Experimental Study On Tool Condition Monitoring in Boring of AISI 316 Stainless Steel
Experimental Study On Tool Condition Monitoring in Boring of AISI 316 Stainless Steel
Experimental Study On Tool Condition Monitoring in Boring of AISI 316 Stainless Steel
In this article, effect of cutting parameters, namely, cutting speed, feed rate and tool nose radius, on the tool life was
examined experimentally. The experiments were performed on boring of AISI 316 steel with cemented carbide tool
inserts. Design of experiments was prepared, and eight experiments were performed with two levels of the cutting para-
meters. The effects of cutting parameters were analyzed by evaluating the amplitude of workpiece vibration, surface
roughness and volume of metal removed. The experimental data were taken for evaluation of tool life for a flank wear of
0.6 mm in all the eight trials. A laser Doppler vibrometer was used for online data acquisition of workpiece vibration,
and a high-speed fast Fourier transform analyzer was used to process the acousto-optic emission signals for the work-
piece vibration. Taguchi, analysis of variance and regression analysis methods were used to identify significant cutting
parameters affecting the workpiece vibrations, surface roughness and volume of metal removed. All selected analysis
methods used in this study predicted similar cutting parameter.
Tool wears, boring of steels, acousto-optic emission, analysis of variance, Taguchi, laser Doppler vibrometer
applied on the tool at workpiece–tool–chip interface divided into regenerative chatter and nonregenerative
due to friction and plastic deformation. The boring bar chatter. The regenerative chatters occur due to undula-
is the weakest link in the boring bar fixing or clamping tion of the workpiece surface, produced during previ-
system of the lathe turret. Due to the above loads ous successive cuts. The nonregenerative chatters are
applied on the tool, the boring bar will vibrate. The induced due to eigenfrequencies of tool holder excita-
vibration of boring bar results in poor machining, sur- tion, plastic deformation of workpiece vibration, fric-
face finish and reduced tool life. Tamizharasan et al.8 tion at tool–chip interface, cutting forces and tool
have used audible acoustic emission signal for online geometry.
monitoring of tool wear. They recorded acoustic emis- Tobias10 explained the two chatters such that the
sion signals and corresponding flank wear for machin- regenerative chatters occur due to undulation of the
ing time of 300 s. Using design of experiments (DOEs) workpiece surface, produced during previous successive
and simulated annealing algorithm for optimization of cuts. The nonregenerative chatters are induced due to
cutting parameters, they found correlation between eigenfrequencies of tool holder excitation, plastic defor-
acoustic signals and flank wear. mation of workpiece vibration, friction at tool–chip
Vibration is defined as the repetitive motion of an interface, cutting forces and tool geometry. Hamdan
object or objects relative to a stationary frame referred to and Bayoumi11 studied the effects of tool rake and
as the equilibrium of the vibration. Inman9 stated that flank clearance angles on the stability of cutting tool.
vibrations exist everywhere and may have a great impact They carried out experimental and analytical investiga-
on the surrounding environment. One general phenom- tion on the effect of tool angles. The two methods
enon of vibration is the ‘‘self-oscillation’’ or resonance. A proved that the larger rake and clearance angles
simplest vibrating system with a single-degree-of-freedom increase the stability of vibration.
system is shown in Figure 1. Vibrations, which are pres- A closed-loop feedback circuit is used in online
ent due to an impressed force on the system, are called as vibration control system to measure the relative vibra-
forced vibrations. Vibrations of air compressors, internal tion between workpiece and cutting tool.12 Xiao et al.13
compression engines, machine tools and other machinery studied the effect of tool nose radius on chatter vibra-
are examples for forced vibrations. tions and surface roughness. They introduced vibration
Vibration became a regular problem in machining cutting method with large nose radius to reduce vibra-
processes like turning, boring, drilling and milling. tions, surface roughness and improve tool strength.
Surface roughness, dimensional accuracy, tool life, pro- Laser Doppler vibrometers (LDVs) are being used to
duction rate and productivity are influenced by the observe high-frequency vibrations during machining
vibrations. A configuration of boring, using a long process. LDVs will observe the chatter behavior of the
overhang boring bar, is shown in Figure 2. The work- end-mill shank and the chatter vibrations at the high
piece is fixed in the headstock chuck, and the boring cutting speed.14 A fast Fourier transform preprocessor
bar is fixed in the turret of computer numerical control is used for generating features from an online acousto-
(CNC) machine tool. In boring process, the workpiece optic emission (AOE) signals to develop a database for
is rotated, and the boring bar is moved against the appropriate decisions. The AOE signals can be trans-
rotating workpiece. Forces which are developed by formed into time domain with different frequency
metal deformation result in vibration of tool and work- zones by the fast Fourier transform. This AOE tech-
piece. Vibrations may be measured in terms of displace- nique is being used in tool condition monitoring.15,16
ment, velocity or acceleration. Surface roughness and tool wear are strongly affected
In turning process, vibration of tool is denoted as by the vibration amplitude and frequency. Improper
self-excited chatter or tool vibration. Based on the driv- tool geometry and the nose radius are more significant
ing force of the tool vibration, the tool vibrations are than depth of cut to cause vibration in metal cutting.17
Elements C Mn Si P S Cr Ni N Fe
Percentage 0.08% maximum 2.0% 0.75% 0.045% 0.03% 16%–18% 10%–14% 0.1% Balance
Figure 3. Workpieces.
