Yielding of Brass Case Walls in The Chamber
Yielding of Brass Case Walls in The Chamber
Yielding of Brass Case Walls in The Chamber
James A. Boatright
1.0 Introduction
This note is to document the technical details behind my proposed Precision Shooting article
entitled Steel Support for the Brass Cartridge Case. In that article, I continue the analysis of an
example target rifle chambered in .308 Winchester and made on a blueprinted Remington 700
bolt action. I am greatly indebted to Al Harral of
Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC) for
his gentle corrections and for running several Finite
Element Analysis (FEA) studies supporting this work using
his company’s sophisticated LS-DYNA program. His FEA
results can be viewed online at
www.VarmintAl.com/amod7.htm . This FEA study is
based on a perfectly manufactured Remington Model 7 bolt
action chambered in .243 Winchester, but the materials data
and chamber pressure curve are identical to my example.
LS-DYNA provides a “transient dynamic” computation of
all inertial and vibrational effects in its mathematical
models. Before any attempts are made to generalize about
what happens to the brass cartridge case in firing, we should
conduct several additional FEA studies for varying
conditions and interpret the results carefully. The
Figure 1. Peak Effective Stress Levels
color fringe image shown in Figure 1 illustrates
the effective von Mises tensile stress levels at peak chamber pressure for each separate material
element of the barreled action and its chambered cartridge case. This image was computed and
output by LS-DYNA and serves to demonstrate the great power of this program.
though, the bolt-face setback must be analyzed dynamically, at least during any intervals
including the sharp peak in chamber pressure. However, the chamber pressure itself can be
treated satisfactorily as a quasi-static pressure within the chamber (and in the primer pocket, as
well) up until the accelerating bullet has moved several inches down the bore where viscous gas-
flow considerations become significant. This means that, at any particular instant in time, the
pressure in the chamber can be treated as a hydrostatic pressure, having the same effect
everywhere it reaches and equally in all directions. LS-DYNA provides fully dynamic modeling
when it is driven by a suitable pressure-versus-time curve as shown in Figure 2.
The “yield point” stress level for annealed cartridge brass is 8,534 psi, or about 45 percent of the
19,000 psi (or 19 ksi) specified for the 0.5-percent offset yield strength for this material. Stress
levels up to 8.5 ksi produce very little or no permanent distortion in the annealed brass. Table 1
shows a summary of the mechanical characteristics of 70Cu/30Zn cartridge brass. This “yield
point” is somewhat similar to an “elastic limit” for annealed cartridge brass, but this really soft
brass is easily distorted, both elastically and plastically, or “elasto-plastically.” Figure 3 shows
a sketch of the stress and strain relations for a purely “strain hardening” material like our
annealed cartridge brass.
Figure 3. Stress versus Strain Curve for “Purely Strain Hardening” Materials.
Below this rather low “yield point” stress level of 8534 psi, annealed brass is said to be purely
elastic and to behave in accordance with Hooke’s Law:
Above this “yield point” stress level, annealed brass becomes both plastic and elastic, or “elasto-
plastic,” and behaves according to the “strain hardening” equation:
σ = σ0 εm
The values, σ0, and m, were iteratively fitted to the tensile test data for annealed cartridge brass
by Al Harral for use in his structural analyses as shown in Table 2. Strain Hardening Data.
εy = 0.0005334,
both the purely elastic and elasto-plastic strain relationships are essentially satisfied:
Questions sometimes arise as to how much bullet seating force would be required if the
annealed case neck walls had to be radially expanded in inside diameter by differing amounts
during the seating operation. Table 3 shows this variation in required seating force for our
example bullet when the coefficient of sliding friction is assumed to be 0.30. The first row in the
table corresponds to the maximum purely elastic expansion of 0.1645 mils. The tabulated neck
expansions up to perhaps 3 mils could be reasonable for our .308 Winchester match loads. The
neck expansions of 5, 10, and 20 mils were included just to show how the required seating force
would continue to increase at ever-reducing rates.
