NALSA Vs UOI Presentation
NALSA Vs UOI Presentation
NALSA Vs UOI Presentation
under the Constitution of India
Committee on issues relating to
Transgender'' constituted under the
Ministry of Social Justice and
Empowerment to develop for the
It is the right of all persons to The Court also upheld that all
self-identify their gender. The the Fundamental Rights
Court clarified that gender extended to transgender people,
identity didn't refer to biological giving special emphasis on
characteristics but rather "an Dignity under Article 21, Right to
innate perception of one's Equality under Artiicle 14 and
gender. Freedom of Expression under
Article 19(1)(A)
The Court held that public awareness programs were required to
tackle stigma against the transgender community. It also directed
the Central and State Governments to take several steps for the
advancement of the transgender community, including
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