Figure 9. Talysurf.
Results and discussion
In each trial, eight passes were conducted on work- occurred for 0.4-mm nose radius insert, and the corre-
piece with new tool insert. After each pass, surface sponding time- and frequency-domain spectrographs
roughness, flank wear and hardness were measured. are shown in Figure 12.
Volume of metal removed was also noted and shown There was good correlation between amplitude of
in Table 4. workpiece vibration (Y), surface roughness (Ra) and
Figures 10 and 11 represent spectrographs at the first flank wear (VB) for all the trials. VB value of 0.6 mm is
pass and seventh pass (when tool failed) in both time the criterion for tool failure.23 In this study, the machin-
and frequency domains. In trial 8, mechanical chipping ing characteristics observed at the tool failure are
Pass Ra (mm) rms (mm/s) y (mm) VB (mm) Volume (mm3) Hardness HRB
Figure 10. Time- and frequency-domain spectrographs in boring at the first pass.
Figure 11. Time- and frequency-domain spectrographs in boring when the tool failed.
represented in boldface in Table 4. Regression equa- The machining characteristic values corresponding
tions for surface roughness and amplitude of workpiece to the tool fail failure for all the eight trials are pre-
for all the trials are given in Table 5. sented in Table 6 along with their calculated S/N ratios.
The variations of flank wear, surface roughness and
amplitude of workpiece vibration for two different nose
radii of cutting tools in all trials are shown in Figure Analysis of workpiece vibrations for tool life
13. It is observed that the surface roughness and ampli- In this section, tool life is evaluated by analyzing the
tude of wok piece vibration increase with the increase amplitude of workpiece vibration with Taguchi and
in flank wear as shown in Figure 14. ANOVA methods.
Figure 12. Time- and frequency-domain spectrographs when the tool failed due to mechanical chipping.
H: hardness; T: machining time; L: length of workpiece; V: volume of metal; VB: flank wear.
Figure 13. Flank wear, amplitude of vibration and surface roughness for eight trials.
Taguchi. In this method, measured values of amplitude characteristic for all the trials as shown in Table 6.
of workpiece vibration were taken in Table 6, and S/N According to Taguchi results, the cutting speed has
ratio was measured with ‘‘smaller is better’’ more influence on the amplitude and is shown with first
Figure 14. Correlation of surface roughness and amplitude of vibration with flank wear.
Table 6. S/N ratios of experimental results for surface roughness, amplitude of vibration and metal removal rate.
Trial no. N (mm) S (m/min) F (mm/rev) Ra (mm) S/N ratio Y (mm) S/N ratio V (mm3) S/N ratio
S/N: signal-to-noise.
DF: degree of freedom; SS: sums of squares; MS: mean square; S/N: signal-to-noise.
Figure 16. Main effects of plot for S/N ratios for surface
Figure 15. Main effects of plot for S/N ratios for vibration of roughness.
DF: degree of freedom; SS: sums of squares; MS: mean square; S/N: signal-to-noise.
Level N S F
DF: degree of freedom; SS: sums of squares; MS: mean square; S/N: signal-to-noise.
Taguchi. In this method, volume of metal removed until parameters of nose radius, cutting speed and feed rate
tool failed was taken and S/N ratio was measured with is 0.4 mm, 210 m/min and 0.1 mm, respectively.
‘‘larger is better’’ characteristic for all the trials.
According to Taguchi results, the feed rate has more
influence on the volume of metal removed and is shown
Regression analysis
with first rank in Table 11. Multiple regression predictive equations were generated
for workpiece vibration, surface roughness and volume
of metal removed based on the control factor as
ANOVA. In the ANOVA, at a confidence level of 95%,
the experimental results and the Taguchi S/N ratios Y = 1:75 0:248N 0:00698S + 1:61F ð20Þ
were analyzed as shown in Table 12. ANOVA also Ra = 5:73 2:32N 0:00600S + 4:08F ð21Þ
determined the contribution of individual cutting para-
V = 112 + 0:6N + 0:242S 236F ð22Þ
meters on the metal removal rate. According to the
ANOVA for experimental results and ANOVA for S/N The regression analysis determined that the spindle
ratio, the feed rate shows more contribution of 30.07% cutting speed has more effect on the surface roughness
and 30.97%, respectively. Interaction of the cutting (0.02 of p value), nose radius has more effect on the
parameters is shown in Table 13. surface roughness (0.001 of p value) and feed rate has
According to Figure 17, to maximize the metal more effect on the surface roughness (0.346 of p value)
removal rate, the best combination of three cutting at confidence level of 95%.
This research received no specific grant from any fund-
ing agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit
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