Neck ID (2r) 0.308 in. Strain = Neck Expansion / Neck ID
Wall Th.= dr 0.014 in. Stress = (102,218 psi)*(Strain)^0.329481
Ratio k=r/2dr 5.5 [This is Al Harral's Fitted Curve for Strain Hardening Equation]
Pi 3.1415927 Elastic Strain = Stress / Modulus Of Elasticity (E)
Contact Length 0.31 in. Plastic Strain = Total Strain - Elastic Strain
Cf 0.3 Pressure = Stress/[1+3k+3k^2]^0.5
Elasticity E (psi) 16000000 Seating Force = Cf*(Pi*ID*Length)*(Pressure)
This table is freely available as an active MS Excel 1997 spreadsheet application that can be used
to calculate required bullet seating forces for any desired caliber, neck wall thickness, contact
length, or friction coefficient. Other strain hardening coefficients could easily be edited in if
they are known for a different hardness state of the brass case neck material.
When compared with actual measurements, these calculated bullet seating forces seem to be
running too large by a factor of about two to three. I can identify two of the possible geometric,
mechanical effects that are ignored in this simple “radial expansion” analysis, but that would
cause us to calculate significantly smaller bullet seating forces if they could be included. The
largest effect being ignored could be termed the “transition cone” effect. As the bullet is being
seated into the case neck, it pushes a traveling “pseudo-cone” of neck wall material ahead of its
base. The cone angle in the vicinity of the leading edge of the base of the bullet would increase
disproportionately as larger amounts of neck expansion are attempted. After being swaged up,
the brass material in this area tends to “overshoot” the actual bullet diameter because it needs to
re-bend into a cylindrical shape once again. The tensile stress stored in the case neck is reduced
by this effect throughout the “expanded cylinder” portion of the enlarged neck when compared to
the simple radial expansion calculated in the spreadsheet. In fact, this reduction in neck tension
and in bullet seating force builds up so significantly with increasing neck expansions that it
becomes dominant and accounts for the relative maximum in neck tension that we find at about
1.5 to 2.0 mils of neck expansion. The other significant effect being ignored can be called the
“Chinese finger-trap” effect. This “friction multiplier” effect comes about whenever we attempt
to slide a thin-walled sleeve upon a mandrel having a slight interference fit inside that sleeve. If
we push the sleeve from the rear (as we are doing here in bullet seating), both the normal force of
the sleeve upon the mandrel and its resulting internal friction force are significantly reduced.
[An axially compressed, short, thin-walled cylinder will tend to assume the familiar “barrel
shape” as it enlarges in diameter with each of its two ends constrained from freely expanding.]
However, if we were to pull the sleeve along by its front edge (as would happen during “bullet
pulling”), the friction force on the mandrel inside the sleeve would be greatly increased by the
converse of this same effect. Hence, we have the familiar “bamboo,” or “Chinese,” “finger-trap”
mechanism that we utilize in woven wire to enhance the “grip” of cable-end pulling devices.
Let us consider the ring of annealed brass at the rearmost end of the case neck, just ahead of the
case shoulders. For conceptual simplicity, let us stipulate that the rear portion of the full-
diameter body of the seated, boat-tailed bullet does not quite internally cover this ring. At this
location at the back end of the case neck:
Let us define an intermediate value k to be the local value of the ratio r/2dr:
Let the “transducer” chamber pressure P at any time t, as shown in Figure 2, be denoted by the
function P(t).
Then, the three mutually perpendicular principal stresses acting on each part of this ring element
can be expressed symbolically as:
Tangential (Hoop) Stress St = (r/dr) P(t) = 2k P(t) (tensile hoop stress expression for an
internally pressurized “thin walled cylinder,” as found in most
handbooks), and
Sz = (r/2dr) P(t)
Sz = k P(t).
In terms of these three principal stresses, the effective von Mises tensile stress equivalent to the
combined effect of our tri-axial stresses is:
A simple (uni-axial) tensile stress in the amount of Seff would produce the same amount of
tensile strain distortion energy within a small element of a ductile material as do the three
principal stresses acting together upon that same element. For any ductile metal such as our
brass case neck material, we assume that no plastic strain can be caused by any reasonable
amount or type of purely hydrostatic stress acting on a solid element of the metal. The concept
of this equivalent tensile stress was developed simply to indicate how nearly the combined tri-
axial stresses approach the point of elastic failure in materials such as steel. We can legitimately
extend it here for use with “purely strain-hardening” materials like our example cartridge brass.
