. (57 mm.) for spray oil applications and up to Valve- Additional Valve Offered With Each System
4-1/4 in. (108 mm.) for low flow viscosity greases. ▪ With brass quick coupler nipple
▪ Hinged design feature provides safe maneuverability ▪ Allows the operator to control lubricant flow to the lubri-
and set-up in cramped or high work locations. Single cation collars when adjustments are required for any
piece design feature protects against accidental drop- increase or decrease in wire rope travel speed and/or
ping of parts that may cause injury. available air pressure.
▪ High grade specially formulated aluminum provides 50:1 Ratio Pump: 128 oz. Maximum /Minute
durable yet flexible protection against over tightening Lubricant Delivery System
and metal fatigue. ▪ Weight 30-40 lb./13.5-18 kg.
▪ The discharge port leading through the lubrication col- ▪ Grease: 8 lb./3.6 kg. / Oils: 6 gal./22.71 liters per min-
lar wall, allows excess low viscosity lubricants (oil) to ute maximum flow rate
freely flow from the central seal lubrication chamber
▪ High volume feed keeps consistent pressurization at
during spray applications so that the internal spray
high wire rope travel speeds.
nozzles can maintain a consistent spray pattern & not
be blocked by lubricant retained inside the seal cham- ▪ The flow specification is based on a maintained 40 PSI
ber. It also acts to allow the central lubrication chamber air pressure setting utilizing 30 weight oil viscosity
to fill and become pressurized when using high viscosi- coating product, however system will accommodate
ty greases. Both instances enable the operator to verify greases as well.
that the lubrication collar has become filled and wire Follower Plate
rope travel can commence. ▪ Helps prevent air pockets as the lubricant level lowers
▪ Clear excess lubricant discharge hose allows operator in the pail
to verify that the lubrication collar has filled and pro- Pail/Drum Cover
vides controlled evacuation of lubricant excess during ▪ Covers the top of the drum and keeps the pump cen-
system operation. tered and secure during operation
▪ Two 5/8 in. Shackles Air Components (FRL)
JUL Configured Seal & Scraper Plate Kit ▪ 150 PSI rated, piggybacked, single piece FRL compo-
▪ New patent pending design features nent regulates available air pressure, filters contami-
▪ Weight 5 lb./2.25 kg. nants entering the air motor and lubricates the air
▪ Customer specifies diameter, number outer strands supply preventing time consuming air motor icing
and lay direction of wire rope. during longer wire rope runs.
▪ Seals lubrication collar neatly around the wire rope be- 10 ft. Length 2,500 PSI Rated Lubricant Supply
ing treated. Hose
▪ Four piece metal scraper plates provide a rotational ▪ Optional lengths are also available
base for the groove cleaner assemblies in order to ▪ Brass push to pull fittings for time saving and safe
smooth out the newly applied surface coating of the quick connect and disconnect function.
wire rope as it exits the lubrication collar. Durable Storage Case for Component Parts
▪ JUL system seals consist of specially formulated, dura- ▪ (20 lbs./9 kg.)
ble, polyurea materials provide better and long term ▪ Military & Law Enforcement Approved
protection against chemical and friction wear over the
Pump Repair Kit
less durable Nitrile rubber materials typically used in
other wire rope servicing applications. Technical Manual and Videos

Kirkpatrick Model JU5L
Internal Spray Wire Rope Application Systems

Model: JU5L
Spray Nozzle Applicator: 35 lb./15.75 kg./5 gal./18.92 liters Size Pails
Oil Application/Wire Rope Diameters to 2-1/4 in./58 mm.
Grease Application/Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4 in./108 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

1 Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar

▪ Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 58 mm. (Oil), 108 mm. (Grease)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps: (Grease) 8 lb./3.6 kg. (Oil) 6 gal./22.71 liters per min
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

35 lb./5 gal./15.54 kg. Sized Follower Plate

35 lb./55 gal./15.54 kg. Sized Pail Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (150 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Duo-Lube Hose Assembly For Two Sided Lubricant Feed (2,500 PSI Rated)
▪ 4 Individual Lubricant Feed Nozzles (5,000 PSI Rated)

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Kirkpatrick Model JU15L
Internal Spray Wire Rope Application Systems

Model: JU15L
Spray Nozzle Applicator: 120 lb./54 kg./15 gal./56.78 liters Mid-Sized Drums
Oil Application/Wire Rope Diameters to 2-1/4 in./58 mm.
Grease Application/Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4 in./108 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

1 Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar

▪ Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 58 mm. (Oil), 108 mm. (Grease)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps: (Grease) 8 lb./3.6 kg. (Oil) 6 gal./22.71 liters per min
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Follower Plate

120 lb./15 gal./54 kg. Mid-Sized Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (150 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Duo-Lube Hose Assembly For Two Sided Lubricant Feed (2,500 PSI Rated)
▪ 4 Individual Lubricant Feed Nozzles (5,000 PSI Rated)

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860

Kirkpatrick Model JU55L
Internal Spray Wire Rope Application Systems

Model: JU55L
Spray Nozzle Applicator: 400 lb./180 kg./55 gal./208 liters Sized Drums
Oil Application/Wire Rope Diameters to 2-1/4 in./58 mm.
Grease Application/Wire Rope Diameters to 4-1/4 in./108 mm.

Kirkpatrick Lubrication Systems comes as an all inclusive package. Each component is listed below with
No extra charge for each item and No extra charge for each additional backup component provided.
System training is available at The Kirkpatrick Training Center in Dallas, Texas USA with no charge to our customers.

1 Heavy Duty Light Weight Aluminum Lubrication Collar

▪ Accommodates Wire Rope Diameters to 58 mm. (Oil), 108 mm. (Grease)

1 Seal & Scraper Plate Kit: Scraper Plates Not Sold Separately
▪ Customers Specify Diameter

2 Wire Rope Groove Cleaner Kits: Includes Two Individual Groove Cleaners. (4 Parts Total)
▪ Customers Specify Diameter, Number of Outer Strands & Lay Direction

1 Manual Wire Rope Stripper & Centering Bushing

▪ Customers Specify Diameter

1 50:1 Ratio Pumps: (Grease) 8 lb./3.6 kg. (Oil) 6 gal./22.71 liters per min
▪ Includes One Pump Repair Kit

400 lb./55 gal./108 kg. Sized Follower Plate

400 lb./55 gal./108 kg. Sized Drum Cover

Air Regulator/Filter/Oiler Assembly With Gauge (250 PSI Rated)

2 Stainless Steel Lubricant Flow Control Valve (7,000 PSI Rated)

▪ One Additional Valve In Reserve

1 10 ft./3 m. (2,500 PSI Rated) Lubricant Supply Hose

▪ Custom Lengths Available Upon Request

1 Duo-Lube Hose Assembly For Two Sided Lubricant Feed (2,500 PSI Rated)
▪ 4 Individual Lubricant Feed Nozzles (5,000 PSI Rated)

1 Pail of Environmentally Safe Dynagard Blue Wire Rope Lubricant

▪ 92,000 PPM Bio-Aquatic LC50 Rating at 90 Days

Heavy Duty Storage Case (Military & Law Enforcement Approved)

Toll Free: (800) 466-4414 Tel: (972) 509-2468 Fax: (972) 608-3860


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