Do It Yourself Lotion Recipe
Do It Yourself Lotion Recipe
Do It Yourself Lotion Recipe
In order to make a creamy lotion you need to combine water and oil in a process called
emulsification. When emulsified correctly water and oil combine to make a creamy lotion
suitable for body or face depending on your skin type and choice of ingredients. It can be
little tricky to get this to work, if you fail the first time, evaluate your steps and try again,
results are worth the effort!
2 cup glass measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Double boiler
Clean jars with lids to store the finished lotion.
You’ll have close to three cups worth.
2/3 c. distilled water – Using distilled water insures there is no bacteria in
your water to make the lotion spoil. This simple step can increase the
shelf life of your lotion by a lot!
1/3 cup aloe vera gel – This is the true, 100% aloe vera gel.
1 to 2 drops essential oil of choice – Or take the opportunity to make it
scent free if you prefer.
Vitamins A and E as desired – You can get liquid forms, or pop open a
soft gel of these antioxidant vitamins.
¾ cup apricot, almond, grape seed, jojoba, hemp, macadamia nut,
sesame oil, etc. –
There are endless possibilities with this step. This is the addition of fluid
oils. You can make up your own combination. You can include things
like argan oil or rose hip seed oil as part of your blend. Just keep the
ratio of fluid oil to solid oil constant.
1/3 cup coconut oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, mango butter, etc. –
Again, endless possibilities with the solid oils step. Pick a different one at
different times of the year if you need more moisture in the winter than
the summer. Make a combo if you wish! Have fun, just watch your ratio.
½ to 1 ounce grated beeswax – If this is your first time making this, do
yourself a favor and buy the beeswax in a one ounce block, it’s much
easier to deal with than the larger sizes. Beware also that it is hard to
clean wax off kitchen tools, so if you start with the smallest size possible
you have less cutting and handling, hence less clean up.
Enjoy for yourself and as gifts! You can now custom-make lotion. Take some time to
experiment, after you master the basic ratios, try changing them to produce thicker or
thinner lotions for different purposes.
Have fun and use your imagination!