Sub Plans
Sub Plans
Sub Plans
I appreciate you taking over for our class today!! I should be back after lunch. Feel
free to take away or give Dojo points as needed. If there are any problems, please let
me know. Thank you!! :)
- Ipad: 068068
- Google Classrooms *you will use this to login with the virtual students*
- Use homeroom for SD, AR, and Religion
- Use Math/Science: for afternoon (math, science)
- Username:
- Password: HF#sub
Things to Know
- The password for the ipad is o68o68 and is on the top of the ipad.
- We use the ipad for Dojo:
The app looks like this. You can use this to award or take away
points from the students. You can select all to award points to or
individual students. Feel free to use either options as frequently
as you would like.
- At 8:45, tell students to wrap up the page, note, idea that they are
- Then tell them to get out their journal and reflect on their goal
for the day.
- Students know that once they are done, they should use this time
to read.
- They will need you to initial their journals. Make sure that they
are telling you whether or not they met their goal for the day and
in what subject/topic area. If they haven’t asked them to add it
in. They also forget to date them so have students do that as
- Students can take AR tests during this time. They should know to
ask to do so but if not, prompt them to.
- If they pass, you can give them a dojo point.
Fraction as a Quotients
- You need to make sure the camera is pointed at the whiteboard
for the virtual students.
- We are doing math whole group instead of small group now. We are
on lesson four fractions as a quotient.
- Situation, Diagrams, and Equations (pg.13)
- I attached their pages down below if you need to look at them for
reference or want to project them.
- You can have the students work with a partner to solve the
problems on the warm-up. You can choose one student to come up
to the board to write what their answer on the board (*the pages
and the answer keys are attached.*).
- Have the students check their work with the board. Have them
turn the page so that you know they’re ready to move on.
- You can skip activity 1 for now.
- Have the students move on to Activity 2.
- For activity two, the kids can work together to solve the missing
boxes. They need to come up with a word problem that represents
the equation on the left. They can be creative with this but warn
them that it needs to be appropriate and if they get out of hand,
then they will work on their own. Then they will need to draw a
picture. For part C then they will need to write an equation for
the word problem. Walk around the room to make sure kids are on
task. They can share their word problems out loud if they wish.
- If there is time, they can work on Activity 3 on their own or as a
whole class whichever you are most comfortable with.
- Make sure you leave about ten minutes of time at the end for the
students to finish their cool-down’s. (I have attached it below if
you need to reference it.)
- Today’s cool down is called: How much milk?
- They should do this on their own. They can upload their work
by taking a picture.
- A little before 10:40, the kids need to pack up to get ready for Mrs. Foley’s
afternoon classes. They know what they need to bring and they will leave it
sitting on their desks for when you come back from lunch.
- They have art across the hall with Mrs. Lahey until 11:30. You need to pick
them up around 11:25.
- They need to stop and grab their coats and cold lunches to go recess.
- You need to walk them over and bring the stop sign and wear the orange
- They have recess until 12:00 and their recess time is your lunch break.
- You will need to be back in the other building at 12 to take the kids to lunch.
THey will line up at the doors and wait for you. Once inside, wait until they
are quiet to head downstairs to the lunchroom.
- They need to be quiet while 3rd grade prays and then they can pray the
before meals prayer.
- Once the lunchroom is ready for them, you can dismiss tables and decide
which class goes first.
- They can only get seconds if they sign up for them and once all classes
have eaten.
- We will say the after meals prayer and dump trays at 12:50. Then clean tables
and the four kids know who they are.
- And line up to walk back over.
Activity 3:
Cool Down:
Science Rubrics: