Unit 6 Interviews

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Unit 6.

Job interviews

Motto: Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs

(Henry Ford)


In this unit you will learn:

 how to anticipate the interview situation

 how to prepare for a job interview conducted in English

 how to deal with unexpected difficult questions

 how to avoid making blunders


Lead in

Task 1
Form groups of four. Discuss the answers to the following questions. The group spokesperson
will report your conclusions to the class.

1. Which do you consider the hardest part in getting a job: writing a CV and a cover letter or
a job interview? Why?
2. Why is preparation before an interview so important? What can we prepare before
attending a job interview?
3. Have you ever participated in a job interview? What do you think the interviewers are
looking for in a candidate? Make a list of desirable qualities.

Task 2
You are going to read a Role Quiz based on a job interview.
Look at each of the roles below and try to decide whether it is primarily an interviewer's or an
interviewee's role. Tick accordingly. In three cases, jot down in the column marked “Comments”,
one or two ideas that justify your choice.

Role Comments

1 Try to put the other person at ease.  

2 Think before you speak but don’t appear  

3 Try to appear confident and at ease.  
Lack of confidence and nervousness can
detract from your purpose.
4 Don’t ramble on about irrelevancies.  

5 Don’t just answer Yes or No. Qualify  

points where appropriate, justify views,
offer examples.


6 Consider whether open or closed  

questions* are appropriate – use a fair
number of open questions.
7 Keep a record of key points and your  
8 Try to monitor your own performance  
and assess the impression you are
9 Explain the purpose of the interview.  

10 Pursue questions that have not been  

adequately answered.
11 Be helpful. If possible, guide the talk into  
interesting or favourable areas.
12 Do not dodge difficult questions entirely.  

13 Give as balanced a picture as possible.  

14 Don’t be over-familiar or over-formal,  

smile as necessary (but don’t over-do it).

(based on http://ec.hku.hk/epc)
*open questions: what/where/why do you ...? (e.g. Where do you live?)
closed questions: do you ... ? (Do you live in Bucharest?)

Task 3
Match the words in the left hand column taken from the quiz with their definitions in the right
hand column:

1. detract from a. avoid thinking about something unpleasant

2. dodge something b. talk about something at length in a disorganised way
3. assess c. watch and check something over a period of time
4. qualify something d. follow the succession of something
5. ramble on e. estimate the value of somebody/something
6. pursue f. make something seem of lower value
7. monitor g. make the meaning of a previous statement less general


Task 4
Now use the words in the left column above to fill in the blanks in the following sentences. Use
appropriate forms.

a. When he left college, he …………… being drafted into the army for as long as he could,
claiming he was a conscientious objector.
b. The interviewer lost interest and even yawned when the interviewee never stopped
…………… about his past work experience.
c. The hotel manager …………… the staff’s movements ever since one of the guests
complained about unjustified delay in answering room-service calls.
d. They once told me that, in spite of her shy appearance, no amount of criticism could
…………… her …………… professional achievements.
e. Once in a while an employer who is genuinely interested in hiring you may seem to
discourage you as a way of testing your reaction; it is then difficult …………… the impact
of your performance on the interviewer.
f. The Chairman of the Board feels he must …………… his earlier remarks about the current
corporate policy in case anyone misinterprets them.
g. He has always been a goal-oriented person. No wonder he …………… his engineering
career with determination since graduation.

Preparing for the interview

Task 5
Read the text below . Match each of its eleven sections with one of the headings below.

a) Display your presentable self

b) Relate to your interviewers
c) Be yourself
d) Advertise yourself
e) Dress for success
f) Preparing for a job interview
g) The best or the worst is yet to come
h) Persuade them and get the job
i) Interview your interviewers
j) In anticipation of the interview situation
k) Interviewer’s checklist/internal agenda


First Impressions, Lasting Impressions: are designed to assess your suitability for
Tips for Job Interviews the job.

