Thesis RRL in Compost Teas
Thesis RRL in Compost Teas
Thesis RRL in Compost Teas
tea Literature Review
Compost Tea
Literature review on production, application and
plant disease management
Prepared for
San Francisco Department of Environment
Toxic Reduction Program: IPM Task Order # 3‐18
Prepared by:
Yeggie Dearborn, Ph.D.
EnviroSurvey, Inc.
82 Mary Street
San Francisco, CA.
(415) 882‐4549 x 202
(415) 882‐1685 Fax
Compost tea Literature Review
Table of Content
1. Introduction & Overview
1.1 Definition of Terms
2. Compost Brewing Methods
2.1 Suppliers & Manufacturers
3. Compost Tea Quality
3.1 Production process
3.2 Application process
4. Benefits of Compost Tea
4.1 Plant disease Suppression
4.2 Soil Structure and Plant Vitality
5. Potential Problems Associated with Compost Tea
5.1 Contamination with Human Pathogens
5.2 Contamination with Plant Pathogens
5.3 Chemical Contaminant
6. Conclusion
Table 1: Aerated & Non‐aerated Compost tea Production Processes (review findings)
Table 2: Compost tea & Disease suppression (review findings)
Table 3: USDA NOPS Recommendation for Compost Tea Quality
Compost tea Literature Review
Compost tea is a liquid extract made by steeping compost in water using a variety of preparation
methods (Scheuerell 2002, Ingham 2005) . Historically, home‐made brews were prepared by suspending
a bag of compost in a container of water for up to 14 days to extract nutrients that when applied to
plant promotes health and vitality. This type of brewing practice is call “passive” or Non‐aerated
Compost Tea (NCT) and has been practiced for centuries. More recently, compost tea has been brewed
in large‐scale mechanized systems for shorter periods of time and often supplemented with oxygen,
nutrients, and microbial starter cultures to enhance the biological activity of the tea (Scheuerell 2004;
Ingham, 2005, Naidu 2010). This type of brewing technique is referred to as Aerated Compost Tea (ACT).
ACT has become more popular than non‐aerated Compost Tea, as an alternative to chemical fertilizers,
pesticides and fungicides. It is used by organic farming communities, golf course managers,
municipalities, and park and recreation facilities as part of an integrated pest management (IPM)
practice. Benefits of ACT such as healthy soil, better plant vitality and disease suppression are reported
by some users and advertized by the manufacturers of compost tea.
Research on compost tea technology began in 1980’s, but field trials comparing the brewing methods
are scarce. The majority of studies to date have focused on plant disease and suppressive ability of
compost tea. There is evidence that some plant diseases have been partially suppressed by application
of compost tea (Scheuerell 2002, and Brinton 2005), while in other studies, suppression has been highly
variable between different batches batch preparations (Hoitink 2003, Scheuerell 2005, Scheuerell 2006).
Potential problems such as pathogen or chemical contamination of crops by application of compost tea
have also been documented in recent scientific studies (Ingram 2007, Brändli 2006).
This review summarizes some of the current research on compost tea, with emphasis on:
a) Brewing methods
b) Factors affecting compost tea production and its quality
c) Application methods
d) Benefits of Compost tea (suppressive effects, growth simulating effects)
e) Potential problems
f) Recommendations for Compost tea users and IPM managers
This report is not an attempt to cover all the research on Compost Tea or compost tea additives.
Instead, the few major studies that have been peer reviewed are cited. References to organizations or
publications on the internet are also included in this report. The peer reviewed citations are clearly
identified by the first author’s name and date of publication throughout the document, with details
provided in references under section 7.
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1.1 Definition of terms
Composts Organic‐rich soil amendments are made primarily from yard waste, food waste,
manure and biosolids. Yard waste includes organic waste from lawns and
gardens, such as grass, leaves, and twigs. Food waste is similarly comprised of
fruit and vegetable trimmings and kitchen preparation residuals. Biosolids are
nutrient‐rich organic materials resulting from the treatment of sewage sludge.
Manure, an agricultural waste, can offer multiple beneficial uses including
nutrients for crop production and organic matter to improve soil properties.
Compost Tea: A term used interchangeably with “Watery Fermented Compost Extracts”,
“Compost steepage”, “Organic Tea” and “Compost leachate” to define water‐
based compost preparations. The term does not distinguish between the
productions methods (Scheuerell 2002).
Extract: Compost extracts that have been fermented or brewed with the addition of
nutrients, or extracts supplemented with specific beneficial microbes before
application (Scheuerell 2002,).
Extract Extract of composting or end‐product of the breakdown of organic
matter by various species of earthworm. Worms are very efficient at breaking
down food scraps and are sometimes used in a composting process, known as
vermicompost (Allison L. H. Jack 2010).
