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Senior High School

Quarter 2 Week 13
Demonstrate Knowledge in Motivation,
Leadership, and Communication by Solving
Business cases

Analyze motivation, leadership, and communication work in an organization

K to 12 BEC CG (ABM_AOM11-IIc-e- 27, ABM_AOM11-IIc-e- 28, ABM_AOM11-
IIc-e- 29)
Organization and Management
Grade 11
Self-Learning Module
Quarter 2-Week 13 – Demonstrate knowledge in motivation, leadership, and
communication by solving business cases

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Author: Guia C. Sison, LPT, MBA

Content Evaluators: Sharon F. Sanchez, LPT, DBA
Rosemarie DC. Gonzales, LPT, DBA
Christian Paul C. Gutierrez, LPT, DBA
Maricel E. Sanchez, LPT, MBA
Junie J. Gale, LPT, PhD
Jemar P. De Vera, LPT, MBA, EdD
Critic Readers / Language Evaluators:
Ma. Leonor S. Ponce, LPT
Cristina D. Reyes, LPT, MAEd
Layout Evaluators: Rommel B. Ferrer, LPT, MIT
Emmanuel S. Malasan, LPT
Layout Artist: Niño Bert M. Suni


Schools Division Superintendent-OIC: Ely S. Ubaldo, Ed.D., CESO VI
Assistant Schools Superintendent: Diosdado I. Cayabyab, Ed.D., CESO VI
Chief Education Supervisor, CID: Carmina C. Gutierrez, Ed.D.
Education Program Supervisor, ABM: Lalaine C. Rosario, Ed.D.
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Organization and Management – Grade 11 Alternative Delivery
Mode (ADM) on the Demonstrate knowledge in motivation, leadership, and communication
by solving business cases
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators,
evaluators and reviewers from public schools to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
The learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help learners
acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their needs and
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will

help you in guiding the learners

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to track of the learners’ progress while allowing them to manage their own
learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they do the
tasks included in the module.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb you
while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully enjoy the
objectives of this kit. Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, that
is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


 Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in
the module.
 Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be mastered
throughout the lesson.
 Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure what learning and skills did
you understand from the previous lesson.
 Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
 Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
 Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire module

CHAPTER 6 Leading
Lesson 1


As we study and immerse ourselves in “Organization and Management” in the process, it is

necessary to discuss the definition of Leading, Motivation, and communication work in an
organization. The module is focus on Module 13 – Chapter 6 Leading lesson 1 – 3.

After going through the module, you are expected to:

1. Discuss the nature of leading or directing
2. Differentiate leading from managing
3. Identify the different theories of motivation
4. Differentiate the various style of leadership
5. Appreciate the role of communication in directing people within the organization;

Let us start your journey in learning. Thru a


Good luck!


Directions: Read the following items carefully. Write the corresponding letter on your
answer of the space provided.

__ 1. It refers to a management function that involves inspiring and influencing people in the
organization to achieve a common goal.
a. Leading
b. Managing
c. Organizing
d. Planning

___ 2. It refers to a psychological process that arouse and direct goal-oriented behavior.
a. Motivation
b. Leadership
c. Staffing
d. Controlling

___ 3. It means the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational
objectives efficiently and ethically amid constant change.
a. Managing
b. Leading
c. Controlling
d. Planning

___ 4. It means a body of fundamental principles verifiable by experiment or by observation.

a. Theory
b. Motivation
c. Hierarchy
d. Feedback

___ 5. It refers to the exchange of information and understanding.

a. Communication
b. Diversity
c. Change
d. Issues


As we go further, let us try to recall our lesson about the compensation/wages and
performance evaluation.
Compensation/wages- all forms of pay given by employers to their employees for the
performance of their jobs
Performance evaluation- a process undertaken by the organization, usually done once a
year, designed to measure employee’s work performance
Types of Compensation
1. Direct compensation-includes workers’ salaries, incentives pays, bonuses, and
2. Indirect compensation-includes benefits given by employers other than financial
remunerations; for example: travel, educational and health benefits.
3. Non-financial compensation- includes recognition programs, being assigned to do
rewarding jobs, or enjoying management support, ideal work environment, and convenient
work hours.
Employee relations applies to all phases of work activities in organizations, and managers,
to be effective, must be able to encourage good employee relations among all human
resources under his/her care.
Employee movement- series of actions initiated by employee groups toward an end or
specific goal

