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Push Notifications: What They Are, How They Work, and Why They Matter

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Push Notifications

What They Are, How They Work,

and Why They Matter

The buzzing in your pocket when there’s

breaking news. The message that pops
up on your smartphone screen about Now more than a decade old, push is no
a one-day sale (whether that app’s longer a new messaging channel. But what
this maturing channel lacks in novelty, it makes
open or not). The haptic hum on your up for in innovation and versatility. Since first
wrist alerting you to dial into your next arriving on the scene as a way for brands to
meeting. We’ve been sending and engage with customers via mobile devices,
receiving push notifications since 2009, push notifications have expanded to work on
smartwatches and desktop and mobile web
and there’s no slowdown in sight. browsers and to include advanced features such
as support for rich content, Push Stories, push
action buttons, geofence capabilities, frequency
capping, and more.

And, importantly, as a key pillar of cross-

channel campaigns, push notifications have
been shown to drive engagement, helping
brands develop, sustain, and retain customer
relationships over time.

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Push Notifications 101

What are push notifications anyway?

Push notifications tend to be short, catchy messages that browsers and sending push notifications to wearable
can be sent to anyone who is opted into receiving updates devices like the Apple Watch. As the popularity of wearables
from your company’s app or website, even when they aren’t grows and more websites begin supporting push, these
currently active there. emerging platforms will give you new ways to keep the
lines of communication open between your brand and
As the first mobile-native messaging channel, push your customers.
notifications have grown into a powerful engagement tool
for cementing customer relationships and boosting revenue. Let’s get to know the three most popular
When you think “push,” you may think of smartphones types of push notifications.
and tablets. Innovative marketers, though, are already
using web push notifications to reach customers through

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Pus h Noti fications 101: Popu l ar Pus h Chann e ls PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: WHAT THE Y ARE, HOW THE Y WORK , AND WHY THE Y MAT TER

Popular Push Channels

Mobile Push Notifications Wearable Push Notifications

The mother of all push. These messages make the most of the Out of the pocket and onto the wrist. Push notifications sent to
intimate nature of mobile devices, allowing brands to reach people wearables are more intimate than mobile push, making them even
no matter where they are or what they’re doing. That makes mobile harder for customers to ignore—but also increasing the chances
push very effective in the right circumstances, but very annoying that they will be irritated by irrelevant or too-frequent messages. If
in the wrong ones. Like all push notifications, these should be your organization isn’t thoughtful about the messages you send to
used with care. these devices, increased opt-outs and uninstalls are likely.

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Pus h Noti fications 101: Popu l ar Pus h Chann e ls PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: WHAT THE Y ARE, HOW THE Y WORK , AND WHY THE Y MAT TER

Web Push Notifications

This newest breed of push notifications mean marketers can

broaden their communication strategy to online visitors through
urgent messages delivered via web browsers. This is still an
emerging channel, so tread carefully—you’ll likely need to educate
users about the value of this channel before they agree to opt in.

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Popular Push Features

Rich Push Notifications

Adding images and

other rich content to
push notifications can
increase conversions
by 57%, successfully
encouraging recipients
If your vision of push notifications consists entirely of simple plain
to take action*.
text and a smattering of emojis, think again. Current operating
systems on mobile devices and laptops enable rich push
notification capabilities, empowering brands to surprise and delight
customers. With rich push, you can pair short text with an arresting
image, or even a gallery of products to pick from right within the
push notification itself.


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Push Action Buttons

One of the most impactful innovations for this channel, push

action buttons (which are literal buttons that can be added to
the push notifications you send) allow brands to put customers
in the driver seat by giving them the option to take action—from
snoozing a message to ordering a ride—in connection with the
messages they receive.

Now it’s even easier for users to engage with your brand directly
within push notifications, without having to even open your app.
Push notification action buttons make it possible for customers to
interact with up to four distinct buttons, creating a more seamless,
more interactive messaging experience.

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Push Stories
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then imagine what a carousel
of images can do for your messaging. That’s what you get with
Push Stories. This powerful new tool makes it possible for brands
to package a series of images into a carousel-like interactive gallery
within an individual push notification. Even better? Use Push Stories
in conjunction with interaction- and action-based buttons for a fully
interactive experience.

Showcase multiple items that are currently on sale. Provide a

richer picture of the situation with your breaking news alerts. Even
highlight different possible matches for dating app users. It’s all
possible with Push Stories.