Beneficial Microbes: Natural microorganisms that live in healthy soil can increase plants health and
vitality by variety of mechanisms (Haas and Défago, 2005) such as:
i. direct association with roots;
ii. breakdown and release of minerals from organic matter to increase
nutrient uptake in plants;
iii. parasitizing harmful or disease causing microorganisms or;
iv. suppressing growth, or activity of harmful disease causing
microorganisms through other interactions such as production of
antibiotics or other chemical inhibitors.
Predominant classes of beneficial microbes include bacteria and fungi, protozoa
and nematodes.
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Compost Tea is made by two brewing methods:
Non‐Aerated Compost Tea (NCT): The traditional method involves a “passive” brewing process where no
oxygen input is required. This method produces Non‐aerated Compost Tea (NCT). NCT relies on the use
of stable compost without sugar additives, under low oxygen with occasional stirring of the extract. The
term anaerobic (no oxygen) has been used to refer to NCT in some recent literature. However, since the
process occurs in an open fermentation vessel, the term anaerobic‐ does not accurately define this
brewing method. Average NCT brewing period is 14 days.
Aerated Compost Tea (ACT): A more recent approach adopted by compost tea brewers involves an
“active” process which relies on the use of an aerator to oxygenate the mixture during the fermentation
process, thereby producing Aerated Compost Tea (ACT) in a shorter brewing time ranging from 12 hrs to
3‐days. Often, nutrient additives and fermentation products rich in microorganisms are added during
the brewing process to increase the beneficial microbes’ concentration in the brew.
Both brewing techniques can be adopted for small backyard home brew or a large production scale.
2.1 Compost Tea Supplies and Manufacturers
Limited supplies are required for the non‐aerated compost tea production. The passive brewing method
is simple, inexpensive and requires primarily a good grade of compost, and a container to brew the tea
with occasional stirring. In contrast, there are a growing number of suppliers who provide equipment
such as specialized containers, pumps and tubing and a variety of nutrient additives and microbial
supplements such as “Effective Microorgamism” or EM•1® for brewing and application of the aerated
compost tea. In addition, ready to use compost tea is available from large scale manufacturers. Some of
these major suppliers & manufacturers include:
Nature’ Solution http://www.nature‐
Growing Solutions Inc.
Malibu Compost Biodynamics
Soil Soup, Inc. a registered trade mark of Microbial Magic
Sustainable Agricultural Technologies, Inc.
Teragenix‐Effective Microorganisms Distributor in US‐
3.1 Production Process
The brewing or fermentation process refers to the process of steeping compost in water at a constant
temperature and for a defined period of time whereby nutrients and microorganisms from the compost
source are extracted. Microorganisms convert insoluble nutrients into available nutrients during the
brewing process. Soluble nutrients in turn promote growth of diverse community of organisms in the
tea. There is little data in scientific literature that directly compares compost tea production processes
(Scheuerell 2006). However, available data suggests that both aerated and non‐aerated compost tea can
be inconsistent from batch to batch. The inconsistency has been associated with to a number of factors
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that affect the production process [(Ingham 2005,, (Ingram 2007), (Scheuerell
2006), (Hsiang 2007)]. These factors include:
• Compost Grade
• Compost to water ratio
• Brewing time
• Fermentation nutrients
• Microbial Supplements
• Aeration
• Filtration and dilution before application
Each of these factors is described below with major differences and similarities between ACT and NCT
production processes outlined in Table I.
Compost Grade
The organic ingredients or feedstocks that make up the mature compost include animal manure,
landscape and agricultural plant material, biosolids and food waste. Each has characteristics that
influence the quality of the mature compost (Scheuerell 2002). Some research suggests composition of
microgoranisms in compost depends on the feedstock. For example, carbon rich feedstocks (e.g. dry
leaves, sawdust, wood chips, shredded newspaper), produce a compost with a higher fungal content
while nitrogen rich feedstock (hay weeds, coffee grounds, herbaceous material and manures) produce
compost with higher bacterial content (Scheuerell 2006). Similarly, vermicompost is used as an
ingredient in many compost tea recipes. This compost is typically the highest in available nutrients.
Therefore selection of compost regardless of the production method depends on its intended use.
Mature Compost should be stable and free of pathogens. Research at Wood Ends Laboratory indicated
that many immature types of compost are available on the market, with little or no quality testing
behind them (Brinton 2004). The immature compost is less stable and may harbor pathogens. In
California, commercial composters are required to meet specific regulatory requirements on the
compost process itself that protect health and safety. The most important indicators of compost stability
are the temperature cycles in composting process and the carbon to nitrogen content (C: N). The C: N
ratio decreases as compost becomes more mature or stable (Noble 2005). has published
quality standards for finish compost that can be accessed at
Compost to water ratio
According to published studies, ratio of compost to water (volume: volume) tend to vary for each
production method. For NCT, the majority of studies use a 1:3‐1:10 ratios (Scheuerell et al., 2002). For
ACT, the ratio depends on type of equipment and is usually suggested by the compost tea equipment
suppliers. Potable water that is free of chlorine or chloramines is recommended for making compost
tea or any dilution thereof regardless of the production method. Chlorine or chloramines are added to
potable water as a sanitizing agent(s); when present in the water, these chemicals can inhibit growth
and propagation of microorganisms during the brewing process.
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Brewing time
Several studies on disease suppression properties of NCT have indicated that NCT brewing time of 8‐16
days is optimal fermentation time for any level of disease control (Scheuerell 2002). It has been
proposed that the longer brewing period promotes greater amount of nutrients to be extracted from
the compost and enables accumulation of antibiotics that activate natural plant defense responses and
help in disease suppression (Scheuerell 2003).
A significant advantage reported by the manufacturers and the users of ACT is the short brewing time of
18 hrs to 3 days which makes the tea readily available. It has been proposed that that optimal brew time
of 18‐24 hours coincides with maximum activity of microbial population in the tea (Ingham 2005).
Nutrient supplements
Nutrients such as kelp, fish hydrolysate, molasses, and humic acid are added as catalysts or microbial
starter (Naidu 2010, Scheuerell 2002) during brewing process to promote selective enrichment of
microorganisms. Several manufacturer of compost tea also provide ready use pre‐packaged nutrients
with similar compositions. For both ACT and NCT, fermentation nutrients have the ability to inhibit or
increase growth rates for different types of organisms (Scheuerell 2004). However, nutrients should be
added with extreme caution (Scheuerell 2004, Ingham 2005). Recent studies show that compost tea
supplemented with molasses or other simple sugars, tends to promote growth of human pathogens
such as Salmonella and E. coli, when residual levels of these organisms are present in the compost
source (Ingram 2007).
Microbial supplements
It is well established that compost contains a diverse group of organisms dominated by bacteria and
fungi participating in decomposition of organic matter (Droffner 1995, Brinton 2000,). Bacteria can grow
and multiply in both oxygen rich “Aerobic” and low or no oxygen ”Anaerobic” environments. Bacteria
from genera such as Enterobacteria, Serratia, Nitrobacter, Pseudomonads, Bacillus, Staphylococcus and
various Actinomycetes as well as fungi such as Trichoderma spp. have been isolated from mature
composts (Droffner 1995). Subsets of these species known as “facultative anaerobes” thrive in low
oxygen environment but are able to grow under aerobic conditions. It is proposed that presence of
facultative anaerobes in mature compost is likely associated with disease suppressive traits. Studies
have shown various fungal root rot diseases have been suppressed by incorporating compost into soil or
soil‐less growing media (Hoitink 1993).
Similarly, the microbial populations of NCT (Weltzien, 1991) and ACT (Ingham, 2005) have been
described as being dominated by bacteria. It is stated that with ACT aerobic bacteria predominate
(Ingham 2005), while with NCT the population of bacteria is mainly facultative anaerobes (Weltzien
1991, Scheueller 2004).
There is considerable interest among growers, producers and scientific community in manipulating the
brewing processes to obtain optimum composition of beneficial microbes that include both aerobic and
facultative anaerobic groups. To date, populations of organisms have been variable with both NCT and
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ACT making any comparison of available scientific experimental results difficult (Scheuerell 2004). In
addition, lack of a uniform standard method for reporting the compost tea microbiology adds to
complexity of the brewing process.
Commercial suppliers advertize prepackaged microbial inoculums that can be brewed on its own, added
to the compost source or to ACT following the brewing process. One of the popular microbial inoculums
is “Effective Microorganisms” EM•1® developed by Dr. Teru Higa in Japan. EM•1® is a cocktail comprised
of large population of facultative bacteria, yeast, enzymes, trace minerals, vitamins and organic acids.
Many of the claims made for Compost tea such as plant promoting growth, and disease suppressive
traits are also made for EM•1®. The groups of organisms present in the EM•1® include Lactic Acid
Bacteria, Phototrophic or photosynthetic bacteria and yeast, with the diversity of species within each
organism group. Material Safety Data Sheet provided by suppliers does not identify exact species or
supplements included in the cocktail. There is considerable evidence in microbiology books on benefits
of lactic acid bacteria and yeast in fermentation and decomposition processes. Photosynthetic bacteria
can assist in converting energy into food sources for plants. However, claims supporting of roles of these
beneficial microbes in plant disease suppression remain elusive. Equally unknown is effectiveness of
balance of species in compost tea amended with EM•1®.
