Specification of Water Wells
Specification of Water Wells
Specification of Water Wells
Kevin Rafferty
Geo-Heat Center
Design and construction of water wells is a topic
unfamiliar to many, if not most mechanical engineers. As a
result, the task is often poorly handled or worse, ignored. This
rarely results in a well completed in the best interests of the
owner. Although the HVAC engineer may not always be
directly responsible for the design of the well, it’s
specification or construction management, it is, in the context
of a ground-source heat pump system, a critical part of the
mechanical design. Consequently, it is in the interest of the
HVAC design engineer to become familiar with the
terminology of water wells and the key specification issues
relating to their construction. The goal of this paper is not to
provide suggested specification text but to briefly discuss the
key sections found in a well specification document and Figure 1. Open-hole well completion.
comment on the contents of each.
Surface Casing
Grout Surface
The design of a water well and the preparation of the
construction documents related to it is a function of several Casing
issues including the purpose (domestic, municipal, irrigation,
injection, etc.), capacity (low <10 gpm [0.6 L/s], medium 10 - Pump Housing
100 gpm [0.6 - 6.0 L/s], high >100 gpm [>6.0 L/s]), geology Gravel Envelope
penetrated (consolidated, unconsolidated, combination) and
construction method (mud rotary, air rotary, reverse
circulation, cable tool) (NWWA, 1975). Since this paper is
limited to wells serving commercial GWHP systems (normally
medium to high capacity, rotary constructed), the primary
influence on design and specification is the nature of the
geology penetrated in the process of construction. Packer
Although, there are an infinite number of well
construction designs for a substantial part of the country, the Production Zone
alternatives can be reduced to some variation on one of the (unconsolidated materials
two basic designs as shown in Figures 1 and 2. Special
modifications to these basic designs can be made to Screen
accommodate conditions such as artesian aquifers, injection
rather than production, corrosive water etc. The simplest well
is one completed in rock formations in which the water is
produced from fractures in the rock. In these wells,
sometimes called open-hole completions due to the nature of Figure 2. Gravel envelope well.