Delivery Hero reconnected with lapsed users by

sending personalized, highly-visual Push Stories
notifications to customers who hadn’t interacted
with the brand in the past seven days. By creating
fun, engaging stories, the delivery platform
made the case for those users to re-engage.

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Provisional Push
Let’s say your company sends the best push notifications out there.
Now picture the work that’s involved in convincing people to opt
in to receive messages from you before they ever get the chance
to see your notification masterpieces in action. Once you add the
barrier of opting in, you’re most likely going to lose some portion
of your audience right from the start. Fortunately, there’s now a
workaround of sorts for that.

Introduced by Apple in 2018, provisional push allows apps to send

push notifications to iOS users without their explicit opt-in, giving
companies a chance to prove to audiences just how valuable their
notifications really are.

Provisional push notifications get delivered directly to recipients,

and users are given the option to “Keep” or “Turn Off” future
notifications from the brand sending them. If a user taps the “Keep”
button, they can decide whether they want your app’s notifications
delivered more prominently (e.g. opting-in fully for push) or if
they’d rather continue receiving them quietly. If they tap “Turn Off,”
then they won’t see any more provisional messages from you, so
it’s important to be thoughtful about the messages sent using
this functionality.

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Notification Channels
First introduced by Google in 2017 as a way to encourage brands
to provide Android users with positive, relevant user experiences,
notification channels allow messages to be separated into different
groups (think “transactional” vs. “promotional” or “breaking news” vs.
“human interest”). Consumers get control over their push message
preferences, so that they can be alerted to the types of messages
they want most, while opting out of the ones that don’t interest
them. For example, instead of opting out of all of the notifications
your brand sends, a user might choose to opt out of promotional
messages only, or activity messages only, or some other subset
as opposed to all of your pushes all at once. This gives you the
opportunity to let users opt down instead of out.

While this means that some members of your audience may not
see every push you send them, it also means that they’re likely
seeing the push notifications that they’re actually interested in
receiving—and that they’ll have less reason to opt out entirely of
push or uninstall your app. It’s a win-win for brands and consumers
alike. It’s worth noting that on Android, notification channels are
mandatory, but the specific categories of channels are set by the
individual app, allowing brands a great deal of control over how
this tool is used.

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Geofence Push Campaigns Push with Frequency Capping



*Based on App Opens





Nobody wants to be overwhelmed with messages, so knowing

how often you should send can do a lot to improve customer
As many as 83% of app users view location data as critical to relationships. Braze research has found that the optimal push
their mobile experience, but too many brands fail to leverage frequency for brands looking to drive app opens is 1-4 push
this information. By asking members of your audience to share messages per user per month; however, that ideal frequency
their location data with you, you can send powerful geofence can vary by industry, so consult our look at send frequency to
campaigns—that is messages, such as location-based promotions get the full picture. Looking to manage send frequency? Use
or news updates, based on their address or current locale. frequency caps. You can ensure users see no more than X number
These geo-triggered push notifications can be sent when a of messages by channel or in total during a given period or
user enters, leaves, or dwells within a defined “geofence”—AKA, cap messages based on tags, allowing marketers to set a more
a predetermined location tracked using GPS, RFID, Wi-Fi, restrictive promotional message cap while allowing more welcome
or cellular data. messages, for example.

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What Time Is it?

Time to Talk About 4 Common Push Notification Scheduling Types

Time-based scheduling
1 Some of Your Customers Prefer Receiving
Send campaigns immediately or at a pre-chosen
time (whether once or on a recurring schedule, such
as sending every Monday), perfect for breaking news
Push—Make Sure That’s What You’re Sending
notifications or messages letting people know that their
favorite show is about to come on. Great customer engagement comes with understanding your users’
preferences and leveraging data, technology, and effective cross-

Action-based scheduling team collaboration to honor them. By using the Braze platform’s
Automatically trigger push notifications the moment Intelligent Channel tool, it’s now possible to ensure that your
someone takes a specific action (such as the confirmation brand is contacting each customer via their preferred engagement
of a purchase or appointment) to support highly
responsive, relevant messaging on an individualized basis. channel (e.g. push, email, etc.), as determined by their past
engagement behavior.

