The Debug Interface: Revision Date: 8/08
The Debug Interface: Revision Date: 8/08
The Debug Interface: Revision Date: 8/08
Overview This chapter describes the Debug Interface for When you save the changes made during debugging, the
debugging tests on the Medalist i3070 systems (both debug software automatically compiles the test source
UnMux and Mux platforms). and updates the wirelist and testorder file. For more
information about using the Debug Interface, see Board
The Debug Interface allows you to evaluate, debug, and
Debug Process.
■ pins and shorts tests AutoDebug capabilities
■ unpowered analog in-circuit tests (capacitors, An alternative to manually adjusting the tests is to allow
diodes, FETs, fuses, inductors, jumpers, the AutoDebug utility to automatically debug analog
potentiometers, resistors, switches, transistors, in-circuit tests, reducing the time it takes to get the tests
and zeners) into production.
■ Agilent VTEP v2.0 and TestJet tests AutoDebug provides the following features:
■ debugs unpowered analog devices (capacitors,
NOTE diodes, FETs, fuses, inductors, jumpers,
The debug software helps you to fine-tune the potentiometers, resistors, switches, transistors,
tests in the selected board directory but does not and zeners)
allow you to add devices or change device types.
■ allows you to set the minimum stability
To do so, use the Debug Interface on the UnMux
requirement for tests during debugging
system or Board Consultant on the Mux system.
■ provides a highly flexible rule editor to customize
the debugging rules to suit your test requirements
Use the debug software to quickly run and locate failing
tests, then adjust them so that they pass. The software
■ execute specified tests
■ perform statistical analysis on the results
■ display the information for you to evaluate
■ allow you to modify test parameters and see the
Auto Optimizer
You can use the Auto Optimizer utility to fine-tune
analog in-circuit tests to improve throughput wherever
possible. A rule editor allows you to adjust the
optimization parameters.
To run Auto Optimizer, all the control cards in
your system must be ControlXTP Cards.
Materials Needed to Before debugging a testplan: The default location for the board directory is under the
Begin ■ Verify that the test fixture was built and wired
correctly (see Build and Verify the Fixture). If you place your board directory in a location other than
the default directory, you have to ensure that users are
■ Have at least one known good board for
granted full access rights to that directory.
debugging. Using several boards to evaluate and
debug the tests helps ensure success during 1 In Windows Explorer, right-click on the board
production testing. directory you are using and select Properties.
■ License files for the test system and any optional 2 Select the Security tab and click Add (Figure 1-1).
features you intend to use must be present on the
test station. Figure 1-1
■ If using AutoDebug, ensure that values for
variable components on the known good board
have been set.
Figure 1-2
Board Debug Board debugging consists of the following steps: 10 Debug analog functional and mixed tests.
Process 1 Debug Pins Tests. Evaluate the analog functional and mixed tests, and
use Pushbutton Debug to debug the tests that are
2 Debug Pre-shorts Tests.
marginal or failing.
3 Debug Shorts and Opens Test.
To launch Pushbutton Debug, select Pushbutton
4 Debug Analog In-circuit Tests. Debug from the Launch menu.
The Debug Interface provides the tools to help you in In Pushbutton Debug, use the Analog and Digital
debugging the above tests. The Debug Flowchart options on the Mode menu to switch between analog
shows the typical debugging steps for these tests. and digital sources when debugging a mixed test that
uses both.
An optional step is to run the Auto Optimizer on
passing tests to improve throughput. See Auto For information about analog functional and mixed
Optimizer. testing, refer to Chapter 4, Analog Functional and
Mixed Testing in Analog Testing.
5 If VTEP or TestJet tests are used, also debug them
using the Debug Interface as described in Debug 11 Run Board Test Grader to evaluate how well tests
VTEP or TestJet Tests. are working and determine fault coverage of the
6 Turn on DUT power supplies and adjust the power
supply current limit. When board debugging is successfully completed,
perform the final step: Release to Production.
7 Debug digital tests using Pushbutton Debug. See
Debugging Digital Tests.
Debug Flowchart
For information about digital testing, refer to Digital
Testing. Figure 1-4 shows the typical debug workflow in the
Debug Interface.
8 If Boundary-Scan tests are used, debug them using
Pushbutton Debug. See Debugging Boundary-Scan
Tests in the Boundary-Scan Guide.
9 If Cover-Extend tests are used, debug them using
Pushbutton Debug. See AutoDebug (ADB) for
Cover-Extend Tests in Pushbutton Debug.
Pins Test
Do you want
Yes to Auto Debug
Pre-shorts Test
all tests?
Using the Debug This section describes some common tasks in the Debug Tasks in the Debug Interface
Interface. For a list of the menu options in the Debug
Interface Interface, see Debug Interface Menus and Toolbar.
• Opening a Board Directory for Debugging
• Editing and Restoring Tests
Logging In to the Debug Interface
• Editing Tests in Multiple Board Versions
• Locating a Device
Your administrator will provide a user name for you to • Sorting the Data
log in to the Debug Interface. • Launching Other Applications
1 At the test station, launch the Medalist ICT software
by clicking its icon on the desktop.
