Cir15 MW Paulino
Cir15 MW Paulino
Cir15 MW Paulino
Believing that, out of decency and propriety, he should not act on any
matter that would directly affect his tenure in the Grand East, the Grand
Master referred the Letter of the Deputy Grand Master to the Board for General
Purposes for consideration and appropriate action.
to the Brethren of the Grand Jurisdiction for the conduct of discussion and
consultations among Masonic Districts and Subordinate Lodges culminating
in a Special Communication to be convened later this year.
It should be emphasized that the Subject Proposal does not cover and
shall not apply to the Worshipful Masters, Wardens, and Officers of
Subordinate Lodges considering that Circular No. 14 already authorized the
conduct of election of Officers of Subordinate Lodges in December 2021.
2. All Subordinate Lodges shall discuss and act on the Subject Proposal
during their November Stated Meeting or in a Special Meeting
specifically called for the purpose. The Worshipful Master shall cause
the issuance of a Lodge Resolution either endorsing or rejecting the
Subject Proposal and submit said Lodge Resolution to their DDGM;
3. All Masonic Districts shall discuss and act on the Subject Proposal
during their District Convention, if one has not yet been held, or in a
Special District Convention, if a District Convention has already been
held prior to the issuance of this Circular. The DDGM shall cause the
issuance of a District Resolution either endorsing or rejecting the
Subject Proposal and submit said District Resolution to the Grand
Lodge not later than 10 December 2021;
4. In the case of Subordinate Lodges and Masonic Districts that are unable
to formally convene to discuss the Subject Proposal, the concerned
DDGM is hereby authorized to utilize the most effective and efficient
means to obtain the requisite resolutions; and
This Circular shall be effective upon posting on the official Grand Lodge
website or upon electronic transmission to the official lodge email account and
shall be read in open lodge at the Stated Meeting next following its receipt and
action thereon duly recorded in the Minutes of said meeting.
Given under my hand and the Seal of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines in the City of Manila this 8th
day of November 2021.
Grand Master