Send-time optimized scheduling

3 With Intelligent Channel, brands can automatically leverage the
Automatically send messages during each individual’s
unique high-engagement windows (say 8 am for early channel that has the best engagement track record with each user,
risers or 2 am for night owls), ensuring that they see them
removing marketer bias for or against particular channels from the
when they’re most likely to take action.
equation and ensuring that channel selection is being informed by
the available data. What does that look like? Imagine a bank that’s
API-triggered scheduling
4 looking to send a monthly credit score update. With Intelligent
Trigger messages not just based on customer actions on
your app or website, but also in connection to information Channel, they can send that message as a push to those who
in your own proprietary servers or systems, or from prefer that channel and as an email to users who’d rather get the
an external API (like a weather information or location
data platform).
communication in their inbox.

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Push Notifications:
Strengths & Weaknesses

Grab your customers’ attention. Reach them no matter engagement, poorly deployed ones can have the direct
what they’re doing. And deliver personalized messages opposite effect, sending customers running.
that inspire action. Push notifications sound like an all-
powerful messaging channel, right? So why not just use Let’s go over the pros and cons of push, and how

push as much as you possibly can? The answer is that to maintain an appealing balance of messaging

while well-designed push campaigns can improve overall for customers on the receiving end.

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Pus h Noti fications: Stre nght & We akn ess es PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: WHAT THE Y ARE, HOW THE Y WORK , AND WHY THE Y MAT TER

Pros and Cons of Push

Pros Cons

You Can Reach Customers, But… Not Everyone Opts Into Receiving Push
Even When They’re Not Directly Engaging
You can’t send push to users who haven’t opted in—and that’s a decent
Since push is highly visible on phones, watches, and computers, number of people. That means a significant chunk of your audience
the odds are good that a message sent in this channel will be seen. may never see the push you send.
So when you absolutely, positively need to reach a customer, push
may well be the best way.

Push Is Great at Prompting Customers to Engage But… Not Everyone Who Opts into Push Will
(and Lapsing Audience Members to Re-Engage) Engage with Your Notifications

Use push well, and you can drive up engagement, conversions, and Some people don’t check their email often, some click past in-app
ROI, and hold onto customers who might otherwise slip away. Push messages...and some ignore push. To engage your customers, you
is especially powerful when it comes to re-engagement, giving your need to find the channels that speak to each user and use them to
outreach a second chance to resonate. communicate effectively.

Push Helps Overall Cross-Channel Support But… Sending Too Many Push Notifications
Can Trigger Uninstalls
While some brands only send push, this channel performs best as part
of a comprehensive cross-channel strategy. Pair push’s ability to reach Push works best in moderation—and 78% of customers will opt out of
customers beyond the app or website with in-app messages’s power to push notifications or uninstall an app entirely if they get notifications
engage active users and you’ll see engagement results beyond what any they’re unhappy with. Show customers you get it with a custom push
one channel can achieve on its own. opt-in that tells them what to expect if they enable push and reduce
the risk that they’ll opt out.

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Pus h Noti fications: Be n e fits for Custom e r Engage m e nt PUSH NOTIFICATIONS: WHAT THE Y ARE, HOW THE Y WORK , AND WHY THE Y MAT TER

Push Notifications:
Benefits for Customer Engagement

Increase in customer engagement associated with

sending push notifications, compared to customers
that receive no messages—underscoring the positive
impact that this channel can have on your customer
engagement strategy.

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3 Ways to Get More Out of Push

1 Use push alongside a cross-channel strategy:

Brands that deploy push notification campaigns

as part of a larger cross-channel approach, see
even greater increases in engagement rates—as
high as 844% higher than brands that send no
mobile messages.

2 Get the timing of sending push notifications right:

Brands that trigger timely push notifications in

response to specific customer actions see a
boost in message open rates by as much as 5.5x.

3 Leverage personalization:

Reaching out to customers by name (“Hi Monica!”

instead of “Hi”) or using other forms of message
personalization can lead to at least a 1.3x
increase in open rates.

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4 Effective Push Notification Campaigns

to Add to Your Messaging Mix

Welcome Campaigns Promotions

Want to make sure that new customers continue to engage Have a big sale coming up? Put together a cross-channel

with your app after that first session? Supplement your in- campaign that alerts active customers with in-app

app messaging that walks individuals through app-specific messages and leverages email to highlight specific

details with push notifications that target those customers items to pique the interest of less engaged users. Follow

who bail before finishing the onboarding process. Use up with push for a sense of urgency as your promotion

push to point out enticing content that will encourage on- comes to a close, encouraging last-minute purchases.

the-fence folks to get fully onboard with your brand—and

celebrate early milestones to empower new users who do
complete the process on schedule.