We are making use of “von Mises equivalent tensile stress” calculations in the “elasto-plastic”
stress region above, as well as in the purely elastic region below, the very low “yield point” of
the annealed or partially hardened brass material of our cartridge case. The tensile stress
required to produce a given amount of tensile strain always increases monotonically for these
“well behaved” strain-hardening materials, both for purely elastic strains and for combination
elasto-plastic strains. With a simple change in the constant value, we could instead work in term
of shear stresses, strains, and distortion energies, if we so desired.
Substituting our symbolic solutions for these three principal stresses into this von Mises
equivalent tensile stress relationship, and simplifying, we have:
And, for the particular neck tension stress of 19,146 psi in our example, the chamber pressure at
bullet release (Pr) for the brass of this ring-element at the rear of the neck can be found by
setting the effective von Mises tensile stress Seff equal to our chosen example stress level for the
annealed cartridge brass of the case neck and solving for the corresponding “release” chamber
pressure Pr that will produce this amount of equivalent tensile stress:
Pr = Seff / [1 + 3k + 3k2]1/2
This pressure level of 1841 psi first occurs at about time t = 75 µsec (microseconds) into the
pressure-versus-time curve for our example firing shown in Figure 2. Substituting this “release
pressure” Pr back into the expressions for each of the three principal stresses at the instant of
bullet release, we have:
Sz = k Pr = 10,125 psi.
The total normal force Fn gripping the straight walls of the bullet along up to 0.310-inches of its
body length would be:
Assuming no “cold welding,” and estimating a coefficient of static friction of not less than 0.4
between the bullet body and the case neck walls, the “bullet-pull” force would be at least 221
pounds. At this chamber pressure of 1841 psi the forward force Fbb on the base of the .308-
caliber bullet at the instant of bullet release is:
Fbb = (Bullet Base Area)(Pr) = (0.0745 sq. in.)(1841 psi) = 137 pounds.
The estimated minimum 221-pound “bullet-pull” at this neck tension would occur at a chamber
pressure of 2966 psi, or at about 100 µsec in our example case. So we can see that our example
bullet, seated with this 19 ksi neck tension, could be released by the yielding of the case neck
material at some time perhaps as early as 75 µsec, but not much later than 100 µsec when the
bullet would be ejected anyway by the build-up of chamber pressure acting on its base.
I have measured between 500 and 1000 pounds of axial force required under various conditions
to engrave the rifling into the body of a match bullet with a soft lead core. After the release of
the bullet, Fbb = 500 pounds when P(t) = 6700 psi, which occurs at t = 160 µsec, and Fbb =
1000 pounds at P(t) = 13,400 psi, which occurs at t = 235 µsec in our example pressure-versus-
time curve. If not already in contact with the rifling, our 168-grain bullet could freely travel
18.5 mils forward during the 85 µsec time interval from release to a force build-up to 500
pounds of minimum possible engraving force. Or, it could jump 0.117-inch during the 160 µsec
interval that must elapse before the full 1000 pounds of maximal engraving force would be
For a constant (or a time-averaged) acceleration a of the bullet, as determined from the average
forward-acting force on the released bullet divided by its mass, the maximum free motion of the
bullet is:
where t is used here as the time interval, in seconds, during which the bullet is free to move. I
also used 7000 grains per pound and 385.92 inches per second per second as the acceleration
of gravity in these calculations. The velocities (a t) with which the bullet impacts the chamber
throat in these two extreme cases are also of interest: 36 feet per second after jumping 18.5 mils,
and 122 feet per second after jumping almost 1/8 inch.
Thus, the released bullet will usually have enough time to stop momentarily in the chamber
throat before pressure builds enough to engrave the rifling into its jacket material. This type of
two-stage bullet motion cannot be conducive of top accuracy in a precision rifle which requires
as nearly perfect alignment of the bullet axis with the bore as possible while the bullet is being
engraved. Seating the bullet so that it contacts the rifling on loading is far the best way to
prevent this “haphazard jamming” problem. Refer to my earlier article, “The Well Guided
Bullet,” Precision Shooting, September and October issues of 2006, for a full discussion of
bullet alignment techniques.