Other microbial formulations include Fungi in the genus Trichoderma that have been known since at
least the 1920s for their ability to act as biocontrol agents (a term coined for beneficial organisms with
ability to suppress pathogens) with successful results in maize (Harman 2006). Trichoderma species grow
naturally around the plant roots and feed or parasitize on pathogenic fungi. However, if pathogenic
fungi are not present in the soil, addition of Trichoderma can have little or no benefits as they will die‐off
without feeding on pathogens (Ingham 2005, Sullivan 2004).
Increasing the microbial diversity without understanding the role of each species in the context of the
plant’s natural environment can be risky, but is a power concept that needs to be explored further
under controlled scientific experiments in the field.
It has been suggested that aeration or oxygenation during ACT brewing process encourages growth and
propagation of diverse group of good microbes extracted from the compost (Ingham, 2005), while
limited or lack of oxygen during NCT brewing process may support growth of human and plant
pathogens (Ingham, 2005; Scheuerell, 2004, Brinton 2004). However, there is no available scientific data
that support the popular claim that only low oxygen conditions are ideal for most pathogens to grow or
only aerobic condition encourages growth of beneficial microbes (Scheueller 2002).
Early studies with non‐aerated compost teas (NCTs)indicated that brewing conditions that favor a brief
period of low oxygen may in fact increase diversity of active microorganisms and disease suppressive
properties of NCT (Scheuerell, 2004) while sterilization of NCT eliminates the microbial population and
disease suppression observed in the laboratory studies (Scheueller 2002). In a more recent study, NCT
and ACT brewing techniques were compared with or without aeration, and in presence or absence of
nutrient additive for suppression of fungus Phythium damping off of cucumber seedling. The study
showed that no significant correlation could be drawn between the microbial population in the compost
tea brewed under continuous aeration, and disease suppression. However, addition of nutrients to ACT
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during the brewing process showed the most consistent suppression of Pythium damping off, suggesting
nutrient and not necessarily aeration support the microbial activity in ACT (Scheuerell 2006).
Aeration during compost tea production process produces fewer foul odors than the non‐aerated
production process. For NCT, foul odor has been reported only under conditions where nutrient
additives were added during the fermentation process (Scheuerell 2006, 2002).
It remains unclear whether it’s necessary to aerate during compost tea production. It should be noted
that aerated compost tea or oxygenated tea in practice becomes non‐aerated if not used immediately.
The producers and users of ACT must take into consideration the added cost of the brewing process.
3.2 Application Process
Filtration and dilution are often necessary when the tea is applied through irrigation system or sprayers
to avoid clogging the nozzle. For both NCT and ACT, filtration may remove suspended particles in the
compost tea that contain beneficial microbes (Scheueller 2002). Similarly, dilution of the tea prior to
foliar application may reduce the nutrients and microbial population.
For soil application, is has been recommended to use a volume sufficient to reach the root area (Brinton
1995, Scheueller 2002, Ingham 2005). Soil application is thought to protect the roots from potential
colonization of root pathogens and promote healthier plants. For foliar application, compost tea is
diluted 1:4 or 1:6 with water prior to application. It has been proposed that maximum coverage of leaf
surface area may necessary for the beneficial microbes in the tea to outcompete colonization by plant
pathogens, however, frequent and repeated applications are needed to maintain the surface coverage
(Ingham 2005).
Brinton (1995) suggests addition of non‐ionic surfactant such as sulfur containing formulation to
compost tea prior to application can potentially decrease the frequency of application, by increasing the
proportion of leaf surface area covered and prolong survival of beneficial organism in the tea against
harmful UV rays. Non ionic surfactants and wetting agents, have been used extensively in
pesticide/fungicide formulations for better coverage. Scheueller (2006) tested the following adjuvant in
small scale compost tea trials with some success in promoting ACT‐mediated suppression of Botrytis
• Nu‐Film‐17 Foliar Spray Extender (a propriety blend derived from pine),
• Karaya Guma propriety blend of a nitrogen and polysaccharides,
• Lantron B, a surfactant manufactured by Dow Chemical Company, with following composition:
77% modified phthalic/glycerol alkyl resin and 23% butyl alcohol,
• THERMX‐70 composed of 70% concentrated yucca extract which is advertized as an organic
sticking agent.
There are number of other natural surfactants such as coconut oils, palm oils, castor oils, lanolin, wheat
and amino acids advertized in the market for organic producers. However, research on the effectiveness
of chemical or natural formulation added to compost tea remains very limited.
