Case Study-402
Case Study-402
Case Study-402
1. Question: How do you view rape, a heinous crime that has become
“normal” in our country?
Rape is not good in a society that dehumanizes the victims. I think Rape is the worst
crime in the world. 'Rape' is a form of sexual harassment.
The only reason that rape has become normal in our country now is that there is
no proper law enforcement in our country. We always notice that the culture of
injustice is now very normal to us. Whenever injustice becomes a rule in the
society, the common man has to be terrified by the oppression of injustice. When
the law loses its momentum and hello to the influential and the money cycle of the
rich, then the people feel helpless and at the same time the miscreants commit
their misdeeds fearlessly and fearlessly. The verdict was delayed due to legal
complications, even if he was detained in connection with a sensitive incident or if
there was a heated discussion in the media. There are two reasons behind this, one.
Strengthen the legal business. Two. Taking away sight from the minds of the
people. As a result, the more lawlessness there is, the more business will develop
by ignoring the law.
2. Question: How would you feel, if someone very very close to you is raped?
What would you do then?
I would feel very bad when someone very close to me raped. I would immediately
report the case to a police station so that the victim could find justice.
I can help by:
Believing them.
Listening and allowing them the opportunity to talk about the event in their own time and
in their own way.
Not judging them.
Spending time with them.
Allowing them some private time.
Reassuring them they are safe.
Allowing them the opportunity to express their feelings.
Not taking the person’s anger and feelings personally.
Helping with some tasks such as minding the children or cooking, if this is what they want.
Not saying things such as ‘lucky it wasn’t worse’ – people who have experienced a trauma
are not consoled by these statements.
3. Question: What is rape culture? Do you think that rape culture is already
established in Bangladesh?
Rape culture is an environment whose prevailing social attitudes have the effect of
trivializing or normalizing sexual abuse and assault. Yes, rape culture is already
established in Bangladesh.
According to Women’s Center of Marshall University: “Rape culture is an
environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women
is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. Rape cult ure is
perpetuated through the use of misogynistic language, the objectification of
women’s bodies, and the glamourization of sexual violence, thereby creating a
society that disregards women’s rights and safety.”
Rape culture is an environment where rape is common and where sexual violence
against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular culture. The
culture of rape is perpetuated through the use of obscene language, the
objectification of women's bodies and the glamorization of sexual violence,
creating a society that disregards women's rights and security.
The culture of rape affects every woman. Rape of a woman is degradation, terror
and limitation of all women. Most women and girls limit their behavior because of
the existence of rape. Most women and girls are living in fear of rape. Men, in
general, do not. Thus rape acts as a powerful means by which the entire female
population is subordinated to the entire male population, although many men do
not rape and many women are never raped. This cycle of fear is a legacy of rape
4. Question: What are the causes that work behind this crime? Explain.
There is no single cause of rape which can be specifically called the motive of this
crime. There are a number of reasons for this, such as: nudity, unsatisfied sexual
desire, arrogance, free sex, nude posters on the sidewalk, sexually explicit books,
pornographic magazines, pornographic films, -Phil, drug abuse and idleness ,the
rape of women by villains in Bengali films is encouraged in the society to actually
rape in the streets, exposing pornographic sites on the Internet, failure in love,
showing blue pictures on Twenty Plus Channel, etc., the trend of rape is increasing
day by day among the youth. Another significant reason for rape is the indifference
of parents towards marrying off their children even after reaching the age of
The reasons given by the World Health Organization for the use of violence against
women (including rape) are as follows:
As a member of the society I can prevent the crime by reporting the cases. The
government can prevent it by coming up with policies that ruthlessly punish the
offenders. Government laws must be strict against rapists. The maximum penalty
for rape is death. It will certainly act as a deterrent to reducing rape. The culprit
should be given the maximum punishment regardless of the party. Every rape case
needs to be properly investigated by the police.The government must enforce the
law properly.
The law should be strengthened to prevent rape and rape cases should be disposed
of under the speedy trial law.
Rape and violence against women has reached alarming levels in the country. There
is a continuous movement all over the country in protest of rape. In the face of this
anti-rape movement of people from all walks of life, the provision of death penalty
for rape has been approved in principle in the cabinet. The Cabinet has given final
approval to the Prevention of Violence against Women and Children (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2020. The maximum punishment for rape in the ordinance is death. The
trial must be completed within 6 months (180 days). Even if the judge is transferred,
the case will continue.