1 Whew! You've written an outstanding

4 Many employers ask questions based on
A search
your résumé. They may appear to structure
cover letter and résumé.
committee has read hundreds of resumes,
the questions on (1) your report of work
debated countless hours, and they have
experience, education and extra-curricular
now narrowed the pool to their top three
activities, or (2) their criteria for the job.
picks. Congratulations! You're one of them.
Either way, both factors play a part and you
What happens now, when you've survived
need to consider both as you prepare for
the first severe cut and are one of the few
your interviews.
candidates invited for a personal interview?
Face-to-face or telephone interviews can be
5 Some questions seem simple but are
the most intimidating part of the job search
actually designed to give you an opportunity
process. You are no longer just a piece of
to show yourself in a positive light. Avoid
paper; you must impress your interviewers,
giving short, obvious answers and take the
and potential co-workers, with your
opportunity to talk. Make sure that your
competence and personality. Here are a few
answer is relevant, interesting and allows
suggestions for surviving, and perhaps even
you to show off your strengths. Your
enjoying, your next job interview.
answers should not sound like they have
been prepared in advance and should be
2 In order to be a successful interviewee,
delivered naturally and convincingly.
you need to know what the interviewer is
looking for. Selection criteria vary from job
6 Your personal appearance is also of great
to job and from employer to employer. To
importance when attending a job interview.
prepare for an interview, you should
Therefore, you should get a good night's
therefore do as much research as you can
sleep the night before your interview. You
and try to work out what kind of person the
need to be refreshed, alert and cheerful
employer will be looking for.
when meeting your interviewers. You'll often
need to have good stamina to go through
3 Brainstorming questions that are likely to
an interview.
come up in an interview will help you put on
a better performance. Remember that the
7 Dress professionally in order to be taken
employer wants to know if you are the best
more seriously. You're safest in subdued
candidate for the job. The question
colours, styles and patterns of clothing.
underlying every other question is: "Why
Don't let your clothes distract from your
should we hire you?" General questions are
message. Navy blue is still the most popular
designed to find out about your personality
colour for interview outfits. However, don't
and attitude to work. Job specific questions


feel compelled to wear navy. Choose a your interviewers know what they're getting
colour that flatters your skin and hair colour. and that you know that you'll work well
Men should wear a suit and tie. Women together. Answer their questions honestly.
should wear a simple suit or dress. Guarding your answers, or answering only
what you think they want to hear will make
8 During interviews, candidates sometimes you appear dishonest. Let your personality
come across situations where they are lost shine through. Try not to let nervousness
for words. So, apart from anticipating block any signs of life. Your interviewers will
general and job-specific questions, you remember someone who shows enthusiasm
need to develop strategies for handling and warmth.
difficult or unexpected questions. At the end 11 And now the rest is up to you whether
of an interview, the interviewer usually you can convince your possible future
invites the interviewee to ask some employer that you are the one for the job.
questions. Prepare some questions What you may still need is to wish you good
appropriate to the post. This is not the best luck in the interview.
time to clarify queries about salary, which (based on
can be done later if you are actually offered http://www.liscareer.com/klob_interviews.htm)
the job. Ask questions politely and do not
seem critical of the company or the job. If
you cannot think of a question, or your
prepared questions have already been
answered, just decline to ask questions

9 Focusing on the people you're meeting

and talking with can help relieve your
nervousness. Treat your interviewers like
"real" people. Concentrate on getting to
know them as individuals, instead of a
faceless mass of interviewers. Try to
"connect" with them. Focus on getting your
message across to them, on how they are
responding. Listen. Tune in to what issues
or questions are important to your

10 Don't put on a facade. Be as much

"yourself" as you can be. It's important that


Task 6
Read the text again and complete the following sentences according to the information in the text.

a. Before attending a job interview you need ……………

b. You should …………… in order to prepare for an interview.
c. You should …………… as well as answer them.
d. During the interview, avoid ……………
e. You need to …………… the night before the interview.
f. Keep questions about …………… until you’re actually offered the job.
g. Professional dress in a job interview means …………….
h. Try not to ……………
i. Interviewers don’t like candidates who ……………

Task 7
Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F) in the light of the information in
the text above.

