Grade 11: Organization Theories and Applications
Grade 11: Organization Theories and Applications
Grade 11: Organization Theories and Applications
After this module, the learners will be able to apply organization theories in solving
business cases.
1. Simple- this organizational design has less number of departments, wide spans or a big number
of subordinates directly reporting to a manager; has a centralized authority figure and has very
little formalization of work; usually used by companies that start out as entrepreneurial
2. Functional- this organizational design groups together similar or related specialties. Generally,
functional departmentalization is utilized and put into practice in an entire organization.
1. Team Design. In team design, the entire organization is made up of work groups or
teams. Its advantages include empowerment of team members and reduced barriers
among functional areas. It also has disadvantages, including a clear chain of command
and great pressure on teams to perform.
2. Matrix-Project Design. Matrix design refers to an organization design where
specialists from different departments work on projects that are supervised by a project
manager. This design results in a double chain of command wherein workers have two
managers-their functional area manager and their project manager—who share
authority over them. Advantage: specialists are involved in the project. Disadvantage:
task and personality conflicts. Project design refers to an organizational design where
employees continuously work on a project. Advantages: flexible designs and fast
decision-making. Disadvantages: complexity of assigning people to projects and tasks
and personality conflicts. This is another modern organizational design where the
design is not defined or limited by vertical, horizontal, and external boundaries. In other
words, there are no hierarchical levels that separate employees, no
3. Boundary less Design Departmentalization, and no boundaries that separate the
organization from customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Virtual organization
designs are often used in this design; small groups of full-time employees and outside
specialists are temporarily hired to work on projects. Its advantages include being
highly flexible and responsive, while its disadvantages are lack of control and problems
in communication.
PICK ME UP! BUTTERCUP! Identify the word or group of words that is being describe in
each statement below. Pick your answer on the box. Write your answer on the space provided.
A. Books
Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, et. al, 2016 Organization and Management 1253 Gregorio
Araneta Avenue Quezon City, Philippines.
Name: Date:
Grade/Section: Score:
1. This organizational design has few departments, wide spans of control, or a big
number of subordinates directly reporting to a manager.
a. Simple b. Functional c. Divisional d. Team Design
3. The entire organization is made up of work groups or team. Which term best describe
the given statement?
a. Simple b. Functional c. Divisional d. Team Design