Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

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International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering E-ISSN 2320 –5539

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Research Article

Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304

N. B. Chaudhari†*, R. N. Yerrawar† and S. H. Gawande†
†Mechanical Engineering Department, Pune University, MES’ College of Engineering, India

Accepted 20 Sept 2015, Available online 30 Sept 2015, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)


Passive damping is now the major means of suppressing unwanted vibrations. In the present work, attempt is made
to predict and suppress the vibration level of cutting tool in CNC lathe, by using passive damping pad of Viscoelastic
material S20. The effects of damping pad and cutting parameters on machine tool vibration were experimentally
investigated. The experimentation is carried out on CNC lathe for dry turning of SS304 work piece material using
single point carbide tool inserts of varying tool nose radius. Three levels for spindle speed, depth of cut, feed rate and
tool nose radius were chosen as cutting variables. Design of Experiment (DOE) approach is selected for investigating
the effect of varying controllable parameters on Tangential acceleration. The Taguchi method L27 orthogonal array
was applied to design of experiment. This research work highlights the influence of cutting parameters on the tool
vibration during machining using and optimizes the multi response parameters on turning operation using Taguchi
Method and Regression Analysis.

Keywords: Transverse machine tool vibration; passive damping; ANOVA, Cutting Parameters, Taguchi Method.

1. Introduction of cutting tools based on a logistic regression model

can be developed using vibration signals (B. Chen, et.al,
1 In turning operation, tool vibration is a common 2011). The vibration signals of carbide tool are
problem and it affects the performance of a machine, monitored with the help of accelerometer and these
tool life and surface finish of the work material. The signals then send to data acquisition system and a
standard procedure adopted to avoid vibration during portable computer. The main purpose of this vibration
machining is by careful planning of the cutting analysis is to find the features revealing tool wear.
parameters and damping of cutting tool. Wavelet Packet decomposition is used to find out
There have been many investigations on vibration feature frequency band which reveals tool wear. The
prediction and control in turning. The cutting-force high degree of correlation between selected band
based vibration analysis can be done to ascertain the energy, energy entropy, time-domain features and tool
effect of the tool entering angle on tool vibration and wear are observed. Hence, it shows the effectiveness of
tool life in a titanium alloy milling operation (A. I. Sette, the proposed model that facilitates machine
et.al, 2010).The main purpose behind this analysis is to performance and reliability estimation in terms of tool
decrease the vibration of the cutting tool in the milling life and tool wear.
process of Ti–6Al–4V.The vibration analysis test is The excessive wear on cutting tools leads to
carried out using a piezoelectric accelerometer and an distortions in dimension of manufactured components.
instrumented hammer with a 200 force transducer to At the same time it increases scrapped levels thereby
identify the transfer function in a broad range of incurring additional costs. Therefore, it is crucial to
frequencies. Samples were recorded at 20 kHz. A detect and monitor the wear on a cutting tool in most
stationary dynamometer, a National Instruments PCI- metal cutting processes and several research efforts
6025E analogical/digital data acquisition board and have done to develop on-line tool condition monitoring
LabVIEWs 8.5 software were used for 3-axis cutting systems. In online metal cutting tool condition
force measurements. The signals were processed with monitoring, the cutting force (Static and Dynamic)
Matlab 7.1 software. The tool life and wear pattern analysis and vibration analysis is done for tool wear
were correlated to tool vibration. It was concluded that monitoring (D. E. Dimla et.al, 2000). The main purpose
for a productive milling operation on Ti–6Al–4V alloy of this study was to develop a Tool Condition
and a long tool life require minimum tool vibration. Monitoring System based on analytical modelling of
To get the optimum tool life, the reliability estimation online sensor signals. The results shows that the
cutting forces in Z-direction and the vibration
*Corresponding author: N. B. Chaudhari signatures were most sensitive to tool wear.
120| International Journal of Advance Induatrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