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Table 1: Review of findings on NCT & ACT Production & Application Processes [Scheuerell & Mahafee, (2002), David Ingram (2005), Elaine
Ingham, (2005), Brinton (2006)]
Compost Tea Brewing Aerated Compost Tea Non‐Aerated Compost Tea Issues with ACT & NCT
technique /
Water must be free of disinfecting agents such as chlorine
Ratios of 1:10 to 1:50 or as recommended by
Compost: water ratio 1:3 to 1:10 or chloramines
Compost to Water ratio Suppliers
Optimum pH is between 6.5 and 7.5. pH below 5.0
inhibits some beneficial microbes
Aeration is not required‐only ACT: does not have a long shelf life. Aeration adds to cost
Continuous aeration‐requires input of energy to
Aeration occasional stirring during the process and effort
deliver oxygen
Typical brewing time is 24hrs. However, range NCT: longer brewing times prevent scheduling flexibility.
from 18hrs to 7 days have been reported Up to two weeks but Optimum must ACT: shorter brewing time may result in residual nutrients
Brewing Time
depending on the technology recommend by be determined experimentally that stimulate pathogen growth.
Nutrients such as molasses and other simple sugars may
Nutrients such as kelp, fish hydolysate, favor growth of human pathogens such as E. coli and
molasses, and humic acid are often added to Both Nutrient and microbial Salmonella if present in the compost source at residual
Fermentation Nutrients
promote growth of beneficial organisms inoculums may be added but not level (David Ingram 2005/ NOP Compost tea task force
& Microbial inoculums
Addition of microbial inoculums recommended required 2004).
prior to application Some formulation of microbial inoculums are proprietary
and specify only the generic group of organisms in the mix
Filtered and diluted when applied through Filtered when applied through
irrigation or sprayers to prevent clogging. irrigation or sprayers to prevent Filtration may remove suspended particles that contain
Filtration is not required when applied directly clogging. Filtration or dilution is not nutrients & microbes
to soil but diluted prior to application required when applied directly to soil
Addition of adjuvant Chemical adjuvant have been used in pesticide
Addition of adjuvant is thought to increase surface coverage for foliar application and
(surfactants, wetting formulations
may reduce frequency of repeated application
agents/ UV stabilizers) Research on compost tea with added surfactants is very
before application limited
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4.1 Plant disease Suppression
Biological interactions that result in disease suppression of plant and soilborne pathogens are complex
because diseases caused by pathogens occur in a dynamic environment. These interactions are thought
to occur through the following mechanisms, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
• Antibiosis: Some beneficial organisms can produce antibiotics or other substances that are toxic
to the pathogenic organisms. For example, bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens strain CHAO
produces hydrogen cyanide, 2,4‐diacetylphloroglucinol, and pyoluteorin, which directly interfere
with growth of various pathogens. Other bacteria including Bacillus, Serrantia and fungi such as
Thrichoderma and Gliocladium can produce antimicrobial compounds effective against plant
root pathogens (Handelsman, 1996, Haas & Defago 2005, Weltzien 1991)).
• Competition‐ When beneficial microorganisms are present in a growing medium they tend to
outcompete pathogenic bacteria or fungi for food source (Hoitink 1993).
• Induced Resistance: Some Beneficial microbes colonizing on plant roots or foliage are
documented to confer resistance to plant by turning on genes that increase plant tolerance to
infection by pathogens (Haas & Defago 2005).
• Parasitism: Certain beneficial microbes can feed on specific pathogens. For example,
Trichoderma species are shown in various studies to secrete enzymes that digest the cell wall of
some fungal root pathogens (Handelsman, 1996).
The available literature suggests these mechanisms may be involved in compost or NCT‐mediated
suppression, but the mechanisms of suppression are not yet determined with ACT.
Review by Scheueller (2002) lists number of research studies conducted in laboratory, green house and
field trials that suggest reducing microbial component of NCT through filtration or heat sterilization
resulted in loss of NCT‐mediated suppression of foliar plant diseases. However, whether suppression
occurs through induced resistance, antibiosis and/or competition with plant pathogens is not clearly
Fewer control studies are available on ACT or in direct comparison with NCT. In 2002, Conforti et al,,
conducted a field trial at Presidio Golf Course, to assess the efficacy of ACT on turf growth and in
suppressions of a common fungal disease (Michrodocium Patch/Fusarium Patch) caused by
Michrodocium Nivale. Compost was prepared on site from vermicompost, woodchips, grass clippings,
horse manure and horse bedding in equal parts and cured for minimum of 4 months, before use in
preparation of the tea. Nutrient supplements such as molasses, sea kelp, cane sugar, rock dust and yeast
were added to ACT during the brewing process. The resulting tea was sprayed onto greens at a rate of
one gallon of compost tea per 1000 ft2 for twelve months. Applications occurred weekly during times of
high disease pressure and bi‐weekly during times of moderate or low disease pressure. The study
showed treated turf had substantially longer root length when compared to untreated turf. However,
only limited suppression of fungal disease was observed with application of ACT. Despite limited
suppression of the fugal pathogen, the treatment was considered an important improvement in golf
course management.