1. Whether you succeed or not in a job interview greatly depends on preparation before the
2. You will not be trusted as a candidate if you give only the answers that you think would be
expected by your interviewers.
3. In order to look professional, a candidate should always wear a navy blue suit.
4. It is not a good idea to start boasting about yourself in a job interview.
5. If you try to anticipate questions, your answers will certainly appear untrustworthy.

Task 8
Now write your own 5 False sentences about the text. Ask another student to correct them. Work in

Task 9
What do the words/expressions below mean in context?

1. debated (paragraph 1)
a) argued b) discussed c) selected

2. narrowed the pool (paragraph 1)

a) drained the water b) reduced the number of choices c) made the pool smaller


3. picks (paragraph 1)
a) choices b) examples c) priorities

4. designed to (paragraph 3)
a) shaped b) devised c) intended

5. stamina (paragraph 6)
a) energy b) endurance c) flexibility

6. distract from (paragraph 7)

a) prevent from concentrating b) take a message to c) show off

7. outfits (paragraph 7)
a) appearance b) footwear c) clothes

8. compelled (paragraph 7)
a) inclined b) forced c) persuaded

9. relieve (paragraph 9)
a) maintain b) increase c) reduce

10. shine through (paragraph 10)

a) come out b) extinguish c) fade

Task 10
In the text you have just read, the author gives advice to prospective interviewees.

Your answers should not sound like they have been prepared in advance and should be delivered
naturally and convincingly.
Can you find other examples of modal verbs in the text above? What do they express? (For further
information on modal verbs, go to the Grammar Reference section, page 229.)

Task 11
Rewrite each sentence using should or shouldn’t to express advice, opinion or expectation.

Don’t ramble on when talking about an issue or you’ll lose your audience’s attention.
You should stick to the point. (advice)

1. If I were you, I’d answer all the questions briefly.


2. I expect the Human Resources Department will soon contact me for an interview.
3. I don’t think it is a good idea to cross your legs during the interview.
4. You’d better wear a suit and tie when you attend the interview.
5. You are wrong to prepare all the answers in advance.
6. It would be a good idea for you to try to anticipate some of the questions.
7. It is a well-known fact that employers ask questions based on the applicant’s résumé.
8. To be successful in an interview, I believe you need to develop strategies to cope with
unexpected situations.

Task 12
Choose the correct modal verb in each sentence.

1. Look at the interviewer’s face. She can/might/must be satisfied.

2. This is impossible! It can’t be/mustn’t be/may not be the good answer.
3. Well done! You may be/must be/might be very pleased!
4. I’ve no idea where this department is. It could be/must be anywhere in the building!
5. I suppose I stand a chance, although a thin one. I might/can/must get the job after all.
6. I’m not sure. I must not/may not be able to get there on time, even if I take a taxi.

Task 13
Rephrase the following statements using so and such in each of them. Make the necessary
changes. For each statement there are two possibilities.

The lecture was very boring, that’s why I left.
The lecture was so boring that I left.
It was such a boring lecture that I left.

1. The CV was very confusing, that’s why he threw it into the wastepaper basket.
2. His arguments were very unconvincing, that’s why the board rejected his case.
3. The applicant’s answers were too short, that’s why the interviewer didn’t seem impressed.
4. He seemed very communicative, that’s why the interviewers liked him.
5. The interview was very tough for an inexperienced young person, that’s why he failed to get
the job.
6. The team was very hard-working, that’s why everyone has been awarded a 10% rise.


Handling difficult questions in a job interview

Task 14
Sometimes interviewers give candidates a hard time by asking them difficult questions.
Below are 4 groups, lettered A, B, C and D, of 5 frequently asked questions. In groups of four, work
out the best answer to each question in the group assigned to you by your teacher. When ready,
share your answers with the class who will give you feedback.