In manufacturing industries, the surface roughness (M. A. Louroza et.al, 2005). Approximately 85 percent
plays an important role while manufacturing the of the passive damping treatments in actual
mechanical components like gears, bearings etc. applications are based on viscoelastic materials (S. S.
To meet the predetermined geometrical fits and Abuthakeer et.al., 2011). He worked on the cutting tool
tolerances, it is important to obtain minimum surface vibrations and control of cutting tool vibration using a
roughness values. Hence, the theoretical and damping pad made up of neoprene. Experimental trials
experimental investigation is done to find out the were conducted on CNC lathe when the tool holder is
influence of tool-tip vibration on surface generation in supported with and without damping pad.
single point diamond turning (H. Wang et.al, 2010). The vibration signals were collected through a data
The result shows that the tool-tip vibration and the acquisition system supported by Lab VIEW software.
process damping effect are regarded as the prime The reliability of the experiment was increased by full
influences on surface roughness. To the study the factorial experimental design. The data obtained from
surface roughness in the Wire Electric Discharge experimentation have been analyzed to validate the
Machining (WEDM) of AISI D3 Steel, an orthogonal proposed damping system. The online tests show that
array, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio and the analysis the proposed system reduced the vibrations of cutting
of variance (ANOVA) were employed (B. K. Lodhi et.al, tool to a greater extend. The vibration analysis was
2014). The aim was to obtain the optimum machining done without any damping pad under actual machining
conditions for WEDM of AISI D3 steel, for minimizing conditions. From this literature review of machine tool
the surface roughness based on Taguchi technique. vibration it is observed that the passive damping is the
Experiments are carried out to study the effect of major means of suppressing unwanted vibrations.
various parameters viz. pulse peak current, pulse on In the present work attempt has been made to
time, pulse off time, and wire feed, on the surface predict and suppressing the transverse vibration level
finish. The levels of significance on the surface of cutting tool in CNC lathe for dry turning of SS304,
roughness were statistically evaluated by using by using passive damping pad of viscoelastic material
analysis of variance (ANOVA) and optimized the S-20. These vibrations are minimized by controlling
machining conditions for surface roughness based on the cause parameter and suppressing peak
(L9 Orthogonal Array) Taguchi methodology. acceleration by using passive damping method.
Experimental work was carried out under varying
pulse-on-time, pulse-off-time, peak current, and wire 2 Methodology
feed. It was observed that the discharge current was
the most influential factors on the surface roughness. Design of Experiment approach is selected for
To validate the work, experimentation has been carried investigating the effect of varying controllable
out at optimum set of parameters and predicted results parameters on tangential acceleration. Numbers of
have been found. It shows that the predicted results experiments to be performed are decided with the help
are in close approximation with experimental output of Taguchi Method with MINITAB 15 software. It is
and the error associated with surface roughness is only assume that inherent vibration, tool wear and L/D are
3.042 %. constant throughout experimentation and tool nose
As the vibrations of the machine-tool structure and radius, cutting Speed, depth of cut and feed rate are
the tool-workpiece interaction are the main varied at different levels. The present work shows the
contributors to the tool vibration, a new Kalman influence of cutting parameters on the transverse tool
estimator-based feed-forward control scheme was vibration during machining. Here, optimization of
developed and employed to minimize the vibration cutting parameters and tool parameters on turning are
transmitted to the tool through the machine-tool carried out by Taguchi Method, Regression Analysis
structure (A. H. El-Sinawi et.al, 2005). The transmitted and ANOVA. The number of levels considered for each
force enables the successful isolation of the tool from factor in DOE is as shown in Table 1.
the vibration of the machine-tool structure improving
the surface finish of turned workpiece. The vibrations Table 1 Machining Parameters and Their Levels
of structures submitted to human loadings can be
minimized by using the damping treatments. An Parameters Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
integrated vibration avoidance and contouring error Spindle speed (rpm) X1 420 520 620
compensation algorithm is used for multi-axis CNC Depth of cut (mm) X2 0.4 0.5 0.6
machine tools (Y. Altintas et.al, 2012). They developed Feed rate(mm/rev) X3 0.15 0.2 0.25
an integrated method which shapes the trajectory
commands in such a way that they do not excite the As the number of experiments are too much in full
structural modes. factorial design which involves more machining time
Based on active and passive damping treatments, and more cost of operation. The DOE is applied using
different models are developed to avoid the machine- Taguchi design to get an optimal number of
tool structure vibrations. A computational–theoretical experiments by using orthogonal array. The Taguchi
model was developed to represent a structural system method L27 orthogonal array for four factors with three
with Coulomb damping having two degrees of freedom levels is applied to design of experiments.
121| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