In any event, the headspace of the reloaded round should never exceed 1.0 mil. This minimum
case wall clearance caveat is a major simplification in the analyses and computations that
follow, but it is justified here because it conforms to current “best practice” precision reloading
The hardness of the cartridge brass of the case walls also varies from approximately quarter-
hard behind the shoulders to about extra-hard at the case web. We will work out the yielding of
the ring of brass located just behind the shoulders of the cartridge that first yields into contact
with the chamber walls as pressure begins to rise. Then we will examine a ring-shaped element
back at the “0.280-inch point” where the last yielding of the case walls into contact with the
inside walls of the chamber takes place.
At the location just behind the shoulders of the case where the brass case walls first yield into
contact with the chamber walls:
And once again, the effective von Mises tensile stress Seff can be expressed in terms of the usual
three principal stresses at this location as:
But the principal stresses in this brass ring-element are not necessarily the same functions of
chamber pressure P(t) as they were previously when we were looking at a ring-element of the
case neck. The radial and tangential stresses can be parameterized just as before:
Sr = -P(t), and
St = 2k P(t).
However, the axial (z-direction) stress Sz in the case walls must be reduced because of the
presence of the primer cup acting as a smaller, secondary piston within the case head and acting
separately against the bolt face. This primer force itself does not contribute to the stretching of
the case walls back toward the bolt face, but the force of friction between the primer cup and the
walls of its pocket resists any relative motion, including the “pushing out” of the primer cup
against the bolt face while the case head is being “held back” by the larger “wall stretching”
forces. This primer friction force is dragging forward on the case head, and so it does contribute
additively to case wall stretching.
Looking only at the peak forces occurring at the maximum chamber pressure Pm = 57,400 psi,
let us define the fraction of the total peak force on the case head Ft(Pm) that is available to
stretch the side walls of the case to be another ratio b, such that:
where d = 0.210 inch, the outside diameter of a “large rifle” primer cup, and
Cf = 0.30 = Coefficient of friction used in the FEA for the primer cup in the
primer pocket of the case head.
Here, we are using the adjusted value, D = 0.3733 inch, for the effective piston diameter inside
the case head of our example .308 Winchester cartridge. This value was derived from the
proportional relationship between the two effective piston areas involved (and thence the squares
of their diameters) and their peak bolt thrust forces at peak chamber pressure:
where Fb and Fpr are peak total and primer bolt thrust values, respectively, scaled
from FEA output plots, and
Only with q = 0.4096, can both Fz and Ffpr assume these reasonably explainable peak values
simultaneously. [The non-zero constant q divides out of the above expression for D and is not
used again hereafter.]
We are also adjusting the inside depth of the primer cup to be 0.0758-inch so that:
Ffpr = (Cf) (Pm) (Apw) = Fppr – Fpr = 1988 pounds – 1250 pounds = 738 pounds
[I measured several fired “large rifle” primer cups of Federal and other unknown makes and
found them to vary widely in inside depth from as shallow as about 0.075 inches to almost 0.090
inches in interior depth. We install the primers so that their protruding anvils “bottom out” (with
a uniform additional seating pressure) in primer pockets that have been uniformed to some
chosen depth between 0.128-inch and 0.132-inch. The heads of the seated primers usually run
about 6 to 8 mils below flush with the case heads. The heads of the primer cups measure about
0.030-inch in thickness. The fired primer cups seem consistently to measure right at 0.180-inch
in inside diameter, and wall thickness is consistently 15 mils.]
So, getting back to our principal stresses, and asserting that the fraction b is likely to keep its
same value away from the pressure peak; our adjusted axial tensile stress is now given by:
Sz = bk P(t).
Then, after a little algebra, we find that anywhere within the case walls, starting just behind the
shoulders and extending aft to the web of the case head, the effective von Mises tensile stress is:
Recalling that this portion of the fire-formed case was plastically expanded with the chamber in
firing, and then “sprang back” elastically to its current shape, we can set Seff = 36,400 psi, the
estimated uni-axial “yield point” tensile stress for quarter-hard cartridge brass, and then
calculate the particular contact pressure (Pc) required to cause the yielding of this ring into first
contact with the inside chamber walls:
This rather low chamber pressure first occurs at t1 = 90 µsec into our example pressure-versus-
time curve.
Now, we can substitute this contact pressure (Pc) back into the expressions for the principal
stresses at this location in the brass ring-element of the case walls just behind the shoulders at the
instant of yielding into contact:
St = 2k Pc = 39,166 psi
Sz = bk Pc = 15,686 psi.