Win-Back Campaigns Time-Sensitive Alerts

Want to win back people who’ve stopped opening your Looking to message around something that’s

app or visiting your website? A cross-channel campaign immediately relevant, like a heat wave or major holiday?

leveraging both email and push notifications ensures that Sending a push notification places your timely message

you’ll reach the largest group of your inactive customers in front of them when it matters. Add a deep link to

in distinctly different ways, engaging both the ones who send customers directly to a related in-app message

respond to push’s direct approach and those won over by or Content Card, and you’ll impress them with your

email’s rich content. And, of course, reviving abandoned real-time prowess.

carts with push is the kind of re-engagement that goes

right to your brand’s bottom line.

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Push Notifications:
Use Cases & Customer Stories

Today’s top global brands are using Braze to send billions of

messages per month to more than 1 billion monthly active users.
Here are some of their push notification success stories.

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Burger King Case Study

Leveraging Geofence Push Notifications to Increase Monthly Active Users by 50+%

As the campaign kicked off, Burger King invited new users to opt
in for notifications and unlock this unique, creative deal. Next, an
in-app message was sent to users to prime them for permissions,
inviting them to enable both push and location services. Then
a push notification was sent to alert users of this deal, and drive
them to the app.

The wildly successful idea delivered the following major results:

• 3.2 million new users installed the Burger King app

• Burger King’s app landed in the #1 spot on

Google Play and the Apple App Store

• Burger King saw a 53.7% increase in monthly

active users (MAUs) for its mobile app
In its Cannes Lions Festival award-winning campaign, dubbed the
• The number of users sharing their location
“The Whopper Detour,” Burger King took advantage of geofencing
data with Burger King jumped 143%
and smart cross-channel lifecycle messaging, including push
notifications, to convert 14,000 of Burger King’s number-one • And, overall, the total ROI from the Whopper Detour
competitor’s locations into traffic-building promotional venues. campaign came in at an incredible 37-1
The pitch: Customers could get one-cent Whoppers, but only if
they opened the Burger King app within 600 feet of a McDonald’s.

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American Cancer Society Case Study

How This Nonprofit Used Push to Increase In-App Fundraising by 34%

ACS’s targeted messaging took full advantage of audience

segmentation and personalization. In one instance, when
participants raised over $100, that action triggered a push
notification showing how this money paid for one night in a Hope
Lodge for a patient who needed care.

ACS also segmented the audience by OS platform, writing shorter

messages that were optimized for display on Android and longer
ones for iOS. Other messages dynamically displayed the amount
of money each participant had raised and featured their first
name to increase the number of messages opened and inspire
additional donations.

To create a deeper connection and awareness around its Switching to more mission-aligned, personalized, timely messages
fundraising work, the American Cancer Society (ACS) sent paid off big-time for ACS. Tens of thousands of additional dollars
impactful and inspiring content via mobile app push notifications of in-app funds were raised—an estimated 34% increase. Overall,
around its signature events, including around National Cancer 50% of recipients started a session within three days, and new
Survivors Day and its Relay for Life fundraisers. messages were opened at a rate of 30%.

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Sephora SEA Case Study

How This Beauty Brand Boosted Engagement with a New AR Feature by 28%

When Sephora SEA, the South East Asia arm of the multinational kept 20% of users as the control group to better assess campaign
makeup giant, debuted an augmented reality (AR) feature in its app performance. Targeted users were then sent a push notification
that would allow customers to “apply” beauty products virtually, the highlighting a step-by-step video that explained how to use the
team partnered with Braze to increase adoption of the experience. new AR feature, followed by messaging inside the app designed
to drive engaged users to check it out for themselves.
To attract more customers to try out the AR offering, the brand
identified users who had viewed a makeup product page within the Overall, the entire workflow resulted in a 28% uplift in user adoption
past 30 days but hadn’t used the AR tool. Within that segment, they in their AR makeup feature, as well as a 48% increase in overall
traffic to the feature.

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While the right push notification strategy can take your
customer outreach from 0 to nearly 2X, the right cross-channel
strategy can take engagement from 0 to more than 8X.

If you’re ready to reach customers where they’re most likely to

respond, take action, and keep coming back for more, we’re here
to help. Check out our Cross-Channel Data Report to learn
more about the impact of using multiple channels in concert.

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Get in touch to learn more
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