3 Experimentation Table 3 Mechanical Properties of SS 304

Main objective of this paper is to monitor the vibration

Tensile strength

Rockwell B (HR
level of cutting tool assuming the condition of a

Yield Strength

(% in 50 mm)
0.2% Proof

(Mpa) min

(HB) max
machine and its components is good in all other

B) max


aspects such as foundation stiffness and rigidity of the
machine components like bed, spindle, tail stock etc.
For the machine tool vibration analysis, Root Mean
Square (RMS) values of tangential acceleration are
recorded with the help of FFT analyzer. The SS 304 515 2.0 0.75 0.045 0.030
experimental setup consists of CNC lathe machine and
FFT analyzer. The experimental setup is shown in Fig.1.
S-20 is used as a damper material. Detail properties of
damping material are given below in tabulated form as
shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Properties of S-20 Damper

Sr. No. Material Properties S 20

1 Hardness 60-55 BHN
2 Temperature -40 to 85 deg
3 Thermal Conductivity -
4 Tensile Strength 0.13789 MPa
5 Tear Strength 0.01034 MPa

Fig.1 Experimental setup of CNC Lathe Turning Design of Experiment (DOE) approach is selected for
Operation investigation effect of varying controllable parameter
on tangential acceleration as 27 runs are selected for
Taguchi design to study the effect of two or more
It consists of a CNC-MIDAS-0 turning center, tool insert
factors in three levels. The factors are referred as low
TNMG 160404, SS304 workpiece of 32 mm diameter level, intermediate level & high level. For the present
with 30 mm length and FFT analyzer with tri-axial work the amplitude of transverse vibration in terms of
accelerometer, SV 84. Vibration signals are important acceleration (g-level) is measured with and without
for monitoring tool condition in turning process. damping pad. Tool without damper and with S-20
Accelerometer is mounted on the cutting tool that damper is shown in Fig. 2.
measures the vibration amplitude in terms of
accelerations (g-levels) for tangential direction of the
tool holder. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) computation
algorithm was included in the computer program to
extract the vibration amplitude in the time and
frequency domain. For experiment purpose three
tungsten carbide inserts of triangular shape having tool
nose radius 0.4 mm, 0.8 mm and 1.2 mm are used,
manufactured by Sandvik Asia Pvt. Ltd. Specification of
tool insert is
(a) Without Damper
1. TNMG 160404-61 having grade no. 4225.
2. TNMG 160408-61 having grade no. 4015.
3. TNMG 160412-61 having grade no. 4215.
SS 304 of diameter 32 mm is selected as a workpiece
material for the experiment. The chemical composition
and mechanical properties of SS304 are shown in Table
2 and Table 3.

Table 2 Chemical Composition of SS 304

C Mn Si P S Cr Ni N
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(b) With S-20 Damper
0.08 Fig. 2 (a), (b) Machine-tool without damper and with
SS 304 2.0 0.75 0.045 0.030 18-20 8-10.5 0.1
Max S-20 damper
122| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

The observations are recorded for the amplitude of Table 6 Regression for Tangential Acceleration
transverse vibration of cutting tool in terms of without damper
acceleration (g- level) as shown in Table 5 for S-20
damper. Regression Statistics
Multiple R R Square Standard Error Observations
R Square
Table 5 Observations recorded for Amplitude of
0.8533 0.7282 0.6788 1.665 27
acceleration in tangential direction for S-20 Damper