Unionism- the principle of combination for unity of purpose and action
Reward- gifts, prize or recompense for merit, service or achievement, which may have a
motivating effect on the employee
Monetary reward- refers to money, finance or currency reward
Non-monetary reward- refers to intrinsic rewards which do not pertain to money or finance



This chapter highlights another important management function-Leading. It is important

because it involves the organization’s people who possess different attitudes, behaviors,
personalities, and motivations, among others. Influencing them to achieve a common goal is
quite challenging because of their many diverse characteristics. Therefore, understanding
leading or directing begins with understanding how people behave, with their motivations
are, and how to communicate with them.
The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them
while managers have people who work for them. A successful business owner needs to be
both a strong leader and manager to get their team on board to follow them towards their
vision of success.

Definition of terms:
Leading- a management function that involves inspiring and influencing people in
the organization to achieve a common goal.
Managing- the process of working with and through others to achieve
organizational objectives efficiently and ethically amid constant change. It also
deals with planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.

Personality of human Resources

Personality pertains to the unique combination of physical and mental characteristics that
affect how individuals react to situations and interact with others, and if unhealthy or not
fully functioning could cause conflicts/problems among individuals.
Big Five Personality Traits/Characteristics
According to Robbins and Coulter (2009)
1. Extraversion -the degree to which someone is sociable, talkative, and assertive.
2. Agreeableness- the degree to which someone is good natured, cooperative, and trusting.
3. Conscientiousness- the degree to which someone is responsible, dependable, persistence,
and achievement-oriented.
4. Emotional stability- the degree to which someone is calm, enthusiastic, and secure
(positive), or tense, nervous, depressed, and insecure (negative)

5. Openness to experience- the degree to which someone is imaginative, artistically sensitive,
and intellectual.

Emotional intelligence (EI) pertains to the ability to manage oneself and interact with others
in a positive way.
Four key components of EI
1. Self-awareness means being aware of what you are feeling; being conscious of the
emotions within yourself.
2. Self-management means that team members need to balance their own moods so that
worry, anxiety, fear or anger do not get in the way of what needs to be done.
3. Social awareness means that you understand how to react to different social situations,
and effectively modify your interactions with other people so that you can achieve the best
4. Relationship management is the ability to connect with others, build positive
relationships, respond to the emotions of others and influence others on the team. Managers
and Leaders must focus their leadership strategies on the following key work attitudes in
order to avoid distraction caused by varied reactions and behaviors.

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)- refers to employee behavior that exceeds

work role requirements and also behaviors that go beyond the call of duty. Outcomes
(productivity, lower costs, and customer satisfaction)
Organizational Commitment- refers to the extent to which an individual employee
identifies with an organization and its goals. Result in (faster attainment of organizational
Job Satisfaction and Productivity-refers to the employee’s general attitude toward their
respective jobs.
High level of job satisfaction- positive attitude
Low level of job satisfaction- negative attitude

Lesson Motivation

Motivation encourages individuals to work enthusiastically, often performing more work than
what is required.

Definition of terms:
Motivation- refers to psychologically processes that arouse and direct goal-directed
Theory- a body of fundamental principles verifiable by experiment or observation.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Five Human Needs)

1. Physiological Needs refer to the human needs for food, water, shelter, and other physical
2. Safety Needs refer to the human needs for security and protection from physical and
psychological harm.
3. Social Needs pertains to the human desire to be loved and to love, as well as the need for
affection and belongingness.
4. Esteem includes the human need for self-respect, self-fulfillment, and become the best
according to one’s capability.
5. Self-actualization Needs are the final needs in Maslow’s hierarchy.
According to Abraham Maslow (1943) Physiological needs must be satisfied first, it activates
the next higher need in the hierarchy. It is important for managers and leaders to focus on
satisfying employee needs related to self-respect, self-esteem, and self-actualization because
their satisfaction is related to many outcomes such as academic achievement, job
performance, work problems/success

Source: simple

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y proposed by Douglas MCGregor.
Douglas McGregor (1906 –1964) was a famous management professor in the field of
personal development and motivational theory. He is best known for his development of the
Theory X and Theory Y, a leadership theory on two different leadership styles.
Theory x is a negative view of workers which assumes that workers have little ambition,
dislike work and avoid responsibilities; they need to be closely monitored or controlled in
order for them to work effectively.
Theory Y is a positive view of workers which assumes that employees enjoy work, seek out
and accept responsibility, and are self-directed.

Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory proposed by Frederick Herzberg

Frederick Irving Herzberg was an American psychologist who became one of the most
influential names in business management. He is most famous for introducing job enrichment
and the Motivator-Hygiene theory.
1. Motivation-Hygiene Theory
a. Intrinsic factors (achievement, recognition, growth, and responsibility) Motivators-job
b. Extrinsic factors (company policy, salary, security, and supervision) hygiene factors -job

McClelland’s Three Needs Theory proposed by David McClelland

David McClelland was an American Psychologist who developed his theory of needs or
Achievement Theory of Motivation which revolves around three important aspects, namely,
Achievement, Power and Affiliation.
Managers are advised to be observant of these needs so that they could be given job
assignments that would satisfy their highest needs.
1. Need achievement (nAch) These people find innovative clever ways to achieve goals and
consider their achievement a better reward than financial ones.
2. Need for Power (nPow)These people are strong leaders and can be best suited to leading
positions. They either belong to Personal or Institutional power motivator groups.
3. Need for Affiliation (nAff)They seek to work in groups by creating friendly and lasting
relationships and has the urge to be liked by others. They tend to like collaborating with
others to competing with them and usually avoids high-risk situations and uncertainty

Alderfer’s ERG Theory developed by Clayton Alderfer 1960’s

Clayton Alderfer was an American psychologist who held academic posts at Yale and
Rutger. He's known for his study of workplace race relations – and for his rebuilding of
Maslow's famous pyramid. Let's have a closer look at Alderfer's motivational model, 1969's
ERG Theory.
E- Existence needs This tie in closely with the workspace Environment.
R- Relatedness needs tips a hat to the Freedom of Opinions driver.
G-Growths needs covers Growth and personal development.

Modern Theories of Motivation are process theories that focus on the notion that motivation
is a function of employees’ perception, thoughts, and beliefs. Among these are.
1. Goal Setting Theory- a theory stating the specific goals motivate performance and that
more difficult goals, when accepted by employees result in greater motivation to perform
well, (set goals)
2. Reinforcement Theory- a theory which states that behavior is a function of its
consequences. (Positive reinforcement such as reward, and praises)
3. Job Design Theory- a theory which states that employees are motivated to work well by
combining tasks to form complete jobs. (Examples; job enlargement-expansion/, job
enrichment-empowering employees/, job characteristics model-motivated to perform
4. Equity Theory- a theory developed by J. Stacey Adams which states that employees assess
job outcomes in relation to what they put into it and then compare these with their co-workers
(fairness or equity in their company)
5. Expectancy Theory- states that an individual tends to act in a certain way, based on the
expectation that the act will be followed by an outcome which may be attractive or
unattractive to him or her. (link reward with the said goal)

Lesson Leadership Styles and Theories

Leadership then processes of inspiring and influencing a group of people to achieve a

common goal.

Early Leadership Theory given by Kreitner and Kinicki

Traits Theory a theory based on leader traits or personal characteristics that different leader
from followers. Leader was born with some innate ability to lead.
Behavioral Theory a theory that focuses on the behavior, action, conduct, demeanor, or
deportment of a leader instead of his or her personality traits.

Contemporary Theories of Leadership

Fiedler Model it is a situational leadership theory proposed by Fred Fiedler,
Fred Edward Fiedler was one of the leading researchers of industrial and organizational
psychology in the 20th century. He helped shape psychology and was a leading
psychologist. an organizational behavior scholar. (Task-motivated or relationship-motivated)

Hersey-Blanchard Model- proposed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard.

The Hersey-Blanchard Model suggests no single leadership style is better than another.
Instead of focusing on workplace factors, the model suggests leaders adjust their styles to
those they lead and their abilities.
Focused on subordinates’ readiness or extent to which the said subordinates have the ability
and willingness to accomplish a specific work assignment.
Four Stages of Subordinates Readiness
1. Subordinates are both unable and unwilling to accomplish the task
2. Subordinates are unable but willing to do the task
3. Subordinates are able but unwilling to do their assigned task
4. Subordinates are both able and willing to do what the leader wants to complete the task