And now we can calculate the (maximum) amount of purely elastic tangential (hoop) strain Th
that can be stored in this fire-formed ring-shaped element of “quarter-hard” brass by dividing the
“yield point” tangential stress St(Pc) by Young’s Modulus of Elasticity E:
Interestingly, the peak radial-direction expansion (1.1 mils in diameter) shown in the fully
dynamic FEA study for the barrel steel immediately surrounding this portion of the chamber (ID
= 0.455 inch) divides out to an elastic strain rate of 0.242 percent. [We had previously
calculated (by applying Lamé’s Equations to the bare chamber walls) that a hydrostatic internal
pressure equal to our example peak chamber pressure here would result in an increase of 1.5 mils
in the inside diameter at this location in the steel immediately surrounding the shoulder of the
chamber with no brass cartridge case inside.] Therefore, both this ring of brass material and the
steel surrounding (and in contact with) this brass will “spring back” at closely matching rates
when the chamber pressure drops later, just so long as this brass material is at least “quarter-
hard.” If this brass case wall material immediately behind the case shoulders were accidentally
to become annealed, the resulting 75-percent smaller maximum purely elastic strain rate could
cause the case shoulders to “stick” as the steel chamber walls shrink radially with falling
chamber pressure. [This likely explains the “shoulder sticking problem” many of us have
experienced with wildcat designs based on the WSSM cartridge brass. These short, fat cases
behave as if their walls might be too soft, as well as being too thick at 25 mils, in the region just
behind the shoulders.]
Now, let us make the same calculations for the last-yielding ring of thicker, presumably extra-
hard brass contacting the chamber walls at the point 0.280 inches (plus or minus about 0.010-
inch) from the case head. Examination of many once-fired cases from many different
manufacturers, as well as many multiply-reloaded cases, all with “.308-size” case heads,
confirms that the thicker (more than 0.045 inches thick), stronger (probably extra-hard) brass of
the case walls, head and web behind this “0.280-inch point” never expands into contact with the
chamber walls during normal firing.
[Any k-value of less than 2.5 indicates that we are extrapolating the implicit “thin walled
cylinder” formula into the region in which, by rule of thumb, the full version of Lamé’s
equations should be used instead to evaluate stress as a function of radial position within the
“thick walled cylinder.” We continue to use the “thin wall” relationship here for algebraic
If we now set the effective von Mises stress equal to 59,200 psi, the estimated yield point tensile
stress for extra-hard brass, we can again solve for the particular chamber pressure Pc necessary
to yield this last part of the brass case walls into full contact with the inside walls of the chamber:
Pc = 59,200 / 4.523
Pc = 13,088 psi.
This still-relatively-low chamber pressure occurs at time t2 = 230 µsec. into our example
pressure curve.
So, the three principal stress values within the brass ring-shaped element of the case walls at this
“0.280-inch point” at the instant of yielding into full radial contact with the inside of the
chamber walls, are:
St = 2k Pc = 55,260 psi
Sz = bk Pc = 22,132 psi.
Keep in mind that the example case has already been plastically shaped by fire-forming to match
the inside of the chamber and has only been precision reloaded thereafter.
At our first point of interest just behind the case shoulders, at z1 = 1.554 inches from the case
head, the elastic strain Tz1 in the axial (z) direction across the ring element at this location and
that will be “locked into” the ring of brass shortly after first contact can be found via Hooke’s
Law from the axial stress at this location Sz(z1) due to the rather surprisingly low chamber
pressure of first yielding into contact of only 2764 psi:
Tz1 = Sz(z1) / E
where Young’s Modulus of Elasticity (E) for cartridge brass is 16,000,000 psi. This elastic
strain rate is itself only 43 percent of the maximum purely elastic uni-axial strain of 0.228
percent sustainable by this “quarter-hard” cartridge brass material.
And, similarly, at z2 = 0.280 inches from the case head, the elastic axial strain Tz2 due to the
still low chamber pressure of 13,088 psi, and that would naturally be “locked into” the last
portion of the case to yield fully into contact with the chamber walls, can be found from the axial
stress at our second point of interest Sz(z2) to be:
This axial strain is about 37 percent of the maximum purely elastic strain rate of 0.370 percent
for the presumed extra-hard brass material involved.