Amplitude of
Table 6 shows the regression analysis for tangential
Acceleration of acceleration without damper. The value of adjusted R
Nose Spindle Depth of cutting tool in g square is 67.88 % and is a decrease of 4.94 % R
SR. Feed Rate
Radius Speed Cut Tangential Direction square value indicate that the degree of closeness of
No. (mm/rev)
(mm) (rpm) (mm) (RMS)
variable with best fit line. The value of R square which
Without With
Damper Damper is 0.7282 indicates that the degree of closeness of the
1 0.4 420 0.4 0.15 2.44 2.10 parameters with the best fitted line is 72.82 %. It
2 0.4 420 0.4 0.15 2.62 1.70 shows that the parameters are correlated with each
3 0.4 420 0.4 0.15 2.89 1.90 other.
4 0.4 520 0.5 0.2 4.45 2.23
5 0.4 520 0.5 0.2 4.29 3.60
ANOVA Analysis: Vibration data values are analyzed
using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to study the
6 0.4 520 0.5 0.2 5.36 2.97
influences of the cutting parameters on transverse
7 0.4 620 0.6 0.25 7.47 6.50
vibration. The cutting parameters such as depth of cut,
8 0.4 620 0.6 0.25 7.30 5.60 feed rate, and spindle speed are considered as input for
9 0.4 620 0.6 0.25 8.05 5.87 transverse vibration and tangential acceleration is
10 0.8 420 0.5 0.25 6.36 3.39 considered as output parameter.
11 0.8 420 0.5 0.25 6.37 3.37 In the ANOVA results, F-test values are used at 95%
12 0.8 420 0.5 0.25 6.21 3.12 confidence level to decide the significant factors
13 0.8 520 0.6 0.15 9.80 4.14 affecting the machine tool vibration and percentage
14 0.8 520 0.6 0.15 10.50 4.60 contribution. As per ANOVA analysis, for a particular
15 0.8 520 0.6 0.15 10.10 4.34 cutting parameter the P value less than 0.05 (5%) and
16 0.8 620 0.4 0.2 7.60 4.97 larger F value indicates that the statistically significant
17 0.8 620 0.4 0.2 7.22 5.30 effects on the machine tool vibration in tangential
18 0.8 620 0.4 0.2 7.27 5.82
direction. The ANOVA results of machine tool vibration
without damping for Taguchi design are as shown in
19 1.2 420 0.6 0.2 4.39 2.43
Table 7(a) and Table 7(b):
20 1.2 420 0.6 0.2 4.20 2.51
21 1.2 420 0.6 0.2 2.07 2.06
Table 7 (a) ANOVA of Tangential Acceleration without
22 1.2 520 0.4 0.25 2.93 2.92
23 1.2 520 0.4 0.25 3.01 2.90
24 1.2 520 0.4 0.25 3.14 2.89 df SS MS F Significance F
25 1.2 620 0.5 0.15 4.50 4.08 Regression 4 163.599 40.899 14.741 5.37E-06
26 1.2 620 0.5 0.15 4.17 4.11 Residual 22 61.039 2.774
27 1.2 620 0.5 0.15 4.23 4.16 Total 26 224.638
The Table 7 (a) and (b) of ANOVA shows the degrees of
4. Results and Discussion
freedom (df), sum of squares (SS), mean squares (MS),
F-value (F) and P values. It shows that the F value is
Based on the experimental results, the statistical 14.741; this indicates that the obtained trials are
analysis software system MINITAB 15 is used for linear considered to be statistically significant. It
regression analysis of damped and undamped demonstrates that the cutting parameters used for the
condition. A regression equation is developed for each model have a significant effect on the tangential
desired output. The regression coefficients are acceleration.
estimated by regression analysis.
Table 7 (b) ANOVA for Tangential Acceleration
The regression equation for tangential acceleration without damper
without damper is obtained as follows:
Predictor Coeff. t Stat P-value Significance
Tangential Acceleration =4.120833 NR + 0.023672 SS
Intercept -9.655 3.347 -2.884 0.0086 Significant
+ 6.727778 DoC + 11.2333 FR - 9.6553 (1)
X Variable 1 4.121 0.981 4.198 0.0003 Significant
X Variable 2 0.023 0.003 6.029 Significant
Where NR is nose radius in mm, SS is spindle speed 06
in rpm, DoC is depth of cut in mm and FR is feed rate X Variable 3 6.727 3.926 1.713 0.1006 Not Significant
in mm/rev. X Variable 4 -11.233 7.852 -1.430 0.1665 Not Significant

123| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

In Table 7(b), X variable 1 represents tool nose radius Fig. 3(a), (b), (c) and (d) shows the Comparison of
in mm, X variable 2 represents spindle speed in rpm, X Experimental and Predicted values of Tangential
variable 3 represents depth of cut in mm and X Acceleration for (NS, SS, Doc and FR) Without Damping
variable 4 represents feed rate in mm/rev. A low P-
value (≤0.05) indicates statistical significance for the
source on the corresponding response that is α = 0.05,
or 95% confidence level.
From Table 7(b), it is concluded that the tool nose
radius and spindle speed are the most significant
parameters for machine tool vibration in tangential
direction whereas depth of cut and feed rate are
insignificant parameters which does not contribute the
machine tool vibration.
The results obtained for predicted acceleration and
residual outputs without damping are shown in (a) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential
Table 8 where predicted Y represents the tangential Acceleration at tool nose radius range of 0.4mm to 1.2
acceleration in without damping condition. mm