1. What are your salary requirements?
2. Why do you want to work as a/an ……………?
3. What qualifications do you have that make you a good candidate for the job?
4. What is your idea of success?
5. What makes you better suited for this job than the other applicants I’ve already interviewed?

1. What are your long-range goals? What do you want to be doing in five years’ time?
2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
3. How did your education prepare you for this job?
4. What is your impression of our firm?
5. Do you prefer working with others or by yourself?

1. How can I be assured that you are able to make quick decisions?
2. Are you willing to work overtime?
3. What do you plan about your professional development?
4. What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
5. How would you describe your personality?

1. Why should we hire you for this position?
2. How does your experience relate to this job?
3. What are your most relevant academic accomplishments?
4. What are the main things you have learned from your work experience?
5. Have you taken any additional training courses?


Task 15
Interviewers have a checklist of topics to ask about, for example educational background,
personality. Could you reconstruct such a list for the questions above?
Give a heading to each section. Identify the questions that go under each heading.

Example: Education – D 3, …

Task 16
Can you suggest at least one other question for each of the headings you have found?

Task 17
You may be invited to ask questions about the position you are applying for.
Look at the job advertisement below. What questions would you ask the interviewer if you were
interested in such a position?

National/international firm with amazing growth (250% in 2003) is seeking to fill the position of
web-designer. Now!
Requirements: Must be assertive, independent, high energy, results oriented and possess a
strong sense of urgency. Ability to work in a team.
Advanced knowledge of HTML, Flash, Dreamweaver and latest programming languages.
Fluency in English, other languages would be an advantage.
Unlimited career opportunity for people with a positive attitude and a drive to succeed.
We offer:
 Flexible hours (work from home)
 Healthcare benefits
 Complete training programme
 $ 100,000 + per year benefit
If you have the desire to grow professionally, we want to talk to you!

ROMANIA, P.O. Box 113, e-mail: recruit@esitquanto.ro


Task 18
Listen to part of an interview for the job in the advertisement above. As you listen fill in the table.

Constance Duncan
Work Experience

Task 19
Listen again. What questions have you heard?

Task 20
Would you have answered the questions in a different way?

Task 21
Will Miss Duncan get the job? Give reasons for your answer.

Task 22
Listen to two extracts of job interviews. What is wrong in the way the interviewees answer the
questions they were asked?

Using positive language

Sometimes you can say the same thing or make the same point in a variety of ways which might
have a different effect or create a different impression on the listener. In an interview this may be of
vital importance.


Task 23
Tick the expression which is more likely to create a favourable impression with the interviewer.

1.  I appreciate job security.

 I want a nice, safe job.
2.  I like watching TV every evening.
 I enjoy following world events in the media.
3.  When confronted with something new, I prefer a flexible approach and to explore all
 I don’t search for any particular ideas on how to do that.
4.  I gained experience in dealing with telephone enquiries.
 I learned how to answer the phone.
5.  I am keen to acquire new skills to apply to the job.
 I am always ready to do some training for the job.
6.  I got pretty average grades most of the time.
 I was consistently successful at school.
7.  I have used a variety of computer applications.
 I mainly use the computer for playing games.
8.  My term project was rather difficult and boring.
 I did an in-depth investigation for my term project which was highly relevant to my career
9.  I am easily bored by office routine.
 I prefer to be challenged by different responsibilities and opportunities.
10.  I want a lot of money.
 I expect that the reward would be commensurate with my qualifications.
11.  My university career demanded independence and high academic standards.
 I didn’t go to lectures but managed to pass most of the exams.
12.  I ‘m keen to start making a contribution to society as soon as I can.
 I need to start earning money really fast to pay off my debts.
13.  My friends think I’m really weird.
 I have original and creative ideas.
14.  I prefer to keep my options open for the time being.
 I haven’t got a clue about what I want to do in future.
15.  I am a good communicator and can create a congenial atmosphere.
 I find it difficult to stop talking but I like playing practical jokes on colleagues.
16.  I enjoy a leadership role.
 I like telling other people what to do.
17.  My last job was collecting and posting letters.
 I was responsible for organising the mail distribution system.
18.  I’m sociable and approachable.
 I spend all my time chatting and laughing.
19.  I prefer independent work.
 I dislike working with other people as part of a team.
20.  My present job is really boring.
 I’m looking for greater responsibility than offered by my present job.