As a first approximation we can assume that the “locked in” strain rates vary linearly with z over
the varying hardness and thickness of the brass walls between these points at the two ends of the
brass case-wall contact region, so that the average strain rate would be 0.1182 percent over this
range in z. And the change in headspace (dH) that would be elastically absorbed by and stored
in these case walls expanding freely into contact with the chamber at these low pressures would
be found to be:
dH = 1.506 mils.
Whatever is the exact value of dH for this example situation, an effective initial headspace H of
less than that amount would merely result in earlier case head contact during the sequential
process of the yielding of the case walls and in less cumulative axial strain being “locked into”
the brass case walls as they are “laid down” into contact with the chamber walls, without
slipping, over this relatively low pressure range of 2.76 ksi to 13 ksi. With our typical example
pressure-versus-time curve, the time interval that elapses between these first and last wall
contacts is only t2 – t1 = 120 µsec, out of a total simulated firing-event duration of 1025 µsec.
Whenever there is some non-zero initial headspace H, but less than dH, the same pressure-
dependent elastic strain rates will always be “locked into” the brass during the initial interval
starting at the time t1 of first wall contact, and continuing until case head contact at time tc.
During the entire remainder of the chamber pressure excursion after tc, the axial strain rates in
the brass that has not yet contacted the case walls will depend primarily upon the “stiffness
modulus” for the locked bolt of the rifle’s action and secondarily upon the friction characteristics
of the chamber walls. For our example blueprinted Remington 700 action, its “effective dynamic
stiffness modulus” is 4300 pounds of peak bolt thrust per mil of maximum bolt-face setback in
this fully dynamic FEA study, or 4.3 million pounds per inch of setback. [In an earlier static
FEA study, the stiffness modulus for this same bolt action had been found to be 2.9 million
pounds per inch for hydrostatic chamber pressures. Each value is correct when used
Sr = -P(t),
St = 0
Sz = bk P(t).
So now the effective von Mises tensile stress here in the contacting brass case walls at the
“0.280-inch point” becomes:
Once again setting Seff =59,200 psi, the estimated yield point where production of plastic strain
can begin for the extra-hard brass of the case wall region around the “0.280-inch point,” and
solving for this particular “secondary” axial yield pressure Pa:
So, now we can begin to see how P. O. Ackley was able to get away with firing full-load .30-30
Winchester cartridges in an old Model 94 lever-action with its locking bolt removed. In our
example FEA study, the case head first contacts the bolt face at a chamber pressure of about 25
ksi at 280 µsec, which (perhaps not coincidentally) happens also to be the chamber pressure at
which the case walls will finally yield axially even with good radial support from the chamber
Our critical z-axis stress Sz at Pa = 25 ksi for beginning the plastic stretching of the case
lengthwise, mostly within a narrow region centered on the “0.280-inch point,” is:
Even after the case head contacts the bolt face, they continue moving rearward together toward
the maximum bolt face setback at peak chamber pressure Pm = 57,400 psi.
Starting at the secondary “yield pressure” Pa of 25 ksi, this axial stress Sz can increase by about
10 percent during the first 0.5 percent of plastic strain occurring at higher subsequent chamber
pressures. The axial stretching force Fz(25 ksi) corresponding to this axial stress Sz(25 ksi) can
be estimated by multiplying this axial stress Sz value by the cross-sectional area of the “back
edge” of this ring-shaped brass element at the “0.280-inch point:”
Fz(25 ksi) = [Sz(25 ksi)] [Area of “back edge” of last ring-element to yield]
[Here, I chose to use the inside diameter of the case walls (0.380 inch) instead of the perhaps
more appropriate “mid-line” diameter (0.425 inch) simply to avoid calculating the “too-large”
value of 2553 pounds for Fz(25 ksi). This inconvenience is probably another ramification of the
different results obtained from fully dynamic versus quasi-static analyses.]