Table 8 Predicted Results of Tangential Acceleration

without damping

Observation Predicted Y Residuals

1 2.941481 -0.501481481
2 2.941481 -0.321481481
3 2.941481 -0.051481481
4 5.419815 -0.969814815
5 5.419815 -1.129814815
6 5.419815 -0.059814815
7 7.898148 -0.428148148
(b) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential
8 7.898148 -0.598148148
Acceleration at spindle speed range of 420 rpm to 620
9 7.898148 0.151851852
10 4.139259 2.220740741
11 4.139259 2.230740741
12 4.139259 2.070740741
13 8.302593 1.497407407
14 8.302593 2.197407407
15 8.302593 1.797407407
16 8.762593 -1.162592593
17 8.762593 -1.542592593
18 8.762593 -1.492592593
19 7.022037 -2.632037037
20 7.022037 -2.822037037
21 2.941481 -0.501481481
22 2.941481 -0.321481481 (c) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential
23 2.941481 -0.051481481 Acceleration at depth of cut range of 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm
24 5.419815 -0.969814815
25 5.419815 -1.129814815
26 5.419815 -0.059814815 X Variable 4 Line Fit Plot
27 7.898148 -0.428148148 15
Predicted Y
A line fit plot is obtained to verify that whether model 10
obtained is statically significant or not. Fig. 4 shows the

line fit plot for experimental acceleration and predicted 5

acceleration without damping. Here X variable 1
represents tool nose radius in mm, X variable 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
represents spindle speed in rpm, X variable 3 X Variable 4
represents depth of cut in mm and X variable 4
represents feed rate in mm/rev. The parameter Y
represents experimental tangential acceleration (d) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential
whereas predicted Y represents predicted tangential Acceleration at feed rate range of 0.15 mm/rev to 0.25
acceleration. mm/rev
124| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

Fig. 3(a) shows the comparison between experimental Table 10 (a) ANOVA for Tangential Acceleration with
and predicted values of tangential acceleration without S-20 Damper
damping at X variable 1 called tool nose radius. From
this it is observed that within the range of 0.4 mm to df SS MS F Significance F
1.2 mm, the predicted and experimental values of Regression 4 36.192 9.048 18.100 1.04E-06
tangential acceleration are close to each other. Fig. 3(b) Residual 22 10.997 0.499
Total 26 47.189
shows the comparison between experimental and
predicted values of tangential acceleration without
The Table 10 (a) and (b) of ANOVA shows the degrees
damping at X variable 2 called spindle speed. From this
of freedom (df), sum of squares (SS), mean squares
it is observed that within range of 420 rpm to 620 rpm,
(MS), F-value (F) and P values. As the F value is 18.10,
the predicted and experimental values of tangential this indicates that the obtained trials are considered to
acceleration are close to each other. Fig. 3(c) shows be statistically significant. It demonstrates that the
the comparison between experimental and predicted cutting parameters used for the trails have a significant
values of tangential acceleration without damping at X effect on the tangential acceleration.
variable 3 called depth of cut. From this it is observed
that within range of 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm, the predicted Table 10 (b) ANOVA for Tangential Acceleration with
and experimental values of tangential acceleration are S-20 Damper
close to each other. Fig. 3(d) shows the comparison
between experimental and predicted values of Predictor Coefficient
t Stat P-value Significance
tangential acceleration without damping at X variable 4
Intercept -6.254 1.420 -4.401 0.0002 Significant
called feed rate. From this it is observed that within Not
range of 0.15 mm/rev to 0.25 mm/rev, the predicted X Variable 1 -0.097 0.416 -0.233 0.8176
and experimental values of tangential acceleration are X Variable 2 0.013 0.001 7.927
6.86 E-
close to each other. Hence from the above results it is 08
X Variable 3 3.922 1.666 2.353 0.0279 Significant
concluded that the model obtained is statistically
significant. X Variable 4 6.633 3.332 1.990 0.0591
Similarly, the regression analysis is done for with
damping condition using the software MINITAB 15.The In Table 10(b), X variable 1 represents tool nose radius
regression equation for tangential acceleration with S in mm, X variable 2 represents spindle speed in rpm, X
20 damper is obtained as follows: variable 3 represents depth of cut in mm and X variable
4 represents feed rate in mm/rev. A low P-value
Tangential Acceleration =0.09722 NR + 0.09722 SS + (≤0.05) indicates statistical significance for the source
0.013211 DoC + 3.922222 FR - 6.25422 (2) on the corresponding response that is α = 0.05, or
95% confidence level.
Where NR is nose radius in mm, SS is spindle speed From Table 10 (b), it is concluded that the spindle
in rpm, DoC is depth of cut in mm and FR is feed rate speed and depth of cut are the most significant
in mm/rev. parameters for machine tool vibration in tangential
direction whereas tool nose radius and feed rate are
Table 9 Regression for Tangential Acceleration with non-significant parameters which do not contribute to
S-20 Damper the machine tool vibration.
The results obtained for predicted acceleration and
Regression Statistics residual outputs with S-20 damping are shown in Table
Adjusted 8 where predicted Y represents the tangential
Multiple R Standard acceleration.
R Observations
R Square Error
0.8757 0.7669 0.7246 0.7070 27 Table 8 Predicted Results of Tangential Acceleration
for S-20 Damping
Table 9 shows the regression analysis for tangential
acceleration with S-20 damper. The value of adjusted R Observation Predicted Y Residuals
square is 72.46 % and is a decrease of 4.24 % R 1 1.819444 0.280556
square value indicate that the degree of closeness of 2 1.819444 -0.11944
variable with best fit line. The value of R square which 3 1.819444 0.080556
is 0.7669 indicates that the degree of closeness of the 4 3.864444 -1.63444
parameters with the best fitted line is 76.69 %. It 5 3.864444 -0.26444
shows that the parameters are correlated with each 6 3.864444 -0.89444
other. 7 5.909444 0.590556
The ANOVA results of machine tool vibration with 8 5.909444 -0.30944
S-20 damping for Taguchi design are as shown in Table 9 5.909444 -0.03944
10(a) and Table 10(b): 10 2.836111 0.553889
125| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