Path-Goal Theory developed by Robert House which states that the leader’s task is to lead
his other follower or subordinates in achieving their goals by providing them direction
needed to ensure compatibility of these said goals with the amortization's goal.
Four leadership behaviors.
1. Directive leadership- the leader gives specific guidelines to followers so that task
accomplishment would be easier.
2. Supportive leadership- leader shows concern and friendliness to subordinates
3. Participative leadership- the leader asks for suggestions from followers before decision-
making and;
4. Achievement-oriented leadership- the leader sets the goals that subordinates must try to

Six Modern Leadership Views
1. Transactional leadership Theory- leaders guide their subordinates toward to achieve of
their organization’s goals by using social exchange or transaction and by offering rewards in
exchange for their productivity.
2. Transformational Leadership Theory- the leaders inspire follower to achieve extraordinary
3. Charismatic leadership Theory- leaders are able to influence their subordinates to follow
4. Visionary leadership Theory- leaders can make their subordinates follow because of their
ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision that may improve
present circumstances.
5. Team Leadership Theory- managers are trying to learn how to become affective team
leaders. The skills that they must learn are information sharing, trusting others, lessening their
authority by empowering subordinates, and proper timing mediation, among others.
6. Servant Leadership Theory- proposed by Robert Greenleaf 1970’s that servant leaders
must focus on increased service to others rather than to oneself, growth of people, building
community, stewardship of the material resources and the people they lead, their ability to
listen to what others seek o communicate.


Communication applies to all management functions and its general purpose for the
organization to bring positive changes that influence activities leading to the firm’s welfare.

Definition of terms:
Communication-the exchange of information and understanding
Verbal Communication- refers to oral and written communication
Non-Verbal Communication- refers to communication through body movements,
gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, or body contact

Types of Communication
Verbal- oral and written words
Non-verbal- Through body movements, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, or body
Formal- when the manager gives an assignment to a subordinate
Informal- when employees talk to their friends in the office about a weekend party or a
vacation which they plan to take.

Direction and Flow of communication

1. Vertical Communication-flow between people belonging to different organizational
level. Example

Assistant Manager



2. Upward Communication- flow of information from an employee who belongs to a lower

hierarchical level to the boss/manager who belongs to a higher hierarchical level. Example


Assistant Manager



3. Downward Communication- flow of information from the manager who belongs to a

higher hierarchical level, to employee/subordinates, who belong to lower hierarchical levels.

Assistant Manager



4. Horizontal/Lateral Communication- takes place among employees belonging to the

same hierarchical level. Example

5. Diagonal Communication- entails communicating with someone or other who belong a

different department/units and different hierarchical level.

Communication Networks in Organization
Communication networks are varied patterns of combined horizontal and vertical flows of
organizational communication.

Types of Communication Networks

1. Chain network- where communication flows according to the usual formal chain of
command, downward and upward.
2. Wheel Network- where communication flows between a leader and other member of their
3. All-Channel Network- where communication flows freely among all members of a team.

Barriers to Communication
Filtering the shaping of information communicated in order to make it look good or
advantageous to the receiver.
Emotions the interpretation of communications which may be influenced by extreme
emotions felt by the receiver.
Information overloads another barrier to good communication since there are too many
pieces of information received by an individual may have a negative effect on a person’s
processing capacity.
Defensiveness the act of self-protection when people are threatened by something or
Language could also hamper good communications because words used may have different
meanings to different people belongings to different age, educational background, or cultural
National Culture just like language, the prevailing national culture may also cause problems
in communication among members of an organization

Overcoming Communication Barriers

To avoid conflicts resulting from communication problems, managers try to overcome
communication barriers through the following means.
1. Using Feedback asking questions
2. Using simple language avoiding uncommon terms
3. Active listening listening well in order to grasp the full meaning of the communication.
4. Controlling emotions, it is important to practice emotional restraint.
5. Observing body language actions speak


Activity # 1
Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
1. Enumerate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Five Human Needs) on your own level
of needs

Self-Level of needs
Esteem needs
Social needs
Safety needs
Physical needs

2. As a student, have you ever encountered communication barriers in teachers/school?

Explain your answer.
Area of writing 10 points 5 points 1 point
topics Fully introduce the Vaguely introduce Does not introduce
topics the topic the topic
Opinion/reason Fully states their states their opinion Does not states
opinion and reason and reason their opinion and

Activity # 2
1. Search for a business owner and ask him of the following:
a. How many employees does he have?
b. What are the programs that he imposed to motivate his people?