The Operator Interface is displayed. This restricted
environment allows an operator to load and run
2 Log in by selecting Actions > Login (or pressing F9),
and entering your username and password.
The Debug Interface is displayed. Once you have
logged in, you can switch between the debug,
developer, and operator interfaces using the buttons
on the toolbar. Log out (Actions > Logout) when you
have completed your debug tasks.
1 The Autofile code, assigned during board development, identifies the fixture when it is loaded onto the testhead and
enables the appropriate board directory to be automatically loaded.
Editing Tests in Multiple Board Versions A board version is defined by specifying its differences
from a base version. When debugging, you can define a
If the board directory supports multiple board versions, new version for a device by right-clicking on it and
select the board version for debugging from the selecting Create New Version (Figure 1-5). This option
drop-down menu on the toolbar. is available if the version of the device is not the same as
the current board version.
Figure 1-5
board version
selected device
is currently same
as base version
new version of
device defined
Locating a Device
The Find function lets you find a device quickly. Press
Ctrl-F (or select Edit > Find Device) to enter text and find
devices names beginning with the search text.
Drop-down lists let you filter the search results by Type
(e.g. Resistor) and Status (e.g. Fail). To view the details
of any of the devices found, double-click on it. The
device will be highlighted in the device panel.
You can also use the ICT Browser to pinpoint the actual
location of the device on the board. Click the Browser
button to see a graphical display of the features on the
board and fixture. See The ICT Browser for more
Name Description
1, 2 Menu bar, toolbar The functions on the menus and toolbar are described in detail in Debug Interface
Menus and Toolbar.
3 Component navigation Lists the sections of the board directory. Move the cursor over the sections to see test
panel statistics for each device type. The icon beside each section shows its test status:
Critical errors (for example, the source file cannot be compiled).
The section contains one or more failed tests.
One or more tests have not been run in this section.
All the tests in the section have passed.
The section contains one or more commented tests.
The section is empty for this board.
Click on a device type to display the test details in the device panel. Any initialization that
needs to be done prior to running the tests will be performed when the device type is
4 Testhead execution queue Lists the tests currently queued at the testhead and indicates whether each test is run
manually or invoked by AutoDebug. You can remove selected tests or pause and continue
test execution using the buttons provided.
5 Output panel Shows BT-BASIC output and print statements.
6 Command line Allows you to run BT-BASIC commands. Type the command and press Enter. See
BT-BASIC Commands in the Debug Interface for a list of commands that can be used.
7 Buttons beside command Executes the testhead is 1 command (gains control of the testhead resources).
line Executes the testhead is * command (releases control of the testhead resources).
8 Status line Shows the status as you perform actions and execute commands.
9 Device panel Lists the tests for the selected type of device. Test details and results are shown in one or
more panels, depending on the device type.
Name Description
10 Board version selection Lets you select a different board version for testing, if the board directory support multiple
board versions.
11 Board selection Lets you select a different board for testing, on a multiple-board panel.
In the Debug Interface, the functions are provided on the Use the File menu to open a board directory, save
following menus: changes, or exit the program.
■ File Menu
■ Edit Menu Table 1-2 File menu options
■ View Menu Menu Item Description
■ Actions Menu
Open Opens a board directory.
■ Launch Menu: Launch other board test
Reopen Opens a recently used board directory.
applications. For information, see Other Board
Select it from the list provided.
Test Applications.
■ Help Menu: View the online help. Save Saves the test source files and test order
file; also recompiles the test objects if
The Toolbar provides shortcuts to frequently used necessary.
Exit Exits the program.
Edit Menu
The Edit menu contains editing and search functions.
View Menu
Use the View menu to show or hide the toolbar and
selected panels.
Actions Menu
Use the Actions menu to execute tests, start AutoDebug,
and control the testhead.
The toolbar provides quick access to some of the
options on the menus.
Button Description
Operator Launches the Operator Interface.
Engineer Test Launches the Debug Interface.
Developer Launches The Developer Interface (in the UnMux system development environment only).
Administrator Launches the Administrator Utilities (in the UnMux system development environment only).
Undo Lets you undo the last operation.
Redo Lets you redo the last operation.
Save Saves the changes made.
Run Executes the selected tests.
You can select the device type in the component navigation panel to run all the tests in the device family,
or select individual tests in the device panel.
AutoDebug Runs AutoDebug on the selected tests. See AutoDebug on page 4-2.
You can select the device type in the component navigation panel to run all the tests in the device family,
or select individual tests in the device panel.
Auto Optimize Runs Auto Optimizer on analog tests. See Auto Optimizer on page 4-23.
iVTEP Run AutoDebug with both VTEP and iVTEP. See Debugging Agilent VTEP or TestJet Tests.
Button Description
Browser Displays the board graphics. See The ICT Browser.
Run All AIC Runs all unpowered analog tests currently listed in the Debug Interface, and reports the failures. This
option uses the object files and is faster than using the Run option, which recompiles the test source.
However, note that it will only report failures.
filter off/on
The test development software automatically filters the
commands you enter in the command line, and will only
allow the commands listed in Table 1-7 to run.
The filter off command turns off this checking and
enables you to run other commands from the command
line. The filter on command turns on automatic
filtering again.