11 2.836111 0.533889
12 2.836111 0.283889
13 3.886111 0.253889
14 3.886111 0.713889
15 3.886111 0.453889
16 4.754444 0.215556
17 4.754444 0.545556
18 4.754444 1.065556
19 2.857778 -0.42778
20 2.857778 -0.34778
21 2.857778 0.292222
(c) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential
22 3.726111 -0.83611
Acceleration at depth of cut range of 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm
23 3.726111 -0.47611
24 3.726111 0.423889
25 4.776111 0.023889
26 4.776111 -1.48611
27 4.776111 0.523889

A line fit plot is obtained to verify whether model

obtained is statically significant or not. Fig. 5 shows the
line fit plot for experimental acceleration and predicted
acceleration with S 20 damping. Here X variable 1
represents tool nose radius in mm, X variable 2
represents spindle speed in rpm, X variable 3 (d) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential
represents depth of cut in mm and X variable 4 Acceleration at feed rate range of 0.15 mm/rev to 0.25
represents feed rate in mm/rev. The parameter mm/rev
Y represents experimental tangential acceleration
whereas predicted Y represents predicted tangential Fig. 4(a) shows the comparison between experimental
acceleration. and predicted values of tangential acceleration with S
Fig. 4 (a), (b), (c) and (d) shows the Comparison of 20 damping at X variable 1 tool nose radius. From this
Experimental and Predicted values of Tangential it is observed that within the range of 0.4 mm to 1.2
Acceleration for (NS, SS, Doc and FR) with S-20 mm, the predicted and experimental values of
damping tangential acceleration are close to each other. Fig. 4(b)
shows the comparison between experimental and
predicted values of tangential acceleration with S 20
damping at X variable 2 spindle speed. From this it is
observed that within range of 420 rpm to 620 rpm, the
predicted and experimental values of tangential
acceleration are close to each other. Fig. 4(c) shows
the comparison between experimental and predicted
values of tangential acceleration with S 20 damping at
X variable 3 depth of cut. From this it is observed that
within range of 0.4 mm to 0.6 mm, the predicted and
experimental values of tangential acceleration are close
(a) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential to each other. Fig. 4(d) shows the comparison between
Acceleration at tool nose radius range of 0.4mm to 1.2 experimental and predicted values of tangential
mm acceleration with S 20 damping at X variable 4 feed
rate. From this it is observed that within range of 0.15
mm/rev to 0.25 mm/rev, the predicted and
experimental values of tangential acceleration are close
to each other.
Hence from the above results it is concluded that
the model obtained is statistically significant.


The effect of cutting parameters such as nose radius of

cutting tool, spindle speed, depth of cut and feed rate
(b) Experimental vs. Predicted values of Tangential on machine tool vibration is evaluated.
Acceleration at spindle speed range of 420 rpm to 620 From ANOVA shows that in undamped condition
rpm tool nose radius and spindle speed are the most
126| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)
N. B. Chaudhari et al Experimental Investigation of Machine Tool Vibration in SS 304 Turning

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127| International Journal of Advance Industrial Engineering, Vol.3, No.3 (Sept 2015)

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