Criteria and Below Meets Excellent work Points
points expectations expectations (4) earned
assigned (1) (3)
Relevance Answer is Answer is brief Answer is
of answer to incomplete. with insufficient complete; sufficient
the question Excessive detail. detail provided to
discussion of Unrelated issues support assertions;
unrelated issues were introduced answer focuses
and/or and/or minor only on issues
significant errors errors in related to the
in content content. question; factually
Thoroughne Serious gaps in Most of the Deals fully with the
ss of answer the basic details basic details are entire question
needed included but
some are
Organizatio Weak Minor problems Clear and logical
n and logic organization; of organization presentation; good
of answer sentences or logic; Needs development of an
rambling; ideas work on argument;

are repeated creating Transitions are
transitions made clearly and
between ideas smoothly
Total points (10


 Leading- a management function that involves inspiring and influencing people in the
organization to achieve a common goal.
 Managing- the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational
objectives efficiently and ethically amid constant change. It is also deals with planning,
organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
 Personality pertains to the unique combination of physical and mental characteristics that
affect how individuals react to situations and interact with others, and if unhealthy or not
fully functioning could cause conflicts/problems among individuals.
 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Five Human Needs)
Physiological Needs refer to the human needs for food, water, shelter, and other physical
Safety Needs refer to the human needs for security and protection from physical and
psychological harm.
Social Needs pertains to the human desire to be loved and to love, as well as the need for
affection and belongingness.
Esteem includes the human need for self-respect, self-fulfillment, and become the best
according to one’s capability.
Self-actualization Needs are the final needs in Maslow’s hierarchy.
 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y proposed by Douglas MCGregor.
 Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory proposed by Frederick Herzberg
 McClelland’s Three Needs Theory proposed by David McClelland
 Alderfer’s ERG Theory developed by Clayton Alderfer
 Leadership then processes of inspiring and influencing a group of people to achieve a
common goal.
 Communication-the exchange of information and understanding
 Verbal Communication- refers to oral and written communication
 Non-Verbal Communication- refers to communication through body movements,
gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, or body contact
 Types of Communication Networks
Chain network- where communication flows according to the usual formal chain of
command, downward and upward

Wheel Network- where communication flows between a leader and other member of their
All-Channel Network- where communication flows freely among all members of a team.


Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space

____1. It refers to the degree to which someone is sociable, talkative, and assertive.
a. Agreeableness
b. conscientiousness
c. Emotional stability
d. Extraversion

___2. It refers to the process of working with and through others to achieve organizational
a. Leading
b. Planning
c. Managing
d. Personality

___3. It means the degree to which someone is good natured, cooperative, and trusting.
a. Openness to experience
b. Agreeableness
c. Extraversion
d. Emotional stability

___4. It refers to psychologically processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior
a. Motivation
b. Leadership
c. Leading
d. Communication

___5. It refers to the human needs for food, water, shelter, and other physical necessities.
a. Social needs
b. Esteem
c. Safety needs
d. Physiological needs

___6. It refers to the human needs for security and protection from physical and
psychological harm.
a. Safety needs
b. Physiological needs
c. Esteem
d. social needs

___7. It means the degree by which performing job requirements results in the employees’
receipt of information about his or her performance effectiveness.
a. Task identity
c. Autonomy

___8. It means the exchange of information and understanding

a. Verbal Communication
b. Oral Communication
c. Communication
d. Motivation

___9. It refers to the shaping of information communicated in order to make it look goo or
advantageous to the receiver.
a. National culture
b. Defensiveness
c. Language
d. Filtering

___10. It means when the manager gives an assignment to a subordinate

a. Formal communication
b. Informal communication
c. Verbal communication
d. Nonverbal communication

10. A 5. D
9. D 4. C
8. C 3. B
7. B 2. A
6. A 1. D
Post test

5. Job
4. Development
3. Training
2. Recruitment
Answer may vary 1. Selection
Activity 1 & 2 Pretest

Key Answer


Book: Organization and Management

Textbook for Senior High School
ISBN 978-971-07-3860-1
Copyright 2016 by Vibal group Inc. And Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, Anthony DC.
Altajeros, PhD, and Riaz Benjamin

For Inquiries and Feedback, please write or call

Schools Division Office I Pangasinan

Alvear St., Lingayen, Pangasinan

Phone No.: (075)-522-2202

Email Address:


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