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In a more recent field trial conducted in 2007 in Ontario Canada (Hsiang 2007), ACT was prepared from a
variety of commercially available composted materials such as Cattle manure, Sheep manure , Organic
turkey and Mushroom compost. Field trials were conducted from August to September for suppression
of visible dollar spots caused by the fungus Sclerotinia homoeocarpa in plots of creeping bent grass.
Fungicide trials were conducted on adjacent plot and results were compared. Application of ACTs
showed some disease suppression, ranging from 49 to 86% and variation was attributed to nutrients and
the compost source used. The highest level of suppression (86%) was observed when mushroom
compost was used to prepare ACT. 100% disease suppression was reported with the application of
fungicide in adjacent plots.
ACT and NCT were directly compared in a control experiment for suppression of gray mold (Botrytis
cinerea) on geranium (Scheueller 2006). Many of the practices for commercial compost storage, tea
production, and plant management were simulated at a smaller scale. Twenty nine (29) separate
compost samples including the major types of commercially available composts in Oregon and
Washington were used to produce ACT and NCT extracts. The majority of compost teas (ACT or NCT
preparations) did not significantly suppress gray mold of geranium, although, anecdotal suppressions
were observed by both methods. With non‐aerated compost tea (NCT), the most consistent disease
suppression was associated with particular compost samples and increased production time, with little
effect of periodic stirring or the addition of nutrients at the onset of production. Continuously aerating
compost tea did not significantly increase disease suppression compared with non‐aerated compost
teas. Preparing aerated compost tea (ACT) with nutrient additives did not consistently increase disease
suppression; when significant difference were detected, it indicated that treatment with NCT had less
disease than ACT. The authors recommend a cautious approach when using additive in compost tea as
there is concern for pathogen propagation.
Applying ACT with spray adjuvant significantly reduced disease when compared to ACT with no adjuvant
(see section 3.2 for the list of adjuvant used in this study). The authors suggest addition of adjuvant may
increase the stability microbial population in ACT.
The variability in gray mold suppression from NCT and ACT applications indicated that disease control
would not be commercially acceptable. Table 2 summarizes the findings from selected studies on ACT
and NCT with regard to plant disease suppression.
It should be emphasized that the mechanism (s) of compost‐tea mediated suppression and the role of
microbial population in NCT or ACT whether is competition, antagonism and/or parasitism remains to be
4.2 Improve Soil Structure and Plant Vitality
Compost is comprised of a large and diverse community of microbes, humic acids and other chemical
nutrients such as carbon & nitrogen that support soil and healthy plant growth. Although not a fertilizer
(compost feed the soil, fertilizers feed the plant), good quality compost as an organic rich soil
amendment can improve soil porosity, density and improve nutrient uptake by the plant. Reviews of
literature suggest compost tea may retain to varying degrees some of the same beneficial attributes of
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Primary interest in application of compost tea versus compost is due to the fact that composts act more
slowly over a long period of time and much larger amount is required. On golf greens organic matter is
undesirable, and composts are typically not recommended. Part of the reason is that they encourage
Compost tea can be prepared in a shorter period of time and can be applied directly onto plant surface.
However, effects of compost tea are short lived and frequent and repeat applications are required to
replenish plant or soil surface with nutrient and/or beneficial microbes (Brinton 1995, Scheueller 2002,
Ingham 2005).
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Table 2. Compost Tea and Disease Suppression
Fungal Pathogens Foliage/Turf /Soil Compost Source Compost Tea Effect on Disease Suppression Roots/Foliar Source
Application Preparation Growth/Microbial
Method Biomass
Michrodocium Golf Course Vermicompost, woodchips, ACT Partial suppression Treated Green showed Conforti et,
Patches‐ Green grass clippings, horse supplemented significantly longer al., 2002.
Microdochium manure and horse bedding with nutrients: roots than untreated
nivale composted for minimum of turf
4 months no change observed in
soil bacteria or fungal
Seedling damping‐ Soilless container Ground landscape cured for ACT & NCT with 13 out of 13 trials showed No correlation found Scheuerell, S.
off caused by medium 3 years, vermicompost or without consistent suppression when ACT between total and W.
Pythium ultimum drenched, produced from mixed nutrients: supplemented with kelp and population of microbes Mahaffee,
planted with vegetation, cured for 3 humic acid and disease 2004.
cucumber month suppression
Gray mold (Botrytis Foliage 29 separate compost ACT & NCT, with Highly variable with both ACT Not addressed Scheuerell, S.
cinerea) – (geranium) sources and without and NCT; and W.
application additives ACT‐Enhancement of disease Mahaffee
suppression observed by mixing 2006.
adjuvant with (ACT) prior to
application when compared to
adjuvant alone
NCT‐ compost class affected
disease suppression
Dollar Spot Turf Green Commercially available ACT with ACT‐Disease suppression ranging Not addressed T. Hsiang and
(Sclerotinia composted materials in nutrient additive from 49 to 86%. L. Tian, 2007.
homoeocarpa) Ontario, Canada (Cattle
manure, Sheep manure Fingicides‐100% suppression
Organic turkey, manure observed with application on
Organic mushroom adjacent plots
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5.1 Contamination with Human Pathogens
Conflicting reports of compost tea preparations containing E. coli, and public concern about risk of
contamination of food crops prompted the United State Department of Agriculture National Organic
Standard Program (NOSP) to establish a Compost Tea Task Force in 2002. The task force reviewed
available science and testimonial from growers and producers and published a final set of standards in
2004 that can be applied for the use of compost tea in organic farming. The summary of the USDA NOSP
recommended standard is presented in Table 3.
In general, the task force restricts the use of manure‐based compost tea or the use of nutrient additives
in the compost tea for application on edible crops. While these restrictions are not imposed for
application on turf and ornamental plants, the task force findings provide a starting point to evaluate
systematically the compost tea production processes and consider approaches that can reduce the
potential risk for introduction of pathogens in a given ecosystem.
ACT and NCT production methods were compared on growth and survival of food borne pathogens such
as E. Coli and Salmonella (P3). Several commercially available nutrients, used to supplement compost
tea, were tested. Compost source containing residual level of these pathogens were used to assess their
growth and survival during compost tea production. Nutrient supplements used in the study included
Kelp, humic acid and rock dust (fungal nutrients) or bacterial nutrient solution containing molasses, bat
guano, sea bird guano, soluble kelp, Epsom salts, seabed minerals and calcium.
The findings showed that when residual levels of pathogens were present in the starting compost, the
addition of nutrient supplements to both NCT and ACT supported the growth of E. coli and Salmonella.
Further, concentrations of these pathogens were always greater in aerated compost tea supplemented
with nutrients as opposed to non‐aerated tea.
5.2 Contamination with Plant Pathogens
Reviews published by Nobel & Robert (2004 & 2009), suggests that temperature during the active phase
of the composting process (although not the only determinant factor), is an important factor in
elimination of most plant pathogens. For (27) out of (32) pathogenic fungi, seven (7) bacterial pathogens
and nine (9) nematodes, and three (3) out of nine (9) plant viruses, a peak temperature of 64 –70°C and
duration of 21 days was sufficient to reduce numbers to below, or close to the detection limits of the
tests used.
Therefore, it is essential that the source compost is of good quality and meets the NOSP guidelines to
avoid recurrent growth of all pathogens.
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Compost tea Literature Review
5.3 Chemical Contamination
In the United State compost, and compost extracts are not subject to any systematic rules for reporting
its content, its qualities or potential risks (16,10 ). Further, there are no standards in place to distinguish
compost‐generated plant based materials or recycled waste. As such, there is limited data in support of
potential chemical contaminants in Compost tea. In one published study in Switzerland (9 ) 13 composts
and 5 extracts derived from crude organic kitchen waste and green waste were tested for chemical
contaminants . The study showed presence of organic pollutants, such as Brominated Flame Retardants
(BFR), Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS), Chlorinated Paraffin (CP) and Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls
(PCBs) in some of the composts and extracts derived from recycling crude wastes. The concentrations of
these contaminants were at or above the levels found in background soils, which were the main
recipient of compost and digestate. The authors recommended that due the persistent and
bioaccumulative properties of these pollutants composts or compost extracts derived from recycling
waste should be tested for these chemical contaminants.
Review of the literature indicates the need to conduct further control field trials to better understand
the brewing techniques, the application process and the benefits claimed for compost tea and compost
tea additives. There are data gaps on compost quality, the role of fermentation nutrients, the need for
aeration and the impact of a shorter brewing process on the quality and efficacy of the finished compost
tea. Furthermore little is known about composition of microbes in the tea or microbial additives and
their interaction with plant pathogens in their natural environment. Together with concerns over re‐
growth of pathogens in compost tea, there is a pressing need to identify the active microbes that make
up the compost tea and their survival rate following field application. Finally, with new data emerging
on chemical contaminants in some compost or compost extract derived for recycled waste, there is a
need for establishing standards for compost quality regardless of the brewing process.
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Compost tea Literature Review
1. Conforti, C. B. Marney, K. Hutchins, and J. Koch (2002): The Effects of Compost Tea on Golf
Course Greens Turf and Soil. Publication by Presidio Golf Course and Arnold Palmer Golf
Management Company, San Francisco, California, USA
2. Gary E. Harman (2006):Overview of Mechanisms and Uses of Trichoderma spp. Phythopathology
Vol. 96, No. 2, 190‐194
3. Ingram D.T., Millner P.D (2007): Factors Affecting Compost Tea as a Potential Source
ofEscherichia coli and Salmonella on Fresh Produce J. Food Prot., Vol. 70, No. 4 Food Safety
Implications of a Popular Farming Practice: Compost Tea
4. Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Compost Tea Brewing Manual (2005) can be accessed from Soil Foodweb
Inc., Corvallis, OR.
5. National Organic Standards Board, (2004). Compost Tea Task Force Report. Available at:
6. Naidu, Y., S. Meon, J. Kadir and Y. Siddiqui, (2010): Microbial Starter for the Enhancement of
Biological Activity of compost tea. Int. J.Agric. Biol., 12: 51–56
7. Rahel C. Brändli Thomas Kupper, Thomas D. Bucheli, Markus Zennegg, Sandra Huber, Didier
Ortelli, Josef Mu¨ ller, Christian Schaffner, Saverio Iozza, Peter Schmid, Urs Berger, Patrick Edder,
Michael Oehme,h Franz X. Stadelmann and Joseph Tarradellasa (2007): Organic pollutants in
compost and digestate.Part 2. Polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxins, and ‐furans, dioxin‐like
polychlorinated biphenyls, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated alkyl substances,
pesticides, and other compound. J. Environ. Monit.9, 465–472
8. Noble, R., J.G. Elphinstone C.E. Sansford G.E. Budge C.M. Henry, (2009) Management of Plant
Health Risks Associated with Processing of Plant‐based Wastes: Bioresource Technology 100
3431–3446 (review)
9. Scheuerell, S.J. and Mahaffee, W.F. (2002). Compost Tea Principals and Prospects for Plant
Disease Control. Compost Science and Utilization 10:4:313‐338. (Review)
10. Scheuerell, S.J. and Mahaffee, W.F. 2004. Compost Tea as a Container Medium Drench for
Suppressing Seedling Damping‐Off Caused by Pythium ultimum. Phytopathology. 94:1156‐1163.
11. Scheuerell, S.J. and Mahaffee, W.F. 2006. Variability Associated with Suppression of Gray Mold
(Botrytis cinerea) on Geranium by Foliar Applications of Non‐aerated and Aerated Compost
Teas. Plant Disease 90:1201‐1208.
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Compost tea Literature Review
12. Hsiang, T., and L. Tian, (2007): Compost Tea for Control of Dollar Spot‐Department of
Environmental Biology, University of Guelph‐ GTI Annual Research Report
13. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water (4305T)
Bacterial Water Quality Standards for recreational waters –Status report June 2003 EPA‐823‐R‐
14. William F. Brinton (2000): Compost Quality Standards and Guidelines. Woods End Research
Laboratory, Inc.
15. Allison L. H. Jack (2010): Chapter 12. The Suppression of Plant Pathogens by Vermicomposts.
Vermiculture Technology Book, edited by Clive A. Edwards.
18. Brinton W., P. Storms, E. Evans, and J. Hill (2004): Compost Teas‐ Microbial Hygiene and Quality
In Relation to Method of Preparation. Woods End Research Laboratory reprint from Journal of
19. Droffner, M.L, W. F. Brinton and E. Evans (1995). Evidence for the Prominence of
Well Characterized Mesophyllic Bacteria in Thermophilic (50‐70oC) Composting Environments.
Biomass Bioenergy 8: 191‐195.
20. Brinton, W., and M. Droffner (1995). The control of plant pathogenic fungi by use of compost
teas. Biodynamics 197:12–15.
21. Haas, D. and G. Défago (2005); Biological Control of Soil‐Borne Pathogens by Fluorescent
Pseudomonads‐Nature Review Microbiology.
22. Weltzien, H. C. (1991). Biocontrol of foliar fungal disease with compost extracts. p 430‐450,
In: J. H. Andrews and S. S. Hirano (eds.), Microbial Ecology of Leaves. Springer‐Verlag,
New York.
23. Handelsman, J. and E Stabb, Biocontrol of Soilborne Plant Pathogens 1996; Plant Cell, Vol. 8,
p 1855‐1869
24. Noble R., (2004) Eradication of plant pathogens and nematodes during composting (review).
Plant Pathology, Volume 53, Issue 5.
24. Further information on Composting process:
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