21.  I take a consultative approach.

 I don’t like being held responsible and taking decisions alone.
22.  I hope that I will get a nice office when I start work.
 I look forward to joining the team and meeting my new colleagues.
(based on http://ec.hku.hk/epc)
Task 24
How would you handle the situations below? Work in pairs. In note-form, jot down possible solutions
in the right-hand column.

Difficult situations How to handle?

1. Do I need to prepare some answers to possible

questions before the interview?

2. What should I do if I feel very nervous? 2.

3. If the question is unexpected and difficult to

answer, what should I do?

4. If I need more time to think, what should I do? 4.

5. If I could not catch the question or understand the

intended meaning of the question, what should I do?

6. If I felt answering the question would put me or a

third party (example: a previous employer, colleague) 6.
in an unfavourable light, what should I say?
7. If my answer is very long, how can I avoid losing
my listener?

8. If there is a conflict between my view and the

interviewer’s, what should I say?

9. If there is an aggressive interviewer who interrupts

my answer or shows that s/he is not convinced by my 9.
answer, what should I do?
10. If I were asked how much starting pay I expected,
what should I say?


Interview simulation

Task 25
You are well prepared now to enact a full blown job interview. In the previous unit, you have
designed your CV and cover letter for a job provided by the teacher.
Form groups of five persons: two interviewers and three interviewees. Draw lots to see who plays
which role.

Step one

1. Get together and work out the profile of the successful candidate. Think in terms of: “we want
somebody who is/has done, etc …”.
2. Agree on four or five questions to ask the interviewees (see Task 14).
Time: 15 minutes

1. Revise possible answers to questions (see Task 14).
2. Prepare one or two questions about the company you want a job with to ask your
Time: 15 minutes

Step two

Act out the interview.

Interviewers are invited into the room, one at a time, by one of the interviewers.

Step three

The two interviewers decide together who is the successful candidate. Give reasons to support
both your choice and your decision against the other candidates.
Time: 10 minutes.

Interviewees get together and evaluate the way interviewers did their job in the light of the
suggestions for interviewers made in the Role Quiz (Task 2).
Time: 10 minutes


Step four
A spokesperson for each panel of interviewers makes their decision known to the class and
supports it with arguments.
A spokesperson for each group of interviewees gives the class their evaluation of the job done by
the respective panel of interviewers (example: friendly/aggressive, eye contact, questioning
strategy) with suggestions for improvement.


Before you attend the interview make sure:

- you re-read your CV/resume and letter of application;
- you are your presentable self (example: dress and appearance);
- you research the company;
- you anticipate the interview situation; i.e. refocus your goals and strengths around the job
description, develop answers to anticipated questions and formulate a number of questions
you would like to ask the interviewer.

During the interview:

- stress your accomplishments, training, experience, skills and personal qualities relevant to
the job you are applying for;
- mind the language you are using (for instance, the use of dynamic verbs like develop,
improve can add value to your answers);
- back up your claims with evidence (example: quantitative data);
- speak clearly, distinctly and with confidence;
- watch your body-language (e.g. eye-contact) and posture;

Personal qualities:
- professionally competent;
- well-trained;
- hard-working;
- reliable;
- ambitious;
- well-organised;
- resourceful;
- energetic;


- enthusiastic;
- dynamic;
- a good communicator;
- self-motivated;
- goal-oriented;
- tactful;
- courteous;
- self-confident;

After the interview:

- thank the interviewer for his/her time and consideration;
- write a letter thanking the employer for the interview, expressing interest in the company and
restating briefly why you think you can make a good choice for the job.


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