Lesson Plan For Multigrade
Lesson Plan For Multigrade
Lesson Plan For Multigrade
Montevista Branch
Purok 4, San Jose, Montevista, Compostela Valley Province
School Year 2019-2020
Lesson Plan for English 7 and 8
First Quarter
B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
“Read Get Loud!”
The teacher will paste printed words on the board.
The teacher will ask the students to read aloud.
Then the teacher will randomly call a student to explain what
each word means.
The students will read each word aloud.
The students will give the meaning of each word.
For Grade 7:
2 printed words will be posted on the board: social and sociology.
The students will read each word aloud.
The students will be randomly called to explain about each word.
The words will be defined by the students.
For Grade 8:
2 sentences will be posted on the board using the words PREsent and
The students will read each sentence aloud.
The students will be randomly called to explain about the meaning of
the word present in each sentence.
The words will be defined by the students.
a. Jenny’s present for my birthday is expensive.
b. Jenny will present her report in the class.
2. Analysis
The teacher will ask the following questions:
What have you noticed with the words that you have read?
Do you believe that it is important to know the correct
pronunciation of a certain word?
What do you think is the significance of the activity to our lesson
for today?
3. Abstraction
“Read Me, Get Set, Go!”
For Grade 7:
The teacher will provide printed reading materials.
The students will read the words with its correct pronunciation.
The teacher will list down mispronounced words.
For Grade 8:
The teacher will read words.
The students will choose the word which differs from the rest in the
position of main stress.
Grade 7 Procedure:
• The class will be divided into 2 groups.
• Each group will be given a copy of a printed reading material.
• They will be given 5 minutes to practice reading the piece.
• After practicing, they will read the piece in front of the class.
• There will be words written in capital letters, those are the words that should
be read correctly.
• The teacher will list down the mispronounced words.
• Each word pronounced correctly will correspond to a point.
• The group who would get the most points will win and will be given additional
5 points.
Grade 8 Procedure:
• The class will be divided into 2 groups.
• The students will listen as the teacher reads.
• The students will choose the word which differs from the rest in the position of
• The students will press the buzzer if they want to answer; the first group to press
will have the chance to answer first.
• There is a time limit of 10 seconds for them to answer the question, in the event no
one presses the buzzer, the teacher will read the next set of words.
• Each correct answer will correspond to 1 point, first to reach 3 points will win the
For Grade 7:
Stress – is the degree of force with which a syllable or a word is uttered.
Two Categories how the meaning of a word changes
from noun to verb:
1. Those which keep the same general meaning, but which change from
noun to verb when the stress moves from the first to the second
a. CON-flict – The two friends were in CON-flict. (didn’t agree about
con-FLICT – Your two accounts of what happened con-FLICT. (your
stories don’t agree with each other)
b. PER-mit – Do you have a PER-mit to drive this lorry?. (document
giving permission)
per-MIT – Will you per-MIT me to park my car in front of your house?
(allow me)
c. SUS-pect – The police interviewed the SUS-pect for five hours, but then
let him go. (someone they thought might have committed a crime)
sus-PECT – I sus-PECT that tree will have to be cut down, before it falls
and causes some damage. (have a feeling, think, imagine)
2. Those which change their meaning completely — most of them change
from noun to verb.
a. AD-dress – Do you know Valen’s AD-dress? (where she lives)
ad-DRESS – You do not have permission to ad-DRESS President
Harkonnen! (to speak to him directly)
b. CON-duct – We aren’t happy about your general CON-duct. (the way
you’re behaving)
con-DUCT – I was asked to con-DUCT the orchestra at short notice.
(coordinate a musical performance by waving a baton)
c. PRO-ject – This PRO-ject should be completed next month. (piece of
pro-JECT – We could pro-JECT the film onto that blank wall. (show,
For Grade 8:
Levels of Stress:
1. Primary Stress – the loudest syllable in the word.
a) ‘part-ner- ,ship
b) ‘per-son
c) pho-to-‘graph-ic
2. Secondary Stress – syllables which aren't completely unstressed, but aren't as
loud as the primary stress.
a) e-,xa-mi-‘na-tion
b) ,pos-si-‘bi-li-ty
c) ,re-‘vi-sit
3. Tertiary or Weak Stress – the least prominent syllable.
a) ,su-pra-seg-‘men-tal
b) ‘he-si-tate
c) ac-‘ti-,vi-ty
4. Application
“Stress Bingo”
For Grade 7:
The class will be divided into 2 groups.
The students will pick a pair of words from a bowl.
The students will use each word in a sentence.
They will be given 30 seconds to create sentences and submit it to the
The first group to submit will have 2 points for the correct sentences.
The group who will have 6 points will be the winner.
a. SUBject (noun) → subJECT (verb)
b. OBject (noun) → obJECT (verb)
c. REcord (noun) → reCORD (verb)
For Grade 8:
The class will be divided into two groups.
Each group will choose a secretary.
The students write 5 words having primary, secondary and tertiary
They will include the symbols for primary and secondary stresses and
underline the tertiary stress/es.
They will be given 5 minutes to finish the task.
Each word is equivalent to 3 points.
The group who will get the most points will be the winner.
Instructions: (Grade 7) In a ½ crosswise, write 2 pairs of words having
changes in stress and meaning from noun to verb. Use each word in a
sentence according to its function.
Prepared by:
Pre Service Teacher
Checked by:
Approved by: