Effects of Composition and Processing SEBS OIL PP
Effects of Composition and Processing SEBS OIL PP
Effects of Composition and Processing SEBS OIL PP
Blend Recipes
shown in Table 1. For ease of discussion the blends are coded as follows:
First letter: ‘‘B’’ stands for blends made in the Brabender and ‘‘T’’ for
blends made in the twin-screw extruder.
Second letter: ‘‘E’’ stands for TPV blends and ‘‘S’’ for SEBS–PP–oil
Last digit: corresponds to the composition as shown in the Table 1.
Melt Mixing
For making the SEBS–PP–oil blends, the temperature and rotor speed
settings were the same as for the TPVs. The PP and stabilizers were
first added to the mixer and mixing was continued till they melted after
about 1 min. The preblend of SEBS–oil was then added. The total mixing
time was 30 min.
Compression Molding
Mechanical Properties
Morphological Characterization
using NIH imaging software [15]. For SEBS–PP–oil blends, AFM was
also used to study the blend morphology in combination with SEM,
LVSEM, and TEM. The AFM measurements were performed in tapping
mode using a Nanoscope III scanning probe microscope (Digital
instruments). The instrument was equipped with an E-scanner.
Commercially available silicon nitride cantilevers were used.
Stress–Strain Properties
The E-moduli of the SEBS–PP–oil blends are lower than the corres-
ponding TPV blends at all compositions when mixed in the twin-screw
extruder. For blends made in the Brabender the E-moduli are the same
for both the blend types with the exception of BE1 versus BS1. All
tensile strengths are higher for the SEBS–PP–oil blends than the TPVs.
The most striking difference is seen in the elongation-at-break values of
these two systems. All elongation-at-break values are higher for the
SEBS–PP–oil blends and remains more or less constant with increasing
PP content. The elongation-at-break values for the TPV blends are
comparatively less and they increase with increasing PP content. For
composition 1, the values are almost comparable for both the systems.
Representative stress–strain plots for both systems at compositions
TE2 and TS2 are shown in Figure 1. At low strains of 0.15–0.25% used
for the E-modulus determination, the TPV appears to be stiffer than the
SEBS–PP–oil blend. At higher strains, the SEBS–PP–oil blend shows a
more pronounced strain hardening effect with higher tensile strength
and elongation-at-break as compared to the TPVs.
To explain the differences observed in the stress–strain properties of
the two blend systems, the following aspects were studied: (a) differ-
ences in degree of cure of the EPDM-phase by gel measurements;
(b) differences in the degree of crystallinity of the PP-phase by DSC;
(c) differences in the morphology due to different compositions and
mixing conditions by TEM, SEM, LVSEM, and AFM.
28–33–39 1 96 98
31–25–44 2 96 96
36–14–50 3 96 99
and possibly tensile strength – than in the case of TPVs made in the
100 H ðPPÞ
Xc ðPPÞ ¼ ð1Þ
H 0 ðPPÞ
28–33–39 1 42 48 41 46
31–25–44 2 40 39 41 46
36–14–50 3 42 40 49 52
The rubber is EPDM for TPV formulations and SEBS for SEBS–PP–oil blends.
FIGURE 2. Morphology of BE1 as revealed by (a) conventional SEM and (b) LVSEM.
The image in (a) is blurry due to sample charging. This can be avoided in LVSEM (b).
FIGURE 2. Continued.
FIGURE 3. Continued.
less conspicuous. Figure 7(a) and (b) shows the TEM images of different
SEBS–PP–oil blends BS1 and TS1, respectively. The TEM images for
other compositions are not shown due to similar morphologies. The dark
regions correspond to the clusters of styrene blocks in the SEBS-phase.
The brighter phase is made up of PP, oil, and ethylene–butylene blocks
of the SEBS-phase.
At all compositions, the TEM images show the SEBS- and PP-phases
to form a co-continuous morphology. Detecting co-continuity differences
with a single technique is difficult. The TEM images alone are
insufficient for unambiguous determination of the blend morphology.
FIGURE 4. LVSEM images of TPV blends (a) BE2 and (b) TE2.
For this reason the TEM images were supplemented with LVSEM and
AFM images. Representative LVSEM and AFM images are shown in
Figures 8 and 9, respectively for the blends BS1 and TS1. By combining
the information from all the three microscopic techniques it appears
that at composition 1, the blends made in the twin-screw extruder are
less co-continuous than the corresponding blends made in the
Brabender. For blends with lower amount of PP no differences in the
No. of particles (%)
60 TE3
50 BE3
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5
particle size (mm)
FIGURE 5. Particle size distribution for TPV blends TE1, BE1, TE3, and BE3.
80 TE1
No. of particles (%)
60 TE2
40 TE3
0-1 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5
particle size (mm)
FIGURE 6. Particle size distribution for three different TPV blends made in the twin-
screw extruder.
The results show that the TPVs made in the twin-screw extruder have
a wider particle size distribution than the corresponding blends made in
FIGURE 7. Continued.
FIGURE 9. AFM of blends (a) BS1 and (b) TS1. The left image in each case is the height
image and the right image is the phase image.
28–33–39 1 99 95
31–25–44 2 96 100
36–14–50 3 98 97
Temp Brabender
FIGURE 10. Schematic representation of the morphology development in SEBS–PP–oil
blends in the melt showing the dynamic equilibrium between coalescence and breakdown
of SEBS particles in PP matrix.
the phases and coalescence. If the residence time of the blends is less
than the coalescence time, the blend will be less co-continuous as
compared to the morphology of a similar blend prepared in the
Brabender. This process is also composition dependent. The effect will
be more manifested in blends with less SEBS content due to lower
probability of coalescence.
The stress–strain properties of the SEBS–PP–oil blends are mostly
similar for both twin-screw extruder and Brabender and independent of
the differences in crystallinity. We have seen that at higher strains, the
SEBS–PP–oil blend shows a more pronounced strain hardening effect
with higher tensile strength and elongation-at-break as compared to the
TPVs. The reason for this effect lies in the mechanism of tensile
deformation of the PP-phase that occurs in combination with the
deformation of the SEBS-phase. Modeling experiments by Lee et al. [23]
showed that the strain hardening response is in fact dominated by the
molecular orientations of the amorphous domains in the PP-phase and
upon very large strains, whereupon the amorphous orientation has
nearly locked the crystallographic texture, begins to significantly
contribute to the strain hardening. This may account for the higher
elongation-at-break values for the TPV blends having composition 1
basis of residence time differences for the blends in the two instruments.
In general the elongation-at-break values of the SEBS–PP–oil blends
having co-continuous morphology is higher as compared to the TPVs
with dispersed EPDM-phase. This is due to concerted orientation of
the co-continuous SEBS, and PP-phases and subsequent breakup of
the polystyrene domains at high strains.
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