At the subsequent peak chamber pressure Pm of 57.4 ksi, occurring at 475 µsec in this example,
the total potential force Ft(Pm), acting on the entire case head assembly, was previously
calculated to be:
But, this calculated total potential force Ft(Pm) should equal the sum of the actual (from the
FEA) 3950-pound bolt thrust at peak chamber pressure Fb(Pm) plus the calculated case wall
stretching force Fz(25 ksi), increased by a calculated adjustment of 2.16 percent to correspond
to this peak pressure level, so that the value of Fz at peak chamber pressure is:
We can explain the 1250-pound primer contact force Fpr(Pm) pretty well as the geometric
potential primer force at this pressure Fppr(Pm) minus the force of friction Ffpr(Pm) between
the primer cup and the inside walls of its primer pocket:
-Ffpr(Pm) = -(0.30) (57.4 ksi) [π (0.180 inch) (0.0758 inch)] = -738 pounds
As mentioned earlier, the “effective depth” for the primer cup used here, 0.0758-inches, is a
reasonable value, adjusted to produce exactly the required friction force at this peak pressure.
While the primer pocket is contained within the case head, and even though both parts are
assumed always to experience the same internal pressure levels (as they do in the FEA model),
the correction for friction is subtractive to the primer contact force here because only the case
head itself is being held back by the axial case-wall stretching force Fz.
And the 2700-pound peak force of case-head contact Fch(Pm) can be explained as the algebraic
sum of the peak potential case-head force Fpch(Pm) (from geometry), minus the peak case head
stretching force Fz(57.4 ksi), plus the peak force of primer friction Ffpr(Pm) as estimated
We can write several different symbolic expressions for the total peak force Fb(Pm) exerted on
the bolt face (that is, the “bolt thrust”) at peak chamber pressure (Pm = 57,400 psi):
(4) Fb = Ft – Fz
= 3950 pounds.
Keep in mind that these “peak pressure” relationships, while important because of the larger
forces involved, are actually occurring only very briefly, and are significantly influenced by
transient inertial factors. In other words, these relationships might not necessarily translate
directly into other, less dynamic, lower-pressure regimes.
1) Pressure (or time) breakpoints at 0.0, 2.76 ksi, 13 ksi, 25 ksi and 57.4 ksi on just the
rising arm of the P(t) curve,
2) Separately treated initial headspace cases of zero, less than 1.5 mils, between 1.5
mils and about 6.0 mils, and greater than 6.0 mils,
3) Weak versus strong actions, trued versus un-trued actions, etc.
[We have just outlined a total of 64 pressure intervals and special cases, each requiring a separate
But, more basically, in any situation where the case head has not yet contacted the bolt face, the
bolt thrust Fb(P) is simply the primer thrust minus the force of friction in the primer pocket.
Each of these forces has been formulated analytically as linear functions of the chamber pressure
Fb(P) = P(t) (π/4) (0.210inch)2 – (0.30) P(t) [π (0.180 inch) (0.0758 inch)]
Due to the low mass of the primer, this “peak pressure” relationship should also hold fairly well
at lower pressures.
We can also calculate a partial amount of the bolt face setback SBp(P) corresponding to any
hydrostatic chamber pressure P(t) to add into the original headspace H to form what we could
term the “effective headspace” value, as long as the case head has not yet contacted the bolt face:
SBp(P) = (Hydraulic primer force minus primer friction force) / (Bolt static stiffness
SBp(P) = [(0.021777 square inches) P(t)] / (2.9 x 106 pounds per inch)
In this example, this partial bolt face setback due only to the net primer thrust could never
exceed 0.291 mils, that would corresponding to the maximum possible 1250 pounds of net
dynamic bolt thrust from contact with the primer alone at peak chamber pressure Pm:
Then, after contact of the case head with the bolt face, we can forget about the separate primer
thrust and formulate the bolt thrust as the total potential case head force Ft(P), minus the
stretching force Fz(P) acting on the case walls.
And, the highly non-linear function Fz(P) must pass through the points:
Above 25 ksi, the stretching force apparently becomes nearly constant, slowly rising from 2283
pounds to 2332 pounds at P(t) = 57.4 ksi.
The peak dynamic setback of the bolt-face SB(Pm) in the LS-DYNA FEA study is 0.92 mils.
The FEA study also shows that at the moment of case head contact, the total bolt thrust Fb(25
ksi) is about 600 pounds. Then the bolt-face setback SB(25 ksi) should be found from:
Therefore, the remaining portion of the bolt-face setback SB above 25 ksi must be:
The bolt setback that occurs during the chamber pressures rise from 25 ksi to 57.4 ksi is
significant because, since it only happens after the case walls have “gone plastic” at the 0.280-
inch point, this entire amount (0.71 mils) turns into plastic axial elongation within a narrow ring
at this location in the case walls.
Fn(13 ksi) = (1/2) (13 ksi – 2.76 ksi) Afc = 9,560 pounds,
= (π/2) (0.470 inch + 0.4551 inch) [(1.2743 in.)2 + (0.25) (0.470 – 0.4551)2]1/2
For a clean, dry case in our “crocus cloth” polished chamber, the coefficient of sliding friction
Cf between the case and chamber walls is only 0.27, as measured by Dick Hatfield. Even so, the
“z-averaged” force of friction “locking” the case and chamber walls together is
Also at this pressure, the total axial force Ft(13 ksi) of the case head pulling rearward on these
case walls is:
Then, while the chamber pressure is rising from 13 ksi to the “secondary axial yield pressure” Pa
of 25 ksi for the case walls in contact with the chamber walls forward of the “0.280-inch point,”
the case walls stretch elastically and slide rearward along the chamber walls in a complicated
process that I cannot analyze. At the beginning of this pressure interval (at P = 13 ksi), the
effect of the 1432-pound axial force stretching the “thick end” of the brass cylinder is naturally
spread across the entire 1.274-inch-long cylinder. At the beginning of this interval, there is
zero friction force to “lock” the case walls in place back at the (just now contacting) stronger and
thicker “case head attachment” end of the cylinder, but the resisting friction force is
concentrated up front at the much weaker “thin end” of the cylinder. This would seem to be
exactly the situation in which the coefficient of friction Cf between the case and the chamber
walls would be a more important chamber design variable than during any other interval in
the expansion phase of the firing process.
During the 12 ksi pressure increase from 13 ksi to 25 ksi in this example, the normal contact
force increases tremendously by an additional dFn:
Two significant events occur before the chamber pressure reaches the secondary (axial) yield
pressure of 25 ksi:
1) The sliding of the case walls is halted by the appearance of this huge, more evenly
distributed normal force together with its resulting friction force, and
2) The elastic stretching of the case walls becomes concentrated into the region
immediately surrounding the “0.280-inch” point at the rear of this contacting brass
8.0 Summary
The annealed brass of the case neck yields and consequently releases the bullet at some chamber
pressure between 800 and 2500 psi, depending on the amount of case neck expansion that had
occurred during bullet seating. If the bullet had not been seated out into contact with the throat
of the rifling, it will stop there awaiting the build-up of enough chamber pressure to engrave the
rifling into its body (between about 6.7 and 13.4 ksi). Between the first yielding of the case
walls at 2.8 ksi and the last at 13 ksi, the case walls will “lock in” and elastically store 1.5 mils
of axial elongation, provided the headspace allows this much movement without contacting the
bolt face. The initial headspace was 2.1 mils in this example. Between chamber pressures of 13
ksi and 25 ksi, where the case walls back at the “0.280 inch” point finally yield axially, a further
0.8 mils (in this example) of elastic elongation is spread over and “locked into” these contacting
case walls in a highly complex and highly variable process involving both elastic elongation
and differential sliding of the case walls in contact with the chamber. This is the only portion of
the cartridge expansion phase in which the coefficient of sliding friction between the case walls
and the chamber walls is a significant variable. And this friction is easily modified by the
presence of bore oil, case lube or bore cleaning solvent remaining in the chamber upon firing.
After reaching 25 ksi, any remaining headspace (none in our example here) and all remaining
bolt-face setback (an additional 0.7 mils here, at peak pressure) will begin to be converted into
plastic elongation within a narrow region centered on the “0.280 inch” point. A total of 2.3 mils
of elastic elongation is stored in the entire contacting region of the case walls in this example by
the time of peak chamber pressure, and 0.7 mils of plastic stretching has occurred in one small
area of these case walls, for a total of 3.0 mils of case stretching during firing. In this example,
all of the plastic stretching distance of 0.7 mils originated as bolt-face setback occurring at
chamber pressures above 25 ksi. The total bolt-face setback in this example is 0.92 mils. The
post-firing headspace for our example .308 Winchester cartridge case fired in our example
chamber will likely equal the original headspace of 2.1 mils minus the 0.7 mils of permanent
plastic elongation of the case walls, for a net 1.4 mils of post-firing headspace. We should next
examine what happens in detail to our brass cartridge case as the chamber pressure drops after its
peak and as the bolt-face returns forward elastically toward its original position.